My pitiful Heart is expanded to the boundaries of the universe to rescue the essences that are lost and especially the souls that are forgotten and have forgotten about Me since the beginning.

My Unfathomable Mercy has pity on the enemies, on those who oppose the accomplishment of My Works in the souls that I have come to awaken at the end of this time.

As I have told you, pray for your enemies and opponents so that the light of the sublime redemption may open a space of love in these consciousnesses, those that have lost the sense of the spiritual life.

In this hour My Shepherd Consciousness gathers all of the flocks that will need to answer to My universal Commands of redemption. Do not fear finding obstacles because they are part of the maturity of the love in your beings. Continue firm without looking behind, with the merciful prayer as a shield and no longer unquiet your hearts.

It is time to transfigure the past for a good future of graces and blessings. My Heart will rehabilitate some of the consciousness that have forgotten about My Confident Heart. Open your arms and say yes to the Supreme Will that the Father is giving to you. In confidence and love continue walking because humanity must redeem itself.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living always in the protection of My Merciful Heart!

Christ Jesus


My Mercy arrives to the most unprotected places in the consciousness and in the soul of all My children.

Especially at three o’clock in the afternoon, My Ocean traverses as a river all the corners in the hearts to encourage them to continue forward through the path of conversion.

The Chaplet constructs new bridges of salvation and of piety for all the souls.

For this I ask you to be firm despite everything, because My Heart will protect you from any plan of the enemy. I am in Mercy with you.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


The soul that seeks all the time to be in Me and makes an effort will never be detained in the path or in the time that it travels, because My Love always calls for the advance of the soul that dedicates itself to be day by day with Me. In this way it will not be a prey of the enemy and in the roughest moments its spirit will be as strong as Mine.

For this the soul must dedicate significant space for My Merciful Heart because the door of redemption is first opened by those who exercise the merciful prayer and in this way My Source will wash it and nourish it with new codes.

In spite of the circumstances and of the current time, perceive how much you separate yourselves from Me only for the more external things. Before this can occur, take the infinite path that you have constructed towards My Sacred Heart and let yourselves be renewed By My Purifying Fire.

The souls that do not dedicate time to Me are the most fragile souls in the world because in spite of the challenge and of their commitments, including that of service, they will be vulnerable to the wiles that the enemy with cunning articulates.  It is necessary in this time to not forget Me and to nourish oneself with forces of light through the daily prayer, because the cycle of the souls is being defined again in this era and this spiritual definition will determinate the total number of flocks that will be prepared in consciousness to receive Me when I return.

Be attentive to the daily union with Me because I only need that you think of Me, and My Grace and My Mercy will be able to be amongst you in this time. Pray for the souls that unfortunately distance themselves from Me. Assume that your consecration to My Sacred Heart is perpetual, is renovating, is redeeming. Advance without fears because who is in Me is in God.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Voice with attention!

Christ Jesus


For the most difficult moments merciful prayer will be the portal of salvation in face of serious situations. With the rosary in your hands and the continuous prayer, open the paths so that Grace may descend upon the world.

You are in a decisive time; for this unite yourselves to My Heart and allow that, in spite of the tests, your trust in My Heart may flourish.

Walk without delay towards the Temple of My Adoration and in silence build the walls of peace, those that will separate you from the ambushes of the enemy. Before any circumstance I ask you to not fear because now it is the time of battle through the power of the merciful prayer of the heart.

Do not separate yourselves from Me and live through My Perpetual Faith because It will be the Flame for your paths. Go ahead! Go ahead, soldiers of sacrifice!

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Confident Heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer


In spite of the thresholds that you must cross, always keep ignited the eternal light of the heart so that nothing external to My Kingdom of Love may extinguish it.

It is necessary to have a peaceful and loving heart in face of unpredictable circumstances. In this way the enemy will not disturb you and you will find inner strength by means of the presence of My Merciful Heart.

The hour of Divine Mercy is only for the brave because from three in the afternoon My Disciples help Me to tear the hells and evils that the consciousnesses live in different parts of the world. For this the disciple must hold on to My Tunic and walk among the wolves and the darkness without fearing to fall into the abysses that this humanity creates because from three in the afternoon your beings must become invisible before the wiles that My eternal rival articulates.

Without expecting anything, without aspiring for any results, always pray with fervor, fight so that your eyes may not fall asleep but that in truth your spirits may awaken to the Redeeming Work that all of the prayerful people are accompanying Me to carry out. In this way you will always know, through the intuition of the heart, which part of the reality of the world and of humanity is receiving My Merciful Liberation from the evil that oppresses you.

