My gaze does not cease to radiate Mercy, not even towards the heartless sinner.
For this, dears, may the faults not be the objective nor the limit of your existence. May your hearts be liberated from them through the love and the constancy that you have by living in My Sacred Heart.
If you clamor for Mercy, in the day of your spiritual and inner judgment before God I will not be a judge but I will be the merciful intercessor for all of your history. My eyes observe today the great and grave sins in the world, offences that hurt and flagellate My Heart. This is for the lack of prayer and for the lack of actions of mercy on the part of all beings.
If you fail Me, do not think of the punishment because God is the living existence of Love and Compassion and His Firstborn Son is the spring that will wash the wounds and that will purify the stains. If you fall, stand up and walk! Carry with braveness the cross that the universe entrusted to you.
Remember that you, through Me, will be redeemed and that the path of redemption starts by recognizing the imperfection of the earthly life. But My Soul observes the beauty that God created in your souls and for this I am with each one of My flocks, to remind you what God manifested to you as life and love.
If you let fall the veils of the consciousness do not be surprised by what you will see, but watch out that the path of your transformation may be guided by the powerful rhythm of prayer.
Remember that I love you and that My Love is greater than the extension of your faults. In My Paternal Love I liberate you and I purify you. In My Love I guard you and I conduct you because in My Love I consecrate you.
Carry the cross with joy, see the beautiful side of your purification and allow that My Heart accompany you within your dwellings. I encourage you to go ahead without delay, the moment justifies it.
Under the Grace and the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for contemplating My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of souls.
From the Heart of the Universe today I come to your encounter. In the name of Jesus, My Maternal Soul comes to heal and restore hearts.
Dear children,
Today I invite you again to enter into My Immaculate Heart so that your inner dwellings, in spite of everything, may be able to find, see and feel the Omnipotent Presence of God. If you only enter into My Immaculate and Maternal Heart your little lives will be quenching the great thirst that My Son has for all souls.
My children, that today your hearts may be fountains that emanate love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Dear children, that your essences may be as the inexhaustible waters that, converted into rivers of Mercy, may quench the thirst for love and peace of all the souls of the world by means of service.
As the Mother of the Universe and of the Earth, today I come to manifest My Love to you in a time of great changes in the consciousnesses and in the life of all My children.
Little children, in the face of the great faults that are committed day to day by humanity, today I invite you to consider your lives of prayer to be an exercise that may repair the Kingdom of the Heavens. Therefore, may your lives never forget to find the inner child, because in this way My Son will pour over you the Gifts and Graces of Redemption and Mercy.
If the world simply prayed a little more, the Light of the Most High would be another fountain that would calm the thirst of all His children. But as long as there are hearts that are closed to My Maternal Call, all that will be left to My children is to grow, as a seed grows from within the earth. But this seed must not lack the Water of Life , the inexhaustible fountain that causes the true hearts to emerge in the creatures.
My venerable children, I am here to teach you to walk under the Love of God and so that your eyes may not lose sight of Mercy on the horizon.
Dear children, today I invite you to love the Creation as God has manifested it for all, and this will begin through your love for the magnificence of the Kingdoms of the Lord.
Praying with fervor for this world, I call you so that during this day you may remain in My Maternal Kingdom of Love, because you need it, as does humanity. Therefore today let us flood with love the hearts that are empty and without God.
You still have time to change from the heart! For this I am with you!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My dear and most beloved children,
In the name of the Almighty God, in the name of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Redeeming Love of My Son and before the Celestial Choirs, under the Power of God in the universe, under the Merciful Light of My Immaculate Heart, I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, in this moment and during this hour, reflecting the Maternal Love of My Immaculate Heart, but with tears in My immaculate eyes, announce to you with reverence and peace, the next celestial call of attention to all My blessed children on Earth.
I tell you that the ever Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, has seen a serious fault on the part of Her children before God. Therefore, in the name of peace, I absolve you and tell you, dear children, that the Queen of Peace, the Mother of the World, will manifest Her Face of Love to all, at the Marian Center of Figueira on the 25th and 26th of October, celebrating in this way the month of the Most Holy Rosary in a ceremony of prayer that will extend until the 25th and 26th of November of the year 2012 of your time.
