During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


When the Voice of the Creator is pronounced in the world through His Messengers, in its teachings, it brings sublime Truths that are hidden in Existence, in the sense of life, in the roots of Creation.

The Father speaks to you about these things in this time, because it is time to uplift your consciousness, as beings and as humanity, so that supported by the Truth, you may go through the last tests and moments in which you are immersed in the illusion of the Earth.

Rise up, not to be indifferent in the face of the atrocities of the world, but rather so that you can help the planet from another point of your consciousnesses, from where the aid you bring to the world comes from God and not from your poor and human heart.

In order for the experience of love on earth to be real, it must be experienced within the Divine Consciousness. Your hearts, children, must be in God and there be renewed in Love, because it is the Love of the Father in you that is renewed, and not just the human love.

Wisdom and Divine Knowledge, which the Creator causes to descend to the world at this time, are for your consciousnesses to expand, that you may understand the range of the Love of God, which is not shut up in the hearts of humankind, but moves and manifests in all life, even beyond this world, in all of Creation.

Let your consciousnesses expand, entering into the Divine Science, so that you may thus see life and all that exists as expressions of the Love of God. In this way, children, you will be able look at yourself and at your siblings and feel the Grace of God.

And when your eyes shed tears, it will be to share the pain of the Father for souls, it will be to, with them, wash the wounded Heart of God, and cleansing the Heart of God with the water that comes from your souls and expresses in your eyes, you will be generating merits for the salvation and redemption of those who are lost, of those who cause and suffer injustice, of those who are blind and blind their siblings.

Thus, find a new way of helping the world, and even in the solitude of your hearts, have everything in your life be for Love of Creation, of Life, of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Holiness is to stand before God and, in confession, to recognize without fear your own faults, weaknesses and imperfections, not hiding from yourself or from others the small or great miseries that bind you to this world and prevent you from reaching Heaven.

Holiness is to be aware of the Divine Presence and to live under His Gaze, to be ashamed, repenting and confessing in the weaknesses, and at the same time welcoming, revering and thanking the Gifts and Graces that come from the Father.

Holiness is to surpass, each day a little more, the layers of material illusion, to fix your eyes and heart on the Purpose and Divine Truth. Gradually, human forces, tendencies and conditions lose their place in the hearts of beings, and this space is filled by the freedom to love and serve God.

Holiness is to recognize that the path is long because the deviation was great but, above all, to trust in the miracle and the Mercy of Christ, without conditions or limiting the actions of the Lord in your own life. But, on the contrary, always letting Him have the possibility of turning the stones lost in the mud into crystalline and pure pearls, full of His Truth and Transparency.

Holiness is to know that you have never reached the necessary point and not stopping your own steps, nor the Grace of God in your lives, in the certainty that at some moment of evolution, Unity will come and, on that day, Creation will be recreated. And, allowing the Father to have renewed His love, He will reinvent Life in a new degree of Love.

See holiness as a horizon that calls you. This is a path and not a utopia.

Seek service, love and transparency, and, without realizing it, you will experience redemption and, more than that, you will return to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


A strong spirit is not one that wields a sword and supports evil and pain, sustaining theirself with the energy of their own bodies.

A strong spirit is not the one that has an answer for everything and does not tremble in the face of adversities, but keeps their head raised in humiliations.

A strong spirit, children, is one that sustains their strength in the Power of God; the one who, before wielding the sword for their fellow being or for something, wields it first upon themselves and is capable of overcoming their human condition through inner silence and peace.

A strong spirit is one that is capable of giving up their own will out of love for the Plan of God and that, with this same love, opens the doors that unites the dimensions and becomes a participant in Divine Laws.

A strong spirit is one that knows how to look into the eyes of their enemies with love and that  experiences the freedom of forgiveness and the grace of reconciliation, removing from within themselves the hurts and wounds that used to consume them, although unnoticeably.

A strong spirit is one that knows that in the face of everything in life they must seek wisdom and discernment in God, not because they fear to make a mistake, but because they fear to move away from the path that leads to the Father.