Let those who are willing to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy remember that you will be doing it for your own salvation and for the salvation of all the Earth. You will do it principally for the permanence of the life of all of the Kingdoms created by the Kind Hands of My Father.

I invite you to pray with faith and conviction so that the Project that was drawn in the heart of the Universe may remain amongst you always and for all eternity in My beloved blue planet of light.

And something else I tell you: listen with attention to My Words every Wednesday, the day of study and reflection about My Message, because My Presence will be there by means of the heart of My Disciple Jose. Listen with attention to all that I have told you with so much Love and every Wednesday you will receive the gift of My Eternal Grace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the love of your hearts!

Christ Jesus, who returns to your lives. 

1. Christ is referring to the studies that José Trigueirinho Netto has been carrying out for years in the Light-Community of Figueira, Brasil.


The one who lives through My Sacred Word will know the celestial wonders that I pour in those hearts that day by day say yes to Me.

For this I return to the world to banish from each essence the seed of pride and of vanity that has sown, with its actions, the enemy. With My Power I defeat the plans contrary to the ones of My Father. Through My Merciful Love I save those who have fallen down and by My Grace I redeem what is still immature in the consciousnesses.

To hold My Redeeming and Savior Flag between the hands is only for the brave ones who love the unknown and who live faith as a flame that illuminates  when everything is dark.

I come to ignite again the Divine Fire of My Love that has dried up in many hearts and for this I form the disciples as soldiers and as lives in constant prayer for the world. In this way, by means of this constancy in the devoted hearts, I will be able to establish again the Kingdom of My Father, that Kingdom of Love and Redemption that I made descend through the Sacred Cross.

In My Hands are marked the sins of those who were lost and were liberated. In My Feet were marked the faults of those who, out of ignorance, submerged the entire world. And in My Side was opened the Source of Mercy that, until your present, continues to spring from the Center of My Being for the whole world.

I hope that you never be too tired to seek this inexhaustible source that nourishes you, redeems you and liberates you from your own selves. I open My Arms so that those who have fallen down may return with confidence towards Me. I love you and this you must know very well. I wait for you because there is a place guarded for each disciple of Mine.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


May your heart not bet ashamed and may your eyes not cease to look at Me because I know where you come from, to where you will go and from where you will come towards Me.

In this time of great changes for the consciousnesses of the entire world the enemy articulates its cunning plans to remove from the path those who may be resuming the reconciliation with God through My Sacred Heart.

For this My Mercy in this time demonstrates Its power to the humble ones, Its Grace to the little of heart, and Its infinite Piety to the simple and empty hearts. Never cease to look at Me in the eyes because it is through them that I know the history that is guarded in you from the origins.

The power of My Mercy does not only come to call those who have made a commitment with Me, but it also comes to liberate those who have fallen and who have offended the God of Love.

Be in humility as a result of the Spiritual Grace that in My Full Name you are receiving because thus I will be able to arrive as a source of healing and of restoration to all of the shepherds, to those that I have chosen so that they may proclaim My Word of Life and of Eternity.

Pray for your shepherds, pray for My ones, they also need a warm support of prayer and love for the co-redeemer task that it is up to them to realize with all of the souls for this time of spiritual crisis in humanity. I guide you towards the greatness of My Heart and now, in this time, I ask you that in everything you are one so that the wave of purification that will remove the world its place will be able to be sustained by the apostles that My Heart is calling.

Aspire to live for My Good News because the time of peace will come for those who have stopped looking at God the Creator.

Under the Glorious Love of the Father, be blessed of heart.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the one of yesterday and the one of today. 


The one who donates to Me and surrenders to Me all their strength to serve My Lord, this one will be called disciple and blessed because in him or her I will be able to build a firm inner dwelling that is willing to give itself more each day.

Afterwards I will teach you little by little to love surrender and whenever this surrender matures in your consciousness I will give to you to drink from sacrifice, I will give to you to drink from My Chalice, the same that I drank from in honor to God and to all of My Companions in the past.

Thus I will be able to form the new apostles of the new time, those who will provide the example of My Word of Life by means of love and charity, because they will not be false nor liars; they will imitate My Christian Path through the devotion to My Sacred Heart.

In them I will deposit the power of My Glory so that they may prepare My silent Path of return to the world.

Now I need for all of those who profess My Name to forgive themselves for the mistakes of yesterday and that they no longer judge themselves. The New Kingdom of My Father will descend through Me as an only one, a unique unity between the souls and God.

