Peace be in you.

Let there be thirty-three strikes of the bell announcing My Return and My Resurrection in the hearts that had been dead.

My Kingdom is your Kingdom. My house is your house.

I am not of this world, but I came to save it.

Happy are those hearts that opened to hear My Voice, because the Holy Spirit is making its dwelling place in those souls on this day of resurrection of the spirits that were fallen.

Lift up your hearts to the Throne of the Father.

Let your hearts feel themselves to be glorified and blessed, because the Promise that was written is being fulfilled. And the new beings on Earth will write the Words of God in the Book of Light.

Glorify the Father in this moment.

Let us praise the God of Love and of Unity.

The supra-universes are coming to this place.

The stars and suns are assembling for the Greater Plan; they radiate their rays and their lights over the world on this day.

In this way you are coming to know the Power of the Son of God, Who comes to welcome you and gather you together in the name of Love.

Glorify the God of the Heights, because for the second time, He is sending His Son to the Earth.

I ask you to again be witnesses of all that you have experienced in these days, because somebody will have to experience it also in a later time, through all that has been sown in your hearts.

Today My Heart is enriched by your love.

Today My Heart feels the peace of your hearts, and the thorns that were withdrawn from My bleeding Heart during these seven consecutive days.

Servants of My Father, My friends, you will not understand what this means, but I continue to invite you to love what is invisible; that is where the real Plan of the Father is for this world.

The Kingdoms open before your eyes and hearts, so that the Words of Light may be sown in your essences and the Laws be fulfilled in the hearts that are poor, that have been left without God and without Love. That is why you are the so-called  apostles of the new time.

Your consciousnesses are gathered together in this cycle of the Apocalypse to accomplish what is in the Scriptures.

Many have understood that this would happen in other religions. But I come again to the most simple ones, as I was simple among you from the beginning.

Today I give you My humility and My peace-bringing, important pillars to provide support in this end of time. In Love you will be able to live the Laws that the Lord expects of you.

At all times I need you available and open to hear Me.

I will not be able to tell you when I will return for so many contiguous days.

Let your cells feel the engraving of the codes of My Light, My Christic and Redeeming Light.

With Love and Mercy, I have shared the Spirit of My Divine Blood. I poured out the Water that was born of My Side upon your beings, to be able to prepare your consciousnesses for the new.

But of all those who were called, I know that few will respond.

In a small Cenacle I will return, and the most simple will wait for Me for the new Supper, where I will share again the Bread of Life and the Blood that will transfigure your bodies.

Avail yourselves of this Mystery so infinite, love this Mystery so infinite; in this way, you will be able to enter into what I need you to enter into. Let your dwelling places be temples for God, where the Law, Unity, and Love are lived. 

Feel My Peace in this moment and unite with Me, as on the first day; but at the end of this day I will try to do something more with you. Open to that which is unknown to your eyes and that has no answer for your minds.

My Spirit is already omnipresent and powerful, and It projects onto different parts of the Earth to assemble those who have forgotten the Father, who came to fulfill this part of the Project of God. But today, in joy and in glory, I want to commune with you, that you may again receive My symbol of peace through this Communion.

Be happy, because your hearts will commune of My Glorified Body and will drink of the Blood of Redemption.

Remember that when you are before these sacred elements, you are before the Presence of God. For this reason, take care of that which has been given to you with such love.

Many would wish to receive this very special gift, this supreme Grace that descends directly to your hearts, with no intermediary, simply through My Merciful Heart.

Do you know what this means for this current time?

But, once again, I come to remind you of the importance of living My Gospel, because in light of all that you have received for so many years, you are now prepared to help your peers, to take on mature and conscious tasks, and to spread the Peace of Christ over all the places on Earth.

The one hundred and forty-four thousand are no longer a theory. I come to reveal that Mystery that many do not know. The one hundred and forty-four thousand are being called from the four corners of the Earth.

And the old tribes of Israel are assembling, for a current and necessary time, where love and willingness are needed, so that all may unite through the Love of Christ and, as mediators on Earth, allow the Plan of the Father to be accomplished.

I call you to this greater task. First unite with My paternal Spirit, and in due time, I will speak of all the things I desire.

Now I come outside of My Church, because all are deserving of My Divine Mercy. That is why I come to speak at this end, about the beginning of My Church, of the inner Church, which many have left behind through living in the outer church.

The Spirit of My Father is the great Church in your hearts, that must rise up to the Universes of Light, so that after this terrestrial life, you may find eternal life and paradise, supreme consciousnesses that exist above this universe, where many are dwellers, saints and the blessed that work for this Greater and Infinite Plan.

God has instituted Me as the Omega and also as the Alpha. I opened the door of liberation for you at the beginning of My coming to the Earth as the Messiah; now I will close the door to evil, but it will be necessary that there be apostles willing to follow Me.

