The more tired and exhausted My disciples become for permanently working for Me, it is a sign that with these offerings I can save many lives and rescue thousands of souls from daily downfalls.

Each effort and sacrifice offered to the Lord, no matter how small it seems, is recognized by the Universe, because the value is not in the big or the small, but in the authenticity and in how each service to God is offered with love.

Thus, I encourage you to love sacrifice and make it a part of the apostolic consciousness of each being, because this balances significant situations that are unbalanced on the planet.

Dare to follow this path because you will never lack rest, repose, and recuperation.

Each loving action offered to Heaven has incalculable value for humanity.

In this way, your peacemaking spirits will be present at each step, and once again the world will be granted a greater time of mercy and of peace.

I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


While Our Sacred Hearts are here today, present among you, your Celestial Mother opens the doors so that an infinite legion of angels may invade Earth, in order to pour out on this humanity the Graces of God, those which the Sacred Family of Nazareth once received at the Manger in Bethlehem.

Those same merits that were granted to the Three Sacred Hearts are arriving through The Most Chaste Saint Joseph and your Celestial Mother to all the families of the world.

The legion of angels that your Celestial Mother sends today towards the five continents has the divine Purpose of dissipating and disarming the plans of My adversary.

Each prayer that was pronounced today with the sincerity of your hearts, My children, allowed the Sacred Hearts to expand their Graces over this suffering and divided world.

I would like this same spiritual impulse to emerge from your hearts so that a new spiritual family may be born, first in your essences, to later emerge in the consciousness of humanity, free of separations, outrages, and indifferences.

Today the Sacred Family comes through your hearts to the families that are enslaved by work, by manual exploitation, and by the sale of thousands of innocent lives that are imprisoned by the chains of other human beings in this world.

Your prayers reached all those hearts that lost faith and trust in God because their lives were completely empty.

Lastly, My children, on this day of spiritual blessing I would like you to offer the Eucharist for the inner restoration of hearts wounded by so many outrages and exploitations.

I thank those who made my coming to Argentina possible and I hope to soon be together with My children to praise God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To the Argentinians that disappeared

Dear children,

Today your Celestial Mother, as Mother and Mediator of this world, appeals to all Her children to, on this day of blessing, offer this Meeting with Me for those that recently disappeared in the argentinian Atlantic Ocean.

I call all the groups of prayer of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile to unite fraternally by means of a luminous chain of prayer and of vigil, so that your Celestial Mother may guide and help the souls that disappeared on the high seas.

For this, I come to ask especially to My children from the Argentinian Republic to concentrate for a few days in the city of Mar del Plata, to pray the Mysteries of the Rosary for each one of the brothers and sisters that have disappeared, offering from the depth of their hearts this service of prayer as an immediate means to help the families of those who disappeared, as well as to bring relief to each one of their members.

On this night, your Universal Mother will be dedicating this Meeting of Prayer to each one of My children who have disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean.

Just as in other times I asked you, lovingly, to pray for the refugee families that still continue to cross the challenging Mediterranean Sea to escape wars, today I come to ask you for this Brothers and sisters who have disappeared so that God, Who is Infinite in Mercy, may grant, by means of My Intercession, the necessary help.

If you remember, children, in the last Meeting that took place in the month of October in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, My Beloved Son declared to you that Argentina, would undergo a great and unknown test, in a short time. This test and this moment are taking place in these days.

For this, I invite you, as never before, to place attention on and discernment in what the Divine Messengers announce from time to time, because through the Sacred Word there is an attempt to avoid situations in the souls and in all of humanity.

Those recently disappeared offered themselves, in this life, for the whole Argentina so that this people and consequently all the nations in the world, that now participate in the search operation, may learn that God alone has the power and that the hour has come to convert and to redeem themselves so that the Sacred Victory of Christ is established.

Some groups of souls at this time, without knowing it and without having known, having or not religion or creed, have offered themselves entirely to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that millions of people may perceive that we are crossing the portal of a definitive time that calls souls to be united in love and in solidarity, because that will rebuild the planet.

These groups of souls have offered to suffer for Jesus and for the immediate redemption of humanity, since it is urgent that the whole race change its state and action.

Lastly, I would like My children from Argentina to gather in the Naval Base of Mar del Plata to pray for all the brothers and sisters who, in these times, offer their lives and hearts for others to carry forward experiences and conquests on the planet that are unreal.

I will be, as never, close to those who out of love and consciousness respond to My call.

I will be with each Family of each one that disappeared, going through this test and takeing them tightly by the hand.

I would like, in truth, that the nations learn that humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature are no longer a laboratory, but that they are all essences in redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, I take all of you in My arms, just as I took Jesus to the Temple.

Today, I give you to God so that your lives may be purified, redeemed and filled by the Sacred Spirit of the Creator.

At that time, at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the sacred and little Child was the primary mediator so that humanity could be reinstated with the spiritual connection that it had lost through its errors.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple meant a culminating moment in which humanity, through the Presence of the Divine Son, was removed from the great abysses in which, through different circumstances, it had been placed. 

This Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple also meant for your Heavenly Mother the surrender of Her Son so that, from that moment on, My maternal Heart would be prepared to take on humanity until the end of times.

In this event of the Presentation of the little Child Jesus, the Father granted, His Firstborn as well as His tireless Servant, the divine authority of absolute intercession for all those for whom They might ask.

The delivery of Jesus into the Arms of the Eternal Father represents for humanity the renewal of the gifts of faith, of trust and of unity with the Divine Source.

The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple was the first symbol of defeat and removal of paganism of the time by the conception of the one and only true God, Adonai.

This was how the Presentation of the Child in the Temple gave the world an opportunity to recognize themselves as children of God, so that the connection of each being can be built with dignity.

This means that the Child Jesus was presented in the temple to reveal to the world the Merciful and Just God and to reverse the doctrinal concept of a God of intense Justice and irreproachable Law.

The Child Jesus made it possible to reestablish, at that time, the connection between souls and God. From then on, He renewed the times through His sacrifice in the following moments, of His Passion and Death.

Presenting the Divine Child in the Temple of the Creator means reminding the world of its inner universe and the existence it holds, in order to contribute to this humanity with the true divine virtues that God conceived in the origin of each essence, just as in the spiritual emergence of each soul.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple allowed, on the spiritual plane of the human consciousness, the rebuilding of this inner temple that is transgressed by one's own actions.