A strong spirit is one that knows how to say “yes” when their cells and their bones say “no”, and that launches into a transformation in Christ, even though their bodies clamor for a common human life.

A strong spirit is one that knows they will only triumph through unity and does not fear to hold out their hands to their siblings, to cry out for peace in the world and for redemption.

A strong spirit is one that is capable of setting aside their needs in order to assist the Kingdoms of Nature and grant them peace.

Today you are being called to this, to be spirits that are truly strong in the Power and in the Grace of God, because these times and this world need this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be grateful for everything, because gratitude, child, is this superior energy that is born from the Heart of God, it mirrors itself in His angels and archangels, and descends to the Earth to permeate men and teach them how to return to God.

Gratitude is a sublime vibration that transforms and transmutes the human condition, lifting it to unknown realities, so that, thus, it may live revelations not only about itself and about life, but also about the whole Creation.

Gratitude is the recognition of the Love of God; it is this divine energy that is constantly born within those who recognize the Grace of the Creator Father.

Enter, child, into the sublime laws that rule the evolution of this Universe and of all Universes because God, being only One, manifested Life in the dimensions and the first emanation that He sent you was gratitude: gratitude for existence, for life, for creatures.

Find that sublime emanation every day, being grateful for all things, and elevate yourself to the Origin, into the Heart of the Father, letting Him awaken within you that which is perfect and which hides in you because it only manifests through gratitude.

Be grateful for all things and raise this world to the Heart of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Knock on the Doors of Heaven with your prayers and cry out for Mercy.

With your verb and your intentions, just ask God to have compassion of those who get lost in the illusions and the deceptions of the world so that, in the time of their awakening, they may know Peace, and not anguish and despair.

Knock on the Doors of Heaven with your prayers and beg the Father that, with His Hands extended to the world, He rescues those who are in the abysses and do not have strength, faith or hope to cry out for themselves. Be the voice of those who repent from their sins, but whose pride and fear were greater than their capacity to ask for forgiveness and redemption to God.

Knock on the Doors of Heaven and stay in reverence at the Feet of God, recognizing yourself as small, imperfect and as a sinner, and cry out to the Father to wash you with His purity, so that this same purity that you receive from God may be poured like a rain of glory and of graces over all of the beings of the Earth.

Knock on the Doors of Heaven and offer your heart and your prayers for the rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature. Do not get tired of crying out to God for this world because, until the last instant of time of redemption and of purification of the Earth, Mercy and Grace will be necessary.

Be a bearer of Mercy. Be a multiplier of Grace. Be an intercessor between God and humanity.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I speak to the heart of the old human so that they may yield and become new, renewed in God by His deep Love.

I speak to the lapsed heart of a lost humanity, so that, knowing itself to have strayed, it may seek the path of return to the Heart of God and enter the path of its redemption.

I speak to the miserable, to the sinners, and to the indifferent, so that they may know that by recognizing their miseries, sins, and indifference, they may change and create reason for Mercy to descend upon the world and permeate not only their being, but all life.

I speak to those who consider themselves small and to those who consider themselves great, so that each one, yielding up their vanities, know that it is not by wanting to be small or great that they will reach God; it is by being nothing, disposing with greatness and smallness to the Father, knowing that everything only gains meaning in God.

I speak to the world by a higher Will, making My voice the echo of the Sovereign Voice of the Creator because He sends His Messengers to warn and guide humanity. Therefore, listen to the Messengers of God, as the Voice of God Himself speaks to you. In gratitude, revere the grace the Father grants you.

Know that if you are hearing these words, they are for each one of you; it is God Himself who called you by name to listen to His Voice.

I speak to you, My child, because this is the Divine Will. It is enough now that you follow these words, so that you understand what the Creator expects of your heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Do not affirm in your life how imperfect you are, but rather believe in what you are in essence; because you know that you come from a Primordial Source that, making you arise as spirit, sent you through the Universe to learn to love and to forgive.

