Dear children:
With a small cross upon the Heart of My Son, I prepare you to accept the sacrifice for the Plan of God and for all the sinful souls.
With My luminous Heart I reveal to you, one by one, the signs of the Passion of My Son for them to serve as an example of love and of overcoming every day.
My children, embracing the power of the Cross of My Son you will come to know the spiritual and internal values that conquered death and that made the Love of God triumph over every mistake and human difficulty.
Christ is the victorious triumph for your hearts, My Son is the perfect Project in which the souls can fulfill the aspirations of God and sanctify themselves because at the end, dear children, your souls are the ones that will continue performing the trajectory towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, contemplate the immensity of Love of My Son for each creature, live His Sacrifice as if it were your own and adopt a religious posture for the world not to lose the spiritual life.
Let us walk together following the footprints of Christ until we meet again in the apex of the Sacred Passion of Our Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
Stay in My arms because then I will help you.
Stay in My arms because then I will console you.
Stay in My arms so that you feel the entire Universe.
Stay in My arms so that you see the Grace of My Heart.
No longer be tired, dear pilgrim, keep seeking the top of the mountain so you see on the horizon the arrival of the Great Shepherd. Go forward, walking between the stones and bones, your feet will be injured on this path so you can learn.
Maybe you will fall to the ground in order to learn to stand up, but remember, My dear pilgrim, a Hand of Light will always come in your path so you can get up firmly and with devotion. So stay in My arms, as Jesus did when He was born.
Stay in My arms so that you recognize you are not alone in this universe.
You know there are many brothers from the universe who love you and from their subtlest Heavens they accompany the journey of your spirit.
You know you will be able to escape the error, this is the school for those who are willing to come to know and transform themselves. If twelve men beside Jesus converted themselves into His followers and apostles of the sacred word, why, dear pilgrim, will you not convert yourself into something so beautiful and waited by My Son?
It is time that day by day you learn to grow and to love the transformation. The universe of this humanity is full of gifts but also full of debts, some of them are priceless. But if your faith leads you to find the highest point of the mountain, never stop aspiring to completely redeem your life.
Dear and beloved pilgrim, you have come to the world to purify the old, that which can no longer dwell in your sacred consciousness.
Dear pilgrim, you have arrived in the world with a veil in the eyes of consciousness so that you would learn to walk in absolute faith, without knowing your past in the stars and in the cosmos.
Now and here, learn to overcome yourself every day, while participating in the true miracles that Heaven has created in your life and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.
I know that you, dear pilgrim, have walked and crossed many deserts or maybe now you are at the doors of a new inner desert. Rejoice because you can be empty of yourself and free from any influence.
Feel worthy of receiving any lesson or any test so you can overcome it inside or outside of yourself. Stay in My arms of Mother, My eyes alight on you, My gaze of light silently accompanies the cross you are bearing.
I know that God loves you as He created you in the beginning. Remember all the times that I contemplated you and how much Divine Love I have expressed to you.
Dear pilgrim, unite to your brothers and sisters and be a part of the heavenly army of light, which will help defeat the opponent in the ultimate hour.
Smile at life and be at peace, do not only look at your own mistakes, look beyond your surroundings, observe the world agonizing day and night. Watch how many lose their lives and do not notice it. Watch how many innocent souls are prisoners of human power and war. Watch, contemplate, learn and pray with Me for this to end soon.
Stay in My arms, little pilgrim, as Jesus did when He expired and when He was taken down from the Cross He stayed in My arms for some time.
Dear pilgrim, give Me everything that grieves your heart and your life, banish the fear created by the mind. Institute in your spirit the divine presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Learn to love what seems impossible to love. Learn just as We, your Celestial Guides, have learned in this world.
God has mercy on all His children, from the most sinful to the most sanctified; all are equal in the Eyes of the Father, because they are loved by the one and greatest love the universe.
Offer your life every day in the Hands of the Father, offer to the Universe the best you can do for the others; in that complete and selfless donation you will be free of many mistakes and fears.
The whole Universe hopes that one day you take a big step towards the trust in God, so that you enter Paradise in consciousness. At least love everything that you experience and do it for those children of Mine who die in the deserts of this world, buried alive and beheaded.
