May the Light of the inner Aurora rise in the inner worlds of the beings of this planet so that, in this time, consciousnesses may recognize the power of Healing and of Love.
Let all revere the Light of the inner Aurora because even while being before a mystery not yet unveiled, they may feel the Science of Aurora working in the deep nuclei of beings.
May all be successors of the inner Healing of Aurora so that humanity and the planet may receive the so much needed relief.
In the face of the inner Healing of the Light of Aurora, may hearts participate in the time of their redemption, able to manifest and to realize this in their heart, which simply opens to receive it.
Let the Light of the inner Aurora finally place you all in the next cycle, in which healers of the word and of the heart must exist, effective instruments of the Hierarchy in this planetary time, in which all that is written will be fulfilled in humanity.
Each time you are before the Light of the inner Aurora, be grateful, because you will once again be before a Fount of Love of great mystery.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Everyone who arrives at the Marian Center of Figueira must be received at the House of Pilgrims, where they will cross the first Portal of their redemption, which is the encounter with humility. As from that moment, they will recognize their smallness and the greatness of God Who guided them to this sacred place, where the mysteries that were hidden from the mind, the soul, and the human heart can be revealed.
The House of Pilgrims must be the Doorway to Redemption for souls, where there are no restrictions for the arrival of hearts; there, everyone will be able to be sheltered by Me in the depths of their spirits.
In the House of Pilgrims, they will wash their feet for a new life, a new way of walking, on this eternal path of human evolution.
The House of Pilgrims is where My Heart waits for the hearts of the world, to receive their imperfections and difficulties and to transform them there.
In the House of Pilgrims, I will grant you a spiritual atonement and a Grace, so that you may restart your lives from a point which, by yourselves, you would never be able to reach.
I want the House of Pilgrims to be sufficiently large to give shelter to souls, their miseries and their sins, and also sufficiently large to shelter God, His Mercy and His Atonement.
You cannot imagine that in this humble place the Creator will heal and awaken many hearts; He will convert sinners into His instruments and will make so great spiritual miracles in those consciousnesses as He did in Me, when He transformed a humble and poor carpenter into the Father and Guardian of His Beloved and Eternal Son, the Redeemer of the world.
As the carrier of this infinite miracle of conversion, I remain in the world to multiply this miracle in souls, because this is what God has asked of Me. And it is in the House of Pilgrims, as in My small House at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, and in My future Houses, at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of the Child King, where these miracles will take place.
The House of Pilgrims will be the Mother-Source of all the Houses that will be lifted up in My Name at the Marian Centers that the world will come to know as the fruits of this Work. It is from here, from the House of Pilgrims, from the depths of the Reliquary of My Heart, that these Graces will emerge, which will cross borders, and even continents, and will touch souls.
For this reason, children, now that you have built the foundations, enlarge them physically and spiritually, and all that I tell you will come true.
I leave you My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At the end of the transmission of the Weekly Message, Saint Joseph gave us an indication for the Anniversary of His Apparitions program, which will be transmitted on the 19th of March, 2018. He said:
"I want monastics, consecrated residents from the Communities-of-Light, Children of Mary and pilgrims who had or have an experience of unity with My Chaste Heart to share with the world, to do it and, in a simple way, tell everybody how My Instruction and My Blessings have reached their lives. In this way, you will be able to perceive that the purpose of this program is being fulfilled."
Afterwards, He asked that we made a short video to spread this invitation and to prepare this special Anniversary program.*
*To access this video and all the necessary information about this request from Saint Joseph, click here.
The Last Covenant
My time among you is already ending and when that happens the Almighty Lord will test your faith to know if you have in truth communed with the Word of God.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens it will be the culminating moment in which the Sun will set, and the Red Moon will rise, which will announce the last and awaited cycle.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens it will be the moment in which your love must be expanding in all directions; it will be the moment in which your service and your sacrifice for humanity must be greater in order to congregate the souls that are thirsty in the search for God.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens the Mother of God will retreat into the desert, expecting the great and last abyss to open, a moment in which the Universal Judgement will have begun.
But all those sealed with the sign of Christic Love will be protected, and even though the world is in its greatest purification, peace will not be lacking in these hearts; nothing and no one will be able to change it, because it will be a peace that will come from the immaterial spirit of each being.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens you must bear witness and defend from yourselves everything you have lived with Me because this will awaken faith in atheists and in those who guide the nations of the world. The faith of the witnesses of Mary will allow many uncertain doors to be closed and the last Grace of salvation will be given for all.
My time among you is already ending and this dictation is not only words; when this happens, you must have My Work of Peace move forward in the world, and you must not stop nor retreat. May your faith be neither poor nor oscillating.
On the contrary, children, when I Am no longer among you, all the treasures of instruction must be awakened and active within each of you.
My time among you is already ending and when this happens you will see the sign of the Universe approach the Earth; it will be an indescribable and unknown phenomenon; this will be the moment of the great planetary redemption.
My time among you is already ending and nothing will stop it, because as it was written, it will be fulfilled. The Word of God is a living Source and from it comes all the Graces for those who have faith in what We say and announce.
When My time with you ends, the Real Time will open, and all will be consummated, because the Master and Lord will have arrived to clean the Earth and sow new principles that will be light and love for the New Humanity.
My time among you is already ending and when this happens, all will change, and you will see colonies of salvation and refuge rise in some nations during the time of Armageddon.
Before My time ends, you must be confirmed in your fidelity to Creation, and the unbreakable unity among your hearts and lives will defeat the final beast.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The triumph of Light and the defeat of evil
The silent triumph of the Plan of the Most High is approaching, and it is imperceptible to the world of illusion; but there exist essences that feel, in the depth of themselves, this moment.
It is the triumph of Light and the defeat of evil.
When the scene of events is stablished in nations and peoples, when revolutions and conflicts are installed, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
The culminating hour is approaching and the Mother of the World places all Her children under Her invisible mantle of stars. She arrives to the most impenetrable places of the consciousness, since those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
Nothing and no one will be left behind. The veils of illusion will fall and the spiritual blindness of humanity will be healed; because the angels of eternal service will wash the eyes of human beings with the water of the Divine Fountain, and those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
After so many intense spiritual battles, the soldiers of good will be strengthened, and even though the great and last beast comes out of the abyss to the surface, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
Meanwhile, the Universal Mother gestates in Her sacred Womb the New Humanity, the new planet which will be free from its millenary debts and that can be prepared to truly live the Plan of God. Those will be signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
You will then see the great Archangel of the Celestial Militia descend from the Superior Universes and, at the sound of the seventh trumpet, the end of time will come, not only for the enemy, but also for all the Universe that will learn about redemption.
The strength of the breath of the Sacred Spirit will open the doors so that everything is revealed; the most hidden mysteries will be unveiled, and the human race will become aware of the time it lost in order to be able to unite to God.
Those who have responded to the call without understanding will be happy, because an impenetrable protection will be in them; those who were distracted with the world will cry because it will be too late and even through the Divine Spirit has called them, they will recognize too late what the Universe many times wanted to dictate to their hearts.
But the most difficult time will cease because the New Light will penetrate the planet with all its Rays and, from nothing, all darkness will dissolve in any state of consciousness. This New Light will be the New Face of the Master among the Masters, it will be the Sacred Sun that will bring with It the thousand years of Peace and, then, the Earth will be populated by beings of kindness and love.
Those who have not incarnated these principles in themselves will no longer be on the planet; they will have, in the next world, their dwellings prepared for them to learn again to be beings of good, beings of Light. And the Earth will live its maximum joy when the Solar Son, together with the Resplendent Ones, bless the beginning of the New Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The strength that comes from the Sacred Spirit of God will give you the courage to overcome all barriers and to dissipate all obstacles.
It is the strength that comes from the Sacred Spirit of God that gives the impulse to all transformation, redemption, and forgiveness.
Because the Sacred Spirit of God is full of infinite Love and Compassion; this makes every stage an opportunity to expand the degrees of love through the Sacred Spirit of God that fills, vivifies, and comprehends all things.
May the Sacred Spirit of God always be this Pink Flame of Love that ignites everything internally, that heals and liberates all so that it's creatures may be free to take their steps.
May the Sacred Spirit of God guide and gather the flocks of Christ, the navigators who must find the port of the Heart of the Redeemer, and may all this finally consecrate them as soldiers of His Divine Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children of the world,
Give your heart to God and repent soon, because there is little time left.
Surrender to the Love of God and you will be safe.
Do not let the darkness submerge you. Open your hearts and you will find the Light that comes from Infinity.
Dear children, dear children of the world, offer penance, reparation and much prayer, so that more souls are helped, are removed from error and may awaken to the Love of My Son, to the path of the apostolate and of redemption.
Dear children, what I offer to you, through the Marian Centers, is the most that I can give you, all that the Father has allowed me. Fill these Marian Centers with people in need of love; of souls thirsting for prayer, and a big part of the world will be able to change.
Diffuse My Marian Centers throughout the world; there is still little attendance, and there is a big need for prayer in this world.
I count on My faithful collaborators, with My celestial armies, who have committed themselves with Me since their consecration, so that the souls reach the Marian Centers and receive all the Graces like you did.
Dear children, God has written a destiny for this humanity, a destiny far from suffering and pain; this is why it is important, My beloved children, that within the Marian Centers there exists life, joy and devotion to serve God.
I need, dear children, that you can be more creative, that you summon the flocks of God that are scattered souls throughout the world, those who do not know the Love of My Immaculate Heart, nor the great Love of God.
Be pilgrims of My Marian Centers so that many more may also be. Bring souls to the Marian Centers by all possible means.
My Marian Centers are consecrated to the wounded world, to a sick humanity which, by means of my Marian Centers, may come to healing, forgiveness and redemption.
