As I am the Mother who reconciles and protects all souls, My children, I remind you of the importance of being in the Peace of the Lord, because He knows you well from your birth, and My Maternal Heart has held each one of your souls in Its arms so that you may revere the Infinite Love of the Creator.

Dear children, for this reason today I tell you: rise from where you have fallen and walk bravely to the Source of My Son Jesus, because He will wash you and heal all your inner wounds. For this to happen, little children, your hearts must humbly say “yes” to God and with this permission, Jesus will help you.

Remember the importance of Divine Mercy because you are still in time to unite in trust to My Son Jesus. He, as Priest and King of this world, calls you to contemplate with simplicity the merciful Heart of God who, from the beginning, has created you in His image and likeness.

Therefore, dear children, do not waste more time and, as Mother of Eternal Love, I invite you to reflect about the current defining time that you are living.

Do not fear! I am here in the name of the Grace of God to conduct you as a flock to the Great Shepherd of shepherds, the Divine Heart of Jesus.

Live the spiritual principles that My Son left to you: confession in Jesus, daily communion, and constant prayer to be in the Grace of the Vigil. Each one of these principles will lead you to be in God and to live the reconciliation that My children must exercise from the essence of the pure heart.

Walk towards My Maternal Heart; it is time to elevate your- selves as souls to the feet of the Creator. Walk, My dear children, with complete trust in Jesus, Shepherd of all, and look at the new horizon.

I thank you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children, day by day and without perceiving it, you distance yourselves from God. Especially those of you who renounce Heaven to enter into the life of this world.

My Immaculate Heart calls you, gathers you and cries out to all for much prayer so that the Light of the infinite Heart of the Father may be able to fill all.

For this reason, dear children, all of you in this time, and especially the most faithful devotees to My Immaculate Heart, must be in My Son igniting the flame of the heart to gather, in prayer and in vigil, with the Master of Love.

My Son calls you to prayer so that His Merciful Fire may be able to redeem you and reconcile you with the Eternal God of the Heights. While the world goes on, day by day My children must elevate their hearts to the Heights and to the Eternal in order to find the true Spirit of God.

Everything is right there, dear children, very close to you. Therefore, open the doors of your hearts so that My Son Jesus may be able to reign in you for all eternity. For this to happen, you must be in constant prayer, dialoguing with Jesus and, in Jesus, dialoguing with God. Thus your lives will correspond to the Will of God, and His Rays of Light and Pity will touch the heart of all creatures.

My children, it is time to sustain with steady hands the holy prayer and to multiply it for the good of the world. For this reason, My little ones, never forget how important it is to begin the day with the Lord so that your lives may be blessed.

Remember when you wake up that you are worthy children of God and that He awaits you from eternity so that your little hearts may merge into His Universal Light. If so, My children, the world will be able to be different and My Eternal Peace, the Peace of God, will be in the hearts of all My children for a while longer.

Live in the Mercy of Jesus and remember His precious promises for this humanity.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


I want you to celebrate on this Saturday the supper with My Son, Jesus. Remember that Saturdays are days of special reparation and Grace for all those children that, united to Christ, commune with Him in His Heart and His Divine Spirit.

The day of Saturday helps you to meditate on the mystery of communion that My Son instituted in the Last Supper. This precious act that Jesus performed with the apostles allowed the great liberation of humanity in the sacrifice of the crucifixion of Jesus. The whole passion that Jesus lived invites you, during the day of Saturday, to contemplate the acts as sacred and as the beginning of the victory of the Kingdom of God on Earth, through the Merciful Love of Jesus.

With this, dear children, today I invite you to keep in your hearts the fact that the day of Saturday, with fasting and prayer in community, will be able to detain irreparable worldwide effects with the simple act of giving oneself to God, for love of those who still do not give themselves, do not love Him and do not adore Him.

Over the course of time, all this exercise will demand more effort from you. Therefore your hearts must be in constant prayer, to be able to comply with My call.

