Marathon of Divine Mercy

Prayer of the angel of Peace

My God, I believe in You... (x3)

Commune of Me in this moment and adore the Almighty, because He is attentive to the voice of all pleas.

I have come again in My Glory to bless you, for the hour of this great meeting has come for each one of your spirits and the spirits of your brothers and sisters, that also make an appeal for this moment of being united with My Heart in this evolutionary proposal to concretize the Plan of God, in these times of Armageddon.

Today I come with the Glory of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, as the manifestation of the Firstborn Son, so that in this way, you may recover your filiation with God; and the world also recover its spirituality, which has been lost because of the wars.

Today I come to establish the second protocol of My Peace here, in union with Universal Creation, that governs all these things, of which I avail Myself to accomplish the Works of My Father; which are also your works, yours, My apostles.

Today I come in the silence, perceiving humanity and its great need for love, for these critical times. Thus, your effort must be permanent so that My Work may be realized in the world and in this humanity.

Each one has their role in this time. Each one fulfills a part of this Plan. All the pieces of this Plan are important so that the Work may be concretized.

In the depths of My Heart, I know that many pieces are still missing in order to be part of this Universal Plan, which invites us to elevate the consciousness and to get out of the superficiality in which  humanity has placed itself, forgetting the Love of God.

This Plan is governed by the Love of God. Just as Love governs all Universes, so does Love govern your consciousness, governs all of Creation, all that is life and manifestation in this material Universe.

You are part of this, companions, of a greater command that you are invited to participate in; it is not a command like that of the Earth, which is governed by weak people who seek your property, war, and a separation among souls.

The command of which I speak, My friends, is the command of My Heart, from where all the Rays of Mercy blossom, where all the souls that spiritually assemble with Me are born so as to serve the end of the times.

You are part of that reality and each one of you is positioned within this Work. Each action you perform within this Work is important, just as is the discernment in it.

Everything is a part of a spiritual science that I am inviting you to live in an unknown way, because it is still not in your consciousnesses; but it can be in your hearts when they vibrate with Mine, in this Work of Redemption and of Peace in all of humanity.

The Plan is coordinated in these times according to the need of this Universe, of all the humanities that form part of this material creation. From there come all the Laws, in which all creatures are governed according to a greater principle, according to the Law of Love and of Unity with God.

Who is outside of this Principle, cannot be a part of this material Universe either in spirit, in soul, or in body, because they will be out of the Law.

Humanity is at this point, outside of the true reality for which it was created in the Beginning of Genesis to carry out the Work of God; to concretize this human project based on Love, on Truth, and on Unity, which very few live throughout time.

This led, My companions, to the determination of the Celestial Father and of His holy archangels that I, the Christ, the Firstborn Son, born from the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the Greater Source, should incarnate among you in order to save you and guide you, to remind you of the Laws of the Universe through simple parables that all hearts can understand.

Relive My Message, My Gospel, the New Testament, and also unite it with this New Testament, with this New Message that I give to the world today, and to all the messages that I have already given you, so that your lives may be redeemed under the Principle of My Merciful Love.

I came to the world and very few understood what it was I did. Only as time went by were many holy consciousnesses and souls inspired by My Christianity able to access My Principle of Love and of Unity.

They were re-transmitters of My Universal Love for the world; just as you, companions, who in this definitive hour, within this Plan that summons you, are called to radiate the Love of God to the world,  not forgetting first that among you, you must be thoroughly united so that this may happen; otherwise, everything would be a failure.

That is why I come to tell you in this Marathon that you must seek your truth above all mistakes and successes, learnings and tests, challenges, calamities, or sorrows.

Above all things, I come to give you the Principle of My Truth, which is based on the Love of God, in which you can enter in consciousness to discover your true purpose, which you must accomplish in this hour, in honor of My Sacred Heart.

That is why I came in the past and came throughout the times, performing miracles and wonders, testimonies and healings,  so that all could believe that I Am the Christ, the Son of God, Who prepares for His Return in this acute hour of the planet, in which souls must find the spiritual meaning of their lives, the path to reconciliation and forgiveness, which you have lost among your peers.

I come to unite the times: the time in which you live and the real time of the Universe.

I come to draw you closer to the true dimension of things, through all the Spiritual Hierarchies and all the angels that cooperate in this Work of Redemption and of Peace.

I come to open the doors to a unique and definitive opportunity that souls will have in this last hour; a chance to cross the threshold, to cross the portal toward My Heart, to recognize your own truth, your real spiritual constitution for which you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator.

Humanity will not be able to self-destruct, and although it leads to that every day, the Divine Messengers are at the service of the Plan, just as you must be at the service of God; you must banish from the world this destructive idea of taking faith away from hearts, of extinguishing love in hearts, of causing the world to suffer.

That is why I came here to show you the origin, your true filiation with God, with the Most High, that is hurt by the sins of the world, by the war and the persecution among brothers and sisters.

As My Mother said in Fatima, in this hour I come to bring you a short time of peace, so that the majority of souls may enter the Kingdom of God and not lose the Grace of being redeemed.

I bring you an awareness of the Plan, because it must be well understood; but first loved, to then be understood in each human heart that opens to this infinite Mystery of Love.

I unite consciousnesses when consciousnesses truly unite with Me, not wanting anything for themselves, but rather all the greater good for the world, for those who most need to find salvation, just as you have found it.

That is why this Meeting with Me, companions, is unique and in a short time will not be repeated again, because the world must be purified completely, within and outside of beings.

That purification will be intense, but the heart that trusts in Me will not perish.

I will give you a renewal, the strength to be able to bear your purification. For who loves Me is protected by Me when they are sincere in their thought, in their feeling and action.

This is the truth that I want you to live for those who do not live it, for those who hide it because of being blind to themselves and far from God, although believing that they are not.

That is why I show you, companions, My true Spiritual Church, that does not live in this world, but rather in the heart of those who seek it in an intimate union with god, with the Father, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

My Spiritual Church is expanded throughout the world in that Most Holy Trinity, in the inner temples of souls; because it will be your little inner church that will merge with Mine to form the new pillars of the New Race.

I will bless and consecrate the elements. Just as on this day I will bless them again at the request of My Celestial Father, through My sublime Grace.

I will pour out the Graces of My Glorified Heart for those who know to contemplate them in humility and love.

Let us praise the Father Who is in the Heavens. It is the Creator Who has sent Me to save the world from its complete ignorance and incapacity to love.

My apostles, servants of My Divine Mercy, leave this inner sanctuary loving one another. Remember that Law, for who loves in truth will not be in the claws of My adversary.

The beast fears Love and consequently, all those who follow It.

My Heart is the Power of God made manifest in each part of the Earth. Venerate My Glory, disseminate My Mercy, and everything will be accomplished.

I have come with My angels of the Universe. Solar Governors of the Celestial Universe that know your souls and the origin of your spirits, and who bring you awareness in this moment, the sacred opportunity of being able to awaken to the Science of the Universe based on the Love of God, on His infinite Unity.

As the angels sing to Adonai, proclaiming His Wisdom in this material Universe, that is how I want your voices to sing, proclaiming to the Father, to the Regent of this Creation, to the One Who loves you from the beginning.


Prayer: Most Holy Heart of Christ...

All stand.

When the Sacraments are blessed, souls win; not like the prize that the world knows, but rather like the Supreme Grace of God, which descends over consciousnesses so that they may be able to take a new step.

This is the real meaning of those who receive the Sacraments, to be renewed by the Love and the Unity of God, and to find the path, the true path of their purpose for this life, the realization of the Work of God in each human heart, in each soul that assembles in order to serve Me.

My Sacred Heart is ennobled by being here and It expands in Love for all.

My Mother grants these opportunities for all, because She intercedes for each being that cries out from their heart for the Grace of Her Beloved Son.

You are graced on this special day and I thank you for accompanying Me in this eternal Communion with Me for the triumph of the Plan.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


Dear children:

Making My feet alight on the Kingdom of Fatima, I return to this place and on this day to reignite in the world its original purity.

I return to bring peace to the world and a greater time of mercy.

I return to awaken in My children the Love of God and the inner compassion that must exist among consciousnesses.

My children, from the Kingdom of Fatima I proclaim the greatness of the Mercy of God, since He is placing again on the path all those who had lost it from sight.

Dear children, it is an infinite joy to be able to return to the House of Lis, the Inner Sanctuary that brings new divine codes to the consciousnesses.

Therefore, My children, with your hearts wide open travel again though each space of this great planetary Sanctuary for the angels to deposit in your essences this sacred energy. And those who cannot be present here, place your hearts between My hands for Me, Your Heavenly Mother, to be able to lift them towards the House of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, may your hearts throb in Lis-Fatima so that at the end of all, the Project of My Beloved Son may be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

Today My Rosary extends all over the world and, from the Inner Center of Fátima, where purity lives, I make each bead of My Most Holy Rosary travel through the abysses of the planet, through the nations in conflict, through the homes without peace and in the hearts of all those who unite with Me in prayer.

My beloved ones, I come as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary so that humanity recovers the purity which it lost from its heart, through the simple prayer of the Holy Rosary.

I come as your Holy Mother of Fátima to tell you that it is in the exercise of prayer that the heart strengthens and prepares itself to enter into the celestial mysteries. When you pray with the heart and abandon the worries of this world to dedicate yourselves only to pray, with your whole being, your hearts become mirrors of light that capture the peace that I wish to radiate to the world from My Universe of love, and reflect it as a spiritual attribute to all the planet.

Many of My children have forgotten the life of prayer, and even though they do not find peace and admit the degeneration in which this world is found, they prefer to proudly unite with chaos than humbly surrender to the life of prayer.

Children, those who pray discover the truth because they unite to the Truth itself that is the Consciousness of the Higher God, and in this way cause the illusion, which was blinding them, to fade away.

There is no mystery that cannot be revealed to the heart that prays with sincerity because this heart knows the non-limitation of God and does not reduce the expressions of the Creator and the greatness of His Creation to the small human comprehension. Therefore, children, I wish that you pray each time more deeply, so that your hearts are ready to find the reality that until today was invisible to the majority of the human beings.

I want you to strengthen yourselves not only to face chaos with bravery and in union with the Divine Purpose: I also want you to strengthen yourselves in order to enter into a reality that transcends all the material life and that in no way resembles what you know today.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of Fátima lighted and to read the true history of humanity in them.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of your hearts lighted and see reflected on them the truth of your spirits, because just as chaos reveals itself to the world and the atrocities are no longer hidden, are no longer a secret, in the same way, children, the true history of this humanity will also be revealed, and not just a few will recognize it. Every living being and all those who died in ignorance will see before them this history reflected on the mirrors and it will be the moment to define their own evolution, to embrace the Divine Purpose, or to step back and remain in the absolute illusion that was involving you.

