Dear children,

Through your visit to the Shrine of Kibeho, new inner shrines have been elevated in honor to the God of Love.  This action was able to be realized in the essence of all of the souls that for so long waited for redemption as a result of the prayers of all of My children, and mainly, through the presence of the spirit of fraternity between the cultures of the Americas and of Africa.

In this way, beloved children, the Universe demonstrates to you, through this mission of peace, that there are neither differences nor barriers between the souls that are united to the great Spirit of God.

For this, children, I went to Kibeho not only to avoid the genocide, but also to remind your civilization that, from the beginning of this world, all of you have been a single race, filled with the Love of God, despite the grave injustices, and full of His Divine Mercy, notwithstanding its constant mistakes.

In Kibeho the Lady of the Divine Word descended in order to awaken redemption, and also to remind in that time that despite the difficult situations, cycles of peace for the world would come.

Now that you, missionaries of Mine, will leave Kibeho filled with the love of your Heavenly Mother, and internally touched by the devotion of the people of Rwanda, I say to you to go ahead, without seeking results, but rather delivering more each day, moments of shared service.

In this way, My children, I will be able to work through the detachment of your hearts and together you will learn that unity is the truth that constructs the bridges towards the infinite.

Your Most Holy Mother prepares Herself now to arrive to the people of Uganda.  Souls of this region keep the history of abandonment and of absolute oblivion of the brothers and sisters that there exist.  For this reason My Son has sent new missionaries from different parts of the world so that, by means of love and of service, the bases of hope and of trust that many Ugandan children lost may again be built.

If the world became conscious for an instant of how other brothers and sisters are, the Universe would have already poured Its Mercy, but soldiers of light who are willing to provide relief to the eternal suffering are necessary.

I thank you for answering to My call for peace!

Who prepares you to keep serving from the soul and the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The Shrine of the Mother of Kibeho will welcome you with joy and bliss because the missionaries of peace will be receiving the sacred gifts of the divine word in their hearts.

On this day, the cultures of America and of Africa will unite for an instant and the fusion of the races will be manifested by means of the essence of the Love of God.  In this important moment, in which charity and service are unified, the Lady of Kibeho brings between Her hands the ultimate Graces, those that will help many imprisoned souls. 

Remember, children of Mine, that Rwanda, Uganda and Congo were nations marked by suffering, by indignation and by conquest, something that to the present days continues to happen in other levels of consciousness.

But the barbarities of the times must be suppressed by the Law of Justice and prior to this taking place, your Heavenly Mother accompanies you through the paths of abnegation and trust so that in this way some situations may be reverted in time.

For this, from Heaven, your Lady of the Word materializes the works that are part of the Will of the Creator, and from there, all of My children are placed in states of opportunity and of Grace so that all evils may be reverted.

Kibeho was the place chosen by your Lord so that, from this most simple place in the world, in the heart of Rwanda, the voice of the Mother of the Divine Word would be pronounced so that humanity would place in its consciousness that which should never happen again.

For this reason, when your Most Holy Mother sends you in a mission to Africa, it is because Grace exists so that the marks of yesterday may be erased by the prayers and by the charity of today.  In this way, children of Mine, the three African nations will receive an extraordinary state of Grace and, chiefly, the souls will be assisted in order to rethink and correct their paths.

Africa is the continent of subjugation and of injustice, and the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph have proposed to assist in alleviating the burden that overwhelms it due to the lack of faith and of surrender to God.

Also at this time, your visit to the Sanctuary of Kibeho will awaken an inner unification between the cultures, that is, the marks of the genocide will be erased by the simple act of fraternizing and of instituting the Spirit of Christ in the wounded hearts once again.  This is the work of Grace and of Mercy.

Now, having been guided toward the Sanctuary, offer to your Mother the most holy sacrament of communion in thanks to all of your brothers and sisters, for having arrived to Africa in a spirit of mission, and for how much will be spiritually healed by the praying collaboration of all of the groups of prayer.