My children, know that the children of Fatima cultivated purity and surrender by being very innocent. Today I only ask you to remember the inner child that each one of you holds in the heart, which will allow you to take the steps towards the Light of the Creator.

May the days of Saturday be like a feast of Mercy for your hearts. Even though not all are able to fulfill My requests, remember the importance of this day of the week; this alone will help in the conversion of the world.

May you find in Jesus the joy of serving God, the Love.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear faithful devotees of My Immaculate Heart,

Today I invite you to remain in the exercise of the fraternity of the heart, because in this way your lives will awaken charity for the others.

With this teaching of today, I want to invite you to exercise this act of love so that the world may learn to love Christ through each sister and brother. Humanity still must live many schools and lessons of humility. Love, whose essence is fading away in humanity, must emerge through the inner devotion of all the praying hearts.

My children, it is time to act with all the love of your hearts so that a great number of children may see in you a true example of unity and brotherhood with the One and Only.

Your own lives can express flashes of peace and Light. For this the exercise of the persevering and constant prayer will lead you to the direct encounter with My Son, the Redeemer.

Each new day a new school of prayer arises that you are invited to live and to imitate for love of My Son and for the salvation of many hearts.

Dear children, today I leave you this key of fraternity, the same one that Jesus propagated upon the Earth through the emanation of His Love, His Healing and His Compassion for the weakest ones.

Know then, dear children, that in the world there are souls that suffer and that need those who are stronger in the prayer of the heart to be able to find the path of redemption.

The daily prayer of all My children and all the groups of prayer will allow Grace to be poured over the world of today.

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Today I want you to follow God above all things and all causes. May your hearts live in the absolute trust of the coming of His Higher Kingdom. May you be in constant prayer with My Son because in this way, dear children, you will honor My Immaculate Maternal Heart.

I want you as good worshipers and vigilantes of the heart, that you pray always for all those who at the end of this time quickly separate themselves from the purpose of God.  I want you, as souls that walk to My Virginal Purity and that in constancy, to transform life into a temple of prayer and that in restoring communion with My Son you offer it for the conversion of humanity.

Today I come to ask you that in the divine commitment with Me, to make My Immaculate Heart triumph in all the hearts that are empty of God and even more those who, subjugated by the modern world, lose the light of the spirit.

For this dear children, I want that, as you have been called by Me, the other children of Christ may be called to the Venerable House of the Father, to the eternal refuge of the love of God. We are already at the time of elevating all the souls towards the Kingdom of Heaven and this will start when all the praying groups, favorite to My Immaculate Heart offer and surrender the prayers for each of the children that are in the world and for those they do not know and who need the Mercy of My Son.

Today I want you, living from the gift and the source of life that is presented by Jesus Christ, as faithful servers to My Immaculate Heart, to build towers of light on Earth through the sincere act of the prayer of the heart. With this little act of surrender to the life of prayer many causes written in the hands of the justice of God may be restored. Unite, only unite the love in your hearts with the Great and Immense Love of God!

Now is the time to light the Divine light of the Heart and to pronounce only peace for everyone.

I thank you!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Dear children,

Find a safe refuge in My Son, Jesus, so that in this way He fills you with His gifts of peace and love.  Search, through prayer for the Kingdom of Heaven. Cultivate meekness in your hearts so that in your lives is awakened humility.  Remember all the works of charity you may perform, from the one to the other.  Elevate your souls to the Merciful Heart of God because it is through Christ that you will find the true life and the true path.

For this dear children, today again I call you to the importance of converting yourself into Marian columns of prayer, into lights of Christ for the painful world, and in this exercise of consecration to God you will be from your hearts, allowing God to place His eyes of compassion and love on all those who still deny Him.