My children, prayer is more than an instrument of peace and redemption: prayer is a door to the Universe of God, it is the bridge that removes you from human blindness and leads you to the horizon of truth. That is why, children, as Queen of the Holy Rosary, today I ask you to pray with Me so I can awaken for the higher life, on this day, as many as those who pray and search for peace.

Pray so that your brothers and sisters will remember My Immaculate Heart and, so that, with a simple thought sent to Me, I can work the miracle of awakening them to love.

Pray, children, for the peace among humankind, and in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Pray for the establishing of My Kingdom and so you can be worthy to see this Kingdom emerge on the surface of the Earth.

I bless you today and always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima


In offering, today I offer you My Immaculate Heart as the perfect triumph for your lives and for the whole Project of God.

Today I meet with you, My children, and with all those who listen to My Voice, with all who contemplate the splendor of My Immaculate Heart, which overflows with love for the world and for souls, those who search for God as well as those who get lost without seeing Him.

Today, on this 13th of May, I unite you with the Center of Fatima and cause you to enter into the Source of its Light, its Love, and its Original Purity, so that you may remember, dear children, what you really are for God and for the whole Universe, that you are no longer what is imperfect, is impure, is sinful.

In you there is the Purity that God created from the beginning, to be able to manifest His Love on Earth and in all humanity.

That essential purity, dear children, is found in your souls, and your souls have waited for a long time to be able to take this step toward a greater surrender.

Today I come crowned by the twelve stars that My children of the Earth have placed on Me, honoring each one of My attributes, and making them part of your lives, as the perfect balm for an inner healing.

Today I am with all those who listen to Me and who open the doors of their homes and their hearts so that I may enter and reign as your Most Holy Mother.

Today I come with the Scepter of God, holding it in My hand, dear children, to show you that the power of Love is invincible, and that darkness will be defeated; for I continue to step on the head of the malevolent serpent that causes pain and desperation in all human beings.

Today I come with the book of God that reveals Justice to you, as well as the Mercy that welcomes you in this moment, which allows you to enter into the Heart of God in perfect wholeness, devotion, and love.

Today My eyes are here to observe you and contemplate you as the purity that you are and the mission that you have, dear children, of being able to achieve it at this very difficult time for the world.

But as long as you remember Fatima, you will achieve it. Because I am there, and I also hope to be in your hearts so that the Will of God may be fulfilled.

This message that I bring you today, dear children, is a preparation.

On this 13th of May, in which all the angels gather around their Heavenly Mother and over this land of Aurora to unite both Centers of Light, Fatima and Aurora, I come to declare, dear children, a special foundation, and the continuing of a Marian movement, which will be the prelude to the defeat of My adversary.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will promise all of you an immeasurable devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Son of God and the Mother of God offer themselves as Hearts for the world, so that souls may be able to contemplate and fully live them through love and prayer; pillars that will not cause you to perish in spite of the storm of these times.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will unite you to My Immaculate Heart.

I will want to be the Governess of your lives and hearts, of your homes and families, so that the Sacred Family of these times may be constituted and there be a consecration of each being of this world to the perfect Plan of God, which must be fulfilled through the collaboration of each essence of the Earth.

You will get to know much more about this Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement over time, because it is already being gestated to be able to be presented to all.

This Movement is the continuation of a Work that I began in Fatima, after My Apparitions, with all the priests, who are the servants of My Son and of the holy Eucharist.

What this Movement wants, dear children, is that you live the devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that souls in the end of times have someone in whom to trust in spite of what happens and of their time of purification.

To adopt My Immaculate Heart and the Heart of My Son means taking a step in your lives, a renewal for your families, so that the gifts of the Holy Spirit may begin to manifest in each work of love and in each daily action.

These gifts that will be poured out by the Sacred Hearts will allow you to carry out the Project of God and to accomplish your main mission for this end time.

Thus, dear children, I will offer Myself as the center for your families and as the Mediator for all the impossible causes.

I want to enter your lives even further. I still have not achieved enough to conquer your hearts and, even though I know you have taken me up, I still wait, dear children, to reveal to you My designs for these times.

Whoever enters into this Marian and Priestly Movement will have the assistance of My angels from Heaven and will be able to learn, dear children, about the treasures of instruction that were recorded on Earth and in the Gospel by the Sacred Family.

Many graces will be revealed in your lives, and you will be able to build, in yourselves and in your loved ones, what you were never able to, because the soul that takes up My Immaculate Heart will not perish, although it will be purified.

This Movement will try to unite your hearts, but also the hearts of the whole Earth, that in some way are devoted to My Presence in their lives and plead to God for infinite grace, that it may descend from Heaven and be poured out in all souls that need this.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will be protected by the priests of this Order that I have formed together with My Son.

It will be the first step for a greater and true ecumenism, that will not only unite Christians, but also all those who truly seek to live in the Love of God and who need to find it in this moment, to be able to spiritually survive.

That is why My Heart is offered to you and to the world, bringing a continuity to this Marian Movement that once began in Fatima, and that sprouted and was born like a small flower, that afterwards changed into large gardens in all the souls of the world who contemplated My Heart.

Through this Movement I come to bring you the possibility of being united to the Universe of God and that you may be mediators of these end times; because there will be souls that will need your prayers and also your peace.

When I am no longer among you, this Movement will continue with My Work; and it will be you, the apostles of My Son, who will testify that I was here, among you, for so much time and that I had you come to know of the power of My Immaculate Heart for the whole planet. I also taught you to close the doors of hell and to remove from the claws of the adversary all those lost in this cycle.

So you will fulfill your task, dear children, through this Movement, with the same Ministry that My Son founded with His first followers: and you will also bring continuity to the Work that your Mother carried out with Joseph of Arimathea and the holy women of Jerusalem after the Ascension of My Son, founding the first Order Consecrated to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this way you will remember, dear children, something you have always done, and each soul of this Earth will have the chance to participate in this Movement, according to their degree of consecration and of awakening.

So on this thirteenth day, dear children, know that you all have a place in My Immaculate Heart, and that I pray for you so that the Plan of God may finally be accomplished in all hearts.

This Movement will open the doors to a real fraternity; and the Work that I have done here in the beginning, in Aurora, will be more accepted and understood after everything has happened.

Many will grieve for not having listened before, but the light of this Movement will help to change them.

Even being religious and Christians, the light of this, My Movement, will change you, because My Immaculate Heart will be present, which is the emblem for the salvation of the souls of those who wish to be reconciled with God, after having been separated from Him for a long time.

My Immaculate Heart, dear children, is the representation of the Universe of the Love of God, that many do not yet know; a Universe that is waiting to be known by all, so that your wounds, your misunderstandings, and your doubts may be healed.

My Immaculate Heart is offered to the world again on this day to save it, before everything happens.

My Immaculate Heart will be the banner of this Movement.

It will be My Heart that will want to be stamped in your spirits and souls, in this perfect fusion with the Love of God and with His Mercy.

My Immaculate Heart, in this Movement, will be the portal for the angels to descend and be able to work together with you on this Co-redemptive Work with My Son.

My Heart is everything for the world, and I hope that your hearts are also, so that God may be pleased to be in you and in your brothers and sisters all the time.

Today I have brought My Immaculate Heart so that on this day, the Marian and Priestly Movement may be born; so that the new Christs may present themselves in light of the call of the Universe, and in their redemption, are able to fulfill the Will of the Celestial Father.

You will still not understand what I am saying to you today, but hold My words in your hearts, for in your hearts is the first place in which My designs will be fulfilled, and it is from there that the works are carried out for the whole planet.

Feel My words before understanding them and so you will transform, dear children.

My love waits to be deposited in you when your trust becomes absolute, when your spirits open to this sacred summoning and thus, the nations of the Americas will gain relief.

Because this Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement, dear children, began from the first moment in which you said "yes" to My Call eight years ago, when you learned to pray and prayed with Me; when you fulfilled each one of My requests for peace in the world and for the salvation of souls.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement has been gradually gestated in your spirits when they were receptive to My Universal Call.

And there is still much to do, dear children, there is much to accomplish and to fulfill for God.

Today I leave My Immaculate Heart for you as the treasure of the Universe, an emblem of love for all of humanity; as the foundation of this Movement for this blessed and glorious day, in which your Mother from Heaven is crowned by the love of Her children.

Today I want you to sign this commitment to Me through your love and your "yes."

In this way, many will be helped, and will come in different ways to My Immaculate Heart: as a refuge for the afflicted, as a home for those who despair, as a healing for those who are sick, and as salvation for those who were in the abyss.

Today I place here before you My seven roses of Light; because as from this ninth year of meetings with Me, dear children, the seventh cycle will be completed and a new cycle will begin for all. Be prepared.

This Movement will also be formed by the Children of Mary who represent Me in this humanity as a testimony to the change and the Love of God in your lives.

Today I will call those who will be consecrated on this day, when I will again reveal the power of My Immaculate Heart, which is the Power of God.

Let My children come here, those who will be consecrated.

Today there are three, dear children, in the sacred memory of the purity of Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucía, and in the sacred memory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What will this moment mean for your souls, dear children?

What will this consecration represent for your souls before My Immaculate Heart, that opens to receive you and infinitely love you?

Today, for each one of you, I leave the seed of original purity, so that you may recover it and cause it to grow like a great tree of light that, through your prayer, will give shelter to suffering and lost hearts.

In union with My Immaculate Heart, receive the Light of Heaven, that today I offer you by Grace and by Mercy, touching your heads and praying to My Son for your great step into the Greater Universe.

I love you and adopt you as My children, because you have already taken Me on as your Mother.

And so I once again, on this day, fulfill the Project of the Love of God in all hearts through these three children.

Receive from Lys Fatima, Peace.

And now, children who are consecrated today, repeat with Me:

My God, I believe in you....

(Prayer of the Angel of Peace, recited three times)

And so, children who are consecrated today, your hearts are cleansed and your souls purified in My Light, in the perfect Love of God and in the Unity with His Spirit.

Today I consecrate you in the name of all the Universe, in the name of Love and of Peace, so that it may be established in your lives and in all those who cross your paths.

Remember, dear children who are consecrated today, that you adopted My Immaculate Heart, that will always protect you and love you as nobody has ever loved you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For this day, for the days past, and for the works to come, I thank you for responding to My Call.

Let your candles be raised and sing: "The 13th of May."

Go in peace.


Dear Children,

Today, together with you, I celebrate the divine opportunity of having descended from Heaven to the Earth to ask you for prayers for peace, as was once done in Fatima.

