I descend to the world, enveloped in the Light of God, to be able to pour out all the divine rays of the Spiritual Universe.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to elevate the souls towards the House of the Heavenly Father.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that My Divine Rays may touch the hearts that need much redemption.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that the essences of God recognize their filiation with the Universe.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, as Mother, to make the hearts know the potent Love of the Father with all that is created.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to awaken the sacred commitment of the creatures with Creation.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to be with My children giving them the impulse towards the true change of consciousness.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to bring the spiritual cure that many souls need.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
Today, contemplate the Divine Creation under My Mantle, because, as the Mother of Life, I come to reveal to you the mysteries of the Sources that inhabit the Cosmos, as extensions of the Divine Consciousness; Sources in which, all that is manifested life, was generated.
Contemplate, under My Mantle ,the Infinite Consciousness of God, which expresses itself in the divine dimensions as an immense Light, a Light that holds in itself all colors and all sounds. This Light, which dazzles eyes and hearts, but fills them with Its magnitude, is the Divine Consciousness. As an infinite and eternal lake, whose silence vibrates in an unexplainable way for the human minds, and is only palpable for the heart, this is God.
Contemplate this Fountain of Light. Feel the vibrations that emanate from It, as invisible waves which cannot be seen but which are felt, because they contain the creative principles, particles of life.
From this Infinite Fountain, which is the Divine Consciousness, emanated other smaller Fountains in the Cosmos; they are called smaller due to their celestial hierarchy, but are so full and perfect, as God Himself, because He finds His Dwelling in these Fountains.
The Fountains of Life, which are the very own manifested Divine Consciousness, communicate through a network of Sublime Mirrors which carry Love, Grace and the Creative Power beyond the dimensions, recreating and renewing the Creation. These Sublime Mirrors receive, from the Eternal Father, His principles of manifestation and life, and thus create and feed the new Fountains with the celestial principles that come from the Heart of God.
The Sublime Mirrors are the arms that work and the Divine Word that is manifested in the vast Cosmos and, beyond it, in all life. The Sublime Mirrors are, within themselves, the Science of Creation for they hold inside the mystery of the Perfection of life.
The Perfection that derives from God is poured onto the Sublime Mirrors and through them, it reaches everything that exists. From a small flower to a galaxy, the Perfection of manifestation is conducted by the Sublime Mirrors, and through them it permeates life and allows beauty to exist, it allows the same Perfection of God to exist in the expression of life, in nature as well as in the universe.
The Sublime Mirrors, My children, have the oceans as their dwellings on Earth because the purity of waters and the sea beings allow Perfection to reach matter and to be renewed in order to radiate to all life on the planet. The oceans are thus the link between the Creation that manifests on the planet and the Perfection of the Divine Consciousness. Through them, beauty, grace and life can exist.
If the oceans die, life also ceases to express itself as a likeness of the Divine Consciousness because the Sublime Mirrors, which bring the vibrations, the Love and the Perfection of God, would no longer find their dwelling.
If the oceans become ill, the Kingdoms of Nature, the consciousness of the planet and the human beings will become ill because the Perfection of God will no longer manage to express itself with plenitude of life on the Earth. This causes illness, chaos and evil to permeate the Earth, within and outside of beings.
Today I come to make you aware of a higher life so that you may expand your knowledge and, above all, so that you may expand your hearts and understand that, in order for harmony to exist and for humanity to keep evolving and expressing itself as a Project of God, all kingdoms must be respected, loved and taken care for by men.
Understand the oceans as a Divine Dwelling, as a bridge to God within the Earth. And thus, love, respect and revere these great Mirrors of Light that grant you life.
Today I bring you and reveal to you the Sublime Mirrors of Creation and, just as I manifest them in My Heart, I also reveal to you this presence in the oceans.
Know how to love life, My children. Know how to revere the Divine Presence that expresses itself on Earth and be part of this Whole by living in harmony with all the Kingdoms of Nature.
Pray for the oceans and commune with them from the Perfection of God.