At My Marian Centers I have left the treasures of Heaven, the greatest gifts of the Universe, which are still unknown to souls, because they are intangible and come from the Spirit of God, from the Purpose of His nonmaterial Source
Dear children, My Marian Centers are for all nations of the world, as well as the Marian Sanctuaries in the world.
I want you to be the voice and echo of My Message. I want you to be the voice and echo of the Marian Centers of Love, that they are filled with souls in need of the Love of the Father and the Mercy of the Redeemer.
For this to be possible, My children, you must think big and not small; you must take on great challenges in this final time, because as long as you do not assume them or take them forward, many more souls are lost in the world of the abyss and are taken to the great illusion of this humanity.
Dear children, at the Marian Centers are the gifts that souls need for this time, the keys that they need to find to open new doors toward redemption and forgiveness.
For example, My children, this Marian Center of Aurora has a purpose with the healing of humanity. I need the brothers and sisters who constantly arrive here, I need all of My children of this nation and of this region to act in accordance with this Marian Center; to open your minds and hearts more to welcome the neediest.
You, dear children, are the diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; as long as this diffusion is not carried forward, many Graces that come from Heaven are stopped, they can not descend and are restricted from many souls.
I need, dear children, that you assume this commitment with Me, helping to manifest your true task at the Marian Centers. In each one of them I have left a special gift from God, a gift that you must discover for your work, for your dedication, for your harmony with each one of them. When that happens, the souls will live the great changes that they need and will no longer feel alone nor lost, because they will be with God and in God.
I come to give you this gift and this treasure of the Marian Centers, because it is the mission of the children of Mary, of all the prayer groups, to make the Marian Centers alive so that they do not quickly die out. It is your commitment and also your obligation as My children, to come to the Marian Centers at least bi-weekly. Because while the Graces continue to descend, your hearts must be receptacles for them, your lives must be mediators so that those Graces that come from the Universe are retransmitted to the souls.
If at the Marian Centers there are not souls physically walking and praying, the Graces can not reach the suffering humanity and even less reach those hearts that suffer from horror, illness and perdition.
May your hearts, your lips and may your hands be diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; so you will help your Celestial Mother, so that the Work of Redemption and Mercy carried out by My Beloved Son not only remains at the Marian Centers, but also thoughout the whole world, which must perceive and know, through My Message, that I I am here, present among you and summoning humanity so that it will experience its preparation during the end of this time.
My armies of Light must grow, it will start from the Marian Centers and from the true commitment of all the children of Mary.
The consecration does not end in you. The consecration leads you to live a commitment to the Plan of God and so you will be fulfilling His Will, as well as all the Angels of the Universe.
Dear children, since this birth of Aurora, since the rebirth of your superior Fire, from its healing flame, we are entering the last time of the awakening of humanity, and this cycle will at some point close. It will be up to you, beloved children, that this awakening which must arise from the Marian Centers of Love can reach all souls possible, all hearts in need, in all possible languages.
First, dear children, you must expand your consciousness, your heart, in order to embrace the Work in a planetary way; so that more doors to conversion and redemption can be opened in other nations of the world.
Here, with all My Motherly Love, in Aurora as at other Marian Centers, I have created the bases for this new stage. It is time for My soldiers of prayer and peace to accompany their Celestial Mother in this new challenge.
Today I come to leave this message, beloved children, because there is still so much to be done, there is still so much to reciprocate, there is still so much responsibility to undertake, for each one of you.
With this message of preparation, beloved children, today I come to consecrate new children of Mary, who will represent many more, many more who will be consecrated in the future to the Love of My Immaculate Heart and to the sacred task of living and assuming the Marian Centers; so that these may one day become the true Mirrors of God, which must reflect to the world the last time of Mercy, of Reconciliation and of the Healing for Souls.
The Marian Centers must be the dwelling place of the simple ones, of the seekers of the Love of God and of all the lost who do not find meaning in their lives, nor in their ways.
I truly wish, dear children, that the same spiritual impulse that your souls received from the day of your consecration as children of Mary could echo and expand into more souls of the world that cry out for My Heart and My Intercession.
In this way, responding to the pleas of My children of all nations and of the different races of the planet, I come to deliver this Mission in response to the plea of My children of the world, so My armies of Light, so the children of Mary let the special mission of the Marian Centers flourish and go meet the souls of the world, carrying My Message of Love, My Message of hope and peace for all creatures.
For that to be possible, beloved children, you must offer yourselves to the Redeemer, as His apostles willing to go to meet the souls of the world; not only in the way of service, prayer or communion, but also, My children, to meet the nations of the world that should receive the spiritual help they so much hope for and that they need to have a new opportunity in this path of love and redemption, that I offer you.
It will be in this way, beloved children, that the Marian Centers will be able to expand in the world and will not be restricted to the region where they are located, but will have their doors open to receive all the pilgrims of the world. I hope that it will happen one day; I do not ask you to convince them or convert them, but to receive them with love, to teach them to live prayer and to know that there is a way out of all the chaos of this world, a path that leads them to My Immaculate Heart and from My Immaculate Heart to the Kingdom of God.
Unite as groups and servants to take on this Mission for the Marian Centers, and help the Marian Centers to manifest the requests of the Divine Messengers and for this be fulfilled so that more spiritual energies and universal principles descend through them.
For this, My children, it will also be necessary to help in the concretion of all the necessary manifestations that the Marian Centers must have, to help face the end of this time and the final cycle that humanity will live in a short time.
The Marian Centers must be spiritual islands of salvation, so that the most lonely and lost hearts find relief, peace and hope.
If I ask you this today, I, who am your Mother, it is because it is possible to concretize it; there is potential in your hearts, you should only take the first step, so that the Father's Universe can make everything happen.
The Marian Centers will be the reference for when We are no longer here. You know, beloved children, that there is a time to be among you, and there is not much of that time left. After ten years of Graces, your hearts are ready to take on the task of the Marian Centers, which the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph today entrust to all.
Here you will find us spiritually because Our Hearts will always be at the Marian Centers to bring relief to souls, cure and redemption to hearts.
Today I am carrying out this consecration of new children of Mary in a special way, as if it were the first time here, in Aurora, I consecrated the first children of Mary, who are now part of My Work, who have been strengthened in faith and in prayer, and now pilgrimage with Me unconditionally and are dedicated to living the Will of God.
Renewing this Principle of Consecration that was experienced here, many years ago, today I come to renew that vow of consecration, so that those who come to consecrate themselves in the future can live the same impulse to awaken and commit with God in order to establish upon Earth the thousand years of peace.
May those who today will be consecrated come here.
Today we will prepare the hymn of your consecration as if it were the first time that souls receive a great impulse, to be able to take a great step, as many children of Mary did in these last years when they said “yes” to God's Plan.
I would like to listen to the introductory instrumental music of that hymn to be able to bless those who will consecrate themselves today to their Celestial Mother.
I will pray for these children who are consecrated today in the name of all those who have already consecrated themselves, so that they can revive their commitment, confirm their vows and carry out this special mission that today I entrust to them in the manifestation of the Marian Centers and in the diffusion of them, as spiritual islands of salvation.
Let us place our left hand on our hearts and join My Immaculate Heart. In this sacred offering that we will make together today for our Celestial Father.
Most High Lord of the Universe, who hears the prayers of Your Servant!
Most High Father Creator, Source of Love and Unity for everything that exists!
Most High Adonai, Venerable Emanuel, Blessed Abba!
Listen to the prayer of Your Servant at this time, so that the hearts of the world, that will one day consecrate to Me, may spread Your Virtues and descend all Your Graces in order that relief for suffering, the cure for sickness, healing for the souls and redemption for the hearts is established.
May all the Love that comes from You today be poured out upon these consecrated children so that, like many others, they may be renewed in Your Divine Purpose and in Your Infinite Call.
May the Armies of Light multiply today so that more souls in this world may hold the banner of peace, which will indicate the return of Christ.
Dear Lord, grant Grace to these spirits who prostrate themselves before Your Servant to receive Your reparative Love, Your eternal Mercy.
Today I renew, in their name, the consecration of all the children of Mary, so that in these times that come, My Celestial Mantle of Light and Peace will expand thoughout all nations of the world, because My most ardent desire, Beloved Father, is that there are children of Mary in all the nations of the world.
And until that is fulfilled, I ask you Lord, to be here, near My children, for them to be able to accompany you in this great aspiration. Amen.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
And now that the Father hears the voice of His most simple and persevering children, let us sing this hymn of consecration so that more inner nucleus, more souls in this humanity, awaken to their consecration in preparation for the return of Christ.
I thank you, in spite of everything, for answering to My call and I thank all those who are here today and those who will be one day. Amen.
AURORA, the new dawn…
May the lukewarm of heart move away, because Aurora returns to rise within those who believed in it from the beginning.
May the unrighteous who did not know how to recognize Aurora be redeemed, because the time will come when the Blue Aurora will shine in the firmament of this world.
Aurora is the ray that separates good from evil.
Aurora is the shield that repels the attacks of the darkness, but its fire can incinerate everything that it touches.
To surrender to Aurora is a goal. To unite to Aurora is a purpose.
That is why Aurora emanates its healing Source of light to reverse all inner evils. Happy will be those who let themselves be molded by its fire, because Aurora will make of each soul a precious triumph to God.
While you can, let yourselves be defeated by the powerful current of Aurora and your bonds with the world will be broken, your most resistant chains will be liberated, and you will receive a breath of the divine fire of Aurora.
Do not try to understand where its power comes from. Unite to the blazing flame of Aurora and you will forge of yourselves a true and unbreakable soldier of light.
Make way, recline your heads and revere the Kingdom of Aurora, because its maternal and feminine spirit will overcome all acute battles of these times.
Let no human being on the surface of Earth try to defeat Aurora, because they will be pushed by its incomprehensible magnetism of light; as some who were here before and were expelled far away from Aurora for arrogance or power.