For this My children, each prayer repairs, each prayer rebuilds a new bridge of peace between Heaven and Earth.  If you knew how Heaven is your little hearts would want to come with Me to this beloved place of Peace.  But for this to occur all humanity must arrive at the great Heaven, where Christ reigns as the Fountain of Redeeming Love for all creatures.

For this dear children, the ample practice of permanent prayer will permit you to mature as consciousnesses so that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit may lead you in humility to the Will of God.

The Father has a precious Plan of Love for each creature, it is only that as time goes by the souls are distracted from the purpose of God by the temptations of the world and thus they find failure and lack of consolation and love.

For this I invite you so that through prayer, you pray today so that the purpose of God is fulfilled in each human heart according to the divine purpose.

I thank you!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Little children,

Remember being as children so as to be in the Victorious Kingdom of the Lord. With your pure hearts you will find the doors to the Heavens. In the prayer of the Heart you will find a lovely refuge that I prepare for you inside My Immaculate Heart.

And if you are in My Son, the Master of Love, you will know the outpouring of His Grace and His Mercy for this new time that comes for humanity.

The harmony in your hearts together with the act of daily prayer helps to dissolve the great evils and sufferings that many souls live. So that the Light of Christ will be present in each life on Earth you must, in the prayer of the heart, give the permission so that mercy may act in the world.

The Fountain of Divine Mercy needs praying missionaries that can answer the call for peace that My Immaculate Heart pronounce to the world, an urgent call for the reparation of all people, believers and atheists, those who need the Grace of redemption to be able to be in the omnipotent reconciliation and mercy of God the Father.

For all this dear children, My Marian Voice calls you to live the time of true and constant prayer for the souls of this world and for the souls from purgatory.

Every creature of this age that was born from the Heart of God, but that has come by other paths to insurmountable trials and learnings, all of them must become able to be rescued and saved for this time.

My Maternal Heart invites you to convert yourselves into continuous prayer so that each of your lives represents a flame of prayer for this current humanity that must reach the Grace of conversion.

My Marian Spirit is with each one of your hearts that form the groups of prayer and also with those children who in solitude pray alone.

My Merciful Heart wants to touch with Its Light all creatures that are on the face of the Earth because I want to bring all to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thank you to all praying souls, for answering My maternal call.

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children,

Carry My Peace in your hearts and I assure you that you will not lose the strength of My Faith in your lives.

The moment has come, My children, for you to forgive one another before My Son alights His feet on Earth. Be merciful with each one of your brothers and sisters and avert the lies that many create, lies that offend God.

Prayer, dear children, is the primary key that opens the Infinite Grace from the Heavens. Search daily for the precious key of prayer and sanctify your lives in the presence of My Son. There is nothing left for you to lose. You must burn in the absolute Love of My Son so that you may learn to love and reconcile yourselves in your hearts. My children, walk in this pilgrimage with Me so that I may be able to guide you and protect you from the paths without God in which the world lives.

You, My children, must be the bridge between the Heavens and Earth. This you will accomplish when you pray with Me perpetually. Prayer must cause love to grow in your hearts so that My Son may be able to live in you eternally, as a flame from God the Father.

By the reverent love that each one of you has for My Son, I ask you for firmness and hope in your lives, for the steps that each one must take in these times of divine Celestial Justice.

Be patient so that your hearts may be meek and pure before God, the Celestial Father.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Light for the path of all My children.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Embrace My Heart so that you may be protected and so that you may always be under My Mantle.

Beloved children, today I invite you to live with honor the conversion of each heart; in this way you will be able to see My Son in your lives and you will find repose in His Sacred Heart. My joy is to be found in the daily response of your hearts. Therefore, My children, I call you to the total reparation of what is not well for Our Lord, the God of the Universe. So that your hearts may live reparation, you must pray constantly and await, in trust, the response from My Kingdom of Love and Peace.

