At the end of the prayer of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy we were waiting for the arrival of Master Jesus but today something special happened: it was the apparition of Child Jesus in the arms of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, who with devotion and an example of humility visited us at 3pm.

From the moment of the apparition of the Child Jesus He transmitted us the following instruction:


My dear brothers and sisters:

Today, as the Child Jesus, as the Little Jesus, I come in the arms of My Father to demonstrate to you that you will only get to the Kingdom of God if you are little and humble children that obey with fidelity and love the designs of the Father.

With this aim, today I call you to reflect if your consciousnesses think and feel like a pure and good child.

If it is not this way, in spite of the experiences of life, I invite you to consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Child Jesus because it is through your act of faith and of forgiveness of yourselves that you will receive the divine help, that which you may need in order to undo the knots in the consciousness.

For this Friday I also call you to renovate yourselves and to imitate the most chaste path of Saint Joseph. You only must put in your hearts the aspiration of transforming yourselves and of making way so that the Will of God may act through your lives.

Saint Joseph will help you to cultivate a spirit of humility and of simplicity.

I call you, for this special day, to affirm yourselves on the path that Saint Joseph went through by means of obedience and of the absolute emptiness of oneself. If you do not empty your hearts of all property or control in time, how will you be blessed by the treasures from Heaven?

You are in time to construct the path of your own redemption. For this today My Mercy presents Itself before you through the presence of the Sacred and Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. Every time that you may not be pure, chaste and meek, remember that there is a Faithful Mediator before God who is waiting to cross the gate of transcendence and of the inner detachment of yourselves.

Find through Saint Joseph a good and venerable father, capable of accompanying as a Good Shepherd each one of My sheep.

I repeat to you with great compassion: be like children before the maturity and the arrogance that wants to conquer your precious lives, lives that can only filled by the Spirit of God, lives that can transmit the impulse of the Divine Mercy to all of the Earth.

I wait for you in prayer and in reflection in the Chaste Heart of the Father Saint Joseph.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My messages in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


When the souls unite themselves to My Purpose of redemption, conversion and love, the wounds, opened by humanity in My Spirit, are closed by the impetus of the devotion and of the love that the souls have for My Merciful Heart.

For this, in these times, to live in the humility and in the simplicity of life without seeking any result for oneself quickly awakens the union of your hearts with My Christic Laws of Consecration and Redemption. In this way My Heart deposits upon the disciples the knowledge of the pure and of the divine so that you may always aspire to live this aim and this purpose.

As the times are changing quickly, My Peace impregnates all those who sincerely open themselves to receive it. For this reason My Heart nourishes the essences in fraternity and in love because all of them must be born to the Spirit of God as new dwelling places.

When I arrive to the world day by day I transmit to you My Sacerdotal Words, all those who open their ears to listen to Me receive from Me the invisible source of My Mercy. It arrives directly into your hearts and lives with the purpose of transforming you into servers of God.

I talk today to the depths of your hearts, seeking your true linking and union with Me in a true way so that may be filled that empty space in the consciousness, that which still needs much love and healing. My rays arrive to the world to be radiated upon all of the souls. In this way My Consciousness forms the new disciples and they, in love, encounter the true path that I indicate to them to pass through.

Without regrets nor spiritual pain I send through the world the soldiers who must announce again My Savior Words to the world but who also must consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart so that in their memories may be erased the past and enter the light of the Spirit of God.

Thus, it will be fundamental that all be more charitable because through the Source of My Mercy the evils that the world lives will be able to be remedied. Many will come closer to you because they will recognize My savior and luminous Presence, for this open yourselves so that My Heart may be able to redeem those who for a long time have been waiting to get to know Me.

Under the Divine Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with attention and for guarding them in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Those who are more tired of themselves are those who with humility must come towards Me because, even though it may seem that everything is of the same degree, everything changes within the heart that affirms day by day its eternal commitment with Me.