This divine decision is in response to the Will of God, the Most High, and it is because of what Our beloved Celestial Father has seen regarding the lack of spiritual and material consideration that My children have given to My task of con- tact with you (*).
My children, this means that My voice and My echo will be pronounced for a longer time for the intercession that My Son, Jesus Christ, has carried out before the throne of God. I want you to understand with your hearts, My little ones, that your collaboration with My Divine Work has been scarce in this part of the Americas.
I want to tell you, My children, that your hearts have been lacking the donation and the providence for My task to be able to embrace each corner of the world.
Therefore, dear children, in the face of the lack of love in the consciousness for all that throughout time I have been pouring as Grace and with love, I want to tell you that the apparitions planned for the final days of October and November will occur at the Marian Center of Figueira. This means that I ask you for a loving collaboration so that My Message may continue to echo in the world.
For this reason, as your Mother and as Mary, Help (**), I intervene with Love for all of you so that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit may awaken in your consciousnesses. My adult children, it is time to grow in maturity because this will allow your hearts to be under the Law of My Divine Mercy.
Jesus waits for you so that your consciousnesses may meditate and confess with His Sacred Heart. I invite you in this final time to love the Law of the Divine Providence, because to understand the mysteries of Heaven, they must be loved even more than all that your lives know in this world.
Dear children, in the name of the Light of Heaven, I thank you for responding to this urgent call to meditation and reflection of your consciousnesses.
In the Faith professed by My Son Jesus, I wait for you at the Marian Center of Figueira so that together we may celebrate the month of the Most Holy Rosary because Peace is urgent in the lives of all My children.
Will My soldiers follow Me?
Thank you for your inner attention.
Who loves you eternally,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) She refers here to Her task with the visionaries.
(**) Tr: “Mary, Help” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”
By praying the Rosary every day souls will place themselves, more and more, at the feet of the Lord. They will receive the balm of the Mercy of My Son and in this way the gravest faults will be forgiven by the Love of God.
Dear children, for this reason today I call you again to persevere in the purpose of prayer so that your hearts may distance themselves from the wiles of the enemy. Maintain in your lives a rhythm compatible with a life of prayer. Create indispensable moments of prayer so that you souls may be present in each moment of your lives.
When I invite you to observe a rhythm of prayer, I am calling you to maintain a conscious spiritual and inner task at this end of times. Your hearts and your lives must feel thirst for prayer and for the discovery of the Divine Mysteries that faith awakens in your hearts.
My children, for this, seek the source of your inner inspira- tion in Jesus, and His Sacred Heart will show you the correct path towards the redemption and reconciliation of each one of your lives.
It will be important, dear children, to maintain constancy in prayer because this will prepare you to face the times that will arrive for the planet.
My dear children, today I call you to have as a premise, this request of Mine, which will lead you to understand where the victorious essence of love and forgiveness is to be found.
My children, as Divine Mother, more and more, I want all My children to be considered for salvation, because I know that all should live in the beauty and the Light of the Love of Paradise.
Your sincere prayer will form the New Earth of God.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My Eternal Peace liberates and forgives souls from all their faults.
Dear children,
Pouring today the Grace of forgiveness, I ask you: pray with the heart! And pray with all the love that God has placed in each one of you throughout your lives.
My children, live in the Source of Grace that God has granted Me so that, out of love and for your redemption, I may pour it over all of humanity.
Therefore, dear children, pray with constancy and faith so that the Guardian Angels of the Lord may guide you through the new path towards fraternity.
Today I invite you to convert your lives into a pure rose. Do not fear, I am with you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As Lady of the Mystical Rose, today I want to invite you to contemplate God from the Heart, because it is in the heart that Peace is found and it is through the heart that the door to suffering and evil is shut.
Dear children of My Father, it is with the prayer of the heart that all souls on the face of the Earth may relieve all pain and suffering. But still there are souls that united to the Living God have no strength to consecrate life, because they are immersed in the current world.
So that all souls may be touched by the same Virginal Grace that you have been touched by, today I invite you so that in prayer are placed all of the hearts inside the Kingdom of God who, confused, need the light of My Immaculate Heart.
For these days of the Prayer Meeting with Me in Lujan (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina), I invite you to remain as guardians of prayer so that in this way your little hearts became as custodian angels who follow the purposes of Peace of My Immaculate Heart.