I bless you and thank you for awakening to divine knowledge, for opening to universal science and for loving the oceans as you love God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Sacred Oceans – Part II
In the deep waters of the oceans, all marine life creates the conditions so that in the seabed, through the living beings, a balance that is vital for the sustenance of the planet and the purification of waters may be established.
On the spiritual and nonmaterial levels it happens in the same way, as the Mirrors and Intra-oceanic Precincts play a vital role in the physical-spiritual sustenance of humanity.
These Intra-oceanic Precincts are connected to all physical life present at the bottom of the oceans, and certain sea species, such as dolphins, whales, turtles and other beings of the Animal Kingdom, represent, on the inner level, the guardians of these intra-oceanic spaces.
The same happens with the marine corals and with the so-called plankton, plant species of very high spiritual vibration that act not only physically, generating balance, but also on the spiritual level, generating harmony among the different oceans.
In this sense, each species, element or Kingdom present within the depths of the oceans, is part of a great ecosystem of spiritual life, whose presence is irreplaceable on this type of planet, as is the Earth.
If today, within the oceans, there are imbalances among the species, this is part of a degeneration that the first human beings caused in the origins of the Earth; because within the scale of evolution, all manifested Kingdoms were correctly designed to live in harmony and not in conflict.
However, in spite of the maladjustments that exist among the Kingdoms of Nature within the oceans and the imbalances caused by the contamination and the exploitation of the seas, the Intra-oceanic Precincts, guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy, collaborates to the essential awakening of the balance and harmony lost after many experiences.
These Intra-oceanic Precincts, which are not physical but spiritual, have inhabited certain regions of the planet for a long time, and as poles of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Mirrors that capture the impulses of the Universe, they generate an atmosphere of greater protection and safeguard for all that has to evolve within consciousness, as well as in all manifested life.
The Intra-oceanic Precincts are like great magnets that attract toward themselves, from the universe, the cosmic currents that nourish and repair spiritual life so that a greater balance may be established.
The counterpart of these Intra-oceanic places is made manifest through the whales and the dolphins, sea species that have the physical and mental ability of retransmitting very potent impulses of peace and harmony, which are emitted by the Intra-oceanic Precincts, and through these species, these impulses of light travel miles until they can reach the other side of the world.
Sea life and intra-oceanic life constitute one of the great discoveries that the human being will have to awaken within themselves so that, becoming aware of what the Creation of God truly represents, they begin to love it and respect it, so that the cycle of evolution of the species may never be altered again and, in this way, the evolution of the planet may never be altered again.
Everything will start from the consciousness and the maturity that human beings may be able to awaken in relation to the Kingdoms.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.
With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let your spirit, through service and aspiration, reach the greater spheres.
Empty yourself completely, so that you are divested of yourself and all beliefs.
Let your spirit be able to fly high and merge into Creation.
Let the flame of gratitude awaken in your spirit, which will lead you to find meaning and direction in your life experiences.
Let your spirit fly high, for in this way you will come to please God.
Let your spirit fly to a meeting with Immutable Peace and Love, attributes which will change the consciousness of humanity.
Let your spirit fly high so that in this place, you are able to open even more to the unknown.
Let your spirit fly high and unite with God in essence forever, as part of an infinite Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and, in this silence, contemplate the omnipotent Presence of God.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and contemplate the magnificent Creation through the Sun.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and contemplate the infinite Universe of the Creation.
Renew through all of this and, in inner communion, become a part of the Higher Laws.
Re-ignite in yourself your filiation with God and find the inner meaning of each learning.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and learn to feel the Presence of the Creator in all that exists, vibrates and manifests as Cosmic Light.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and find the path by which your spirit will return to the great Dwelling.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and, with devotion, appreciate the One who created us, who loves us and blesses us.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven to simply say "yes."
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the new story of Love that God introduced through Creation and all existence be rewritten.
May the souls recover the meaning of living in God and remaining in His Kingdom.
May humanity recover the innocence and purity it lost so that it may be worthy of a new opportunity.
May the Suns, who are asleep, now awaken so that the phases of Divine Will may be fulfilled.
May the hearts receive the awakening they need so that the consciousnesses can define themselves to take a new step.
