
True consecration is inner and profound, and this consecration is reflected when the soul expresses its virtues through service, charity, the good and unconditionality.

Consecration is the inner portal that opens for the soul and for the essence so that, upon crossing through, the deepest nuclei of the being finds itself before God in order to begin to accomplish and live His Will, no matter what it may take.

This is why My adversary casts all of its fury when souls take steps and decidedly, without anything or anybody who can stop them, continue upon the path of consecration, because after this step comes the path of transcendence in order to someday reach the path of perfection.

This path of transcendence is that of true disengagement and detachment from oneself, to the point of facing the inner battle of overcoming, in the name of love and truth, the aspects of indifference, omission, and capital sins.

Each time a soul walking on the path of consecration finds itself facing the opportunity of taking a new spiritual step and of renewing, new struggles will come for transcending and dying to more things that the soul, in its egoic aspect, believes about itself.

All of this is for achieving and living the absolute and powerful Christic Love that will give you liberty forever.

Consecration is the opportunity of tearing the old veils of consciousness and is the permanent grace of being able to be at the service of God.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


You are not what you seem, but rather what you sill do not know. I gathered you together for a greater purpose, and your consciousnesses still do not deeply know it. 

Thus, I invite you to always be with Me in order to accomplish the purpose that God gave Me for your lives, and to bring more awareness to your hearts, in the deep feeling that all of this is true.

For some reason, companions, I am here, a greater reason unknown to your lives. It is this purpose that God gave Me that makes Me come here all the time and announce the Word of the Eternal Father.

Thus, today I am not here alone, but also accompanied by the angels and by many consciousnesses that were once on this planet and had evolved spiritually, testifying to My Love for the world, and representing Me on the surface of this Earth as Christic souls.

I invite you, companions, to hold in your consciousnesses, and especially in your hearts, the clarity of this purpose that I bring to you.

I know that your lives will not transform overnight, but that it is possible, companions, to achieve what I aspire for each one of you.

Everything that happens in this moment is the result of a miracle of love granted by the Eternal Father Himself, for each one of those present and those not present, through the existence and the presence of the Sacred Hearts.

That is what you must never lose sight of, beyond what you may go through, what you may feel, what you may think or what may happen in this moment.

Everything that the Universe sends to you is a sweet learning, no matter how hard or difficult it may seem.

In your hearts I need to forge the new Christs, I need to forge these souls that have come to serve Me, as you served Me in other times, as in the era when I was present among you and with you, in which you could come to know My Heart and My Presence, in which you could hear the Word of God expressed through My Lips by the Holy Spirit.

My companions, I ask you to not be confused, I ask you to not punish yourselves, I ask you to no longer be disturbed.

You came in this time to be the bridge toward the planetary transition. Your own lives are the transition of the planet for many, many souls of this humanity that suffer in the darkness of the abysses of the planet, and that someday will deserve to find the Light.

Thus, everything that happens to you, companions, in the face of the grave planetary situation, is very small. Thank God for all that you receive, all that you experience, and all that you feel. Deeply thank the Eternal Father for having been congregated by My Love in this definitive time.

So never forget My Christic Principles that are the new commandments that I bring to you in this era. In this way, I come to renew the church, which is very corrupt and deteriorated.

I come to renew the church of hearts, the church that is in ruins and that only through a representative of Peace, with the help of all beings of goodwill, can it try to rise up again.

Thus, this representative of the Light is called Francis, and all should unconditionally support him. But know that the whole of the Plan is accomplished in different fractions, each one has a responsibility within the Divine Purpose. The personal part that each one of you is responsible for will depend on each one of you, in order to be fulfilled.

My companions, this will make it possible for divine intervention to be present in this planetary chaos that aggravates more each day on the surface of this Earth.

You are called upon to not only be a bridge to the transition of humanity, but you are called to also be an emergency plan, the expected rescue plan announced by the spiritual Hierarchy.

do you now understand that everything that happens to you is small?

Day after day I give you new sufferings and small tests so that you may experience them for Me, so that you may do this for Me, so that somebody on the surface of this Earth may do something for humanity.

But remember that you will never lack My support and My presence, even when the time comes in which I will need to withdraw, as the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph has withdrawn.

When this time comes, companions, I will be contemplating you, accompanying and observing you, so that you may put into practice all that you have received.

This will be the great moment in which My Heart will feel that your lives understood what I said to you, as well as what Saint Joseph said, and My Most Holy Mother. In this moment, the situation will be very difficult, on a planetary level, on the level of humanity.

But what should you fear? If I am here among you, I am your Shepherd, I am your Master, I will continue to be your Redeemer and your Mediator before the Celestial Father, even though you fall and continue to fall hundreds of times. Do you perhaps doubt that I will pick you up?

I come here to be able to renew you, to prepare you for situations and experiences that you have never had. Everything that happened up to the present moment has been a preparation.

These are the times of great changes, not only on the material level, but also on the spiritual level. This will allow the bases of the Hierarchy to be present on the surface of the Earth and all Their sacred and divine tools to continue to radiate toward this ill humanity. The Project must be rescued, no matter what; the evolution of this race must not end here.