Know it well, Aurora is the manifested Power of the Father.
Aurora is the concrete Will that transmutes all forms. It will be of no use to oppose it, because you will lose essence and energy.
Aurora has the gift of resurrecting the dead in life.
Aurora has the virtue of awakening those who are most separated from the Love of God and from Truth.
But Aurora does not hold back the hard-hearted and the greedy minded, since Aurora does not communicate with any power of human use.
Aurora is distant from the material, since its Laws are immaterial and are integral to its inner essence.
Aurora does not protect the false ones, nor does it stimulate the honor of the cold of heart.
Its fire is power. Its flame is redemption.
Aurora is an unknown Consciousness, but who loves it will end up knowing it and understanding it.
Aurora is the refuge of the humble and is the dwelling place of the wounded spirits.
Aurora is the star that renews consciousness, but it is also the banner of barefoot servants of God.
Aurora is the Divine Essence in the manifestation of God. It is the sacred healing current that impregnates and renews everything.
Aurora can be part of a being and a being can be part of Aurora; and thus, the inner communion with the Brotherhood is established.
Aurora dawns today and shows its great Mirror, the one that reflects to the souls the message of redemption and of love.
Aurora awakens from its deep dream and now, with all its infinite Consciousness.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Aurora, the inner Sun that rises again
Aurora is the inner Sun that rises again, it is the sun that rises in the inner universe of those who invoke it.
Aurora is that Sun that dispels the darkness and brings spiritual healing to all souls.
Aurora is that Sun that never dies, because it is an eternal Sun.
Aurora is the fire that unifies all things, it is the flame that consumes opposing currents.
Aurora is that Sun that pierces through the abysses of consciousness, it is the mysterious force of God that exorcizes all everything.
Aurora is the magnet that attracts Laws of healing and of forgiveness for the beings of the Earth.
Aurora is that shooting star that illuminates everything.
From Aurora emerges the Fount of reparation for terrestrial creatures, because Aurora works through love and redemption.
Aurora is not yet known or understood.
Aurora precedes the existence of this world. It comes from a special spiritual conception, this makes Aurora a sacred and immaculate place and all those who arrive at Aurora must open their hearts in order to be impregnated and radiated by it.
Aurora is that unknown Sun that eternally shines; it is the light which does not let the night happen; it is that fleeting flame that illumines the inner worlds.
All those who arrive at Aurora, simple of heart and pure of intention, are worked upon by this sacred Sun of Aurora.
Aurora has no limits, but it does have doors. It communicates from heart to heart and activates the inner senses, which are not human senses, to establish a communication between the consciousness and God.
Aurora is that Sun that concentrates principles, experiences, and results of high degrees of love that it holds within itself.
Aurora is born from a mystery, but vibrates like a musical note in the Universe, it awakens the will to serve and to live a sacrifice for others.
Aurora survives in this time because it lives love, and this makes it strong and persevering together with the warriors that are part of it.
Aurora forges the truth of the heart and repels the false. It takes in the sick and heals the miserable, frees the oppressed and removes the self-imprisoned from the abyss.
Aurora grants an intangible but long-lasting Grace. It accompanies the humble and strengthens the faith in the tepid of heart.
Aurora is transparency; it repels liars and imprisons manipulators.
Aurora is a concrete and fair Law, for this it was created.
Its essence is the Will-Power of God and its unbreakable spirit is infinite love.
Aurora is the path for the redemption of those who say “yes”.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I come to bring the Silence of God to the world, so that it may be felt, so that it may be received by hearts, by those who carry out the Work of God on this planet.
The Silence of God brings an important change for the souls of the world, especially for those who are still submerged in illusion and who cannot by themselves get out of it.
The Silence of God was what allowed the creation of the universes, of the celestial bodies, of the planets, of the suns, and of the stars.
From the Silence of God came the Divine Thought for all of Creation. From that Silence then came life, by the strength of the Breath of Spirit, who manifested essence, and then matter.
God thought of everything, of every detail, and took care of everything so that His children could be part of this Creation and could feel themselves to be participants in the fulfillment of a part of His Will, among so many humankinds, among so many universes, among so many galaxies.
But this Creation was to experience a great learning, which emerged long ago, in the Universe, with the Rebellion.
At that time, the Bearers of God had to decide, on the path of duality, for the good or for evil. And a weal, a wound, remained open. And the Silence of God, which regenerates life and consciousness, withdrew from the moment in which one of the Creator Parents did not obey the Source, nor the Laws of the Most High.
As from there, as from that universal Rebellion, the planet was chosen by the Father to carry out the maximum Project of Christic Love.
At that moment, the Silence of God withdrew into the deepest core of His Being and of His Existence. He thought, contemplated, and meditated on all the Creation, on all that already existed, to seek an answer to the great failure of the humankinds of the Universe.
Meanwhile, brave and unknown spirits wandered the stars like great angels of Light, carrying a message of Peace and being bearers of Peace that would unite all the Confraternity, in order to heal the wounds and erase the traces that were engraved in millions of consciousnesses that are here today, on this planet.
When God withdrew into His Silence and contemplated the Creation and the errors made by His creatures, was when the Shining Ones, the Elohim or the Helel, gathered before the Throne of the Creator to deliver a decision taken that, in truth, companions, was a petition of all the beings of Light, of all the angels, who sought a wise answer in Their Wisdom and Love.
That answer and that petition was the emergence of the Second Person of God, of His Beloved Son, so that the Spirit of Love-Wisdom should descend from what was most invisible of Spirit, into what was most material, and incarnate among the humankind of this world, carrying them into Redemption and into a learning of Love and of Forgiveness.
From that moment on, the Project of God and Creation were recreated. The Archangel Saint Michael, the Archangel Saint Raphael, and the Archangel Saint Gabriel committed to reaching humanity to prepare it for this great event of the Birth of Christ.
The Son of the Father, the bearer of Love-Wisdom, came as a Sun, brighter than all the suns, bringing in His Essence and Divinity the experience that humanity was to live, through His Birth, through His Public Life, and through His Death.
Even the most fallen spirits of this planet, during the existence of Christ over this humanity, learned and experienced redemption, the forgiveness of errors. And a cycle was closed in this way.
That is why Judas, the old apostle, was the before and the after for this humanity and this planet. It was he who offered himself, in his greatest ignorance and indifference, to recreate this Creation. Thus, as part of the human condition, he led the world to the school of forgiveness and of reconciliation. And although the fate of Judas was not very good, his Master and Lord, in spite of knowing of his betrayal, forgave him, as did His Mother Mary.
Why do I tell you this story today?
Because humanity does not yet know the essence of My Gospel and My Existence in this humanity.
From the Rebellion to the present, many errors continue to be made. That is why the manifestation of the Work of Mercy in all nations and in all peoples is so important. This is the last lifeline given to you by God, for all the creatures of this world.
A part of humanity was redeemed during the time of the Presence of the Lord. But another part has not yet been redeemed, which is this last civilization of the end time, which has a chance of experiencing redemption and forgiveness.
From the Silence of God came the Source of Love-Wisdom, which throughout time and the cycles gradually descended from plane to plane, until arriving here, with the Birth of the Messiah and Redeemer.
Humanity needed to have Love-Wisdom itself incarnate, so that it could understand, feel, and experience It. Otherwise, the redemption of the most resistant spirits who committed errors in former times would not have been possible.
This planet and this humanity are still the school chosen for the expression of Love-Wisdom between beings and souls. Until New Christs arise at the end of these times, this school of Love-Wisdom, of forgiveness, and of redemption will be open, so that souls can experience it and are able to learn how to love more every day, without conditions, just as their Master and Lord loved, the greatest outrages, the fearful indifference, the great errors of all of this as yet not redeemed race.
I still tell you this, companions, because I see in your hearts the potential of a Christ of the New Time, who must dare to be nothing more for themselves, but rather everything in the unconditional giving of self for others.
Through these last times, I have taken you by the hand to the experience in the school of Love-Wisdom. And just as it was in the ancient East, at this time My great desire and aspiration is that in the West a race of New Christs may emerge; of beings open of heart, of souls in offering; of tireless spirits at the service of the Plan of the Creator.
The Christs of the New Time, who will emerge from different religions and paths, and who will find themselves in the same state of consciousness and of vibration, are the last saints of the last days, who will prepare for the Return of Christ for the most difficult moment of humanity, which is already approaching.
You are part of the transition of that event. Your story of redemption and of love is being written in the Books of Love of the Lords of the White Vestments. If this story is concretized and finalized, an important event will take place, so that more consciousnesses can be participants in the Return of Christ, and the transfer of those consciousnesses to other dwelling places can be avoided.
My wish is that with your ardent heart, which I have seen during this Marathon, that ardent love that leads you into finding Love-Wisdom, may remain in you, especially in this cycle, where the tests will be greater and the challenges will be more unattainable. But whoever is in Love-Wisdom will be in Me, and My Father will be in you, so that He will always guide you on the path of Truth and of Love.
There are many things that humanity does not know about the Universe nor of Divine Existence. Today I have only told you of less than one percent. Imagine then, companions, how much history is written in the Mirrors of God and in all the Source from which emerges the life of essences, of souls, and spirits incarnated in this and in other worlds.
No longer think that this Earth, that this planet, is the only one that is alive, with a humanity. Open your consciousnesses to the infinity of the Universe and see that within it there exists much more life than it seems; that consciousnesses exist that love you and that you do not know they silently serve the Project of God, so that Creation, and in this case, the universes, remain in perfect equilibrium and harmony.
I invite you, in the spirit of joy and of motivation, to penetrate the Laws of the Universe, into that which is intangible and cosmic. Thus, one day you may have the wisdom and understanding that everything is part of a Hierarchy.
In this time, companions, obedience will be unpredictable. Obedience will also be a school for My apostles, because it will be the way of remaining in the Light, or far from it.