Concentrate your consciousness in everything that the Father deposited within the depth of your being, from there, allow the impulse of your essence to make you remember who you are and where you come from so that, once and for all, you can redeem the past and dissolve every sequel of inner pain.

Rejoice, because being before the Mother of the Most High, your inner consciousness will be purified and everything will be transfigured.

Have faith that someday you will be worthy of the Grace of God because, in truth, the Grace of God has touched your consciousness many times.

I would like you to remember the value of your essence because there will be kept your entire experience of faith, love and forgiveness; experiences that will help you to reach new steps in the School of unconditional love.

Affirm that you are before a unique opportunity and everything is conducted.

Love will overcome.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Keep in your heart all the Graces that the Lord granted you and consolidate, within yourself, the action of His infinite and unfathomable Mercy.

Remember, every day, that you are the fruit of the Grace and Mercy of God, which acted within you, as in your consciousness, releasing you from all the evil that kept you tied to the things of the world.

Keep your heart immersed in Divine Mercy, remembering that the Grace of God is something that must be cultivated and sustained within you. Make the gifts and virtues that the Lord granted you grow and multiply, because the time has come to put into practice, before the atrocities of the world, the faith and perseverance in the Love of Christ.

You will not be free from this test, child, because the purification has now extended beyond the invisible of your inner world and has reached the consciousness of the planet. But, just as you pray, you clamor and sustain your own inner self; now with more fervor, pray, clamor, and sustain life upon Earth.

Do not let chaos, hate or fear approach your heart. Love and do not forget that love is your only tool at this time.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Saint Joseph, transmitted during the journey between São Paulo, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

While, around you, the world agonizes, may your heart be in prayer, your feelings be at peace, your mind be in God, and your spirit be in the Divine Purpose, which is drawn in the stars to then be manifested in material life.

When your human condition, in full purification, seems to succumb and lose hope, concentrate your attention on the mirror that there is in the essence of your being and know that you hold within yourself a doorway to the Cosmos, to Eternity, to true life, supported and guided by divine thought.

With eyes fixed upon the mirror of your essence, concentrate your attention on seeking the Love of God and His Grace. Feel the presence of the stars and all the sources of life and energy that inhabit them. Know that this mirror that you hold within yourself is not the only one nor is it alone, but it is part of a network, which was created since the beginning of life so that all the children of God would find the path of return to His Heart.

Leave the mirror that lives within you alive and active through prayer and the transformation of your being. Make way for the Creator to reflect His Truth into your inner mirror and may you be able to be a vehicle of this Truth for the world.

While united to the mirror within you and to the Mirrors of the Cosmos, nourish not only your being, but allow this instrument of God within your heart to be a light that guides in the darkness, to be a sign so that your Lord may find the self-summoned in this time.

Within the mirror of your heart, the Truth, the Way and Life are reflected, because it is a part of the Presence of Christ within you. Therefore, child, do not lose the gift of having this divine tool within you, which can make your being an instrument in the Hands of God.

Today, address yourself to discover this mystery of the mirror of your heart through a life of prayer and union with the Brotherhood so that tomorrow, when everything will seem lost, you may look inside yourself and recover faith and hope.

Today I leave you a key and a mystery to unveil. In prayer, understand what I say to you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God sent you to the world, it was for love; it was for a Divine Purpose of giving His creatures a unique opportunity to live forgiveness, reconciliation, healing and above all, Christic Love.

When God sent you to the world, it was for love, so that His most imperfect creatures may have an opportunity of demonstrating to the whole of Creation the divine miracle that love performs in beings, when it converts their most cruel and ancient errors and transforms their corrupted essence, that is distant from God, into a crystalline essence that expresses unity and likeness to the Father.

When God sent you to the world, it was for love; it was so that His children may grow through Grace, Mercy and fullness in His Heart. But for this, children, you should choose to be in the Love of God and receive the spiritual presents that He gives you, understanding that life is a unique gift and that the Earth is a sacred place that, beyond its appearances, holds a celestial treasure, which was the intention of God when creating it.