Dear children, My Heart is in pain for the injustices that happen in the world and that offend God so much. Therefore, you already know that only prayer will help the souls that most need the Mercy of My Son. Today I invite you, also, to concentrate your hearts in the sacred mystery of Easter, which is coming. Thus, dear children, you will live Easter in renewal with My Son and in the communion with His Heart.

Peace be for all in these times. May none of My children lose the strength and the hope of their hearts.

My dear ones, all that I ask of you is that you give the faith of the heart so that many of My other children may learn from you through the example of love, of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

Today especially, I prepare My coming as the Co-Redeemer of souls and as a Faithful Servant of My Son, the Redeemer. The coming of My presence at the end of this month should bring you bliss and joy because God is sending Me to you, to your lives and to your hearts.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Let us pray for those who are blind and for those who still do not see the Light of My Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


All hearts, as souls, will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, therefore you must not fear. My Immaculate Heart is in your lives so that you may live It and love It.

My most beloved children,

As long as the world needs salvation, I ask you to pray with the heart so that all souls may be partakers of the presence of My Son. I wait for you day by day in prayer, dear children, because in the day-by-day many souls are preyed on by the enemy. My Immaculate Heart Itself is afflicted when My children are carried away by the opinions of the world.

When My voice calls you to constant prayer, it is for the great need of Peace and Light in so many other hearts that do not know how to live in God the Father. Therefore, dear children, I come full of Grace so that souls may accept the presence of My Heart of Light over the world.

Still, little children, there is much to be done. For this reason I invite you to live in My Glorified Son so that all may be like infinite rivers and streams of His Divine Mercy.

Mercy is the flame for the rapid conversion of the heart. If you were in Mercy the situation of the souls would be different and peace would reign for longer.

For this to happen, My children, it is necessary to have confi- dence in God and to make the flame of prayer flow out as one of the most precious instruments that God has given you.

Dear children, stay in My Maternal Peace. I understand you and I live in each one of your hearts. I call you to always live in My Son because in this way your talents will be like My roses in the garden of the Maternal Love.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace in the depths of your hearts,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today raise Your arms towards the Celestial Kingdom of My Heart so that your hearts may be able to be purified. The soul that surrenders to the Will of the Father, My children, is a soul that gives itself and trusts in the True Love of God.

Dear children, in order for the changes in life to be manifested in these final times, it is necessary to accept, with braveness, the conversion of the heart. When you have converted the heart, you will know that faith has alighted like a living flame in your lives.

Dear children, while a part of the world dissipates itself from not recognizing God, I ask you for constant prayer so that My Immaculate Heart may assist all the children of the world. For a greater conversion of the heart, it is necessary that the changes of life happen through consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, dear children, live the power and strength of the heart through love so that life may, every day, be as an Inner Temple to God. The path of pilgrimage in each one of you must reach the depths of the soul, thus the victory of the Love of My Son will touch each one of your souls. I wait for you in prayer as wayfarers and as hearts that at each moment aspire to find the Father.

Dear children, souls easily forget the Presence of the Universal Father. For this reason I am amongst you so that all of you may remember how important is to be in the Lord. The Lord guides you. The Lord knows you. The Lord loves you. Therefore, live the ultimate time of Mercy.

The world cries out for conversion, but it does not know how to start to live its own rehabilitation. I invite you to contemplate prayer from the highest place in your hearts. There you will find Me converting the world and the souls through My Immaculate Love.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Wisdom for your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Smile from your hearts and radiate joy to your brothers and sisters. Healthy joy heals the wounds that many hearts carry in their lives. The path of joy, which is necessary in these times, is built through prayer. Souls must quench the thirst of My Son through the communion with Him, through prayer and the joy of the heart.

For this reason, dear children, today I call you to revere God with joy and in constant prayer. In this way the world will be able to be converted again under the Will of the Eternal Father.

Dear children, the joy of the heart will lead you to live a true humility that will in turn conduct you to the purity and to the transparency of each one of the intentions of life. Remember, My children, that the world must heal itself through the call for Mercy that prayer can generate when souls cry out for it. The path of joy will bring hope to your lives, a hope that many of My children lose for the lack of faith in the heart.