And in the spirit all changes more quickly whenever the heart trusts in My Mercy every day at three in the afternoon because it is then, at this time, when My Consciousness makes miracles of liberation and of transfiguration of your little cells.

Understand this mystery of the infinite power of My Forgiveness because at each day that I am descending from Heaven to give you My Poor Words, My Merciful Light absolves you prior to your again committing a mistake. My Heart does not grieve nor suffer for the amount of faults that the souls commit. My Heart becomes as alone in a desert and thirsty because the souls do not address their worldly problems towards My Heart that everything is possible and all can be transformed.

To My companions I say:

That until the end of life upon this world you will always find a test and a challenge to overcome in honor of the redeemer project of My Sacred Heart. And the more that the same test may repeat itself in your lives, never cease to ask for help and to humiliate yourselves before God, recognizing your state of imperfection, because in this way My Heart will always repair you and save you by means of the Grace that I have obtained through the merits of My Passion on the Cross.

Be as transparent as water and pure as a flower, to recognize that nothing may change by itself without first clamoring for My Divine Mercy. To those who still shipwreck in tests, as inside of a boat without aim or direction, meditate if you are truly clamoring for My Merciful aid of love. If you did like this you would not allow that your arrogance drown you as in the ocean, and on the surface of this sea of darkness and challenges you may see the light of salvation that comes from My Eternal Heart.

I love those souls that with simple bravery tell Me every day how much they want to have Me present in their lives, because all of these souls I will reward with My Sidereal Forgiveness.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Savior.


May your heart not bet ashamed and may your eyes not cease to look at Me because I know where you come from, to where you will go and from where you will come towards Me.

In this time of great changes for the consciousnesses of the entire world the enemy articulates its cunning plans to remove from the path those who may be resuming the reconciliation with God through My Sacred Heart.

For this My Mercy in this time demonstrates Its power to the humble ones, Its Grace to the little of heart, and Its infinite Piety to the simple and empty hearts. Never cease to look at Me in the eyes because it is through them that I know the history that is guarded in you from the origins.

The power of My Mercy does not only come to call those who have made a commitment with Me, but it also comes to liberate those who have fallen and who have offended the God of Love.

Be in humility as a result of the Spiritual Grace that in My Full Name you are receiving because thus I will be able to arrive as a source of healing and of restoration to all of the shepherds, to those that I have chosen so that they may proclaim My Word of Life and of Eternity.

Pray for your shepherds, pray for My ones, they also need a warm support of prayer and love for the co-redeemer task that it is up to them to realize with all of the souls for this time of spiritual crisis in humanity. I guide you towards the greatness of My Heart and now, in this time, I ask you that in everything you are one so that the wave of purification that will remove the world its place will be able to be sustained by the apostles that My Heart is calling.

Aspire to live for My Good News because the time of peace will come for those who have stopped looking at God the Creator.

Under the Glorious Love of the Father, be blessed of heart.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the one of yesterday and the one of today. 


Humility will be what will move the souls away from darkness.

Therefore My dears, cultivate through constancy in prayer a humble and meek spirit, because in this way your spirits will be brought towards the liberation of the capital sins of humanity.

To those who persevere day by day in the hour of mercy at three in the afternoon, I promise that at the hour of their death they will not be judged by Me, but they will be liberated from the weight of the past and they will begin to glimpse the Light of Eternal Life.

Before the great time, try to live through the spirit of humility because it is in the emptiness of self that the soul will find meekness for its consciousness and thus it will be able to heal itself from all that it may need, through the wise and loving forgiveness of God the Father.

Be meek and when you do not manage to be so, strive to be as humble as you can, seeking an act of reconciliation and silence towards your brothers and sisters because this will strengthen the necessary unity that in these times must exist between My Sheep. Do not occupy your time with whatever may still not be solved but try to detach yourselves and to give to Me all that is not good for your hearts.