When God sent you to the world, it was for love; it was so that, having the best and most beautiful expression of life through the Kingdoms of Nature, beings would be able to find beauty within themselves. Because with the same intention with which God manifested Nature, He also manifested men. With the same intention with which He manifested flowers, God manifested souls.

I tell you this so that you may know that the Father sent you to the world for love, and that for this purpose of love, you must be on Earth.

Love the intention of God, love life, and if you do not find meaning for loving it, seek for the intention of God when He created light; seek for the intention of God when He manifested the Earth; seek for the Divine Purpose to hold on to with the heart, so that then you understand the true essence of life upon the Earth.

Do not leave this world without living love, and if you feel you cannot find it, let God find you. It will be enough to open the way for Him to come into your lives. Ask God to draw closer, cry out for Him to transform you; not for you to be perfect, but for you to love, or at least to let yourselves be loved by His eternal Heart, because if you only open yourselves to receive the Love of God, that will be enough.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph

Apparition of the Virgin Mary, in the city of Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

As a response of the Celestial Universe, today I carry in My Hands a Rose of Light. It is the tribute of the Love of My children for the Mother of God, of all those who pray in Argentina who have responded to My call of love in the face of these critical times.

This Rose of Light that I carry in My Hands today is the essential testimony of each praying heart. It is the loving response of My children of Argentina to the Mother of God.

With all the tenderness of My Heart and My Soul, I will carry this offering of the souls to the Kingdom of God.

I will be able to intercede not only for all beings of the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the most marginalized and sinful; I will also be able to intervene for the souls in purgatory and in hell that scream for light and for peace.

All of this is possible, dear children, when your response is true, when from your hearts is born a tenderness for My Maternal Heart.

In this way, Heaven communicates with Earth, the Mirrors of the Universe communicate with the mirrors of the hearts, and the divine energy of Peace is established through this spiritual science, which comes from the Universe to aid all beings, especially the nations most in need of Light and of Redemption.

I invite you, dear children of Argentina, to continue working through effort and service so that each human heart can be the New Kingdom of God, which will arrive with the second coming of My Son.

Today I come from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the lake Nahuel Huapi, because I also am the Mother of Divine Nature, and I want My children to learn, in these times, the importance of being able to take care of and protect the Creation of God, all that He manifested for His creatures from the beginning, thinking of each detail, so that the souls of Earth should feel welcomed and whole, and that in each place they would observe or contemplate, they could feel the Presence of God.

To value the Kingdoms of Nature will be of important significance for humanity, and the response of this protection of the Younger Kingdoms on the part of this current race will allow the continuity of a new race, with a new consciousness and a new energy, which will begin with interest in the sacred and in reverence, in the preservation and the care of all that is manifested by the Creation of God.

You here, dear children, as in all of Argentina, have great spiritual treasures held in this natural beauty, that are part of the Gifts of God. As much as you may not see them or feel them, they are present there since a long time ago.

Open your consciousness to an interest in the Universe and Greater Life will descend into your lives, to that you may recognize in these times that you are not only material beings, but also spiritual, that have come to Earth to fulfill a mission and a purpose, not only as individual beings, but also as a nation.

Each response of My children to the Mother of God is a new opportunity for intercession for souls and for the planet.

From now on, dear children, live this new inner culture of preservation of the Kingdoms of Nature, and sacred values of Light and of Love will awaken in your hearts; you will feel the compelling need to take care of the Creation, for the coming of the new generations.

That is why I come today from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the great Mirror of the lake Nahuel Huapi, radiating from here the Attributes of God to all Argentina.

This was the place chosen by the Father for the Heavenly Mother, in this new stage of the pilgrimage, to descend from the Universe to this sacred place, in order to establish again in Argentina the necessary values that will protect it spiritually and that will allow the emergence of a new consciousness based on goodness and on fraternity, on love and on brotherhood among beings, even in the Younger Kingdoms of Nature.