For this beware of the wolves that will try to remove the wool from My Sheep, beware of all of those who will use My Precious name in vain. May no one confront another, but emanate the spirit of pacification because I will truly confirm if the talents that I have left to My Disciples have blossomed in the heart of those who work with Me.

The New Celestial Church is descending to renovate those who have ceased to believe in My Presence due to the petty actions of humans. The church that I founded is the Church of the Heart, of the Inner Temple, of the Absolute and Divine Truth that God radiates through His Firstborn Son.

Many have lost the reconnection with Me, for this I make use in this time of simple servers, not of those who received false praise, but of those who were redeemed by My Love.

May each one accomplish their part and be permitted to see how My Consciousness is present in all of the children of My Father because I Am Brother of all.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


I want that My Heart be the shining sun in your hearts.

I want to satiate My thirst for good souls through your surrender to My Heart.

I want to be the star that guides you during the night.

I want to be the victory of the redeeming love in your lives.

Every day I aspire that you save for Me a special place in your lives so that the Shepherd may guide His sheep.

I want that you feed your spirit with good feelings and actions.

I want to make you distant from the temptations that the world offers, a world that promises illusions to My Children and that misleads them until it makes their hearts get distance from My Heart.

For this, as I have said to the Apostles, “wake up and pray with Me!” Today again I say it to My New Disciples. Who prays, vigils, but who vigils and prays with the heart will protect themself from the arts and from the mirages that are used by the cunning of the enemy.

But if you do not only vigil for yourselves, for your thoughts and attitudes, but also for those who still do not manage to vigil themselves, you will be serving in love all those who, for lack of consciousness, get distracted and fall into the traps of the enemy.

If you vigil, pray and serve you will be awakening in your beings the three aspects of My Lord that are named as the Holiest Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Father, as a gift, you will find in the permanent vigil, in attention to all that moves itself in the surroundings. The Son you will find in prayer, in the state of elevation of the word and of the sacred word which is what represents the prayer of the heart. And the Holy Spirit you will find through the service to your neighbors because the Holy Spirit of God manifests itself in the word for that which it has to express; in the thought for that which it has to discern and meditate, and in the action for that which it must do through the gift of science and of intelligence.

In this way you will find the true approximation to the Holy Trinity because even in the good works, in the warm and loving prayers, as in the vigil of walking towards the Divine Purpose, Father God presents Himself to all men and women through the hearts of His Beloved Children.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving the Holiest Trinity in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My friends:

To take your own cross and follow Me will be a spiritual challenge for many but those who reach it in the name of this humanity will be sanctified. 

For this, companions, My Redeeming Spirit returns to free My children from temptation, from desire and from the persecutions that the enemy projects over many consciousnesses. For this time of highest purification everything is kept under the keys of human control and ambition, but this will be released and will be visible to the eyes of those who never wanted to see the misery of the world.

As one time My Being carried and took the Cross of the world I today return to discharge the weight of the cross of My children so that in this way the souls may find the path of the Father that in this time they must wander.

My companions, I am calling you to assume the inner cross that the Father gives to you to transform your consciousness. I leave to you today the lesson of a persevering spirit, patient and compassionate that must find comfort in the path of tests and learning of the inner life.

Today I gather you around My Spirit to tell you that in love I observe your steps and delays. It is time to take a leap to live the transcendence of matter and thus reach the sublime light that you need for your constant walking towards God.

Before all these words of Mine will transform you because in My message you will find the keys and the rays that will unite you with the vast universe of the Creator. For this watch attentively to My words that will follow and thus allow that, as a Christian example, you may later say what you live in truth.

My Heart calls you to renovate your vows with Me all of the days and to learn in the peace of the heart. My Heart wants to take you as true disciples that in wrong and in right must continue on the path of the redemption of consciousness.

My dears, for this silently I am returning, to awaken in you love, reverence and gratitude for what you have received from God and from My own Redeeming Consciousness. To be able to enter in these three states of devotion I ask you for humility enough to recognize the interest that your hears offer me when, for example, comes the precious time to reunite and pray with Me.

My Paternal Heart contemplates all the realities, but know that day by day I Am your path, your truth and your life. I Am the Source that elevates you and takes you out from sin so that in unity and reconciliation you may walk towards Me. I Am here waking and getting closer to reveal to you the path to the true consecration of heart and of spirit.

Meditate on My words in group, gathered in My name and as souls in order to understand the path and the instruction that My Heart wants to show you day by day. Now I wait for your preparation to receive me in your little dwelling places.

