The deepest secrets about the destiny of the humanity of today are revealed in the silence of My Maternal Heart. Those secrets are the inner visions of your Heavenly Mother about the Redemptive Plan of Christ for humanity, and about all those who will participate in these final events.
To know the secrets of My Immaculate Heart is to feel the grief of your Most Holy Mother on seeing the lack of connection on the part of humanity.
Besides there being real prayer groups and good Christians, the awareness that something must change soon must emerge before it is too late. That awareness will demand a complete and total change from everyone so that the spiritual outcome of today’s humanity may be different.
The Celestial Universe knows that only with decisive events, marked by the Law, can this most necessary change be awakened.
In His Heart, the Father feels that the world does not want to abandon comfort to experience a beginning of transformation; it is for this reason that the greater demand will fall on just a few, in the name of sacrifice and surrender to the Plan of God. But this will not be for very long; only until the most severe cycle of the transition on Earth begins.
Those who sacrificed themselves and endured for others will be crowned by the very King of Love, and will be the living testimony of a victory achieved by Christ Himself. It is for the rest of humanity to repent soon, or at least as soon as possible, since the Law of Justice will be decisive and will separate the chaff from the wheat.
There is no time to lose; let hearts and souls truly repent, confess, and receive forgiveness and absolution so they do not continue to commit the same errors. Let them commune and hold within their hearts a sacred space for when Christ returns; in this way, the Divine and Glorious Light of My Son will become visible in the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to the true planetary reality,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children of the Americas, of Central America, and of the United States,
I thank you for the essential union made between your hearts in order to materialize My much waited arrival to Colombia and to the United States of America.
Since the first day that you began your exercise of group prayer for such important cause, My Heart was filled with bliss and with hope by seeing from Heaven the motivation and the effort of your souls in wanting to materialize My sacred designs.
On this extraordinary day, in which your Heavenly Mother visits you from Heaven in order to renew you in faith and in the trust in God, I wish that you might get to know and respond to a especial task, a task that, from this day on, My Immaculate Heart will entrust to you, as a means of help and intercession to make possible the visit of the Divine Messengers to South America and to North America.
Dear children, I ask you, on this day of blessing and of Grace, to continue to pray together for the plans of your Most Holy Mother. For all to be possible, I invite you to realize a campaign for Peace, so that in this way the plans of the Virgin Mary may be fulfilled in this part of the world.
Children, as your Mother of the homes and of all the families of the world, I wish that each group of prayer may carry out a fundraising campaign that may be the most convenient and simple to them, with the divine goal of manifesting the necessary funds that will permit the materialization of the next pilgrimage of Mary to Colombia and to the United States.
Children, a loving means for this campaign will be the canticles of Mercy Mary, of the Crystal Mother, which can be offered at will in countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic. Also in the United States, they can be offered to My children, to those who migrated to this country in search of a better life and survival expectance.
I keep all of them in My Heart and in My prayers so that one day they may return to their nations without the need of being separated from their families and from their lands of origin.
Children, you can realize in each of these nations a campaign that may respond to the way of life and to the culture of each people, that which knows and lives Our Lady. Congregate in the United States all of the Latin Americans that live there, so that the ones who are moved by faith, may collaborate with the plans of the Heavenly Mother.
Each group in each country will be able to exercise its creativity and, in this way, find the means in order to raise the basic funds for the pilgrimages of the Celestial Messengers. Your Mother of Heaven wishes to motivate you to work in cooperation with the Evolutionary Plan, and above all, that you may experience the love and the fraternity between the languages and the sister nations.
Remember, children, to summon the brothers and sisters of Mexico for this task, because the Spirit of your Lady of Guadalupe will spiritually unify the purpose of this mission to Colombia and to the United States.
Dear children, I reveal to you that the Sacred Family, in Its Humility and Love used to live on simple jobs, but abnegated, in order to fulfill the purpose of God.
Good work and good fraternal cooperation to all!
Who blesses you and unites you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Children of Mine,
In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.
On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America. For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.
The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages. It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States. As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.
For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing. For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause. In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.
In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life. In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.
Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward. For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness. When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.
The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.
I thank you all for answering to My requests!
Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today My Luminous Heart descends in Glory and Love over the souls that are thirsty of God. Through the mission of peace, the doors of evil and perdition were closed during three weeks of mission and of prayer done by all My groups of prayer.
I wish, dear children, that you keep in mind the necessity of continuing working through the spirit of prayer, because in the Divine Word is found the exit and the path to the salvation of the souls.
Today I traverse the streets of the Congo and see the faces of forgetfulness, loneliness and sorrow. The eyes of My children reflect the absence of paternity and dignity. For this, children, may each moment of service be a true and profound expression of love, may your hands and fatherly hugs be able to ease the burden of denial of all the children of the Congo. Through your charity, the Mercy of My Son promises to act until the last moments of your presence in the Congo.