I will always hear your sincere petitions.

The new Church of My Heart must be erected in the essences of your hearts, so that they may glorify God through prayer and unity.

This is My important message for today's humanity; seek the inner Church, the true Temple of the One and the Supreme. Turn inward for just an instant, and observe the state of your inner church. Is it abandoned? Does it lack Light or Love? Where is the seed that God left you through Me? Seek within yourselves what you still have not found. The answer is to be found in the center of your hearts.

Do not feel disturbed or alone, because when the time of tribulation descends over this current humanity, and although the demons create adversities in the bodies of human beings, the Son of God will descend with His Power, pouring out Graces and Mercy upon the fallen, closing the hells that this humanity opens, that lack of awareness in all that you do.

I will come to revive you again in spirit and you will see your ancestors in the Glory of God, pronouncing the promise to the people of Israel, which to this day, they do not experience or believe, and in the stars of the Cosmos you will see the great masters, where the Spirit of God will be sent to make peace fruitful, and all will be one in the light of My Father, and everything that has not gone well throughout the centuries will be destroyed by the strength of My powerful Love.

You will see Me come among the clouds and the stars, and many will be able to find Me in their hearts, for they will attune to My Cosmic Key, which I shall pronounce again for the Earth, which will transform humanity, the continents, and the Kingdoms of Nature.

And under the authority of the Supreme, the Son of God will reign among souls forever. And the Kingdom of God will be real on Earth; it will cease to be invisible to the eyes of many.

So before this happens, My dear ones, God sends His faithful Servant, that small consciousness that said "yes" since the beginning, and opened the great door for the redemption of humanity.

Have you thought, dear companions, about Mary saying "no" to the call of God? But Her purity is greater than Her terrestrial thought. From Her birth She was overtaken by the Holy Spirit. Her gestation was prepared by the Spirit of God; Her purity fertilized the new Earth and allowed the freeing of Israel and of all the tribes that lived at that time in the world.

But She returned over the course of time, announcing Herself as the Bird of the Holy Spirit, with love and peace, caring for humanity.

Many have reached Heaven through listening to Her message. Many have brought relief to My  suffering Heart because of all that humanity has done over the course of time.

Now I send Her to you with love and reverence so that She may transmit the celestial aromas to your essences, those which were a part of our spirits since the beginning, and allowed the freeing of this decadent humanity.

And now, although the Kingdom is a little fallen on Earth, it will not be necessary that any other King exist.

Know that I am the Governor of the Universe, and as the Greater Governor, I will come to humanity, announcing the word of healing and of mercy.

Thus, My angels will announce this long expected moment for everybody, and the aurora will rise in the hearts that hear Her voice. She will lift up to the Heavens the coming of the Messiah and the stars of the Cosmos will be seen by all, because each one, with its particular brilliance, will announce My coming so as to be able to be among those of Mine and so that everything may begin again.

Song: Holy Spirit Come

At the request of Our Lord, we will repeat the prayer to the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ, and He asked that all the brothers and sisters that are connected at this moment, that we commune at the same time of the bread and the wine, as a single humanity, responding to the call of Christ.

Prayer: Prayer to the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ .


Dear children,

May the infinite compassion of My Son strengthen your hearts so that they may walk in life towards God the Father. Today I call you to reflection by means of the exercise of prayer.

My little ones, in this time we must uplift humanity and the souls through contemplative prayer. Today, My little children, I teach you how you must contemplate:

First, by giving your heart to the Lord;

Second, by opening the merciful source of prayer;

Third, by praying with compassion and piety for all your brothers and sisters.

In this exercise, I assure you, My little ones, that your hearts will be deepening in union with God through a prayer that will alleviate the sorrows of the world.

Your hearts are participants of My Maternal Presence. For this reason I invite you to live within My Immaculate Heart. In this Kingdom that belongs to God, your souls will find shelter, protection and renovation of life.

The Lord, in His Immense Grace, wants to renovate your hearts so that in this last cycle of the world, they may live life by means of a true communion with Christ. You, My little hearts, must love each moment of the encounter with My glorified and kind Son. There, in this supper that each day you shall celebrate, you will be able to drink from His wonders, and you will be able to eat in humility from the compassion and from the Mercy that His Most Holy Heart will be radiating to you.

The moment has come for that which John the Apostle wrote as a message, to be fulfilled as Good News in all the hearts of the world.

The Lady Clothed with the Sun brings the stars of Light, stars of the Father, those which redeem the world. For this, My dear ones, the hearts must open their inner treasuries that in some children still remain closed. Opening the heart, the Heavens will open themselves to the souls that may want to recognize them.

Let us pray for the relief of the suffering that many of My children live daily.

Run all of you towards My Immaculate Heart, My Light will guide you.

Who loves you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
