My dear children,
In order for the Campaign for Peace to be a true reality in the world, peace must first be present in your hearts.
The Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to have its birth in the city of Florianópolis, but the expectation is that this campaign will immediately be disseminated to the States of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, which together with the State of Santa Catarina, will be the epicenter of this campaign, that will later expand through the whole of Brazil, Latin America, and finally throughout the whole world.
As from the beginning of the Campaign for Peace with the Youth Festival for Peace, and when all the youths of Brazil congregate in Florianópolis for the first meeting, it will be the moment, My children, when it will be disseminated to the different regional universities of Santa Catarina, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul; from the student body will spring forth the first impulse that later will spread to the rest of the universities of Brazil.
This is how, dear children, that the first Youth Festival to be held in the month of July in the city of Florianópolis will have moments of service to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature; also moments of art and of music, sources of expression for the youth, which must express fraternity, harmony, and love for the planet.
When the first Youth Festival takes place, it being an ecumenical meeting that will be sponsored by companies that can contribute for the Youth Campaign for Peace, through the youths that will participate in these meetings, the universities of Brazil will be able to extend this invitation for peace to other universities in the world.
It will be in this way that the first Youth Festival for Peace will have its own recording label, so that all that is created by the youths may be disseminated to other places on the planet; this recording label will be the same that the Association Mary will found to support the musical art created.
This impulse of the Youth campaign for Peace expects to reach unbelieving hearts so that they may believe in God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is in union with the spirit of the young,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children who are present,
With Archangel Michael in your presence, today I especially address those who have never had the Grace to know Me because, on this day, Your Mother of the Universe comes to meet with you to pave the way for conversion, mercy and forgiveness.
Each one of you present here, children, up to now have lived a path in this life; now, the Father of the whole Universe calls you to an inner awakening and to again find a true spiritual life through the sublime impulses of prayer, service and fraternity.
On this day, My Grace of a Mother gathers you to teach you the way to your true freedom, and thus, before the Sacred Son of the Universe, you will learn to love and again smile at life, far from inner suffering.
It is for this reason, My children, that Your Mother has chosen each one of you so that you may become consecrated to My Immaculate Heart; a pure and good Heart that gives Itself to you to take you out of the prison of material life, of deceit and error.
Beloved children, on this day in which the Universe has opened a door of freedom and peace in this place, I call upon you to take that sacred step in the name of all the youth of the world that are led along the path of perdition and false reality.
I adore you all as souls, My beloved youth; in this acute time of the Earth, allow the Christic seed of love and redemption to definitively awaken within you.
You, by taking this first step that I ask of you, will know the true light of Heaven that today has lovingly touched this place because of a blessed and full Mercy.
I do not want to convert you, My children. I want to lead you to the truth, service and surrender for humanity.
May My consolation be upon you so that, encouraged by Me, you may attain peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
At the end of the message, the Divine Mother, in the presence of Saint Joseph, asked that in this place called “Pedra Branca,” a small grotto be built in the forest with the image of the Queen of Peace. The Divine Mother also asked that the floor of this place of prayer be built with the help on the Light-Network and that the Light-Network itself continue to support the task of prayer with the groups of youth.
Our Lady said to the youths present:
“Dear children, here I will be the Mother of all those who are lost. I wish to have mediators of prayer between Heaven and Earth here.”
Dear children,
The triumph of My Immaculate Heart through the Campaign for Peace will be the rescue and salvation of the young ones.
That is why the semiannual meeting of youth in Florianopolis intends to gather the souls that need to return to the Heart of God.
This meeting will be encompassed within the festival of youth, in which prayer, art and music, as well as service, will be united in the proposal of peace.
For this, the youth of Florianopolis will promote and impel the semiannual meeting, they will try to gather souls so that at some moment they may become servants of Christ.
This first Youth Festival or Meeting for Peace will be in the month of July of 2016 and will be concomitant with the World Youth Day, in the spirit that the young ones celebrate the Jubilee of the Mercy of God.
In the next semester, the festival will be in the month of January of 2017, when the youth of different parts of Brazil will congregate and will already have been able to deepen in the spiritual task initiated in this meeting.
The participation of the Grace Mercy Order as well as the group that pilgrims will be fundamental in these meetings.
From the month of July of 2016 on, and for a period, the Meeting of the Youth will progress within the proposal of peace.
The young people of Florianopolis are invited to prepare this first meeting in the month of July, and the song to be offered is “Blessed are the merciful”.
A good preparation for all My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who congregates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to establish a biannual meeting in Florianopolis for all the youth. This spiritual impulse will try to lead the youth towards a praying state of upliftment and redemption.
This biannual meeting will be encompassed in an event of music, art and prayer; in this way, each young person who unites to this meeting and through Association Mary will be able to postulate to present with a group of youth a musical piece of elevation and harmony that they have prepared.
In the same way, young artists will present works they have made and will show everyone the messages of peace, hope and faith that they have originally painted with their own hands.
At the end of the meeting there will be an ecumenical communion officiated by priests and there will also be a moment of adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
This meeting will be integrated in the Campaign for Peace and will be called “The First Meeting of the Youth for Peace.”