Now My Heart indicates you to offer the prayer for the reparation of all the innocent souls, those who wait in solitude for a major help.
Your Lady of Kibeho opens the arms to receive and protect the childhood of all of the Congo. For this, may your spirit of fraternity express the healing and the grace of receiving the Light of The Kingdom of God.
In these last days of mission for the inner planetary peace, your Heavenly Mother pours the codes of rehabilitation and mercy.
My children, the time has come to help all My children of the Congo to abandon the eternal captivity. And that will begin to happen when you allow the doors to the Kingdom of Peace to be open.
An important mission is coming to an end; a cycle is being fulfilled in the life and in the existence of all My children of Rwanda, Uganda and Congo.
The seed of peace has been sown in the hearts impoverished of spirit. The mission will become part of the memory of Heaven.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you under the Spirit of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
I Am That Solar Star that comes from the vast and infinite universe. I Am the Light of Love that approaches the planet to help it.
I Am That Lady dressed of the Sun, the one who illuminates the darkness and the one who takes Her children away from all evil.
I Am the ray of the love of God manifested, after Christ.
I Am the one who has gestated Mercy in Her womb and the one who announced to Israel the liberation of its slavery.
I Am the Source Conceived of all Graces. For this I am the one who summons the souls of Christ to work for the redeeming and saving Plan, which My Son has announced.
Behind all of the invisible, I Am the one who unties the knots of consciousness, because I Am the one who is reopening the doors to the redemption of humanity.
I Am the Doctor of the impossible causes, I Am the one who holds the key to solve all issues.
I Am the Ambassador of the Peace.
I Am the Queen Crowned by the Holy Spirit, because I have been the Mother of all the Apostles.
Now I Am the one who announces to you the new time. I Am the one who shows you the steps towards the Lord.
Dear children, as the Mother of the World and of the Universe, I bring you the announcement of the great time of forgiveness. Seek to forgive your own selves every day. That forgiveness may be an act of reparation and of peace so that the anger kept by many hearts may be dissolved.
Open the doors to the Mercy of God and close the doors to evil, this is My message for you. Be builders of the New and Sacred Humanity. Be guardians of all of the minor kingdoms and allow that the Grace that flows from My Holy Spirit may be able to relieve all of Creation. Convert yourselves into living mirrors of prayer and in this way avoid chaos in the minds of the people.
My children, I have come here to Punta del Este to warn it and to convert it by means of the gift of the Love of God, a love that many souls have lost by insisting on material life. I come to teach you the path to the immaterial life, the life of the union with God and with the whole universe. I need that many awaken from the dream of material life and that they embrace with love the gift of service to their neighbors. In this way Uruguay will be worthy to keep receiving My Graces for a longer time.
For this, My children, seek to be humble and simple. Through these gifts you will be able to help Me to reconstruct that which has already collapsed in the life of many souls. I invite you to consecrate yourself as a star of My Crown. Just as John the Apostle wrote, I will throw to the Earth the rays of salvation and of peace and all of My children will have time to ask God for forgiveness and to unify themselves with Christ, Your Lord.
While I am waiting for more brave hearts to consecrate themselves to My call as workers of the new time and for the formation of prayer groups in Maldonado and in all of Uruguay, the Lord has conceded to Me to avoid many things.
For this, I invite you to search for My Maternal Grace and to unite yourself to it in order that the purity and innocence that many have lost may be able to be reborn as a star at dusk.
Dear children, the time has come for you to decide and to seek for the Supreme. The Eternal Father waits to see the new redeemed stars shine over the world.
I thank you for having answered once again to My call!
Who blesses you, loves you and protects you,
Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Sun
The one that has been announced in the Apocalypse
Dear children,
May Peace reign today and may each being reach the union with God for these times.
I Am the Mother and Lady of the Andes, I Am the Condor that flies over the world calling Her children to redemption. I come to this world to save it with the hope that Christ, your Lord, will find the souls strengthened and decided to live the Plan of God.
For this My little children, open your eyes and look at the Star-Sun that enlightens you, look at the mountains that surround you and invite you to elevate yourselves to find the path of the inner union with God.
You, who are My disciples of the new time, have the mission of helping to transcend the human conditions, so that this planet and all its minor kingdoms becomes sacred and blessed; but there is still much to forgive inside and outside of you.
Dear children, I invite you to proceed without tiring, without discouragement, only looking towards the top of the mountains in order to find Me in flight, guiding your lives and your steps.
For this last cycle of transition, you will find yourselves in many tests. With joy and united to the strength of the Heart of Christ, do not fear to unmask your old habits and, thus, to make them sacred through the constancy in the prayer of the heart.
Now you are at the moment of never retreating and complying with this blessed project which should incarnate in life and in the essence of all My servers. While this is about to happen, I ask that you live through the spirit, through the good courage and that you risk to banish your own self.
Now, as disciples, among you there should be no preferences; the path of My Heart indicates to you the time for your rapid purification so that in this way the Light of Christ may dwell in you.
