May each day of your lives bring you new opportunities for experiencing peace.
May each test bring with the gift of overcoming, and the blessing of transcendence.
As humanity, you are walking towards Bethlehem, having to experience efforts, sacrifices, the overcoming of limits and trusting in the protection of God. You are faced with the mystery of the New Humanity, which you know to be a reality, for it is already being gestated and at the point of being born within the womb of Divine Creation, which expresses within all creatures. However, you do not know what that New Humanity will bring to the world, how it will grow, how it will develop or how it will fulfill its mission.
You are on the road to Bethlehem, looking for the cradle of humility so that God may return alive to His Creation. As human consciousnesses, you always want the best for God and for His Plan, but the Creator will surprise you, bringing His Son into that which is simple, small, poor of self, humble. Christ will be reborn in the hearts of those who do not fear giving the kingdom of their own inner self so that a Universal Sovereign King may establish His Reign. He will come to dwell within the hearts of those who do not fear being defeated and that, out of love, become eternal servants of that beloved King of the Stars.
You are on the road to Bethlehem: you are no longer what you were as a race or as a human consciousness, because God has already begun to descend towards the earthly spheres. However, you are still before the mystery, that for you is the rebirth of Christ, of the multiplication of His existence, which will be renewed in the hearts and in the flesh of many.
I come to the world as a guardian of this divine principles, which is the Christ within you, because I have already walked towards Bethlehem, I have already experienced the anguish of not knowing what the world would become after the birth of Christ, and the fear of not being worthy to hold such a King, hidden in such a small creature; the fear of not being a good guardian for the Child God and of not managing to let Him grow and manifest as the Lord expected.
But that fear was defeated by Faith and by the Love emanated by Christ, Who even though being so small and fragile, He never hid His Glory and His Filiation with God. The fear vanished when I perceived that God is the real operator of His Will, and it is enough to flow in it for His Plan to be accomplished.
I tell you all of this because you are on the road to Bethlehem, faced with a great event, marked by difficult tests and severe lessons, which lose their severity in the greatness of the return of Christ.
After some time, those hearts that have opened will begin to understand what the Will of God is, on Its own; that He not only "commands" but He also sends the means and fosters the fulfillment of His Works. It is only necessary to trust and let the Lord make of your lives simple instruments for the concretization of His Plan, which is already a truth and a reality that needs to manifest.
Do not stop walking towards Bethlehem and, now that you already know where God wants to be born, do not seek comfort, luxury, nor the refinement of good dwellings, according to human concepts; follow the path that leads you towards simplicity, peace and true humility, for it is there that God will manifest His Glory.
Praise be the Lord, Who returns to the hearts of humankind, to one day return, not just in Spirit and Divinity, but also in perfect likeness to His creatures, in sanctified and resplendent flesh and humanity, showing humankind the path of their evolution.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who prepares for the birth, the rebirth and the return of Christ, Our Savior.
When the Heavens announce the last hour of the salvation of a planet, the souls that inhabit it have a choice: surrender to the abyss of the world and deny the perfection that exists within them, or definitely defeat the doubts and the fears that stop them from fully being within their spiritual mission.
You must understand that the trumpets that sound from the heights of Heaven announce the hour that you are to set aside mediocrity and begin to be completely filled by the Spirit of God.
In each instant of your lives, you must remember that it is now the time to take a leap into the life of the spirit.
Live each day as if it were the last, as if you were facing the last chance for forgiveness, of being reconciled with a neighbor, of providing a service that you were never able to provide, of giving up vain pleasures and likes that were always in your lives as small impediments, and that today have become large, because they do not allow you to reach the goal of your consciousness.
The time has come to assume universal life with the full awareness that you are in the school of Christification for the whole universe, and the time has come for living consequently with the opportunity given to you.
Just for an instant, think of being in the culminating moment of your lives. Think that, in the infinite cosmos, Creation is waiting for you to return with the experience of the Living Christ within your very spirit.
The universe awaits that, from the Universal King, there will come a race that can completely change the Creation of God and allow all creatures, that did not have the opportunity of being in this world, to live the Christic codes of love and unity.
You came to this planet to learn how to not live for yourselves, but rather for your neighbor. This is the essence of the lesson on Earth: surrender everything and endure everything for the evolution and growth of others. Meanwhile, up until now, you have only allowed for the growth of pride and egoism, which was brought from the universe and does not allow you to act for anything other than yourselves.
Christ left you the example. He did not come to the world to be a king. He became King because He was capable of setting Himself aside out of love for the creatures of His Father. Christ lived within Himself the Love of God for God's Creation. It was for the evolution of all Universal Creation that He surrendered His Life and continues to surrender all of Himself, even while being in Spirit of Divinity.
My dear and so loved companions, the time has come to grow by setting aside the old way of living and opening to the new, to spiritual virtues, to the real being, to love, to unity.
If you are soldiers of an army of peace, live peace, live love, live fraternity.
The Plan of the Most High God will be accomplished, and this will come about through your efforts and with the courage that you may become nothing, so that you may be filled by God.
I leave you My peace and My blessing for awakening.
Your companion of all eras.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek within yourself the true union there is with Christ and, through Him, with God. The Lord has already been before you many times; some of those times, you were able to feel Him, others not, but He left a seed of the tree of Christification within you, so that you may be in likeness to the Christ that was born in His Son.
Your soul suffers and feels lonely, for it has not recognized Divine Omnipresence yet and ignores the Presence of God and of His Son in everything and everyone. For you, Omnipresence is still a theory which you know but do not fully live.
Christ was not before you and then left; Christ illuminated you with the most intense ray of His Solar Light, and you were able to feel It, but His clarity illuminates all things, within and on the outside, all the time.
It is now time for you to recognize that you are united with Christ, united with God, because a part of the Project of God must be born from you, which will seek nothing less from humankind than the Christs of the New Time.