The small Jesus recovered, for humanity of the surface, the principle of spiritual connection with the Creator and His Most Pure Source.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I Am the Doorkeeper of the Universe and in My Immaculate Heart I keep the keys to the Heavens, the same keys that Peter received as an inner and spiritual legacy from My Beloved Son.

These keys, which are bathed in the Love of My Heart for all the children of the world, are the ones that allow Me, as Mother and Mediator, to intercede for the salvation of souls and for the redemption of hearts.

In the same way, with My own Hands I can undo the knots and the most hard bindings of humanity, and simply with the opening of a brave heart, I can intercede for that consciousness and liberate it from its constant captivity.

Today I come as the Doorkeeper of the Heavens because at sometime of your lives you will face this mystery, which will be revealed and will need your attention for you to be able to recognize it.

I Am the Doorkeeper of the Heavens, because I desire that many more hearts may be able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens and thus live in Communion with the Highest so that redemption may finally be established.

I Am the Doorkeeper of the Heavens and I try to lead My children towards the truth of the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all that happens in the world can be repaired.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all that happens in the inner world of the planet may be purified and filled by the Motherly Light of My Heart.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that God may hold you in His Arms of Mercy and may realize His Redeeming Project of Love in you.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all the circumstances of life may be resolved by the immaculate power of My Love.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that the life of the planet, its kingdoms, elements, angels and devas may also be aided in this time through the intercession of your prayer.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all you lost and is real, which comes from God, is recovered and you feel the fortitude that My Heart radiates in these times.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so you live in My Love and My Motherly Love is able to be in you until the Divine Work on this planet is accomplished.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Although the deepest wounds of the planet are at this moment being shown through the chaos in this world, My Immaculate Heart protects and safeguards all the children that cry out to God in heartfelt sincerity.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother is interceding, at this moment, for all the innocent souls and for the most sinful souls who draw the violence of the elements of nature to the world.

Today, I am placing each one of them in My Arms of a Mother, so that their deepest nuclei may be safeguarded by the Love of My Motherly Heart.

Although the world is collapsing, I will always be with you.

Although the world seems to be falling apart, I will always be with you.

Although catastrophes, wars, unjustly spilled blood exist, I will always be with you.

Although the violence of the end of these times is unleashed overnight, even during the three days of great darkness, I will always, always be with you. For I came and come to this world to recover what is lost, what nobody wants to take care of in this humanity.

I am determined, at least, to allow My Heart to triumph in the inner worlds of the inhabitants of North America.

It is My mission and My destiny that the most imperfect and lost souls, that the peoples, cities and nations broken by the wave of the intense purification may have an opportunity and gain a Grace from My Heart.

There will be no element, catastrophe or physical or inner disaster that will stop Me; because I Am the Mother of your Master and Lord, I Am the untiring seeker of the love and prayers of souls.

When that alliance is consummated between you, My children, and your Universal Mother, when you live the same love and the same service that your Celestial Mother lives, I assure you that the planet may shake or sway, but the love between us will be inextinguishable; and I will receive your love and service in each moment to present it as an offering of sacrifice of humanity.

Do not hesitate, do not waver, the Lord is merciful and consoling with everything that is happening today in this world.

Believe and reaffirm the Coming of Christ in yourselves, for it will happen in spite of what takes place.

I leave you in My Motherly Arms, now and always.

Who blesses you, with the holy sword of the Archangel Saint Michael,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May in these days, you be able to drink, as from a fountain, the spirituality and the religiosity of Saint Theresa of Jesus.

May your souls be able to experience inner transverberation, and in this way, be able to feel the conversion of the heart.

The Holy Spirit will offer the Grace of liberation from a terrestrial and human aspect. For this reason, unite to Saint Theresa of Jesus, ask for Her intercession so that this liberation may proceed.

Today, I offer to all those consecrated, with My rosary of Light,  the devotional to Saint Theresa of Jesus, so that it may be prayed by hearts, seekers of inner transverberation.

This devotional, which you already know, will bring you closer to the essence of the spirituality of Saint Theresa of Jesus. In this way, your consciousnesses will be helped by the humble intercession of the Servant Theresa of Jesus.

Let the paths of Theresa of Jesus be your paths and let your lives someday achieve the spirit of simplicity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Vigils of Prayer

Today I place My hands upon your heads to plead to the Divine Son.

I come on this night and to this Marian Center to give you a small message, since you have opened your hearts to me, and thus, I could enter to strengthen your lives and consciousnesses.

I come from Heaven to tell you that I will not be with you here for a time, but My Heart will be your fortitude, because I will go to meet My children of the world, in Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

My Word will also reach Medjugorje and I will unite races and cultures in My Heart.

So important will be what My Son will do together with Me in Italy that in a short time you will understand what the real need is for your Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son to go on pilgrimage for such a long time in the world.

This is only a preparation, dear children, for what will happen in Asia the next year.

I would like you, dear children, to accompany your Heavenly Mother on the pathway of pilgrimage that we will be treading.

From Our Hearts, We would like to see in your hearts the same fruits that flourished in the pilgrimage through Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Now your Heavenly Mother goes to meet those who suffer most in the wars. And in Her silence and prayer, and in adoration of the Most Holy Son, She will go to dissolve the evils that generate suffering, pain, and desperation; and this will be possible because of your contribution and trust in the step by step of this pilgrimage for peace.

Now more than ever, I want your hearts to also cause to blossom this Marian Center, which has become a spiritual base for the planet; in which many sources of instruction and of inspiration descend, from where souls of the world are inwardly acquiring them.

In this way, My dear children, I leave you the task of always igniting your inner fire, so that many more souls may be touched by the Light that your Celestial Mother brings you in this time.

In this way, I will feel more tranquil, because I will see the apostles of My Beloved Son take care of and protect this Marian Center and its liturgies, as it has been from the beginning.

Remember that your prayers and liturgies in this Marian Center, during the pilgrimage of the Divine Messengers in Europe, will be generating the necessary spiritual conditions for what will take place in Asia in the coming time.

Everything is united in a great network of Love and of Light.