In the time between each musical presentation as well as the contemplation of art performed by the young ones, there will be profound moments of prayers guided by the young people themselves.
This meeting will also offer universal prayers for the elevation of the planetary consciousness.
In this first stage Florianopolis will be, every six months, the headquarter of the Youth Meeting for Peace, and the Campaign for Peace will be the basis for this ecumenical movement.
This meeting will try to carry out a process of spiritual conversion and the young ones will have the opportunity of being instructed and guided in the search for the spiritual path.
This is an ecumenical meeting, which means that it will be open for those who truly search for peace and goodness, without drugs, without addictions or external interferences.
The spirit of this Meeting of the Youth for Peace will be to rescue and to lead everyone towards Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prepares you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Youth Campaign for Peace, which should be born in Florianópolis and later extend to the whole world, will give all My children the opportunity to rediscover the meaning of elevated spiritual life no longer through drugs, but rather in a life of altruistic service and prayer, safe sources that they will find for the elevation of their souls.
This Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to meet the needs of the young ones through Instruction about the true values of a worthy and spiritual life in this time.
This will be possible, dear children, because the Youth Campaign for Peace will attend to the request of the young ones about the understanding of spiritual life and of the Universe in its totality: of the macro cosmos.
The Youth Campaign for Peace intends to have as a base the source of expression through music that radiates peace, harmony, balance, and in some cases, states of union with Christ and with the Celestial Divinity.
For this, creativity through instruments will cause the young ones to feel motivated to create music that helps in the harmonization of the planet, just like some groups of young people will encourage themselves to express their union with Christ.
The art of the young ones within this Campaign for Peace will be expressed through images that appeal to the need of peace in the world, as well as in the expression of elevated messages of love, brotherhood and hope, searching to dissipate ideas of violence, mistreatment to the fellow beings and war.
It is for this reason that this Campaign supported by the Association Mary will allow to help the young ones to transmit to their fellow beings these values that they will learn, and in this way all the youth will one day perceive that it is not necessary “to search for God” through the influences that the adversary imparts.
A life of prayer will be born in a part of the youth, this will be the fundamental base for principles of redemption and healing to take place in humanity.
We will continue working on this project.
I thank you for responding to My call!
For the Campaign for Peace in the world,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to embrace, as an evolutionary proposal, all the young people from Brazil and from the world so that they may feel motivated to serve for the sake of humanity and for the end of war.
It is for this reason that the Youth Campaign for Peace, which will be supported by the Association Mary, will try to answer the demand of the young ones, of those who need to renew their lives and their habits through service, charity and the good.
At this moment the young people of Florianópolis are being called to diffuse and expand the work of the Heavenly Mother. Thus, through the Youth Campaign for Peace, the young ones will have a space to be able to express their moments of prayer, service and also of art and music as means for elevation and spiritual creativity, based on mutual respect, fraternity and union within the same purpose of peace.
For this, Association Mary should be the means that motivates and impulses the search for an ordered, peaceful life, of service and prayer for the planet.
Through art they will search to express the inner beauty of each soul, and prayer and the manifestation of music will be the place of encounter and peace with humanity.
The Youth Campaign for Peace will have its own website and at the same time will be the diffusor of the meetings of prayer for the young people, and also of all the moments of service and charity towards their fellow beings.
This campaign must aspire to live, as a base, the importance and urgency of having peace at these times and to radiate it to the whole world, so that in this way My Immaculate Heart may triumph.
This mission has the proposal to help all young people to find a spiritual meaning in their lives and their habitual environment.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In Campaign for peace and salvation,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I would like that through the Campaign for Peace the young people of Florianópolis and of the whole world would perform activities of peace, prayer and service to establish again the spirit of love and reconciliation in the consciousness of humanity.
Through the Campaign for Peace, the young people of the world will have a space in which the works of mercy and prayer that they carry out will be echoed.
For this, dear children, the Campaign for Peace through the young ones will carry out meetings of prayer, gatherings of fraternity and selfless service for those in most need.
In this field, the Association Mary will be the guide of these meetings with the young people who postulate to promote the spirit of peace in the world, non- violence, non-discrimination and the ecumenical and Christian union among the youth of Brazil and the world.
The Campaign for Peace should lead everyone to know the call of Christ, Mary and Saint Joseph. Through fraternal actions, the missionary spirit for the world is expected to be awakened in the young ones through humanitarian services and also the expression of art and music as a movement of elevation and union with the essence of Nature.
This Youth Campaign for Peace intends to remove from abysses, vices and bad habits those who are in the spiritual and material illusion.
The Campaign for Peace intends to awaken patterns of good behavior, harmony and the common good in the young ones.
Therefore, the young people of Florianópolis with the youth of all of Brazil can be the first promoters of the message of peace that comes from Heaven, and thus make it known that in truth, the young ones can live a spiritual life without drugs, alcohol and harmful habits.
This Youth Campaign for Peace will start when the young people have their hearts prepared to welcome this call.
Christic life must express itself in the young ones.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who encourages you to serve,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Again and again, as Your Mother and Guide, I make you submerge in the unfathomable ocean of the Mercy of My Son so that all your debts and souls may be washed by the Grace that springs from His Infinite Heart.
