In these times of trials, confirmations and surrenders, I invite you to the path of overcoming. Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the certain and sure steps that all His beloved children are taking in this time of spiritual and material crisis.
I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred Instructions from Heaven that I have delivered to you.
Dear children, I have come on pilgrimage to Santa Fe, to remind humanity that in these times, only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.
Now, God has asked me that His beloved children learn how to discover the universe of inner growth, through trials and experiences.
Before the enemy wants to take you out of the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of times.
You, My beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and light, capable of being a vessel of divine and supreme energies.
But for that to be possible, I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and purification.
All humanity is hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of modernities and human advances. I ask you, in the name of My Son, not to be afraid to let go of those artificial things that hurt you within, may your true communication be with God and the entire Higher Universe.
If souls would truly seek union with the High and the Supreme, many circumstances would not happen in the material life of My children. In this final cycle, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of unconsciousness and lack of attention.
As your Celestial Mother, I wish you to take the steps towards the awakening of a new life united to all the universal Creation to which you belong. My urgency is to bring you out of the sleep generated by modernities and the lack of connection with the supreme Laws.
You were all born to live in happiness and love. The disorder of the world and the lack of balance generated irreversible effects in the lives of My children and many were led, by themselves, on the path of sadness, pain and illness.
God has asked me to tell you, for the last time, that Heaven will open to receive you all, He will shed Graces and blessings upon all those who do not deserve them.
Therefore, children, courageously face this last cycle of hard trials and confirmations so that the Light of Christ may bloom within you.
Day and night, I wait for you and, from Heaven, I pray for everyone so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to stop thinking of yourselves, to begin thinking of the world and the need of service and prayer for this last humanity.
In this way, My Heart is offered to you, so that with awareness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, which resounds in the universe and calls you to awaken.
In this last monthly Message, I invite you to make a compilation of all the Messages so that you may live and practice them, so that you may be prepared for that which is to come.
For this meeting with God, let us remain united in prayer, for these moments.
Thank you for your inner attention,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
From the tiny seed was born a great tree that received water, sunshine and that grew and strengthened itself in the Gifts that God the Father infused with His deep love and fondness. This tree lived days of rain and of full sun, days of winter and of dry weather, days of great sorrow, days of joy and of perfect communion. A few branches dried out; others sprouted anew; some were renewed, others let themselves fall. But since God is so perfect, all the branches, leaves, and fruits that came from that tree returned to her, to her interior. Despite being dry, they were transformed and became a source of food for her roots. The fruits that were not harvested, the leaves that dried and the branches that broke off, are the sources of the fortification of this tree.
Children of Mine, from such a beautiful tree comes each one of your souls. Today your hearts are born again, because they already are ripe fruits, renewed by the seeds of life that they brought within them.
A tree created by God with such care and love shall never perish. Yes, the Lord permits her to live days of winter and days of summer, days of drought and of abundant water, so that she will know how to be strong; this tree can only prepare her branches and fortify her trunk when subject to strong winds that make her grow.
Children of Mine, know how to recognize yourselves as part of this tree that I present to you, and know how to recognize that the natural cycle of life allows her leaves to wilt, her branches to be renewed, and each of these parts, when they touch her roots again, will be transformed into nourishment and a source of life and renewal.
In this way must be your hearts. Those that one day wilt should not fear being transformed so that they will once again be part of the composition of this tree. Know that she would never be alive if she had not been renewed. The trees of yesterday may be transformed into the branches of today, these that sustained in themselves many leaves and that one day may dry, so as to then form part of the trunk of this beloved tree, a trunk that is formed by many branches, leaves and fruits that have permitted themselves to dry, fall, decompose and be reborn like a new living cell of this beloved Figueira.
Dear children, praise and love the cycles of life, which are so mysterious and perfect. Love living according to the Will of God, and allow yourselves to flow in that Will, as pure and crystalline water, which lets itself be molded according to the Will of its God.
My beloveds, these are the times that you longed for so much; times of living love, charity and fortitude for which you have so much prepared your souls and your lives. For this reason, rejoice your hearts and, from the chaos in which the world is found, within and outside of you, know how to recognize the Will of God, Who is asigning each one of you as it corresponds to them, and challenging each soul so that He may fortify it once again.
