Keep your faith firm so that it may raise you towards the Heights; thus, you will be united heart and soul to the Kingdom of God.
Keep your faith firm, because nothing and no one will be able to make you fail. All the living of experiences is transitory and nothing is forever.
Keep your faith firm so that you may continue learning about love and so that, in confidence, you may build in yourself the path of return to your true origin.
Keep your faith firm so that the light of faith may accompany you and guide your steps towards the Divine Purpose.
Child, let your faith never disappear; continue to feed it with the fire of prayer. In this way, everything will continue to purify and to be transcended so that, one day, you may attain the infinite unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Keep your faith firm so that you may learn that everything will pass away, but the spirit will remain ignited in the joy of living God.
Your firm faith will save you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the power and the strength of My Heavenly Light, each time I present myself in the world I exorcise and liberate humanity from a great planetary pressure, so that the psychic plane may be relieved of the currents of conflict and perturbation.
For this reason, in the Hour of Mercy, your Master and Lord grants unique opportunities for the redemption and conversion of hearts.
In the Hour of Mercy, great spaces are opened from the Consciousness of God, so the souls may be submerged in the ocean of Love and can be cured spiritually.
That in the Hour of Mercy, the Passion of your Master be remembered, so that all the merits of His Death, His Resurrection and His Glory be deposited as a balm of repairing and inner relief in humanity, for souls to find the path to live their salvation.
That in the Hour of Mercy the presence of the Son of God be vivified so that by the merits of His Passion, inner redemption is radiated to the world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I will draw, to My Heart, souls that are unknown to you, and they will approach this Work through My intercession.
They will be like butterflies that will alight on the Flower of My Heart, or like bees that will drink the nectar of the living flowers of My Garden.
These souls will be withdrawn from the superficial life of the Earth, and with all of My Love, I will give them shelter so that they may have the grace of knowing, for a time, the Source of Divine and unfathomable Mercy.
I will place them in the ocean of My Love so that they may be purified and may receive the spiritual impulses that they need, like the rain that moistens the earth to make it fertile.
These souls will come from various places and paths, and I will guide them onto a single path; I will open the sacred door of My Inner Temple to them so that they may receive the blessing of the Divine Spirit.
Some of them will feel the impulse to totally consecrate themselves to Me; and others will feel the need to follow My Path until they are able to find for themselves the Fount of My Mercy and drink from it to nourish their essences.
It will be up to you to be attentive in order to learn to recognize the souls that I will send you to become part of My commandos, just as you now are, according to My Will.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Alleluia"
In this song, the inner invocation is centered upon the receptivity of the consciousness when faced with the teaching and the knowledge given by its Master, that is to say, the Instructor; and in the openness to hear the Truth, in order to learn to follow the Law and to fulfill it.
This love for the Law will allow the soul to awaken even more to service, because it will lead it into seeking the good in all places and will give it the impulse towards the ardent aspiration of achieving, through devotion, the union with universal life.
The song also reveals that the disciple has no uncertainties about the great Hierarchy. This is because the faith of the disciple is concentrated upon learning to live and to love the Law of the Hierarchy.
This brings inner security in the steps, that must be taken, to someday concretize the experience of the mission to be accomplished in this world.
To carry out this experience, which will change the life of the disciple, the song indicates the way, saying that habits must change so that this experience of living the mission upon the Earth be real and have no oscillations.
All this surrender that will be achieved will be in the name of the Lord and for His Glory. This will lead the disciple into detaching from riches through the living of the Law.
So that this total experience may be reflected in the life of the disciple, he must gauge his strength during purification and not challenge evil.
Thus, in this resignation and surrender, he will emerge as chosen, among so many, to reflect only gratitude before the Messengers who fill Heaven with signs, determining for the spirit and profound for the transformation of the soul.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Follow the footprints of love that My Son has left on your paths.
Recognize His presence within you and hold on to Him so that someday you may receive the sacred treasures of His Heart.
Relive each moment shared in Communion with His Spirit, in the daily prayer that arises from His kind Heart, and thus, surrender to Him, so that My Son may be able to perform the miracles of life, in the name of the Love He has for humanity.
Do not stop moving forward, of being determined; in this way, you will allow the Holy Spirit to fill you and you may be blessed by the purest expression of God.