Obedience to God and His Plan are not restrictions or rules, nor laments or resistances. From the point in which one of the Creator Fathers disobeyed God, He decreed in this Universe the test of disobedience in all creatures, regardless of their evolution or awakening. You, with your commitment and adherence to My Merciful Heart, must help me to definitely defeat this duality, so that this local Universe may live the cycle, the cycle that awaits it, of being recreated as the Father thinks in His inner Silence.
That is why I will return to the world, in Glory, Light, and Power. And no one will be able to escape this so important event, in which laws, doorways, and sublime energies will be moved, so that the Solar Son may return to this humanity.
Each fulfillment of the Plan and its stage is vital. That is the significance of the importance of fulfilling My requests and with the convening of the Heavenly Hierarchy. This will give witness to the Father that it is possible to carry forward His Cosmic Aspiration, not only on this planet, but in the Universe.
And when the Return of My Glorified Heart comes to pass, many things will end. And as I have said, there shall not remain one stone upon another, but rather, triumphant hearts.
Each detail, each act of love, each prayer, as well as each charity that you offer, builds the Plan of the Father in this humanity, and activates through pulsations the Christs of the New Time.
My Purpose, My beloveds, is to create a cut in the time and space of the history of this Universe, so that it may be purified, transmuted, and liberated. And that as from My return to the world for the second time, the history of the redemption and the awakening of the New Christs to Christic Love is finally rewritten.
My Heart grieves for those who could not follow My Purpose and who today cannot hear this message, where I have revealed to you, with total openness, a small part of the history of this Creation, of this infinite life that calls you to an upliftment of consciousness, so that all races, all peoples, and all of this planet may rise up in plane and liberation and form part of the Confraternity.
I come to say this outside of My Church, which is spread throughout this Earth, so that many more hearts, regardless of their religion or their creed, may know that I Am Love-Wisdom, that I Am more than Jesus. I Am the Only Begotten, the Firstborn of the Father; the One announced by the lips of the Archangel Gabriel, to bring to the world the redemption and mercy of all creatures.
Today, as Prophet and Shepard of our Most High Father of the Universe, I come to expand the story of the Apocalypse. I come to expand what John has written in the book of Revelation, because as the Christs awaken and confirm themselves, history changes, and the possibilities of redemption in souls is visible and is concretized.
I invite you, companions, to persist in this new time that is coming, to endure the clashes, to transmute the interferences, and to suffer bravely the dissociations and the tests, knowing that My powerful and invincible Hand, that My glorified Ray, will be extended towards you, to always safeguard you, and help you in the face of each test.
For humanity to be worthy of a new opportunity, groups of souls in different parts of the world will, together with Me, offer to support this humanity, so that at least a quarter part of it is redeemed and will be what will repopulate the New Earth and will experience the beginning of a new and fraternal humanity.
Meanwhile, do not stop bearing with your hands the Sword of Fire that the Archangel Michael has given you, so that in battles, your prayers may be the great victors against evil and everything that dissociates the human mind.
May your Protective Shield, given by the Archangel Raphael, be faith, which will move events and will generate inexplicable opportunities in consciousnesses that even today you cannot imagine.
May your Helmet of Light, given by the Archangel Gabriel, be the protection of your wisdom and of your discernment, so that you always know what to do and where to be, when the Hierarchy convenes you to the great mission.
With all these testimonies of Creation, I come to bless those who today will take of the Sacrament, knowing that behind each Sacrament there is still a mystery that was not unveiled. Therefore, whoever lives a Sacrament with complete openness of heart, will unveil that mystery and will penetrate into the essence of Divine Existence.
Most High Father, Creator of all that exists, I ask you, in the name of Your Love-Wisdom and of Your Grace, to bless all these elements, so that they may serve as joy and fulfillment for the souls that cry out for Redemption. Amen.
Most High Father, Sovereign of Mercy, through the Sacrifice of Your Son, grant a reparation for the sins committed against Your Divine Heart and Your Plan of Love for this planet. May the souls who make use of this Sacrament vivify the Love-Wisdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Feel like you are sparks of Light of the Father in this moment, and no longer miserable beings, but rather, spirits that can, in Christ and through Christ, radiate love to all that exists and to all that vibrates, seeking as an aspiration to bring healing, love, and forgiveness to this planet and its humanity.
I am always glad when I can come back to Aurora, because here I can tell the world what I always want to say, and I do not have to take care of what I should say for souls and their awakening.
Aurora is that Light that sprang from the Source of the Creator Parents; the same Source that manifested the Second and Third Person of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
So, My brothers and sisters, you are facing a great mystery, full of love and of wisdom. Aurora is that Light that leads you to reconciliation and inner healing, and that makes you free beings forever.
When you want to find My Forgiveness, come here, to Aurora, for I will wait for you. And when you are not able to come, connect with Aurora, and in this way, you will be fully linked with Me.
I am grateful tonight for the offering of all your prayers and of all your songs. I have been filled with joy by the consoling voice of the souls that persist on the path of consecration.
May your voices, one day, be consoling for this world, which suffers and is ill.
May your voices never tire of proclaiming the Name of the Lord, because thus, the Lord will be with you and among you, bringing you Divine Life.
Withdraw into the Silence of God and everything will be healed. Commune of His Divine Silence and everything will be understood, even though it may have been unjust.
Do not suffer anymore.
Do not endure and retreat anymore.
Follow My Steps, contemplate My footprints, because where I lead you, no one will be able to lead you. Where I will take you, no one will be able to take you.
I was born of the Source of Love-Wisdom of God, so that you, as souls, may experience true Love.
May the consoling voice of souls be heard, and may the deepest wounds in souls be healed, so that the Love of the Father may be established in hearts.
I bless you, children, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for responding to My convocation. Amen.
Today your hearts will be forgiven and your lives will be renewed, because the Almighty is coming after His Son, to liberate the world from darkness and perdition.
He comes to assemble the spirits that have loved Him and have honored Him, who have given praises to His Name and to all of His Creation.
Today I am before your deepest miseries, but I come to seek your greatest love, that love that today you have unconditionally given Me and gifted Me, so that I might be here, among My own, to give you communion of My Body and of My Blood, of My Spirit and of My Divinity.
Today, the Father comes with His Kingdom, His angels and archangels, with His celestial choirs, to bless the first Blue Cross. And the Breath of the Spirit will come to souls and will ignite hearts with an unknown joy they have never lived before.
Just as the Gifts of God descended in the Cenacle over the apostles and Mary, today the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit assemble here to descend into your hearts and essences.
So, companions, it is a great moment of renewal and of joy, in which the past must be erased from your consciousnesses and minds, because yes, now I will be able to walk with those who are firm, with those who have learned to step out of tepidness and of lack of love.
Now I will be able to walk with those who are to be just, with those who learn to carry My Work forward, with those who have said yes to My Sacred Heart. In them I will not lay the cross of bitterness and of suffering, but rather the Cross of Emmanuel, which is the Cross of victory and of the upliftment of the human consciousness to the Kingdom of God.
Thus, your spirits will be uplifted and must believe, My companions, that your griefs will dissolve completely, as long as you give permission for this.
For this reason, with this tenderness that now flows out from My Heart, today I do not come to see the sinners but those who redeem themselves and those who tread the path of inner transformation every day.
Do not believe, companions, that you will gain Heaven while you are on Earth.
You have come here, as humanity, to learn to love and to forgive, to learn to live compassion and justice in each detail.
When this is achieved, all of humanity will be free from adversity and from sin, and the doors of the hells will close as many times as God has closed them through His Son and His Faithful Servant, as well as Saint Joseph.
Drink of this moment as a unique moment that will never be repeated again. To unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe and humanity is something grand that does not happen every day.
The Father does not descend to the world since I ascended to the Heavens. Imagine, companions, how much time has passed for this moment to come in which the merits of My Passion and of My Cross may be engraved in the radiance of the Blue Cross.
For this reason, today I have halted darkness and My adversary. Here present before your eyes is the manifestation of the Will of God and of His divine Purpose. And you, at this moment, companions, are being led to enter the spirit of Emmanuel, in which are to be found peace, harmony, healing, and the forgiveness of all of your mistakes.
To this is added the Light of Aurora and its divine Ray of Liberation, which today works silently without moving so many laws nor energies, except within consciousnesses and the hearts that open in order to find it.
See therefore, companions, how at this moment, the time of illusion is halted in a part of this planet and the Real Time of God enters, to make you feel in Its silence a unity with all of the Cosmos and with all of Universal Life.
For this, the Shining Ones, the Elohim, are the ones that open the doors between the planes, so that the Father may descend here with His Spirit.
The wind comes to clean the bad thoughts of the ungrateful, so that they do not affect you, but rather that the Breath of the Spirit of God may prevail over your consciousnesses in this moment.
In introspection and prayer, let us move to meet the Father and the blessing of the Blue Cross.
Follow Me.
Hear, Lord, the voice of Your people. Hear the voice of all this race, which today prostrates itself at Your Feet to praise You and glorify You.
Hear, Emmanuel, the voice of Your children and come to this world with all of Your Power and Splendor, so that the most impenetrable darkness may be dispelled, so that hearts may be liberated from the chains of perdition and of illusion and the Christs of the New Time may be established; those who will come from different parts of the world and will place themselves at the foot of Your Cross to await the coming of Your Son.
Let us listen to the Voice of the Father, who today is not only in the Heavens, but also here over Aurora, as the Wise Creator of all that exists, as the Father of Mercy and of Goodness, Who in His divine aspect of Emmanuel comes to His children to bless them with His redeeming and cosmic Light.
While the Heavens open before You, Beloved Lord, descend with Your Rays the power of Creation and of all divine manifestation, so that Your divine Thought may be fulfilled on this planet and souls may finally find the path of love and of reconciliation.
The Voice of the Eternal Father:
Beloved children, listen to Your Father.