For a tree to be firm, God sends to it all the winds that will attempt to bring her down; for her to be strong and to be able to live under any circumstances in this world, God will deprive her of water, so that she will learn how to live in times of drought. Then, He will again deliver to her the fountain of life so that she will also learn that her Lord observes her and knows the point until which she will be able to endure it. Never will He leave her helpless.
Dear children, as a good Father, the Lord releases His children so that they will learn to walk. He will let them fall, but will never allow them to remain on the ground. He will always extend a hand to them so that they may stand up again, and once again follow this path of eternal learning.
My beloveds, your hearts are part of a favored project of God – that which He has in His hands all the time. All I ask of you today is that you will never desist, that you may learn from the facts of life and that you be strengthened through them. That the strong winds may be the excuse, the reason to more deeply extend you roots. That you will make of the dry season the reason to wait even more in God for the moment in which, by Grace, He will send you fresh waters. And when these come, you will drink of this water of life, of which each drop is a precious treasure and an eternal fountain of renewal and perseverance.
Today I say to you that the winds that pass through you lives are still not those that come to try to knock down all that was erected by God. This wind will come at the moment in which you will be ready and strengthened to live it. It is necessary, dear children, that as humanity you learn to live love under any circumstances, and that you love God in all the situations of life, knowing to recognize His light even in the midst of darkness, discovering that which He wants to teach you through each learning that He sends into this world.
My beloveds, persevere always; this is all that I come to tell you. Always persevere in the love of God, and choose to live it, always choose love.
I thank you and shelter your lives in My arms.
Mary, your Mother and Lady of Figueira
Friar Elías:
When the Virgin Mary appeared to transmit the Message for the Apparition, at the dawn of July 25, our Mother manifested Herself as always, but this time She brought with Her the symbol of appearing beside a great tree, with a large green treetop. It was a robust, strong tree, full of mature fruit. At this moment, She told us She was the Mother of the Tree of Life.
Dear children:
I am the fertile seed that is sown in the hearts that open themselves to listen to Me. When the Seed of My Heart is sown, a new flower is born that gives subtle aromas to God; and the fruit grows and matures slowly, thus giving new seeds of love and redemption.
I am the great Tree of Life. I am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity, because through My Heart you will reach God and consequently you will find in your paths the Presence of My Son.
Some of the seeds that My Tree of Life spilled were so that it could bear other new fruit, but these dried up. Therefore, My roots nourish themselves and feed on fruits that were born, in order to strengthen the great treetop that will later bear new fruit.
If the Tree of Wisdom had not not born, the Tree of Life could not have been born. I was first the sacred Seed so as to become the Flower, and later become the Fruit fertilized in the loving Heart of God.
Afterwards God sent Me through the universe to sow new seeds of light and, on this trajectory, He sent Me on a great mission to Earth, so that the second Person of God could be sown inside of Me, the First-Born Son who was and is the great Fruit of your salvation; for it is through Him that the way out in this time is found, only in Him can be found the way out and the direction to be able to fulfill the Will of God in life.
You, My dear ones, are these new fruits that are already maturing on My Tree of Life, because the fruits can never be separated from the their Tree and the Tree can never be in splendor if it lacks its fruits.
Today I invite you to discover the fruit of your conversion and of your redemption. The time for the new seeds to appear is still waiting to awaken and this will be possible if the fruits are very mature, so they may give good seeds.
Throughout this planetary cycle, the power of My Grace and of My Mercy is passing before your lives so that, first of all, you can perceive it.
God expects His children to be strong and mature trees, that can bear fruit so that the most humble can serve themselves of this sacred food and thus your souls be united to Me through the great seed of service and prayer. If this did not exist, the seeds would soon dry out.
Therefore, My dear ones, in this Message I want to make you understand that you are united to the great Tree of Life, the Tree of God that holds the memory of your origins, an inner space to which you must return after all.
It is the great Tree of My Consciousness, the one that gave itself to the Father to give seeds of light and to sow them in the hearts that unite in eternal prayer. Now, the new tree of mature fruit must arise in the next humanity.