Who will help Me to endure such great sorrow?
Only love will make you humble, simple and true. Everything you do in the name of the Love of God is as if you did it a thousand times, it has invaluable merit.
Dear pilgrim, the souls suffer because they do not do things out of love, or because they do not love their fellow humans with true love. I teach all My children what My Son Jesus taught the whole world: "Love one another", as My Son loved you from the beginning.
Love will you make holy, blessed and pure. The Love of God in the heart of the pilgrim is invincible.
I need My children to love truthfully and not in appearance, so that you assist in the reconstruction of this world.
Walk, dear pilgrim and stay in My arms, today the Infinite Mercy of God has touched your heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who teaches you to love in the school of love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
Dear children,
While peace is so needed in the world, today you are in the Kingdom of Peace. May this peace, which is indispensable, radiate like a sun to the whole Earth so at least those in most need of peace may find comfort.
Dear children, thanks for being accomplishing the requests of prayer that My Immaculate Heart clamored to you yesterday. In these times of darkness and lies, I invite you to be My ambassadors of prayer and peace wherever you go, thus My Heart, which is full of Grace and Pity, will hope to pour those gifts in the despairing hearts.
The nonbelievers are now facing their own purification. I ask you, My beloved ones, to live the prayer for the planet and not only for yourselves.
Many of My soldiers will be keepers of the sorrow that many are living. Many of My visionaries will be receptacles to calm the suffering that drowns the world, and thus they will share with Your Heavenly Mother the sorrow of the whole humanity.
I invite you to become deeply conscious about the decisive times that humanity is crossing and to which it does not give the minimum importance before the lack of peace in the world.
My dear children, the promise is very big, for this, the effort will have to be bigger so that the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled in the hearts that must enter in the dwelling of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, remain by My side and vivify this moment, such as My Son lived on the Cross for all of you.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you towards the Supreme Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May My Peace reign today, may you trust in God because you live what is foreseen by God.
May your heart be free from affliction, but may it recognize the greatness of all this mystery.
May you live love and multiply it so that your oldest resistances may collapse before the foot of the Creator.
May you be able to be free all the days of your life.
May you build now the new bridges between the Earth and Heaven.
May your fears be liberated and may you purify yourself in faith, because all that happens to you today has already been thought by God.
May you not lose the sane joy, may you relive every day the Passion of the Lord as the purpose to redeem life.
May the doors of the Universe open before your life, may you be filled by My Love and My compassion. Ignite My star of Peace in your breast, so that it may be the bright star for those who do not see God.
May life become simpler through you so that the ones who are lost may return to God. Embrace My sweet Heart in this hour, permit Me to solve everything. Accept the challenges. Live the changes out of love and with forgiveness towards humanity.
Find in My gaze the kind-hearted Light of the Celestial Father. The hour of your surrender is close at hand, may you celebrate with Me this day because I have come in the name of Christ to give you His Graces and to conquer your little heart.
Trust every day in the virtues of loving more and more what seems not very happy for you. Because your joy will be truly born when you live your cross with gratitude for all this project, there, you shall finally be free from yourself.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you toward Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When you truly pray, the Laws change, and the world, in spite of everything, gains the Grace of a greater time of peace.
But the revenge that My adversary projects into ungrateful hearts is the recurring thought for concretizing his opposing plans. This will be disarmed because the persistence of those who pray will become stronger than all cruelty.
The Kingdom of God will be visible in the hearts of the simple and, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Follow the path of peace that I bring you in this time, and be bearers of My maternal Love so that it may be radiated from your hearts to the world.
Dear children, I bring you the Grace of awakening in time and of experiencing, without fear, the cycle of your purification.
Know that, through your life and your purified consciousnesses, you will have the happiness of receiving new celestial impulses that will reconfigure your lives and all planetary life.
Woe to those that do not listen to God and who do not purify themselves! In truth, many will come to regret not having changed.
Thus, accept the cross and follow Christ. In His pious Heart, you will find liberation from matter.
Children, be happy while you purify yourselves; everything can be offered to God without fear.
In your hearts, there are divine merits for being with Me today.