The Lord sends Me glorious and resplendent as the Condor of Light, so that humanity may comprehend that it is no longer the moment to stop nor delay in this life. It is time to walk, to overcome barriers and obstacles inside and outside of your little beings; that will be only achieved through a loving act of repentance, that which will lead you to do penance for all those who not even think in God the Father. Thus My little ones, you may be adults and may be mature to face this last time of changes and of massive transformations.
When My Immaculate Spirit appeared for the first time upon the soil of Aurora, many did not understand the meaning of My message, and the ones who accepted Me the priests, when at the time I called them to accompany Me on this planetary mission of peace and of permanent pilgrimage. And this responsibility was granted to the more immature and inexperienced in the path of the spirit, but it was only the faith that they incarnated and the devoted love to My Heart that permitted that My work towards other nations and continents.
Only by the love and fidelity of the prayer groups of the Network of Light I have been able to fulfill the designs that God had given Me.
Remember children that I Am the Mother who must give you the essence of the Most Holy Trinity for this cycle, so that all of you will be conceived and contemplated once again by the Merciful Heart of God. This is the work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity: that all the souls of the world may revive the union with the Love of the Father, with the Faith of the Son and with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
I still hope that My Holy Church in Uruguay and in the world may take the first step, in order for all the good Christians to recognize My presence.
Dear children, as your Mother, I bring you to this day, the 13th of December, these reflections; I wish every day that you may be able to grow and thus separate from the illusion with which the enemy fills you and which confuses you.
May in this time of changes, your aspiration to be with Me be permanent.
My Light will always illuminate you!
Who blesses you, heals you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Andes
The flowers of light that are born in My Sacred Garden are diverse, but all together emanate the same aroma of prayer. My celestial rays water the flowers of the garden every day so that they, on their own, may reach the expression of their inner beauty.
In My Garden the roses are a beautiful present for the Altars of God, each one of them has its time to be harvested and after be taken in My basket of gold to the Thrones of God.
These precious and diverse flowers from Heaven are the sublime expression of the souls that pray every day with Me and that, as in the earthly life are transformed step by step.
Today I wish that you be new flowers in My Sacred Garden, that you may beautify life upon the Earth through your love and your prayer; it will help that most of the flowers that die on Earth may blossom again as seeds in the stable of Your Lord, Jesus.
Dear children, in this way is expressed My Mystical Rose. My Light profoundly springs from the Immaculate Heart in order to transform and convert in love the souls that have fallen.
Think, dear children, about the possibility that you may spiritually materialize this aspiration of Mine, that you may be beautiful flowers at the feet of the Creator; in this way your lives may be guided by new laws and that which to you seems not transformable, the Holy Spirit of God will transform.
Beloved children, encourage yourselves to live in the new; seek in your sincere prayer the Divine Life, that is the Life of Heaven, the path of holiness and of service. Be holy in life, proclaim the greatness of God in all things; in this way you will help that all be renewed and many of your brothers and sisters may find hope again.
Beloved children, the Lord of the Universe observes you and accompanies you every day of your lives; only seek the one and true union with the Eternal Father. He waits for His servants to give Him the fruits collected from the great harvest of the end of the times.
I am still here among your hearts, because there is still much that heals and that scars; it is time to place your beings under the healing rays of Christ, so that My Son may exorcise and transform you in precious seeds of light, ready to be sown as groups of prayer upon the surface of the Earth.
After so many precious instructions that the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph have poured, today I announce to you that this will be the last message that I will give to you for the Prayer Vigils. Now I need for you to meditate, in the beginning of each new vigil, about the Daily Messages that I have given to the world; in them are deposited important keys for the conversion of the world and to be able to establish peace.
The Daily Messages, beginning in the next Prayer Vigil, will be those that will open your hearts month after month and will be the ones that will prepare your inner beings for the exercise of prayer for peace in the nations.
This does not mean, dear children, that I Am withdrawing Myself; God needs that you wake up to the reality that all have lived with Me since the last trip to Medjugorje in the year of 2011.
Dear children, I leave you My Eternal Peace, I love you and I bless you always!
Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira
My dears,
I come again to the world in order to remind you of the importance of living in the faith of the heart. Who professes their faith for these difficult and definitive times will be able to look to the supreme help of God the Father.
Dear children, today I come to Santa Fe in order to institute My Kingship of Faith and of Peace in all of the souls, those that need mercy and forgiveness in this cycle. My Beloved Son has sent Me with the hope that I, Your Sacred Mother of Heaven, may lead you to rehabilitate yourselves in the Spirit of the Faith of God.
Dear children, do you, in truth, know the power of the Faith of God? Today I will lovingly tell you: those souls that confirm their lives in God will never lose faith because faith is the flame and the favorite gift of Your Eternal Father.