May the civilization on the surface of the Earth be rebuilt through the values and the attributes that reignite humanity in Truth.
May the experience of the New Christs be a reality.
May each human being find a spiritual meaning for what they have come to accomplish.
May each phase of life be an opportunity for redemption.
May the past be dissolved.
May the evolutionary be kept in the memory of beings.
May the ideas of destroying life disappear.
May each creature find, someday, the Truth.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Kingdoms of Nature offer themselves as a means for purification and the sublimation of your consciousnesses.
Through the younger Kingdoms, the human being finds the path to be free from themselves through the love they can express for the Kingdoms. For this reason, I encourage you to look and find the younger minor Kingdoms as a pathway for your conversion and inner redemption.
The Kingdoms of Nature and their great angels of the light await to be contemplated, loved and taken into consideration in the everyday life of human beings because, through the Kingdoms, souls can also express their devotion to God and to all of Creation.
Through the younger Kingdoms, human beings can detach from the past and from suffering.
Within the Kingdoms of Nature lies a moment of peace and communion with the Higher Universe.
Seek this path of union with the Divine through the Kingdoms. Foster their protection and care so that all of humanity may continue counting on the service of love from the Kingdoms, which is still unknown to humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The physical-spiritual contamination of the planet compromises the inner evolution of the human race because it creates disharmony in Creation and, at the same time, leaves the correct rhythm of the universal Laws.
In the great oceans, for example, the contamination not only shows a lack of spiritual consciousness, but also a high level of indifference for the Kingdoms of Nature.
All the known and unknown waste that is thrown into the great seas of the world, besides drawing toward humanity a series of spiritual and physical diseases, which within this twenty-first century have been considered inexplicable, there is also generated the manifestation of certain spiritual forces, created by the contamination and by the chemical experiments made in the oceans.
This situation has an effect not taken into consideration by the human being and triggers the colonization of certain regions of the planet and of the human race, compromising the process of evolution.
At this time, prayer will not be sufficient to diminish the effects caused by the modern human being to the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather it is urgent to be aware of and to have an interest in protecting and supporting the Plan of evolution of the human race.
Great angelic Hierarchies work in these affected regions to generate an effect of transmutation capable of compensating for all the imbalances caused.
It is time to wake up!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Solar Essence of the Love of God nurture you so that you may spiritually acquire inner fortitude in the face of all the battles of these times.
The Solar Essence of the Love of God is a most potent current that flows among the spaces of Creation and within the cosmic universe, which makes it possible to regenerate the spiritual and material life of everything that a molecule of light of the non-material Source holds within itself.
This Solar Essence of the Love of God is what allows our connection with the Heights to be awakened, but it is also the matrix essence that generates life and the different forms of expression in the material, mental and spiritual universe.
The Solar Essence of the Love of God is capable of repolarizing the spiritual being of a human being of the surface in the light since its electric and cosmic current comes from a spiritual Source that generates the expansion and illumination of the consciousness.
The Solar Essence of the Love of God is what brings us the principle of healing and reparation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the Purity of God awaken in simple hearts so that the Earth is able to be repopulated with gifts of Healing, of Light and of Mercy.
May this Purity, in the simple, transform the planet and its humanity so that each day, the arrogance, the indifference and the constant tendency to omission may be dispelled more and more.
Let the just help the unjust and may the majority receive a great opportunity to make each life a gift to God, so that Creation may continue to be recreated, so that the most humble may bring this planet an important Grace that makes of each consciousness a new being.
In these times, may all participate in that miracle of Love, and may this Love which comes from Christ spread to the far corners of the Earth, so that those who are more separate from God feel, at least for an instant, that Love can do all things and defeats all barriers. And finally, may nobody remain without knowing God, or at least, their true inner world.
Let all consciousnesses open to know their own universe, the surest path to redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Put your faith in God, and not in humankind, because the flesh is weak and it can fail.
Put your faith in the Most High and Supreme, in that which is non-material and comes from the Divine so that, in this way, your awareness may expand.
Put your faith in the Kingdoms and in the beauty of Creation, in the Universes, stars, suns and planets, because, in this way, you will find peace.