Whenever a soul surrenders itself to My Heart, the joy of My Consciousness is infinite because this simple action opens a door for the unexpected conversion of other creatures.

I am with you in good and in error because as Father of the essences and Son of God I know that you are still learning to walk amongst the thorns and the stones that in the past have marked your lives. But always see on the horizon the unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, see the rays of peace and of transfiguration that come to your hearts.

Believe in My Eternal Hope; when you raise your eyes on High, may your beings shine out of joy for being in God the Father. Encourage yourselves to live redemption and to entirely transform yourselves in My Mercy.

I always encourage you to carry on.

Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, who will save you and redeem you through the Power of the Love of God.


Praised be the children who come to Me! Because theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Praised be the little souls of the children who pray with Me! Because through them My Heart will liberate and give light to fallen souls.

Praised be the children who come to Me! Because in them I will deposit My New Gifts, those which will give fruit in the Promised Earth through their little hearts.

Dear children and My brothers and sisters:

Today I call you to become like children so that it may awaken in you the humility and the simplicity of loving the God of Love above all things.

Dears, it is time to throw the nets of love and of redemption so that more followers and non-followers of Mine may be able to awaken to the life of Spirit. My Sacred Heart, full of Graces and of Mercy will work through your essences. For this, it is necessary to keep the inner house in order, the temple of the heart of each one of you so that My reconciling Spirit may visit and guide you, step by step.

Dear companions, today I give you My paternal Hug of love so that you may find in Me the relief that you need and thus you may reach the Grace of the conversion that your beloved Father waits for so much from you.

Come to Me and do not get tired to come, open the door of the heart and allow to emanate from you the Source of Love so that it may be radiated to those who most need peace.

We are in times of imminent Graces, inexplicable for humanity, for this the inexhaustible source of My Heart will be able to unite itself to you by means of the prayer that renovates all things. I Am returning to give life to your spirits and to renovate in life your hearts. Just open the way so that the Shepherd may be able to guide you in Love and in Redemption.

Blessed be the meek of heart because they will be like children in the New Promised Earth, the Earth blessed by God Father.

Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


My dear brothers and sisters:

May I in this time be able to awake in you the sublime humility of the heart so that your lives may liberate themselves from the identification with the things of the world and, in this way, you may walk in consecration to My Eternal and Sacred Heart.

Dears, may the path of competition and of the recognitions amongst men and women of this world be distant from My servers. May prayer be the only path that takes them towards the encounter with Me, with My Kingdom of Love. Because the love of My Heart and the love amongst My companions will allow them to defeat the great atavisms of consciousness, as are pride and vanity. May your hearts, before these attitudes of the world, strengthen themselves by the living the spirit of fraternity and redemption.

My Blessed Heart is open so that you may adore it as a temple of prayer and devotion, a temple of the Beloved God that will protect you from the attitudes of your own selves. For this go through the path of peace and may peace be the reason to gather in the Light all of My sheep.

I wait for the awakening of new flocks. So that it may happen and all may be partakers of My Mercy My servers will be as the living bridge of love and charity. In this way the greater number of souls will cross the threshold towards My Heart.

I wait for you always in patience and in love. Love each other compassionately, in this way the world will be a little more relieved.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, children, for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My Peace and Mercy come to the world to sustain it in the new changes that are approaching for all consciousnesses. For this of great importance will be your humility and emptiness of yourselves before the situations that will be seen in the world in this time and that the humanity will not consider as a grave offense to God. Hold on to the writings and teachings of the Gospel so that less souls may distance themselves from the only and true path of the Shepherd.

Today My Heart rejoices itself for those who in faith continue working for the redemption and the conversion of the heart. But My Heart grieves for the actions that day by day men and women commit in the name of the common good.

Be attentive, praying people! So that vigil may be a true shield that protects your homes and families. My Merciful Heart opens itself to receive you inside of My Sacerdotal Temple, My light diffuses itself through those servers who give all in this time.