Pour out love, pour out truth, pour out the inner purity of the divine essence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who helps you walk in absolute faith,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As the Mother of the vocations and guardian of the hearts of Christ, Our Lord, today I bring to all of you an act of gratitude for answering to the call of consecration of the Sons of God to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
On this day in which a rain of Graces is poured over the world through the Infinite Light of My immaculate Heart, this Grace, favorite children, is what gathers you today in this favorite oratory of your Heavenly Mother.
Today, open your hearts before the Most High so that it is cultivated in your spirits the gift that will promote the salvation of the souls through the Love of Christ, and especially the reencounter that each creature must have with My Son in this time.
For this, I gather you around the sacred table of the Lord, so that, united to Me, we may offer once again this sacrament of the communion as an act of reconciliation and forgiveness for the whole world.
Dear favorite children, embrace then these gifts in the same way that you must embrace your own cross to start realizing the Work of God in the end of these times.
Children, you know that I Am your Mother and I wish the best for all; learn in this time to conduct the souls to the most pure ocean of the Love of Christ, because in this way your consciousnesses will participate of the rescue commands of Christ during the crucial time of the tribulation.
Favorite children, today you are called to convert yourselves in the Heart and in the Luminous Face of Christ. You are called to present the evangelization of love through the sacraments. You are invited to pray with Me all of the days to come.
It is for this reason that today My Heart will accompany you so that you may take this step of an intimate fusion with Christ and with His legacy. My feet of light will walk by your side when you stand up to offer your lives to the Lord.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you to the sacerdotal life.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The great sign will mark a before and an after at the end of the cycles, times that will be manifested by means of two different nights. The two days of darkness will signal to the world the arrival in a time soon, of a profound change in the whole planetary life.
For this, from the 8th of August onward, a new time will begin, which will be framed by the spiritual definitions that humanity will live.
When the upcoming times show themselves with signs on two different nights it will mean that the souls in their homes must be in prayer and in communion in order to be able to pass through the last critical cycles.
But before this ends, the Mother of God, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will reveal, as sign for the world, the moment to unite to God forever. It will be at this hour that from Aurora, as well as from other places on the Earth, this sign, that will be visible to the world, may be seen during the darkness of the coming time.
The day of the 8th of August, throughout recent years, marked, for all time, the change in which the planetary consciousness was passing through: the first moments of transition. The inner strength that will ignite the hearts will be the fire of prayer. Whoever prays in these moments with devotion and faith will be invisible and hidden in the face of the snares of the adversary.
Whoever in the last hour adores My Son will be hidden in the Spiritual Heart of the Supreme King. Whoever embraces their own cross, carries it and lives it, will be relieving the great burden that the Law will have.
The Aurora of My Heart in the days of August will demonstrate inner signs in the hearts that have had humble faith in the Mother of Heaven. The soil of Aurora will be one of the witnesses and thus, the world will be late in comprehending that it should have changed.
The Archangels Michael and Gabriel will witness the Judgment of the Earth and the simple but humble eyes will see them as light on the greater horizon. Thus, the seventh seal will be opened by the Woman Dressed of the Sun after the two nights of the coming time.
Some will get to know this revelation which is guarded by the angels in the blessed safe of the Holy Ark of the Covenant. This will be the last sign before the red moon and the pathways of the self-summoned must be cleaned from all stain.
On the 8th of August the Mother of God will bless everyone, and those who receive this Grace with a humble heart will recognize the inner meaning of it. Thus, the rays of the Immaculate Heart will show the seven pathways in order that the disciples of Christ in redemption may define the fulfillment of their commitment before the Creator.
The Work of God will be understood and loved by few during the last times and faith will be the shield against all darkness. Before the Mother of God retreats into the arid fields, a sweet aroma from the flower of the orange tree will indicate the moment of a spiritual change.
In the days of August your souls will be able to renew their mission before God, the Portal of Peace will be the blessed refuge for those who want to hear God in their interior. On these days there will be moments of clarity and understanding, this will be the greatest portent of the Grace of God, to know what to do with your life and how to comply with heart with the Higher Will.