So everything that you experience will be indispensable to Me, everything you offer and all your dedication will not only rebuild the corrupt consciousness of humanity but also the Kingdoms of Nature that have been hurt and continue to be hurt by humanity of the surface.

Companions, it is the time to live the great giving of self, a much deeper and unknown giving that can compensate for and balance what is happening in the world.

I am not calling you to be exhausted, to be unbalanced or crazy. I am calling you to responsibly assume the spiritual Plan of the Father.

I am not only speaking to those who are present here, where each one is in their school, in this moment, I am speaking to all of humanity, to the whole world.

Because these are My last and definite words that will prepare you for what is shortly coming, and what will come will not be only words, they will be facts and happenings that your own physical eyes will see.

I am not only speaking on the level of humanity, of nature or of the serious climate change; I am also speaking on a cosmic and universal level, of the movement of the stellar bodies, the stars and the suns, of the change that this planet and the planets around it are experiencing, the moment of the turning point which at this time the local Universe is experiencing.

Thus, all the spiritual Hierarchy is concentrated at this moment, which was much prophesized in other times, in which the Book of the Apocalypse has been fulfilled, step by step.

But companions, the most decisive and intense part has still not come. This is why I prepare you inwardly so that you may bear it and overcome it for Me, in My Name, because I will give you the inner strength, as long as you need it. You will not be weak, you will not lose your inner strength, you will not have any doubt or uncertainty.

I call you, companions, to definitely believe in My Presence here. Because if up until today there has not been any abnormal phenomena, it is because your inner worlds do not need them.

Humanity is in need of a great awakening, a more resounding and intense awakening, as it was in 1988. But now this awakening will be precise and unique. For this reason, you must prepare the spaces upon your Light-Communities and over all the places where beings of goodwill may cordially unite so that the spiritual Hierarchy may have the possibility of manifesting this awakening that will produce a great change in the deep consciousness of humanity.

But everything that will happen, companions, so that this profound change can take place it will depend on each human being of this planet. Even though the stars, the suns and the galaxies may move, or the Hierarchy itself may materialize, even though this should really happen, that great change in consciousness will depend on each human being, who must be affirmed in love.

Today I come to speak to you in this way, because this Community of Figueira is prepared, since you have taken the step, in trust and in love, so that your Master and Lord can speak to the whole world in order to know that these are not just words but rather events, happenings that will come and be concurrently visible to the whole world because the planet will also move.

The planet is greatly suffering from the consequences of the behavior of humanity of the surface and, in a divine and cosmic way, we are avoiding something worse from happening, or something similar to that of Atlantis.

In this way, you will understand, companions, that what humanity is experiencing today is very grave, what humanity is feeling today is very grave and, above all, so is what it puts into practice today, not respecting the universal and divine laws.

Thus, to the Celestial Father and all the Lords of the Law, who are in charge of the debts of this humanity and of the Universe, I have proposed being able to intervene directly in humanity up until the last chance, no matter what it costs.

For this, companions, I need you to follow Me and support Me, because this will make it possible for many more situations to be avoided in this humanity and, above all, for wicked plans to not be established in the consciousness of the human being.

A third world war worse than the two previous ones must not happen; three-fourths of the planet would be greatly affected.

The human being is experiencing limitless ambition and believes it has a power greater than God's, but the Eternal Father will never confront them, will never challenge them, because the Eternal Father is a Consciousness of living Love, a Source of Mercy and of infinite Compassion. The Father will only contemplate them and He will ask His Faithful Servant, the Most Holy Virgin, to do what is possible and what is impossible to help all His children in this moment of awakening, in which each being of the surface of the Earth must be aware of what they are to accomplish in this moment.

I will give you an example: it is not by chance that in these days, because of a greater Will of God that is also unknown to you, My Heart allowed a group of consciousnesses to come together, a group of souls that had been with Me when I was present in this humanity and who committed to Me, face to face, to give their life for Me in this end time.

This demonstrates that the Will of God is unknown and that His mystery of Love can be revealed to the hearts that open to be touched by His Light and His Compassion.

It is this Love that these souls experienced for Me, and still experience today, which allowed you to gather together here to be able to reconfirm your vows before your Master and Lord.

This can also happen with each one of you. For some reason, companions, you are here today; never forget to ask yourselves this or to ask your Master and Lord, "Lord, why am I here today? Being able to be in a comfortable world, in a world of illusion, in a world that experiences indifference, there being so much need and so many traumas to heal in humanity, as well as in the Kingdoms of Nature?"

Divine Grace, which touched you since the beginning of your existence, is what allowed you to come to this present moment, to this incarnation to experience this inner meeting with Me, knowing that your Master and Lord throughout time and generations works with small groups of souls, in which the Plan of God can be established and manifest in a sure way.

All of you this evening, as in other past meetings, are a part of a story that I Myself am writing. It depends on you, companions, that this story can continue to be written by Myself, that you may be a part of this Sacred Book of the new humanity, of the revelation of the end of times that the Hierarchy placed and will continue to place in your hearts, to manifest the Will of God.

I do not want you to feel moved by all that I have told you. I want you to be able to feel, beyond My Words, what I want to transmit to you and tell you.