In this way, children, at each step that is taken as you answer to the divine call, doors of light that were closed are opened and the souls that are the ones that need assistance and piety the most receive the liberation that they long for.  This is also the work of the Love of God.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who protects inside the Sanctuary of Kibeho,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Word


Dear children,

It is the repentance from the heart that will take you to the healing and to the redemption of your own aspects, those that are part of the earthly life.

My main call in Kibeho was to make humanity rethink through the recognition of its sins and the conscious repentance; this was not possible in Rwanda because pride and the considering the culture of that place as their own, led the whole nation to a bloody destiny.

I went to Kibeho trying to avoid this serious tragedy, which is already history, but still has not been healed in the heart of My Rwandese children.  They did not live love, they forgot about it and only headed to defend the culture and the realization of their personal works.  Here is the great failure of this humanity, to carry forward its own ideas and modern principles and afterwards, end up in the abysses, leading millions of souls to desperation and sorrow.

For this, children, in Kibeho, the Lady of the Word, tried to make us understand that in the existence of the One and Only God, all should obey the Divine Will so that chaos would not reign and the spirit of peace would be manifested.  But in those moments it was quite the opposite and the humanity of that place preferred to turn a deaf ear to the urgent call that was coming directly from the Queen of Heaven. 

Today, My children, I teach you to get to know the devious and confusing paths that our humanity traverses, and how the pride and the lack of internal humility before the Will of God, modifies the destiny and the spiritual futurity of a whole nation.

Even though the revelations transmitted in Kibeho were very clear and precise, only a small group accompanied in fidelity the call to conversion, to prayer and to repentance.   In this era, in which serious actions by humanity continues to occur, and the life of a brother is taken away by the own hands of another brother, the world goes off and loses its innocence without giving rise to receive a greater help.

For this My Son sends Me to be among you, so that you may start living consciously the time of your purification and so that all the self summed by the Merciful Universe of God may prepare themselves to face the end of a time.

The constancy and the absolute faithfulness of the people of Rwanda could have avoided the bloody tragedy.  Now, even though very few truly listen to the call of God, your Heavenly Mother invites you for the last time to live the faithfulness before the Higher Plan, which calls you to realize all that is possible in what seems impossible. 

The spirit of prayer and forgiveness will be the matrix keys so that in the end of times, the Plan of the Highest may manifest.   For this I come from the Universe to help you, to redeem you and to place you active in the immediate service for peace.

Who will encourage themselves to follow the Queen of Heaven?

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who bless you and unifies you in the Heart of the Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Today I donate and give to you My Immaculate Heart so that the major reason for your lives may be to reach the conversion, which you have only started, a conversion that will lead you to the purification of your life and soul.

This same message I delivered in Kibeho, because of the same promptness that, such as today, the conversion required in that time.  In Rwanda, I called all to live the repentance, to not practice a proud prayer, so that, by getting detached from all evil, peace could reign.  But this message of repentance was not enough and thus few listened internally to what the Mother of Heaven wanted to teach you.

Time passed and the hour predicted by Me arrived to Rwanda and no one was regretful and free from faults.  Pride and denial led to the human loss of control and to the exerting of a frightening and fearful power.  Entire families and innocent people were the main preys for My adversary.

And where is your regret?  The brutal actions led to catastrophic results and the spiritual life of My children was decimated by your own and unbridled so-called culture.

Later on, the mistake poisoned the hearts of those who did not listen to My message, and shortly after I descended upon Kibeho, everything remained in the memory of just a few.  After this great error, humanity became aware of the importance of the words of the Mother of Heaven and everyone recognized that without prayer and repentance one cannot go anywhere or reach any safe destiny.

The Lady of the Divine Word brought to you the warning for you to prepare and reconcile yourselves, for you to ask for forgiveness, to confess and to commune with Christ, as a source of absolution.  With the faith of very few, was lifted up again, the spirit of devotion, the one that led to faith and to the trust in the call of Heaven and in the announcements that the Lady of Kibeho made for everyone.