Put your faith in the unknown, in the mystery and in knowledge, because, in this way, your spirit will grow.
Put your faith in service, in love, and in that which is unconditional, because, in this way, you will know humility.
Put your faith in the infinite, in that which is pure and in that which is good, because, in this way, you will never lose peace.
Put your faith in the silence within and in perpetual prayer because, in this way, you will be in God.
Do not place your expectations or results in that which is human, mortal or the like; put your faith in that which is of Christ, in that which radiates love, transparency and truth, because, in this way, you will not suffer or be disappointed by all that surrounds you.
Put your faith in the Call of God, in the path of the apostleship, in the greater surrender, and in the hope of the emergence of a new and consecrated humanity.
Put your faith in the love of the heart and, in this way, you will help those who do not live these principles.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the sacred beauty of Creation expresses itself with love, abundance and devotion, all those who contemplate it are internally helped by the immaterial Laws that act in these sacred spaces of the planet.
Thus, the human consciousness, in silence and in prayer, is worked and the deeper levels of the being are carried, with reverence and love, to the summits or to the inner places where the essence of regeneration and of healing are silently expressed for humanity.
In this way, corrupted states of the human consciousness, which lead to precariousness of the material and spiritual life, are deactivated.
That is why, the sacred places, as are the mountains, allow to enter widely, deep levels of the consciousness where redemption, healing, and forgiveness are necessary.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Words of Light and Wisdom emanate from My Immaculate Heart. They are Words of Love and of Truth that come from God to illumine the paths of souls or to draw souls closer that have distanced themselves from the Father.
These Words, which emerge from My Heart, are full of Grace and of Mercy, for behind them is held an infinite and mysterious Higher Love which makes each creature worthy and venerable.
These Words seek to awaken the truth in each being, and at the same time, the Purpose that each essence is to accomplish in light of Creation and the universe.
This makes us understand that Spiritual Instruction comes to us so we are able to know how to make the most of our own life through the path of faith, charity and helping others.
The Words of Light which come from My Heart make life evolve, with each consciousness becoming a Sacred instrument of God.
The Words which come from God concretize many things, especially the Purpose and the task that each soul must experience in these times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Just as there are millions of stars in the universe, there are millions of essences that are daughters of this universal Creation.
In this vast universe, the Spiritual Hierarchy accompanies the awakening of these essences upon a path of redemption and of peace.
In the vast universe, there is life, life in everything the Father created in order to express the different degrees of love.
Thus, essences can learn about love through life experiences that take place in this universe, until some consciousness attains the highest degrees of love, just as Jesus attained them in past time.
This is how Creation is recreated, so that evolutionary life advances, and deeper steps in love and in truth are taken, bringing wisdom over all things.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the White Buffalo would appear on the horizon, suddenly, walking with serenity before the eyes of the pure, this was a sign of prosperity and hope. Its mouth did not speak, its language was unknown by humankind. Its silence would transmit the Will of God to them; its language was understood with the heart, by those who knew how to become silent.
When sadness flooded the hearts of humankind, they cried out for the grace of seeing and feeling the White Buffalo. Its serenity calmed them and they would feel hope that the Earth would remain fertile, alive and sacred.
When the heart of the children of the Earth was not rich in love and joy, they cried out for the White Buffalo. Its joy and Its love did not come from this world, but it nourished and healed the world. It appeared upon the horizon and represented the arrival of new cycles, where life would have a greater meaning, because the land would be fertile and so would the heart.
The White Buffalo was the Holy Spirit of the Earth, which walked silently among humankind. It came to dissolve fear, anguish, sadness, it came to unite the hearts of the children of the Earth with He who created the Earth, and all other planets, the Sun, the Moon and all Life.
The White Buffalo was the bearer of purity and re-ignited purity within the hearts of the children of the Earth so that they would not lose the hope of a world in peace and in communion with Life.
The White Buffalo was meek but invincible. Nothing could touch it and only the eyes of the heart could see It. Its mystery came from Infinity, even though its appearance was of the Earth. It made itself lesser than humankind, with the living symbol of a simple animal, but it wanted to represent the All. Within it were both the small and the great, from the animals to the Supreme God, from nature to the All.