Your participation in this next pilgrimage from this Marian Center must be unconditional, as you fulfilled it, My children, in the pilgrimage of Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Europe, in this next pilgrimage, will be a bridge to reach Asia; thus, all the Europeans will also have to generate the foundations for this pilgrimage in Asia to take place.

Now I ask you, My beloved children, as your Mother, the Queen of Peace, that you concentrate your consciousnesses and hearts in all that the Messengers of God will carry out in this next stage in Europe.

You know that this will always be My home, the same as the home I once had in Nazareth.

Now My spiritual home is the planet and you are within My spiritual home to work together with your Heavenly Mother, until the end of days, for Redemption and Compassion in humanity.

Today, in a special way and through this little message of love, I am uniting Medjugorje with this Marian Center. Because in Medjugorje there are very valuable souls like you are; there are workers of the Plan working in silence for your Celestial Mother, so that more each day, Medjugorje may be the principal source of conversion and of confession for all the nations of the world.

Do not forget that the next thirteenth of May I will be in Fatima, for the great moment of the expansion of your Universal Mother in all of this Universe, and beyond it, by means of the sacred purity of Lys.

It is in this way, dear children, that I show you the true task of your Celestial Mother for the world.

My gaze is also on Asia, because there, many of My children proclaim, in their tiny faith, for the descent of Divine Mercy.

Remember that after this Sacred Week, after all that My Son gifted you with, this task has become planetary and goes beyond this Marian Center of Love.

With My hand on My Heart, I invite you, dear children, that in love, in collaboration and in faith, you help your Celestial Mother, just as you have helped Her in the recent times, to concretize and manifest each one of Her requests; because behind each request there occultly exists a greater benefit for all of humanity.

I would like that, as from this new cycle that you are experiencing, dear children, you may share the Love that you have received from the Divine Messengers.

The lack of love in the world is very great. This is also the main cause for your Divine Messengers to be in a pilgrimage throughout the world, so that the essence of Love and of Truth may not be lost in humanity; for My wish as Co-redeeming Mother is also that our beloved Pope Francis gets to know this Work more deeply than he already knows.

If this comes to be in love, I will not only unite the creeds, but also the hearts that hear the voice of your Celestial Mother.

And this will be a part, after the next thirteenth of May in Fatima, of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in Europe and Russia.

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I ardently desire that the words of your Celestial Mother resound in your hearts so that they may be fruits of Light and of Love in the world.

Again I thank you for concretizing My call and I bless you under the intercession of My beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May Europe wait for Me with great gladness, rejoicing, and jubilation. Your Celestial Mother is again on the way to the great meeting with all the consequent hearts of the beloved servants of the Plan.

I thank you.


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the venerated and most gentle Lady of Schoenstatt, the Mother thrice admirable for Her Grace, for Her Love, and for Her intercession.

The Lady of Schoenstatt is a divine invocation and an inspiration of a faithful devotee of Mary.

In Mary of Schoenstatt, My children find the opportunity to be favored by three divine intercessions of Our Lady; that is to say, by the authority of Her Grace, by the authority of Her Love, and by the power of Her intercession before the Celestial Father for all of humanity.

Happy are those who invoke the power of Mary of Schoenstatt, for they will be entering in consciousness into a profound state of Grace and of Mercy.

May Mary of Schoenstatt be the model and the way for finding the conversion and the redemption of your life.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the ever admirable and honorable Virgin Who watches over and protects each child who surrenders into Her maternal arms.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the mediator, a model for non-spiritualized humanity. In Her can be found the hope and the receptacle where the aspiration for remaining in perpetual communion with Christ may blossom.

The reason Mary of Schoenstatt holds the Divine Son in Her arms is to remind the world that every path of love and of understanding begins through Mary of Schoenstatt. 

Let the adorable Virgen be the model for achieving inner peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Queen of prophets

Through the ages, My Son has sent Me to the world to warn it and correct it about the imminent danger.

Thus, through the ages and as at this moment, My Maternal Consciousness has chosen the new prophets amongst all souls, who determinedly have announced the words and the message of the Heavenly Mother.

At all the moments when humanity was in gravest danger, the Queen of prophets awakened consciousnesses so they would render this greater service, which comes directly from the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spirit that fosters all celestial revelations for this Universe.

Thus, the Queen of prophets appeared in different moments of the history of humanity to awaken the lineage of the prophets in simple and selfless consciousnesses, which means a service of surrender to the rule of higher Laws that guide the consciousness that is summoned to this end.

The Queen of prophets has the mission of demonstrating, through the prophets, that Her message is universal, divine, and timeless; that it is able to serve all souls in their instruction, transformation, and change.

 The message of the Queen of prophets in all ages always tries to guide, warn, correct, and raise awareness in all of humanity, in a nation, or in an individual.

 The prophets have the task of subordinating themselves to spiritual principles that are not under their control, and cannot be manipulated by any consciousness. The gift of the prophet is based on their spirit of humility, on inner work with detachment, and mainly, in each day loving more the mission that the Queen of prophets has chose them for to accomplish with this humanity.

For the Divine Universe, there are temporal prophets and timeless prophets. It is something that leads directly to the Holy Will of the Spiritual Universe through the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

 The temporal prophet is awakened for this mission by Deity itself; that is to say, by the Eternal Father through the Firstborn Son and the Mother of God, who have the highest authority to offer consciousness to a soul on this great and selfless service.

Therefore, the temporal prophet can serve as an instrument for a time in order that a specific purpose be accomplished, a specific spiritual end, which is guided by the Mother of the World. When this purpose is achieved on the surface of the planet, the temporal prophet or messenger of the Heavenly Hierarchy stops receiving the instructions or messages from Heaven in a natural way.

 The timeless prophet is that consciousness which came originally to fulfill a divine purpose throughout their life; it is something that cannot be under human manipulation or control, because it is the very Spirit of the Feminine Consciousness that guides this kind of spiritual mission.

Timeless prophets do not consciously know the moment when their task of service will end; only the Universal Father knows the moment, which is when His Will determines it.

 The prophets of the Queen of Heaven do not arise or awaken - either individually or collectively - for this mission, because it is the very need of assistance in humanity that causes the Celestial Hierarchy to choose and call any consciousness for this purpose.

