Special weekly Message of Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Be humble before those who, through error or fear, abandon My precious and preferred path.

Pour out the infinite Graces that I have placed in your heart upon those who have lost them through ignorance. Take a risk to the point of giving your life for your friends. There will never be something similar or different that can destroy the love that with so much effort has been built among brothers and sisters.

Happy are they who fully believe in My Truth and profess it because I promise to compensate them on the day of their celestial glory.

Look now at My wounded spiritual Side, which is a sign of the anxieties and the deserts caused by souls into which, from the beginning, I have poured out My infinite Mercy.

All want to drink of the Source, but few dare to seek it through pain, the desert and the void.

Pay attention! I have shown you the path of the desert, and in truth, I tell you that you have not even crossed the first part of the great aridity of the heart.

Sometimes, I have you spiritually experience the thirst that humanity caused Me during the Passion, on the Cross; but I know that when this unbearable and unsustainable thirst worsens, many have the impulse to abandon Me at that time.

I know that after everything you will understand the mystery that I come to reveal to you, the mystery of suffering out of love and of enduring the bitterness that would punish the world. For this reason, day and night, I avail Myself of your inner-selves, to place within states of emptiness and transmutation, necessary to avoid the sovereign Law over humanity.

When you still believe that you will never see Me, I will visit you. When you still believe that you will never feel Me, I will cause Myself to be deeply felt; but My Law is to test the degree of your love and the unalterable faithfulness of your souls.

Woe to those who have not truly invoked Me! They will soon lose all that was foreseen to be received within their dwellings.

But so great and mysterious is the power of My Divine Mercy that I come to warn you, that if you have thought of abandoning Me, you still are in time to return to the path of My Heart, to the blessed House of Adonai.

Today I open your eyes to take away the dust of blindness. Today I touch your hearts so that, now and forever, you will be able to believe that I Am Who speaks to you: Jesus of Nazareth.

Blessed are the simple, for they will always find the suitable answer.

Let your feet not tire of following Me; let every inner desert be a reason for purification and the concrete affirmation of the Plan of My Father.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and intelligent.

Thank you for persisting through My Heart!

The Merciful Christ Jesus



Monthly Messages

Today, you have seen My Glory cross the heavens of this planet and of this nation, in this way to hear and feel, through your hearts, the will of God, that I bring in My Divine word.

I Am the Mother of the World, I Am the Universal Mother.  My gaze contemplates each particle of life existing in this universe.  My Heart loves and supports all the creatures of God, all the consciousnesses of all the kingdoms of nature, that, with profound love, were gestated in the maternal womb of Creation, in the feminine Source of Life, in My cosmic Heart.

My children, today I come to reveal to you not only with words, but also with the profound feeling of your souls, the true face that today lives My Universal Consciousness.  Today I want to make known to you that life does not begin and neither does it end in this world, that life continues beyond this universe; and, after this world, you will discover others that will lead you to new learnings and that will bring you to continue on the path of evolution that you have been treading since your origin in the Heart of God.

Today, I want that you bring My words only to the heart and permit that the codes that I deposit in My word may be imprinted in your lives.

Soon will come the time in which you will be able to confirm for your minds what today you live in your little lives.  Soon will come the time in which you will look from Heaven and will be able to contemplate with compassion all that you lived on this world and you will see that, in a planet that was sick and that lived in profound darkness, a new Light came and illuminated the abysses, rescued those who were lost, liberated those who were imprisoned in suffering and ignorance, elevated those who were fallen and made to be born from the old human a redeemed race.

As Mother and Lady of this world, I come with the Mission of conducting all the souls to the Celestial Kingdom and also to transform the heart of those who, with bravery, will persevere and will see descend the Kingdom of God to this Earth, rendering it similar to all the Divine Kingdoms that exist in the universe.

My beloveds, with love recognize that you know nothing about the universal life, that you are, lost in looking, but full of hope, at a heaven that today is opened before your eyes and your hearts.  Recognize, in humility, how little you know of and live the Divine Life and in this way, as children, let yourselves be guided by the One that, sent by God, descends to this world to remove the veils that cover your eyes, to remove you from all of the ignorance that you live as humanity and in which you are submerged each day a little more, without realizing what you are living.