The White Buffalo thus made it possible to understand that God is in everything.
I am the White Buffalo, the Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit of Life.
I am the representation of the fertile cycles, of the cycles of Peace.
In My presence, despair and fear are dissolved, and hearts again find the faith and the love of God.
I am, My children, the Mother of the Earth, and also of Heaven. The children of the Earth were born upon it, but they do not come from it. Their spirits come from Me, they were born of the Universal Source of Life, protected by the brightness of the stars that sparkle in Infinity, embraced by the Motherhood of God, Adonai.
I come to the world so that you may regain purity and hope, so that fear and pain be healed, and so that the certainty of being able to experience the sacred, and so that the unity on this Earth with Creation may again shine in your essences.
I am here, beloved children, now resembling humankind, with a body like yours and with a Divine Heart so that you may again find within yourselves what which unites you with the Creator, that which makes you a mirror of His Most Sacred Heart.
I came to mirror in your spirits the sacred and the divine.
I appear on the horizon, in silence, again bringing Peace. I appear on this day of a new cycle, representing a fruitful cycle in the life of the spirit.
I want to strengthen your hearts and build within you the new gardens of life.
I want to allow the new human being to be born, recovering the purity and dignity of the indigenous consciousness.
I come to bring the grace of union with the Origin, for those called original peoples and, in this way, all human hearts may rekindle within themselves the purity of the beginning, the original unity with the Heart of God.
May your lives be fruitful in love before the White Buffalo.
Regain peace, joy and hope, dissolving from spirit the evil that causes wars and degenerates hearts.
May the unity of the Spirit of God bring you wisdom, dissolving the ignorance that separates humankind from itself and from the All, that which makes them die, while being alive.
I am the White Buffalo, your Mother and Mother of all Creation. I come to bless you, embrace you and allow you to remember that the Creator has a perfect will for His children. It is enough, My beloved ones, that you contemplate upon the horizon of your inner worlds the presence of the White Buffalo, and allow yourselves to be permeated by its silence and meekness so that its love may again transform and permeate your lives.
I love you and I keep you in My Heart of Love.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all Life
I am the Doorway of Peace.
I am the divine and powerful current that draws the principles of Creation to the world.
I am that most pure ray that comes from God and awakens redemption in hearts.
I come at this time to announce the Coming of My Son.
I come to prepare the paths by which souls will find Christ.
Thus, this cycle is decisive for all; it is the moment to meet the Eternal Father to accomplish His Sacred Will.
It is the time to feel the future and the hope shaped within all beings.
As your Mother, I lead and guide you toward My Work of Peace, which not only embraces nations and continents, but also, throughout the ages, It has taught humanity to live the Plan of the Creator.
I leave everyone the Spirit of My Peace and an absolute trust in the Designs of the One.
I embrace each one of you, so that you may feel My maternal warmth and thus be vivified in the Lord.
May everything become peaceful in this hour, and may those who walk embrace their cross and carry it, for it will not be heavy; it will be the cross of the liberation of the world and they will be in likeness to My Son to the Glory of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and of the Greater Love
In the beginning of all, the Creator aspired that all of His children came to know the truth and understood the essence of His Love, the reason of why He had multiplied Himself.
The only reason of the existence of all things is the Love of God, that in a moment was so great that It could not fit in Himself, which made Him multiply in Three, while still being One. And, while still being One, He multiplied Himself in many more.
The mystery of Love is that it multiplies and gives Itself, while still belonging to the same Source. The one who loves participates in the multiplication of God and in the essence of Creation; the one who truly loves, loves with the Love of the Father and gives It to everyone, making this Divine presence infinite and at the same time unique.
The time will come when the words will give place to the knowledge of the heart, because the Divine Word is vibration and not just series of letters that form ideas, concepts and try to fit in it something that is inexplicable and understandable at the same time.