The seed of humility and of acceptance of the Purpose are the primary foundations for the development of prophets, because their task in this field is not of their ownership, nor beneficial to them. The lineage of the prophets is focused on the fulfillment of Divine Will, which presents itself at each new stage.

The Queen of prophets is the ruler of these consciousnesses; Her impulses make the prophets of all ages receive the impulse to selflessly give of themselves more each day, and to learn obedience.

The prophets of the Queen of Heaven have the most difficult task amongst all the known lineages, such as those of the Governors, the Caretakers, the Guardians, and the Mirrors, because they must present the Divine Word to the world, which is to say, the message that the prophets receive will always mobilize and reverse the state of all situations.

For this reason, the instruction received by prophets at different times led the consciousness of humanity to make a change in its attitude before it was too late.

The message received by different prophets contacted by the Most Holy Mother at different periods has always shifted the position of the Church and all the consciousnesses that in many cases during Marian apparitions, considered the message to be false.

Humanity does not value the message that is sent through prophets, nor the gift of fraternal service that has been developed by other holy consciousnesses.

The human consciousness has always been in need of divine intercession and of mediators such as the prophets, to be able to correct planetary life. The message that the prophets of the Queen of Heaven receive causes these consciousnesses to shift their position, to transform, because the same divine message that emanates from the Celestial Hierarchy has a voltage and an impulse of spiritual energy that dismantles any structure, modifies and ennobles it when the consciousness is sincerely open.

The prophets of the end times have the task of bringing the world closer to the powerful currents that, through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, will come to modify the present direction of the consciousness of humanity.

For this reason, both in the prophets and in the other lineages, the consciousnesses that are most awake to selfless service to the plan and for humanity will be living receptacles of all the spiritual impulses that will reach the planet to transform it.

The Mother and Queen of prophets carries out Her co-redemptive work in these times through different prophets in the world, who faithfully show the fruits of the transformation of their lives and of their paths as a service to humanity, in an act of absolute renunciation and of adherence to higher Laws which help the human being of the surface.

The Queen of prophets is the spiritual administrator of the redemption of the world, and She announces Her message through instruments, to remind the world that the human consciousness can and must fulfill the Greater Will in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the District of San Isidro, Lima, Peru to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

As your Mother from Heaven, I want the best for everybody; for this reason, I intercede so that your souls take the step towards My Son.

In Him you will find the driving force to move forward with the mission you came to accomplish; the essence of the realization of the task is found in My Son.

My children, in Christ see the model for your lives, and be in likeness to Him until you spontaneously learn to love as He loved you on the Cross.

Thus, I expect the New Christs to emerge, full of the Mercy of the Redeemer and open to respond to the needs of the planet.

Dear children, be that stream of positive light that supports the planet; be that light that redeems and transforms all things.

I am here to encourage you to carry out the Plans of the Most High; as your Mother and Teacher, day after day I push you so that you are very close to Me and learn to grow in the humility conceived of by My Heart and under the glorious Presence of the Celestial Father. 

Dear children, walk by My side all the time and follow My silent steps, because the time of the great Rescue Operation is drawing closer. For this reason, I train prayerful heart-centered soldiers, so that the minority may sustain the majority, which is submerged in global ignorance.

Be like My angels, armies of light and disciples of the One Who will come in His Glory to find you again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children:

In My arms, as the Mother of Mercy, I sustain those who have become lost from the path of Christ, and just as once I had Jesus in My arms, He Who died for you, today I supplicate to the Celestial Father for His Divine Piety.

The Father concedes to Me again the Grace of liberating and of forgiving those who fell into error, into pride and into deep ingratitude.

As the Mother of Mercy I intercede for these souls because they are My children, those which I want to bring towards the true peace, towards the redemption of life and of the heart.

As the Mother of Mercy I gather from the Calvary of each being the miseries that fell when walking with their own cross, and with My maternal Light I transform darkness into light, incomprehension into wisdom, and sadness into sheer joy.

As the Mother of Mercy I convert that which is impossible for this world and I heal the wounds that no one is able to spiritually heal, because the Father has given Me the Grace by which as the Mother of Goodness I may assist My children, all those that open their hearts as to find My Love.

Dear children, the defeat of pride in a heart is the greatest gift that a soul may receive in this time when pettiness, blindness and corruption hypnotize the path of the souls.

When this pride is broken by the staff of God, Divine Justice is established and the soul does not receive that which in truth it would have deserved, because when the mask of pride is broken the purity of the heart is born.

Have pure hearts and love; love much because in love My adversary does not have his reign except in the hardened hearts and minds.

Give permission so that the love of the heart will spring like a flame through prayer, and let the old structures fall to the ground so that in this way the flower of the heart be able to open.

Recite every day the infinite gratitude to the Creator and you will be in the correct path. As the Mother of Mercy I am here to assist you and to conduct you to the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

For the mercy of the entire planet,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sacred Litany to the Mother of God and Mother of the Universe
To implore for Her intercession during the moments of test and of purification

Most Holy Virgin,
Powerful Virgin,
Most Chaste Virgin,
Our Advocate Virgin,
Prodigious Virgin,
have mercy on us,
help us.

Mother of Hope,
Mother of Mercy,
Blessed Mother,
Co-redeeming Mother,
Mother of the Divine Faith,
Protective Mother,
Mother of Holy Justice,
Mediating Mother,
Mother of Perpetual Help,
Saving Mother,
Mother of Victory,
Most Pure Mother,
Most Complete Mother,
Miraculous Mother,
have mercy on us,
come to our aid.

Queen of Peace,
Universal Queen,
Queen of the Stars,
Queen of Love,
Queen of all Angels,
Celestial Queen,
Liberating Queen,
Most Beloved Queen,
Most Sweet Queen,
Venerable Queen,
Adorable Queen,
Queen of the Doors of Heaven,
have mercy on us,
intercede, now and always.

Lady of the Rosary,
Lady of humanity,
Lady of the poor,
Lady of the innocent,
Lady of the Holy Cross,
Lady of the sick,
Lady of the pure of heart,
Lady of Pity,
Lady of Brotherhood,
Lady of Confraternity,
Lady of Light,
Lady of Majesty,
have mercy on us,
rescue us.