Do not fear to recognize Me as Your Mother and Lady, because My love for each being of this world is greater than what your hearts can conceive.  So much so My beloveds, that I have come over the centuries to conduct humanity and, each time My presence comes to the world, I bring humanity one step further in its consciousness.  And now, I come to your encounter, manifesting all the faces through which you can understand Me, but in the end, I will unite all My manifestations in the world and I will show you the Face that unites all the faces: My Supreme Universal Consciousness.

I only wait and prepare you each day, so that you may receive Me in truth.

I love you and thank this nation, because it called Me in spirit, trusted My sacred help and today it sees, before its life, the answer of My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Lady of the World 


For the unjust causes and the blasphemies of the entire world, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the lack of love, forgiveness and reconciliation in the world, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the absence of charity, surrender and firmness, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the life that is denied to those who should be born before God, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the wars and human conflicts, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the ignorance and lack of reparation to the Heart of God, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the sadness and pain of the hearts of the world, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the hunger and the lack of healing within souls, I have Mercy for all of you.

For all the causes that prevent the evolution and awakening of the souls, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the errors that the world commits against Creation, I have Mercy for all of you.

Dear companions, merciful prayer will accompany you and give you the necessary strength so that you are worthy of receiving My Mercy.

United, now and always, let us live in Mercy. This will be enough.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of God to the visionary Sister Lucía

My dear children,

Today My Heart wishes to make a special prayer request from you for the world. I come accompanied by the celestial hosts of the Kingdom of God so that through the intervention of your hearts, My angels are able to come to the aid of the nations of the world.

I want to ask you to especially pray for India, for Egypt and for Kenya, which on this day are in need of much help to defeat the threats of the enemy.

I ask you to pray a lot so that My Marian missionaries are able to accomplish the Mission of reaching India, because the reason for their presence is not only to provide service and the giving of self, but also of carrying My Heart in their hands, so that it may be given to those most in need.

My dear ones, My Immaculate Heart needs to reach those nations to consecrate them to My Heart and to protect them from all the evil that is expanding.

Sometimes, the ignorance of those who live in the darkness does not allow them to see the true spiritual needs and, in this way, the enemy takes advantage of the ignorance of My children to close the doors of the nations with seven keys.

If you pray with love, with devotion and make a true offering to God for bringing relief to the world, the Light will be able to reach the hearts that today are in darkness, and will be able to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, so they may perceive a greater reality and recognize My Immaculate Presence in My soldiers.

Today I also ask you to pray for all the children that live in Kenya, all the little souls who violently balance their debts with God, so that through the merciful prayer of your hearts, this unfathomable Source of Mercy may be poured out over all those little children and also over the ones about to be born.

My dear ones, the times are speeding up, the final moment of this purification the world is now experiencing is drawing closer, and it is urgent that your hearts begin to pray.

Trust in the Voice that guides you, because My eyes contemplate the needs of the entire world, not only of those who hear Me. Those who today are listening to My Voice must respond quickly to My call, so that this call expands throughout the world and reaches those most forgotten hearts. This is achieved, My children, most of all through true prayer.

On this Friday of restoration and of preparation for the Saturday of Mercy, unite with the Most Chaste and Most Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph, so that He may help you and teach you to be intercessors in the light of God, so as to benefit the whole world.

The nations farthest away from My Heart are in need of much help and much collaborating prayer. Thus, together with Saint Joseph, place all of Asia in your hearts and lift up a merciful request for aid to the Heart of God; ask Him to send His hosts of Light, to pour out His Pity and His Mercy over these children who are so greatly in need.

Pray, pray much, so that the Plans of God may become a reality and this world may become a luminous world, consecrated to the Heart of the Creator and responsive to His Celestial Will.

I thank you, My dear ones, for following My Marian Mission for peace on Earth.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

I hope that throughout this last year of Daily Messages you have accepted to live in the Grace of God. It is a merciful revelation that My Maternal Words have accompanied each one of you for all this time that passed, during which your hearts have had to grow and mature before the reality of the end of this time.