I need you to enter into the Universe of the Faith of God because the Faith of God has enabled the creation of all of the forms of life and of evolution. The Faith of the Father has enabled the existence of Divine Love, the Faith of God has sown in all of the essences the promise of the coming of Christ. Christ sowed the Faith of God in all of the souls that sought forgiveness and peace.
My beloved children, great and infinite is the Faith of the Father. The Faith is the perfect gift that will always allow you to take the steps towards transformation and towards conversion.
Today My Heart ennobles itself for the faith that all of the dear children from Santa Fe and from Argentina have lovingly expressed to Me. As an answer to the letter that all of My children from Argentina have sent Me I say:
“Dear children, a new Argentina must be born through the Christic love that your hearts may be able to radiate and the perpetual prayer will be the path that will fulfill the promise so that My Beloved Son Jesus may be among you in some moment of His awaited return. Prepare the path for His arrival and it will begin in the daily union of your lives with His Pious and Merciful Most Sacred Heart” .
Beloved children of Santa Fe, My Maternal and Healing Light is poured today upon you with the hope that new groups of prayer be born so that they may be mirrors of love and of mercy in all of Argentina.
Dear children, I will come to this nation every time that God allows it as the Father has a precious project for you.
For all that you have given to God, I thank you!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Lady and Queen of the Most Holy Faith
Dear children:
That in times without inner peace, the hope of living in the Divine Mercy of My Son may spring and be born from your hearts.
Today, the always Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, returns to the world to deliver to Her little children a message of healing, of joy and of hope. As Mother of all, I know your limitations and obstacles, the ones that at times the enemy imposes on you to make you give up the Sacred Christic Path.
Dear children, today begins My great spiritual pilgrimage throughout the states of western Brazil to the nation of Venezuela. Places in which My Most Holy Heart and the Sacred and Infinite Heart of Jesus intends to help, out of love and divine order, the souls of these regions. In this way, you will know the Life and the Mission that is accomplished by My Maternal Consciousness in the world. I only hope that through My faces the world is united to God and is redeemed soon by the work and the unfathomable strength of the Divine Love.
Today I am in Goiania to invite My dear children to form new groups of prayer that support, sustain and balance all of this nation together with other prayer groups in Brazil.
The Immaculate Conception in these days has Her Yearly Feast at the Marian Center of Lourdes, in France. Since the first day in which I appeared to Bernadette Soubirous, I asked her to remind the world of the importance of penance in order to, in this way, reach redemption.
Today My Heart asks all of you to remember the importance of living and of seeking peace for these difficult times; I know that you have already heard Me say this several times, but in truth, very few are those children who live in absolute peace.
Beloved children, it is the hour and it is time to prepare the fertile land so that the seeds which are the gifts of the Holy Spirit may be sown in your hearts.
The Lord has asked Me to accompany you, but there are many helpless children, fatigued from so much suffering and that have no peace; for this I ask you to remember this Holy Grace that you are receiving directly from My Immaculate Heart, because this union with Me will help you when I am no longer publicly amongst My dear children.
May the Source and the Water of Healing Life that I made flow spiritually in Lourdes, bless you today, restore you and unite you always with God.
I thank you My children of Goias for having answered to My call!
That Peace may be amongst humans and God.
Mary, the Immaculate Conception
Dear children in Christ,
Praise be Jesus, now and forever!
Today, My Immaculate Heart returns with the hope that your hearts wake up to My call and you return to your homes with the spiritual impulse to form new groups of prayer consecrated to My maternal Heart.
In the school of prayer of which you can be a part, the Teacher of prayer, your Most Holy Mother Mary, will be able to teach you to feel the prayer of the heart.
My dear ones, to pray with the heart is to feel in your souls each one of the sacred words that are prayed by you. To pray with the heart is to express a gesture of love and of reverence for what is repeated.
Throughout history, humanity recognized and learned about the power of the Message that was announced by the Archangel Gabriel to My inner Heart, which then became an ikon of prayer for the whole world. Today, I am referring to the Hail Mary prayer.
I want and I expect you to be able to learn to build a perfect union with God in your hearts through the loving offering that My Immaculate Heart proclaims.
At this time, I come to invite all My children from different spiritual paths, doctrines and beliefs to unite through the prayer of the heart. If this were not to happen in this way, the world as a whole will shortly have to face difficult tests.
My maternal Light, that Light that comes from the Most Pure Essence of God, will at every moment try to prevent your suffering. Thus, My call for you to be aware about prayer, is for everybody without distinctions.
I want the world, at this critical time, to know Me as the Universal Mother, as the Mother of all of humanity that lives today on the Earth. That will be possible through the ecumenism that your lives are able to reflect.
Beloved children, this school of prayer will open the doors so that, in truth, you may receive Graces, healings, liberations and, mainly be able to be blessed by the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.
Dear children, I thank all those present who made this vigil of prayer possible during this early morning; for it has extensively helped in the spiritual salvation of the original peoples through My holy intercession as Mother and Lady of Guadalupe.
Children, I thank you for your permanent union with Me.