Today I also tell you My dear children, that My Merciful Face is working for the salvation of all the souls that, with serious faults, will receive the ministry of My devotion so that all of them may be re-lit again by the immediate assistance of the Divine Holy Spirit.
To you who already have walked a little through the path of the prayer of the heart, I call you so that, through yours, all the hearts learn to pray fervently and to be in My Maternal Heart, so that My Celestial Light protects you.
Dear children, I leave an inner mission for each one of you and for all the souls that at the end of this time answer My call. My request is that you live in the faith that prayer irradiates you with, so that fidelity may be manifested in each of your hearts, the fidelity to My Son, the Redeeming Love.
I thank you!
May you today only be with Me in the Kingdom of My Eternal Peace.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Dear children,
Today raise your prayers to Heaven, because My Heart will listen to you. The words will remain among humanity, but My Immaculate Heart is coming towards you so that you may recognize the power of the Love of God.
Today I invite you to open the heart more so that Divine Mercy may be the shield that protects you from all evil. My Heart gives Itself to you and to the world as a treasury of love and of sacredness.
Dear children, as the world changes, strengthen the true ardor of Love and Light that prayers awaken in your hearts. Therefore My victory in the life of each soul is the rescue of the essential Love that God gave to each creature. I come to the world announcing peace and the reparation of all the faults committed daily. When My Heart cries out to you for prayer, it is for love of all the souls that deny God and that do not live God in a true way.
The hour of Redemption, dear children, is for each soul that surrenders itself in the Hands of God; it is a canticle of Glory for the angels of Heaven. For this reason, dear children, each prayer done with the heart is a Perpetual Grace for the world in pain and for all humanity. I invite you to enter with your hearts into the school of prayer through which you are passing, because prayer will illuminate the world through the Sacred Heart of My Son.
Pray and forgive, in this way the world will be repaired and compassion will be like the flower in each new dawn.
Thank you all for responding to My call for daily prayer. I am with you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Awaken Peace in your hearts. Commune daily of the redeeming presence of My Son. Await in peace His return from the clouds. Offer to God all givings that the heart may radiate. Find strength in prayer so that it may illuminate your path.
Dear children,
In the alliance with Christ which is an emblem of love that springs up from your hearts, there exists the love that you must seek so that the spirit may be permeated by the Mercy of My Son. Elevate your pleas to the throne of God, dear children, so that the celestial ears of the Father may listen to the call of all of His children. In this way, each one of your hearts will be working out of love for the true conversion of life, and in these moments you will be forgiving the guilt that perhaps some hearts may feel. The fault towards God is not the serious matter, the important thing for the soul that has made a mistake is the return to His Heart. All the life of the world is a learning experience, the time to redeem the past has come.
My dear ones, love God. He waits for you every day as His worthy children. The Universal Love of Our Father opens the doors to the light that will come. So that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the world and in souls, the adoration to My Glorified Son will permit you to dissolve the suffering in many lost hearts. Every rescue begins in the inner opening of the heart. In this way, dear children, the Lord will contemplate each one of you as souls.
Your hearts and the heart of all My children must reconcile themselves with God. His Wonders of Peace and conversion await to be poured from My hands of Love. I will help you to find the path.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
It is in this way, always praying, that each one of your souls must be, impregnated by the Light of My Heart.
Day by day, walking in the trust of God and in His victorious Will, all of you, My little ones, will be able to find peace. Because it is in loving that you find peace and in giving yourselves, you find peace in each inner world.
Dear children, as humanity continues to offend the precepts of God, I invite you to realize and to contemplate the prayer of the heart. Thus your hearts will be able to clean from themselves all the remaining pain and the world will be lead towards a new direction of peace.
The Lord knows the degree of your weaknesses and of your imperfections; I tell you to not fear for this. The hour of conversion of the faults has come and this will begin from the surrender of every inner circumstance.
My little ones, the time of transformation is coming for all of My children. For this reason, little children, I am teaching you how you must take the first steps in the reconciliation with God. May no one bring disturbance into their lives if they still owe so much to God.
