Christ taught you to love, not only so that you might know and experience Love, but especially so that you might multiply it and take it to all those who do not know it, do not live it and do not have any knowledge about it.
Therefore, after so many impulses, go and give testimony of the Love that has touched your heart. Give testimony of the spiritual and divine Presence of Christ, through your actions, your words, your feelings and your thoughts.
It is in the expression of a new behavior, different from all that humanity already knows; you will make those who are blind be able to see that the Return of Christ is approaching and, with it, a new life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
On this day, humanity has the Grace of recognizing the Resurrection of My Son in themselves, for this will help to reverse many situations on the planet that affect the awakening of the consciousness.
For this reason, My children, to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ is to affirm the evidence and the existence of Love on Earth above all.
Dear children, today I invite you to be in the Presence of the Risen Christ, so that more essences have the Grace of being freed and may rediscover the path toward the Celestial Father.
On this day, an expiation is granted to all souls that profess their faith in Christ.
Make vows to follow the steps of the Redeemer, so that all may be redeemed and transformed by the Love of Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My spiritual and divine body is wounded by the indifference and the debts of the world.
This spiritual body, in which dwells the living God, is being assaulted by humankind and its actions, and for now, nothing can stop it.
It is through the merits of My Passion and the prayers of the simple that this spiritual Body receives relief and restoration, because the offenses that emanate from today's humanity are truly terrible.
It is through the spilled Blood of the Lamb and the faith of the believers in Christ that the weight of this spiritual debt will be able to be alleviated, and at least a part of humanity will be able to breathe for a short period of peace before everything is unleashed.
In My spiritual Body is the Celestial Church of God and in It, the Mystical Body, which is your people in redemption.
In this union of the Father with His children is to be found the door to reverse the great debts of humanity.
We are now in the time of redemption and that Grace is being granted to all.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My son and My daughter,
If you do not change, nobody will be able to make you change.
The change of your consciousness will promise transformations and renunciations, inner demands and challenges.
If you do not change, you will never be elevated to be able to recognize in yourself the action of Divine Will.
God has a perfect Design for every soul, but the Celestial Father will never demand that you live it.
This is the reason why the souls of the world suffer and lament, because they are resisting living and experiencing the Will of God.
To live Divine Will is to do and fulfill what goes beyond the liking or the opinion of the consciousness.
To not fulfill, in this time, what the Father needs of each one of His children is to turn your back on the Universe.
To resist fulfilling the Greater Will to live a personal want will always end in an uncertain destiny.
There are clear examples in the history of humankind of the effects of personal will.
To live the Will of God is to free oneself from the self, every day, it is to work a little more with humility, it is to completely surrender, even with limitations. But, above all, it is to trust and love beyond the self.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
How many beautiful things My Father has made me reveal to you.
How many mysteries have been unveiled to the world to generate the expansion of consciousness.
How many experiences and testimonies have been told to all, of what My unshakeable Love for humanity has meant and means.
Likewise, the Source of the Love of God is still inexhaustible. The divine prodigies keep acting and granting miracles to souls.
But when will humanity change.
Therefore, I am returning in this next Sacred Week to witness, once again, the greatness of the Love of God in the hearts that vivify it and serve Him unconditionally.
I am returning to grant to the world the peace it needs so much, and I am opening the doors of My Heart to welcome all of your needs.
But this time, I will tell you that it is time to change so that humanity may change and accept redemption.
I am returning to be very close to those of Mine, who are called to follow My path.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Keep your heart in peace through the Source of the Divine Mercy, and become an instrument for God to shed His Graces upon the world.
Contemplate the great need of the planet, of the souls and of Creation, and strengthen your faith in the Divine Mercy, in the certainty that with it the hearts will find hope to start again.
May no sin be eternal before the Source of Divine Mercy. May no wound remain open, beyond the one from which the Grace of forgiveness and redemption flows into the world.
At this time, God hands you everything, not just for you to experience redemption, but also for you to guide humanity through this path. Be thankful, every day, because He placed you on the path of prayer and the choice of love, and fearlessly experience the leanings that lead you to this.