Under the Mercy of God, let us be merciful and blessed.

Thank you for having consciousness of My words of love and for guarding them in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 


Children of My Sacred Heart.

Do not lose the strength of the inner heart for anything.

You, My partners, raise your voices towards the Almighty because God will listen to your proclamations of love. In this way you will be spiritually rehabilitated by My Redeeming Love and your lives will become blessed and sacred before the Throne of God.

My Lord of the Universe asks Me to encourage, guide, welcome, love and sustain all of you inside My Sacred and Blessed Heart, but if you as souls open the door of your existence, under the Power of the Father and the Holy Spirit, I will be able to free you from any evil that may deceive you and disturb you.

As the traps of the enemy become uncontrollable for souls, from Heaven comes the power of the ray of Mercy to rescue and support each heart that lives on Earth. To open the door of your inner temple means to untie the knots that control the very life of the consciousness, knots that feed the slowness, which prevents you from walking freely towards My Light.

I teach you to love above all things, to walk in spite of the great abysses that are at your side, and I encourage you, above all, to trust in the power of My Saving and Redeeming Love. For this, My dears ones, do not fear anything. The Judgment is near, it will happen from the Heavens towards the Earth, and you must exercise the Compassionate Love that I have taught you.

Live my commandments expressed through the parables. Everything renews itself, and now My new parable is the Grace of these messages that My Heart is giving you, and pouring out as Light.

My dears ones, go forward! Even if you do not see Me, do not feel Me nor hear Me, I Am by your side, walking silently and in vigil for the movements of your interior. Do not fear to be purified by My Fire, nor fear to face the truth of your lives. Know that I Am here, returning, first in Spirit to help you before any situation, and to extend My hand, which will take you to the new paradise
Under the Grace of God, be blessed from your heart.

Thank you for keeping My commandments in your hearts!

Christ Jesus

Message for the special apparition of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted in Asunción, Paraguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dearest children,

Today I gather all of you, in the name of My Son, because your small hearts are in My arms, so that you may feel the maternity and the transformative love of My Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, dear children, may all your intentions be raised through love towards the Heavens, so that My hands may gather the needs of your beings, spiritual needs that are heard by the great hearing of My Heart.

My children, today I shed many blessings upon your hearts, so that they can recognize the power of the Mercy of God.

Dear children, may your souls find rest and shelter in the Heart of My Son, because in Him, My Heart will guide you through the steps that your consciousnesses must take towards the Lord.

May your eyes see the joy of My spirit, may your hands be in constant prayer and devotion so that you may distance yourself from the normalities of the world, because they are the plans of the enemy upon My children who awaken to conversion.

So that the plan of My Peace may be fulfilled, your prayers will strengthen the coming of Mercy of My Son upon humanity.

Therefore, during this evening, go in absolute and thankful peace, because My Heart contemplates you and tomorrow, on a new day of blessings, I will await you from Heaven and then descend and radiate My maternal Love.

May your open hearts be partakers of the Love of God. Never get tired of loving that which God sends you to learn. All is contemplated by the Universal Heart of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you always,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

In this time you must have a pure heart, and to live with a pure heart you must pray with a totally pure love, and to pray with a totally pure love you must be day by day in the Heart of My Son.

In the end of these times souls are weakened by the influences that they receive from the enemy and from the different states of humanity. This generates consequences, at times irreparable, in many hearts that, within the life of illusion, believe themselves to be on the correct path.

As the Protecting Mother, I invite you day by day to prayer so that in this definitive time your hearts may perceive and may feel what is true, healthy and good for life. If you fall into the normality of this fast time, do not be discouraged, but awaken even more the power of prayer on your lips. And when you feel that you cannot walk, call for the Light of My Immaculate Heart.

If souls read My messages, My words would strengthen them and through prayer they would be able to walk in love and bravery. The souls that in this time live upon this world are not the same as the souls of yesterday. This time of changes and of transformation must be supported by your loving and fervent prayer of the heart.

Dear children, in this way you will help yourselves and will assist many hearts that are crying out for relief and forgiveness. God awaits you to walk at His side in this end of times, and to reach down to the depths of the abyss so that the souls of this world may raise again and reconcile themselves with the Most High.

You, My dear children, are in the time of the definition of the spiritual path of millions of consciousnesses. Therefore, prayer will be a perfect shelter in this time and My Maternal Heart will help you, whenever you call Me.

Dear children, today I give you My Forgiveness and My Celestial Light because I love you and I know what is best for each one of you.