In the beginning of the human school, the beings of Earth attracted, from previous experiences, the ray of the science of God because at that moment they needed the Divine knowledge in order to evolve as a race and as a consciousness. However, humanity has limited the divine science with the concrete walls of its mind, and much of what the Creator tried to reveal got stuck in the human impossibility of receiving the impulses of God.
It was in this way that the knowledge stopped on the limitation of the human mind, and that which was infinite and sublime got limited as much as humankind, which was stuck in its matter and far from its spirit.
In this way, children, the truth has never been revealed to you, because, even though you believed you had knowledge, you have always tried to place in the human understanding a knowledge and a truth that infinitely transcend this understanding.
The ones who could contemplate or glimpse a bit of this truth have remained in silence, because they knew it could not fit in the human concepts; as I told you, the Divine Word is vibration and not words.
It is for this reason that the history of the Universe, of the Cosmos, of Creation, is written on the Mirrors and not on sheets of paper.
To understand the truth that I bring to you, you must enter in the inner universe and read on the mirrors of the heart what I transmit to you.
Many believed that the fact that I approached to this planet meant a retrogression in the evolutionary life, and, in truth, children, arrogance and human ignorance have not let you understand that I have come to put you on the right path of evolution; I have come to activate the mirrors of you hearts and teach you, rather than to think, to feel and live the teaching.
It is through My presence that you can reach the essence of the heart and understand there, without explanations, the divine mysteries.
Now that prayer has already opened the doors of your hearts and consciousness, the time has come to understand these mysteries that I have announced to you so much. I only ask you not to make the same mistakes of the past, trying to understand and scientifically explain what I will tell you. This is the age of Love and no longer of science, because science has brought you here so that now you will enter in other levels of evolution and will be able to manifest the divine will.
If you keep trying to guide yourselves by impulses or teachings of the past, you will lose the opportunity to live the new and to be transformed by the sources that this current cycle brings to you from the universe.
Listen to what I tell you, My children, lightening the mirror of the heart and not the mind. In the mirror of the heart, there is silence and wisdom and it is in this way that you must receive the new keys of these times.
The Creator wishes to approach you to the truth about your origin, not only for you to have knowledge, but so that this information may approach you to the Divine Life and you may find the path to return.
May the Truth and the magnitude of the Cosmos reveal to you the truth and the magnitude about yourselves because it is time to recognize the likeness with God – that is spiritual and essential – so that in this way will you bear the times that will come, sustained by the truth, and manifest the Plan of the Creator on Earth.
I love you and thank you for listening to Me with the mirror of the heart.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Elohim: Golden Angels
In the Essence of the Heart of God, there once arose the great Purpose of creating life and the planes of consciousness.
As I told you yesterday, dear children, the archangels, those called the Resplendent, were born of Divine Inspiration, an inspiration that allowed archangelic and angelic beings to become concretized and manifested.
God expressed in the Mental Universe His twelve principal manifestations, which arose from the Most Pure Source. From there, the twelve Elohim, as Rays and impulses of fire, were born within the consciousness of the Higher Mental Universe.
From the moment in which the Eternal had the sacred will that, from His Most Pure Essence, the Archangels should be born, the Mental Universe was already a vital reality within the Spiritual Universe.
The Elohim were appointed by the Most High to carry out the organization and manifestation of all the universes where, in the future, life would exist.
Thus, from the moment in which the Elohim were manifested within the Mental Universe, the first legions were subtly created in reservoirs of light, which are great receptacles and conduits of divine energy that preceded the Mirrors.
Let us see then, dear children, how the divine history of Creation previous to material life was considered by God Himself to be a Project of love and of absolute unity.
It was based on love and unity that the Angelic Hierarchies, those called Elohim, developed the Project of the Eternal Father and gave continuity to the Work of Creation.
The reservoirs of light were also created through the essence of Divine Will, and the first Elohim were the ones that accompanied the manifestation of these states of consciousness, which held within themselves the spiritual emergence of angelic life.
Each archangel, as a Creator Father, deposited in the reservoirs of light a molecule of the twelve spiritual Rays that were present at the moment of the birth of the angelic beings. An angelic consciousness is born from the expression of love in the Mental Universe and through an act of profound union that the archangel establishes with the One Source.