My children, this is why today I call you to deepen in your hearts the gratitude towards God, gratitude because through My Son and His loving intercession God has allowed Me to daily come to your encounter through the messages.

Dear children, you know that the world is suffering very much and that each new day innumerable souls are lost, condemning themselves to the path of purgatory.

Therefore I call you to live the prayer of the heart, because your prayer will be the only hope for the salvation of many hearts, above all, of those children who in the ignorance of their lives offend God.

Lovingly I ask you to pray under the Light of God and to commend to Him all souls possible, through the power of prayer. Those that still do not pray, do not do so because they lack Maternal Love and need to quench the thirst that their souls have felt for so long.

Dear children, this is a defining time, a time of changes. This is why I invite you to be conscious of your task of prayer so that more Light from the Universe of God may be able to help and save condemned souls.

My children, hold in your hands the prayer of the Rosary and may each new prayer that you realize be an offering and a supplication to the Mercy of Jesus.

In My Son is the path. In My Son your redemption and your forgiveness are to be found.

Be awake to prayer!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


If each soul accepted to be in My Maternal arms, humanity would be guided and accompanied by the Light of the Spirit of God in each little heart.

For this, dear children, pray so that the Holy Spirit may bring wisdom to the consciousnesses. Pray so that the Spirit of Love may nourish the hearts that are empty. Pray so that the redemption of My Son may vivify each one of the essences.

If you pray, dear children, there will be a Greater Grace that will act for the salvation of humanity. Dear children, today I pour over you My Merciful Rays so that you may be guided by the Unfathomable Spirit of Peace.

My children, My voice can expand itself as Grace and as a call, by means of the good examples of charity and love that your lives may express. Therefore, little children, remember that you have come to the world to live the teachings of My Son. Accept to live in the Priestly Love of Jesus and in joy commune with His Celestial Presence.

Dear children, each act of love in the name of Jesus will help to heal the ignorance and the pride of the hearts that are blind before the Presence of God.

For this reason I invite you to pray because you must know that all can receive the Grace of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

Dear children, we are in a time of immense works by means of the infinite power of prayer. The prayer that is born from your hearts will be the foundation for building the bridge through which humanity will be able to elevate itself towards God, the Eternal Love.

Extend your arms and through your hands give charity, give without restrictions the Love of My Son, the Redeemer.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


With joy I send My blessings to all My children of Argentina, who with great kindness, await My Maternal arrival to this nation on the 18th of this current month. This is a Marian date that celebrates the anniversary of My Merciful descent upon Aurora which took place in the morning of the 18th of August, 2011.

Dear children, with your hearts in celebration today I invite you to prepare your dwellings to receive the Merciful Heart of My Son. I know that many of you are tired from such a long walk. This is why today I place you under My Restoring Mantle so that your souls may always say “yes” to the Will of God.

I invite you to remember the importance of working in love, the love of Jesus, in this way you will know how to extend your arms to give and to be charitable with all, without boundaries or time.

Dear children, for this reason, and contemplating the igno- rance in the world, I invite you to prayer for all humanity. Each day, as a Merciful Mother, I want to embrace the greatest number of children.

Being Mother I know well your tests and your learning. In this way today I invite you to persist in the infinite Love of God.

My children, it is in the source of this transforming Love that I daily invite you to stay, and also today I call you to prepare My arrival with joy and bliss for this coming 8th. Remember that we celebrate the Graces that God has allowed Me to pour on all My children and all the Graces of Love and Forgiveness that I will be able to radiate as Rays of Light to many more children.

You are in My arms, today I only ask that you do not leave them because I want to deliver you to Jesus, the Redeemer.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Dear children of the Father.  Being close to the anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima, today I invite you to open your hearts through My universal and celestial call for the world.

As Queen of Peace, as a Universal Mother, today I address myself especially to all My children who have left the path of Christ, who have abandoned the aspirations and the promises of My Son.  I place them all within My loving and merciful Heart of Peace and I tell you to take back the path to Christ because for this time He will serve as a bright star during the night.

