Dear children,
I am that Rose of Light that emanates the subtle aromas of love for hearts.
I am that Rose of Light that turns pain into joy and suffering into healing.
I am that Rose of Light that shines during the night to guide My children.
I am that Rose of Light that blossoms again and again when My children are making an offering and are in prayer.
I am that Rose of Light that inspires souls to live the path of peace and of love.
I am that Rose of Light created in the universe to be the Mother of humanity, in service and love for all.
I am that Rose of Light that was once a humble human heart that was in service to the Lord, in praise and in joy.
I am that Rose of Light that brought to the world the most important thing it had lost, its original purity.
I am that Rose of Light that opens so that all may come to know the love of My Original Purity.
I hope that after this journey on the planet, your hearts will change as Mine did, into roses of light that are in offering and redemption at the Feet of the Creator.
I hope that one day you may be roses of light that reflect the inner purity of the soul that was worked on and purified through service and love for God.
I hope that you may be roses of light that wake up other roses, so they may blossom and manifest a true 'yes' to the Creator.
I hope, children, that you may be roses of light so that you may confirm that life can be divinized through union with the Celestial Father.
When your hearts change into roses of light, you will no longer be the same as always, for in you will awaken the unique talent that My Son left in the essence of each human heart.
Be roses of light to glorify the Father and praise Him forever in gratitude.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prepares you for your change,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Pray with your heart every day and in any circumstance for your prayer to reach the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Pray with faith and confidence to reach the end of the path of your conversion.
Pray with hope and joy for the gifts of Heaven to always descend as the rain that moistens the earth.
Pray in brotherhood and fraternity for the old patterns of the consciousness of humanity to be able to be changed by those of the universal life, by the principles of good behavior.
Pray with fervor and enthusiasm so that all souls be touched by the same fire that touched your hearts.
Dear children, pray with Me in humility and reverence for the gifts of My Son to spring in you.
Only pray with Me and I will be with you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who encourages you to life of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The spirit of childhood is what must be recovered from the depths of the essence of each small Syrian soul.
It is for this reason that the missionaries must transmit, in their gestures and actions, the spirit of true joy, with the purpose of being able to reflect, in the most innocent, the reason for living on the surface of the planet.
In this way, dear children, the works of peace that will be carried out by the missionaries of the Federation will allow for the recovery of the true sense of reencountering the love that is lost, and the maternity they never experienced due to the lack of peace.
Dear children, this mission throughout all of Turkey will try to interpenetrate the deepest spaces of the spiritual consciousness of the souls with the purpose of recovering the dignity and, mainly, the filiation with the Celestial Father, something that, due to war, was deactivated from the heart of each child of Mine.
My children, the path that the missionaries of peace will tread will lead them towards the encounter with the different states of lack of peace, of love and of justice.
It is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother will accompany the missionaries so that, united to My Immaculate Heart, they may be guided directly toward the place where it will be necessary to rebuild the spirit of peace in the human heart and especially, reintegrate the feeling of being loved and not rejected into the littlest ones, as well as in adults.
At this hour, in which the first steps of the mission are already being taken, all are called, dear children, to be united to the essence of the purpose of this humanitarian mission.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who silently guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
May My Eagle of Light pour out the powerful rays of My Heart, rays that will illuminate the path of good souls, souls who must achieve redemption, just like you.
May My Eagle of Light radiate the codes of rehabilitation to the nations and peoples; and when you see the Eagle of Light passing through each place, hearts can recognize the affiliation with My Heart.
White Eagle, in your flight, you exist to remember that the Holy Spirit of God belongs to every heart that invokes It to live its transformation.
Eagle of Light, you exist to elevate your children towards God and to remind them of the saving Message of Christ.
In your interior, Eagle of Light, keep the redeemed who, like so many of My other servers, could clearly see the footsteps of Christ and thus, you have gathered in Your most pure Spirit all those who today celebrate redemption with you.
May your walk, through every space, leave shining the joy of re-encountering God, just like the star marks its infinite Presence in the firmament.
Eagle of Light, you are the spirit of divine works; you are in humility the true offering of the Plan of God to the planet.
Never tire of flying, Eagle of Light, for behind you still walk the seekers of your light; lead them all towards the Kingdom of Adonai to unite with the Love of the Universe.
Eagle of Light, as you pass by, leave the luminous Face of Christ engraved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Today I bless this whole mission,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May My Peace reign today, may you trust in God because you live what is foreseen by God.
May your heart be free from affliction, but may it recognize the greatness of all this mystery.
May you live love and multiply it so that your oldest resistances may collapse before the foot of the Creator.
May you be able to be free all the days of your life.
May you build now the new bridges between the Earth and Heaven.
May your fears be liberated and may you purify yourself in faith, because all that happens to you today has already been thought by God.
May you not lose the sane joy, may you relive every day the Passion of the Lord as the purpose to redeem life.
May the doors of the Universe open before your life, may you be filled by My Love and My compassion. Ignite My star of Peace in your breast, so that it may be the bright star for those who do not see God.
May life become simpler through you so that the ones who are lost may return to God. Embrace My sweet Heart in this hour, permit Me to solve everything. Accept the challenges. Live the changes out of love and with forgiveness towards humanity.
Find in My gaze the kind-hearted Light of the Celestial Father. The hour of your surrender is close at hand, may you celebrate with Me this day because I have come in the name of Christ to give you His Graces and to conquer your little heart.