Today, with My Immaculate Heart exposed as light to the world, I come back here after ninety-nine years to tirelessly repeat the same request to you: let us pray for peace and for the end of wars.

At that time, Lis-Fátima awakened and brought to humanity the Mercy and the Purity that it had lost, and Your Heavenly Mother came to request from all of you the consecration of nations to the Immaculate Heart, a mission that is still in force for the whole of humanity.

Today, Lis-Fátima shows to the world the purity of its Inner Sanctuary, so that hearts remember that they must awaken to their original purity and live that.

On this day, dear children, when My eyes observe the world, and at the same time, observe the great spiritual and divine task of the Center of Fátima, I wish your lives to be in true offering and given to the fulfillment of My Marian plans in these times.

I bring the angelic presence to you, the incalculable source of love and of peace for an indifferent world. Hence, My children, repair My Heart and thus you will repair the Heart of God of all offenses and acts of indifference committed by those who do not hear and by those who deny My divine call.

Work with Me as soldiers of prayer, and through the uplifted word, close the doors to the hells of this world. Be My witnesses in these times and confirm your cooperation with the Plan of God; there is still much to be done and there is no time left.

Open of heart, relieve the Heart of Your Mother of so much ingratitude. United to Me, proclaim the victory of My Sacred Heart in the whole planet.

The gardens of Lis are still waiting for you so that you may enter and renew your consciousnesses at the source of original purity.

My Grace will manifest today in each pilgrim, in each soul that lights their candle here in this Center of Love(1), as well as in the Sanctuary of Fátima, to thus respond to the plan of peace and affirm their faith before the Lord.

As on May 13, 1917, dear children, today I am calling you to a service of love for the planet and for humanity. My request is that you hear and respond to the plans that Your Mother manifests for you in these times. For this, children, the gardens of Lis manifest their beauty and their essential purity so that you, in prayer and praise, declare to the world that the Queen of Heaven will come again.

Allow your lives, children, to finally be healed and that you be reborn by the Marian impulse of My Spirit so that you may be formed as soldiers of peace.

All the bell towers of Lis-Fátima will be rung by the angels of Heaven. Today all of the doors of the Universe of God will be open to receive the offertory of each praying heart.

I will be with My children in prayer and maternal union; I will be with the souls that will shelter Lis-Fátima in their hearts.

Contemplate My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who from the Sacred Center of Fátima prays with you for the world and for peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary


(1)Virgin Mary refers to the Marian Center of Aurora,
        in the city of Paysandu, Uruguay


Dear children:

On the eve of the fulfillment of the ninety-nine years of My Apparitions in Fatima, I would like to lead you through Lis for you to find the Mercy of God.

I would like your souls to search for the perfect union with each one of the inner gardens of Lis-Fatima, and at the same time, to find the source of the original purity not only for yourselves but also for the world.

I come, children, on this day of vigil of prayer for us to continue praying for peace, without getting tired of pronouncing the blessed prayer of the Hail Mary.

In this month of May I want to see you full in the prayer as in the inner union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore, dear children, once more the doors of the Kingdom of Lis-Fatima, of the Inner Sanctuary open themselves through the hands of the holy angels that welcome and receive those who, day by day, walk without delay through the path of transformation.

United to the Inner Sanctuary of Lis-Fatima, dear children, believe in this original purity that God deposited since the beginning of your existences, and be united to others, be these blazing flames of love for humanity.

Repeat today with joy “Hail Mary,” because the Grace of the Father will be the one that will make you worthy to be able to enter in consciousness and devotion into the inner garden of Lis. In this Heaven of Fatima where the inner gardens reveal themselves, you, dear children, will find the history written on Its mirrors about the Love of Your Heavenly Mother for humanity.

When the doors open themselves to the time of purification, My children, allow that the sacred flame of Lis goes through your hearts, and that your consciousnesses be touched by the Love of God. So, children, you will allow Lis to reemerge in you as if it were the first time; allow that all its Sacred and Angelical Center shows itself to the essences still not redeemed.

Walk free of yourselves through these inner gardens and let your essences be bathed by the Light of the Kingdom of Lis. United on this day of prayer, pray, My children, feeling the presence of the Kingdom of Lis in your lives and in each one of your prayers. In this way you will find Your inner mirrors and will reflect from this Center the purity that humanity needs nowadays.

As disciples of God and servants of the Queen, appeal profoundly and in devotion for the golden crown of Your Mother and Her twelve stars of attributes of love to radiate to all the world, and from the Center of Lis, to emanate the rays that will ennoble those who awaken.

May today the love of Lis-Fatima be shared among all, since Your Solar Queen is in command of the great moment of rescue. Smile at the life that God has given you and look with mercy at those miserable of spirit for them to be touched someday by the Love of Your Mother.

Prepare the altar for the encounter with Lis-Fatima because a sacred opportunity will be presented to all My children of Europe, a sacred knowledge will define yourselves forever as servants of Your Queen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

From the purity of Lis, Inner Sanctuary,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Two days before the 99th anniversary of My Apparitions in Fatima, I ask you to pray with Me for humanity to recover its essential purity, a purity that will lead it find peace.

Facing so much adversity in the world, facing so much hate and rancor, search in this month of May for the divine flame of My Immaculate Heart, the one that not only will warm and shelter you, but the flame of My Heart that will also guide your paths.

Dear children, I want you to remember My Apparitions in Fatima, the universal and divine event in which humanity was called to recover the compassion of the heart and so embrace the redemption of life.

As a response to this call, few were able to penetrate the mystery that Your Lady of the Rosary was indicating to you at that time. Now, dear children, with your hearts a little more open, come with Me to the “Cave of Iria” on the following May 13 to pray for peace and for the end of suffering that the terrestrial being themselves creates.

Enter in My Immaculate Heart in vigil and be conscious of what I ask you, pray the Holy Rosary and proclaim the triumph of My Heart in the whole world.

My children, thus you will be able to approach the essential purity that I poured in Fatima through the testimony of the three little shepherds of Aljustrel.

In union with your guardian angels, dear children, feel in this moment the call of My Heart so that more lives on Earth reach the Kingdom of God.

I will thank you for corresponding.

Thanks for responding to My call!

Who unites you to Heart of God,

Your Mother, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

Today I am here with all the angels of Heaven to bless you and love you.

And although the souls are spiritually lost, My Immaculate Heart never ceases, because My promise before God is continuous and victorious.

My Plan is fulfilled in all those who hear Me and I never stop opening the doors of My Heart for those who become lost.

And although the trust in God is no longer in the lost, I recover it through My Love, My Grace, and My Light; that is why, children, you should never give up.

What I offer you in this time is unique; it will never be offered again until the next world.

My Grace allows all things and the Grace of the angels allows all things.

That is why I Am that Aurora that shines in the heart of the self-summoned to follow Me in this co-redemptive Work with My beloved Son.

I Am that Star that never ceases to shine in the spirits that believe in it and admire it, because I, dear children, do not do things for Me, but rather it is God that does them through His faithful Servant and His pilgrims.

I come from the celestial spheres to find you and love you even more each day.

I come to build in you something new that is still unknown to you. For that I am here, dear children, for you and for My children of the world.

I come with all of My kindness, to shelter you, to listen to you and respond to you, in the presence of the Light of God and of His Kingdom.

I do not want, dear children, for anybody to miss this sacred opportunity. I cannot show Myself more to you because I do not have the permission.

My Graces have already been physically placed throughout time and you have been able to ascertain this.

Now My Divine Spirit comes to you to call your spirits, which have a special mission with Me.

I am not here, dear children, to have you waste time. That is why I still come to Aurora, because God sends Me as His Messenger, again and again, until you manage to listen in the depths of your hearts.

I hope that you fulfill My designs without delay, because the times are urgent for all and especially for those who suffer and receive no Grace.

It will be through the apostles of My Son that I will be able to prepare the world for the second coming of the Master. If you do not prepare the fields where I send you to work, dear children, how will new seeds sprout in the hearts that are closed?

Each one of you has a key for My Work and I gave it to you. That is prayer.

It is prayer that will form you, it is prayer that will unite you with Our Father Who is in the Heavens and Who always waits for you with His arms open, to receive you and have you sit in His beloved Throne of Light.

How many souls do not want to see that opportunity and delay, delay a great deal, dear children!

How many hearts still do not want to change their way of life and do not accept to find the real Love of My Heart, that comes to aid you in this end time!

That is why, in this century, I need committed soldiers, decided and strong, to respond to My call.

I come to have you grow in love and in brotherhood, in unity and in the spirit of this sacred task that I entrust to you.

Each Center of Light that I have founded has a purpose, it still fulfills a mission before the Plan of God.

Just as it is in Fatima, it is here in Aurora, as it is in Medjugorje, or in Guadalupe. Each nation has a key that I have given it through My different faces, so that the peoples may learn to accept Me and to receive Me in love.

But I Am the same, dear children. I Am the Mother of Jesus, of your Redeemer.

I Am the One Who ascended to the Heavens to implore God for this world and Who will return after Her Son, opening the doors to the Kingdom of God for those who have persisted throughout the times.

I Am Who with My Son will help to resurrect the dead, to uplift spirits, and to assemble those who have become lost to live in the Love of God.

I Am the governor of the new race.

I Am the One Who ignites the flame in hearts that invoke My Presence, because it is the Presence of God in My virginal aspect.

I need you to understand and comprehend, dear children, who you are receiving!

I Am a spokesperson of the Universe, that comes to warn the world, so that it may not become lost in the darkness.

You must help Me so that evil does not triumph in any human heart.

Each time that you pray with Me, an uncertain door closes upon darkness and a soul is uplifted to the Kingdom of My Love and of My Peace.

In this way, dear children, I wander through the world to call those who are asleep; for those who have not been able to see Me, nor feel Me in their hearts.

Aurora has a fundamental task with Me, which is non-transferable. And it must be accomplished no matter what the cost, because in spite of the times of battle, I will give you the fortitude and the support through prayer of the heart.

I gave you, dear children, the great tool of humility for souls and the shield against all adversity.

Although the beasts are about to walk over humanity and among the peoples, do not be afraid. Who unites with Me becomes a great Mirror of prayer for the world and radiates peace, when they accept living it in their heart and in truth.

What I need, dear children, is for you to open your hearts to self-forgetfulness, because the world is full of itself and does not want to accept that this causes it to sink, day after day.

I need you to open to the Love of God, so that you may know the majesty of His Plan and of His redeeming Work in these times.

Count on your angels and call them all the time. They still yearn to be able to serve you in this end time. It is time, dear children, that you perceive that you are not alone in this world and that you can count on the Celestial Universe.

