I tell you to not be scared because My Heart knows deeply the human consciousness. While some take firm steps towards Me others regress to previous stages.

For this I return for those who go backwards, as for those who bravely walk forwards, receiving the new time in the heart.

Everything must change in the consciousness of a being for them to be able to be a partaker of My Kingdom.

The way of feeling must be as peaceful as the waters and as beautiful as a flower. The way of thinking must be simple but at the same time, united to the supreme wisdom. The way of seeing things must be based on the vision that the spirit provides and, most important, the heart must be pure so that it may be the receptacle of My Heart, the New Sanctuary that will guard the life of the new laws that My Kingdom will bring again.

For this I ask you to not fear for what you see or feel of yourselves, it all forms part of the old humanity that must strongly wake up at the moment of My Return. The brave ones already listen to My Steps, they feel the approximation of My Heart towards this worldly reality.

May no one separate themselves from Me so that at the right moment you may be able to recognize your True Master of the Stars.

Under the Good and the Peace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


Each house that opens the door to Me is the heart of a soul that is saved before the eyes of God.

Each gesture of prayer and love towards My Merciful Heart allows the freeing from sin of the souls that are prisoners of illusion.

I count every day on a few servers. The harvest of the Father is immense but the workers are still very few because many fear the power of the Redeeming and Liberator Love. All of the days I call My Flocks so that they may answer to the solicitudes of Heaven, humanity needs it and the world also because all must reach the redemption of life and of the heart.

I sustain all in My Arms to take them to the eternal encounter with My Celestial Father because His Divine Creator Heart must be relieved by the love and the good of the kind souls.

My dears:

Time changes and the consciousness of many of My Children also changes quickly. Many are the external influences that condition the awakening of the hearts to the true spiritual Christian life.

For this is the moment to share what each one has guarded in their heart and to victoriously unite yourselves in prayer. If many of My Flocks had already opened the doors of their homes to the call of the Master, other possibilities would exist for My Soldiers and Servers.

But time changes, all is gestated through harsh human thought and there is lacking the love and the truth. This affects the heart of many families consecrated to the faith of the Lord.

Before these circumstances of the end of times My Heart intercedes in the same way as the Sacred Purity of My Holy Mother, to protect millions of essences that are conducted through uncertain paths.  If you receive Me in the Supper of Communion every day, My Body and My Blood will be able to be present as Light and Wisdom in your hearts.

But many forget to talk for a moment with Me, to confess themselves to at least receive My Absolution. Thus you will know how it is that My Heart feels the causes that are generated every day by humanity. 

The times that are called normality have already ended because the universe to which all belong, without excluding anyone, is in definitions and new cycles, what we call the new time for the world.

Now, with the heart in the High and the gaze in the eyes of the Father, offer each prayer in reparation of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and for Mercy for humanity.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for relieving My Heart in each new prayer!

Christ Jesus. 


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