Now, with your presence in Rwanda, you will discover the different needs of all the levels of consciousness.  Everything must be restored, from the sick body to the spirit.  For this, children, your exercise of charity and surrender will have to deepen to the point of becoming ready to help in any emergency.  My Heart will guide you and will give you the necessary inner strength for you to answer to any need.  Stay focused and you will see very closely the path that I will be indicating to you.

The truth about Rwanda has just been revealed to you, and for this your Celeste Mother specially returns to Kibeho, so that you may unite yourselves to the spirit of devotion, of forgiveness and of love that is professed to the Sacred Heart of your Lord and of your Lady.

In the streets of Kigali, you will see what the time has left imprinted as fact and as history.  The Angels of God are waiting to be able to fulfill the service of liberation and redemption that was entrusted to them.  And this will happen because of your union with these angels, which I send to your support and help with My maternal love.

Dear children, I walk in the streets of Kigali in order to save the imprisoned souls.  For the hour of Redemption and Mercy has arrived to Rwanda.

I thank you, My children, for accompanying Me in this mission!

My Maternal Love is with each one of My missionaries.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As your Mother of Mercy, today I follow this day of great celebration and atonement of all faults that oppress and condition the spiritual life of the souls of the world.

For this, children, peregrinating through Rwanda, you accompany Me on a path full of sorrow and internal incomprehension.

Your hands were called to serve on the land of the indignation and of the suffering caused by the plans of My adversary, who led thousands of souls to take an attitude of destruction and massacre.

But My Grace, that is blessed and merciful, shows you a different path, an opportunity of taking the lost souls and their families through the path of forgiveness and peace.

Your feet step on the land of despair, that which remained engraved in the essence of innocent hearts and of all those who could not save themselves and that will be removed from the eternal sea of sorrow by My hands of piety and mercy.

This nation, marked by injustice and by the lack of love, already rises on the horizon through the devotion and the faith that all the good souls proclaim to our Lady of Kibeho.

Your Celeste Mother performed wonders and dictated warnings to all at that time.  My adversary took charge to distract them and to prevent the souls to pay attention to My messages.

And thus see now, children, the result of all that happened.

For this, the missionaries of peace are sent by My Immaculate Heart to extract the records of sorrow and massacre through love, hope and, mostly as sacrifice and surrender, they will offer to the Celestial Father, abnegation and effort, work and service as an opportunity of receiving Grace, Forgiveness and the Absolution of all mistakes committed.

Thousands of souls perished the result of the incomprehension and of the division among cultures even when the Mother of the Divine Word prophesied the importance of no division and of looking for the Source of Peace through the Holy Rosary.

In the same way as all of humanity, they first checked the veracity of what the Mother of Word said on that time, to then repent themselves and act in faith.  But that did not happen.  The own impulsive and excessive action led an entire nation to self-destruction in all the levels of consciousness.

You, missionaries of Mine, today visit Rwanda in order to know the consequences of a blind and deaf humanity, but you also arrive to Rwanda, as many other servers of Mine in the world, to settle and balance a secular process that still has not had an end.

For this, open your eyes and work in faith so that Rwanda may receive the gift of the definite healing and many souls may be worthy, on this day, of receiving the Mercy of My Son.

Remember that through your exercises of charity you will be opening the Source of Mercy.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who makes you get to know a reality unknown for many,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  


My Children,

The mission in Africa has recently begun.  For this your spirit of unity and love must be stronger than your differences.   Soon you will enter the nation of Rwanda, highly beaten by error and death, events that happened 10 years after I tried to avoid a continental massacre.

For this, My children, you were called to consciously collaborate on the liberation and forgiveness of the suffering caused to the Rwandans during these last years.  Through the missionary heart of all who serve the Plan of the Redeemer, your Celestial Mother introduces Herself in the African continent for the second time and, through the missionaries of Peace, My Heart will be able to reach all of them.

My missionary children, on this nation will not only see the material result of everything that has been gestated by My adversary, but they will also find on the faces of their brothers and sisters, the sings of the degeneration of the culture and of fraternity.

But the victory of My Immaculate Heart will be possible through the loving and selfless help of all.  For this, the prayer of the heart of all the consecrated missionaries will be the entrance door to the Kingdom of God.