Each time that I come here, as in each Apparition, of Saint Joseph or of My beloved Son, or of My Heart, We open the doors of the Cosmos so that each day you may be uplifted and abandon this old matter, which corrodes the spirit and hearts.

That is why the Aurora will free you, although its presence is silent in these times.

We are a Celestial Brotherhood that calls upon you to serve the Plan of God and to manifest its designs in this time, so that more hearts may consciously participate in their redemption and rehabilitation.

I wish that you could see the Universe, just as I see it all the time.

God will not punish you for not being able to respond. But know, dear children, that today you know My Truth, which is the Truth that I wish for each child of Mine, which is the love that I need you to experience and to practice, so that humanity does not fail through its lack of love and because of its indifference.

My Eyes observe you in contemplation and in unity with the Father. My hands pour out their Light into the darkness of the Earth, in order to dispel it.

My Heart shines like a protective shield for hearts that accept it.

And the triumph of my co-redemptive work with My Son is established in the hearts that are redeemed and say "yes".

This is the message, dear children, that I want you to attentively hear today and to hear again in these next days, in order to be able to feel each one of My Words, and even more so, My Energy, which is the Energy of God, your Father Who is in the Heavens and awaits you.

In this hour, feel the embrace of the angels and their Grace, and give thanks to God every day for having awakened to My call in this end time, which is so critical.

There are souls that despair and that are tortured.

There are souls that suffer in loneliness and in silence, without anybody contemplating them.

There are souls that die without feeling love and Kingdoms of Nature that suffer the consequences of humankind.

Who will alleviate the pain of your Heavenly Mother?

Who will accept living this affliction with Me and transform it into love and light so that the Celestial Father may triumph?

I ask you, children of the world, to not close the doors to God, for He sends Me so that you may hear and accept Him.

Do not fear the tribulation, the failure. Live penitence, prayer, and repentance, and with My help, dear children, you will achieve holy humility on the last day of your lives.

And thus, when everything finishes here, in this beloved Aurora, I will lift up to the Heavens the Scrolls of Light, where your experience with Me and the offering of this sacrifice of love for humanity will be written.

There are souls that believe it is not necessary to make an effort for this suffering and lost world. Is it not so, My children, that when God sends Me, I have shown you the constancy of My Love, of My Mercy, and of My goodness towards all?

If for you I Am your whole Grace, why do you not do the same that I do for each child of the planet?

I only ask you, as My Son asked you, that each day you learn to love each other more, because who does not go through that Law will not be able to bear their purification.

I invite you to feel united all the time, through My Immaculate Heart, which is the home that opens up so that you may enter and feel peace. In this way, dear children, you will please Me, and as in other passed Apparitions throughout time, I will be able to lift up to Heaven the Scepter of the triumph of the redeemed hearts.

And again I say to you, that through this sincere effort, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you and bless your Mother here on Earth, with the breath of My Love and of My Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lady, we will listen to "Meeting with Mary in the heart".


In this month of May is celebrated in Fatima the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, and all My children of the world are invited to make the Heart of Your Mother triumph in the life of each being of this planet.

At the same time, Aurora starts in May to emerge in the profound silence of its invisible Kingdom and, without noticing it, the hearts participate of a very special moment. Happy are those who are here today following without delay the redemptive Work of My Son, because the moment has come of the great correspondence of the hearts to the Plan of God.

So, dear children, this is how two important events manifest themselves in the world: first, the awakening of Aurora in each heart that has responded to the call and the summoning at the Marian Center of Aurora. Second, the congregation of souls in Fatima during May for this great moment in which humanity will remember and commemorate My arrival in Fatima to bring peace.

Now that everyone is invited to define their path for the Plan or for the common planetary life, the Lord calls you to respond to the call that comes from the Universe to try to save what is left over from this humanity.

During May you will prepare yourselves for what will come and that heart that is awakened will be able to recognize that it is necessary to respond and to comply with all the requests of the Divine Messengers at the right time.

Ask, in prayer, for capacity and interior wisdom to be able to correspond to what God demands, now this will be your duty.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the real need of these times,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children of the whole world,

With the Americas in My Heart, this day I approach you to ask once again that you pray to My Immaculate Heart for peace in the Americas and in the world.

The fury of the unjust and the lies of those who are masked incite the nations of the Americas to revolution, and humanity from South America is still not ready for the great moment of its purification.

Through an urgent call for prayer, My dear children, Your Heavenly Mother calls you to awaken in these times of emergency, and in particular, to respond to everything that is being asked for by the Sacred Hearts.

The times have changed again, therefore , My children of the world, not only do I call upon you to live a true and fervent prayer, but I also call you to service in the face of the latest catastrophes in the world.

Dear children, if I had stopped coming to visit you daily, humanity would have self-destructed in a few months and the social obsession would have submerged Europe and the world. Therefore, today, from Fatima, Heart of the Kingdom of Lis, world Shrine of prayer, My Immaculate Heart loudly proclaims the call to awaken.

I would not want the ignorance of the majority to make you give up the path that My Son invites you to live, a path of praying for humanity.

The planet and all of its inhabitants chose this final cycle to learn through purification. My pulsating Heart has not tired of asking you for prayer, fasting, and Communion as sources of reparation and mercy for the world. But humanity is still deaf and blind, prefers to live the transition, and rejects the Love of My Heart; thus today Your Mother cries, looking down at the ground, asking the Celestial Father for Mercy and Compassion.

My children, humanity incites the Justice of God and does not know what it is doing; many faithful of the Church have lost their devotion to My Heart because they are imprisoned by the temptations of the world.

To those who pray with Me, every day in perseverance and sacrifice, I ask you to implore for your humanity, for the Americas and the world before a possible social war that is also about power is established amongst the nations. If that were to happen, the poison of the impious and the atheists would spread throughout the planet, and shortly thereafter a great spiritual sickness would cause three-quarters of humanity to disapper because of atheism.

To prevent the setting aside of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil, I come to implore for more prayer before the armies of the Earth take the nations of the Americas; may your surrender to prayer be greater. For this, dear children, I wish My Immaculate Heart to triumph in the Americas through the fidelity of the faithful followers of Christ.

Attention! My children, the third secret of Fatima could still be fulfilled, and humanity has already forgotten it. For that reason and for the salvation of all those in the Americas who have already condemned themselves to the eternal fire of hell, I come to ask for the praying of the Holy Rosary for Peace in the Americas and in the world. The third secret could be mirrored in the Americas and the devotees should prepare for that.

I come to dissolve all evil with the Light of God. Consecrate yourselves soon to My Heart so that Your Heavenly Mother can intercede for a humanity filled with injustice.

Thus, dear children, in May and June I have dedicated the spiritual space for a pilgrimage through continents that are in need of the descent of the Light of God. Your collaboration must be immediate and without delay so that I can triumph before My adversary; I will appreciate your adhesion and promptness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In continuous prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Americas


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I come from Heaven, dear children, to call those who have still not awakened, through those who have been consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

Today I am here as the Queen of Peace, as the Mother of the whole universe, as the Guardian of Faith, as the Protector of hearts and those who say 'yes' to My call.

I hope that your consecration as My children is to honor God, the Almighty, and His Beloved Son, Who will soon return to see you in prayer and working for the Plan.

Dear children, today I open My Mantle to show you all the nations of the world, mainly those that have still not been consecrated to Me, since 2,000 years ago. I still hope that the hearts that I wake up, in those nations, will manage to achieve it. 

The Middle East must be My reign of Peace, and you, beloved children, must accompany Me in transmutation as in prayer.

You have no reason to fear these things; there are many souls in this place that truly suffer and you know it.

I come here to give you, every day, My Celestial Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of My Son and of Saint Joseph, the Kingdom of Paradise.

Today I need your hearts to deeply open a little more, because I am not here alone, I am with the angels that guard My task and the task of all My children.

The Americas need to fulfill that promise. In all the nations of the Americas, I am present through My different Aspects, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, in Argentina.

I am the same for all the cultures, but all the peoples recognize Me through their devotion and by what I have manifested throughout time in My Apparitions.

I am in Salta as I am in Medjugorje, just like My Presence is never erased in Fatima, in Lourdes and not even here, when you call the Mother of Figueira.

I am that great Tree of Life for you, beloved children. You must accomplish My Plan in this place, the one God has proposed for this part of the Americas; and know that it is being achieved through faith and prayer, which is what I need from all My children.

Each step you are able to take in your consecration is great for God and for His Original Project.

Beloved children, live this opportunity I give you daily; because when I am no longer here nor My Son or Saint Joseph, you must continue working with all the pilgrims that will come here to seek the source of My Love and My Peace. For this reason, the Marian Center and the rest of the Centers I have consecrated exist, just as I will consecrate Fatima and Lourdes to My Marian Work.

I would like you all to be able to enter into My Immaculate Heart and that you drink of the Fount of Love of God that I bring you to cure your wounds and your suffering.

Today, I am speaking with you because I know that you listen to Me. But more hearts should listen to Me through you, in the example of prayer and of charity; in the example of expanding My campaign of Peace through the world, so that My Plan may be established and your Heavenly Mother, together with Her Glorified Son, defeat the adversary in the last time remaining to it.

The Earth will tremble and will be purified, so that it may be purer. But I will not stop aiding you because you have trusted in Me from the beginning. I do not cease to be present in your homes when you open the doors to prayer, and in each one of your relations, which I attempt to reach every day with My Love and with My Redemption, which is the Redemption of My Beloved Son.

Beloved children, I would like you to be a part of My spiritual life; that the Kingdom of the Heavens were not so far from you, as it has been for many souls. I bring the Kingdom of the Heavens in each Apparition, in each world, in each gesture of Love and of Peace.

I bring you the new code of My Son so that you may hold it in your hearts and souls, and it be able to sow itself in the depths of your essences, and in this way, talents will wake up.

Today I speak to you sweetly because I know that you need it, because I know you need My consoling and maternal embrace.

I am not the one who loves, it is God who loves through Me; and I would like to love your brothers and sisters through your hearts, dispelling their doubts and faults through My Original Purity, the purity of the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima. For that to be possible, My beloveds, in the presence of all the universe and the invincible Love of My Son, with My Heart, I would like to listen to a song in honor of the Kingdom of Lys, in honor of all the essences that wake up and the servers who work for the Plan in all of Europe and the whole world.

On this 13th day, the Gardens of Lys open to bless you and so that you may walk through them spiritually with Me, in the perfect beauty of God and all His creative manifestation.