I Am calling the flocks so that once more they may relieve My flagellated Heart, a Heart that receives great offenses that hurt the Heart of the Father.

Convert yourselves, convert yourselves, convert yourselves! Because you are still in time. Pray! Fast! And repair in the Holy Communion all of the causes that transgress the Law of the Highest.

If you do like this, My Merciful Heart will once more intercede for all of those who deny the presence of the Love of the Father. The more prayer, the more reparation. The more sin, the greater the Divine Justice.

Pray with the heart and offer to My Sacred Heart all of the love that you guard for the Father. This will repair the causes that offend.

Under the Grace of God, be merciful.

Thank you for repairing My Sacred Heart!

Christ Jesus.


The essence of Humility.

The emptiness of oneself is reached through forgetting all that controls the material life. This represents an important step to find the path of humility.

The encounter with aspects of life may reaffirm the human condition, but it can be liberated by love and by the essence of humility. To live in this essence that seems to be unreachable for many, humility can manifest itself in the life of those that open themselves to the universal life, because at the end of all the universe is as humble and as wide as is the infinite and wise: there also is found the essence of humility.

Whoever seeks the path of humility receives a sign, the first step for the dispossession of oneself, which is the forgetting of grievances and disillusionments that the material life generates.  Humility as a sister essence, you will be able to find it manifested in other attributes that allow the awakening of the Christic consciousness in the creatures.

Humility is present in the essence of service, in the essence of the common and fraternal good, as also in the essence of truth and wisdom. Each soul may have affinity to some of the aspects of humility and this will awaken a more conscious work of surrender and solidarity towards peers.

The essence of humility is one of the great Christic shields that protect the souls from the abysm of lack of control and of the excessive possession of spiritual and material goods. To find the path of humility one must have travelled the trail of making peace.

A humble being must be a Christic and active peace maker because this inner estate will allow humility to have good bases from which to rely on to work inside of the spirit of each creature. The essence of humility is one of the gifts most defeated by the personalities of creatures, but the essence of the Christic life of humility and of peace affirms the existence of the spiritual gifts of the Father, those which allow the consecration of the beings to the Divine Plan of God.

Without humility it is like navigating in a boat without a paddle. Humility as essence is everything, even more for this time when the flocks must be more vigilant of themselves to be able to bear the merciful currents of transformation that will come to the aid of humanity.

For this My dears, still the steps that you must take so that you may divinize matter are many, but everything starts with the wanting to reach it and aspiring it. May humility be a rule for the ones who have consecrated themselves because in humility you will help the ones who ignore My Savior Name.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Children of My Eternal Father:

The universe is in your hands, it is enough only to see how many Divine Graces you have received in the passing of recent times.

For this today I tell you that you should not upset your hearts for what you still resist to change, but that by venerating the Father who is in the Heavens you open your eyes and contemplate the infinitude of the greater universe. Towards there you must direct yourself without delay but with hurry because many look down, look to the world, to themselves and forget that the truth of the Whole is found through My Heart of Peace.

I know about your feelings, I know about your thoughts, the Shepherd knows well His sheep and knows what each one of them need. For the sheep to grow strong and wise it must trust first in its Shepherd because the Shepherd will guide it, will free it from the wiles of the ferocious wolf who only wants to torment it on the path.

In each test count on My Confession, count on My Relief, on My total Liberation of any feeling of bitterness. You just tell me yes and there I will be to show you the way out.

But you must remember today the rule of love because without love for God there will be no transformation. The soul who consecrates itself must contemplate with love what it does, without conceit. It must seek the path of humility in order to recognize that without My Father it will be nothing. My Lord gives all to it, even the most insignificant things. All comes from the Source of Good and of Truth.

For this seek to be, for the longest time possible, united to this Source, even when your beings manifest to you opposite feeling and reactions. Like good vigilantes of My Call, aid all the needs of the souls because behind all My Spirit will be present. Each sign tells you a little more each day.