While a great part of the world is blind, the Aurora of August will open its heavenly doors so that the souls may receive the gift of redemption. The most sublime Graces will be in the most simple and devoted hearts of the Son of God. Christ will complete on these days an inner cycle for all.
Certain doors will be closed in order that the souls may walk by means of a last impulse of light. Those who are empty of self will be able to feel a priceless well being, a peace that will restore the wounds and a love that will make happy the life of those who in truth enter Aurora without expectations, only in surrender and in prayer.
The days of August will be the last moments of preparation, it will be at this hour that the hearts will be able to unify themselves in the Purpose of God. Joyful are those who will not get lost nor be distracted because of the apparition of the signs of the coming time and that will only seek to be in God, this is what will make the Work to be concretized.
Greetings of Peace and Redemption for the most young of the world and, especially, for the youth of the New Earth. If you are with your Mother of Heaven you will not allow to die the seed that has been sown for Mercy.
Be receptive to the guide that accompanies you. Be builders and collaborators of the New Humanity. Be an example of gratitude, love and Grace. Be the favorite flower in the blessed garden of My Heart.
May the heart of this soil remind you that it will be the refuge and the dwelling for your redemption.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who lifts you to the Kingdom of God in Mercy and forgiveness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this great day in which the world remembers the crucifixion of My Son, I wish that no soul may be martyrized by the hands of their own brothers and sisters, because this has led to the lost of the inner innocence of the beings.
Dear children, in order to be able to detain this wave of scourge, outrage and martyrdoms of siblings against siblings, today I invite you to consciously relive the sacrifice of Our Lord as an act that must never be repeated again in this civilization.
And as this keeps on happening in other ways that are concealed from the eyes of many, I come to beg you to detain yourselves and to no longer injure. Nor subject the life that is being generated in the wombs of the mothers because there, a chosen soul must be born to the light that calls it.
Children, pray, pray a lot and offer your actions and daily exercises to God as a precious prayer, thus you will help to spiritually rebuild all that which has been destroyed by the hands of the ungrateful humans.
Children, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the whole world, which faces, more than a passion, a consequence that in some cases seems irreversible. For this, with maternal love I invite you to live today the crucifixion of Jesus as a part and essence of your lives because, your little souls, by achieving this inner union, will allow that the codes of Heaven be poured over the planetary sphere under the intervention of the celestial angels.
Dear children, although your own cross seems heavy and unbearable to carry, remember that My Beloved Son carried on His back the greatest sin and the greatest denial that you can imagine. For this, in absolute and immediate surrender, enter the Calvary and accompany the Celestial Messengers in this transition that has not finished yet.
Children of Mine, it will be through the unconditional acceptance of your own cross that all of the crosses of the ungrateful will be relieved and thus one day they will resurrect to the spiritual conversion.
Many remember the Friday of the crucifixion, but few are able to penetrate this sacred mystery of love that My Son lived.
You, more conscious about the Passion of Christ, help to renew this moment with your faith and with the same enthusiasm as always, accompany the Lord wherever. In this way the whole humanity will revere this day as something sacred and will not consider it to be a common day as it has done so far.
This is so due to lack of consciousness and of love for what My Son offered for all.
For this, year after year you are called to live and to review the Passion of the Lord. Only through Him you will find the inner strength necessary to overcome the end of times for which very few are prepared.
I thank you for answering to my call.
Who accompanies you in the beginning of this inner Calvary,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, because it will be through the mysteries that were lived by the Sacred Family that, in prayer will be revealed the path of redemption and peace.
Today, My little and beloved children, I present Myself to you again as the Lady and Mother who bears the outrages and the sorrows of the world. I present Myself as the Mother who together with you carries the cross of annihilation and martyrdom. Help your Celestial Mother so that at least by your sacrifices, requests and supplications, My Infinite Grace may intercede for all.
When humanity faces, from cycle to cycle, hard and difficult tests, My Immaculate Heart prepares itself in the name of Christ to pray for you and to help you lovingly to correct your deviant paths.
In this time, My children, the world is heading towards a spiritual and planetary disaster. For this My Heart assumed the seven principal sorrows of the world with the aim of relieving the innocents and of reverting, by means of your prayer, the sufferings that never end.