Before consecrating you as Children of Mary, I must take you to the Original Purity and the essence of the Love which will unify you with God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother, indicating the choir, says:

I am listening.

Sing with Me, My children, to open the doors of the Kingdom of Lys.

Song: "Lys, Mary, Lys".


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is from that very pure Garden that your little essences come, because My Heart has Its dwelling place in that Garden; and each of you, My children, is born of My Maternal Essence, is born from the Spiritual Womb of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I bring you the Kingdom of Lys so that you may be reborn in spirit, so that you may experience the purity that will allow you to face the times to come.

Today I bring you the Peace of Lys, as I brought it to you in previous times through the little ones of Fatima.

In that time, those three little children were able to open the doors of the Kingdom of Lys to establish peace and avoid a war in this world. Now, My children, the war is already established and it is not just between the Light and the darkness; chaos and evil also fight with each other to deceive souls.

Thus, today I bring you the Kingdom of Lys, which is My Kingdom in Fatima, so peace may be established in your lives, and through you, in the heart of each of My children.

I want you to be forerunners of My Peace, through prayer and also through life examples, just like the apostles of My Son. When they preached, from their mouths not only words emanated; they radiated the Presence of Christ to everybody, they radiated the Divine Verb, the Gifts of the Spirit of God that were imprinted on their consciousnesses.

When I ask you to listen to Me and read My Words, it is so that they are also able to be imprinted within each of you, and in this way, announce My Presence in this world and in the whole universe; let them not only be words spoken by your mouths, let it be the Spirit of God that manifests through the love and truth that your hearts are able to experience.

It is for this reason, My children, that I need so many missionaries in this world, that I need so many hearts that not only have an experience on Earth, but live a true mission, live a spiritual mission of drawing close the Kingdom of God, of experiencing the real archetype for this humanity, because that is the Will of God.

And it is possible to manifest this as long as you are real, sincere, humble; as long as you are obedient, that you not want to establish your own plans in the world, but rather the Plans of the Creator; because your plans, children, are very small. You are very ignorant because your hearts still do not know the truth, do not know the real Plan of God. But if you open in spirit, in essence, to unite your little hearts with the Heart of the Creator, that Plan, which is perfect and includes each essence of this world, will be able to manifest naturally through your hearts.

Today, from the Kingdom of God, I bring you the true spiritual mission, the real missionary spirit, so it is able to manifest in your essences; so that you may be executors of this Plan, just as My angels are, those who are here around Me today, manifesting the Will of God on this day for each of your lives; those who bring the gifts of the missionary spirit from the Heavens to place in you.

Let yourselves, My children, experience that spirit and fulfill the true mission of sanctifying and consecrating this world, not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to the Heart of My Son, to the Heart of the Father.

Let this Earth be able to experience Divine Thought, that perfect idea emanated by God in the beginning. This is possible if you accept responding to My call, beyond all that you always wished to experience.

For My Immaculate Heart there are no limits, no age, no skills. All can be missionaries in spirit, because the true mission transcends the physical movements you could carry out. The true mission is accomplished when your hearts are open and allow Me to love through you.

Thus, I gathered here together the missionaries who came from the East and also those who went to Chaco, because I want to imprint an impulse of Light in those hearts that will multiply and expand to all the servers who would like to be consecrated to My Heart as missionaries of Mary.

Thus, today, children, I bring you the impulses of Lys and also the impulses of God, and in this way, I pour out an unprecedented, infinite Grace for those who know to live it from the heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Through the song of the young people, dear children, all the young people who take drugs, who are lost through alcohol and disunity, went through the Gardens of Lys through your mediation. My Immaculate Heart helped you to strengthen your path in the search for the Eternal Light.

Before I rise up to Heaven, My Words have consecrated all of you, those present, and those who listen to Me open of heart and soul.

Let those who will be consecrated today to the Immaculate Heart, to a life of service as a vow, to a life of prayer as a vow and a life of fellowship as a vow, stand up.

Bring water here to Me for blessing.

Dear children who will be consecrated, I will draw the rain of My Graces and My Peace to you through the blessed water, which is the most visible symbol of purity and chastity; an element lovingly created by God, your Eternal Father, in the beginning of the universes.

Water purifies you. Water sanctifies you. Water renews you, frees you from sin and leads you into finding peace. That water will be sprayed on your bodies by a priest who in My Name and the name of the Most Holy Trinity, will impart the blessing to you.

Today, I bless the Mother of Colombia, Chiquinquirá, the Mother of all the original peoples of the Andes, which I have instituted as Pilgrim of all of Colombia and the countries of Central America, together with the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Virgen of Coromoto, and in union with the Virgen of Cuapa.

In these Aspects, dear children, I reveal My Attributes to you, the Attributes of the Universal Mother.

Chiquinquirá is the Attribute of Union, of the unity of souls of the whole Earth with God.

By the authority granted Me by the Grace of God, may this water be constituted of all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, by the infinite Grace of God and His unfathomable Mercy, through the powerful Heart of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Who will come for the second time to the world in Glory among the clouds and will pour out His Graces as a rain of Light over those that had persisted in faith until the end of days of the Universal Judgment.

The guardian angels of your Heavenly Mother place their hands of Light over this water. May it bless those who are being consecrated today and who are beginning a path of prayer and of service for the Plans of Peace of your Heavenly Mother.

With the supreme authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I consecrate you all to My Immaculate Heart.

Let us listen to the hymn of the Children of Mary, in devotion and faith.

While I rise up to Heaven, I would like you, children consecrated in this annual meeting with My eternal heart, to in your prayers take on a soul of the East, so it may receive the same Grace you receive every month.

Do not choose anybody; simply pray with the heart, because God sees everything.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Thank you, children, for all that you give Me!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!


Dear children,

At this moment Ankara is the main focus of My adversary, but do not fear this because the power of the prayer of the heart closes all uncertain doors.

The fraternal work that Turkey is carrying out in assisting the refugees of the Middle East, and the fruits of charity that this work gives, cause the heart of the adversary to shudder because once again the Love of God triumphs.

In spite of the last attempts taking place in Ankara, where once again innocent souls suffered the loss of their lives, the triumph of the love and service of the missionaries and of the servers of the Turkish association, through stillness and calm, spiritually allowed these souls to also be sheltered by the angels of Heaven.

God expects this persecution and evil to end before the definite justice of Heaven comes; that human beings at least become aware of all that they are destroying in planetary life and in the Kingdoms of Nature. This is why all humanity has left is to pray and pray with their hearts, pronouncing each word with fervor and with the aspiration that all wars end soon.

As I once said in Fátima, the guerillas will become tired of fighting, chaos will no longer be able to oppose war1 at the moment when the hearts of the world decree before the Universe that they do not want war, only peace.

The adversary does not rest, but even though its plans are being fulfilled, they are becoming weaker because they are false plans, and in the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Love of the Mother of the World, will triumph through all the souls in the Middle East that offer their lives to the service and the rescue of those persecuted and those that are hurt.

The victory of the Kingdom of God will first be seen in the simple hearts of those who give of themselves; in them the gaze of Christ will be reflected.

May the humanitarian works continue; it is time to serve humanity for its salvation, for the descent of Divine and Inexhaustible Mercy.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees

1In these final times the forces of chaos and evil battle between each other.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children of Mine:

At the apex of the war of these times, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will occur through those who in absolute trust, walk by My side to concretize the Plans of Peace.

On this path, dear children, by means of humanitarian service in each region of this world, you will see how human cruelty shows itself to be, an action that has led many souls to damnation.

In order to recover the lost souls and the dignity of each one of them, My children, it is necessary that the evils that oppress a great part of humanity be transmuted through the powerful fire of prayer.

The task of transmutation is centered on the Prayer Centers for Peace that I have founded in this part of the world. It is for this reason, dear children, in light of the planetary spiritual demand for transmutation, it is necessary for the Marian Centers to be alive, to have life, liturgy, processions, and prayer that are ever more elevated and offered to the Redemptive Project of My beloved Son. 

My children, if you are aware of the importance of the life of a Marian Center, all the doors of Heaven will be open so that the planetary transmutation can take place. Fátima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Medjugorje, La Salette, and the current Marian Centers in South America have become powerful stations of liberation and of redemption from the forces of planetary chaos, especially of the armies of the adversary that work through the wars.

The task of maintaining the life of the Marian Centers, persisting until the end so that all may have a planet on which to live, is a spiritual and operative task of all the members of the Light-Network and of the groups of prayer of the world. 

The Celestial Hierarchy counts on the Centers of Prayer so that all that is released through the humanitarian missions will be able to find a place of evacuation in other universes. 

I leave you, children, with the intimate commitment of being guardians of the work of the Celestial Hierarchy through the Marian Centers.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you always to a greater task,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


​​​Dear children,

Through the humanitarian missions, the pain of the world is taken away from hearts offended by their own brothers and sisters of this humanity.

At this time, when the blood of the innocent continues to be poured over the world, the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus promises those who trust in Him to give them His Infinite Mercy. Children, there will be no other remedy able to appease such enormous human pain.

After the First World War, I announced in Fatima that if the world did not change in time, a second war worse than the first one would come, and it happened. The massacre of millions of souls taken to the hells of this world made the innocence of the terrestrial human being disappear.

Once again, your Heavenly Mother announces Herself to the world, declaring that this is the last time, because the world did not learn to forgive nor establish peace.

My Immaculate Heart guides each one of the missions, because it will be humanitarian service that will achieve victory and will comfort all those who lost themselves in the hands of the adversary.

Heaven promises divine help to the world, and spiritual intersession on the part of the Archangel Gabriel, something that will be completely understood when everything has happened in humanity.

Today My Maternal Heart places the pain of the world over some hearts, which must gain relief through the prayer, faith, and devotion of those who truly aspire to find the Kingdom of God, which is fervently waiting to impregnate them with His fire of mercy and piety.

Dear children, at this time I ask you all to open your consciousness to recognize the humanitarian missions as one of the redeeming pillars of the Heavenly Hierarchy.

It is in this way that this consciousness will be given through the power of prayer, which will always fill hearts and planetary life.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who unites you to the One Love of the Universe,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear children,

Through My Grace I open a new door so that you will learn to love and forgive, liberating your hearts from all of the errors of the past and from the debts that imprison you.

Children of Mine, on this holy day Heaven touches the whole land of Colombia and the Condor Bird of Peace flies over the sacred mountains in order to announce that the time of reconsidering your actions and forgiving as an act of reconciliation and of peace for this entire Nation.

On this day I invite you, My beloved children, to trust Christ and His Unfathomable Mercy, which is the precious fruit that will liberate you from all evil and sorrow.