Thank you for responding to My call for peace!
Mary, Queen of Peace and Lady of all the peoples
My Heart, on this day, rejoices a little more because of the merciful response of My praying groups. I know of the effort and commitment of each one of the little lights of this network that is being woven upon the Earth.
Today My Heart invites you to take a step on the path of consecration, the consecration to My Heart, and this step is to live My Message of salvation.
My children, especially those who listen to Me for the first time, I invite you to continue walking because if God allowed your hearts to meet My Immaculate Heart it is because your souls have already said yes to My Plan of Peace.
To those who meet me for the first time, from your cities, I invite you to follow this path of prayer traced by My Heart.
My dear ones, My Heart descends to the Earth, in this time, to proclaim Peace and bring to the world the salvation that many souls wait for. If you listen to My Words with the heart, above all those pronounced in recent times, you will be able to feel the Love which descends from the merciful Source of God to fill your lives.
Therefore, I only tell you to open your hearts and spirits and only say yes to My Heart; in this way, I can soon be closer to your hearts and your lives.
I thank you for walking towards My Heart.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Dear children,
For another month, today I gather everyone into the depths of My Immaculate Heart, in this way, preparing the anniversary of Graces that will take place during the next month of August, in the original place where Heaven touched Earth.
For this purpose, and so that more hearts may awaken to My call, I invite all the prayer groups, for love and universal order, to help through their prayers and their donations so that the mission of the new bridge that is being built, and has not yet been finalized, may be fulfilled at the Marian Center of Aurora.
My dear children, if among everyone we are not able to gather the praying and donating efforts to concretize this bridge, before the month of August, this bridge, that wants to lead you to peace, will not be concretized.
Therefore, as Mother, I invite all My children to fulfill this request in truth, love and faith. Today I reveal to you that, some time ago, I asked My visionaries for the construction of a new bridge, for everyone to be able to reach the Marian Center.
Now I ask you, My beloveds, to incarnate the symbol of My petition within all of you.
What will it mean for your souls to build a new bridge and to concretize it, even in the physical plane?
God is showing you that, in this time of change, the bridges will be built by all.
My children, as a Mother, I give you this challenge that, if it be fulfilled with love by My dear children, the Marian Center of Aurora will be able to count on a secure path for the next month of August, in which My children will be able to cross.
While My Heart speaks about these small things, it wants to transmit to you the importance of everybody being able to build a new world based on spiritual maturity and faith.
If this bridge is able to be built before August 8th of this year, the current path and the ecosystem that is used by all will no longer suffer aggressions, and the Kingdoms will be able to once more approach all the regions of the Marian Center and to manifest, in this way, the harmony that existed, when the old bridge was present.
But what will building a new bridge mean?
It is a new spiritual alliance that is symbolically established, even on the material plane.
Therefore, this important act of charity by those who pray will allow to create a new consciousness within everybody, thus bringing wisdom and understanding about the essence of each one of My requests.
I want My little ones to understand that building a simple bridge, that leads to the Light of My Marian Center, has a planetary repercussion because, in this way, one rebuilds in the consciousness of humanity something that was destroyed by evil.
Dear children, may you experience this challenge in peace and, in the month of August, I Myself, The Virgin Mary, may cross the bridge that My children built with love for Me, to be able to reach the eternal Temple of prayer.
The month of August will announce profound and true revelations for all those who open themselves and reach Aurora with an open heart.
Today, I only ask you to pray for this symbolic bridge to be able to manifest itself. As good children, help so that this bridge for peace may be concretized.
The New Humanity will be born under the loving impulse of the hearts that are good, simple and humble, hearts that only radiate love and peace.
I thank you for responding with love and truth to My call for peace!
I bless and tell you: Go ahead, My workers, get to work!
Who thanks you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Uruguay Marian Mission will be the name of the task of the present groups of prayer that will collaborate in the creation of the nineteen new Marian groups that will represent the department of Uruguay.
Under this emblem: Walking through Mary, also the pilgrims of other nations will be able to collaborate with love so that this work of the end of time may be carried out.
Dear children, when My maternal Heart asks you for this mission, it is because God observes that your hearts will be able to help all of Uruguay, to reach yet another time of peace.
My children, you will be precursor apostles of My Immaculate Heart for this sacred and immaculate mission, handed to you by the Queen of Heaven, to be able to rapidly expand throughout Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and, afterward, throughout all the Americas.
Dear children, it will be through you that God will be able to make many of His children pray again so that the whole world reconciles with Him and returns to the Kingdom of Heaven.
My children, My Heart of Mother will accompany the paths that your feet will walk upon. Therefore, do not fear about where to start, it is time for your pure hearts to be able to reflect the true love they keep for God and for His Son Jesus, thus you will learn to love the Will of God for yourselves.