I need you to be able to awaken your intuition so as to be able to perceive that which the Divine Hierarchy is doing, knowing that in this last cycle, what is left of 2019, 2020 and 2021, will be the last and great movements of the spiritual Hierarchy for humanity. 

Because after that, companions, when we are no longer here to speak to you, but will still continue to lead you and guide you from spirit, it will be you who will hold the doors of this house and of the rest of the communities open, to support this planet together with the pilgrim souls and, in a "sacred common unity", manifest the presence of the inner Christ.

For this movement and this moment, I will be profoundly grateful because My Peace, in spite of the chaos that will reign in humanity, will not be missing in the one who believes in Me. Amen.

The Celestial Church is opening at this moment to receive your imperfect beings and so that your essences may be filled with the Light of God. By a Light that is eternal, inextinguishable and invincible. By the Light that brought you here and the Light that will lead you to eternity.

We stand up.

Let us celebrate this moment with joy, and from the deepest and most sincere part of our heart, before the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe, the King of Love and of Peace, let each one of us, in the silence of their heart, emit the offering we need to express in this moment to the sacred altars of the Creator, so that these offerings, pleas and intentions may be taken into the Heart of the Father through the intercession of the angels.

May Saint Bakhita inspire in you the love that we should have for sacrifice, so that the hearts that suffer most, and that are in agony today, may be healed, sheltered and protected by the Light of the Love of God. Amen.

To all those who in this moment are able to and feel to do so, in light of the Presence of our Lord, in the revelation of this infinite mystery of Love celebrated in the Eucharist, we ask you to kneel as an act of reverence and of devotion to our Lord, in this moment of transubstantiation and of consecration of the elements.

By the Breath of the Spirit of God that intervened and worked in the Last Supper for the redemption of humanity and of the planet, I again give you the honor and the glory of this Sacrament that was expressed by the bread and the wine that converted into the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Thus, on a night like this one, before living the great sacrifice and the sorrowful passion for humanity, I took the bread, I elevated it so that the Breath of the Spirit of God could bless it, I broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

We listen to the three sounds of the bell that transubstantiate these elements.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

In the same way, the first part of the Supper having ended, I took the Chalice into My Hands, elevated It to the Eternal Father, the Breath of the Spirit of God blessed It and then I gave it to My apostles and to those who were present on the inner planes, saying to them: "Take and all drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of errors; do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

We elevate the Body and the Blood of Christ.

And now, companions, blessed by the Breath of the Spirit of God, you will repeat, in trust and love, the prayer that I taught on the Mount of the Beatitudes.

Prayer: Our Father.

Elevating the Body and the Blood of Christ, we adore the Lord eternally present in the Eucharist, just as in the Blood. And we give thanks.

We cover the elements and we place them upon the altar.

We may stand up.

When God calls you to live My path through a vocation or a consecration to service, to song or to prayer, it is for a reason.

Thus, you must trust in what you feel, in what you experience, without losing sight of My steps of Light.

Today I want to give a special greeting to a soul that has a birthday today, an ancient walker of My steps of Christ, that I have brought here today for a greater reason that I Myself am silently building and preparing. I give her My thanks for her giving of self and for her offering of self through music and voice.

Today I not only celebrate this moment in a special and unique way, because I know what this moment of celebration means, in which each soul has the opportunity of being renewed in the Plan of God and, above all, through My Heart, of being close to Me.

And so, as I have expected in these last six years, I gathered together these souls on this day, for millions of other souls that are behind them, so that they may make an offering of a song that in a simple but true way, tells the story of your Redeemer.

Today I will listen in a sweet melody to the one I was: "Un Hombre llamado Jesús" ("A Man called Jesus").

I will listen to you and at this moment I give you My Peace, so that this Peace may be shared and given to the whole world for the triumph and the victory of My Sacred Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

And now yes, you may give one another the greeting of peace, in reverence and silence.


Marathon of Divine Mercy

And now, enter with Me into the Garden of Gethsemane and together with your Master re-experience what He lived in His own flesh, something yet unknown to anyone, not even revealed by Me to the world through any visionary.

But now you will all enter this garden, to the spiritual garden of My Heart, and there with Me you will experience what I live for you, what I feel about this world and everything that the good souls can do to truly relieve the Heart of the Redeemer.

Today I come to share a Face that is not known. While I speak to you, I keep My Eyes closed. And, thus, I invite you to close your eyes and enter the temple of your heart, because it will be the portal for entering the Garden of Gethsemane.

And clinging to My Cross, trusting in everything that I tell you, I will bring to your consciousnesses what many experienced with Me on the inner planes, during that time, when your Master and Lord was on Earth, not only preaching the Good News, but bringing humanity an immeasurable and infinite Love, an eternal Grace that could save and redeem it. 

Now, in this exercise of meditation and of introspection, cross the threshold of your heart and in this moment, let your souls guide you. Set aside your personality, your temperament, and your ego. Let the light of your souls be able to govern this moment, and in this profound and intimate communion, together with Me, you are able to consciously re-experience what your Master endured and lived for the world. 