I need at this moment that your missionary consciousness be available, that which may be able to renounce and donate itself completely, in the hope of collaborating and of reverting in time, the consequences of a humanity in the path of total decadence.
Many of the events that are happening today are part of Armageddon, of an Apocalypse that awakens and develops rapidly because of the unjust actions of humanity. If at least the law were respected and the Divine Life of each soul were loved, many sorrowful experiences that your world now faces would be able to be removed from the reality of humanity and to be converted in peace through the immediate prayer of all.
But what is to come has not yet arrived; repentance and penance is something that humanity has never practiced with the heart. But it will not be necessary to live your own flagellation; it is enough with all the injustice that My children face today. True repentance will spring from your hearts as an act of restorative love and inner balance in the face of the human atrocities that are happening today.
If humanity does not urgently change its attitude, I tell you that the Angels of Divine Justice of God will approach the world in order to put in order all that is apocalyptic and unjust.
I pray for you from My Maternal Kingdom and I hope, beloved children, that you rest upon My arms in order that I may relieve you from this fatigue and tiredness that never ends.
Remember that love conquers all evil. I have taught you to love life, to love others and to love your work. Now it is time to reflect the love in this world, like a flower that opens up to the rays of the sun.
Generate the Source of Love, live in the Heart of My Son and help in order that My seven sorrows may be converted into redemption and love for all. Follow in My footsteps! Because I only wish to take you to Jesus, to the arms of the Great Redeeming Love.
May the souls hear My Call!
May the hearts be bearers of the Mercy of God! I will always wait for you in prayer.
I thank you for relieving My seven sorrows.
Thank you, My children, for answering to My call today!
Who helps you, Who redeems you and Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of the Sorrows
About the message:
Before Mary came, before us emerged images of the Passion of Christ, of Mary accompanying Jesus, and lastly, an image emerged from the moment when Jesus was taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of Mary. Mary stood up with Jesus in Her arms and came toward us; this is how She presented Herself in the room where we were praying. She continued for some time, then disappeared and appeared again as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and transmitted Her Message.
As Mother of the Divine Piety, today I bring your small hearts this sign, so that you may experience the Gift of Piety in your hearts.
My children, Piety returned to the world at the moment when My Son Jesus was taken down from the Cross and My arms felt the weight of His Body, which was all a Most Sacred Wound. In My Chest I did not feel pain, but rather the Love that was shed in the Blood of My Son, the Son that was given to Me by God and Who in that moment returned to the Kingdom of His Father.
Piety was born as a doorway to Mercy. The understanding of My Heart and the Pity I felt for all the souls of the world made it possible for Sacred Mercy to continue to be poured out upon the world.
With Jesus in My Arms, I Finally and Definitely Included The Love of God for His Creatures, and In the Scourged and Dead Body of Jesus
Piety, beloved children, is born of Mercy and allows it to expand over the world. So that the Earth may experience some more time of Mercy, it is necessary that hearts know how to experience Piety.
Today I tell you, with the purest Love of My Heart, that Piety emerges from the understanding of the Plan of infinite Love that Our Lord God has for all this humanity.
Dear children, simply love one another, understand the trials of life without judgment, be pious as to accompany the painful transition of each of your brothers and sisters.
In this time of purification, only love will sustain you on this path that leads you to the Kingdom of God, and the search for love will show you the weaknesses of your brothers and sisters so they may be seen with eyes of Piety.
I aspire that My little soldiers be, in the small things of life, faithful to this God that is so good, that always guides them. That faithfulness, My children, is in being what God expects: loving, merciful, pious, understanding, welcoming, helpful.
A soldier of My army fights through love; their weapon is prayer and their field of battle is daily co-existence with their brothers and sisters, because the world no longer knows how to love.
My gaze travels the Earth from the Heavens, and I see that Piety dies day after day in the hearts of My children. For this reason, to those who listen to Me, I ask that out of love for My Heart, you rescue the Piety in the world, living it among you. Cause love to be reborn, by living it. Allow the time of Mercy to be eternal, even during the time of Justice, and that is achieved by being merciful.
Continue being the sweet breath of My Heart, so that I may find refuge in the little hearts of My children, that together with Me, are tireless.