I invite you, dear children, to unite in spirit to this Marian Project. The new Light-Network of Uruguay has reached the moment of awakening, as it has awakened other neighboring nations. The spiritual purpose is that, at the end, when the groups pray much for their own countries, God looks at them, contemplates them and gives them the forgiveness they need to enter into Paradise.
Dear children, I am with you, because soon you will see the fruits of conversion within your hearts and within the hearts of all your brothers and sisters. Enter the Kingdom of My Heart in trust, because, thus, I will guide you and mark the steps for you to find My Son, Jesus.
Now, I need in these times of missionaries that you not only experience prayer but also experience service to reach the redemption of the heart.
Dear children, I need you, day by day, and I count on you so that through this mission, which will start in the month of June of this year, you can bring me closer Me to many of My children who have separated themselves from My maternity.
If you respond to this call, Uruguay will be in other planes of the Creator, try to be in My Peace and in My Love because, in this way, I will comfort you.
I thank you for awakening to this call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Most beloved children,
This is a day that My Heart has waited for with special joy, because it is the weekly meeting with My Marian groups.
I asked that you meet on Tuesdays, My dears, so that the fire of prayer can be kept alive in your hearts, so that all My Marian groups find a space to be renewed with Me, and through this prayer, in which all can meet, may your hearts be filled and sustained by each other, creating the unity that the Lord has so hoped for from human beings.
This is a month of great impulses; for this reason, My Heart desires to be ever closer to My children.
The Lord observes you with special attention in these times. Thus, My dear ones, offer your lives to the Creator. Place in His merciful Hands all affliction, anguish and misery of all the aspects you may be experiencing in this time. The universe is waiting for this to be the time of the definitive changes in your hearts. This must be the moment in which fervent prayer begins to become flesh in your beings.
It was in this way, through faithful prayer to the Creator, that the Verb was made flesh in Jesus. So much did He rise to the Father that, at a certain moment, the Father was with Him permanently.
This is the true path of prayer, so that you may be with God all the time and thus convert your hearts and your faults.
If you sincerely fast, in a true offering to the Creator, if you are able to confess to My Son, surrendering your miseries without fear into the Hands of the Redeemer, and if you pray daily with Me, My children, you will then find a definitive transformation.
Thus, prayer and persistence are necessary; persisting in the Purpose of God and in the true aspirations of your hearts, those that lead you into the Arms of the Creator.
Be always prayerful and vigilant. In this way, you will be able to perceive My Presence and My help in the moments of need.
I am with My beloved children.
And I thank you for responding to My call to the life of prayer.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today, by the Will of God, an uninterrupted year of daily apparitions and Daily Messages of Love is fulfilled.
For this reason, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary will announce Her words of Love and Redemption for all Her children for a while longer.
Dear children, on this day I announce to you that God has asked Me, from today on, to communicate My instructions to you on Saturdays and on the days of the apparitions.
My children, after a continuous year of Graces received, My Maternal Heart asks that you look within your hearts and that you grow from within through My Redeeming Peace.
Therefore, dear children, may this day be for you a day of synthesis so that you can keep in your hearts everything that God has given you through My Immaculate Heart. From today on we will meet daily through the prayer of the heart because the world is waiting to receive the Mercy of My Son.
I give thanks to My children, those who accompanied Me to Medjugorje a year ago, for having pilgrimaged with devotion and love, because this state of love, radiated from your hearts before God in Medjugorje, allowed Him to send Me in order to guide you during a whole year of great changes.
Dear children, on this day all the groups of prayer and all souls receive as a task to pray week by week so that you may wait on Saturday for My Weekly Message, which will be transmitted in an apparition to My visionaries.
My children, the moment has come to grow and mature from the heart so that the soldiers of My Son may be prepared for the time that will come to humanity.
Dear children, once again I place you all in My arms, to offer to God the voice of your prayers, that have helped in the con- version of humanity.
In the next year of 2013 I will visit you by means of My Motherhood and from the Heavens, twice a month, on the 13th and the 25th of each month so that together we may accompany the descent of the Holy Spirit that will help humanity.
Little children, rejoice today because, for one year, My Immaculate Heart has triumphed due to your response to My maternal call. The celestial choirs, together with your hearts, are praising the One and Only God during all this day.
I thank you for responding this whole year to My call for peace.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
Pray, pray much so that in each moment of your day God may hear you and thus His Magnificent Spirit of Love will be able to work through all creatures.
Dear children, pray, pray much so that your souls and the souls in all of the world may receive the consolation and the Mercy that they are waiting for.
Pray and do not tire of praying, because in prayer the strength and the loving dialogue of your hearts with God is to be found.
Pray, pray for the time of changes that will come, so that each heart of this world may listen with humility to the lovely requests of My Immaculate Heart.
Pray to open the Doors of the Heavens so that the angels may be present with their love and service on Earth and so that this can allow the hearts of many consciousnesses to change. When you reach a harmonious and loving prayer you will be going through the path towards contemplation of the Most High and your beings will be as sparks of Light in the universe.
