During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Dear children,

Never lose the delight of living in the Lord and the joy of responding to His Divine Will.   You My children, already know that humanity needs much prayer to be able to relieve from the Heart of the Father all the suffering that it lives.

As the Grace and Reconciliation that have been the two keys that opened new doors for you, today I ask that always you remember all the children that unconscious and without inner guidance, are on their way to the abyss through the temptations of this world epoch.

You, in prayer may help all these beloved children that do not live in God but that tempted, fall without the salvation of the soul.  God wants for this hour to arrive with His Fountain of Mercy and Prodigies, through all the Marian hearts that answer the call for peace and redemption of all creatures of this world.

For this dear children, all prayers that you practice during this time will have repercussions for the time of the so called final judgment.

My call asks you to unite your hearts to the Divine Heart of My Son so that thus the world, through the consecrated hearts, may be saved and redeemed.

Dear children, no soul is far from its own judgment with God.  For this He invites you to live in reconciliation and in prayer, to be able to manifest harmony and peace in you.

Know My children, that My Heart of Mother awaits you in prayer because the prayer from the heart awakens faith that is supported by the Flame of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity.


A call to prayer for souls
Peace! Peace! Peace for the hearts that have fallen! Good! Good! Good for the souls that walk in the Light!
Unity! Unity! Unity for the hearts that aspire to live in God!

That many hearts, in the remaining time of this end of the year, may reconcile themselves with the Lord, elevating thus all the faults that are committed by lost hearts.

To those who month by month respond to My call, I ask for a true prayer during the hours of today so that many of My children may be saved in the moment of Judgment that the heart will live in its last hour.

For this reason, My little ones, today I invite you to launch the nets to the sea, as My Son did so that we may rescue those children who will be permeated by the Light of the Lord. May during these hours, each member in the prayer consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, be able to dedicate part of their atten- tion to the prayers for all the children that are being distanced from the Eternal Father of Love.

My little ones, it is up to all of you to unite with Me in prayer and in love for all these souls. You may do this alone, in group, in family, or in a meeting of souls, while during these hours many gather to waste the valued time that God is granting them.

My dear children, the time has come for the rescue of the hearts that due to their blindness and to their lack of Light, must see the Mercy of the Lord again. I invite you to witness the Divine Heart of My Son; thus you will be repairing all the errors that humanity generates during these hours.

I call you so that through your prayers, your hearts may attract the Kingdom of My Peace, that which few hearts know. Let us open the source of the Heavens over the pain of the Earth so that all hearts may be converted by the Fount of My Motherhood.

My little ones, I am delivering without conditions the Love of My Immaculate Heart so that your tiny souls may unite to My Heart when everything happens. God loves you and He wants to be Life in each one of your hearts, but for this they must convert themselves in the end of times. The conversion of the heart will be the last gift for many. My Redeeming Light is passing and my Mantle of Peace wants to cover all hearts.

Dear children, the Lord calls us to ignite the Light of prayer in the hearts that are lonely and distant from His true Love of Father. Let us help with pleas so that hearts may redeem themselves before the Infinite Love of God. My Heart will lead all.

Who prepares you in this final time and loves you eternally,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