May each lived experience strengthen you at this time. May each moment lead you to the experience of love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Give thanks to God for each moment of your life, for each word received from His Sacred Heart.
Give thanks to God for each blessing and each trial, for each experience lived on Earth, which makes you grow and give new steps on the way of evolution and of return to the Heart of the Father.
Give thanks to God for the cycles experienced as well as for the present moment, and always build with Him the steps of the future; not just your future, but the future of the whole humanity, the future of this planet with its Kingdoms and its life.
Be thankful, at each moment, because gratitude will open the correct door toward the evolutionary path for you.
Gratitude will convert the growing adversities into love, and even the harassments that come your way will, under the spirit of gratitude, be transmuted.
May your thoughts and your heart be constantly in God, in an eternal movement of gratitude toward Him. This way, child, you will find the way back to the Heart of the Father.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the end, My Work will always be fulfilled in the simple hearts, a place and enclosure where I will be able to move My Plan of Love forward and I will be able to radiate it to the ends of the Earth.
Silently, I am found in the heart of the humble, in all those capable of representing Me with humility, transparency and purity. I will always reside in those hearts, I will always be present to welcome the needy, the sick, the dying, the one who has not yet found My Light.
In the heart of the humble, I vivify My Project and, time after time, accomplish the requests of My Father.
Through the hearts of the simple, I can uplift the consciousness of humanity and sanctify those who enter My Path for the first time.
In the heart of the simple, I trustingly place My Celestial Church and have the humble hearts participate in My Gifts and in My Graces.
In the heart of the humble, I find the poverty and the void, the simplicity and the peace to be able to return and bring relief to My Spirit.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Dear children,
Your Heavenly Mother is preparing the arrival of Her Son to Aurora.
For this reason, and by Her divine order, the angels of Heaven have imprisoned hundreds of demons that chastise souls and instigate them to follow the path of illusion and of perdition.
These lower creatures, even being imprisoned, must witness their defeat when My Son arrives in Aurora; for they will have to see how the victory of Christ is accomplished in the trust, in the love and in the faith of hearts.
It will be something similar to the day of the Passion of the Lord, when thousands of lower creatures witnessed their defeat through the Love and the Silence of Christ.
My children, this event of the coming of your Heavenly Mother on the anniversary of Her daily instructions will prepare the redemption and the closing of many uncertain doors in the consciousness of humanity.
Within the next days, your faith, devotion, love and joy will allow the Divine Hierarchy to have more space to intervene in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today we reach the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new stage.
After these last months of retreat, My Maternal Heart has been able to contemplate, with joy, the maturity, seriousness and responsibility with which each praying heart undertook the mission of praying for peace in the nations; and I have also been able to contemplate, My children, the positive and global effect that this daily work lovingly built, in recent times.
For this reason, dear children, it is today that I can say that I love you and that I have always loved you, because I know that within you there are great possibilities of loving God and of helping to express, on the Earth, His Plan of Love and Redemption.
I want to tell the world that I have a strong praying army today, consecrated as Children of Mary, who already understand and live the importance of manifesting the Will of God.
For this reason, My children, never tire of praying and supplicating because prayer opens the doors of the Kingdom of God and the Grace, which is infinite, can be poured upon all of My children.
I invite you to continue spreading this important request.
I invite you, each day more, to open the doors of your groups of prayer so that more souls may be consecrated by the Mercy of God.
My children, keep this loyalty with Me. Let nothing make you doubt or oscillate because within this cycle we are building the triumph of My Immaculate Heart within each being.
Dear children, I encourage you to keep collaborating so that My Plans of peace may be concretized in humanity and all the conflicts may end.
My children, today I pour the power of the Light of God upon your souls so that, strengthened by faith and filled by wisdom, the Celestial Father may grant the world a longer period of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
You who are more conscious and more blessed than the rest of the world, can never forget the Grace that you receive and the special help that comes from the Heights.
You can never forget that you are placed in the Hands of God at all times, more than the rest of humanity.
You can never forget that God called you personally so that you may serve Him in His Work of Love.