Pray for those who do not pray. Pray for those who do not love. Pray for all of humanity because the prayer of the heart will guide you as a mother guides her little child.
This is why, dear children, My Maternal and Devotional Heart is among you to teach you to walk through the path of prayer and conversion.
Throughout these last months you have known the Face of the Queen of Peace, of the Mother of God, but still, My children, you must love the daily prayer until your hearts recognize that the prayer of all the groups will change the world.
When in Lourdes I called for penitence, I was calling the world to reflection, to the awakening of the consciousness before the actions.
In Fatima, I called the world to daily prayer so that souls would weave, by means of the rosary, a new web of peace and redemp- tion that could help the world.
In Medjugorje, I called you to fasting and prayer, just as in Aurora where, for five years, I have been asking humanity for a little more sacrifice and effort so that it may be able to balance itself before the events that are outside the Law of God.
In Salta, Argentina, I called you to heal the heart through the adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. I was calling everyone to consider the importance of the daily union with My Son the Redeemer, through the Communion with His Holy Body and His Sacred Blood.
Today, dear children, I call you to the awakening in yourselves of the new time, to the preparation of your hearts through prayer, through adoration, confession, fasting and the devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
My children, after so many calls and warnings to humanity, today I call you to live your conversion and your redemption by means of prayer and peace.
Dearest children, you are part of the beautiful Project of God, you can be an expression of My Peace and the Divine Peace of My Son.
Children of My Father, now, recognizing the power of My Maternal Requests, again I call you to the prayer of the heart, because prayer will help the whole world.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Beloved children,
Once again My Mercy is upon all Argentina and especially upon Buenos Aires, this needy city of the world.
Dear children, today I call you to the awakening of the consciousness in the end of these times by means of the prayer of the heart, because a new cycle is approaching and your hearts must be prepared to receive it. For some, this cycle will be Good News that will change the state of consciousness, but for others it will be deep changes that will lead them to define the path to follow in this time.
For this reason, dear children, you who live the day-to-day in this city of Buenos Aires, as do other souls in different cities of the world, must pray with fervor and from the heart so that the Grace of God and the Mercy of My Son may be propagated in the hearts most in need of love and redemption.
My children from Argentina, yesterday I invited you to pilgrimage to Luján in a different way. This time for a true and selfless service, because you must know that great colonies of souls must also be supported by prayer. For this, it is necessary to have prayer groups that, consecrated to My Maternal Spirit, may persist and walk in the faith of My Son. Each group must begin to exercise fraternity because in this way, in your nuclei of work and service, you will find My Universal Peace.
I want to form, for these times, awakened soldiers, who leave behind all amenities of life and who, as sincere disciples, may be instruments in the Hands of God in this end of times.
You, through prayer, have the key to define the salvation of all humanity. For this reason, now for thirty-one years in Medjugorje, My Maternal Heart has pronounced and cried out for prayer, prayer and prayer! This is what you must take in as a spiritual nourishment in this time, thus allowing My heart to redeem the paths that divert millions of souls, the paths of modernity and comfort.
I am here, dear children, in the name of the Most High, to open your eyes, aspiring as the Mother of Heaven, that your consciousnesses may mature and be able to help humanity itself through prayer.
My children, someone must do something for the world! Because each day it kindles itself in flames from its own actions and those who must act are all My faithful soldiers, the soldiers of My Heart.
Today I arrive at this world to open the Doors of the Heavens to your lives so that hope and Mercy may be cultivated in the greatest number possible of souls.
Dear children, God is listening to you, therefore continue to pray every day. I will be universally thankful.
May this month of November be a preparation for all of you for My next arrival in Buenos Aires, in December.
Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dearest children from Córdoba and from all of My beloved Argentina,
As the Queen of Peace today I come to your encounter through a Special Apparition of My Immaculate Face.
May this day be glorious, blissful and joyful for all so that we may be together and united to the Celestial Jubilation of God and, through the prayer of the heart, we may say “yes” to the Salvation and Redemption of souls.
Dear children, God the Father has sent Me to the city of Córdoba to give My Great Maternal Blessing and for this reason My Immaculate Heart has heard the loving voice of your prayers and of your call.
When souls say “yes” to the Divine Plan, the events that are written in the book of God change through the intervention of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of My Son. And this happens because you, as so many other souls, live the inner power of prayer.
Therefore, dear children, may your hearts continue to pray, creating new groups of prayer that respond to My requests and thus strengthen the faith in each one of you.
As the Mother of Divine Mercy today I bless you all for this path of faith and devotion that your hearts are living in honor of the Lady of the Immaculate Peace.
My children, My Message is reaching everyone throughout the world. Today I also ask you that your hearts be faithful propagators of My message and of My call, because many souls that have distanced themselves from God must begin to pray again and many souls that do not know the Love of God must feel the Celestial Father in the depths of their hearts.
Dear children, in order for this to happen, your faithful prayer must continue every day and thus open the heart to receive those who are in most need of God.