Contemplate the Lord in the Eucharist, as well as within yourself. Contemplate Him with the eyes of your heart, in an apparition or hidden in all things, and find Him.
May the peace and unity with Christ be a reality for the human heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who united with Christ and God for all eternity.
Dear companions,
On this day I want to tell you, about the words that I have been pronouncing in these last times, that if I instruct you in such matters, it is because I trust in the potential of all the hearts that listen to Me, regardless of the life that you lead and the degree of consecration you hold.
My Chaste Heart was sent to the world to accompany the Most Holy Mary in the awakening of the 144 thousand that must prepare the return of Christ and recognize Him among humankind. It is for this reason that Our presence is purely spiritual and touches the spirits of those who committed to God at the beginning of this whole human project.
My beloveds, the 144 thousand are the spirits that were sent to Earth to experience redemption and to help in the human project, and who committed to experience in themselves the codes left by Christ.
Do not think that Jesus came to the Earth to be the only existing Christ in the Creation of God. He came to be the Path that all of humanity was to walk through, the Truth that each being of this world should love and follow, the Christic Life that was manifested in Jesus, and that must manifest also in all those who are willing to make themselves an expression of the project of God and make the universal and christic principles left by the Son of Man alive in their own flesh.
My beloveds, the time has come to assume your true role in the Plan of God, and this is achieved when you are able to step out of the pettiness of material life, and in this way step out of yourselves, so that you may have as a priority in your lives what really matters, which is love and forgiveness, redemption and unity with God, and as a result, with all His Creation.
The 144 thousand must be the spearhead that opens the way to the New Humanity, the example to be followed for those who are blind, groping the air before them. The 144 thousand must be the hand stretched out to humankind and to the Kingdoms of Nature; they must be the representation of humanity itself, elevating the planet to the manifestation of the Truth.
Think about this and feel My words in your hearts, for they must impel you each day, so that at least you long not to be the same, and thus experience what I teach you.
Your beloved father and councilor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the human heart emits a true impulse of love to the Creator, the whole universe takes a breath of hope for the world, and the creation of God is impelled to continue assisting humanity, to continue in the trust of the manifestation of a race of Christs.
The potential of love of your hearts is extremely unknown by everyone, and even a small impulse of it transcends the laws and the justice and makes the fount of the Divine Mercy descend again to the planet.
While your Mother Mary tries to awaken you to a planetary and universal reality, due to Her condition of Governess of the Mirrors of all Cosmos, My Chaste Heart tries to reach the depth of you inner universe, making you discover what you are in truth, unmasking the false aspects that cover up the soul and showing you the potential of the spirit.
All the words of God, through His Messengers, have a single function: to awaken the essence of the Christic Love in the human heart, which is the universal receptacle of that Love.
You need, in this time, to be before certain situations that have repeated themselves both in the Universe and on Earth in order to be able to act with the power of love and, thus, revert and redeem the actions of a distant past of the creation of God that has been distorted.
Nothing is separated in the divine web of the Universal Creation. All learning will be for the good of all creatures, according to the degree that corresponds to them.
Before the current planetary situation, hold on to love and not to fear; hold on to forgiveness and not to resentment; hold on to compassion and not to rejection; hold on to the Plan of God.
Never forget that the humanity as a whole must reach redemption. Help each other.
May the Peace and the Blessing of God be in your lives.
Your Father and Companion,
The Moste Chaste Saint Joseph
The world does not comprehend yet what is to live without the Love of God, the Love that heals, liberates and renews all things.
This full Love is rejected by some souls of the world that have only placed their eyes on their own fulfillment, on the conquest of peoples and entire regions on the Earth.
This has brought the separation of the spirit from the earthly being as consequence, breaking the true fusion that the Love of God promotes.
For this reason, My eyes do not stop crying and begging to the Celestial Father for His Divine Mercy because it will be through those who answer to My call that the Work of Peace will be concretized at least in one part of the world.
My spiritual wish is that everyday there may be souls in prayer that are capable of helping to change the events that humanity itself generates through the ambition of having more and more each day. In this way, My dear children, My sorrow is not for the tests that are difficult to overcome, My maternal anguish is for the serious destiny that the humans are suddenly creating in many nations.
The Grace of God will purify their debts and soon they will be liberated from all. But now, those called by Christ for the end of times must be willing and determined to carry out unexpected missions and rhythms of prayer increasingly wider; in this way the beast will not place its claws on some nations, those which must be guarded by the Light of My Maternal Heart.
Thus, My beloved children, aspire to be nothing, aspire to be in God and to follow His designs. Many religious and lay people are surrounded by the influences of this current world, which diverts their attention from God.
One of the reasons why I have asked for the mysteries of the Holy Rosary is to take away from illusion and hypnotism whoever engages in all those things. I hope that in face of the seriousness of the times of Armageddon My praying children, after the thirty-three days of prayer, do not lose the inner impulse of pleasing and relieving My injured Heart.
For your sincere help, even though it is a very small answer, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the sinful souls. The cup has not been broken yet by the ray of the Angel of God´s Justice; you and I are preventing it.
I thank you for answering to My urgent requests!
Who encourages you to walk in faith,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
I am the Mother of the lost. I am the unceasing Spirit that searches for souls that are without God.
Dear children, I am the door for your conversion; surrender, then you will be on the correct path, and you will be guided by the spirit of wisdom and of truth.
Children, the time is growing shorter and the whole of humanity does not believe in this, sins are sold and bought as something natural and superficial. Reconsider, My children, you are in time.
I am your Mother Who comes to help you and to lead you to the fulfillment of the Purpose of love.
Dear children, do not become separated, unite more each day. May your search be based on the Love of God, a love that resolves and heals all things.
My children, I come to seek the good in each one of you, I come to help you become aware of what you do well and what offends God.
Dear children, I come to help you mature in your heart; I wish to convert you into Christs, into apostles of the new time. But for this to happen, My children, your permission will be the door that will open so that Christ, your Savior, may dwell.