I do not bring you this revelation to make you fearful or to intimidate you. I bring you this revelation to strengthen your hearts in this crucial time, so that you may experience a sacrifice similar to what I lived for you and the world; a sacrifice completely filled with the Love of God and with Grace.

Now walk through the garden, guided by the light of your souls and spirits. And in the depths of this garden, at the most plain and simple tree, see your Master and Lord kneeling, contemplating the light of the night, in spite of the darkness, the tests, of any difficulty.

What was it that caused Him to live such a great sacrifice for the world, which has still not been compensated for by humankind, which has not yet been valued by the majority of souls? What is the essence of this mystery, of this sacrifice, and of this surrender?

Ask yourselves within and feel how, from inside of you, the answer emerges and manifests.

The answer is not a form or a thought. It is a deep feeling of Love, a Love that moved the whole Universe and continues to mobilize it for the redemption of souls and hearts.

This is the garden of the suffering of your Lord. Who will resemble this sacrifice lived by Me? Who will carry the cross of the world together with Me?, have you asked yourselves that?

Your blood will not be spilled as My Blood was. Your martyrdoms will not be like My martyrdoms. But the silence of the heart and the connection with the soul will be the unbreakable fortitude to overcome the times and tests, guided by the light of perseverance, the strength of faith, and the trust in what is unknown.

In this way, a Supreme Law will govern you and you will be guided in this cosmic trajectory to re-encountering your true origin, your true reality, and the reason for being here in this time.

Thus, follow a single path, the Path of the Redeemer, the Path of the only and venerable Master, which brings you an awareness of reality to make you participants in the Truth, where at this time everything is at risk.

Revere this moment of the Garden of Gethsemane as an opportunity for the yielding of your hearts and of the total surrender of your lives to the Sacred Plan of the Redeemer. 

And just as the angels gave me to drink for relief, I will give you to drink from My Fount, My Water of Life, as many times as necessary so that you may get up, stand straight, and walk firmly, as I walked for you up to the heights of the Cross, knowing that nothing would stop nor hinder the fulfillment of the victory of your Master and Lord, overcoming death and living the Resurrection.

In this garden, your Lord experienced His deepest and most unknown suffering, the suffering that the world experiences today. And in this way, you will know, companions, that there are no distances nor limits between the ages or times, because the eternal present is the reality of your Redeemer, as should be the reality of your lives in each moment and situation.

Not only did I spill Blood from My Face and My Body because I was a man like you who was facing a great test, but at the same time I was facing a great mystery that was moved by the Love of God.

This is what should make you prevail in this time so that you may never lack the Christic Love that will give you the impulse to do all things and fulfill all the works that will be necessary in this time for the rescue and redemption of humanity, so that many more souls may have the grace and the opportunity of receiving the impulse to awaken and become aware of the reality at this time, knowing that yet from many more must fall the faces of illusion; and the veils will also fall from the consciousness to take their places of the Plan.

It is for this Plan of Love that we work every day, a non-material plan which will become material through the help and collaboration of everyone, through a faith that will move beyond the mountains and will concretize and carry out what God needs at this time, through a faith that moves you to keep on walking, the same as the Faith that dwelled and dwells in My Heart in the most acute and difficult moment of the Passion.

In this way, be representatives of Christ on Earth and keep your eyes on the Divine Purpose, for thus that Purpose will be fulfilled in your lives and beyond your consciousnesses. That Purpose will accomplish the Will of God which many souls still are not willing to live out of the blindness of illusion and the indifference of many minds.

But what you have conquered here today, through this work of prayer, you will not conquer in any other moment because the opportunities are unique in this time, and God is giving all that He has and a little more through His Divine Messengers to bring souls to experience the reality of consciousness and to be ready to face the planetary emergency situation.

It is all this work of love that you offered today, at a maximum and elevated point, that allowed you to enter into the consciousness of the Garden of Gethsemane so that you may gain the same inner strength, the same courage and valor that I experienced for you at that time, knowing that as from this moment all that will come into your lives will be a challenge, and that you will only experience what you are able to overcome; the Father will never give you a more difficult test. Remember that He is a Consciousness of infinite and unfathomable Mercy.

You generate the learnings in your life by your acts, by your examples and attitudes. And there you will learn to become aware of how necessary it still is to grow inwardly and mature spiritually at this crucial time in which everything, absolutely everything, is allowed. And this is dangerous for humanity, because it is very easy to step off the path.

Thus, do follow a single path, the path that will lead you to My merciful Heart, because there you will always be protected and safe, you will always have a direction and guidance even though you may not count on anyone next to you.

Trust in this spiritual guidance that My Heart offers you and can give you at this time.

There is no misery, obstacle, or challenge which you cannot overcome, because if I have lived it for you, I taught you how to do it.

Be alert to each moment of your life and do not miss the opportunity of consciously learning and growing. And especially, do not miss the opportunity to love, because love will always guide you, it will protect you when you definitely accept living in the eternal Love of God in order to completely transform personal love. 

It is this personal love that has led humanity into committing many mistakes and exercising a power which does not belong to it and will never belong to it.

That is why in service and in prayer you find the Source of the Love of God and even more, you will find pity, the pity that the world needs to be able to be healed and redeemed.