Protect the innocence of your soul. Open the doors to your inner dwelling place, so that Christic Love may be deposited there.
Be brave and walk till reaching the last steps of redemption so that you may enter the Heart of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Walk barefoot, thinking that you will succeed and that you will be able to free yourself from the past, aspiring all the time to be able to achieve within yourself the manifestation of the Sacred Kingdom of God.
Walk barefoot, imitating me with determination and great courage, with the hope of seeing the Sacred Will of God carried out on all planes and in all consciousnesses adhered to the Plan of the Creator.
Walk barefoot, trusting in the future of something better, even though humanity and the planet are intensely purified, affirming within yourself the victory of Love and the concretization of the Divine Design.
Walk barefoot, stripped of your errors and the lack of successes, free of the chains that might have kept your feet imprisoned.
Maintain the vision on the Purpose, opening all the time the door of your heart so that the Light of the Kingdom of God can be established.
Walk barefoot, trusting in the unknown, in that which is to come and in that which renews, freeing yourself from planetary captivity and the condition that ties human beings to the past.
Discover, within yourself, the eternal present and in this way, unite with the Greater Universe, allowing that, at each new step, you may carry out that which the Universe awaits to be realized.
Keep your faith in the Highest, for from the Highest will come the help for each new challenge.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Walk and go ahead, nobody will impede the concretion of the Plan of Christ.
Walk and go ahead trusting the Major Designs.
Walk and go ahead carrying in your heart the Love Fire of Christ.
Walk and go ahead having total assurance that the Plan will triumph beyond everything.
Walk and go ahead, follow the Master of Love and all His angelic hosts towards the objective of the realization of the Plan.
Walk and go ahead knowing that, above all, the Divine Will shall be fulfilled.
Walk and go ahead having present in your heart all promises of Christ.
Walk and go ahead carrying on your shoulders the cross of redemption.
Walk and go ahead looking at the infinite, searching and feeling within you the return to the Origin.
Walk and go ahead because a lot will be done with just a few.
Walk and go ahead making the Plan of Love of the Creator triumph in you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Place your heart in the Heart of God to listen to My words, and may they be fruitful within you.
I know, child, that every day I talk to you about elevating your consciousness to the Heights and your thoughts to God, but that you only see around you the infinite confused entanglements of human life and inside of you, you only see the constant battle to be on the path of evolution, as it corresponds to you.
I know that everything seems distant and Wisdom and universal Knowledge are a hope for you, but they are not a reality. But today I tell you that, in this cycle, I come so that Higher Life ceases to be a hope for the future and becomes a reality in the present.
I come to teach you to be in this world without being of it, and to understand life from a wider perspective than the horizons that your eyes can see.
I only ask you that you dedicate yourself to meditate on My words for a moment, every day, and that you let them, on their own, enter and transform your consciousness like a great lake that, being empty, is gradually filled, drop by drop.
If I tell you: "Think of God and contemplate the Infinite within you", do it. And in that second, let the Creator be a living Consciousness within you.
In this simple way, each day, experiencing something about what I tell you, you will see how the Universal Life will enter into you and you into it, as parts of each other, and all in God.
I bless you and I thank you for following, day by day, what I place inside of you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
My words are the poetry of Heaven,
My solace is the joy that the heart has to experience God.
My aspiration is the conversion of all hearts.
My message is the realization of the Will in My children.
My joy is the song of the choirs.
My healing is the happiness of those who smile to God.
My path is the return of My Children to the Heart of Christ.
My inner aspiration is that everyone may understand God.
My song is the prayer of all My children.
My life is the life of those who follow My paths.
My principle is the Purpose of God
My goal is the awakening of those who are asleep.
My sadness is the abandonment of those who have not lived the Will of God.
My ardor is the praying fire of My children.
My offering is the love lived among My children.
My hope is the conscious answer of the soldiers of Christ.
My agony is the lack of love, it is hatred among the hearts.
My relief is the rosary offered by My children.
My conviction is the absolute faith in the Divine Plan.
My intercession is the kindness of the meek of heart.
My joy is the consecration of the spouses of Christ.