For all this, I want to especially address My Immaculate Heart to all My children that deny My existence; I tell you that I love you, I will love you and help you even more after this world.

For this moment, allow your hearts to reconcile and unite with the One Father of the Universe, who has been awaiting you for a long time.

Dear children, I am only a Messenger from Heaven who wants to make you see and make you find the path that many have lost because of ignorance or because of distancing from the Father’s Will.

Know My children that My Heart will not harm you, It only wants to make you discover how it is to love God in life, from the heart.

For this dear children, My Guardian Heart has persisted in this world for a long time because It must see the new and redeemed humanity appear.  But for this to happen, beloved children, you must take a leap towards Divinity which is the same and the only one to which your lives must be addressed.

For this all My children must return back to the path of love that they have lost and to the encounter with forgiveness that many of My children lack because they do not remain in God.

For this, dear children you must aspire to humility because in it you may understand the great divine mysteries of God, mysteries that many try to mentally understand.
The true path for this cycle will be to heal the sick and aching heart of humanity. Humanity must know the eternal peace and the true love that spring from My Fountain of Graces, which we name God the Father.

I accompany your spirits through the infinite pleasure of the Holy Spirit and of the prayers that I constantly pronounce to God the Father for all of you.

May My little Servant Heart of the Mother of Nazarene help you reveal the true steps that your lives that are so much looking for.  Live in God without restrictions so that wisdom guides you to the path of My absolute peace.

I trust that you may know me without fear because many of My children still fear the power of My Love.  My Immaculate Heart gathers you in this life and in the name of My blissful Son, Christ Jesus.  Remember that He is the TRUTH that unites you, He is the PATH that congregates you and He is the new LIFE that will have you awaken by the presence of His Merciful Love.

Under the Spirit of Peace, My Heart invites you to enter the Kingdom that you have always searched for.  You will come to peace through Christ, who for a long time has opened a new door for you.

Know My children, that I love you.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.



My children,

With love I ask you today, on this day, for a perpetual prayer done with the heart. I wait for you every day so that your souls may merge themselves in Christ and thus the plans of peace, that are urgent for the world, may be accomplished.

Eliminate ignorance and illusion from your lives so that My Immaculate Heart may be the secure Purpose to reach My Son. On this day of prayer, fasting and retreat, offer your true intentions so that the Heavens may receive them and may send a sincere response to your requests according to the Will of the Father.

Dear children, you know that My Heart overflows with joy when the souls put themselves under My Mantle of Mother, but My Immaculate Heart also suffers from seeing many children still distant from the Love of the Father, the Love that I am pouring over the world, both in Medjugorje and in Carmo da Cachoeira.

I want to tell you, beloved children, that My Maternal, Im- maculate and Universal Purpose is the same for the whole world.

Why is My Heart in two places at the same time and with appointed times? Because the world still has not learned how to live from the real and pure Love that God expresses in Creation for all of the creatures. This is why God has sent Me to Brazil, because a great part of this nation has consecrated itself to My Immaculate Heart.

I am the Lady Aparecida who brings to the Americas a new call and request for attention to all the hearts. The Will of the Father is that I accompany South America for some time more, through the renovation of the cult of consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

Under the power of the Holy Spirit that I bring to all, I invite you to seek this Greater Light as a last resource of peace for the world. Therefore, dear children, My Heart, My voice and My Maternal Presence present themselves in this part of the Americas because My Heart must embrace the world more and especially many souls that are not being lead through good paths.

This is why I do not only call the Christian community, but My Heart cries out even more for all those who are lonely and distant from God. My only call and mission is for all to pre- pare their hearts in peace before the world changes quickly. With this aim My Immaculate Face is appearing over Brazil and Uruguay.

Dear children, I only tell you that we are now in the time to live the ecumenism of the heart through fraternity. I invite you to pray deeply with the heart so that the plans that God has entrusted to Me for Brazil may be accomplished out of love and for the salvation of more souls that are without My Son.

Thank you for responding to My call.

May peace be the spring of hope for your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