Lift up your hearts to God in this moment. And after having received the consciousness of the Garden of Gethsemane, let us enter now into the Glory of the Father so that He may receive your intentions and pleas.

And in the same way that yesterday you rose up to My Celestial Church, may your lives today be a part of the Supreme Church of the Father, not only witnessing the Love of God, but also the transformation of life, impelled by love and faith.

We stand up, at His request.

In this profound union with Our Lord of the Garden, with that experience of incalculable love that caused him to carry out that great task for humanity, in a similar but small way, we offer our being, our heart and life on the Hands of the Redeemer so that in this offering, so that in this moment of consecration and of transubstantiation, the human condition may be transmuted and redeemed so that the light of the soul, in the depths of each being, may at this time and moment be governing and awaken in consciousnesses the Virtues of God. Amen.

"Lord, You who created the elements for the regeneration of life, fruits of the creation of Your Consciousness, sublimate and elevate this moment so that hearts may enter into Your Celestial Church. Amen".

We bless the altar.

Prayer to the Celestial Father (repeated three times)

We invite those who are able to kneel for the consecration of the elements.

Before entering the Garden of Gethsemane, I was at the Cenacle with the apostles and many more, on the inner planes. And all, without exception, I caused to drink from the Fount, through the institution of this Priestly Ministry and through this blessed and unfathomable Sacrament.

Thus, I took the bread, I raised it to God, I broke it and gave it to My apostles and to each one of you, saying: "Take and eat. This is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins, a Body which is surrendered alive and resplendent to be taken to the slaughterhouse so that no other Lamb may be immolated or sacrificed".

It is at that moment that, through the intervention of the Most Holy Trinity and the Law of Supreme Grace, the Body of Christ is established in this consecration.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In that ambience created during the Last Supper, which was driven and guided by the Love of God, I took the Chalice, I lifted it up and the Father blessed it through the transubstantiation of the angels. I handed it to the apostles, telling them: “Take it. This is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God, which will be spilled by Your Lord for the remission and forgiveness of all faults. Happy and blessed will be those who always avail themselves of this Divine Sacrament.”

And on the three stroke of the bell, the wine was established and transfigured into the Divine Blood of the Lord.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We take the bread and the wine and in profound union with the Heart of Jesus and in light of His Divine Presence, united as one heart, let us repeat the prayer that He taught us.

Prayer: Our Father.

And when the bell strikes seven times, we establish a profound and essential union with the Body and Blood of Christ.

We stand up. 

And in this way, life is renewed in the most simple and humble things. And in that renewal is where souls feel encouraged to take their first steps, guided by God and flooded by His divine confidence.

Today, I want to specially thank all my companions of Argentina, for having fully trusted in their Master and Lord. And remember that, in spite of any situation, circumstance, or difficult moment in your country, never forget love, because love will always protect you from evil, and it will be that love among brothers and sisters which will move you to love one another, more each day.

And united as a single spiritual family, you will be able to mutually help one another, be it in a material, mental, or spiritual way.

May this human generosity and fraternity be able to go beyond Argentina and especially fill the whole of South America, because as part of this humanity and this planet, this region of the planet will also experience its transition and its purification.

But know that if I am here and not, for instance, in Israel or in any other place on the planet, it is because the Will of God is still unknown to you. And that Will not only moves the Universe and all consciousnesses, but is a Will which, in spite of being mysterious and silent, comes to establish a Greater Purpose in Argentina and South America.

I thank you, companions, for having responded to this sacred call of My Heart, for having demonstrated to your Master and Lord and to our Eternal Father, your most sincere and true effort.

May this effort in charity and the human good be able to be propagated beyond the borders.

And never forget that I especially have a preferred Love for Argentina and this is what will make Me come back here, when I return to the world.

So be it.

In the name of Love and of Peace, may the whole world and all those who listen to the Voice of their Master and Lord in any part of the world be blessed and filled by the Light of the Holy Spirit, and may Peace be in your hearts, in your families, and in your peoples and nations, may you continue to be bearers of Peace, and may Peace overcome evil forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In union, for peace in Argentina and in the whole world, in fraternity and gratitude, you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you and until next time.


May your hearts be filled by the Grace, Peace and the Mercy of Christ.

Today, children, My prayer is for you to find God, to live His words, His instructions, delivered to the world through His Messengers.

My prayer is for you to know how to overcome yourselves, each day, finding in your own surrender and in the aspiration to live Christic Love, the strength to elevate, overcome harassments and adversities and find peace.

My prayer is for you to learn to serve your brothers and sisters, learn how to say yes without conditions, in the spirit of patience and fraternity, humility and love.

Today, My prayer is for the servers of Christ to discover themselves as His companions and always aspire to give one step more, and become His friends, espoused souls of His Sacred Heart and faithful imitators of His Christic path.

My prayer today, before God, is of surrender. I surrender to the Father each word said throughout these last years, each impulse that I gave you with My word, with My silence and with My Love, so that you may seek in God the fruits of this surrender.

The door has already been opened to you. The way has already been shown. Today, My prayer is for you to walk without fear and tepidness of heart.