Dear children, be bearers of My Peace rather than disseminators of the anger that blinds the trusting heart.
Be the best you can be; but children, do not forget to love.
I come to teach you to walk in faith and in the hope of always being able to see and feel My Son in the depths of your spirit.
Justify your consecration to God; My Son expects your transformation to be the test and the confirmation of this sacred path that you chose to live.
The new time calls you to a consciousness redeemed by the Love of Christ. The hour indicates the beginning of the inner apostolate.
Children, I am your Mother and I love you; I am waiting for your immediate response; in this way, My plans will be accomplished in this sick world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who grants you the peace of your heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Prostrate yourselves before My Heart and drink of My Mercy.
The time of darkness will come to the world, but few will accept it. Happy and true will be the ones who live in My Heart because they will not perish.
Today I bring you the Light of My Most Holy Eucharistic Heart. Therefore, before the Thrones of God, you sinners must also honor the Son of God, because He washed away your impurities, filled your hearts, and alleviated all desperation.
Drink from the Source of My spiritual Heart, which is now poured out upon the world, Light that walks over your beings and extends like a Mantle of Light upon the planet.
See the infinite to My right and the end to My left. Look above Me for the Trinity and below My feet the world. See My hand that points to the Heart.
Do not miss this moment that absolves you. Feel and do not try to understand. The doors of evil are closing for many and My victory is established once more upon the Earth.
Prostrate yourselves on the ground like the apostles of the past. Reverence the Son of God, Who has come to help you in Mercy and splendor.
Contemplate My Eucharistic Heart. It is still present before your little spirits.
Reverence the angels who worship My Heart and participate in this celestial Communion that I am offering to everyone today. Heaven is before your eyes. Even if you do not see it, it resides in your spirits.
Do not try to understand with the mind. This communion I offer you today goes beyond this material Universe. Here you are facing another Kingdom that you have never seen or known. The Kingdom of the humility and poverty of God.
If you are tired, rest in my arms, because I wait for you in the invisible Presence of My Heart.
Jesus is showing us a chalice that He takes between His hands and He is surrounded by different Angelic Hierarchies, in different shapes and aspects. He is transfigured into light, and behind Him are other universes that lead to infinity, to a beginning. This light not only expands here. The Master is taking it to five continents. He is raising the dead of spirit on five continents.
While here, Jesus says:
I allow you to say all these things so that you realize that I am not here by chance or just to visit you. My Spirit prepares the New Christs; Christs who will be born from the most imperfect, the most impure, the denied and lost in the spiritual life.
That is why I congregate you as one flock and today you will only be able to stand before Me prostrate on the ground, because God is the one who allows Me to be here, celebrating with you and with many redeemed souls, the spiritual Communion with My Divinity, which is what is revealed today to everyone in the world who believes in Me.
Cry and release your anguish. Your time is coming. The hour of peace.
The angels are depositing a liquid into the Cup of the Lord. The chalice lights up like a heart and beats in light, in golden light.
Be quiet. You are not only before Me, but Emmanuel.
Those who cannot resist prostrate on the ground, sit carefully, in order to not disable what God is building and, as if you do not step on the ground, feel the levitation of My Light that leaves you sublime and purer, free from stains and debts.
Encourage yourselves to touch My invisible Spirit with your hands, because I am reaching to the center of the heart of those who open themselves today, humbled, to receive me. Do not waste any time with Me, because these are the last ones before the great Armageddon.
Feel My Light in your hearts, the Light that alleviates and heals, that releases and forgives your past actions. And so this reverberates in the consciousness of your world.
The angels lay crystals at the feet of the Lord of different colors and shapes, and the Lord says:
I bring you through this example the presence of your origin, the origin of the Original Project, which is written for this humanity.
Archangel Metatron has just appeared to the right of our Lord and has a strong light on his forehead and a fire is emanated from his chest, which he collects with his hands.
Other angelic Hierarchies collect this fire and carry it to the four points of the Earth at an incalculable speed. It is as if they are here and in other parts of the world at the same time. They are entering cities, villages and continents. The Lord shows that there are conflicts there and this fire dissolves everything in light and harmony.
Get up. Your bodies are already tired, but the task goes on. Allow My Light to reside in you and leave here transformed, wasting no time along these days.
While I am here with you, I'm with everyone. This Communion is not finished, and I teach you, My companions, that when you cannot commune with Me, do it through the spirit, because with this it will be true and you will have a memory of this day and the days to come, of what I lived with you today, all that I have brought to you in the name of Grace and redemption. Remember this exercise of Eucharistic Communion with My Heart.
And now you will sing to the Christ of Love that resides in you. But you sing softly, as a mother puts her child to sleep.
Place your hands in a sign of donation, because the Communion with My Spirit still continues. While you sing, gather in your hearts the Communion with My Spirit, the perfect code for redemption. Once again.
You can place your hands on your heart and reconfirm the vow you have made with Me for this life, each one in their degree of surrender and trust, to My merciful Heart. In the same way, may all those who hear Me, on the four points of the planet, do so, because the Communion is spreading towards the planetary sphere, to the spirit of the planet that was flagellated by all of you before My coming to the world and after My Resurrection until today.
See how great is the sin of humanity and how unfathomable is the Justice of God, because My Mercy is sustaining many things. But the Judgment day will come, and by that time the prepared and the most unconscious must be ready. There I alone will separate the chaff from the wheat, the true from the false.
And now, in union with the universe of this planet, which is filled with the spheres of Adonai, receive in glory and honor this day of resurrection, in this material Universe, the Presence of My Eucharistic Body, which after I have gone from here, you will contemplate, adore, and focus on My Heart and My Spirit, for five minutes. Today I institute the planetary Adoration.