At that moment, the archangel projects on the reservoir an extremely potent flow of love and unity and, as a consequence, through the grouping of all the molecules of the Creator Fathers, the reservoir emanates an angelic consciousness which is inside a precious crystal of a magenta, blue, green, white or gold color. When the angelic consciousness emerges from the reservoir and until it finishes forming, the crystal remains suspended above it for a certain period, like the gestation of a child in the womb of the mother. It is the creative and divine energy that internally gestates the purpose of this angelic consciousness.
The crystal may contain any of the twelve Rays to show the Mental Universe what has been the Greater Will for the task and service that the new angel will fulfill.
Thus, after its manifestation as mental and spiritual consciousness, the angel experiences a formation that helps it develop its mission in the Mental Universe or in the Material Universe.
After gradually forming the armies of light, which from their birth live an unconditional service and a perfect union with the Eternal, the archangels begin the building and materialization of the Academies of the Rays, so that each angelic being may develop its purpose before the Father.
The next step is the manifestation of the spiritual formation of the Seven Heavens or that of the seven states of Divine Consciousness, where the great armies begin to populate the celestial dimensions.
At that moment, under Highest Will, the archangels define the mission of each angelic consciousness, which establishes what Heaven or which states of consciousness it is to eternally serve.
As from this moment, the Creator Fathers assume the government of the Seven Heavens, so that from the beginning the Law of Hierarchy may be cultivated among consciousnesses.
The mission the angelic consciousness lives will be according to how its emergence has taken place inside the crystal.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a magenta crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of living love, of radiating it and protecting it in the universes.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a blue crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of protecting and vivifying the unity of all the universes, as well as that of being a guardian of the sacred knowledge of the spiritual, mental, and material Laws.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a green crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of exercising the Law of healing, and of continuously emanating harmony in all of Creation and wherever it is.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a white crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of drawing to itself the highest degrees of purity and of expanding it as essence toward the universes.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a golden crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of an eternal praising of the One, as a member of those called Celestial Choirs, which draw to the universes the principles of the Source of God.
It is thus that the Creator Fathers send all the angels that were born of the Source through the reservoirs of light on a mission so that, together with their archangelic regents, they may assume the mission of protecting and supporting the evolution of the universes through the different Rays to which they belong.
The Elohim are part of the Divine Purpose and they are represented through the twelve main emanations of God, which we understand as the archangels; from that, the twelve emanations formed the twelve governors, and from the angelic governors another twelve emanations arose until we reach the guardian angels.
The Mental Universe has no limits and it is an infinite state formed by the Will of God. There the state of resplendence is lived, which means that each angelic consciousness generates in itself the highest degrees of love and of unity with the One.
The whole of angelic consciousness exists to protect and guard the essence of the Project of God within the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes. In this way, the Elohim can penetrate the dimensions and planes, even though they are mental beings, because they are at all times moved by the spirit of obedience and of eternal service.
From the beginning, the Father conceived the Elohim as the main guardians of the Purpose of Creation and of all life existing in the universes.
In this way, through the Resplendent Ones arose the first experience of the Cosmic Brotherhood, which later became established as a premise for all consciousnesses present on the different planes.
The Elohim are also considered the Messengers or the spokespersons of the Primordial Source for the Material Universe; they are the ones who carry out the concretion of the Divine Purpose and they are the ones who give impulse to the guardian angels so that each soul may live its mission within Creation, and in this manner fulfill the objective of the Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is in union with each guardian angel,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Angels
The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors, continuation
Open your heart and empty your mind in order to understand and live the mysteries of Creation.
In that opening you will be able to penetrate the essence of knowledge, and everything that is sacred in the Universe will reach you not only as information, but as codes of Light that awaken in your being to transfigure you.
This is the power of the Mirrors, heavenly generators of universal harmony that concentrate within themselves all the attributes of Creation.
We state and understand as attributes all the rays and celestial currents that the Creator Fathers used for the manifestation of the planes and of life.