Now, you are sacred seeds in the Hands of God who, with so much love, is waiting to sow them in the new world. Therefore, dear children, understand that each act of love, service and prayer is a new fruit for your redemption and for the redemption of humanity.
Your steps must be directed to God through the pure heart, purity will cause the fruit to mature correctly and so in your beings the Spirit and the Wisdom of God will rest.
I thank all the children who with love, during this dawn, have kept vigil with Me in prayer for the fulfillment of My Plans of peace and redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call, in faith and devotion!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
My words of Peace must be in your hearts so that in them flows the Love of My Son.
Dear children, each cycle that you live in life is a moment of renovation for the feeling of the heart. With this I want to say that your lives are precious before the Kingdom of the Lord. For this My children, remember that the prayer that comes from the fountain of the heart will bring you closer to the Kingdom of God.
As Mother of Assistance of all those who follow and who do not follow Christ, today again I give you My Peace so that by receiving it in your hearts it may be as a flame of light and truth for everyone.
In the immense bliss of the Glory of God, today I ask you that in prayer you elevate to Heaven all pleas that are urgent for the hearts that day by day have their inner flames extinguished.
Dear children, we are commemorating My seven months of transmissions of daily messages of instruction. For this, I ask you to meditate and to enter in each one of the announcements and that in prayer you live the greatness of My Love for all of you.
If it were like this, little children, the paths of humanity could be permeated by the existence of Grace.
My little children, smile to the life that God the Father gave to you. That within the Kingdom of Divine Mercy of Jesus, all the souls may be reborn under My Mantle of Peace.
We are in prayer for all causes. My Immaculate Heart accompanies follows you in each step you take towards the Lord of Love.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
As Mary of Nazareth I give you all today the love of My Immaculate Heart of Mother.
Dear children,
It has been six months of daily messages that have been spoken with immense gratitude and joy to you. With this I want to tell you that the path of prayer is infinite for your lives, but it is on this path where you may find peace and faith for the heart.
I accompany you today as I have in these six months for this definitive cycle in the life of My children in the world. For this your perseverance will permit the awakening of the spiritual motivation of prayer on the part of other children. Each action that is done with the heart is a glorification of God the Father, because thus you will be inside the Kingdom of His Love and Will.
So that your lives may take the certain steps to the Lord, you may imitate the path of humility and obedience that Christ, My Reborn Son, who lived before the presence of the Heart of the Father. This exercise of obedience and of humility will awaken in you the trust in the merciful decisions of God and so your hearts may be strengthened in the path.
Remember little children, that the good works that are born from the heart not only please the Heart of the Father but also have repercussions on the redeeming mission for humanity, a mission that My Son will bring forth in His return to Earth.
For these moments your hearts must be in prayer and awaken before the real needs of the world, so that your eyes, the eyes of souls in service to God, may recognize the presence of My Son among you.
Know, dear children, that in the same way that He was among His followers, after the Glorious Resurrection, He will be in the world again, especially with the new disciples that await Him with an open and surrendered heart.
The will of the Father may be fulfilled for this last cycle through your response. My Will of Mother comes from this Supreme Will.
Let us celebrate in prayer these six months of daily meetings with Me, with the Mother of Peace.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
My words of Peace want to be like the Heavens in the hearts of all souls. I want you to be able to recognize the Celestial Peace so that through pure prayer, done with the heart, you may live peace on Earth.
All My children already know that we are in a cycle of changes for the world. Therefore, month by month and day by day I prepare you.
But I do not see your hearts paying attention to My daily words, words dictated by the Love of My Immaculate Heart and which come from the Heavens, a place where day by day I invite you to enter with trust and truth.
Dear children, God the Father has granted Me this Grace of being among your hearts, and My Heart has worked so that your lives would have the necessary keys for the conversion of the heart.
The world is blind, but not all My children are blind or deaf. I hear you from the Heavens when your hearts place the voice of prayer on the highest celestial state. Because of this, dear children, My Heart rejoices when I see perseverance and hope, essences of peace necessary in these times, permeated by joy.
Dear children, embrace My Heart with love, and place in It, day by day, the miseries that make the lives of many hearts suffer.