Cover your heads with hoods and headscarves, all those who have them, in an act of love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Let us repeat in honor to God of the Heights so that through this prayer, conceived by My universal and omnipresent Spirit, souls may receive the essence of My Mercy. And today, in this place, as in the Marian Centers, the Holy Monstrance of My Heart will be open for those who wish to drink of My spring of Graces, through sacred Adoration.
With faith and hope before the Thrones of the angels and archangels and the Kingdom of the humility and poverty of God, repeat from your heart:
Fourteen chimes.
Blessed are those who commune with My Heart, because they thus prepare themselves on this day of resurrection for the feast of Mercy. Remember this sacred request.
In communion with the High, I say goodbye to you companions, on this Sacred Week of redemption and peace for the consequent souls and all the spirits of the world who perpetually seek the essence of My Love.
I bless you under the power God has given me, as His glorified and beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Ring the bells to announce the day of My Resurrection. And now sing to God, the Hallelujah.
Song: Hallelujah
The Lord wants to hear you proclaim from your lips: Thank you Redeemer for all that you give us!, for seven times.
Your day of glory has come, and despite the consequences the world is living, do not forsake My way, because I will come for you at the definitive time.
I thank you. Peace to the world.
Beloved children,
In this state of Grace, that which on this dawn I bring to all of you and for this nation, I want that you to listen in your hearts to the song of My maternal voice.
This song brings the Celestial Light that covers the spaces, liberating the souls from the oppressor, that one that has always tried to distance My children from God.
Today, upon the mirrors of light of this Aurora that emerges before your eyes, My peace reaches to all the spirits and all the kingdoms.
Today, also I want to express to all My children the gratitude of the Celestial Hierarchy for the unity and love that all My soldiers are beginning to express. From this love and unity is that from which the new race will emerge for this planet. In this way you begin today to live timidly the fraternity between your beings, so in this way you must continue along the path that My Son is showing you.
This fraternity begins to be glimpsed among you, where not only are you answering to the requests of the Divine Messengers, but that also you have begun to strengthen between yourselves the spiritual ties of love that, through which you are learning, spiritual ties that will form the basis of that which we crave so much – you, little children in evolution – and Us, the Divine Messengers. We see in your inner beings how the christic essence has begun to shine, that which will conduct you through this transition.
When the prayer groups are more strengthened, you will begin to live together with Us, your Divine Masters, a spiritual fusion; we have said many times, that even though evil will be spread with fury over the Earth, so also will the Light and Love of God be established and shine in the hearts of those who truly clamor for the return of Christ, the Redeemer.
In these moments, the love of the Celestial Hierarchy will be like a great voice that will resonate in the spirit of each redeemed child of God, and will have an echo in the whole universe. Then all the stars of the cosmos will hear the singing of the self-convoked ones who, gathered as the 144,000, will take the great step towards the new time of the 1000 years of peace.
There will emerge a new race that will prepare the New Christs, those that will teach the whole universe about love and forgiveness. Remember that My Son promised once that you would do greater things than He had done.
Therefore, these things that My Son was referring to, were based on the love that He has lived and taught, which will be multiplied in the new time through the coming Christs, those that will emerge and become someday masters of the Masters.
And all this, My beloveds, will happen in this time with those that merge themselves in sincere prayer, pure of intention and empty of expectations, that which is born from each essence.
Strengthen yourselves My beloved prayerful soldiers, strive each day for living fraternity, so that unity and love may be the pillars of this new humanity that you are building.
I am with you, I Am the Lady dressed of the Sun that comes in this Aurora to light the mirrors of light that will clean your spirits so that you may enter into this new time.
Thank you for being with Me today.
Who blesses you and loves you,
Mary, your Mother of the Sun and Universal Queen
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón reads the special Message of Christ Jesus of October 5, 2014, and says:
With these words, we will wait for the coming of Christ. Let us focus our hearts on these remaining beads, allowing the Celestial Universe to concretize Its mission here, in Paraguay.
I am telling you about the events of My Passion as nobody has ever spoken about them before.
In My merciful Heart, are kept not only the signs for your salvation, but also the true mysteries that God made known to me during My agony.
I show you and tell you about My Passion so that you may find the path to your strength. Many forget about this important universal event that was lived by Me here on Earth, and more importantly, many more forget about wanting to know this very true and deep Passion that allowed the redemption of humanity.
In the Universe of God, the Passion is alive and resplendent, for there, the pain and the suffering are not held, but rather the true sacrifice of Love that I gave, for all of you, in those times.
Today I come to remind you of these things in light of the severe issues that are taking place in this world. I want you, My companions, to be able to penetrate the mystery of My Passion through My Heart. The Rosary of the Seven Agonies, which I gave you, holds true keys for your redemption, significant symbols, luminous signs, for those that truly want to discover My Passion.
I do not come in this era so that you may be martyred. I come to give you the Truth, the true knowledge of that which many forget. For this reason, My companions, enter the universe of My Heart and dwell in My Heart. I will be able to resolve the rest when you liberate yourselves from the control of things.
The true spiritual healing, which I promise you through My Mercy, can happen in you through an inner detachment from all that is bad for you in this life, in which you went through many learnings and tests.
Thus, open your hearts again. Allow My Blood to be able to flow through you, wash, cleanse, and purify all the stains that you hold before the Eyes of God.
I give you the possibility of coming to know My Mercy and the chance for loving, through My Presence at three in the afternoon. To that soul who invokes Me in any part of the world, I will go to aid it, most especially I will bless it, because I will be performing a true miracle of Love in its life. One who believes in Me will achieve eternal life and it will not be necessary to wait for the next world to be within My Celestial Universe.
I reveal to you, through merciful prayer, the potential to attain redemption and peace, for your hearts must be increasingly open to be able to love the infinite mystery that My Life represents for you, in these times.
At this very moment, I come here to bless , heal and forgive you. I come from a distant place of the universe where God vibrates intensely through His Love and His Unity, and many celestial consciousnesses participate in that vibration of Love and of Peace.