Be souls firm in Christ, renewed in God and willing to fulfill His Plan. 

For this I bless you and, with love, I accompany you, today and always. 

Your Father and eternal Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Nothing will stop My Purpose from being accomplished in Argentina, because if it is the Will of God, it will be done.

When you face some difficulty or delay for Me, be grateful and do not be tired of doing so, because I assure you that you will be very close to me.

It is in the difficult times when I count on My friends and companions the most, because comfortable and rested servers do not please Me.

My wish is that My companions do not cease to burn in their love and service for Me, because this attitude will represent a lot more than walking by My side for years.

My Heart fills with hope and reasons to return to the world when My companions give their all and are not lukewarm nor want to resolve everything quickly.

I am glad when I see how My companions, day after day, make a true effort to accomplish the impossible for Me.

When someone, out of those who are Mine, is thinking too much of themselves or does not have the correct attitude to serve, and only complains all the time, let them reflect if they are truly serving Me and if they are too comfortable in their situation and in their wellbeing.

I called you, one by one, so that you could unconditionally be My warriors of love, capable of going behind Me into the most impenetrable hells of the Earth to help Me redeem and save those who urgently need My Mercy.

Never forget that I called you to this path of sacrifice, full of blessings, of gifts, full of the Love of My Heart, which the majority of humanity does not have.

I thank you for being more aware each day of what you are experiencing and of the time in which you are living!

Who blesses you and thanks you for assuming, one by one, My Words of instruction,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


The treasures of Argentina that are not unveiled, which are not physical but spiritual, are held and widespread from El Calafate through San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, Mendoza to the precious summits of Jujuy.

Argentina is the spiritual cradle of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy, and a great confraternity silently works in these spaces in order to support humanity.

Argentina is the region of the planet with the most contact-beings present on the surface of the Earth and which, in most cases, were members of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy. The majority of those contact-beings will place themselves at the service of the spiritual Hierarchy in this acute cycle of humanity.

These suns and stars on Earth will be known by their fruits rather than their abilities and skills, because only Christic Love will awaken them, and no other movement will manage to do so.

They are consciousnesses that will come from unimaginable experiences of life and that, within themselves, hold an ardent devotion to the Hierarchy.

They will not flaunt absolutely anything about themselves and will not receive recognition nor any prominence. Their silent, anonymous and unconditional service will identify them.

In this way, Argentina will count on souls strengthened and safeguarded in prayer, which will offer their lives and their hearts at the service of the Greater Plan.

These sacred spaces, present at different points of the Andes mountain range, will be their reference and their spirituality in the most acute moments of the Earth, and these will help them to maintain their faith in the Love of Christ.

Those contact-beings will be similar or equal to the Fathers of the desert, who gave their lives to support humanity.

But they will not be isolated from society; rather, their example of love, of goodness and of service will give impulse to the occurrences and will keep hearts open so that all may survive in this final time.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


At this time, I come to meet my most fragile sheep so that they may be in My Arms and can strengthen and move ahead.

In My Arms, I take My sheep toward the stable of My Heart, where they will not fear the storm nor the darkness, but in the stable of My Heart they will feel the warmth of My Love and the tenderness of My Soul.

This is the reason why I am present here among those who are Mine because, My House, which is your House, must be spiritually rebuilt so that souls can continue to feel the inner security of being here, beyond any circumstance or any situation.

And I will come here, to My House, as many times as necessary, because your Lord also needs to find rest and repose in the hearts that follow Him and that accept Him as their Master.

True love is reciprocal. Give, all the time, this love to your brothers and sisters as I taught you, so that the love that is above all things is able to work and operate through you in understanding, acceptance and comprehension of your neighbor, of the imperfect, of the fragile spirit, day by day.

Thus, you will build with Me many more stables where My Heart will be present to help all My sheep.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.

For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.

The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.

In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.

Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.

This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.

This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.

Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 



In Argentina, companions, your Master and Lord will gather all the celestial powers to pour them out, as divine inner light, within essences.  

So that this spiritual movement may be possible, your Redeemer will attract, from ancient sites of the Earth, the principles and attributes that conformed the first Hierarchic Brotherhood.

This means that the humanity from Argentina will enter into an inner communion with the patterns of behavior that were present in the origins of the Earth, patterns which formed the sacred spirit of the Brotherhood between the Heavenly Hierarchy and the former humanity.

But the most important event of all is that the devout hearts of Argentina, when receiving and recognizing the arrival of the Redeemer, will be able to remember within themselves the inner union with the Christic Love and, from there, get the strength to be able to cross and live these definitive times. 

For this reason, the Celestial Father chose to be present in Argentina in the month of August, beyond any material and spiritual reason. He decided to congregate, for a divine reason, one of the first flocks of Christ.

Everything that is lovingly prepared, diffused and announced about the next Pilgrimage for Peace, as well as all the efforts that the servers from Argentina do in order to be able to be present in some of the meetings, will represent the absolute adherence to the proposal and intention of the Divine Hierarchy.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus    



My Heart waits for a Love greater than hundreds of fires and, in this Fire, your Master makes souls that follow Him burn in love. The Love of My Heart penetrates all things as well as all forms.