My wish, dear children, is that you feel God in each space present here, that you are able to discover the wonders of His Eternal Heart, lovingly manifested through the Kingdoms of Nature, because the healing of Humanity, dear children, is in the Kingdoms of Nature.

I will carry this Rose in My Hands to the Kingdom of God as the offering of each one of your hearts for this new stage that should begin in Argentina, first on the spiritual plane, and then take place on the material plane.

My Son has already given you the first impulse for this to happen. The foundations are already built in your consciousnesses. Now it is time to erect the inner temple in each human heart, so that the joy of living in God and feeling His Celestial Kingdom on Earth may again blossom in Argentina.

So, dear children, today I bring you what is most sacred in the Universe of God and is also within you, which is that Divine Essence that will cause you to understand the Mysteries of God simply through the prayer of the heart.

In this way, you will open the doors so that the secrets may be unveiled that are to be found in sacred places such as this one and which come to assist humanity, so in need of light and love, in a silent and imperceptible way.

I place you, dear children, before the sacred Flame of the Love of God, before the burning Fire of His Heart, which gave impulse to the Creation of the worlds and of the stars and of all Universal Life.

I place you before this Divine Sacred Fire so that you may recognize your spiritual filiation with the Celestial Father and discover your origin within yourselves, which will make you be born again and find meaning in your lives.

That is why I have come here, dear children, not only to take to Heaven the Rose of Love that you have given Me, but also to give you the Flame of Love of God, that Flame that vivifies the spirit and the consciousness, that brings understanding and wisdom, wholeness and trust in the Will of God.

As from now, My children, feel different, feel yourselves to be other people, souls renewed by the Love of the Father, that have rediscovered the path you had lost to your spiritual trajectory.

In light of the invisible Sacred Kingdoms of Creation, held in the natural landscapes of the Earth, I come to testify to My children of Argentina on the Love of God through His Divine Sacred Flame, so that souls may re-encounter the sense of purpose and of life, without the need of changing evolution or of modifying Universal Laws, which are a part of your planet and your humanity.

In respecting the Law of Hierarchy, you will be worthy of the Grace of God as consciousnesses and as a people, and you will be able to embrace the call of God as you have done at this moment, as much as you do not comprehend or understand it, feeling the truthfulness of the Love of God in your hearts, which comes to guide the world toward the path of the great awakening.

May the advent of the Purpose of God be accomplished in Argentina; may souls be participants in this advent, and taking refuge in the Love of God, they may participate in the coming of Christ, being worthy of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, to represent the new Christs on Earth.

Today, in light of My Celestial Presence, souls are being consecrated that are as special as so many others that have heard My call, to continue living it and fulfilling it in the end of these times.

I want those who today will be consecrated as Children of Mary to come here, because in a few words, My children, I have told you all that God needed you to hear for the spiritual growth of your inner worlds and the awakening of your consciousnesses to Divine Life.

You may kneel.

This "yes" means an important response to the Universe. That response is welcomed by My Immaculate Heart, not only yours, but rather of all the souls that are part of Argentina and that one day will receive the awakening of consciousness, to realize that life does not end here, but rather that it is eternal.

Through this consecration, enter into the new Laws of the Universe, so that your lives may be governed by new principles and your spirits may always be entrusted to the magnificent Work of the Holy Spirit of God, so that His divine gifts may be accomplished in you and you may find the path of service, so as to concretize on the Earth the second coming of the Redeemer.

Placing your hands in a sign of reception, dear children, receive this spiritual consecration for all the souls of the world, as from now vivifying the sacred commitment to prayer, so that your souls may be healed of all that you have experienced in the past, so that your consciousnesses may be embraced by the Fire of the Love of God, and thus the Promises of Christ may be fulfilled in you.

Listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, lifting up the flame of your heart to Heaven, receive this blessing directly from My Immaculate Heart, for you and for Argentina, for the favorite love that I have for this people and because here a great missionary of God has emerged, the Pope Francisco, ambassador of Christ on Earth; a peace-bringer that learns to live the Word of Christ and have his Church survive in these critical times, so that the Celestial Church of Christ may triumph in humanity.

Let no differences exist, let no barriers exist, let no disunity exist. In the essence of each soul, may all consciousnesses be united under the same purpose, knowing that the Love of God must always prevail so that His divine Kingdom may triumph throughout the centuries. Amen.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

I new light will come to humanity and it must be born through all the Children of Mary.

Although some are no longer with Me, the commitment to the Mother of God is indelible in the Universe.

But I will gather the flock of Christ again so that you may discover that behind all that Mystery of God there exists something essential and paramount, which is Love, that triumphs over all evil.

I am listening.

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, deserve to receive the infinite Grace of God with all the Love from Heaven. Thus, their spirit will be filled with the fullness of having God and of feeling Him nearby, time and again.

Therefore, whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, must feel their souls calm because their souls will participate in this inner and unbreakable union with God that will give them peace and trust to experience a life dedicated to service and unconditional prayer.

Whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, must feel the joy of fulfilling their mission, carrying inside of themselves the certainty that they are following the steps of the Lord in spite of the inner storms or the intense tests that the disciple of Christ can live in their experience on Earth.

Whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, must know that they are doing so for everyone who does not do so, and they will take their mission forward to radiate love and compassion, understanding and forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




What was revealed to the world through parables and prophecies is revealed today through cosmic knowledge and the wisdom that God manifests in the voice of His Messengers.

In order for His Son to establish a new cycle and announce the coming of the Celestial Kingdom and the new and eternal Covenant with the Creator Father, the Lord echoed His teachings in the Voice of Jesus through parables and prophecies, because this was the way in which humanity could hear Him, at that time.

Today, children, God prepares you for the establishment of a new cycle, a new time; He prepares the consolidation of the Covenant with Him. This is the cycle of definition, and only the ones that have crossed the door of Redemption will remain on Earth and in the worlds chosen by God. When everything has been defined, His Covenant will no longer be for a few, it will be for all.  

Those who cannot take the necessary steps in this cycle will cross the thresholds to a new life that corresponds to their choices and they will learn, once and again, about sacrifice and renunciation, until they open themselves to learn with love.

These new schools will not be a punishment from God to make His children suffer; they will be the fruit of the Grace of the Father, for the merits generated by those who say “yes” so that others may have an opportunity of starting over. There will not be an eternal punishment, but rather eternal possibilities of starting over, until all creatures, wherever they may be, live Redemption and take their steps on the evolutionary path.

I know that this is all very mysterious to you and that you can little understand something you do not know, and do not live.

What I tell you today is not for understanding, but rather to be held in the heart and placed in the consciousness, because the time will come when the paths will divide before your eyes and two doors will be offered to you for crossing: the narrow door of love and surrender, and the broad door of the restart of the evolution of beings.

In order to know how to choose, you must come to know the decisions you make. This is why I prepare your beings, because none of these paths will be easy and simple, but only one of them will bring your hearts to fullness and restore the Divine Consciousness, leading God Himself to the renewal of Love.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph  


Child, feel loved by God, independently of your imperfections and miseries.

Feel loved by God in the certainty that the Creator knows you profoundly and, just as you are, loves you unconditionally.

Feel loved by God and do not fear not corresponding to what He needs from you because if you truly love Him, everything else will be accomplished in you, according to the Celestial Will, because the love to the Father will lead you through this path.

Feel loved by God and let this love penetrate deep in your heart, awakening in you a response of love similar to the Love of the One who created you.

Feel loved by God, and welcome each moment of your life as a symbol of this Love, because the Father gives you Graces, but also tests so that you may grow in faith and confirm yourself, day by day, in this Plan of His. 

Feel loved by God, and welcome in this new cycle a more profound contact with the Father, knowing His Truth, recognizing His Presence.