I come to Colombia as the Lady of Peace and of the Holy Rosary so that you will remember that on this 13th of October, Fatima in Portugal fulfills a cycle of My precious presence for the whole world.

Children, for this I ask that you remember the purity of Fatima, that divine essence that was expressed by the three little shepherds and that permitted peace to be established through the most absolute innocence.   Your lives, dear children, can enter in this source of purity and of love that today I bring to you in order to be able reconcile the peoples and the nations.

The whole world needs peace and you, being servants that are filled by My Immaculate and Pure Heart, will be able to help Me so that the times will not be precipitated, and that peace will reign, especially in those who do not have it.

Dear children, I have come to Colombia in order to call you to reconciliation.  May your devotion to Me be the reason for embracing each day more this proposal of forgiving and loving one another.  In this way Your Celestial Father will see with eyes of Mercy that your people can become sacred.

If you forgive, children of Mine, the souls will be liberated from error, and all of the past that caused the separation of the peoples will be able to be reverted through your correct intention of forgiving.

Forgive yourselves much and do not fear asking for forgiveness because you and the world need this forgiveness in order to reach the supreme Source of Mercy.

Today I give you a key so that this will happen:  always and forever remember the Sanctuary of Fatima.  There Your Heavenly Mother poured the rays that made possible to peace to be manifested among humanity and between humanity and God.

I thank you for the loving joy that your people reflects before My Immaculate Heart.

United in faith and in forgiveness, who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima


I come to ask the world for peace.

I come to the world to remind humanity of the Plan of God.

I come to the world to rescue lost hearts, to provide guidance for souls that have forgotten about God.

I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary. Just like in Fatima, I come to ask you for prayer. The prayer that emerges from your hearts, in a simple and sincere way.

I come to ask you, My children, for the act of your repentance.

I come to ask, My children, that you be seekers of peace and truth.

Half of this world suffers the consequences of ungrateful human beings, of human beings who do not live the Law of the Lord.

Today, I show everyone My Divine Immaculate Heart, still surrounded by thorns because of the scourges of humanity that stays away from the path of Christ and goes toward the abysses of this sick humanity.

But My powerful Light, which is invincible and great, comes to consecrate you in this oratory so that we may elevate the offering to God of saying 'yes' to this Plan of evolution.

I need your hearts to be stars that light up this darkness, that you dispel the tribulation through family prayer.

Within your hearts, My children, there exists the potential to be able to love, to love beyond this world, to love the universe and the Creation of the Lord, a Creation that is very injured by everyone. The Heart of God is sad. Who will be glad to be able to console It?

In this way, throughout the times, I come to give you a Message of Peace. But My Words are pure maternal energy that enter your hearts, and they are received by the souls that seek a true union with God.

My children, I do not tire of telling you that there is no time to lose. The world is very sick and especially the spirits that draw away from the Path of the Creator.

Just as Moses received the Laws, I come to remind you of the Laws of God. Humanity does not know the power of the Laws of Creation. But the heart which is united with My maternal Heart can feel the Laws of the Creator and apply them within this life, that is so forgetful of God.

My children, who are fast asleep due to not finding the path of redemption, I come through My Light to open your eyes. Like in Fatima, in this century, in this time and on this special date, I come to remind you of your commitments. Since the origin, from the essential Source of God, I come to awaken your gifts, I come to awaken your talents, that are so necessary for My beloved Son, so that He may fulfill His Work of Redemption.

Dear children, feel the beat of My maternal Heart. Open your arms and give shelter to My Divine Spirit within your hearts. I come to bring you a message from Heaven, something that is not normal in your lives.

I need you, My children, to reconsider and repent, to live in the Law of God.

Among My Words can be found the Rays of Truth, which are lit up from the universe, so that, through prayer, Adoration and Communion, souls awaken to their true path.

For many of you, this is not the first time you have heard Me. I come here, to this city, to remind you of your commitment to prayer. Go to your parishes. Pray from the heart. Let your homes be oratories, oratories dedicated to the life of the Lord. Let the Word of Life of My Son be able to return to your hands. Let your hearts be able to read the Words of Our Lord because they are still active for those who know how to recognize them.

Unite with God, for many souls are separating from God. The world is in a spiritual war, and this is expanding at a material level. When will this stop? If your prayers are sincere, the Justice of God will be placated. Hearts should not suffer the martyrdom that you are causing in many regions of the world. 

I come to bring you My Spirit of Peace because I know that your lives are disturbed, you cannot find consolation or a way out. But, on this evening, My children, I offer Myself as the path of return, the path of the return of the Lord to His Sacred Dwelling, which is your true origin, to again find the path that many of you have lost.

I would like if many of you could see Me, but, what I need, My children, is that after so many miracles, throughout the times, that your hearts be able to feel Me. I can dwell in your lives always, and when you allow Me to.

But My task is ending and the world must cross through the threshold toward Heaven or toward hell. Where will you want to be, My children? You are no longer beginners, but rather My apostles of Love.

Vivify the Presence of Christ in your lives. Do works of charity, of truth, and your hearts will live in joy, in spite of the darkness of the times.

Thus, My children, through your little lives, My Work will be able to be expressed as a mirror within redeemed hearts, in peace-bringing hearts that seek union with God at all times.

Set aside the normality that always surrounds you, which does not let you see the Light of God's Kingdom.

Dear children, if you truly pray with Me, many things can be avoided.

I am the Messenger of Peace. I am the Prophet of Christ that announces the Return of Christ to hearts in these times of chaos.

Your hearts must be prepared. If you do not pray, My children, if you do not forgive one another, if you do not become reconciled, how will My Son be able to be among you again? How will your hearts awaken during the night, to see the glorious coming of the King among the clouds?

For this reason, My Immaculate Heart, which is your noble Heart, and the Holy Heart of Saint Joseph, work together for the redemption of souls.

The Heavens and the universes open their streams of Light through the Sacred Hearts, so that daily, My children, you are able to understand that there is something to be changed. There is no more time to lose, the clock will stop so that souls experience their lesson in this end time of transition.

What brings encouragement to My Immaculate Heart is to see that your clear souls seek the path of redemption and are never discouraged, for who is with Me, is with Christ, and is with God, in His great Plan of Redemption.

I feel encouraged to see the souls that truly become consecrated and that clothe their bodies with My Mantle of Light to represent the new legions of Christ on this planet that will support humanity, because the majority, although it may not seem so to you, My children, will do nothing.

Who will do something for this world? Who will respond to the Plan of God, step out of themselves to see others and find the need, which is very great in this humanity? The need for love, prayer and service.

But if you unite with My Heart, the army will be invincible and peace will not disappear from the Earth.

Your souls are pilgrims of the universe and come here to have an experience of redemption and love, to again find Christ on your paths and make your lives divine, according to the Will and the Purpose of God.

Do not cease to look for your true mission. There must be active apostles that can respond to the emergency of these times.

Leaving here, My children, your hearts must think, reflect upon each vibration I have given you, for it can transform your hearts; and that Light will expand within your families so that more hearts may be touched by My Light.

I do not come here by chance, My children. Thus, I remind you of Fatima, because you are at the same point as in the past, and that must be reversed through your determination to be shining hearts that will seek a life of prayer, to finally achieve your redemption.

In this way, you will please God and not waste time, because the world must experience a new stage, and your own brothers and sisters, members of this one civilization, are stopping this from happening. For this reason, the Spokespersons of Heaven come to you to remind you that there is a path to infinity and that this life does not end here.

Your spirits, My children, must awaken to spiritual life, must evolve, must take steps, just as the apostles took them, those beings who accompanied Christ in this Work of Redemption.

Now it is your turn, My children. Thus, this is My last call. My voice is uttered for the whole world.

I do not want you to feel My pain, which is the pain of the world, but many must feel it in order to understand the feeling of your Universal Mother.

I do not tire. I continue onward with the hope of finding you again awakened upon this path toward the Universe of God.

You have a universe within you. Seek it. Cry out for it. Call for it, it is there to help you. This is your inner world, the world of the soul, of purity, of the original principle.

Perhaps have you perceived it? I come to reveal this Grace to you, because it is necessary, My children, that more hearts awaken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken.

Let us pray.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

And it is in this way that you must always ask God for your conversion, there is always something to heal, there is always something to redeem when the heart is sincere with God.

Stars of Light are scattered over the Earth. These are My dear children who are awakening, who wear the Mantle of My Light. They are My littlest ones, who I love and I hope they will faithfully represent Me on this planet because the time will come, My children, when your day will only be prayer, while the world is purified, to achieve the thousand years of peace.

Do not tire of being transformed, it is necessary. Your lives must be sanctified, must be corrected, must follow the Designs of God.

Thus, I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary. I pray for you and for the world so that something changes soon. I pray with you every day, from the Universe of the Heart of God.

In this way, through your sincere response to My universal call, everything will be accomplished, everything will be consummated, just as My Son accomplished it.

Let My warriors of prayer, spirits called to live in the name of peace, come here.

Let those who will be consecrated today in My Presence come here, bringing the candle of light, the presence of an ignited soul in all of this humanity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


While you sing, dear children, I will bless you and all those present. When I bless you, I bless the world and renew all things, for that is the authority that Christ gave Me, so that souls could be reignited.

Sing from the heart, proclaiming your confirmation to God.

Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."

By the authority granted to Me by God, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, I bless your lives so that they may be changed in Christ and by Christ, and, as from now, you may be My apostles of Peace.

I pour out My Rays over you so that your hearts may keep them and not forget that the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Lady of Mount Carmel, was here today with you to pour out Her Grace upon humanity.

Hold My Words in your heart and follow Jesus, follow Him always.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I thank you for praying to My Immaculate Heart.

May peace always be in your lives.

I love you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady asked that, at this moment, in all places of the world, we have a minute of silence for peace in humanity.

Brothers and sisters, we would like to close this meeting with a short story about the Apparition, responding to the request of Mary.

She sometimes asks us to speak about what She shows us. To begin, we would like to say that during the prayer, the souls of each of those present were greatly worked upon.

In different degrees, the angels worked according to the indications of Our Lady; and they were carrying out a kind of spiritual healing as we truly prayed.

Then came the moment of the Apparition. Our Lady came as always, from Heaven, crossing the universes, entering into the consciousness of the planet, and Her consciousness gradually located this place.

She came as a great sphere of light and fire, descending through the Heavens to be here.

While we were praying, waiting for Her arrival, that was the moment when She showed Herself as Our Lady of Fatima, dressed all in white, with a rosary in Her hands. Her gaze was gentle, maternal and loving. She was barefoot and placed Herself at the center of this portal of peace. And the first thing She said was: "I give thanks for whom had the Grace of being able to honor Me, building this portal in honor of My Immaculate Heart."