The fire of My Heart transforms and sublimates the human fire and makes of each being a possible instrument of the Redeemer. Through the Fire of My Heart, I transfigure the human condition and elevate consciousnesses to the fire of awakening, a nonmaterial place where souls find all impulses to redeem their being.  

In the Fire of My Heart is found the Center of the Will of God, and it is this creating Will that moves the Universe and allows its expansion so that all that is impure may be transmuted, and the most pure may be unveiled in the spirit of each creature.

The Fire of My Heart removes the depths of the consciousness so that within it may be deposited the Will of God and, thus, the most intimate wish of the Father may be fulfilled, that of seeing His children in Universal Love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Pray for a true religiosity, so that human hearts incline to the spirituality of being in God and of consciously being part of the Creator.

Cry out for souls to receive an opportunity of awakening and of deepening into their awakening, when they already feel awakened. 

Beg to the Father for those souls that have offered to be His representatives in the world, regardless of their creed, to be true and sincere in the love for God, because the love for God will lead them to the correct path, to the Narrow Door of the Heart of the Lord.

Trust that, despite the differences, the one that lives to express, multiply, experience and give the love of God will find the path to unity with the Father, and it is there where religions will understand one another; it is there where philosophies will be freed from their ignorance and will find the Truth.

Throughout this time, children, the Truth of God and life, revealed in parts to human beings and hidden in its fullness within the essence of Christic Love, will be completely revealed to you. And you will understand that inside of true love there was no wrong religion but, in truth, a true one that was not completely revealed but shared between the children of God so that, when each one would follow His precepts and path of Love, they could meet one another, and all with the Light of the Divine Truth.

Just pray for the sanctity and purity of religions.

Pray so that you do not confuse the ways of God with the ways of humans.

Pray so that beings may reconnect with their Creator, wherever they are, through love.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

While more souls enter My Universe of Light, more events from the past are dissolved by Christic Love, and thus I triumph again in the face of darkness, and souls recover their spiritual meaning of being here in order to stop being disoriented.

Souls walk towards the inner planes to have an encounter with your Master and Lord. Even though it may not seem so, this is what happened with the souls of Croatia and is also what may happen with the souls of Hungary, strategically imprisoned in a system of human self-destruction.

But My Mercy shall reach all those who wish to receive it, and even more.

My Mercy shall fill all spaces when My arrival is announced, just as the arrival of your Heavenly Mother to Croatia was announced through the diffusion of the heart, which was to share Christic Love.

This is the last time in which souls will unexpectedly receive the impulse of awakening directly from the Source so that each one may take on their commitment with the Celestial Father and be a part of the soldiers of Christ of the end of times.

But this impulse shall happen only once and will not be repeated.

Therefore, the more the diffusion group is aware of the work it performs on the inner planes, the greater will be the effects for the Work of the Hierarchy in the whole world.

I thank you for all the efforts made; I thank you for keeping My words and impulses in your heart.

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


If your prayers were always real and deep, like those of today, all the infinite merits of My Mercy would reach the souls that are in desolation and perdition because My Power, which is the Power of My Father, has no limits nor boundaries.

All who invoke My Divine Mercy, not for themselves, but rather for the whole world, cause it to descend like a rain of graces so that one day those most indifferent and hypnotized may awaken to real and divine life.

Through the merits of My Mercy, I grant the world the opportunity of reconsidering and of repenting all the dark connections souls once made.

The Power of My Mercy is given impulse by the infinite Source of My Love, a Love that withdraws souls from the world illusion and wakes them up to the life of the spirit.

Through My Mercy, I fulfill the promises in humanity. And when that Divine Power of Christ is invoked, profound repercussions are dissolved and hearts reignite in the Love of God, in a saving love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Let your soul be bathed by the powerful Light of My Heart so that you may regain your trust in God and this trust may be what gives you the impulse to take steps and follow the Designs of your Creator.

Let your soul, by itself, recognize the Will of God through the daily prayer to My Divine Mercy.

Grant it the opportunity to express and show itself to the more conscious part of your being. That it may show you all the spiritual and inner potential that it has for carrying forward its mission and purpose.

Let your soul always find the inner space that it needs to reveal to you the entire commitment that, as a state of consciousness, it must express so that, in this way, it may gradually fulfill the Will of the Father.

From your soul, healing may be born, and the culminating moment of redemption will occur so that someday your soul may triumphantly cross the portal of the Love of Christ and enter into the school of eternal life.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I unite all Christians on one Path, the path of love, because in love there are no differences, reasons nor concepts.

It is in love that My Church can be rebuilt, extended throughout the Earth, because in love it will be able to be liberated and forgiven, and everything will start from scratch.

For this reason, My Father grants you the possibility of gathering and uniting among followers of the same Christ, to strengthen the love that brought and approached each one of you toward Me.

This is the time for living in this undeniable love, in a love that is capable of welcoming and not rejecting, in a love that entirely gives of itself beyond results, in a love that lives without expectations.

I unite all Christians by means of the same love thatI gave to My apostles, a love capable of transcending the boundaries of consciousness, a love that can be shared so that many more get to know the immensity of My Mercy.