My peace is when you, My child, dare to say "yes" to me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If your feet hurt because they are tired, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If your hands feel heavy from so much work, from dawn to dusk, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If your eyes are tired and just want to close and sleep, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you are the first to get up and the last to lie down, while each brother or sister is already resting, and you make sure that everything is in its place without complaints, repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you are ill or if you are in agony, if you can smile or can only cry, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If they give you the most difficult task and if you can only be in prayer because it is impossible for you to work, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you want to overcome yourself but do not succeed, if you want to transcend every day but you always stumble upon the same stone, without justifying yourself, repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you are tired because the day has become long and you do not want to hear even another word, without hate, repeat: "Praised be You, Lord."
Because everything that God puts on our path is only so that we may learn to love more and more, and thus praise God.
Nothing is out of place. On the contrary, each test or challenge is so that we may become resigned, saying: "Praised be You, Lord."
Because in Heaven the servers will be rewarded for their efforts so that, in each moment, as in each step, the Will of God may manifest.
Let the Lord always be praised so that His eternal trust may be within you and thus all may be renewed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Carrying out the works to improve the roads that lead to the Marian Center of Aurora, with time and dedication, and with the help of the servers from Uruguay, Argentina and South Brazil, the souls will show the universe, on behalf of many more, that they will accept and aspire for the permanence of the Divine Hierarchy, especially, the Presence of God in Uruguay.
Although My Church lies within this country, the inner warmth that the souls give Me here is not enough. I only feel plenitude when pilgrims arrive at the Marian Center of Aurora in order to acknowledge and confirm My Presence.
Important hierarchs of My Church could have avoided the condemnation of these people instead of persecuting Me again, as they have done with this Work, by being sensationalistic and omitting the barbarities that the people have accepted to assume, for instance, by means of abortion.
My Church, instead of caring for the perdition of the souls, has shut the doors to many hearts that should arrive in Aurora in order to meet Me.
What a condemnation!
This is why I humbly serve Myself of those who truly follow Me in this time, knowing that all I desire for Uruguay is great and infinite.
Carrying out the reconstruction of the physical roads of Aurora, the groups will allow My presence to be here in spite of the indifference and, above all, may the road to be fixed by the servers be the symbol of the correction of distorted ways of this poor nation.
I thank you for obeying Me.
Who blesses you
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Before reaching the month of August of this year, it will be a mission and task of the Uruguayans and all people related to the Marian Center of Aurora for the improvement of the external roads that lead to it, as well as the water channels, so that what is occurring these days does not happen in the month of August, during the period of the sacred encounters.
Therefore, from now on, until the end of July, I wish the praying groups from Uruguay, Argentina and the South of Brazil to come to the Marian Center of Aurora in order to periodically carry out this project of improvement of the dirt roads and of the water channeling, so that the meeting not be interrupted due to rain and the overflow of rivers.
On the other hand, it will also correspond to the groups from Uruguay to accomplish, within the municipality to which lies the Marian Center of Aurora, a very well organized and updated plan so that the municipal roads leading to the Center may be improved, considering the need to properly welcome the pilgrims so that they do not regret being unable to reach the Center of Love due to physical and environmental conditions where the roads are found, for example.
This is why I come to ask the groups from all of Uruguay, from Argentina and from the South of Brazil to get organized so that, with time and planning, the sacred meetings of August may be carried forward with normalcy.
Fixing the roads and channeling the waters does not mean to only harmonize the Kingdoms of Nature, but it will also be a demonstration of your love for all you have received from Aurora and from the Divine Messengers.
As of now, I will be grateful that you accomplish this request for the good and the existence of the sacred Marian Center of Aurora.
I will accompany you in this work as an offering to the Plan of the Father and for the care of the divine manifestation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May the Light of the Mercy of Christ guide the path of the souls that surrender with trust into the Arms of the Redeemer.
May this unconditional surrender open the door to healing of the hearts and of the lives of people who fully trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus; may in this way a spiritual alliance be established between the redeemed ones and our Lord, and may this union of souls with Christ strengthen the development of the Work of Redemption and of Mercy in humanity.
Leaving the past behind, may souls find the meaning of the Purpose and may they always be able to see and feel it inside of them as the flame that guides all and protects all.
Opening the doors to the Mercy of Jesus, may hearts renew themselves, may they lose the fear of failure and may an unbreakable alliance be established between souls and the Creator.