Thus, dear companions, today I ask you to elevate your bodies and cells, and permit the rays of My Passion, which allowed the Resurrection of My Being and the sacred Transfiguration, to penetrate the depths of your cells.
The first step, My friends, is to love the unknown, to have absolute trust in God the Father, because He will always give you the answers to the great problems you experience today.
Many more souls could have participated in this meeting with Me here, but where are they? Did you call them correctly?
The first call to awakening is done through the giving of the heart. It is the heart that calls another heart, not the mind. Thus, help Me to concretize My Plans, as I did in Rwanda when I gave an important message to the world and only fifty percent of humanity heard Me.
Now I come closer to you, I approach your lives and hearts so that you may be My testimonies. Give the example of your redemption to the other brothers and sisters. I come seeking you as I did with the apostles. You will not be able to escape My universal commitment, but you will always be free to follow the path you desire, My love will never disappoint you.
I bring you a possibility, My companions, of finding a change. Open the doors of the spiritual universe so that it may reside in you all the time. I point out a last path to you. I bring you a last key, I give you the last symbol, which is My Heart of Light.
The strength of My Spirit of Love must be stronger than your intentions. In this way, My friends, I will find a space to be in you and I will never waste time as I reveal My Will to you and you may know My profound petition for these end times.
I ask something from each one of you so that you may accomplish it in the name of God. And when this mission comes to an end, I will have you come to know other things in the next life, in a next world, where suffering will no longer exist, and hearts will not suffer, they will no longer need to suffer to learn to grow. I bring you the opportunity that, every day of your lives, you may be willing to drink of My Fount of Love so that your sins may be erased, and in these times, the cells of light may be born in your beings, so that the New Christs awaken that must fulfill the mission of disseminating My Peace and My Redemption in the four corners of the Earth.
But who will be willing to follow Me until the end?
I will always give you a greater test so that you may overcome it and transcend it, but My Hands are stretched out to you; I will never stop helping you, I will always pour My Light upon you and upon those that open to receive Me.
I give you, I gift you My Heart as the only reason for your lives, because through My Heart and around My Heart all My disciples will be able to fulfill the Designs of God and carry out the life works that are foreseen in Heaven for them to be manifested on Earth.
Today I come to meet with you so that you feel motivated to give Me more, without fear, without apprehension, in absolute trust.
Hold My Love in your hearts, keep My Peace.
I thank those that feel motivated to accompany the pilgrimage of Mary through Paraguay, for the Children of Mary are indispensable in these times. They are sparks of the Celestial Universe that expand and radiate the Grace of the Universal Mother in each place they go, in each space where they walk, in each heart they face for consoling it, alleviating it, healing it through prayer of the heart.
Under the ministry of Peace that God has granted Me and the protection of the Holy Spirit, at this moment, I will bless the Sacred Body of Christ and the Precious Blood of Jesus, and all the sacred objects that in any place in the world are elevated to My Heart at this moment. Because what is most important for your lives is that through the symbols, you always find a path for the way out and for salvation.
In this moment, offer Me that which you want Me to consecrate, from where you are. My energy expands in Omnipresence, Love, and Mercy. Let us elevate this offering to God for those who forget to live in God and do not find consolation in this time.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón elevates the offerings to be blessed and says:
At the request of Our Lord, we will pray the prayer of the Angel of Peace together with Jesus.
My last Will, beloved companions, is that together with My Angelic Guardians, we pray, sing for all the Guardian Angels that cannot fulfill their mission, that cannot reach souls because the souls do not hear the inner call. In profound Adoration of God, let us help the Guardian Angels so that they may accomplish their purpose in this end time.
Let us repeat:
Now let Adonai touch your hearts.
I bless Paraguay for this moment and all the souls that made it possible for My request to be fulfilled. God will bless you.
Song: Kodoish.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
With this joy Christ leaves us with for being able to meet Him, we are closing this Marathon which was so important here, in Asunción, in Paraguay. We believe that many souls were helped by the Mercy of Jesus.
We thank you all for this moment, all those who were connected with Our Lord.
I am the Aurora that shines in the life of all beings. Those who search for Me will never perish, will never have their heart involved by darkness, because they will always open the doors for My Light to enter.
I am Fire, that comes from the Divine Fire, that restores and transforms the beings. Those who followed My steps can give testimony of the Power of My Heart. In the world there is not one who has repented after having opened their arms and their heart to My transforming Power.
I am the victory of the fallen hearts and the path of those who are lost. I am the treasure of those who are poor and the healing of the sick. I am the Mother of all the beings and in the world there is not one who cannot reach Me.
My children, resound My Words in the hearts of all beings! May those who do not feel me and do not find Me open definitely the doors of their heart.
The Divine Law allowed me to reach the world and to convert the beings, establishing peace and instituting the Divine Purpose in this planet.
After seven years of instructions, I want you to deepen your contact with Me and that you walk with more determination to My Heart. I want you to contemplate with attention My Words, delivered throughout these years, and see with joy that they have become life in each of your beings.
Go and be living witnesses of My Presence in the world. May, when they see your redeemed faces, the beings of this Earth lose the fear of following the steps dictated by God.
My beloved ones, the world still profoundly fears entering into this path, because darkness gained the heart of many beings and tied them to the pleasures and illusions that it could offer. Do not fear cutting these ties with the past. Do not fear forgiving the mistakes and erasing from your lives all the mistaken actions that you made by ignorance.
My children, the lack of forgiveness of all the past is tying the heart of My servers so that they cannot enter into a new archetype of life.
Know that the Water of Life has already been shed upon the beings. The merciful Blood of My Son enters day by day into your cells, His Glorified Body merges with your bodies in redemption through the Sacred Communion. Therefore, erase from your memories what has gone by and allow yourselves to be reborn to a new time of humanity.
Do not remember the past, afflicting your hearts for all the mistakes committed, but, yes, elevate your consciousnesses to a new experience to which the Sacred Hearts will lead you and through which you will be able to find a new future.