I await you always in prayer.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

May the joy of living and of being in God awaken in you today because in this way you will be in inner communion with the Creator.

Dear children, today I ask you that, through the prayer of the heart, you may commune again with the Presence of My Son so that all souls may unite to God and may awaken to the call of this time.

My children, as the Mother of Graces, today I radiate My Peace to you and I bring all of you closer to the Great Heart of God. The goal for today, little children, is to continue to pilgrimage through prayer, because the world needs your loving and giving help. The redemption of all hearts of the world is primordial in this time, and each one of My children keeps in their heart the inner potential to accomplish this praying mission that My Heart entrusts to you day by day.

Dear children, today before the Doors of Heaven I ask you to revere the Universe, because many of My children forget to look towards the Infinite to find peace. The enemy distracts humanity with modernities and this disconnects My children from prayer.

Today I invite you to love the primordial exercise of prayer so that at least some of My soldiers may help in the awakening of the new consciousness of the spirit and of the heart, that each child must have in these times before the Most High.

God will thank your praying posture at the end of times.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call for peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


By praying the Rosary every day souls will place themselves, more and more, at the feet of the Lord. They will receive the balm of the Mercy of My Son and in this way the gravest faults will be forgiven by the Love of God.

Dear children, for this reason today I call you again to persevere in the purpose of prayer so that your hearts may distance themselves from the wiles of the enemy. Maintain in your lives a rhythm compatible with a life of prayer. Create indispensable moments of prayer so that you souls may be present in each moment of your lives.

When I invite you to observe a rhythm of prayer, I am calling you to maintain a conscious spiritual and inner task at this end of times. Your hearts and your lives must feel thirst for prayer and for the discovery of the Divine Mysteries that faith awakens in your hearts.

My children, for this, seek the source of your inner inspira- tion in Jesus, and His Sacred Heart will show you the correct path towards the redemption and reconciliation of each one of your lives.

It will be important, dear children, to maintain constancy in prayer because this will prepare you to face the times that will arrive for the planet.

My dear children, today I call you to have as a premise, this request of Mine, which will lead you to understand where the victorious essence of love and forgiveness is to be found.

My children, as Divine Mother, more and more, I want all My children to be considered for salvation, because I know that all should live in the beauty and the Light of the Love of Paradise.

Your sincere prayer will form the New Earth of God.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My dear ones,

With My arms open towards the world, pouring immense Mercy, today I call you to contemplate again the flagellated Heart of Jesus that is offended by many souls that deny the life of the Great Spirit of God.

My children, I ask you to continue to pray as you do every day so that My other children may also be able to receive the Grace of salvation. You are already within the Grace of God having Me every day at your side. But today, dear children, you must know that many hearts deviate because they are tempted by the onslaughts and traps of the enemy. This is why My Immaculate Heart is willing to fight for the salvation of all before My Son descends from Heaven for the second time.

Dear children, you can help Me in this mission of salvation, praying for those who need Light and Redemption the most. The time has come to help all the hearts that day by day lose themselves because of the modernities of the world.

My children, you have Christ, the Redeemer, as alliance and as protection; in Him you will be able to take the steps towards giving and charity to the others.

Today I show you a reality of the world that many, out of ignorance, do not want to see.

I call you to collaborate with humanity and with your home, which is this world.

Dear children, opening your eyes to the call, you will be invaded by the Light of My Maternal Spirit so that you may walk with firmness towards the praying mission that My Heart asks of you.

You, the ones who are most awaken, can help consecrate the world to the Creator again.

Let us work in the name of peace.

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Pray every day with the loving voice of the heart and thus, dear children, you will be responding to the call of God.

Pray with love and devotion because in this way, My children, the Merciful Heavens may save many souls that suffer and live immersed in the pain of life and of the heart.

Pray for the conversion and total forgiveness of the world so that the Highest God listens to you and so that He knows that you want, as a humanity, to be in His Celestial Grace.

Dear children, pray for love of all the little children who, abandoned, need the strength of all prayers to direct again their eyes to the Creator God, God of love and truth.

Pray for all the causes that day by day are unfair to the Heavens and that compromise the free walk of the hearts.

Pray for peace so that the Angels of the Lord may help all the souls that, lost, must have the hope of entering to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Pray for the planet and for all the tiny kingdoms that belong to the Creator God and which are offended by the hands of humanity.

Pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit so that through the heart of God this blessed Spirit changes and transforms the consciousness of all souls, for the glory and good of God.