Then, Our Lady reached out Her arms to us, opened Her hands and lots of Light began to come out of Her hands and penetrated our souls. At that moment, Mary showed us an image of the planet, and we saw a great triangle of Light that united Europe with the Middle East and with the south of the Americas.

At that moment, we could see that many souls were being lifted up to Heaven by Our Lady, not only in the Middle East, but also at different points of the planet. Then Our Lady said: "Look at the center of the triangle," and many roses began to appear, which She said were our prayers, the prayers of all Her children of the world that were united with this purpose for Peace.

Our Lady cried a little, showed Her wounded Heart, but as She spoke to us, word after word, Her Consciousness entered into our inner universe, which is what She called it. And it seemed that Our Lady, for a few moments, as She repeated the words, multiplied within our spirits. Then we were seeing Mary within everyone as one Consciousness, united with God, in Christ.

Afterward, as Our Lady transmitted Her Message to us, She went showing us different situations in humanity. She quickly showed different regions of the planet that had great need, very great need for prayer, until the moment came when, in the Apparition, She showed the Purpose of God for this humanity. And, above Our Lady, there were many angels that began to show the original idea the Creator had, from the beginning of this humanity and this planet.

She was telling us that the Sacred Family of Nazareth, when it was present here, in this humanity, through Saint Joseph, Mary and Christ, brought a continuation to this Purpose.

She said She has appeared so much throughout time, not only to teach us, warn us and call upon us, but so that She could bring continuity to this Work of the Idea of God. She said, very sadly, that this Idea was being broken by us.

She comes to remind us that we were created by God, that God loves us, that we cannot become separated from Him, and that together with Our Lady, we must bring continuity to this Work that God has foreseen for us.

She lovingly comes to correct us and asks that we think and reflect upon what it is we are doing with our lives, whether we are with God or not with God.

Today, She gifted us with Her maternal Love, and when She gave Her blessing for the Children of Mary who were consecrated, a great amount of Light spread throughout this place, the aura of Our Lady lit up and that Light reached several places on the planet, in the form of rays.

That is what happened. So everybody has this invitation and this call of Mary, and we can continue united with this work for peace, praying the Rosary, praying from the heart as She has asked of us, and striving a little more, every day.

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I have come to ask you to continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, because just as I said it in Fatima, the wrath of God may be appeased through the loving prayer of all.

In this time, My children, this will not prevent all of humanity from being purified, because many of My children in the world still associate with the paths of evil.  It is due to this extraordinary cause of salvation that Your Heavenly Mother suffers the pain and the ingratitude of the world, and at the same time, these feelings of perdition are transmuted by the instruments that the Mother of God chose, just as it was in all the Apparitions from the past. 

Once again I come to Brazil, to collect from meek hearts all of the prayers and novenas that they are able to humbly offer Me.  It will be through this sincere offering from all of My dear children that I will be able to intercede or at least alleviate the fear of death that many consciousnesses are suffering in these times of no peace. 

For this reason, My children of Brazil, Your Heavenly Mother descends from Heaven, like in Fatima, to awaken the rays of devotion and of peace through the prayer of the Holy Rosary.  

Children, in this cycle, may your lives be prayer, because if they are pure prayer, you will be devotion, and through holy devotion, the world will achieve the essence of peace.

With My right hand over My Immaculate Heart and My left hand reaching out to the world, I come to simply offer the path of the ray of devotion to all of My praying children. Your hearts can express that devotion, just like a flower that opens to receive the rays of the sun. 

Dear children, My wish is that through the Rosary, your lives may already be different, filled by the streams of this ray of devotion; streams that spring from the Heart of Your Heavenly Mother, just as compassion, peace, elevation, hope and healing do.

My Children, do not fear the things of the world; the time has come for you to be My true servants of prayer; in this way, at least a part of humanity will not perish.  

Let us continue to pray, always praying; Grace and Mercy are urgent for the world. 

I love you.  I contemplate you.  I thank you for praying to My wounded Heart.

May Peace be in your beings,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

In the silence of My pure Heart lies the most intimate secrets about the destiny of this present humanity.

Today I wish to reveal to you one of them, which I consider most urgent in these times: the spiritual effect that modernities have on a good Christian and a good consecrated person.

In Fatima, I announced to Jacinta about this time that would come, and I asked her that, before her death, she should only reveal it to her confessor.

From Fatima, I wanted to awaken true peace throughout the world. This is why My call from that time is repeated in this cycle, warning everyone to seek the path of prayer that elevates them, and to turn away from the modernities that embrace everyone much more than the Spirit of Peace.

In Fatima, I said to Jacinta that, in the coming time of the planet, humanity would idolize modernities as a god of their own, and all of them would be the fruit of a negative cosmic infiltration into the unconsciousness of all beings on Earth.

Later on, this would generate an addiction, like so many other tendencies that would be activated by the very claws of My adversary.

At that time, the Woman Clothed with the Sun should again arrive in the world, to disarm the plans of the enemy of hypnotizing and conquering the unconsciousness of the souls and, consequently, the life of the spirit of the creatures.

This form of modern hypnotism would awaken the idea of an "advancement of the times" and would bring very determining consequences for the sleep of human beings, generating further effects of insomnia, loss of inner alignment, and, mainly, a lack of peace.

This weapon of modernities would occupy the daily life of people, making them dependent on a false system and with a net of satanic relations. Thus, this dependency on modernities would malnourish the spiritual life and make them lose the sense of the search for the Celestial Universes.

This plan, contrary to the evolution of the universe, which was announced in Fatima, would in the future generate an absence and a separation of life and love of the families. Children would cease to be loved, to be occupied all the time by the device of this same plan. The little ones, from the wombs of their mothers, would feel the lack of interest of being recognized and, thus, they will become a difficulty in the busy life of the mothers and fathers.

These modernities would still occupy the hours of sleep, creating a negative dependency and a high lack of interest in the life of the spirit and the search for God.

At that time, I said to Jacinta, in Fatima, that in the future there would be all kinds of modern forms and devices that would completely absorb the attention of the people and would make them lose their inner senses, such as being able to listen to God and, thus, rapidly withdrawing from Him.

I also revealed in Fatima that from the year 2000 onward, a conviction, contrary to God, would arise in humanity, based on wanting to advance through modernities and develop this evil idea within the lives of the souls and all their families.

Later, I told Jacinta that these modernities would be the apex of a false model, which would be the sovereign deceiver that would enter into religious life, and, whoever would not pray many Rosaries, would not perceive with the heart where they would be deviating.

I also revealed to Jacinta, when she would spend her last days in the hospital of Lisbon, in Portugal, that in humanity there would awaken a  competition based on false modern goods, which would generate a desire for comfort, pleasure and for knowing who would have the best modernity. All this would make you lose the spirit of that which is sacred and the spirit of wisdom.

I said in Fatima that I could not reveal the last part of this story of perdition that My adversary is taking forward at the present time. I also told Jacinta that I would return to the world for the last time in a poor and lost place in the southern part of the Americas so that, outside of the traditional Church of Christ, the world could recognize Me and listen to Me for the last time.

For this reason, I promised Jacinta that, at the request of Jesus, I would consecrate legions of heavenly souls, so that, on Earth, they could be My armed arms, through prayer, fasting, communion and confession, which would prevent the total unconscious and spiritual destruction of human life. For this reason, I would come to ask for the consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart, so that at least half of the one hundred percent might listen to Me and respond to My call.

I told Jacinta, three days before her death, that if Russia were consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, a great part of the world would be protected for a while longer, and the day of the great Universal Judgment would be postponed.

Also, I confessed and revealed to Jacinta that, if the world continued to adopt modernities and their actions as their own mundane gods, a great part of humanity would suffer the consequences of having exchanged God for these modernities.

I also revealed to her that My enemy would mainly rule over a large part of religious life until the fountain of thirst for My Son would dry up completely.

If that were to happen, I told Jacinta that My beloved Son would appear for a second time, in a certain place of the world, to try to attract to Him the last Graces of God upon the hearts that would not deserve them, due to indifference and error.

If only a part, more than half of the one hundred percent, would respond to the living Call of Christ, My Son would grant that the Mother of God could support humanity during a cycle of three solstices, in the hope that it would awaken in time.

History has not ended, and the Judgment will define everything. Therefore, the repentance of the heart and the sincere search for the Kingdom of God will be that which will save the arising of the New Humanity, of the New Jerusalem.

Meditate upon My words and pray with Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you towards higher consciousness.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Today, when the Universe of God touches the Earth and pours Its Mercy over the whole planet, your Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, from America united to the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima will proclaim the word of life, the one that Her beloved Son Jesus requested Her to pronounce on this sacred day.

For this reason today your Celestial Mother will be united to all of the essences of this world, those that on this 13th of May declare to God and to Jesus Christ that the world accepts and recognizes the Mother of God as the Mother of all and as the Queen of Peace.

In this way the Angelic Universe will be radiating from Fatima, heart of the essential purity, a sea of Graces mainly over the hearts and souls that have remained imprisoned in the illusion and in the claws of the adversary.

Today, from the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima, it will be declared Peace for the world and this will come especially to the hearts that may commune on this day and may pray at least a mystery of the Holy Rosary.

Thus, dear children, the Church of Christ, the one that lives in eternity within the simple hearts, will be awakened again.  And the Holy Father will receive an inner aid with which He will be able to keep the spiritual world balanced for some more time.

For this, children, the Queen of the Holy Rosary will descend today in South America in spirit of peace and renovation so that all of the souls of the world may collect the last fruits that the Mother of Heaven will deliver in the hands of the simple and the truthful.

Today from Fatima, the priests of the whole world and all of the favorite children of Our Lady, the ones consecrated to the sacerdotal life, will deliver to the people of God a key that will open the door to liberation of all sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  From this door, the most sinful souls will be able to direct themselves through the path of inner and spiritual rehabilitation.

Twelve Celestial Angels of the Universe will be celebrating along with Our Lady this communion of reparation and of atonement of the whole world, an event that will happen at the same time in all of the tabernacles of the Earth.

But if there is a greater spirit of faith and of devotion to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Mother of God, Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel will promise to the good souls, aid during the hour of death and mainly the spiritual conversion of the family.  This will be so if today you pray the Rosary with heart, without asking anything in return, only that the Plan of God be fulfilled in the ungrateful souls.

From the Kingdom of Fatima, the angelic spheres will shine and entrust to all of the guardian angels of the world to celebrate along with Our Lady the universal communion for Peace.