The time of the Return of My Son is already coming, and, with Him, the opportunity to return to the Origin and to take with you the Christic and universal Love.
My children, today I decree before God, by the Authority He has given Me, that a new life must be lived by the beings of this world and, by the Majesty of My Son, I erase the past of the creatures who cry out for redemption and I tell them to place, now and forever, their hearts and their fixed eyes on the purpose to be reached.
It is time to awaken the New Christs in the universe, it is time to live redemption definitely. I open the doors for you.
Which of you will enter?
I await for you to be able to respond to this new call.
I love you always and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Children of Mine,
Recognize before your lives the awakening of a new sun, the dawn of a new day, the appearance of a new time that is announced through My Holy presence.
I Am Immaculate and free of sins, the Blessed Servant of God, that in the name of humanity has lifted Her word to the Creator, glorifying Him and accepting, for eternity, that His Holy Celestial Will be made in Me. In this way, My children, I give to the world the living example of how all beings must act in this planetary moment.
A new Christ must be born, this time in the hearts of all men and women, but it is necessary that you follow the faithful example of the Servant of God and, glorifying the Creator, dispose yourselves to accomplish His Most Holy Will.
A path of profound Peace awaits you, because those who accept to accomplish the Will of God, live in His Heart and nothing will be able to destroy the union attained with the Heights.
The one that assumes in his or her life to accomplish the Plans of the Creator becomes a bridge between the Celestial Universe and the surface of the Earth and, through the example of their heart, full of peace and charity, brings to their fellows the Peace of My Kingdom, the Peace that is unknown to the world.
My children, My presence announces a greater time of Peace to the world, because My Heart seeks the reconversion of the souls, the reconciliation of each heart with God.
Peace must arise from the transformation of your lives and, when you take a step further on this path, the Creator can intercede for the whole world, because each one represents all. The step taken by one generates merits for all of humanity; for this do not tire of walking.
Know that the key for all is in the example that each one can give through their actions, through their feelings. The greatest way to transform the chaos in which the world lives, My children, is by being the living testimony of the presence of God in all creatures, by being the living testimony of the return of Christ in each heart, in each essence.
As Mother and Queen of Peace, I announce to you a greater time of Peace, because I bring you conversion and Faith, I bring you the possibility of living in fraternity with your fellows, of reconciling yourselves with your families and of forgiving all of the past.
It is time, My children, to renew your lives and, with trust, to follow the path marked by My son Jesus Christ, because it is time for humanity to awaken to their true mission in this world – that of being a race of Christ’s and not just of Christians.
Seek Peace and walk so that a new time may arise in this world. Fight with the sword of love and the shield of perseverance, because the enemy will try to deviate you from the path, but help will always come for those who with fervor cry out to the Heavens for Divine help.
I am beside all of you and I will always be, for all of Eternity.
Your beloved Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all the hearts
I leave to Mine, a profound appreciation, that springs from My Most Sacred Heart.
For this Grace that is born from My Essence, today I give to you one last prayer, that which will close the cycle of the nine days with the Merciful Jesus.
I wish to explain to you that this prayer is an inner confirmation of your souls before the Throne of God by means of My Divine Mercy. Permit that through this confirmation all the Christic codes be sown within your hearts, because My greater aspiration as King of the souls is that you may be able to eternally live within Me.
May after these nine days of union between Heaven and Earth, your lives find rest in My Sacred and Divine Heart of Peace. May the path that you have traversed through the Powerful Novena confirm yourselves as new Christs for the current time.
Walk by My side because, in this way, I will not lose you. Remember that I always need the loving help of Mine.
Prayer of the Divine Confirmation
Lord, God the Father,
Infinite Source of Love, Unity and Light,
I am Your humble and small servant.
I am Your spark of fire that comes from the Great Source.
Allow me to be as simple as Your Beloved Son,
allow me to be as pure as Your Precious Universal Mother.
Liberate all ties from my path,
with Your Sword of Light cut the ties that the enemy has established,
because by living in Your Supreme Freedom
I will find hope in the future,
I will find strength in the Light of Your Divine Heart.
May the nine powerful deeds
that Christ lived upon the Earth
be sown in my heart
so that, on the day of the Great Celestial Victory,
the Angels and Archangels may
guide the purpose of all essences
and we may live together with You, Lord of Love,
in the Kingdom of Eternity, of Service
and of Absolute Surrender to Your Plan of Redemption.
May those who have fallen be raised!
May Your Divine Mercy
resurrect the spirit of our brothers and sisters throughout the world!
May Your Love and Compassion unite us as one heart
forever and ever,
united to Christ Our Lord!
And Infinite Glory upon the whole Earth.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for answering to My call!
Merciful Christ Jesus
I wish to leave My gesture of peace with everybody, My renewing Mercy in this new cycle.
Today I gather together new souls that are called to an inner consecration.
Today I also consecrate new families that follow the path, that follow the path and the faithful example of the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
But today I come to meet with you as the Greater Priest; the One who will give you Life after your life, eternity after this world, paradise after this terrestrial life.
Walk toward that purpose.
Today My Heart is very grateful, happy and in glory because of your response.
Thank you, companions, for having accompanied Me during a year of Graces.
Let this very important event for the life of the spirit never be erased from your memories, for you will know everything in the coming time.
Be glad in your hearts, sing together with the angels, the King of the universe has brought His Mercy to the Earth.
Let fallen hearts be lifted up and let those who are dead in life rise.
I come in search of the most imperfect, of those who do not live in God, but I also come in search of all those who unite with Me through their heart. You will always find Me in the temple of the heart.
Today the universe is with you.
God communes with your hearts and your lives commune with God.
Accept living in humility so that the New Christs may be born, those who God has foreseen will transmute the Earth in the end of times through the word of life, the renewing word that is the prayer of the heart. The proclamation of the Divine Word, between Heaven and Earth, between hearts and souls of goodwill.