For this reason, dear children, the true Judgment will begin with the renouncing of your faults. If you have offended God for any reason, I tell you to walk towards Me so that I may present you before My Son. Everything has already been given to humanity, for this reason I come from the Heavens bringing My Eternal Peace.
You must let die all the past so that the new soul that the Lord is waiting for may promptly be born. Live perpetually in the Grace of Peace. Peace can heal life. Peace springs from the brave hearts.
I accompany you from up close.
I will protect you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
With the hearts that decay, with all of them, I am. The strength of prayer will give you courage for the transformation of each soul. Prayer will sow patience before the changes of life and love will unite what may be separated in the hearts. To be able to convert itself, each heart must recognize its faults. By recognizing them, you will be able, by means of prayer, to dissolve and elevate, little by little, what weighs on the hearts.
I want to help you, for this reason I come from Heaven so that you may find comfort in My Heart. My immaculate spirit will overflow with joy when My children remember God. If life were prayer, life would be transformed. Love cultivates patience before the tests, and patience will bring you to the redemption of the past.
Dear children, today I call you for you to love what you still have not overcome. In My Heart you will find refuge.
Who adores you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
The attunement work began with the prayer "Luminous Bird."
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We breathe in and allow ourselves to be filled by this peace. Let us unite with the attributes of the "Universal Mother" to receive our Mother. And as we did today in the morning, let us draw these attributes to this place, to us, aspiring that one day they become a complete reality in our lives.
The "Universal Mother" was prayed.
At a certain moment, the "Hail Mary" was sung.
By the Divine Power of the Creator, let those thirsty for Light be forgiven, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray for peace in the whole world and for those who are immersed in the forces of chaos. I wish to help all of them.
Now let us lift up our hearts to the Throne of the Lord so He may receive your prayers from Me, which you now pray with Me.
Let us give up thought and open our hearts in order to penetrate the Heavens. In order for Light to come, we must open ourselves up. Seek the treasure of My Immaculate Heart at this moment, in the silence and in the peace. This is My last call on this day. Come to Me, climb up to the Heavens to forgive and to love, to redeem and restore the past.
Blessed are those who climb up to My Kingdom, for they will rejoice in My Eternal Light. I listen to you, I welcome you, I protect you. I Am the Patroness of Love, the Mother and the victorious Bird of Light, which has come from the Heavens for 17 days to announce to you the New Kingdom that will come, the New Race, redeemed and forgiven. And thus, today I confess to you in the name of Divine Love, by the Law that governs us, that I will return, Glorified, after My Son.
We continue praying the "Hail Mary" in Portuguese.
Today I smile at your hearts with My Light, for you have responded to the call of My Peace; we still have time to reverse the pain and for all of you to find refuge in My Heart.
Today I lift up many souls to the Heavens, souls that are unknown to you but that, at one time, were in this world to learn to love and grow in union with the Lord.
Allow your hearts to blossom as they did in past times, so you may recognize My walk and follow behind Me, in My redeeming Light.
Today, I bring the world the reconversion of all the errors committed against the Creator. For those present here, in the name of your brothers and sisters, I, the Mother of Divine Mercy, radiate My Peace to you and I give you My Forgiveness so that you may open your hearts to My Face, so that you may find rest in the tribulations the world will experience before the coming of the Redeemer. For this reason, I have pointed out that you are to read the passages of the Apocalypse of John, so that you may prepare your beings in this new time of purification and restoration that will come.
Now I am placing My Heart over Medjugorje to fulfill the Will of the Lord, for from here pilgrims will go to meet with Me and to a reunion with your brothers and sisters of the northern hemisphere. Thus, you will know that, as in Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Medjugorje, and now here, I Am One and My Voice represents you all, as the Mother of Love, the Bird that brings you Peace from the infinite Heavens.
Today, on My right are the 24 Elders and on My left are those who followed Christ, the Lord, as His apostles; so that you may know We descended from on High, acting under the Laws of the Lord so that the world may restore its peace and its unity with what has been separated for a long time.
For this reason , I call on you to open your hearts to all your brothers and sisters of different beliefs and creeds, so that you may join together in the same fire that descends from the Holy Spirit to the world and to each creature, under My intercession as the Great Lady of the Sun.