Feel loved by God, and may this Love heal your wounds, liberate you from the past, prepare you for the future and build, in the eternal present, a life of surrender and love for the neighbor and all Creation.

Feel loved by God, for He welcomes you, supports and forgives you every day so that you may always have the path open to restart. 

Feel loved by God, and start from scratch; rewrite your history, offer the Father a blank page so that He may draw a celestial triumph through you.

Feel loved by God, and always say “yes” to Him.

The one who also loves you,

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Father, in the desert of the hearts of men, build Your Temple. Find, among the fragile and wind-susceptible sands, the rock of consolidation of the union between Your Love and the human conscience.

In the middle of the distractions of the world and the endless noise that men cause, in order to not hear Your warnings, receive, O Lord, the cry which is emitted in the silence of a sincere heart.

Your children, many times, do not have the strength to elevate their verb and lift their voice, but in the depths of their interior, where Your Cosmos finds the microcosm of the human heart, there is lifted, in silence, the cry of the souls that seek You.

You, who listens to what screams in silence, receive the prayers of those who are weak and make them strong in You, so that they may rise in Your Name.

To those who recognize their nothingness and find themselves prostrated in their smallness, You, Lord, will raise them, because they gave you space and permission so that in them no human power dwell, only the Power that comes from You.

Pull out, from the core of those who cry to You, their most retrograde human condition, and the sin that lives in their cells, convert it into Original Purity.

Demonstrate Your Grace through the humble, and that in them the proud may find  inspiration and surrender to You.

Learn to break those who are full of themselves. Learn to surrender to the Lord and you will see the Spirit arise from the dust and from the Spirit, the New Life.

So be it.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Remain in the Heart of the Lord so that He can comfort you.

Remain in the Love of the Lord so that He can satiate you.

Remain in the Arms of the Lord so that He can embrace you.

Remain in the Lord so that He can guide you.

Remain under the Mantle of the Lord so that He can protect and safeguard you.

Accept the Virtues of God and awaken each one of them in your life so that the Divine Thought may be fulfilled in you and in humanity.

Relive your perfect union with God and strengthen in His Trust.

Receive from His Kingdom all the Graces that you need in order to be able to transform your little life daily.

Remain in the Lord and find the perfect meaning for each experience and each learning.

Receive the response in the face of the questions of life and elevate toward His merciful Heart.

Remain in the Lord and you will always receive His Peace, because His Peace is in His trust and in His Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Second Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

My Lord,
may the Rays of Your Heart
dissolve any possible
spiritual blindness within me
so that I may have the happiness
of recognizing Your humble steps.

Make me brave,
just as You were, dear Jesus,
in each step of the Cross.

May I not fear to carry
my own miseries,
may I fear not being able to find You.

But I know that as You are
kind and merciful, Lord,
You will grant me the Grace of finding You,
of feeling You and of recognizing You
in my inner world.

May You be this Divine Flame
within us
that transmutes and purifies everything.

Distance me, Lord,
from the illusions of life,
from everything that is superficial.

May I never lose the thirst
of drinking of Your Blood
and eating of Your Divine Body.

Make me similar to all
Your humble servants and martyrs
who gave until the last
minute of their lives
to recognize You and give testimony of You.

May I not fear the deserts
in which You may place me.

May I not fear the aridity
or the lack of sensitivity
or encouragement.

I only ask You, dearest Jesus,
that You renew me,
that You redeem me,
that You do in me
according to Your Word and Your Will,
because thus I will know the freedom
and the infinite joy
of serving You until the end.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Every sacrifice and effort, no matter how small it may seem, is agreeable to God and makes the inexhaustible Fount of Mercy open, to pour it out upon humanity.

Every true sacrifice is considered precious to God, and furthermore, if this sacrifice is filled with love and kindness, its spiritual and inner effect is even wider.

I invite you to continue to practice this sacred profession so that more souls may be touched by the Grace of God, even though they may be souls that you do not know.

Sacrifice helps in the conversion of great sinners and this encompasses great spheres of consciousness.