You are My columns of peace, through each group of prayer. I invite you to propagate joy in hope, in prayer and in the devo- tion of each one of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart.

Be strong in Me and in My Son. Extend your arms towards Christ, because He will receive you in His Eternal Paradise of Love and Peace. All you need, dear children, is to call My Son with the heart. He will listen to you and will answer you through His Holy Peace.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace in the hearts and peace for all the children that seek it.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

With love I ask you today, on this day, for a perpetual prayer done with the heart. I wait for you every day so that your souls may merge themselves in Christ and thus the plans of peace, that are urgent for the world, may be accomplished.

Eliminate ignorance and illusion from your lives so that My Immaculate Heart may be the secure Purpose to reach My Son. On this day of prayer, fasting and retreat, offer your true intentions so that the Heavens may receive them and may send a sincere response to your requests according to the Will of the Father.

Dear children, you know that My Heart overflows with joy when the souls put themselves under My Mantle of Mother, but My Immaculate Heart also suffers from seeing many children still distant from the Love of the Father, the Love that I am pouring over the world, both in Medjugorje and in Carmo da Cachoeira.

I want to tell you, beloved children, that My Maternal, Im- maculate and Universal Purpose is the same for the whole world.

Why is My Heart in two places at the same time and with appointed times? Because the world still has not learned how to live from the real and pure Love that God expresses in Creation for all of the creatures. This is why God has sent Me to Brazil, because a great part of this nation has consecrated itself to My Immaculate Heart.

I am the Lady Aparecida who brings to the Americas a new call and request for attention to all the hearts. The Will of the Father is that I accompany South America for some time more, through the renovation of the cult of consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

Under the power of the Holy Spirit that I bring to all, I invite you to seek this Greater Light as a last resource of peace for the world. Therefore, dear children, My Heart, My voice and My Maternal Presence present themselves in this part of the Americas because My Heart must embrace the world more and especially many souls that are not being lead through good paths.

This is why I do not only call the Christian community, but My Heart cries out even more for all those who are lonely and distant from God. My only call and mission is for all to pre- pare their hearts in peace before the world changes quickly. With this aim My Immaculate Face is appearing over Brazil and Uruguay.

Dear children, I only tell you that we are now in the time to live the ecumenism of the heart through fraternity. I invite you to pray deeply with the heart so that the plans that God has entrusted to Me for Brazil may be accomplished out of love and for the salvation of more souls that are without My Son.

Thank you for responding to My call.

May peace be the spring of hope for your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dearest children and souls of prayer,

With joy I receive all of your hearts in the Kingdom of My Father, and today I invite you to emanate peace and love from the depths of your little hearts.

Dear children, we are now in a celestial mission of peace and conversion for each one of your lives and for all of the lives that are in the world. For this reason, little children, I invite you to constantly live prayer so that in all the beads of contempla- tion done by all with the heart, you may be able to touch the Heavens, and the Lord may be able to respond through His Graces.

I am the intercessor of all souls. I am the one who will take you towards My Glorified Son. For this, dear children, after these months that have passed and in which we have been united from Heart to heart, I announce to you, as a Special Grace, that My celestial voice will continue for some time more accompanying all of your hearts through My Love and through My Words in the Daily Messages, with the aim that My Immaculate Heart may reach all. I ask you, dear children, to propagate My call for peace and for the time of conversion and that you invite hearts to reencounter the exercise of prayer as something primordial in these times.

Now the Lord has asked Me that, through the Holy Spirit, My Immaculate Heart may reach families, so that the families of the world may recuperate the symbol of the Sacred Family of Nazareth. And this will happen when all of the hearts of the families begin the precious path of prayer. Thus they will also be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, I thank with Divine Love all of your little hearts for responding to My call. You must know that it is God that now calls the world to reconciliation and to forgiveness so that Mercy may emerge as a source of conversion for all of the hearts.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mercy for all of My children.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


I wait for you. I expect you. I love you. I know each one of you beyond your hearts that are still in the process of Redemption.