Mirror of all Universes,
Mirror of Healing,
Mirror of Wisdom,
Mirror of Discernment,
Mirror of Joy,
Mirror of the Cosmos,
Mirror of Liberation,
Mirror of the Assumption,
Mirror of Mercy,
Mirror of Redemption,
Mirror of Union,
Mirror of Salvation,
Mirror of Rehabilitation,
have mercy on us,
heal us, now and always.

Within Your sacred faces, may I may find the pathway out.
In Your walk, may I see the steps to be taken.
In your gaze, may my soul be strengthened.

Holy Mother of God,
banish from my being all arrogance,
possessions, pride and indifference,
because my whole life belongs to You
so that Your Beloved Son
may realize His Work of Redemption and Fraternity.

I surrender into Your arms,
humiliated and divested,
because Your full Grace
has granted me redemption.




Every day in Heaven I hear the voice of those who on Earth cry out for Me, so, under the authority of the Father, I descend in light and love to help those who are most in need, especially those who are deviating from the path that My Son calls you to live.

At this time there are many hearts who cry out for Me and I respond to all of them through the wisdom of the Celestial Father, for them to be safe under My protecting mantle.

Dear children, it is true that I do not get tired of calling those who definitely have to be with Me. Therefore, throughout times, I have been delivering visible signs so that none of My children doubts that it is I who knocks at the door of their hearts.

I call so that you may open your hearts to Me and so that I can transform each life into a perfect gift for God. Still at this time I come to unite and consolidate your hearts in Christ, the Lord, for Him to be remembered every day and for souls to be in perfect communion with His divine Spirit.

My children, as I am the Mother of all, I meet your requests and I do not fail to respond to whosoever requests something from Me, something that is in the Holy Will of God. I respond to the petitions that are fair and that benefit everyone, the whole planet.

My intercession for humanity has no limits, therefore I have open arms for you so that your hearts may reach Me and rest in My maternal arms.

It is still a time of Mercy, Pity can still reach the whole world.

Ask the Celestial Father for this entire Kingdom so that the Creation may concede extraordinary help for those who need it most.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Contemplate My Glory. When I am present, everything is perfect and nothing wounds.

Today I again offer you the cross of the world, so that you may carry it with Me during this Sacred Week that is coming; because after so many Graces, everything is already different and nothing can be the same.

Today you are here for My Mercy, which is the Mercy of God; which has gathered you together through Me and around Me, to honor Me.

Today I am with you and I am with the world, with the needs of each heart and of each soul, without ceasing to attend to the requests of My Father, so that His Will may be done.

Today I show you the wounds of My Hands so that you may venerate them during this coming week, where I will give precise signs for these end of times, so that souls may continue on My path and in ascension to My Sacred Heart.

I know that it is difficult to live the chaos of the world, the chaos of souls and of consciousnesses that resist purifying. But I can't do anything else.

Your hearts and the heart of your brothers and sisters must be open so that I may work and thus help you until the end. Because it is the Will of My Father that you live in My Grace and it is the feeling of My Heart that you rejoice in Me all days of your life, so that you may know My Will, which is invisible to your eyes and perceptible to the intuition of the pure.

I need to reach in you holy humility, pacification, surrender and meekness. But I know that everything is by degrees. You must reach it through the effort and dedication you live for My Heart and for the Will of My Father who is in the Universe and who always looks upon you with a lot of compassion. Because if from Him did not flow compassion, there would be no humanity.

The tonic of these times is the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of My Heart, otherwise nothing would be possible, companions.

I don't come here to bring you disappointments but the truth; truth that you must love every day to be able to reach it and so that your hearts are crystalline just like Mine, without pride, without denial, without indifference.

You must persist, as I persisted for you on the Cross.

You must mature in love, as I surrendered the Love of God for you at each stage of the Passion, just as My Mother surrendered Love for each of Her children who denied and rejected the King of the Universe.

I need that in this Sacred Week, your hearts live My Passion in humility. That you feel My Passion as the great victory and as the great promise for those who have not yet awakened and who separate themselves from God day by day.

I need, companions, that through this Sacred Week you live My Passion, so that your souls confirm that I am still here accompanying you, as well as I accompany those who need the most in this acute time of the world.

I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you not only see My sacrifice, but the victory of the Archangel Michael through My Heart and My Consciousness, which at the most culminating moment left My Being so that I would Christify myself, as well as in these times I invite you to live the christification of the heart through dedication and perpetual prayer.

If there were no souls like yous in the world, just as there are other souls who love My unfathomable and merciful Heart, I would not be here anymore and this would not be a denial because I would have no place to pour out My Grace and My Mercy on those who truly claim it for their brothers and for all mankind, as for the minor Kingdoms created by God, your Lord, your Eternal Father.

So I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you multiply My Mercy for all the places where you go and that it multiplies even more when you leave here, from this Sacred Center, after having received My spiritual impulse of love and of compassion.

I do not need you to be martyred with My Passion. There were holy women in the past who lived this for Me through the ages and abode all next to My Cross, together with Mary, My Mother.

I invite you, companions, in this Sacred Week to be holy consciousness that venerate My Sacred Heart through the Passion and the cross and every step that I took for you from the Last Supper until My resurrection.

In these steps that I entrust you to meditate day by day, you will find the strength for these times, the inner strength to overcome your problems, the dissipation of all doubts and the lack of confidence in the Heart of the Creator.

I need, companions, to revive My Passion for those who do not and especially for those who never did and who least know Me in different parts of the world, for living their own idolatry.

This weighs on My Heart, because I come with My Grace for all souls, for all those who nevertheless continue in My way, as it is today before My presence..

So you will see, companions, how is the Mercy of My Heart, how is the sustenance and support that I can give to your spirits when you trust in Me and decree it.

I not only bring you the revelation of My Grace but also the presence of My heavenly Glory reached after My ascension to the Universe, to the abodes of God.

I need you to be purified in My trust and to accept the task that I, with so much Love, have entrusted to you for these times from the beginning of your births.

Just as My Infinite Heart was grateful for the support of My Holy Mother during the Passion and from the beginning of My life in this world for each one of you, so I expect you, companions, to be grateful to your mothers for their existence and presence at this time so special with me. What would happen to you without your mothers?

Even if your mothers do not look like with what you desire, they are the perfect model of transformation for your hearts and lives. You will not be able to continue walking on My path without first reminding your mothers of everything they have given, even if it was errors, tests or conflicts.