May everything become renewed, may life be permeated by the spirit of peace and may, finally, everything be healed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and be strengthened by His Words.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and trust in His Designs.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and let this be enough.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God for all those who do not listen to It.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and always do your best, that which no other soul would do.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and strengthen your faith in Him.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God because all things shall pass.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and let It console you.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and everything will be renewed.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God so that your patience may grow.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and make yourself as small as It.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and feel His great Mercy.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and find His sublime Kingdom.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and everything will be restored.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will know which path to take.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will find your inner strength.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will be able to say 'yes' to everything; 'yes' to service, 'yes' to infinity, 'yes' to peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The path of the prayer of the heart will always lead you to experience a great change in consciousness and a great change within your life. Prayer will allow you to feel your true existence, and, in this way, you will find the meaning for being here in this definitive time.
Everything that the prayer of the heart can do in the life of a sincerely devout soul is indescribable. It is thus that, in these times, the prayer of the heart can open the doors to the universe of Grace, Mercy and Healing for the hearts of the world.
Prayer is capable of avoiding planetary catastrophe and can lead souls that are in danger and need to enter the path of protection.
Thus, prayer is a great mystery to be unveiled as within its essence lies the path for simply living new things.
Prayer represents a dialogue that souls must have with God at the moment of entering into communion with His Divine Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you always on this path of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
God has Mercy on those who persist on His Divine Path and those who aspire every day to be better in love, unconditionality and kindness.
God has Mercy and Compassion for those who follow Him in spite of tripping, of being wounded by themselves and of falling from the path.
God has immense Mercy on those who repent from their heart and those who give Him their life so He may accomplish His Will.
God has Mercy on those who try every day to practice, one by one, the Words with which He instructs, by inspiring the Sacred Hearts to pronounce them.
God has Mercy on those who recognize themselves as unworthy, imperfect and full of error.
God has Mercy on those who work every day to be humble and honest with themselves and with their brothers and sisters on the path.
God has great Mercy on those who consecrate themselves and those who have left a life of consecration, for His deep and ardent desire is that humanity respond to His Son, the Christ.
God has Mercy on those who fear feeling separated from Him, on some plane of consciousness or far from His Love.
God has Mercy on those who surrender to the end and those who want nothing more for themselves, but rather only live in His eternal Grace, in His divine Faith and in His powerful Love.
God has so much Mercy to give that the majority of His children forget to go and find the Water of Life from the non-material Fount of His Creation.
God waits every day for you to simply look up to Heaven and say: "Father, here am I, may Your eternal Will be done rather than mine. Make me in likeness to Your Son, free me from ties, from the faults that imprison me, so that only Your Peace and Your Truth abound."
Simply with just these words, the Kingdom of God will be descending to the Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and always consecrates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
While all the events precipitate in the world and upon the nations, I invite you to pray ever more profoundly with the heart.
I invite you to be representatives of the peace humanity needs so much. With your brave hearts we will change this planet, and the oppressed will receive the opportunity to be rapidly in freedom.
I come with My sword of Light to liberate from errors all those who are submerged in it. I come to show My children that there is a true way out to free oneself from the self.
It is time for the soldiers of Christ to carry on their lips the Word of salvation and consolation that many souls await.
Therefore, children, I come to encourage you to experience the service for the Plan, so that your consciousnesses may always be ready to know how to respond to the call of Heaven.
In this way, My dear children, I prepare you consciously so that you will know how to open the doors at the moment of experiencing you redemption.
At this unknown moment that is just beginning, may the path of service and of peace be the keynote of your lives, because the planet needs it and all of humanity must learn to serve the Plan of God.
At this acute hour of the planet, may all the suns of heart shine and show this human civilization that it is time to look to God and to serve Him with a humble readiness, so that, in this way, the majority is not left behind.
The life of the world can be tempting, but know that those who love the Plan of God find all the resources to be able to experience it and thus, to form the basis of the New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gives you the impulse to serve,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
O soul who aspires to be consecrated more and more to the Celestial Plans, allow yourself to be carried away by impulses rather than by impulsiveness!
Recognize the difference between the powerful currents that come from the cosmos and invite you to take a concrete and precise step, and the unbridled currents of the mind and the emotions, that will carry you into seeking a path that is not for your feet. Meditate with the heart and do not reflect on this.
I do not pronounce these words to confuse you in your decisions, because in truth, you are now mature enough to perceive the difference between impulse and impulsiveness. I simply tell you this so that you be attentive and never lose your readiness to move forward, but that your impetus to walk will lead you to the right goal that God has thought of for you.