Let the bells ring, for I have already consecrated this bread with My living Body and this wine with My renewing Blood, a perfect symbol of your eternal union with God through My sublime aspects that come from Creation, from the Greater Source.
I thank you, My little apostles.
Sister María Jerusalén:
Let the bells ring.
All the saints and the blessed have come, in this moment of glory, to bless you.
On this starry night, see the presence of the angels and of the blessed that come to bless the seeds of the New Humanity. Those who will sprout in the new cycle of the Earth to bring peace to the world and the end of human suffering; so that souls may rejoice in God, in the victory of My Mercy and in the immaculate love of My Mother.
Your Holy Mother is also present, with Her holy consciousnesses of Light. Those saints who lived on Earth and expressed in the world the Plans of God, the Gifts of God, to feed souls with Light and help fallen spirits throughout time.
You see that today, dear brothers and sisters, I am not alone.
My Mercy is expressed and expands in all these consciousnesses that believed from the beginning in My spring of life and who lived for Me to the end of their days.
Thank God for this universal conjuncture.
Emmanuel, your Father, is paying attention to this moment. Feel His Presence, the expansive Love of His Light, His infinite Wisdom in your hearts and minds.
Commune with the Father. Commune with His Presence. He is Eternal, He is Sublime, He will always be your love.
Commune with the universe at this special time. Commune with the universe.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I bless this Cross, this Cross of Emmanuel, a living symbol of the new era. Let it shine in the night of the Marian Centers, let the banner be raised as a symbol of the victory of God on Earth and of peace among consciousnesses.
Honor My glorified Presence through the Cross. For today I tell you: I am no longer dead, but alive in your hearts. I am your Glorified Heart, your Universal King of the Heights.
Wait for My coming. Wait for My Return. The time is drawing closer and freedom approaches all hearts.
Trust in what I tell you.
Everything has its time, everything has its place. In this way, the mission in the life of all beings will be accomplished.
Heaven and Earth are together today, because souls are one. Hold this moment in your hearts.
Today I would like to be longer with you, but the world calls Me. There is much to alleviate.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We would like to share with the brothers and sisters something that Christ transmitted.
When we thought He had already left, in reality, He had not left. He appeared with many Hierarchies, with many saints, such as Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Claire, and many more saints. Also appearing were Saint Francis, Padre Pío, angels, the Archangel Michael, the Most Holy Virgin Who came to this ceremony dressed in white like a bride, like a faithful wife.
Today Christ appeared as the Glorified Heart, but He wore a crown on His Head that symbolized His reign, according to what He told us, in all this universe, among all the stars and all the suns. He brought us this symbol not to show His power, but rather to show us His humility; because in spite of that task that He has today, He always placed Himself below all of us.
Then, at a certain moment, He began to walk over the brothers and sisters present, and extracted many things from His Heart; we saw petals of various colors that He was scattering over the heads of everybody.
Afterwards, at a certain moment, He rose up and the universe opened further, with the arrival of all those brothers and sisters, the blessed, the saints.
Mother María Shimani:
Very well, as could be foreseen for this end time, thank God each day we are going to work more, and each day we are going to further ascertain that the Love of Christ can do all things.
This Blue Cross, which everybody can contemplate behind us, was something that He requested we build, because through this symbol, during the procession we did today, He was going to gather up all impure spirits from the planet through the Love of the Creator. And He told us to do the procession tomorrow again because that blue Light, which represented the energy of the Creator Emmanuel, would again gather up what may have remained on the planet.
For this reason, we completely adhere from our heart to His Request. And as from today, for sure, a Blue Cross will shine at each Marian Center, manifesting the victory of God on Earth.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
In the Message of January 2, 2014, Christ asked us to build that Cross for the procession. And He also told us that on the 5th and 6th of every month, we were to do this procession at the Marian Centers.
He asked that the Cross be built perfectly. Today He said that He liked the Cross, but He thought it was a bit small, because the one that is to be raised at each Marian Center, He wants it to be seen from far away, during the night, to light up the path of souls and mainly of all those that may be circulating close to the Marian Centers, so that we can remember, He said, the Presence of Emmanuel.
On the eve of My sacred Anniversary of daily Instructions, I wish that the good and holy hearts, those that follow Me, in spite of tiredness, emptiness and pain, may make Me known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.
To whoever makes My Face of the Return known, I promise the following:
Whoever carries the image of the Glorified Heart of Jesus will not perish in life, but they will know the power of My Mercy.
Whoever adores the sacred image will enter into contact and inner union with Me, as if I were eternally present by their side.
Whoever carries the sacred image with them, close to their hearts, or places it at the head of their beds, and prays a little daily prayer to Me, I promise to be the Watcher and Gatekeeper of their homes so that nothing that is not of My Light can approach.
Whoever shares the icon of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus with the sick, the elderly, the youth and the children, in a sacred and fraternal way, I promise that I will be visiting, in the inner levels, all of those who adore Me for just five minutes of their time, because I deeply wish to prevail in the hearts and in the lives of each being.
Whoever makes Me humbly known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, I promise to help, protect and illuminate the paths of all who call for Me out of love, devotion and truth. I promise to be present in the moments of emergency and rescue.
Whoever recognizes the Sacred Icon as true and, at the same time, as merciful, I promise to protect them until the last days of their lives and to carry them with Me towards the Universal Kingdom of Peace.
Whoever sees Me reflected in the sacred image, I promise to make them feel deep trust, fullness and celestial bliss so that they may live in the eternal joy of My Heart.
The Sacred Icon of Christ shall represent the union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and the Glorified Christ, who will return to the world in order to remove it again from the death in which it is living. God wishes you to glorify the Sacred Heart of Jesus because He is offended by the unjust actions of souls. In this way, I promise that whoever holds this sacred image within their homes will receive My Special Graces in order to achieve redemption.