Your Most Holy Mother is already descending over the nation of Rwanda in order to impart again the spirit of peace and of spiritual restoration of the consciousnesses.

My children, it will be important that all be very united in soul and in heart, as it will also be important that your ideas and differences do not prevail among the groups that are congregated to serve through the spirit of mercy.

Beloved children, do not open the doors to My adversary.  He will try to make your ground shake, but remember that the fortress of My Heart will always help you in any perdition.

Follow the steps that I ask you.  You will soon visit the sanctuary of Kibeho where the faith of all of My children of Rwanda expresses a sincere restoration of society and human dignity.

While My plan in Africa, especially in Rwanda, Uganda and Congo, starts to be projected on the hearts of the servers, I ask you to search for the essence of unification.  This will protect you from your own selves and you will avoid to get lost on superficial matters.

My missionary children already enter into the first cycle of purification through the transmuting service, but My hands will support them.

I thank you for answering to My call for peace.

Who takes you to the heart of Rwanda,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

From Heaven, I bring you the Most Holy Body of My Son, so that you may always remember to adore it in all moments of life.

As your Mother and Mother of the World, today I announce to you a main call to  immediate prayer for the good and innocent souls who unjustly work in the slavery of the refugee camps and in the gold mines, which are mostly found within the African continent.

Therefore, today I stand before you as the Mother and Lady of the Divine Word, the same Aspect that I manifested in Rwanda to prevent a great social and material catastrophe. In spite of my announcements, the majority of My poor souls did not listen to me and now, again, I come to you, My dear children, so that you may also become conscious of the changes that will come.

Today, I deeply wish that you, who respond to My call, can respond with your prayers, under the intercession of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for all souls that are found in these camps of suffering and in the mines of pain and indignation.

I want to help, through My blessed Mercy, those who suffer day and night in sickness. The world suffers for the actions that are unjustly committed among brothers and sisters of the same race, created by the God of Love.

My Son, through My prayers, has allowed Me to arrive in consciousness and omnipresence to the underworlds of suffering, which are a reality and exist on the whole surface of the Earth.

I want to banish the injustice which many experience without an exit and without relief. I want to pour out My relief and My hope through your sincere and true offerings.

I find within many of your hearts the potential to serve and love in this time of chaos.

My Consciousness promises deep and spiritual liberations through the means of your mediating prayer, thus I can intercede and assist as Mother of all Christians and non-Christians, for all those in need of the Mercy of God in this time.

My children, the group of souls, who live in the refugee camps and work in the gold mines scattered across various locations of Africa and the world, are the miserable result of the condition that evil sowed in humanity.

I am the Light of Heaven, that comes in honor of God, to untie the knots that oppress the path of souls and of holiness.

I come to establish the Love of God and inner serenity in all those who suffer unjustly.

If humanity does not change this very serious attitude of slavery and death in time, many will suffer the price of what others have done and, as a consequence, in large regions, the world could lose peace.

So that this may not happen, I come to ask you urgently for the devotion to My Immaculate Heart, thus you will prevent the world from losing peace and the Grace of God.

I will not tire of working for you. My Immaculate Spirit is unwavering and powerful. It has the maternal power of transforming the untransformable, of raising from the ground what has fallen and is lost, of loving what no one could ever love.

I love your beings, beyond the miseries that make you succumb to the world of today. My angels fully serve God the Father to help the guardian angels of many of My children, who remain imprisoned by the ties of temptation and desire.

I once again come to tread, with My feet, upon the impure head of evil and to resurrect in spirit the souls who, in this life, die losing the Love and Mercy of God.

So that I may help Africa and thus fulfill My Designs of salvation, I wish that, on this 13th of August 2014, hearts willing to serve me, may venerate the Sacred Face of the Lady of Kibeho, the Mother of the Divine Word. In this way, I can intercede through the state of Grace which many experience.

I thank you for paying attention to this important call!

The planetary need is deeper every day in this world and in humanity.