In this sense, children, sacrifice is one of the greatest offerings to the Creator because within it you will find the way out for converting difficult and impossible situations. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


First Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

may there be no time,
moment or preference
for me to want to look for You.

May I not exchange You, Lord, for anything or anyone.

I also ask You for this Grace,
because I know that You, beloved Lord,
know my weaknesses and uncertainties.

Fill me, Jesus,
with the most pure Source of Your truth and of Your transparency
so that some day I may learn to be so similar to You
in word, action and feeling.

Tear out from within me everything that may offend You
and, although it may hurt within,
do what You have to do, Lord,
and do not delay.

Take Your time
to project within me
Your most sacred designs.

Help me in the hours of great inner tempest.

Enlighten me in the moments of great tribulation.

Because I know, dear Jesus,
that in everything You are present
and that You will never abandon us,
in both the hardest moments of the desert
and the coldest tests of the inner winter.

Ignite in my chest, beloved Jesus,
the sacred flame of Your invincible Love
so that in the hour of the great inner battle
I may have absolute and full confidence
that You, Lord, will win.

Participate more and more
in this imperfect life.

Show me with clarity
and without self-illusions
what it is that I still have to change.

May I not drown within my own indifference.

On the contrary, Lord,
make me worthy of the atonement of Your Grace
so that I may transform everything
according to Your projects.


I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Times of Forgiveness and of Mercy

With the Grace of God in My Immaculate Heart, I come to reveal to you the mystery of Forgiveness and of Divine Mercy, for which no error is eternal, no condemnation is definitive and unalterable, if souls open themselves from the heart, repentant, to come to know the power and grace of Forgiveness and Mercy.

Today, My children, I come to invite you to heal in your hearts, the wounds that have been opened by the marks left in the past, by the mistakes made against humanity and against God Himself. In His infinite Grace, the God of Love and Forgiveness is always willing to forgive and pour out Mercy upon His children.

With the same simplicity in which you pray from the heart and cry out for peace, My children, the Creator opens His Arms to radiate over you and to erase all stains from your spirits and hearts. 

To know God is to know the power of His Forgiveness and the greatness of His Mercy, and to fear to distance oneself from it, not by an eternal punishment, but by the infinite need that the heart feels for the Love of God, when it truly knows it.

No error is unforgivable when the heart is disposed to forgiveness, when in humility it surrenders at the Feet of God to tell Him: "Lord, here I am, placing at Your Feet my mistakes and my existence. Redeem my spirit, wash my heart and consecrate me to You so that I may be a witness of Your Grace in this, and in all times that will come."

Cry out for the Mercy that flows incessantly from the Heart of God, and do not let this river of eternal Love pass through your lives without drinking from its Graces.

The only eternal condemnation, My children, is the one imposed by the human heart itself, which, out of its ignorance, pride and indifference, prefers to be tied to its sicknesses and sufferings than to launch itself surrendered at the Feet of God and to recognize that it had been lost, and that it needs to find itself again.

The Creator of all things, who has launched the seeds of life in the vast Universe of His Creation, aspires to collect the fruits of the growth of His children; fruits that have grown overcoming challenges and that will become strong, not for their beauty, but for what they keep inside.

Mistakes make you grow in humility and understanding, they make you recognize that by yourselves you will not be able to reach a true purpose, and that you will become prisoners of your own illusions when you do not surrender to the Love of God and His eternal and unfathomable Truth.

My children, lose the fear of being loved by an unknown and immense Love.

The Love of God cannot be compared at all to the love of humans, not because human beings cannot love like God, but simply because they have not yet opened themselves to love like God.

This love begins when you allow yourself to be loved, transformed and healed by His Presence. And it is after you have been blessed that you will be able to multiply what you have received.

Listen with love to what I tell you and open your hearts to a new time and a new cycle, for the time has come to receive Forgiveness and Mercy, while these Sources still spill forth on the Earth.

I love you, bless you and thank you for listening to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