Every day I make you approach this great source of extraordinary Graces that My Beloved Son offers, and thus they also reach all hearts in the world.
Today the Mercy of My Heart has brought you here, to this city of Florianopolis, so that the youth, the new apostles, may also be touched by the source of Grace of My Son on some plane of consciousness.
It is not by chance, dear children, that in this next 33rd Marathon, laws and celestial principles will be combined, which will strengthen and unify the mission accomplished here by the groups of prayer, which are united to this Marian and Christic work.
It will be in this cycle of last atonement that the youth of Brazil will have an important mission through their collaboration with the plans of peace of Your Heavenly Mother, and Florianopolis will be, in this case, the epicenter for this mission of youth prayer to start developing itself to a greater degree.
If the plan is carried out in this way, this will significantly help the nation of Brazil, and from there, from each praying and young heart, will spring the spiritual help that is necessary for these times.
Dear children, within young people lies the apostolic seed that My Son left safeguarded a long time ago, and this seed will start to sprout so that they can express their true mission.
In Brazil, the Christian and ecumenical youth is expected to be one of the next pillars of the co-redemptive work of Your Heavenly Mother; for this to be possible, we must pray and wait for visible signs that will awaken this holy task of the youth in Brazil.
I am closely accompanying this purpose of Mine.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to the essence of the mission,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear servants of the Most High God,
On this day I tell you that, in order that you may yet live in this world, the Superior Laws that are lived in the universe, you must find the sacred again.
The sacred is the gift of knowing the presence of God in all things. The sacred fulfills the soul and approaches the spirit to the corrupted matter, so that it can make it pure and clear.
To find the sacred is a simple way to say that the consciousness is walking the path of the Universal Laws. And the key to discover the sacred in all things is reverence.
Every day, the forces of opposition to the Plan of God try to destroy the sacred as a concept in the human life, and this begins from childhood, degenerating the family relationships.
It is for this reason that My Chaste Heart descends to the world, in order to make a special plea to the families. As well as I could live the sacred, together with the Holy Family of Nazareth, today I ask you to look after the sacred within your families.
That, from childhood, children may come to know love, reverence for God, as well as for their neighbor; reverence for ceremonies, for prayer, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for life.
The purity that the little ones bring, may it not be lost from their hearts. Beware of the influences that they receive; give preference to the contact with the Kingdoms of Nature rather than the contact with technologies. Do not seek only to distract your children, siblings, grandchildren, nephews and nieces; but instead assume these little souls and be the example for them to follow. May they find, in the life of spirit, the joy of being in life, and this will happen through your example.
A life empty of love, empty of God and of His Holy Spirit is creating the current youth of the world, those that no longer find a meaning for living, because their souls, that came to the world in this time to fulfill a specific mission, are not finding, in that which the planet offers, what God has entrusted to them.
Therefore, look after the youth and the children of the world and make yourselves responsible for those who are by your side. Show them the life of spirit, of prayer, of spiritual quest, of things that transcend life in matter.
Because those who are being born in this time have the mission of remembering their origin, in this way attracting to the world the new time, the new humanity. Therefore it is important to lead them to the right path, before the soul gets confused by all that the world offers, as superficialities and false spiritual paths.
Do this for the Plan of God and for the future of humanity, as well as for the whole Universe.
I love you and I leave you My loving impulse of salvation, above all for the youth and for the children of this world.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, eternal Servant of God
My children,
In the advent of the new time for this world, a time of changes and learning, today I ask you for more prayer, a prayer that may spring as a fountain from your hearts, a prayer that may help the world, a prayer that may alleviate the great burden of humanity. Prayer will always bring you clarity, wisdom and discernment in the moments that will arrive for humanity.
Your lives are already living a different time. It is necessary, dear children, to be attentive and vigilant to the consciousness and to the heart.
While the world continues repeating mistakes that have now become irreparable, My Maternal Heart comes to humanity to bring Light and Mercy.
I know that some of My children judge the truth of My existence and of My apparitions. Therefore, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, has now been among you for some years.
God gave Me the permission to send My saving message to all My children; therefore many hearts were participants in My apparitions throughout the last year.
Dear children, in the face of hunger in humanity, in the face of the wars that are awakening among brother-hearts, in the face of the great loss of children and teenagers, in the face of the path of perdition that many young people are going through, and in the face of many more things that are now unknown to you, I tell you: Pray! Pray! Pray! And pray, as if it were the last time! And recognize, from this day on, the Celestial Grace that you are receiving through the loving intercession of My Immaculate Heart.
My children, you are now adults in your lives of prayer, therefore with maturity and charity pray for Peace and Mercy in each corner of this world.
This is My last and definitive call to humanity: Prayer! Prayer and prayer so that more souls may be partakers in the presence of the Master and Savior.
Dear children, you have the path of Salvation, Grace and Mercy in your hands and on your lips. You have within your lives the infinite power of prayer. You must love prayer and feel it in the depths of your souls.
Dear children, you are in My Heart, therefore you are being awakened from the dream of this world, by the Universal Love of the Queen of Peace.
You are in Me. I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more