I have placed My Feet here, for 17 days, so that you may recognize My Immaculate Grace in your hearts and so that, as from today, you may carry My Peace to your brothers and sisters, so that you may show them and transmit to them how I Am before you and all My children. For the Lord Jesus, the Christ, has entrusted all of you to Me from the beginning until now, for all eternity, so that together, we may reach the end of the path, to discover the portal of Peace and enter into the ocean of Mercy, which the Lord promises to the world before His Justice arrives.
Thus, I stand before you to bring My Redemption and My Maternal Love to your Hearts. I hope that you have come here, erasing the past, and that this baptism of 17 days that I have carried out in the name of the Lord, caused your hearts to be born in purity, humility and surrender.
To go on to the new paths that will come, we must pray for those who do not find them, for all the children who are blind and for those who have not heard My Voice over the centuries. I will not rest until I have drawn the last soul to My Heart, because before the Lord I have promised to not let any creature be lost, so that no one may burn in the fire that evil is spreading in the world. Thus, you have seen Me tread upon the serpent.
My Reign of Light will first be established in open hearts, which will be prepared to glimpse the great call of the Heavens.
Today I rise up and announce Myself to you to once again distribute My Celestial Graces upon those who want to trust in Me, in an Immaculate Mother Who promises you redemption and the dissolution of faults.
I have opened a small door to the Lord so that all hearts may rise up in this last cycle, in this last hour. For this reason, I tell you that you must pray, in spite of everything, to build the column of Light towards My Heart and so that My Immaculate Being, as the Mother of Peace, the Queen of the Heavens, may enter your hearts and dwell in union with God.
And so, do not be troubled by your thoughts in daily life and you will place your souls at the service of the Lord, responding to everything in spite of the trials. I can only tell you that each soul will be confirmed in this final hour. So I will be there to accompany you and to show you the path to the Lord.
Hold this moment in your memories and in your hearts, the moment of My Peace, so that you may see Christ come upon the clouds, and when He calls at your door at an unknown time, may He find you in prayer and vigil.
For this reason, I am here and in Medjugorje, gathering the souls that are converting and consecrating themselves to My Immaculate Heart. Because a part of this humanity must help in the redemption and in the elevation of the world, which is in darkness because of its own actions for a long time.
Thus, the Lord has sent Me as Intercessor of Love and of souls, so that all may be reborn under the Light of My Hands.
Let us pray, pray, pray so that the world may be converted and so that the Law, in its wisdom, does not bring pain to the hearts that do not want to convert.
I Am the Mother of the World, the Universal Bird of Peace who brings to you the New Kingdom for those who want to see it and also to those who want to hide from Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now She is emitting a luminous radiation. In reverence, those who are able, should stand. Feel what She is doing at this moment.
I Am Mary, the same as yesterday and the same as today, the Immaculate Mother Who brings you the Kingdom of Peace.
Why so much Peace?
The world must be converted through meek hearts, so that you may again hear the Lord through My Voice, which is announcing itself to the world for the last time.
Remember, My children, that you must not hold on to grudges against any of your brothers or sisters; for if that were so, you would not be hearing My redeeming Voice and the Kingdom would not be able to enter hearts that close themselves off. Thus, during these days, I have entered into each heart, so that its pain and its misery may pour out over My Hands, so that My Love may convert and elevate them to the Light, redeeming the past and opening your eyes to the new horizon.
Receive My New Aurora, the flame that is shining over the world. Recognize the Law, Love and Compassion I bring you, so that you may quickly unite with the Lord, commune with Him, and in this way, the world may be healed.
Today I will respond to the last prayers, but know that I always listen to you when you pray with Me in trust and in the strengthening of the faith that must mature in some, so that the flame may remain burning in each heart.
After responding to your questions, I will finally tell you what it is I most want on this last day.
Mother Shimani read the questions.
Today I want to ask you for the last time, that on November 24th you come here for a retreat to prepare for My Meeting of Light and Love, and thus you will do so on the 24th of each month, so that we can enter into deep prayer. Each one must pray every day with Me, so that your lives may find My preferred paths.
I send you My Peace and I give you My Peace. Keep My call in your hearts.
Thank you, all of My children, for responding to My call.
May the Heaven of the Lord permeate you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now She is ascending and closing the Heavens from whence She came.
Listen to the echo of My voice to find My Heart.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more