May this Anniversary Marathon signify for everyone a step of absolute surrender to the Christ King so that, in this way, the New Christs may awaken.
Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My Heart in your hearts!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
The Sacred Icon of Christ
The hearts who may venerate the Sacred icon of Christ, that is, the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, will receive the special blessing of My Divine Mercy.
For this I ask that in all of the Centers of Prayer, especially at the Marian Center of Aurora, there be placed the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, that which represents the Christic manifestation that occurred on the 5th of January of 2013 to the visionary Friar Elias.
The souls that during the 5th and 6th days of January of this year adore Me and venerate Me, will receive directly from My Heart the spiritual help that they may need.
For this one year ago I asked you to paint the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus in the way that I indicated. After a year of intensive work I ask for the presentation of this face in all of the Houses of Prayer.
The Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus complements the Merciful Christ. These two images that were given to humanity will serve as spiritual and inner help for all who may contemplate them.
See, through this request of the Sacred Icon of Christ, that there is a real need for the awakening of the new Christs. In this way the Plan of God will not be affected by any other human situation.
May this sacred icon be lovingly contemplated during the two important days of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy because this sacred icon will work on the inner and on the healing of the consciousnesses.
Seek through this icon the key for your redemption. Also, those hearts that may feel so may dedicate to Me some prayers in front of this sacred icon. I will receive them with joy and love. Good work for the worshippers.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My Love in your hearts!
Christ Jesus, the Sacred and Glorified Heart
I come to My disciples to encourage them to walk at My side because after the long journey of life will finally be born the true spirit of eternity in each one of the Servers of the Lord.
For this, in this time, join inner strengths through the joy of serving those who still have not been divested from themselves. Day by day My Heart approaches to you in order to demonstrate to you that the perfect path is built only through the love of the heart.
I will lead you to impossible challenges, but I will never leave you alone.
I will give you never-to-be-forgotten sufferings, but I will always assist you because in truth the time has come for the “very few ones” to fulfill the Perfect Plan that is designed in the Heart of God.
All the time, I will sustain you between My Arms. When loneliness seems greater than joy, it is the sign that in truth you are living My Christic Path and you will be forming yourselves as the New Christs of the current time.
Pray for those who do not manage to take safe steps towards My Heart. They need your love and spiritual attention. I accompany you always, even in the falls of life.
Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
On this path of transformation of your lives is present My Sacred Heart of Love.
The one who seeks Me and who truly loves Me will receive from Me the love and the trust of My Kingdom. The one who makes an effort to live in Me will receive from My Spirit temperance and what is yet to come. All of the souls are part of My Redeeming Project, all of the hearts are partakers of My Path to Heaven, in all of them I affirm My bases of peace and of redemption so that the New Earth may be able to manifest itself.
I still try to Be all for the souls to the point that the hearts feel craving to be with Me as if nothing else existed. In this way I give to you new hearts that will need healing, charity and love because I expect My Servers to donate and to give to their peers the love that they feel for Me. In this way the true fraternity will be able to be constructed and there will no longer exist barriers or preferences between My ones.
I wait that all of the hearts always strengthen their lives through My Presence. I only expect that new Christs of love and of forgiveness be born.
Under the Absolute Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart of Redemption!
Christ Jesus
Today I celebrate from Heaven a new Easter Supper, the Easter of the heart, because the one who truly communes of My Body receives the ministry of the New Easter of the heart, an Easter that renews your spirits to remove them from constant sin and to resuscitate them in this way to the greater life of the stars.
The Sacred Easter of the Heart is that which all of the universe shares with Me, and these great but humble consciousnesses from the universe have been already living for some real time My Path of Christification.
This Easter is an Easter that comes from the essence of My Spirit and, in consequence, from the Supreme Divinity. As a Major Priest I gather the essences that were originally born from the various Fountains of God and in this earthly time in which you live, by means of My Grace and of My Divine Mercy, I lead the sheep towards the inner stable of My Heart.
Already reunited with My ones in this supper I present in love to them the new apostles of light, those that once were with Me in the Holy Land. These brothers and sisters of yours, the new server apostles of Christ, will be now your guide; they will be the shepherds that will spiritually prepare My Coming to the world for the second time.
For this today in this Spiritual Easter I ask you: unite yourselves to the example of the ancient but now renewed apostles so that the love for the word, the love for the service to the Plan of God, may be awakened in these New Christs that imperfect, intend to imitate Me.
I Am the mature fruit from the vine and from this fruit is born the Blood of Life that washes those and eternally redeems those who seek It above all things. Keep on cultivating in your hearts the path of the apostolate. It is time that My ones give the testimonial of redemption and of conversion that I have made in them.
For this remember that humility will accompany you so that someday, empty of yourselves, may emerge the new redeemed being that will become a part of the history of My Universal Legacy.
Remember that some will get to know the power and the greatness of My Kingdom.
It is time to trust Me, as says the prayer. Walk without delay towards My arms because I wait to wash your hands and your faces, to feed you of My New Redeeming Easter.
I thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart during this day of repairing prayer for the entire world. Many souls thirsty for My Light were collected from the abysses of the world.
Thank you for trusting My Infinite Mercy!
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Your King of Love, Christ Jesus
Among the simple and true sheep My Sacerdotal Consciousness helps the great planetary consciousness.
Among those who pray and those who adore My Most Holy Glorified Body I construct the path for the New Humanity.
Among the silent ones, the reverent ones and the devotees, I construct the Source that will give to drink to all those who have thirst.
Among My ones I accomplish all of the works and to all of them I give of My Sacrifice so that they may be formed as new Christs.
Because with the humble and the peace makers I manage to get deeply into the abysses of this world and I collect essences that have fallen into mortal sin. For this each new day My Heart will ask for a little more from My servers because it will be necessary to reverse the planetary situation and as I have always said: amongst My ones I will make My Great Works.
For this say yes to Me because I will always accompany you.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thanks for being in My Sacred Heart of Peace!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more