For this, today, your Heavenly Mother comes to ask to all of Her Children to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ.  This atonement that will be granted by the Virgin Mary will last until the 14th of May of 2015, moment in which will be closed the last door of conversion.

Dear children, today I invite you to adore Jesus and that all may feel united to the Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, so that this sacred task of your Mother may be fulfilled as it is planned.

I thank the groups of prayer of the Americas, of the United States and Europe for being already answering to My call!

The Work will be fulfilled because these are the last missions of the Most Holy Virgin before the return of Christ.

Who thanks and blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


On this night of Graces, I want to give My blessing to the world, mainly to the hearts that are empty, so they may all receive the Peace of God.

From the heart of Fatima and with joy, I gather you all in the Sacred Cenacle, in the Presence of My beloved Son Jesus and the faithful and most chaste Presence of Saint Joseph, for as the Sacred Family of the universe, We radiate Our Stars of Light, which Our Consciousnesses conceived of and opened the doors to the world, directly toward the path of redemption.

On this evening, My Immaculate Heart gladly and joyfully celebrates the lit candles, the souls that wake up to the path of conversion and of peace. And although you know, My children, that the whole world suffers and endures, today the Queen of Heaven brings a unique opportunity for all, opening the doors of the heart to you so that your lives definitely find the soul, sacred precinct of God, where your King wishes to rest at the moment of His great Return to the world.

Today, the angels of Lys assemble and deliver peace to the most distant places of the planet, especially to all those souls that do not follow My religion and do not know My divine Face. But the Mother of the World, the Lady of the Stars of the universe, the Queen crowned by the Crown of God, in the presence of all the Angels and Archangels, together with Her Son, celebrates the mass of redemption, the re-encounter with the spirit of love in all lost souls.

Thus, on this night of Graces, not only the Sanctuary of Lys is lit up, but all the hearts that devotedly awaken their inner mirrors to radiate the codes of love and of peace to the world. 

Today, in truth, dear children, I feel united with each of you. In this way, your sins are liberated, and all the stains of suffering are alleviated.

I am present here, among you, My children, as the Queen of Peace, as the Queen of Love and of Mercy, as the One who had been among you in Nazareth, gestating the Son of God in Her Womb, and bringing the opportunity of change for the whole world.

I am that Woman clothed in the Sun, announced in the Apocalypse of John, who brings the moon under Her feet, announcing hope to this world that suffers, and opening the door for you for the Return of My Son, the firstborn Son of God, your Jesus, King Jesus.

Thus, open your hearts and let your faults be forgiven, through the Communion that all My children, far and wide in the world, on communing with My beloved Son, received His Most Sacred Redeemer Body, in a perfect and divine union with His mystical and divine Spirit. The Graces and Mercies of God descend to this world through the hearts of the Guardian Angels.

Thus, on this evening, I also invite you, beloved children, to dispel all problems from your minds, the Grace of your conversion is close.

The Archangel Michael, together with the Archangel Saint Gabriel, unite at this moment to radiate the power of My Immaculate Heart to the world. Happy are those who feel My maternal Presence, in spite of not seeing Me; for God still wishes, beloved children, that I use certain instruments throughout this humanity so My Word may be announced to the world, which is the Message of Christ, your Savior, which will always bring you peace and hope in these difficult times.

But today, in My universal and maternal reign, My sacred hands sustain the scepter of Peace to bring the world the true Justice of God, and in this way, all hearts can be harmonized with the Law of the Creator.

Feel the Rays of My Immaculate Heart, so that one day, beloved children, you are able to understand the Laws of the Creator; those that are greatly assaulted by ungrateful hearts that do not want to listen to My Son, neither in Confession nor in Communion.

But you, beloved children, more aware of the spiritual and higher life, will be able to raise to Heaven all the hearts of the world as a sacred offering, which before this end time, must wake up to the call of the Mother of God.

Today I am among you, strengthening the cenacle of the heart; reminding you that you must continue to pray every day, especially in this time of tribulation, which begins to take place within people, and which expresses on the outside of this material life.

I want you to leave here alert and prepared, and that all the hearts united with Me at this moment, in the Sacred Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys, may be able to live a good life, of reconciliation and peace, experiencing repentance, strengthening their faith in Christ, renewing the Sacraments and living a life of fraternity, so that at least, My children, a part of this race is able to concretize the advent of a New Humanity.

Some hearts already live this New Humanity in the depths of their souls, waiting for the great promise of the Promised Land that will come to aid all from the Celestial Universe, through the New Jerusalem, which will be formed by the disciples of My Son, those latter-day saints, who will proclaim the last word before the great door in this humanity is opened.

Thus, today, My children, I not only contemplate your needs, the lack of love in your hearts and the strengthening of faith in your lives; I come to bring you a Message of hope, but also a Message of warning: the hour has come for praying with the heart every day and of not wasting time on superficial things.

Feed your spirits and minds with the sacred Word of My beloved Son. Study the Gospel. Visit the Bible every day. Read the Messages and practice them, so that your lives may be an example of charity and service, through the tasks of love and the spirit of redemption.

Today, before you is the New Aurora, that which always shines in the inner firmament of the hearts that invoke it, in the Sacred Presence of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel, which unites you with My Divine Heart so you may experience the opportunity for redemption.

Liberate your faults and debts and find again the path to the Kingdom of God.

For this reason, today I am here, in Goiânia, so that the State of Goiás, together with Mato Grosso, may establish new groups of prayer to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly for the Animal Kingdom, which is greatly punished by all. That debt must be balanced.

For this reason, today I leave you all with the responsibility of responding to this call of My Immaculate Heart, and that you wake up to an awareness of Genesis, in which God, from the beginning, since Adam and Eve, provided all the necessary things to live without any need to assault the Animal Kingdom or any Kingdom created by your God.

I not only come for you, a sleeping humanity, announcing Myself from the Sacred Kingdom of Fatima, waking up your essences, which must be united with God all the time; I also come for the Younger Kingdoms, which co-exist with you all the time, which are injured and assaulted by the violent hands of humankind, without the least respect for the Law of Creation.

You, who live here and know about the massacres of the Animal Kingdom, I invite you, dear children, to seek a natural life, avail yourselves of that which God gave you from the beginning; feed your stomachs with healthy, divine and sublime things; leave the Kingdoms in peace, let them evolve. They need you all the time and so that the Law does not fall upon this very deaf and blind humanity.

I come to warn you, dear children, about a door, an opportunity: open your eyes to the call of your Mother from Heaven.

There is no time to lose. Do not be involved any more in modernity, do not be instruments of My adversary. Use your higher intelligence, wake up your sleeping cells so that God is able to work through your hearts and lives.

Humanity owes much to the universe; but as I come from you and you come from My Heart, I am part of this humanity since the beginning. I bring you the Truth and Justice so that you may recognize them and live with simplicity.

Beloved children, today all the universe assembles so that, from the Kingdom of Lys, souls leave renewed in hope and faith. And when you, beloved children, stop doing some things in your lives, attitudes that lead you to perdition, you will be able to understand My Message and will truly believe that everything I tell you today is part of the Will of God. In this way, you will change your lives, united every day with the Holy Rosary, elevating your spirits in perfect Communion with My resurrected Son.

So, open your eyes and stop sleeping. Come out of this sleep, this torpor. Wake up, in the same way the apostles woke up in Gethsemane, when they had to accompany the agony of My Son.

But today, I bring you a little of the Mercy of God, because I interceded for all of you so I could tell you all these things.

When humanity changes, and at least a small part of this humanity lives the last Message from Heaven, I will be able to say, My children, that you will already be prepared to receive Christ. And even though that is about to happen, My Immaculate Heart, your Solar Eagle, will continue to fly over this humanity through the sacred pilgrimages, so hearts may wake up to the Call of God and stop offending Him all the time.

Dear children, what happened in Fatima was very important; but what happens here today, in this place, is radiated to the whole world, to the world of the soul, the essential world of all hearts.

This is My testimony for all. This is My Message of warning for the whole world: change, change soon. Do not live a superfluous life. Repent in time, confess, commune with My Son and you will be saved by My Most Sacred Heart. In this way, I will be able to count on many warriors of peace who will fight, with the rosary in their hands, in the culminating time of the tribulation, in which they will be united in prayer and in spirit, in union with My Immaculate Heart, waiting for the Return of the Christ to the world, when all of humanity, from East to West, will wake up and recognize the Universal King.

On this day, My children, in which your hearts withdraw into My maternal Spirit, I am present here, filling you with My Peace and with My Love; I am present in Fatima with all My children, in all the homes that are united with Me at this moment, in all the orders consecrated to God, and I am also in Kibeho, working in the heart of Rwanda for all of Africa.

Thus, beloved children, as you know My different Aspects of Light, with which I have appeared to different hearts, to bring a Message of peace and of hope throughout the centuries; today I wish, beloved children, as your Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, that you hold in memory My Message of Peace, My Message of instruction, which comes from the Will of God and His Supreme Power. My Message is strong and intense, with the hope that your cells wake up to the call to redemption and conversion of hearts and of families.

On this evening, beloved children, place your aspirations in My hands. In the silence of the heart and the word, tell Me inwardly what it is that you need, I hear you through the silence.

And now that I have received your pleas, place your left hand over your heart and inwardly proclaim your consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

I am the Lady of the Divine Verb, and I am with all those who are consistent with God, in humility and simplicity, in reverence and love.

Today, I consecrate all these sacred images so they may be the icon of your hope, of the Mercy of God, through your Lady, the Celestial Lady.

On this evening, new children will be consecrated and I hope, will walk by My side, carrying the flag of peace. In spite of the shaking of the ground, My Heart will support those who are faithful to My maternal Spirit. I will not leave you alone, you will not walk alone, My omnipresent and universal Spirit will always fill you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let those children who will be consecrated come here. In the presence of Our Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, we will listen to "Our Lady of Kibeho."


As your Lady of the Divine Verb, the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, as the Queen of Peace and Mother of all humanity, united in the heart, I consecrate you, dear children, under the omnipotence of My Son Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children of the United States, My hope of reaching your nation is latent in My Heart. Through your steps, My task will be concretized, and once again, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you!


Song: "Our Lady of Kibeho"


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we will all stand to sing the Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima, today, May 13.

We remain standing, quiet and in silence, and after this song, we will prepare for a break, still remaining in the Presence of Mary, to celebrate Communion together. Let us begin.

Song: "Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima"

Brothers and sisters present and those who are gathered together in the Marian Centers, we will begin this ceremony of Communion after this meeting with Our Lady, responding to Her request to commune with the Body and the Blood of Christ.


Afterwards, the Sacrament of Communion is celebrated with various priests of the Order.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother, for all that you give us!



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