Dear children from Córdoba and from the sister provinces, today I invite you to participate in the new life of the spirit through the selfless service to the Plan of God. Therefore all the groups of prayer from Argentina are called to collaborate for love in the emerging of the New Christic Community of Brotherhood (*), extending your arms and giving yourselves through your hands. Therefore you are invited to be the work- ers of this Plan of Love.
In the Córdoba Mountain Range, from My Home of Prayer, a point of Light must finish emerging. Therefore you are all called to form yourselves in the school of prayer and to respond to the maternal requests of My Heart. All of you are part of the Home of Prayer because the world needs it in order to reach the Grace of Forgiveness.
Good fraternal service for all My children of Argentina!
I thank you for responding to My call today!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Located at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina
Dear children,
In this month of the Rosary until the 26th of November, I ask you that out of love for God the Creator, you gather in groups of prayer and that you pray at least the first fifty beads of the Holy Rosary for the world and for humanity, uniting in this way this request to the one that I have already made for all the nations of the world.
My children, by means of this maternal request, My Immaculate Heart will intercede in favor of all the souls that are in need of peace and forgiveness in this time, with the celestial mission that all of My children may awake from the dream in which they normally live and may begin to live for God, in His Love and Mercy.
In order for this to happen for most of My beloved children, the prayer of the heart on the part of all groups that have con- secrated themselves to the Divine Mother will be considered of universal importance.
Dear children, when souls are conscious of the requests that God sends through My Immaculate Heart, this loving action of responding to the call has repercussions in all the life of the planet and of humanity.
By means of the exercise of the Rosary on these days of Octo- ber until November, your lives will be preparing in conscious- ness for the new, for the time that will arrive to the world.
My children, the opening of your hearts will allow that this task may become sacred and true, just as are resting, eating and living for God. Each action of life in this time must be sacred so that God may avail Himself of the good examples of His children, who learn the laws of living together and of fraternity.
The new world will be composed of groups of souls that will learn to live the laws as the ancient peoples from the desert lived and obeyed together with Moses. God has prepared for each soul a special message of love and a mission.
Your exercise of daily prayer will allow that, in each moment, your hearts may contemplate the Will of God.
Dear children, may this month of the Holy Rosary be a preparatory month, a true school of prayer for all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Carrying all humanity in My arms, today I direct My celestial words to all My children from the United States and from Venezuela, asking you to pray so that the Blessed Grace may descend over both nations.
At the request of My Son Jesus, today I give My Maternal Blessing and I call you to continue walking for peace in your hearts and in the whole world. For this reason, today I send My eternal Love to each one of the groups of prayer from the United States and from Venezuela. I send you My Maternal Comfort and announce to you that My promised arrival to both nations, according to the plans of the Most High, has been moved to the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.
When I tell you that I carry humanity in My arms it is because it needs the guidance and the protection of My Motherhood. When I tell you that I will appear in glory and in spirit during the months of October and November at the Marian Center of Figueira, it is so that your hearts can feel that I will not abandon you because I love you beyond your thoughts and reasoning.
Today I want to remind you of a parable that Christ left to all humanity. It is a message that will allow you to understand why God wants and asks your consciousnesses to grow in this defining final time.
My children, remember that Jesus once said that in a past time there was a very poor woman who donated everything that she had so that the temple could continue with its task. But because what she had given was so little, her action was not considered by humankind. Jesus My son invites you to recog- nize that the action that each child of the Father offers is more important than the value itself that each one has.
What is the mystery of this parable?
Dear children, the mystery is that in the Kingdom of the Heavens are kept the true and the sincere spiritual values that enrich the hearts of all souls, and not the goods that My children keep and accumulate on Earth.
Today, My children, I want that you learn to love that which you do not have. I tell you: love the true spirit of the Providence of God. Jesus said to His disciples: “Leave everything that you have and follow Me.” My Son wanted to tell you that each one of you must donate yourself entirely to the Will of God and trust that He will give the greatest goods that exist in the Heavens.
Dear children, My absence in Venezuela indicates that a correct balance in the collaboration and in the support for My universal task with you is lacking on the part of My children.
God will not abandon you and My Maternal Heart will be transmitting the monthly message for October and November of 2012. But today I want you to meditate on how much your hearts are supporting, with sincerity, My Universal Task, so that it is thus fulfilled in each nation.
God has not given Me the permission to make great miracles. Therefore, in order for My Message and My Light to be poured out on each nation that God has asked Me to go to, there must exist a total collaboration from you so that the visionaries may fulfill the task that My Heart has entrusted to them in each nation.
Dear children, you are being invited to live in faith and in surrender to God. For this reason I am now with you. Do not fear for anything, but it is now time to grow from the heart.
Will you, My little ones, accompany the voice of My call?
I bless the efforts that I have seen from the groups of the United States and of Venezuela. Let us pray much because the times are changing!
I thank you!
Thank you for listening to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more