I Am the beginning and I Am the end.
I Am that I Am and I come from the spiritual Universe to assemble you in My Love and in My Justice.
The seven Regent Angels who were convened, may they now descend and let the Cross be lit.
Today, the Father of Love blesses this symbol, which will unite the peoples and the nations; which will bring hope to the unredeemed and which will bring redemption to all evil, so that the Love of the Source may triumph; so that Truth and Justice may reign.
Beloved children, I love you and I wait for you with My Arms open so that My Beloved Son may bring you toward Me and you may be seated at the foot of My Throne together with the angels, so that we may sing Glory and Hallelujah.
While your guardian angels prostrate themselves on the ground, the deepest griefs are forgiven and by means of this Blue Cross, one more Purpose of God is fulfilled on the surface of this planet.
The Voice of Christ:
My children and companions, in order for the Light of Emmanuel to become visible among consciousnesses, let us intone His sacred Name, so that the angels may pour out the codes and the merits attained during My Passion and thus the doors to opportunities and to Graces may open for all souls that seek unity with the Father and Creation.
Today, together with you, I will sing the holy Name of Emmanuel.
All intone Emmanuel.
Feel your hearts freed from the past, from the restraints and from the perversions of life.
Feel your hearts full of the Light of Emmanuel and commune of the Father, Who is here today with His divine Consciousness to bring Peace to this world and also the Fount of His Compassion.
And now, let us call out the Names of God, so that the Regent Angels, who were appointed by the Universe, may fill this Cross with the codes of the Divinity of His Beloved Son.
All intone the holy Names of God: Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, Eli Eli, Yahve, Shekinah, Elohim, El Shaddai, Yod He Vaud He.
May this renewal bring to consciousnesses the expansion of their paths, in consecration and in faith, the entry through the doors of Mercy to the Kingdom of Emmanuel so that they may always learn to live and to fulfill His Will no matter how small it may be.
I have asked this night that a prayer be recited, which synthesizes the expression of all of the Work of the Father in this Universe and on this planet. A prayer that you will hear through uniting your hearts to God in this moment.
I bless you, under the Powerful Light of Emmanuel opening in this Sacred Center the descent of His divine Spirit so that souls may find Him within themselves.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First Message
My Silence also speaks for God, and tonight I reveal My Five main Wounds to pour out My Blood upon the righteous, upon those who persevere and make My Name worthy while some of Mine put on their sandals to follow their own paths and set themselves apart from Me.
Today I offer My Agony for those who are still here, and by My side.
And if you have trusted in Me until now, I can only tell you, companions, that someday you will find Me and on that day, you will remember that everything I have said has not been in vain.
Do not suffer for those who defeat themselves.
Love for those who do not love, have charity for those who do not serve and
be merciful for those who outrage My Sacred Heart.
Everything that I have given to Mine, will someday return to the Father and nothing will be wasted.
Therefore, who does not know how to take care of My Treasures must ask Me for sincere and open help, so that I can intercede; while that does not happen, there will be no way to convert the impure into pure, there will be no way to transform what is resistant into flexible.
Everything is part of a Law, and if the world comes out of the Law to live its own will, it will suffer the Law, because the Law is for generating justice, equality and sovereignty.
No one can transgress the Laws of My Father as if nothing had happened.
I have the permission to forgive and to absolve, but I do not have the permission to allow injustices or rebelliousness.
Because, who has not been worthy of carrying My Treasures, where will he end up? Who will lead him? And how will he survive?
The divine energy that I pour out is never wasted nor is it used in vain.
Human beings believe they know everything and laugh, perhaps, at My Words and at My Requests, but remember, My companions, that everything that I tell you from time to time has already been thought by God.
That is why a large part of humanity does not accept to live My Will, because it knows that it must die to its own will someday and that will be the great moment to take the great step in love and in evolution.
Today I have not come to dedicate this message for those who have been unrighteous or rebellious.
Today I came here to be with you and with those who without understanding anything at all, live My Call and trust blindly.
If Judas once betrayed Me, couldn’t human beings by any chance betray Me for the second time?
History repeats itself again and it is painful to be able to see it.
No one can hide from this truth, I only ask you to learn how to die to yourselves, so that your inner enemies do not condemn you, as some have already been condemned before entering the eternal life, remaining without it.
But nothing will remain without being solved, companions, because, just as I Am a God of Mercy, I Am a God of Justice. And the Justice of God is full of the Love of the Father; but it cannot be judged nor can it be tempted by any creature of this planet.
Today I carry over My Head the Crown of Thorns to represent, on this day, the flagellation that I live for the ungrateful and for the proud of heart.
If My Love has not yet been able to reach them, teach to all of them, My children, that they may reach My Love, before it is too late for souls to repent.
Today I come as the God of Justice and of Sovereignty, without ceasing to pour out My Divine Mercy.
So that I can renew you, you must die to yourselves, and this is achieved with the obedience and the trust that many do not want to live today; that is why they suffer, that is why they become disturbed and do not find the way out.
But those to whom I have given everything, because I have chosen them, must report to the Celestial Father someday.
I repeat, companions, the celestial energy is not to be wasted, nor is it to be outraged.
I want you to repair My Heart for those who lie, for those who distance themselves from Me and reject Me, for those who are ignorant and are blind, for those who do not believe in the love of the heart nor in the regeneration of life, for those who turn their backs on Me, for those who make Me suffer and embarrass Me by wearing their sandals to abandon Me.
But today I tell you that I already knew all of this, from the Gethsemane Garden to the Cross.
Judas handed Me over so that I could love the world in its most mortal and human condition.
Today I revive My Celestial Church in those who are blessed, in those who honor My Name and My Gospel, living it every day, despite imperfections and doubts.
Today I would like that an unconditional love arose within your hearts, able to overcome all tests, all indifferences and all obstacles.
I do not want you to be better than the others, but more humble than those who are humble and do not know it.
God pours out His Grace for those who are the most miserable, this is why I choose the most imperfect ones to be able to serve Me and fulfill My Work, to the point that My Presence and My Heart forge the liberation of resistances and of everything that is archaic.
When that moment comes, companions, do not give up, and repeat as many times as necessary: “Jesus, I trust in You”.
And thus, an inexplicable door of liberation will open, and your hearts will be relieved and there will no longer exist fear because you will have trusted in the Name of the Lord.
I come here to celebrate this reencounter with Aurora and leave behind those who have profaned My Name and have dirtied It with their examples and their words.
I come here, to Aurora, to give honor to My Father, Emmanuel, so that He descends again with His Ray of Liberation and of Healing on all the souls that participate in the blessing of the Blue Cross.
I will especially come to bless it on the 5th, at night, when you have already prayed during all day to My Merciful Heart.
And I have called seven regent angels, so that they may deposit in the Holy Cross the seven powers of the Redemption for the souls:
First, repentance.
Second, introspection.
Third, forgiveness.
Fourth, inner healing.
Fifth, reconciliation.
Sixth, inner transformation.
Seventh, inner transfiguration.
These seven powers will descend upon the Blue Cross when it is contemplated as the Victory of Emmanuel on Earth and for the re-consecration of the Marian Centers to the Plan of the Creator.
Emmanuel will come to see the union and the congregation of His children during this day, and thus, He will grant an expiation to Uruguay and to the Southern Cone.
And those who prostrate themselves before the Cross will be forgiven because the Father, who is in Heaven, waits for the great love of His children, for the great trust of His creatures, for the reparation of all the sinners.
Rejoice your hearts, because a new cycle will begin under the universal banner of the Cross of Emmanuel.
Blessed will be those who believe in His Power because they will defeat the sieges, and the adversary will lose the millions of souls it has conquered, because the Holy Cross, once it is lit up, will call to the essences in Aurora and at the other Marian Centers where the Cross of Our Eternal Father is raised.
Unhappy will be those who are not here today for this great event, because if only they had trusted, their ties would have been liberated and their debts would have been forgiven.
The Trust of God is conquered with the love from the heart and not from the mind.
The mind is a means to carry forward the Plan of God, but not to direct it nor to concretize it.
If the love is not in your hearts you cannot live the Plan of God; do not try to, because you will fail, as some have failed.
Those who have put on their sandals and have moved away from Me are written on the last page of My Sacred Book; there will not remain stone over stone, this is no longer a theory.
May the souls repent before the time of great tribulation!
Woe to those who turn their backs on Me! because they will remember, vividly, all that they no longer have, because they have lost the state of Grace and have come out of the guidance of My Hand.
But, trust, because everything will be redirected and those who can no longer be here, will be in other dwelling places to learn how to love, from the beginning.
Those who have denied Me will know the Gift of the Fear of God and when this Gift descends, in a short time, everything will be consummated.
Celebrate for those who are alive of heart and pray for those who are dead of spirit.
Because the legacy I give to those whom I have called cannot be wasted nor altered.
Meanwhile, hold onto the Blue Cross of Emmanuel, because this way you will not only help Me carry with the world and humanity, but your hearts and lives will rise by the wings that It expresses in union to the Father.
May this Marathon be dedicated as a greater surrender for those who offended Me, for those who hurt Me, for those who dirty My Name.
And with all your prayers and supplications, I will be able to say to the Father, as I said on the Cross before expiring:
“Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.
Forgive them, Father, because they do not live You nor feel You;
because they do not call You nor beg You, with humiliation and renunciation.
Forgive them, Father, and place them in Your Kingdom so that, someday, they may be Your worthy children.
While My Wounds hurt by the nails of the ungrateful, My Heart is relieved with the cry of the righteous.
And thus, everything is recreated, everything is transformed, and the souls participate of the communion with My Spirit.
May in this Marathon be revived the commitment of My soldiers with My Sacred Heart; may their heads, feet and hands, be washed and purified by the Water of Life, so that the unconditional donation of self, and the service to the fellow human beings and to the Kingdoms of this planet sprout in their hearts.