Who loves you, blesses and heals you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of Kibeho


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

On this day, many of your hearts ask themselves how they could help Africa. I saw many essences that, with pure and real intentions, aspired to reach that continent, carrying their hearts and beings to lovingly help others.

But today I want to tell you, My children, that you still have not discovered the power of prayer, for many of those desires for action come from the lack of knowledge of your consciousnesses about the true power of prayer. Because on this night I tell you that powerful is the verb God has given you; that one who prays with the heart will be able to labor much more than if they were physically present on that continent.

My children, I do not tell you this to discourage you from going to Africa, but rather, I want you to discover that a Divine Power exists that acts beyond the power of matter. Today I show you, to My right and to My left, the results of your prayers, the souls that I lift up to the Heavens on this night, which will receive an opportunity through the prayers you spoke, which were so few and so simple, but that led to the opening of the Portals of the Celestial Realm.

My dears, if you fully trusted in what I tell you and truly heard My Words, you would know that your little hearts, even with all the impurities they show and with all the imperfections, could change the events of this world, could bring great relief to the suffering which so many souls, not only in Africa, but on the whole planet, are going through because of the lack of love and the imbalance this humanity has generated in the world.

As Lady of Kibeho, I contemplate all of humanity. My Heart is unique, and into it will enter each essence of this world; with the humility of My Heart, I permanently aspire to reach the simplest hearts.

And today I want to bring you this example of perseverance that My Maternal Consciousness manifested throughout the centuries. I do not tire of repeating the same instructions to you, in the hope that humanity will one day achieve its awakening.

But today I just ask that you listen to My Words attentively, that you definitely awaken to that power God gave you since the beginning of the Creation of this humanity. The power of the Divine Verb, My children, can move universes, can open the doors so that Mercy can descend over this world and stop the action of Divine Justice.

All the events taking place today on the planet are the result of human actions, and through the same human being, My children, represented in each of your souls, those actions can be changed, and the souls that today suffer so much, endure so much, will indeed be able to have a different destiny. In as much as this world can offer them nothing but suffering, My Immaculate Heart can carry them to a reality that will restore each space of those consciousnesses.

My children, unite with My Heart, unite with the Power of God that is represented in each of your essences, and every day go deeper in the prayer I give you. Let My Heart, My dears, teach you to pray. Never think that you have reached the goal God has proposed, but like children, allow yourselves to learn a little more each day, for the celestial teachings I must bring to this world are infinite.

The Three Most Sacred Hearts also pour out their Blood over the world, but it is not Blood spilled through suffering; it is the suffering of My children changed into Mercy. All the pain I feel in My Heart, My children, I convert it over this world as a Source of Infinite Mercy, in example and likeness to My Son, Who gives this world the way for the salvation of souls. With this, on this night, I also ask that each pain of your hearts may be offered to this world as Mercy for the salvation of all souls that suffer so much more.

The silence of My Heart speaks much to you. Know to listen to it.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Do not sleep while I am present, while I am revealing secrets; you could lose the impulse of My Instruction.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I am revealing that as a human consciousness, you are entering into the Way of the Cross, which at this time, invites you to imitate the path of My Son.

Who of you, My children, will suffer for the salvation of this world?

Who will offer their life for the rescue of this planet, of all souls as well as of all the Kingdoms of Nature?

My Heart comes to prepare you, each of your hearts, each of your souls, which long ago committed to Me and said 'yes' to all the tests that would come. Now, My children, once again, in My Consciousness, I ask you:

Who will renew this commitment?

Who will once again say 'yes', once again aware of their mission?

Will you be ready to surrender your all out of Love for God?

While the events of the world pass before My eyes, and I show profound realities to those who can see Me, I allow your souls and your small consciousnesses to awaken to the real time you are experiencing today, so that you no longer sleep.

At the end of this Way of the Cross, in the same way I supported My Son and held Him in My arms, I will hold all of you. I will accompany you always, and at the end of this battle, I will have you safe in My arms and will restore each of your cells, your atoms, each space of your consciousnesses, because this is the Will of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