I contemplate you in perpetual prayer. I watch over you with My Immaculate Heart. I seek you in each path so that each soul may reencounter Christ.

The time has come for the true consecration of some souls, and of constant giving for many others. Time marks the hour of permanent prayer for reparation of the world and of the sleeping humanity.

Today I come to raise My voice over your hearts so that, in addition to you, other children may be able to listen to My divine call. For this reason, dear children, the Lord contemplates all with His mighty Heart of Love, He awaits the con- version of each soul in this time. Such conversion will help the Plans of Peace that My Immaculate Heart proposes to emanate to all souls, even more to those distant from the Love of God.

My children, know that all must surrender themselves to the victorious Love of My Heart so that the world may thus find the rest that it so much seeks. So that humanity may accompany the changes in the world, it must pray always, as an eternal vow. This will allow the constant pain of the world to be reverted. In this way, little hearts, the true consecration of each one of your spirits will be able to unite to the Light of the Holy Spirit that, at the end of times, will work as an emblem of peace for many and as a flame of faith and hope for others.

Dear children, the world is in urgent need of prayer. Therefore, if you live day by day the attributes of My Universal Heart, you will help so that the Divine Law may shelter and rescue many hearts that have separated themselves from God. Souls burn in the flames of pain and suffering. My call announces the relief that many still do not believe they can live; but in the end of all, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in each essence that seeks Me and in those that do not seek Me.

The true spirit of prayer will maintain the boat in the ocean until it is lifted to the Heavens.

I invite you to remain with your hearts in Heaven.

Who venerates you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today I invite you to sow My Peace in your hearts so that, as small Lights of My Immaculate Heart, the world may be converted. We must pray and this must be a remembrance for your lives here on Earth.

Remember, My children, that we are in a time of transition to a new time that will arrive to all souls that are thirsty for Christ. Therefore, little ones, the constancy of your hearts in prayer will be important. I radiate to you from the Heavens My Divine Love so that your hearts may walk towards My Kingdom of Peace.

But first, little creatures of the Lord, seek the Kingdom of Peace in prayer. Thus you will allow many of My children to be touched by My Merciful Love in this last hour. I call you on this day to the upliftment of the heart; it is a special permission that I am giving you so that your souls may closely glimpse My Kingdom of Peace.

But to get there it will be necessary for your hearts to pray with the confidence that they will, for an instant, be able to touch with the soul the Doors of Paradise.

For this reason, My little ones, unite your hearts to each other. This is important for you and for our beloved Lord. The world is separated of heart and soul; few are the souls that propagate My fraternity in this final time.

Also, My children, we must pray to unite the blind hearts that are distant from the true Merciful Love of My Son. As His coming is on the cusp of few hearts, since few truly wait for Him, we must pray without ceasing so that many of My children in this last hour of the world may be radiated by the Light of My Immaculate Heart.

On this path, which you will decide if you will travel with Me, I will be able to say with certainty on which souls I can count for the hour of the rescue, for the hour of the salvation of hearts.

Let us trust in the Lord. He deserves it. In the Merciful Love,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Embrace My Immaculate Heart; I will do you no harm. I am the Lady that descends from the Heavens to announce in your hearts the Divine Peace of the Lord. Do not fear. I bring you My Eternal Light from the Heart of God.

I am the Mother and Queen of the Divine Love. I am the Messenger Bird of Peace that saves the children that are without light and peace in the world. I appear before your eyes, before your hearts, so that you may recognize My message and My call to prayer.

Today I say to you, My little ones, that the Lord sends to Earth from Heaven and from the Universe, large groups of souls that fulfill His will in a mission of prayer and of peace.