Pray for the presence of Divine Mercy, necessary and urgent for the life of many children that, step by step, distance themselves from God. Their own decisions in life deviate their souls and the enemy incarcerates them in a prison of eternity.

Pray for the immediate arrival of Christ on Earth and to humanity so that the Will of the Father is fulfilled and thus your hearts will be prepared for the time when the Son of God returns among the clouds.

Pray for the conversion of those that have been offending God for so long and for those who do not pray to My Immaculate Heart.

In so many prayers and offers on the part of My children, those who hear Me, I will be eternally grateful.

Thank you for answering My call.

May the Light of God be on all hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Daily Messages

So that your hearts are strengthened through My Son, as Redeemer and Savior of souls, fidelity is one of the paths that today I invite to walk on for love of God’s plans.

Still the enemy is not resting and it still has the aim of making My plans of Peace break down. While you are in My Immaculate Heart this will not touch you because you will be under My protective mantle. When the souls must mature as a consciousness, they are tempted a lot by the enemy, but in each of the trials is the confirmation to the consecration and to the Divine Purpose to each one of My children.

As a Mother Guardian of the souls I know that for this time of great changes in a sick and asleep humanity My rays of Peace, Salvation and Mercy try to come to the greatest number of lives so that all of them may be protected by the prayer of the heart, from the assaults that the enemy plans when one of My children reaches consecration.

The victory of the Heavens on Earth will go on through the immense and loving supplications that My children proclaim for love of God and so that His Forgiveness descends.

Dear children, for this do not fear for how much is still left for you to change in life or how heavy is the burden that each of you carry so that this may be freed and redeemed.

For the present time allow the Light of My Virginal Shield to support you and for this, My children, call for the presence of My loving maternal protection.

Know that I guard you all, but now it is time for each of you to grow as a consciousness and as a heart.

Forward, little children!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.



Dear children,

Yesterday I invited you to live in the reconciliation of the heart; today I invite you to continue exercising this attribute from the Heavens, because each reconciliation that is lived will relieve the burden of suffering in the world.

For this reason, My children, carry in your hands My standard of peace and in the prayer made with the heart you will allow God to fulfill you with His Gifts and Graces.

You know, My little ones, that humanity fears the time of the great changes, but I tell you that in truth you must pray more so that all the fear may disappear. The enemy distracts the hearts through fear. For this reason, little children, if your hearts are vigilant in prayer, you will help this belief in fear to disappear through the strong presence of love.

Dear children, stay in My Protective and Maternal Presence so that your lives may find the true refuge of the heart: Peace.

Life in peace is like the elevation of a bridge of Light to the Heavens. This path will be built with daily prayer, a prayer that prepares you for the new times.

Now is the moment to radiate to your brothers and sisters the love that your hearts feel for My Glorified Son. In this way, from each life will be able to emerge a ray of fraternal love that humanity needs to find again in these times.

Dear children, each one of your hearts is in My presence. I call you to reconcile yourselves with God through the act of forgiveness.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As a guardian Mother of the hearts, I bring you to the daily encounter with the Most Beloved Heart of My Son. This loving and good Heart of Love of Jesus must be like the burning fire in your hearts, a fire that allows you to grow and learn in honor to the Glory of God and for the Divine Love that the Celestial Father has for each one of His children.

Today, My little children, I invite you to consider the opportunity that each one of your lives is receiving through My monthly arrival towards your hearts by means of My an- nouncements of Peace and Redemption.

Dear children, many changes will take place in the world, but they will be more welcomed if everyone unites to one another under the Spirit of My Immaculate Heart. Because of all this I ask you to not worry about what God has not revealed to you as humanity.

Yes, dear children, I tell you that the traps of the enemy confuse the hearts that must follow the one single Purpose of God in these times: Peace. It, beloved children, will be more real and truthful in each of your lives when you practice the prayer of the heart, the confession with My Son, and the fasting for all souls that live far from God.

I tell you more, My dear children: awaken the spirit of hope so that the Goodness of God may be a fact for this humanity.

Thus, little children, when your actions and your lives correspond to the steps that My Son and My Immaculate Heart will mark for you in this special time of definition, your hearts will be able to be in God.

Envelop your hearts with the Mantle of My Peace so that, guarded by My Merciful Ray, which comes from My Glorified Son, I may be able to guide you and accompany you closely.

Let us be, in this hour, in vigil and prayer, adoring the Heart of Christ so that He may show you the next path before His expected return to the world.

All has been announced, but now the ears, the inner ears of the heart, must open.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Faith in your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