Father of Humility and of Love,
Lord of Mercy and of Justice,
I offer Your this Sacrament in the name of those who still follow Me and persist,
so that, by the means of Your Grace and Your Wisdom,
My armies, My soldiers and My companions fulfill the future of a new and fraternal humanity.
So be it. Amen.
Like all the times I meet with you so that you revive Me, feel Me and listen to the vibration and the power of My message, in this spirit of reparation and of consolation, I wish to listen to a song, so that My Wounds of the Feet, of the Hands and of My Side can close and I too, as an apprentice of the Work of the Creator, revive what the Father once showed Me at the Gethsemane Garden, when the future generations, when all My followers, would make My Project worthy on this planet.
“Christ is You”. (Song requested by our Lord).
This is My request for your inner Christs and for those who are not here today among us.
I bless you and prepare you for a Marathon of internalization and reconfirmation of vows; so that you may have the world know that there exists a Blue Cross that descends as a Project on Earth to save the most lost souls.
Blessed are those who cry because they will be comforted.
Blessed are those who persist because they will be strengthened.
Blessed are those who trust because they will have wisdom.
Blessed are those who love because they will know the Kingdom of God.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Let the healing and redeeming current of Aurora enter into the depths of your being, so that unknown after-effects of the consciousness may be erased by the stream of the Aurora of love and of forgiveness.
When you open your heart to this mystery, it must first enter within you, so that it can then be revealed, and this knowledge may become a part of you.
Thus, when you are in Aurora, Aurora is within you, and there is nothing or anybody that can break this inner communion with the Essence of Healing for souls.
Always be grateful for being in Aurora, because it can make of you a new being, filled with the principles of redemption and of forgiveness.
Let the unknown Aurora always be in you, even if you believe it is not possible. It is active when the human heart and soul simply open to receive this powerful divine energy.
Receive, then, this balm of the Aurora of Love, and may all the spiritual unredeemed after-effects dissipate in order that the Principle which is Aurora be able to cause the principle of your conception to be reborn.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and abandon your concepts
Stay, My child, with your Heavenly Mother, by Her side, accompanying each step of Her Work of Maternity and Mercy, and abandon all your concepts.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and let the Universe of God Itself work in you, and not that you work in the Universe.
Abandon all your concepts, ideas and projects of wanting to improve a destiny which is already written in the Heart of God.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and accompany Me, My child, in each new mission, divested of your creeds or opinions.
Let My Son empty you like a wineskin, so that He can fill you with His Peace and His Will.
Abandon, at this moment, all your concepts and intentions of perfecting things.
Encourage yourself to live beauty, first in the dignity of the spirit, so that it may later reflect itself in matter.
Stay, My child, with your Heavenly Mother, so that in this new year which will begin you abandon your old customs, your living habits that do not build unity nor love.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother so that I can indicate to you the just path, and not for you to choose where to walk.
Trust fully in everything that is not within reach of your consciousness or your reality.
Accept, My child, the first step, which will be healing your life and your human consciousness, so that later the heart can be cured and everything can be healed.
Remove, with My help, the hatred and the resentment from your interior, no longer see that everything is degraded around you, submerge yourself within your true reality and you will see that you must first divest of yourself so that, finally, the world as a whole, can divest itself.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and no longer place your gaze upon the defects, but upon the virtues and the loving efforts of your fellow beings.
Life is very beautiful, only the human being can obscure it or make it shine, according to its intentions.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and you will take steps in true love.
Do not go backwards, anymore.
Advance your path to be able to meet the Lord.
Allow, My child, that the Father show you His Will, and defeat your own.
Let you wounded heart open so that the Rays of My Heart may heal you.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and no longer make hasty decisions.
Open internally to the guidance and the Instruction that Heaven sends you, thus you will be a new soul, thus you will be a spirit at the service of unity and love.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and accept reality.
No longer force your accomplishments. No longer submit your brothers and sisters according to your pleasures or beliefs.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother so that your inner child may express itself and step out of the constant silence in which it is found.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and the doors to Love will open.
Listen to My Words with gratitude and the hate within you will disappear.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother, and you will not suffer.
The Kingdom of God is being fulfilled, even though it does not seem so.
Stop suffering unnecessarily. Stop embittering your heart with everything that no longer has meaning and, for this to be possible, you must surrender yourself, empty and humble, meek and peaceful, thus the Holy Spirit will find a path to be able to act.
Stay with your Heavenly Mother and I assure you that you will not recognize yourself, as long as your surrender is honest and crystalline.
Allow the blindfolds of mirage and illusion fall from your eyes so that you may soon see reality.
Allow, beloved child, that the love your fellow beings and the Love of God heal your agony.
May you live a year in the Lord and not in the world.
May everything be redeemed within your being so that you may fulfill what God wants.
Finally, I ask you, My child: be free from yourself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Forgive Betrayal, Love Your Enemies
Dear children,
This Christmas, with the Light of Jesus having been born within your hearts, may your lives and consciousnesses take a new step in order to finish yet another stage in the learning of love and forgiveness that the planet offers you.
Love your enemies so that someday you can forgive their betrayals.
Children, may this same inner fortitude of love be built within you, that which My Son lived and experienced upon this planet, knowing that He was born in this humanity in order to redeem it and save it from all its evils.
For this reason, love your enemies, and you will be able to forgive their betrayals.
Jesus, knowing that He incarnated to die for all His brothers and sisters who would betray Him, time and time again, did not cease to love His enemies, just as the Father had asked of Him.
Love your enemies and someday you will be able to forgive all their betrayals.
It is a big step, during this Christmas, to transcend the pain of having been betrayed or subjected to something for some reason.
It is a Christic and conscious step, to live a Higher Love above all that has taken place.
Love your enemies and you will be able to forgive all their betrayals.
Each soul of this Earth is called upon to submerge into the Ocean of the Love of God to banish within themselves their own Judas that tries to compromise the spiritual life of the disciples of Christ.
The sure and full step is to surrender to love, to trust, and to let yourselves be guided by the Light of the Divine Messengers at each new step.
Thus, each soul on this Earth, in due time, will learn to love more and be able to forgive all betrayals that their own inner Judas may have managed to make or commit.
Love your enemies, and someday you will be able to forgive all their betrayals.
We live this Christmas of the Lord to confirm to the Universe our next steps in this journey of learning how to love what we could never love and to learn to forgive what we could never forgive.
It is an important and Christic step in the spiritual life to love our enemies, so that someday you may learn to forgive them, like Christ forgave after all He lived until the Cross.
Thus, the times have changed, and the doors of the Universe of the Love of God will open to offer the disciples of Christ to love their enemies more in order to be able to forgive all their betrayals and actions.
At this Nativity of the Lord, may humanity grow in the living experience of the School of Love, but now, transcending all offenses, betrayals and deceptions that a fellow being, or a brother or sister, may have caused us, so that, in trust and in faith, the disciples of Christ may enter through the greater door to the school of learning to love their enemies so that the Father, Who is merciful, may forgive them for their betrayals.
The time has come to live the Parable of the Prodigal Son, imitating the Father of Divine Justice and Mercy, deciding to go through new Christic experiences on the path of love and of an unconditional spirit.
May this Sacred Christmas of the Lord inspire us and give impulse to the inner Christs who were born to live Higher Love for their enemies so that, as you were, they may be forgiven of all betrayals.
These are the patterns of life for a new humanity which must first be spiritually constituted and formed.
I encourage you, as Jesus was, to love your enemies so that someday they may receive an opportunity, as you received directly from Christ.
Be willing to take steps in the Christic life of Love and Wisdom.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Star of Bethlehem shone in the highest and deepest Skies, announcing to the world the arrival of a new and last opportunity of redemption.
Those who looked to the firmament and found it, like a heart that pulsates in Infinity, followed its steps and arrived where the Voice and the Will of the Celestial Father called them.
The silence of the Star of Bethlehem keeps its profound and unfathomable mystery.
The hearts can follow it, because it reflects in the Sky, as within those who open to its signs.
By following the Star of Bethlehem, reach the Portal of humility, of poverty of self, of mystery, of emptiness. There you will be able to find what I have been gestating for each one of My children.
Follow to the Portal of the humility of Bethlehem, which you keep within. There, I will wait for you with the whole Universe, in the Presence of your Creator Father, to give birth to a new being, to a new time.
Infinite Grace, My children, is to open up to the Mystery of the Nativity of your Lord, when the memory of the forgiveness of human sins once again forgives and cleans the hearts of the human beings who open, at least a little bit, to the Path of Redemption.
Infinite Grace is the Nativity of your Lord, when the memory of the surrender and of the humility of God gives the human beings the possibility of surrendering and of treading a new path, where vanities, lies and pride will be left outside, for the Cave of Bethlehem is so small and simple, that nothing but the Humility of God and of His servants fits in.
Unfathomable Grace is the Mystery of the Nativity of your Lord, when before the living memory of the moment in which the whole Creation stopped to contemplate the Earth, once again the Creator detains the attention of Infinity, so that, no matter how small the opening of souls may be, His Mercy can flood the hearts.
Few know the true Grace of the Nativity of the Lord.
Few know everything that their God and Creator realizes in the invisible of this world and in the depth of souls, when the hearts let themselves be touched by the purity of this moment.
The Birth of Christ, just as his eternal memory, My children, is still an unfathomable mystery for the hearts of the world, but in order to live it it suffices that you allow your hearts to be touched by His Purity, washed by His Mercy and renewed by the sacred humility that is kept in this moment, so holy and unique, for the whole of Creation.
Heavens and the Earth detain themselves to contemplate the Nativity of the Lord, because since God became flesh among humans, an unknown Grace is lived in the whole of Creation.
There, children, God began a Plan of redemption that is still to be fulfilled and that, year after year, is renewed for the Earth, through the hearts that believe in this mystery and who, without understanding it, open to receive its Graces.