This is no longer the time to launch yourself into uncertain paths by not meditating and not feeling the direction to go in. Ask yourself before taking your steps and do not respond with the mind what it is for the heart to decide.
Persevere in the goal that God has for you and do not resist following His Will. If you rejoice in the Will of God, your life may be full of inner joy. And even though you may experience some difficulty, nothing will take away from you the joy of living that which was intended for you.
The One who alerts you to take precise steps in these times of definition.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Renew your consecration to God every day and enter into the eternal movement of universal cycles.
Renew yourselves before the Creator so that He will conduct you through new inner paths and you will never remain in the steps you have already taken.
Recognize the infinite before you, and how much you need to grow far beyond this life. Recognize in the vast universe the infinite dimensions created and that each one of them will charge from you a certain learning that will make you grow and unite yourself each day more to God.
Child, what humanity calls contemplation and union with God, in this material dimension, is nothing more than an approach to the greatness of the Creator, an experience with His Divine Light. Contemplation is an act of recognizing the existence of God and of approaching Him, but much is still missing from the human heart and consciousness for it to be One with God in its origin.
This path is built and walked little by little. As the being empties himself from himself and from all the need to explain and to understand what he experiences, as he empties himself from the known concepts by his mind, he starts being permeated by other laws and vibrations that do not belong to this world and that are palpable to the human heart, but not understandable for the mind.
The approach and acceptance of these sublime laws gradually cause the doors to other degrees of evolution to open before the consciousness, and it will be only after crossing these doors and experiencing these laws that you will be able to feel and understand them, but not explain them.
You cannot explain what you live on higher levels because the matter that composes the human mind does not correspond to this subtle vibration; but yes, child, the heart, that is similar to the Creator of all things, can understand and live all laws.
Just as the Lord is unlimited in His Existence, so is also the heart of human beings. But this heart needs to expand, cross portals and break barriers, transcend limits and human tendencies, stop being so closed, and open itself to the Cosmos – that, for it, is inexplicable and understandable at the same time.
To reach this state of union with the higher life, that is more than a contemplative experience, child, it is necessary that you renew yourself every day and, when you perceive that you are stagnated or going backwards, always search for a form to awake and advance.
Therefore I come to the world, to impel the human heart towards the infinite, and to lead it to an experience of what it truly is.
Let yourself be guided and impelled by these words. If you do not understand them, only feel them and let them by themselves –alive as they are– work within you.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, why do you think about the past?
To forget the past is not to be indifferent to what one has lived, or to ignore everything you have experienced as consciousnesses. To forget the past is to assimilate inside the good fruits of the experiences that made you grow as human beings and, from then on, take new steps, uplifting that which was not well in your lives.
When you leave the past to the time that corresponds to it and do not try to perpetuate an action of an experience that no longer exists, you are giving an opportunity of transcendence to this state of consciousness that you call past.
All the positive experiences must serve as a basis for the being to attain new evolutionary steps, but their eyes must not be fixed on their own feet, but rather on the top of this great staircase.
To become stuck in the past, children, is like climbing a great staircase that takes you to the Kingdom of God and detaining your own walking to observe the details of the steps that you have taken or that you keep taking. If, on the contrary, you liberate the past and take your feet off these steps, walking with firm footsteps, you will give opportunity to others, who will come after you, to climb this staircase.
Oftentimes, children, sticking to situations and people of the past because you want to perpetuate you own presence in a conjuncture that no longer suits you, is like being still in the middle of the staircase, willing to make your presence there eternal – believing that, thus, you will help the others – when, in truth, it is by walking and climbing the steps that you can help your neighbors, because you will liberate the path so that they can climb.
Walk, children, and do not look behind. Do not count how many steps you have climbed or with what details they were done. Do not stop on the staircase, do not get distracted from the target that the Creator has for you. Take your steps and leave, for He Who knows all things, the directing of those who could not accompany you. Remember that the greatest service is to evolve. If you evolve as consciousnesses, you will do it as humanity and, if you do it as humanity, you will do it in the name of the whole universe and of the whole of Creation.
Contemplate a greater purpose and no longer get lost in the distractions of a time that has passed.
Your Father and Friend, this One that impels you to the eternal present,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more