Do not give up, My children, from living love. Do not seek to be perfect in order to experience it; live it in your imperfection, for I descend from the Heavens to tell you that this is possible and that it will be with those who listen to My Voice today, in all parts of the world, that God will accomplish His Plan and manifest His Eternal Glory on Earth.
I love you with all of My Heart of a Mother and I thank you for persisting in responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
As the Queen and Mother of Peace, today I invite you to search in your hearts for the inner union with Jesus so that through prayer you may help My Son to carry the cross of the world.
As the Cyrene, carry, out of love, the pain of the world. May your prayer be the nourishment that may satiate all, and the water that quenches the thirst of many of My children.
Today I want to tell you that the cross of humanity must be supported in the perseverance of the groups of prayer that, united with the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fulfill the call to alleviate the Heart of Christ.
A small part of your lives, by means of prayer and as a ser- vice, can contribute to others. Today I refer, dear children, to the inner state of giving yourself to others. This inner state will allow you to recognize the humility that is necessary to live in these times. Because of the lack of humility in the human heart, many events are unfolded, events that condition the harmonious walk of My children.
Therefore, searching in yourselves for Jesus, the Redeeming Love, you will find the essence of giving, and when this giving becomes a daily exercise together with prayer, your hearts will begin to glimpse the Light of humility.
All of My children are being called to live this path of humil- ity, of emptiness of oneself, for love of God and for the reparation of the great conflicts and the arrogance that humanity lives, in which there is so little love for one another.
Dear children, I am calling you to form yourselves as good instruments of God so that your High Priest, Jesus, may be able to pour His Merciful Graces upon the pure hearts and upon the fallen hearts.
It is time to be in Jesus every day. Let us pray.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
With the Redeeming and Saving Cross of My Son in My hands, today I tell you: convert yourselves in the name of love! What do you expect from this path?
Little hearts, the moment has come to raise the heart to Heaven and to entirely abandon the illusions of the world. You and all My children are called to the time of conversion, a path that leads you to Redemption in order to find the absolute forgiveness of God.
For this reason, dear children, watch, watch and watch with the light of the heart so that nothing may be lost in your lives. I invite you to live from prayer in order to find in it the Divine Power of the Holy Spirit. Remember that the world is changing and you need to strengthen the life of the spirit to be able to glimpse the loving Kingdom of God.
My children, seek quietness and peace before each situation. Persist in God’s Purpose and, in the inner hope, receive the Love of My Son in your hearts.
Stand up, My little ones! It is time for the conversion of the heart! It is time to open the Door of Heaven through prayer. Each time that your hearts pray, the Lord allows Me to pour the gifts over all My children.
You can be faithful servers of My Plans of Peace. Know, dear children, that I want to lead you to eternity, to the discovery of the Love of God in your hearts.
I need you in Me, I accompany you, I understand you, I shelter you. It is time to change, to accept and to grow as a kind soul in the arms of God.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
If you carry a cross in life this is a sign that your hearts must continue walking as the Heart of Jesus has walked to the end. The more that the cross seems heavy, more is the reason for you to follow the path to redemption, forgetful of everything and loving everything each one has that was given by the Lord.
Know My children, that the path of redemption is a path that calls you to reparation of the past through forgiveness, so that thus your hearts reach reconciliation with God the Father. He awaits you with immense love and compassion so that your lives, through redemption, may be elevated to the Heavens.
For this dear children, may each cross that you carry be an offer for peace in the world and above all for the reconciliation of all hearts with the Highest God.
The cross of pain has yet been carried by My Son, His redeeming love has triumphed in the world and He returned eternal life to all.
Now, I know the burden and the magnitude of each cross of My children and I want to help you relieve any burden so that you, with your hands and your arms, may run in immense joy to God.
Humanity carries a great cross that across time the Celestial Father, through the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart, has tried to alleviate.
But now, little children, you as true groups of prayer, may call for the fountain that heals all and restores all: the unending fountain of Mercy. It is in Mercy that all may be relieved.
Trust in the Merciful Christ because His Love will embrace you when you only say: “Yes, to You I surrender myself, Lord”.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more