In love, you will be free from yourselves, from the prisons of life and protected from all evil.

In My Love, I transform you and I gather you, once again, for you to glorify the Father.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I make you apostles of the end of times so that you can testify within yourselves of the fruits of the Divine Word.

I make you apostles of the end of times so that you may represent your Redeemer in this critical and acute cycle of the planet.

I make you My apostles so that you may live My Will and so that you may manifest it beyond your capabilities and fears. Because by living My Will, you will achieve the spiritual freedom that you need to be able to continue taking steps toward the fulfilling of Divine Purpose.

I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may live in charity and in service, so that in this practice of surrender, you can be able to experience Christic Love and are able to manifest it on Earth.

I make you My apostles of the end of times so that each day more, you may risk living in the emptiness of self and with the absolute trust that everything will be accomplished according to what was designated by My Father.

I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may inwardly prepare for My Second Return.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


From His birth to His adult life, Jesus had full knowledge of universal life and the deep life of each being. Knowing the purpose of humanity on Earth, His Heart was always supported by the hope of the arrival of a new life, of the manifestation of a New Humanity.

The Truth of God lived within Him and during the Calvary it was the basis of the wisdom that awakened Christic Love in His Heart and renewed the Love of God.

Today, child, let the revelations of this time be for you the wisdom that comes as a basis for the calvary of the world and, above all, for the awakening and renewal of Love.

Receive the sciences that you are taught with gratitude, the higher knowledge about which humanity has always been so ignorant to.

Let wisdom awaken the certainty in you of eternity and of the redemption of all souls so that with this Truth, alive in your heart, you are able to make the trials of this end of cycle small.

Ennoble and strengthen your heart with wisdom and knowledge. Let higher Truth draw closer and, with it, what you truly are; in this way, you will have firm foundations on which to walk toward your return to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

My final time is drawing closer, a moment in which your Master and Lord will give and deliver His last impulses, which will finish concretizing the cycle of manifestation, even though everything will be happening on the planet.

For this reason, companions, the moment will come to put into practice, in your life, everything that I lovingly taught you; it will be the time in which everything will be defined.

I prepare you so that when the moment comes for you to make a decision, it may be done consciously and with discernment; thus, in this last stage, I come to give you the last keys, instructions that will open the door of your consciousnesses so that you may take steps in love and in unity.

But although everything may shortly be happening, do not allow your faith to waver or change. On the contrary, allow My Love, which is unconditional and eternal, to help you endure all that you will see and be aware of.

This is the time and the hour to prepare, to surrender and to trust, following the light of My steps until you are able to find the portal toward the eternal and the greater.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you, 

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Contemplate the Heart of Christ and in It His Saintly Chalice.

This is the Chalice of your redemption and of the redemption of the world. Inside is found the Blood that was shed on Calvary as well as on the Cross; Blood that represented the absolute surrender of God through His Son; Blood that multiplies within all tabernacles of the world to enter the interior of all beings and transform their human condition; Blood that carries within It The Codes of the New Life, of Christic Love, Love of God renewed in His Son; Blood that is poured over the world when the souls cry out sincerely; Blood that entered the interior of the Earth to seal the alliance between this Divine Project and its Creator, decreeing Its perfection and Its manifestation during the end of cycles.

This is the Blood that Gives Life, not only to humanity but to the entire Creation. This is the Blood that divinizes you because it manifested, in human flesh, the presence of God and turned alive the likeness of the Creator to His Creatures.

This is the blood that is surrendered every day at the altar; it is the Blood that converts the elements of the Earth; the Earth that by this very blood has become sacred.

Revere, today, the Chalice of the Lord so that you will be a knower of His Mysteries. In the Holy Chalice the Blood of Christ is kept, and that of all those who once drank from it and reached levels of Christic Love within.

This is the Chalice that unites you to God; the mystery manifested of the Divine Love. If you only contemplate it with love, your spirit, soul and heart will be communing with It.

If you drink from the Blood and eat from the body of Christ, all of your being communes with His Life, with the New Life, the Love and the perfection of God.

Today and always, child, revere the gift of the surrender of God through the Eucharist. Inside of It is found alive the Love that your Creator felt when manifesting Himself, in this life, descending to the smallest of all dimensions to open the path for supreme unity with His Spirit

Drink from His Blood and eat from His Body, thus crossing the dimensions that separate you from God and returning to His Eternal Heart. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

Each prayer that you offer to Me is like a flower that you place at the Feet of the Celestial Mother. This flower is the plea of the human heart which, with effort and dedication, lets itself be modified by Christic Love.

Remember that each time that you may offer Me a sincere prayer, I will receive in the Kingdom of God the perfect testimony of your love for My Heart.

With all these requests, and through the intercession of My Son, I am able to attend to souls and to the world, I can reach where there is a greater need of love and of redemption.

Through your offerings of prayer, your aspirations are concretized because they will be filled with the love of the angels from Heaven, and inner or outer obstacles will not interfere on the path of your steps towards the Purpose of God.

Thus, through your prayer, I can place you before the planetary reality and before complex situations that only prayer, as the bridge to God, can solve, because true prayer is the one born from the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