You can never forget that each element that you have or each opportunity that you are given in these current times, whether it is being in a sacred place or serving in a humanitarian way, it is a Grace that God gives you so that your virtues and talents may be at the service of charity and the good.
You can never forget that every day you wake up in a place protected by God, touched by the Grace of His Spirit.
You must never forget that you are being guided and accompanied by what comes from the Heights and that your steps are contemplated much more so than the steps that the rest of humanity does not manage to take.
Never tire of being grateful and make an effort every day to feel the gratitude of the heart. Let this gratitude, for all that you receive, be real and free of criticism and appearances.
Give thanks to God for being alive and being awake to serve Him and adore Him. In this way, you will always open the doors for the manifestation and everyone will see themselves filled by the Grace so necessary and urgent in this time.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Souls believe they have the authority to question or put My Plan of Love at risk through their choices, dissatisfaction or ways of life.
The mission that I offer souls is very serious because it is about the future and the destiny of all humanity and of the planet.
For this reason, all souls must learn to behave appropriately with Me, because what I am doing for you, I also do for humanity.
It is no longer the time to want to be in one attitude or want to be in another attitude. This is the time in which human beings, facing the Law of Justice, define their next stage or their definite judgment, which has repercussions in the evolution or in the stagnation of the entire consciousness.
I know that it is not easy for you to understand and accept this, but My Plan cannot be played with, like some play with fire.
The time has come to make decisions with discernment so that no action have a contrary effect on one's being.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The spiritual and interior healing shall be the means by which humanity will be redeemed.
But, in order to be able to find the healing, there must be true repentance and purity of intention; on the contrary, the healing will not be able to approach the consciousness that still has not been redeemed.
A true coexistence with the Laws and with the Kingdoms, in all their expressions, grants the arrival of that so awaited spiritual healing; healing that will fill the spirit and each part of the being so that the consciousness, free of oppression, may take the steps towards the Lord.
This is the time to return to the origin and to the essence that created us so that the sense of the sacred and of reverence may be what elevates the consciousness so that it reaches the inner transcendence.
I thank You for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
I would like to see My Apostles of the last time united to Me in the essence of the Purpose and not in their preferences.
I would like to see the fruits of the treasures that I gave you in these last times, treasures that are at the service of humanity.
I would like to see the results of all the impulses that the Hierarchy built with effort and with love within souls.
I would like to see the maturity of My friends, in the sense of being able to place yourselves above your beings so that unity and brotherhood reign.
I would like to see the fidelity and generosity of those who committed themselves to be companions of My companions, brothers of My brothers, within this path of love and forgiveness.
I would like to know if My closest friends are able to trust, fully, in the instruments that I have chosen to carry out the preparatory work of the return of your Lord.
I wish I could see the Divine Thought manifested on Earth and the path of salvation for all those who are lost.
I would like to see my friends recognize Me, beyond appearances, when I return to the world.
I wish I could trust everyone.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who Blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
There is no greater concern than My Love, for My Love dissolves all worry into light. Nothing opposed to love can be greater.
Therefore, when there is concern, it is something understandable, it is the point of friction that souls find when they have to take a big step for something unknown and higher than their small possibilities.
Concern places the consciousness within a constant tension.
Concern is also dissolved by means of the trust the soul may express for the Higher Will.
These days souls worry so much because they lose the leading thread which brought them here, to this life, to fulfill the Purpose.
Yet worry also occurs when the soul fears the result of its destiny or the destiny of a fellow being.
All these feelings, which are fed by the lower consciousness of humanity, are defeated by means of a trustful love, a faith capable of going beyond every difficulty and every obstacle.
I, as a Man and incarnated Consciousness, went through concern and the fear of facing the Passion. But faith in God and trust in My Father lead Me to give all and to sustain Myself in an unbreakable purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today, at least for once, I would like you to step out of yourselves, your small miseries and see the great miseries of humanity with Me.
Therefore I make you apostles of the word, in truth, in fidelity and in service, and even if often you do not reach these attributes, I know that you try to experience them every day.