Today I will ask you to pray.
Pray for those who do not believe in the essence of Christmas, who forget the true meaning of humanity uniting to celebrate.
Pray for those who are lonely, abandoned and unhappy, for not knowing God, for not opening to His infinite Love and, more than that, My children, for not having anyone on Earth to give them the gift of being truly loved.
Pray for the wars that do not stop before this celestial event, and let the Graces that you receive today, for opening the doors to God, reach the four corners of this world.
Pray so that the ones who made a commitment with Christ since the beginning can strengthen and renew themselves in His humility and in His surrender, through the merits of the Birth of the Lord among the human beings.
And pray, My children, so that just as you celebrate the joy of the Birth of Christ, you one day celebrate the Greater Grace of His Return, and be ready for this moment, because it will arrive soon.
I love and bless you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
May the Light of Aurora shine again today, within you; may the warriorlike fire of redemption again emerge from your spirits.
May the blazing flame of Healing of Aurora become activated in your souls so that, through your surrender and sacrifice, the nation of Uruguay may again be considered a rescuable nation.
May the soldiers of Aurora, who return together with their Heavenly Mother, awaken today to celebrate the victory of the Plan of God.
May the doors to planetary healing open and may the divine breath of the Fire of Aurora illuminate the spaces.
Today, may all the swords be given up for respite and may the banners of the Peace of Aurora declare the moment of peace, because everything will be reconfigured, everything will be transformed.
May the disciples of Aurora enter the Kingdom of Love, free of themselves and divested of their forms, so that the Stellar Aurora may completely impregnate them and bring them renovation and peace.
Hail, Aurora of My Heart, because in your invisible silence you redeem all things!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I have come from Heaven to bring you My Peace and My Hope.
This is a reason for My Joy on seeing so many children that are being consecrated to My Heart, to have My plan triumph in the world, which are the Plans of God, in this humanity and on this planet.
Today I open the doors of the Heavens for each one of you, My children, so that you can enter, in consciousness and in devotion, the Great Kingdom of Fatima that waits to awaken the original purity in you.
You know, My children, that Europe has need of this purity. This purity must be in all the hearts that live here, so that the Work of My Son can continue forward.
Do not get tired, dear children, of listening to My words, for today I bring you the sign of My star of Light, the star that indicates the new time in humanity and that I once made appear in Fatima, at the foot of My Mantle.
This star indicates that the time of the purification of hearts is coming, so that, clean of every stain, you can be able to enter into the Kingdom of God and never again be separated from the truth that dwells in the higher worlds.
Dear children, today I finish My pilgrimage through Europe. And from this moment on, I will be sowing a new cycle when I return here once again, to embrace you and console you, so that your hearts may definitely be healed and apply for this Redeeming Work that My Son offers to each human heart.
In the same way, dear children, that I am united to each one of you and, through My words, am preparing your true consecration, I am united to each of My children of the world, to each light that emerges from each Marian Center and that unites to My Heart in this moment, so that My Work can spiritually expand in the world, and in this way, in all the souls that most need it.
It is in this way, dear children, that through your souls and hearts, I am weaving this Light Network that is expanding throughout the continents of this planet, to reinforce the alliance of hearts with God and so with His Divine Purpose, which I come to lovingly offer to each one of you today.
Extending My Hands to you, I again pour out My Graces, just as I poured them out in Argentina, a Grace for each one of you; what you most need in this life and for this spiritual path that I invite you to experience with Me, through prayer and the faith that your hearts must profess today, as the greatest testimony of love of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart here in Portugal and in Europe.
I come to this city once again to tell My hearts, My little children, who have already been initiated in this spiritual task for so many years, that you must renew, that you must take the step, so that many more souls can approach here; and that not only Portugal may receive the Grace of My Heart, but all the souls that are in Europe, waiting for this awakening, for that definite step, which they came to experience in this incarnation.
It is in this way, My dear children, that My star of Light rests at the foot of My Mantle and reveals that sign to all.
The New Christs must wake up, be the new legionnaires of the Lord, live His Word, His Testimony of Love, His Purpose in each one of you. It is in this way that you will transmit to the whole planet this spiritual impulse that I bring you today through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, the hour has come for you to sign that spiritual document in the sacred book of My Heart, where your names have been written since a long time ago, so that, together with Me, united with Christ, your Lord, we may accomplish this Redeeming Work of the end of times.
I need you to leave your homes to seek the hearts that are most in need of Light; I need you to be My arms and My hands in this hour, to carry forward this Work of the Redemption of souls.
Your hearts are full of instructions, for you have received them over the years, through My faithful Son, whom I brought for you, so that you would be able to grow inwardly and learn to live in brotherhood.
Dear children, do what I ask and you will not repent (regret it). Souls must draw even closer to My Heart, to be the light in these times of darkness. For this reason, I bring and present this purpose to you, a divine purpose in the Eyes of God, which must be accomplished by each one of you.
It is thus, dear children, that My Work will not only be in the Americas, but also beyond Europe, for I wish to reach the hearts of Asia, of the Far East, who need My Voice, an Embrace, My Consolation, My Heart, My Light, to be able to continue walking in this crucial time of the planet.
You have that commitment, dear children, as European consciousnesses, to open the doors for those hearts that are so far away.
It will be the language of your hearts, the love of your spirits and souls that will open the doors for all those hearts, for there are still, dear children, many souls that must deeply know Me.
I am not only the Virgin Mary, I am the Mother of the world, I am the Greater Governor, I am the one Who rules your lives and souls, I am the shepherdess that leads the flocks of My Son toward the Temple of the Heart.
That is why I am here today, renewing your vows before leaving for the Americas, to meet all My children and unite all the hearts of South America and of the world at the Marian Center of Aurora, where the ninth year will be experienced with everyone, the anniversary on which My Consciousness definitively came into your lives.
Nine cycles will be completed and new doors will open so that hearts may be guided toward their purpose.
My wish, dear children, is that you accompany Me in this great summons that I am issuing for you to be with Me at the Marian Center of Aurora, receiving a little more inner healing for your spirits, for all your peers, for all the consciousness of the planet, which so needs servants of peace, warriors of My Heart, who in their forbearance, may achieve redemption.
Opening the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, I congregate hearts in the Love of God and all those who join this moment, so that in this beloved Europe, peace may be experienced and professed as the purpose for these times.
Today I come as the Lady of the Great Star, to show you My Sign of Light that is still to be revealed in the simple hearts that lovingly follow My steps, with the living of prayer, of Peace, of Service, and of Love. An absolute love that fills you, renews you, redeems you, that uplifts you to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
I am that Lady of the Great Star, who brings to all the revelation of the Universe, of the true Consciousness, the One Consciousness of your Father that is still not known to the world.
Fatima is a preparation for that moment. I thus bring continuity to My Work in this time.
After having opened the doors in Medjugorje, here, dear children, I bring continuity to My spiritual Work so that souls may be consistent with God, and just as I have requested throughout time, through various visionaries, humanity may be able to accomplish what in truth it came to do, so that the New Humanity may be born.
It is through the children who are being consecrated today, just as those who have already consecrated themselves through the apparitions, month after month, time after time and cycle after cycle; I thus institute, dear children, the seeds of the New Humanity that will sprout in the next time. This is the sign that My great star brings, the promise that will, at last, be fulfilled in each one of My children, as long as you are consistent with all that I request of you.
You, dear children, are part of My celestial and worldly Work. You are pieces of this great puzzle that I come to put together again in the world, after My adversary destroyed it.
I come to concretize the true purpose for your souls in your lives, the task that you must carry out with Me in this universal summons that I issue for all today.
And this moment that you share with My Immaculate Heart will also serve for those who will be consecrated in the future, taking on their faithful commitment to Me to make all efforts to accomplish My designs, to accomplish the Will of our God, of the Most High Father.
On this tree I leave the presence of My Love for all the Kingdoms of Nature. Here I leave the sign, on this small tree, that the Kingdoms must be revered and that they also need your prayers.
You, dear children, as a single race, are here and have been here up to this time, in this planet so loved by us, because the Younger Kingdoms have generated that Grace for all.
You know that they greatly suffer the consequences of human actions, the destruction, the blasphemy, everything that humankind does against their evolution. And even so, dear children, they continue to give of themselves because of you and for you until the end of times, until My Son returns.
Tell the unjust human beings not to destroy Nature, to take care of the Kingdoms, that they do not assassinate the whales.
They, dear children, are destroying the evolution of the Creation of God and that is one of My profound pains because of the lack of consciousness, above all because of the lack of love.
Tell all of Europe, and beyond it, to take care of the Younger Kingdoms, to sow codes of light through service to each one of them. In that way, on the day of the final Judgment, you will not be judged because the Mercy of My Heart will have acted.
Have you asked yourselves at some time, dear children, why do I long so much to be over the trees? I leave you this symbol to meditate upon.
A tree represents the Wisdom of God and you, as unconscious human beings, destroy that spiritual wisdom that the Plant Kingdom reveals to the world.
Many of those who are not here today, who were forerunners of that destruction throughout time, became aware of all this after having left the Earth.
I pray for them, for the souls of purgatory, so that they may reach the Light of the Celestial Kingdom.
Let yourselves, dear children, not follow the same paths. Warn all hearts, mainly the most unjust, that they are in time to change their attitude.
The whales cry because of the consequences of humankind. Remember that I Am the Mother of the world, Mother Nature.
And when Nature is destroyed by humankind, you are destroying My Consciousness. But My Love, which is more infinite, powerful than all the errors of the world, brings the Grace of awakening your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters for this magnificent Work of Redemption of the hearts of all the beings of the Earth.
Let us pray.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
One more.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms. Amen.
Remember that the whales are the mother consciousness for the planet. In their original purity and their innocence, they embrace all the beings of the Earth; because they balance the oceans, and also all the mental consciousnesses. Remember this instruction.