Through fasting many world circumstances will be resolved, above all the loss of souls. When your hearts enter the path of surrender and giving, wounds in the heart must be healed, and through the exercise of prayer they heal quickly.
Dear children, remain with the flame of the heart ignited and walk, walk until you arrive before the Heart of Christ, to adore It and love It. He awaits you in silence.
Thank you for responding to My call. Light for the hearts in the world.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Search for God in your hearts. Unite once again the ties of love with Him so that your souls may be in peace. Live under the Light of Christ; find the path to conversion by His side. In this way, your feet will walk at the same pace as His Sacred Heart.
Do not fear the changes, the world is in the cycle of Redemption. Therefore, My dear children, do not disturb yourselves for the faults committed against God. Seek to unite your souls with the Creator so that His Gaze and His Heart may radiate Love to you.
Today I come to ask you to pray with the heart so that the Gifts of the Father may be made visible in all of you. The true love is a Gift from God to which you must always return so that life may be permeated by the Light of the Heavens.
Dear children, I call you with My Great Heart of Mother so that in the day-by-day you may be able to live in reconciliation. The world offends God without perceiving it. For this reason, dear children, you are called to radiate peace. Your hearts must be like Mine: fountains of peace for the world. Convert your hearts into a source of life so that through prayer they may radiate the fruits that love will bring to you.
Dear children, I thank you for the response of your prayers. We must continue in prayer because all the souls need conversion and hope. Live in the law of My Immaculate Heart.
Thank you for responding to My call.
In the peace of the Heart,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
May the infinite compassion of My Son strengthen your hearts so that they may walk in life towards God the Father. Today I call you to reflection by means of the exercise of prayer.
My little ones, in this time we must uplift humanity and the souls through contemplative prayer. Today, My little children, I teach you how you must contemplate:
First, by giving your heart to the Lord;
Second, by opening the merciful source of prayer;
Third, by praying with compassion and piety for all your brothers and sisters.
In this exercise, I assure you, My little ones, that your hearts will be deepening in union with God through a prayer that will alleviate the sorrows of the world.
Your hearts are participants of My Maternal Presence. For this reason I invite you to live within My Immaculate Heart. In this Kingdom that belongs to God, your souls will find shelter, protection and renovation of life.
The Lord, in His Immense Grace, wants to renovate your hearts so that in this last cycle of the world, they may live life by means of a true communion with Christ. You, My little hearts, must love each moment of the encounter with My glorified and kind Son. There, in this supper that each day you shall celebrate, you will be able to drink from His wonders, and you will be able to eat in humility from the compassion and from the Mercy that His Most Holy Heart will be radiating to you.
The moment has come for that which John the Apostle wrote as a message, to be fulfilled as Good News in all the hearts of the world.
The Lady Clothed with the Sun brings the stars of Light, stars of the Father, those which redeem the world. For this, My dear ones, the hearts must open their inner treasuries that in some children still remain closed. Opening the heart, the Heavens will open themselves to the souls that may want to recognize them.
Let us pray for the relief of the suffering that many of My children live daily.
Run all of you towards My Immaculate Heart, My Light will guide you.
Who loves you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My Heart awaits your pure prayers, those that are born from the hearts consecrated to Me. May the blessed fruit that was born from the Holy Spirit, Christ, be the eternal aspiration of working together with Him for the worldwide Redemption of the souls.
Today I ask, My little ones, that you live the presence of the Sacred Master of Love so that your hearts may inhale the aroma of His Merciful Love. In this work of Peace and Redemption, My dear ones, we are together sharing the hope of the heart and the peace of the soul, for the salvation of hearts.
A cycle in this entire path of pilgrimage is ending. From the East to the West your hearts are bringing, in My Name, the Good News of the work of the Kingdom of God.
For this reason, little ones, the time has come to lift all hearts to the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart so that all My children may be touched by the Light of My Eternal Mantle of Peace.
When the works of the Lord are realized in the souls that are on the Earth, the Kingdom of the Heavens celebrates and praises the Most High for His wonders and Love for all creatures.
I adore you.
Be well received in the fourth Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart: Aurora, after Fatima-Lourdes, Medjugorje and Guadalupe. I shelter you all in My Being.
Who guides you in Light,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more