For this reason, My little ones, the first step for souls is to unite in fraternity and in love; this will be able to happen through giving and in service. See thus, My little ones, that the Lord gathers you so that all souls may carry out, in honor to His Will, the works of love and peace that He proposes for each heart.

When souls are in group, there exists a mission of Love and Redemption that is gestated through service and prayer, to God. For this reason, My children, you must not sadden your hearts if you have not yet found the group of souls for the mission.

The Lord, who is kind, places hearts before His Works of Peace, a Peace that His Heart radiates to the life of souls. All the Purposes of God are permeated with giving and with the selfless action of all groups of souls. The stronghold for these groups that serve the works of God is the constant spirit of prayer.

This is why, My dear children, I invite you to pray so that your hearts, in this final time, may recognize the group of souls to which they belong. The first path will be, My little ones, the reconciliation and the union with Our Celestial Father. From then the path of the groups of souls will be guided by His Greater Will and thus, they will respond to the Greater Call that comes from the Heavens and all the hearts will act for love and service towards fraternity.

Prayer prepares the path for the time that will come. United to My Immaculate Heart, the pathway of peace will be able to be followed by all hearts.

The Eternal Light is the Divine Purpose for life and for the redemption of all hearts.

Who adores you and keeps you in the Heart of God, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Awaken every day with the Light of My Immaculate Heart.

Remember, My child, the call of praying together for the Reign of My Peace in the hearts. May your heart of a servant not be afflicted, may it be opened to My Maternal Presence.

I love you all from the depths of the Heart of God. I illuminate you on your paths through the silence of a Great Mother. I shelter you in My Immaculate Being so that your hearts may feel the relief of My Prodigious Love.

My dear children, in this moment you must pray with the greatest fervor of your hearts so that the Lord may reignite the hearts that are empty of Him and the hearts that feel without Him.

Therefore, My little soldiers, open the fount of prayer and of renewed life that each one of your hearts has kept for such a long time. Thus they will be merging with Me in the eternal work of prayer. I wait for you every day because it is time to prepare for what is coming.

Because of all this, My little hearts, I announce to you that the hour of the permanent vigil of prayer is approaching. The Inner Light of each heart must be kindled for when God, Our Father, summons the awakening of the instruments that will serve to assist the last hearts that will be reintegrated into the Greater Light.

Thus, My little ones, your souls will confirm their vows to the Most High, because the time will come when each soul and each heart shall be one with the beloved Angels of the Lord. All this shall prepare the way for the last ones that will be converted to My Immaculate Heart.

Walk, My little ones, in absolute faith that together with the Merciful Light of My Glorified Son, every path can be traveled. The time has come to confirm the complete trust in Christ.

May peace reign in your hearts.

Who guides you, adores you and loves you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


May today your hearts smile because, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will rejoice.

Dear children,

Today I invite you to the redeeming prayer, with the mission that more souls in need of My Peace may be touched by the Mantle of My Light. For this reason, My little ones, today I remind you of the moment of My Assumption and Coronation in the Heavens as the Divine Mother of all creatures.

Carry today in your hearts this precious memory that still remains alive in the Greater Heavens. Thus, My dear ones, you too will be in the assumption of your lives towards the Most High Lord. Life will be converted into a sacred instrument where the Lord will be able to make use of your hearts donated in prayer.

My little ones, remembering the mystery of My Assumption to the Heavens, you will be assisting the Divine Plan through living prayer so that more children in need of forgiveness, Mercy and relief from their sufferings may receive Grace, as you are receiving in this final time.

I carry you all in My Heart of Peace on this day of the 26th of November, in which I radiate the Light of My Celestial Kingdom.

My soldiers, the time of perpetual prayer is approaching; thus the world that is in ruins will be able to be restored by the power of prayer and by the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

Raise today your hands and fill the Heavens with prayers. I keep you in My Peace,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