And now, dear children, together with My angels, let us celebrate this moment of consecration for taking on this commitment to Me, to be carriers of My Peace and of My Grace for all of humanity that needs it so much.
And thus, I will bless the sacred objects you have brought to My Altar so that they may be given to those who most need them. In this way, you will work on your detachment, because My Grace will fill you beyond the objects.
Be merciful, as the Father is Merciful with you.
Carry peace to all those who need it and do not forget that a fellow being must be first in your lives.
Let those who will be consecrated today as "Children of Mary" come here.
While the doors are still opening, sing the hymn of your consecration.
Flowers of light are poured out...
Three Hail Marys...
My very dear children, today I leave the Grace of My Heart so that it may take shape in your lives as the greatest testimony of your change and as a response of your hearts to the call of My Son, Jesus Christ.
By the authority the Father has granted Me and from all the choirs of Lys with all the angels of Heaven, I bless each one of your hearts and families, establishing peace and the good in each one of My children, the renewal and hope of all the hearts of Europe, so that you may fulfill the purpose of following the path toward your freedom and redemption at the moment when My Son returns, glorious and victorious among the clouds.
I place My hand over your heads, praying to My Son.
I thank you for responding to My summons and for being carriers of the celestial peace that it is possible to live in these times.
I love you, bless you, and embrace you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
And now, being consecrated, proclaim this hymn in union with all the "Children of Mary" in the four corners of this world.
Go in peace.
I thank you for having helped Me to fulfill this pilgrimage and remember that I promise to return, when God so decides.
I thank you!
Message for the anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje
My dear and beloved children,
Today, from Europe, I hope My celestial voice will be heard.
The bells of the cosmos ring the melody of celebration and peace without ceasing because the Plan of your Celestial Mother, of the Queen of Peace, is still present in the hearts of the world.
I hope that today the door to consciousness and wisdom opens. Therefore, on this day, in which the Marian Center of Medjugorje shines with peace, I would like all My children of the world to value, with all their hearts, the magnitude of the celestial Work of their Holy Mother.
My children, upon awakening to the reality and truth of these times, you have more possibilities of accompanying the changing of the times, which are now at the doors of your lives.
Dear children, today I hope that a small part of Medjugorje, from the Sanctuary of Peace to the world, which has been alive for thirty- five years, can have a primary place within your hearts because, in this way, you will allow God and His Kingdom to enter within you and the Divine Plan may triumph.
Dear children, today your Mother contemplates all of humanity with Merciful eyes because the hour has arrived for the hearts to awaken to the mission they came to fulfill.
In each place that I appear, I establish a portal to the universe, a path where souls can travel to, to reencounter God, the Celestial Father.
This divine manifestation of the Portal of Peace, which I establish in each Marian Center, has to be assisted and sustained by each praying heart.
It is the prayer and devotion of the true hearts that allow, as in Medjugorje, the Presence of My beloved Son to remain alive.
It is the mission of each prayer group, and especially of the praying Light-Network to sustain the epicenters of the Communities and of the Marian Centers.
It is the spiritual responsibility of your whole work group to protect, help, collaborate, serve and donate for the evolution of the Islands of Salvation of the Marian Centers and of the Light-Communities, because the time will arrive, a time that is not so far away, in which these places will be shelters for you from all spiritual adversity and from material chaos.
The continuity of the Marian Center of Aurora is the commitment and mission of all Uruguayans, as well as the responsibility of all brothers and sisters in the Southern Cone.
The continuity of the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of the Child King is the commitment and mission of the Brazilians, just like the existence of the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit and its Community is the commitment of all of Argentina, because My commitment with you over the past few years has never been altered.
Therefore, with constancy, charity and love, your Heavenly Mother meets you in prayer and devotion every 13 and 25 of each month, just like for thirty-five years My Presence has been continuous in Medjugorje.
I lovingly ask, dear children, that in these critical times, in which the servers of Christ are needed, you may make a little more effort and get out of the comfort that has been installed in the consciousness, which has lead you to stop collaborating actively with the Prayer Centers, centers consecrated by the Celestial Universe.
Dear children, My purpose is to tell you the truth, because I love you and there is no longer time to lose in the superficialities of spiritual life.
The triumph of your lives will be in sacrifice and in love for this suffering planet in redemption.
Imitate My Son and follow Him so that, in this way, I can pray for you.
The Marian Centers are not only sources of Graces that all will seek month after month, the Marian Centers must be the essence of your transformation and rescue.
Children, it is time to give and to turn out the pockets that are full, it is time to experience fraternity and charity with the neighbor, thus, you will be forging the new sacred family of humanity.
I love you and I want you to see the truth so that the Plan finally ceases to be a fantasy in the background. The times are of emergency, blessed and holy will be those who believe it to be so.
From Medjugorje, today I give you My holy maternal blessing, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding and for accompanying My message!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In this month of May is celebrated in Fatima the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, and all My children of the world are invited to make the Heart of Your Mother triumph in the life of each being of this planet.
At the same time, Aurora starts in May to emerge in the profound silence of its invisible Kingdom and, without noticing it, the hearts participate of a very special moment. Happy are those who are here today following without delay the redemptive Work of My Son, because the moment has come of the great correspondence of the hearts to the Plan of God.
So, dear children, this is how two important events manifest themselves in the world: first, the awakening of Aurora in each heart that has responded to the call and the summoning at the Marian Center of Aurora. Second, the congregation of souls in Fatima during May for this great moment in which humanity will remember and commemorate My arrival in Fatima to bring peace.
Now that everyone is invited to define their path for the Plan or for the common planetary life, the Lord calls you to respond to the call that comes from the Universe to try to save what is left over from this humanity.
During May you will prepare yourselves for what will come and that heart that is awakened will be able to recognize that it is necessary to respond and to comply with all the requests of the Divine Messengers at the right time.
Ask, in prayer, for capacity and interior wisdom to be able to correspond to what God demands, now this will be your duty.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to the real need of these times,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Times for definitions of the Plan
Dear children,
At the request of My Son on this day of definition, I wish to inform you about a sacred decision that Christ has taken based on all that the Universe observed as unfavorable and extreme for the Work of the Celestial Hierarchy.
It is for this reason, children, that Your Heavenly Mother descends today from the Universe in order to transmit that My Son has established that the meeting of the Sacred Week should take place at the Marian Center of Figueira, from the 20th to the 27th of March of 2016.
This sacred decision that Christ received from the Celestial Father is due to the noticeable needs that must be attended to by all those who are part of the Work of the Divine Messengers and by those who, month after month, receive all Graces.
The Celestial Hierarchy is calling all pilgrims to cooperate in the Work that in this case is carried out by Association Mary and the Monastery of the Sacred Mission, which are responsible for the divine Message reaching all hearts on Earth.
In consensus with the Celestial Father, My Beloved Son has lovingly communicated to Me the issues that would prevent the meeting of the Sacred Week from taking place at the Marian Center of Aurora, realities that would not favor the Work that Christ has spiritually scheduled for this special week.
For this, My Son has asked Me to declare to you the spiritual and material reasons for the transfer of the Sacred Week to the Marian Center of Figueira:
1. The lack of human resources, which is to say, the requirements and the overburdening that the members of Association Mary, Mary Mercy TV, and the Monastery of the Sacred Mission are experiencing at this time.
2. The inability of the responsible group of supporting themselves mentally and psychically because of the streams of transmutation, and especially because of the preparation of all the details of the meeting, given that the physical organization of the Sacred Week at the Marian Center of Aurora would require double the effort.
3. The constant demand on the group responsible for all the programs and requests that must be manifested during the Sacred Week.
4. The effort involved in supporting the whole meeting in the face of the lack of physical and human resources that exist at the Marian Center of Aurora, because it is the Center that receives the least spontaneous collaborations.
5. The lack of resources in the sector of transportation of the Marian Center of Aurora, as well as the small possibility of reconditioning the hall for the events in that Center.(1)
6. The absence of human resources for organizing all the elements and materials for the ceremonies and sacraments.
7. The probability that the responsible group, for health reasons as well as chores, could not continue to be on pilgrimage because of the maintenance demands of the sectors of Association Mary and Mercy Mary TV, as well as fulfilling the spiritual task of transmutation.
In the face of these variable factors, the Heavenly Hierarchy is establishing the meeting of the Sacred Week at the Marian Center of Figueira for the following reasons:
1. The organization and the space available at the auditorium of F2 for the spiritual task and for each one of the sectors.
2. The facility that the transportation sector of the Figueira Community offers for
the days of the meeting.
3. The presence of human resources, both of pilgrims and of the monasteries of the Order in Brazil, which will be summoned to participate in the preparation and in the continuous support of each sector during the Sacred Week.
4. The spiritual condition of the Spiritual Center itself in the task of transmutation.
5. The possibility of providing lodging for the pilgrims, so that donations can be channeled toward support for the Light Communities.
6. The facility that the Figueira Community has available in the organization of the meeting of the Sacred Week.
7. The presence of the Health & Healing Sector for any needs that arise, as well as for the support of the members of the Monastery of the Sacred Mission and of Association Mary responsible for the task during the Sacred Week.
Dear children, thus it will be that on the 9th of March, during a study for which Trigueirinho and Mother María Shimani will be responsible, this change will first be announced to all of the Planetary Light Network. Later a small video will be created that will be presented on the 12th of March where this change will also be announced.
All of those who had planned to be present at the Marian Center of Aurora can still do so, for the Marian Center needs them. Children, if you feel it to be so, you can plan to be present during the month of August at the special meeting that will take place at the same Marian Center.
All skilled pilgrims are invited to support the organization of the Sacred Week meeting.
In cooperation and consciousness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
(1)The Divine Mother is referring to the tent where the multitudinous events take place
at the Marian Center of Aurora.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more