It is thus that the Heavenly Mirrors hold within themselves the remembrance of our spiritual, mental, and material origin. It is these attributes that, from time to time, allow the renewal of universal life and all the cycles, bringing positive impulses that impregnate all of Creation.
In the beginning of the origin, what we would understand as the essence of the Divine Thought of God, the Source created the Archangels so that they could create the Hosts of Light in the Mental Universe; in this way, at the beginning of everything, the Mental Universe was gradually gestated by the existence of the first armies of the Elohim.
These resplendent Consciousnesses were given impulse to collaborate in the creation of the Material Universe, because in the Thought and in the Heart of the Eternal Father there existed the Will for great experiences of love to occur that would go beyond all previous ones.
In the beginning, at the request of God, the Creator Fathers created the Heavenly Mirrors, because in the Material and Mental Universe these would help in the spiritual evolution of all universal life.
The Heavenly Mirrors were also formed by twelve attributes, twelve Rays, or twelve currents of spiritual and divine energy that would allow the history of the origin of the Creation to be well-guarded and available as light-based information for all the consciousnesses that would be created in the image and likeness of God.
The twelve attributes that were expressed during the gestation of the Mental and Material Universes emanated directly from what we know as the Source of Creation, which is the pure, immaculate, and divine essence of the Eternal Father.
From that point, during twelve cycles or twelve time spans, the Mental and Material Universes that were in formation received these spiritual impulses in order that the building of evolutionary life on the different planes be completed.
The first attribute emanated from the Source was that of LIFE; in that moment, God decreed: "On all the planes may Life exist, which will be visible and invisible, but in essence full of Love."
The second attribute emanated from the Source was that of UNITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all the Life that will manifest in My likeness know and live Unity in order to reach the Source through Love."
The third attribute that emanated from the Source was that of LOVE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Divine Love be known by all Life, and may Life express all the degrees of love so that evolution may progress."
The fourth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of KNOWLEDGE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Knowledge make all Life sacred, may spirits ennoble their consciousnesses through having knowledge of love and unity."
The fifth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of HUMILITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all Creation be humble in spirit and constitution; may the true government and evolution be reached by the humble, and may all life imitate this sacred path."
The sixth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of COMPASSION; in that moment, God decreed: “May absolute Compassion arise in universal life so that consciousnesses remember that everything is based on Love and on Mercy”.
In this way, the seventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of MERCY; in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation live Mercy in essence, and may this Law vivify whomever contemplates it in devotion”.
The eighth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of POVERTY OF SPIRIT; in that moment, God decreed: “May true evolution take place in all the poor in spirit, so that nothing nor anybody will deviate them from the sacred path by means of any temptation”.
The ninth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SERVICE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May cooperation and mutual help establish the spirit of service in the Universes; may love and service interpenetrate all life so that fraternity may arise and be the basis of universal evolution”.
The tenth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of PIETY; and in that moment, God decreed: “Happy are all consciousnesses that supplicate in My Holy Name, because I will have absolute Pity on each one of them and in this way they will know the power of the Mercy of My Heart”.
The eleventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of ETERNITY; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all that was created, after its experience, know Eternity; may all the planes that hold universal life elevate spirits so that they may merge into infinity and thus attain immortality”.
The twelfth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SCIENCE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation and life become aware of the Laws and may the Laws guide, lead, and realign all universal life under the spirit of harmony”.
These twelve attributes were essentially kept inside the Heavenly Mirrors, which also radiate these creative principles to the whole Material Universe.
The Heavenly Mirrors are great states of divine consciousness present on three planes: the material, the mental, and the spiritual; in this way, a powerful equilibrium is established in the whole Universe, which is underpinned by angelic consciousnesses.
Thus, the communication network of the Mirrors helps in the redemption and the rehabilitation of all life in different cycles and times. It is in this way that the Heavenly Mirrors, counting on these divine impulses, become sources of the emanation of love and unity for all life.
The existence of the Heavenly Mirrors reminds planetary life that souls must always aspire to someday become similar to a Mirror, not because of its potency, but to be able to mirror what the Father expects of each creature, just as He thought it in the beginning.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is united to the Mirror of Light of each heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more