God, through your mothers, wanted to break your hardened hearts so that you would feel the true love that is born of the motherhood of all the holy women who conceive before the Creation and give birth, as My Mother gave birth for each of you .

I need you to love the maternal strength and not reject it, because in the maternal strength is the way out of the possible difficulties of the path.

Between My Passion for this Sacred Week and the spirit of motherhood, you will find two great doors to also reach forgiveness and reconciliation among your loved ones.

I do not need you, companions, to judge but to love what God gave you through your mothers and also your spiritual mothers that I have placed on your way, to work the path of perfection and holiness in you.

Discover in the mystery of My Passion and motherhood the path to conversion and to take the steps in the simplicity of the spirit and the soul that is given to the heavenly Father, opening your heart and understanding all the things that come to the school of learning.

I leave you tonight, companions, the symbol of the sores of My Hands, of the Hands that were donated for you, of the Hands that were cured, that healed, that multiplied the loaves and fishes, of the Hands that poured out graces and prodigies, who raised the dead, of the Hands that raised the paralytics, who healed the blind and who redeemed hearts hardened by their own will.

I hope that in each of you and your brothers and sisters, I can make sprout what I come to take for so long and after so many times and many attempts.

Now, companions, that you know all these things, be encouraged to take the step and not back down, because My feet walk barefoot in front of your own, marking the path to peace and transformation

One more request for those who listen to My voice. I would like to see you arranged and clean every day to receive me. Just as I sent the sick to purify the wells of Bethsaida, of Samaria, I invite you to prepare every day for the encounter with Me at three o'clock in the afternoon, in harmony and order, interior and exterior. I do not need you to embellish for Me, but to understand and feel the importance of the ceremony in every detail, because that is part of the Law of the Hierarchy.

And now, companions, on this eve of preparation, let your hearts pulse and feel the Sacred Week beating within you like a living flame that is molded and prepared to receive me in trust.

And the synthesis of all this Sacred Week that we will live for a sick, separated and indifferent humanity; for those who can not live this with Me and who do not yet know it, I remind you of the infinite mystery of the sacrament of Communion, of the bread made flesh of Christ and of the Precious Blood of the Master as sources of salvation and conversion for the souls that commune in faith with the divinity of My Spirit before the Universal Father.

In glory to God for this grace granted to realize the Sacred Week here, and waiting for all Heaven, may your collaboration be efficient for the next meetings in this material order of the work of the Hierarchy.

I hope that My Graces will not fall in vain, but be the permanent multiplication of the service and the donation for this redeeming and co-redeeming work with My Mother and Saint Joseph.

I hope that your hearts, companions, awaken to the importance of collaboration in this project of the Divine Messengers in this material plane. That will define after this Sacred Week the continuity of that sacred project of conversion and peace for the world.

May each one accomplish your part so that the Will of God may be manifested.

My last request, companions: pray for the hearts that were closed. I want to see in these beads the persistence of the consecrated. Let each prayer bead represent the opportunity and grace for a new soul that must be rescued by the trinity of the sacred hearts.

In this sacrament, companions, I leave you the model for your conversion, so that you may be peacemakers, meek in heart and humble in spirit.

I thank you, companions, for sharing this moment with Me in the name of Light and Redemption.

And so to those present I bless you preparing you to live this sacred moment with Me, in this Holy Week that is approaching, where the Heavens will be open for seven days on this place so that souls rise in spirit through My Heart to the House of the Celestial Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Christ, let us sing "Peacemakers".



Contemplate today the invaluable Grace of being in My Presence and in deep union with My Immaculate Heart. Clamor to God for an opportunity for this world.

Yesterday, when you reconsecrated your souls to My Plan of love, I removed from your lives the roots of all suffering, of all anguish, of all that had been keeping you from finding God, despite your faith and devotion.

And today, My beloved, I will ask you for a spiritual intercession in the name of all those who do not know Me, who deny Me and who do not accept My maternal Love out of fear, out of insecurity, out of ignorance or because they are blind and with their hearts closed.

I will ask from all My children a greater depth in their own surrender, a greater openness to the experience of love and forgiveness, and also for communion with the Kingdoms of Nature. Because you, children, among the majority of human beings, are few who are living a greater awakening to love and higher knowledge.

There are other children of Mine in the world who follow Me and who respond to My Call, but who are also conditioned by their lives and their cultures. Therefore I cannot ask them the impossible for the human mind, as I venture to ask you.

Your hearts, My dears, have opened to manifest the impossible, to respond to the higher designs, even if this often means that you seem to be crazy in the eyes of the world.

My Heart can count on that space of your consciousness which - despite understanding, respecting and valuing life on Earth - knows that, in truth, this is only a path, a way to something higher.

I tell you this, My children, because I am preparing your hearts for a deeper and more complete surrender to the experience of an ever holier madness – sanctified by the fulfilling of My Plans.

As the human consciousness is so far removed from the plans of God and clinging to material things, it will cost you a lot to understand the spiritual designs of the Creator, and this is why you will appear to be crazy in the eyes of the world. But those who respond to Me, even without understanding, will see the fruit and the manifestations expected by God and only then, children, you will be able to confirm the truth of what I have been telling you for so many years.

When chaos permeates the whole world, but not the hearts of My children, humanity will understand what I wanted to tell you when I promised the establishment of My Peace in your lives.

When the nations I have visited manifest, in times of trouble, the response to the operation of Grace delivered by Me, through the awakening of the spirits, everyone will be able to see that My pilgrimages were not symbolic and what I was trying to show you was not so invisible.

Children, when the conversions of those who make contact with My words multiply and radiate to others through example, you will understand the power of My maternal Word and that there is something more than simple phrases full of love in what I tell you.

Maybe you do not really understand what I ask of you today, perhaps the dynamics of the transformation of the Plan and its constant adaptation, according to the response of everyone, causes you a lot of doubts and confusion. But this time, My beloved, just fix your eyes on what I have built within your hearts and measure the truth of My presence through the love that I deposited in your beings and not through what your minds can comprehend. Because the logic of the Plans of God and the Laws on which they are based are not the same which are comprehensible to the human mind.