Under the Grace of the Spirit of God, be blessed.

Thank you for contemplating My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I Love the souls that with fondness internally prepare My Second Celestial Coming and persist, even having failed the laws of the Lord. For this, dear children I come as the Savior, as the Shepherd of all flocks, that in this time allow themselves to be redeemed by the imperative strength of My Love.

I know that your intentions are good before My eyes and that day by day you fight without rest to reach the holiness and the humility in the heart. Before each test today I ask you My dears, to give them to Me so that, through My Hands I may mold your learning and thus I may take you quickly to My Eternal Light. 

I told you when I was among you that life on Earth deserves to live the redemption because as souls you come to this world to learn the great lessons that look easy to live but are for many, very hard to achieve.  They are the lessons of humility, love and forgiveness.

For this companions, My return is already happening. I am seeking humble hearts, simple and truthful, hearts that can live without theorizing My messages of redemption. Because from you can be born My Christic Flame, the one which will encourage you to transform yourselves into good sheep of My flock. I know that now you are under the transforming fire of the universe and today, the 21st day of January of 2013, it makes a month since the beginning of the purifying cycle.

Many children thought that Christ would allow everything to be lost or that the Holy Mother of the World would abandon the children that I entrusted to Her from the Cross. We are returning as Sacred and renovated Hearts, the ones that were universally prepared to announce the next truth to the world.

Who has ears that hear and who opens the heart that guards My precepts, the ones that announce the advent of the Good News for the whole humanity. I am arriving with My Holy Celestial Mother, firstly in the hearts that willing to live the Divine Plan of the Father, are open to follow My saving and redeemer Message. After, to the ones who do not wait for me.

I am with you in tests as in joy. I am with you in crying as in the good news. I am with you always, feeling you, seeking you, welcoming you in My Heart, giving you My kind help. Do not be afraid of yourselves; abandon yourselves entirely to Me because you will lack nothing.

Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


Submerse yourself in My Love because in My Love you will find security for life and all the paths will always lead you to Me.

A parable of Jesus:

There were once two brothers who were appreciated by their Father.  As the Father used to travel for jobs that were the support of the whole family, the two brothers were committed to taking care of the goods, which the Father had entrusted them to guard and protect.

One day one of the brothers, the older, stopped watching the precious treasure upon seeing that his younger brother was distracted and inattentive. The younger brother stopped watching with attention what the Father had entrusted to him. When this youngest brother stopped taking care of the goods, because he was occupied with other things, his other brother, the older, complained to him with dislike about what had happened without knowing well what in truth was going on.

The younger brother had allowed a large crop, a family possession, to be completely lost, to get dry from lack of water from the spring of his Father. Before this great fact the older brother, who was a little more mature and who depreciated the younger brother, had judged him without knowing the whole truth. In consequence of this he lost the true love for his brother.

The oldest brother was not only wiser than his younger brother but his Father had also left in charge of him other lands. These lands were destroyed by an intensive rain.

When their Father returned to his home he found what was happening. The oldest brother told his Father what had happened to the lands that he had entrusted them of and that, the carelessness on his part had been to watch his younger brother.

The Father before his two sons responds: it does not matter how much you have lost of my goods, what matters to your father is that you do not judge, but that you love each other above all things as what I entrusted you before my departure gave you the opportunity which would show you that any of my sons could make a mistake, but what you could not forget is the love that I had taught you so that you could live in Peace.

My dears, what is the spiritual philosophy of this parable?

It is that God loves you as you are, even with imperfections. God expects from you an absolute unity and humility, which will allow you to recognize that one day you may be apprentices of life and on another day you may be instructors of life. There must never lack love in your hearts, if there isn’t any love forgiveness becomes superficial and unity becomes weak. Strengthen your faith in that it is possible to transform everything because now has come the moment for you to recognize My Heart in every brother and sister. 

In the Peace of My Heart, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My parables in the inner heart!

Christ Jesus.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