For this reason, by approaching your lives to these attributes, you will be part of the stream of My Mercy as servers in all corners of the Earth.
Today I have come with all the hope and Mercy in My Heart to make a special request to the missionaries who in a few months will experience the humanitarian mission in Lebanon.
My request is that as My servers you may not only expand Mercy in that place, but also for the first time, this Mercy may piously reach the African continent, especially Luanda, Angola.
I would like the suffering and extreme pain that is experienced there and reflected on the faces of My poor lambs, to be relieved.
Truly, I come to ask the group of missionaries that after visiting Lebanon, they go to Angola to carry all love and Mercy possible to the suffering and marginalized hearts.
I consider this day special for Me, because the Father of the unfathomable Mercy granted this very important Grace to my flocks from Angola.
I wish that through service, pity, love, healing and Mercy you may reach everyone, because it is through you that I will be able to bring relief and light to the forgotten souls.
I thank you for considering my appeal!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
This is the cycle in which to recognize and face the miseries within oneself that are to be transformed; but it is also the cycle of discovering the talents that My Son left within your hearts.
It will be necessary, beloved children, to substitute your defects and imperfections for the talents and the virtues that must be at service for the love of humanity.
For this reason, children, live the present time as an opportunity to transcend the limits of the consciousness and the suffering that all this generates.
Discover in yourselves the seeds of Light that My Son once planted within you.
Truly attribute the potential that the virtues of the soul have for these times and everything, absolutely everything, will pass.
In this way you will learn to be more humble, available, considerate and helpful toward all the needs that present themselves.
I only ask you, My children, to no longer justify your actions and ways of life. Recognize every personal aspect as an opportunity for transcendence and forgiveness rather than for battle and struggle.
You have my blessing for going to meet the Twelve Talents of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Grace and Mercy of God be within you so that Mercy and Grace may be withn the world.
Receive the Maternal Love from My Heart so that your consciousnesses strengthen in Christ during this cycle of transition.
May you never lack the momentum and joy of serving the Lord so that His Work of Mercy may continue to be fulfilled within humanity.
Never stop seeking the Lord, to call him, to implore His Sacred Name, because this way you will be in contact and in union with the essence of His Purpose.
May the Works of God be fulfilled in humanity and in all beings so that souls may be more aware of that which, in truth, it is necessary to change, heal and redeem.
Praise God and all His Sacred Names.
May Heaven descend to Earth and may the Earth be reconsecrated to the principles of the Primordial Source.
May the presence of the Love of God be in everything so that humanity may be rebuilt.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I will always wait for you, day and night, until you can finally reach Me in order to live the inner encounter with My Spirit, until the return of your Lord. I will come to you by means of Communion, of prayer, of confession and of the living Love of My Heart.
I want to be present all the time, close to you, so that you continue to realize, in this hour, the moment that your Master and Lord is living for humanity. I want to have you close so that you accompany Me in this cycle, since there is much to be done and to work out for this suffering planet. It is still necessary to expand and carry My Love to the world so that the souls may truly repent and change their lives forever.
Therefore, I bring you the support for your consciousnesses through the Sacred Sacraments. I bring you the opportunity to carry with Me the heavy spiritual cross of humanity because together, We must triumph in love, and for love, live eternally.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When in service to God through humanitarian missions, those who serve and those who are helped allow the descent of the flow of Divine Mercy, and within a social or humanitarian situation, the service done from the heart transcends material and intellectual boundaries, since it is done for the common good and for the benefit of the equilibrium and harmony of all.
In this time, all forms of service to humanity, no matter how small they may seem, favors the action of spiritual Laws that, through the service of love, counteract future disasters and maladjustments of the nations of the world.
So the service for humanity, which in truth is in the most need, creates new conditions so that the energy of Divine Mercy can intervene for the benefit of all.
Humanitarian service purifies the consciousness that offers to help others. Also, that service done for the love of God awakens a sense of maturity and of personal responsibility in the consciousness in the face of scenes of chaos.
For this reason, service builds the spirit of solidarity and of peace with one's peers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Humanitarian Missionaries
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more