Those who want to understand the Plans of the Most High, before loving them and following them, will be confused. For this reason, trust the Law of Love and remember that the victory of My Son seemed to be a failure for many. In this way you will see how the plans of God are incomprehensible to the human mind that does not know how to love.

Focus today on what I will tell you and open your own hearts, not to reason but to absolute love. In this way, I will be able to teach you what is the true keynote of these times and you will know how to think and feel as My Immaculate Heart does, so that at the end of everything you know how to guide your brothers and sisters as I have guided you.

I love you and bless you always.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In His deep and eternal Silence, God has already decided.

The world must begin again, but this will not yet happen until all of the blessed wake up in every corner of the Earth and until the second coming of the Son of God is proclaimed.

You and the world will decide what step to take for this new time.

The time is already past; the indicated moment is finished and the Fount of My Mercy will be preciously poured out over those that seek it and for those who cry out for it for their siblings.

There is no other way out, companions, than to resort to My Sacred Heart, wounded and injured by the events of the world that are being precipitated in the human consciousness day after day.

Today I am in the place where I preached and proclaimed the teaching of the Our Father, where I pronounced the blessings for all of you, for all souls throughout time.

At least please My Heart by living a blessing; let it be real, spiritual, and deep in your lives. Let it reflect on your countenances and be manifest the truth that many need.

But the world does not understand; it is blind, deaf, and closed to hearing.

You have the keys to open the last doors through which I will be able to enter the save the rest, on that never ending-journey of the Armageddon.

Today I wish you to place your heads on the ground to plead with Me for those who do not plead, that ask for nothing, and who boast about themselves all the time.

Drink from the Fount of My humility and open to recognize it, for it will be the foundation of the humility that will make you free, and you will walk with assurance toward the Kingdom of My Father.

Do not waste time, companions, the last ship is going by and you must announce this to humanity. My last ship of Mercy is wishing to receive those who must take refuge in My Spirit and in My Divinity.

At least fulfill the petition of having Me truly be known to the world through your examples and actions of charity, which gladden My hurting Heart.

From this mount, I again emit My petition to the world; be blessed and live the blessings.

They are the precious Laws of the intercession of My Divine Mercy for the times of today, which are still valid for everyone.

In your hearts build the real temple that you need in order to be able to receive Me in spirit during the most critical hour, in which hearts will become desperate for not having sought Me in time.

You must be that light for the world that many will need; there is no false light, but only a true light that shines from the heart for the souls most lacking.

In this way, I will be able to pour out My Rays upon those who have never found Me, and will perform wonders in the hearts that accept Me to experience their redemption.

The pain of God for the world and humanity is incalculable.

The pain of God cannot be measured because it is in His Heart, a Heart that has created all things for this world, for the whole Universe.

Have you not asked yourselves, what does God feel for this world, which has been so blessed and happy through the work of the Eternal Father?

You know, companions, that humanity deviated from the Law and does so more all the time, without conscience or wisdom.

But I come to seek the most precious fruits in the least prepared, which must be as an offering at the foot of My Altar, so that I may offer them to the Celestial Father as a last promise.

If your hearts do not change, the world will not change, because the world has already heard the Voice of the Messengers of God and few understand It, in humility.

I do not come to ask the impossible for anyone; you already know this and I have told you this many times.

I come to seek something unknown to you.

I come to seek something within you and that belongs to the Creation, for the manifestation of Its Work in all of the Cosmos.

This is why I show you My Sacred Heart as the Merciful Lord, so that you may follow My Steps toward the house of the Father, where all His Projects for this humanity reign.

Who would wish to be a depository of the true treasure of Heaven if hearts are still full of other things?

Your inner emptiness is essential for the times that will come.

The forms and the experiences must be at the foundation of My Mercy, so that all may be concretized, as I have foreseen it from the beginning.

I Am the Lord of Mercy; I Am your Shepherd.

Today I come to give My last word to the world, for hearts have already heard Me.

I have need of your purity and innocence to carry out My Works; thus, you will banish the old being, and the real spirit will emerge that has come to this world to serve Me within the Plan of God.

I cannot make this offer to everyone, for hearts have their degrees of love still to be offered to Heaven. But you, who have the Grace of receiving Me and hearing Me, what are you waiting for?

I said I would come to search for talents, not of your skills, but of your non-material spirits; the talents of your dwelling places, of your true task before the Celestial Father.

Adonai continues to entrust Me with the world, even more for these more difficult times.

But those who do not manage to love their siblings, let them reframe their paths, for there is no time to lose; the world is in need of a great deal of help rather than conflicts; these are already enough, and this too wounds the Heart of God.

Do not lose the inner strength for transformation, and open the doors to eternal life, where real things reside which will free you for the coming time.

Today I am on the Mount of Beatitudes, still waiting for the one hundred and forty-four thousand to awaken and reach Me to offer Me the results they have worked upon.

Mature your consciousnesses through determination and sacrifice for others; this will cause you to conquer Heaven and you will not be lost in superficial things.

Follow in My footsteps with care and attention; I do not want you to trip or fall to the ground; this may still happen until the next life.

But I come to lift you up from where you always place yourselves through your own decision. My treasures must not be wasted; My precious pearls must not be lost in the hands of the distracted.

The jewels that I give you are unique; they are the same that I received before coming and incarnating on Earth; they are the same jewels that My Mother and Saint Joseph received to concretize the Project of the Sacred Family.

The jewels are the virtues of sanctity, of consecration, and of an uplifted life; this is what the world has completely lost in this cycle. You must also not lose them, and if this occurs, what will come of My Project?

I do not want to cease to look at the world with My Eyes of Mercy; do not tempt God, do not try to intimidate Him; I do not want to look at you with eyes of justice.

This is why I came to the world and suffered in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in complete loneliness and abandonment.

This is why I was surrendered as a divine being for thirty-three coins.

You, will you surrender Me?

You, will you want to exchange Me for anything? I hope it will not be this way.

My Spirit fills you, but also corrects you. From you I need a life and an example that you have never experienced in any period of the world.

For this reason, I come at this moment to gather you together in My Cenacle of Love and of Compassion.

I was humiliated and punished by humanity; I was whipped and martyred by each one of you, today present in the world.

If I had not trustingly offered Myself, how would you have been able to know My Sacred Heart, that is the manifestation itself of My Divine Mercy and of My Glory?

I had you know My Mercy in the last century, but many did not truly search for It. Thus, in this year of Mercy, I open the door again to you so that many more may assemble and be rescued by the Merciful Light of My Heart, meek and peaceful.

Now I have you know My Glory so that you may be able to be uplifted a little more, for the Glory of My Heart was achieved with My Death on the Cross, when I spilled water and blood, Rays of Mercy to save the world.

My Heart was Glorified when the human heart ceased to beat. Feel and think for an instant on everything that My Heart experienced during the Passion in such a short time; and in spite of the assaults, of the indifference, and of the punishment directly aimed at God through His beloved Son, the Mercy of My Heart, the Glory of My Spirit, did not abandon you.

The Glory is what allowed My Ascension through My Mercy.

I had to ascend to the house of My Father because it was time, and you could not accompany Me. But now, in Glory, I come back from the house of My Father to remind you of the commitment to the Project that still is not finished and has not been accomplished.

Do not try to understand My Mysteries; hold them in your heart, where all things really reside, where the Truth of God and of His Origin lives.

Thus, I come for all those who reside in My Nuclei of Love and also for those who listen to Me with the love of their heart; so that you do not deviate from My Projects, but also so that you may accomplish them as they are written in the Heart of My Father. For I come to help you so that this may be concretized, and the whole world not be lost in the abyss of its darkness that is already embracing it.

I need the equality of your hearts, and not the indifference in the face of the things that happen in the world. You may become sensitized at this moment, but after leaving this meeting, where will My Words echo? Will you ask questions about what I tell you all? Will you ask within yourselves what the next step and path is?

The Laws are shown in the Works of the Light, which is where My adversary cannot be active. If you are in the Laws of the Light, you will be on the correct path.

I come to prepare you to help those who will most need it, for the world must be sheltered in the heart of the Sacred Centers for the coming time.

For this reason, with the infinite patience of My Heart and the Compassion of My Spirit, I wait for you to uplift yourselves, so that you may ascend, so that you may climb to the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, where everything is written.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through His beloved Son, God desires to institute the devotion to My Immaculate Heart as a divine instrument of salvation and of rescue for souls that are lost.

For this to be possible, special Graces will be spiritually generated by those hearts that spread the devotion to My Immaculate Heart; for the victory of the Kingdom of God will occur when souls, in complete repentance and humility, ask for My maternal intercession. 

Your Heavenly Mother promises not to forget anyone during the most culminating time.

My Son desires that this true devotion to My Immaculate Heart transcends the times of today and that, by living and practicing good examples of charity, souls generate the merits necessary to achieve redemption in a broader way.

The foundation of the devotion to My Immaculate Heart is to maintain the affiliation with the Eternal Father; bring to all the spiritual and sacred principles that renew consciousnesses and awaken, above all, a life of holiness and of consecration, important foundations that will allow a new way of life, permeated by the Holy Spirit of God.

All those hearts that in these times adopt a posture of inner devotion to My Most Sacred Mother's Heart will be helping to strengthen that devotion in the planetary consciousness and in all those hearts that must reencounter a deeper union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Therefore, My children, this is the time in which the Three Sacred Hearts are giving of themselves so that souls may drink from the Three Founts of Mercy that come from the same origin and from the same Father of the Universe. That devotion will bring you renewal and, above all, peace in today’s times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with love and compassion,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Just as the Law indicates for the holy life, you will purify your being of every stain so that by being free from everything, you achieve the virtue of understanding and of humility.

You will purify your consciousness of every condemnation, desire or ambition so that by being free from every human perversion, your spirit glorifies the Eternal Father with the purity of the angels.

You will purify your mind and your thinking of every control, objection and judgment so that being free from everything, your consciousness acquires the spirit of wisdom that lives and dwells in the Heart of God.

You will purify your being of every deceit or deviation so that being free from everything you receive the eternal blessing, the one which will lead you to find the visible Purpose of the Universe.

You will purify all of your intentions and aspirations so that being free from them and silenced before the Celestial Universe, your soul does not carry the yoke of condemnation, and thus frees itself from all damnation.

You will purify even what is most hidden within you so that being free from everything, you clearly see the goal that the Universe has in place for you and thus you fulfill the part that you have come here to carry out.

You will purify each space of your being so that being free from everything, some day you will be worthy in the Lord and as pure as a flower before the Eyes of God.

The time of purification is already happening, may no one forget that through purification, debts are erased so that the Holy Spirit can labor.

Purify yourself in trust; the Universe will take action to liberate you from the chains of the prison so that the true spirit will emerge again with the Aurora of the morning.

Dear children, count on My intercession; purify yourselves in Christ.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who conducts you toward the school of liberation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

My Spirit is the Holy Ark that gathers you together to unite all of the divine principles of Creation with humanity. I am that Holy Ark that brings the sacred principles of the cosmos so that all of its creatures may benefit from the maximum and divine Presence of God. It is through the Holy Ark of My Spirit that hearts can avail themselves of the universal and celestial source that I offer them in honor of the Heart of the Almighty.

I am that Holy Ark that gathers the chosen ones together.

I am that spiritual presence that transfigures and renews everything it touches through wise love. I am that Ark that holds the principles of purity and Grace; It conceives everything that exists.

I am the sacred Feminine Spirit that unites what is separate within each being.

I am the Mediator and Intercessor between error, sin, mercy and redemption. Who lives through My Spirit lacks nothing; they are always in the living fullness of My Heart.

I am that valued Treasure of the Universe that permeates the consecrated life.

I am the Ark that brings new Graces for those who have lost them.

I am the Star and the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity that conceives new principles.

I am the refuge for souls and the breath for those who are desperate.

I am the Ark of the Holy Covenant, because the three persons of the Holy Trinity live in My heart: the Father Who manifests His Power, the Son Who concretizes and carries it out, and the Holy Spirit that allows all things to be possible.

Happy are they who invoke the power of My Ark; they will soon be freed from themselves, and they will find the path that they have always searched for.

Be firm and Christify your lives in the name of My holy Ark. Who enters the Ark of My Heart will be saved and will abandon the world, tainted by everything, and thus merge into the Holy Covenant of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am the Portal of Peace; I am the Sacred Covenant between souls and God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to divine life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