Trust every day in the virtues of loving more and more what seems not very happy for you. Because your joy will be truly born when you live your cross with gratitude for all this project, there, you shall finally be free from yourself.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you toward Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With eternal joy and profound peace, today I gather all of you again in the sacred oratory of My Immaculate Heart, for on this sacred day one of My awaited plans is fulfilled: the expansion of My Marian Message in the world.
For this reason, dear children, I have come to remind you that My Work is done through peace, with hands united together with Mine.
Thus, beloved children, the task of spreading My urgent Message to the world will always be based on charity, sacrifice and above all, the unity and love that your hearts can reflect toward Mine.
All My Work in this world, which your Heavenly Mother lovingly offers you, must be supported by the spirit of fraternity and not of power.
Beloved children, throughout the years I have made you grow in virtue, talent and gifts by My side. Thus, My most beautiful but simple images, through this means of universal communication, were presented to the unredeemed souls.
From the beginning, you accompanied My Work and you will continue to do so until the much awaited redemption of humanity is accomplished.
Although the time will come when I am no longer amongst you daily, but rather just visiting you in an extraordinary way, you, My very dear children, will have much to disseminate and publish. When you do so, you will see My requests, one by one, being fulfilled, for God needs it thus.
Children, while you purify yourselves and take the first steps toward a greater maturity, I ask that out of love for My Most Sacred Heart, you keep your souls united through the Graces and the wonders that I have poured out for you. I would like to see you more united, not only in My celestial joy, but also in the challenges and the tests.
Many of those present here today would already be prepared to be part of the new team of soldiers that will work in the expansion of this immaculate Project of God: the redemption of the modernity of the world through the Divine Message of the Sacred Hearts.
Before the Presence of Christ and of the angels that accompanied Me during My Glorious Assumption, I receive the sincere offerings that you will commit to work with Me throughout world for the planetary redemption. For this, I ask that on a piece of paper, you write your aspiration of accompanying and supporting this new Project that will be presented to everybody today.
My only Purpose, beloved children, is that the world and souls achieve peace.
I thank you for responding to My important call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
With a joy that moves My maternal Heart, I invite you to seek on this day the true fusion with the Holy Spirit, so that under this Sacred Presence, full of love and of truth, you can walk towards the discovery of this Grace that comes from beyond the spiritual plane and that is born from the Divine Source.
Saint Joseph knew together with Mary the expansion of these Gifts, gifts of humility, of charity and of wisdom which brought to the world the Mercy of God and the good for all souls.
At the doors of this sacred knowledge, dear children, I invite you to seek the truth that dwells in the Heart of God.
Each time you ask the Chaste Heart to intercede for humanity, you are simply calling uponthe inner merits that Saint Joseph attained as a man of this Earth and, in the same way, your prayers attract the infinite gifts of the Holy Spirit of Joseph, as was the gift of consecration that He lived out of love for the project of humanity.
Dear children, open the doors of your hearts to find this divine reality and embrace this path towards the discovery of the true essence of all things.
Saint Joseph wants to help you to be simple, humble and good. There will be no other inner path nor other divine philosophy that you can follow, other than the holy path that Saint Joseph lived for all.
Christ is unique and there will be no other Messiah like Him, who has lived and preached among you. Christ is Glory and Divinity, and He will now only return to the heart of the one who, being a sinner, asks for His Divine Mercy to be forgiven.
Children, emulate the path of the Sacred Hearts, but do not want to be something that in truth you are not, be humble, serve and embrace with love the cross that My Son gives you. Follow Him, pray with fervor for this decadent humanity and replace in your minds all the ideas of a spiritualized life for your true self.
Your Heavenly Mother, Saint Joseph, the Worker of the poor, and Christ, your Lord, who is seated at the right of Abba, wish to inspire you to live a life of holiness. If at least somebody were holy and silent, the world would change and the path of humanity would be safe.
Believe, feel and see that Christ, the Glorified King, Holy Mary of Aurora and Saint Joseph the Worker visit you in this house as in other places of the world, that are today Centers and Marian Sanctuaries of Grace and of Mercy.
Recognize the Work of the Celestial Messengers, to which you are called to participate in humility and without realizations. The only miracle for your beings is the loving offer of Heaven on the path of forgiveness, redemption and conversion.
I thank you for having responded to the call of the Divine Messengers!
Who unites you to the only celestial truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today I find Myself among you to bring peace, relieve and an expansion of light that may reach your consciousnesses, so that they may strengthen themselves in the Love of God.
In time of tests, of great definitions and greater commitments that must be assumed by the soldiers of Christ, My adversary uses all of his tricks to put in the heart and in the mind of My children, creations that are not real, ideas and feelings that disturb them and that only seek to remove them from the task of the spirit that incarnated on this Earth to serve God.
All those feelings and thoughts that distance you from My Heart and from the heart of your brothers and sisters are in process of transformation so that once and for all you may die for love. This will permit that the truthful that exists in you and that was sown as a talent by My Son, may sprout, flourish and develop.
These true attributes are kept, in some cases, under several keys because the mediocre aspects of humanity have been cultivated in consciousness throughout history and developed as false attributes, what deceives all of My children into thinking that they are their best spiritual qualities, mental and material skills.
While these false attributes are defended and treasured as real and sublime inside of the beings, the true attributes and talents remain captive in cages, where they can not express themselves or fulfill what they came to do in this world.
But My Love and the Redeeming Love of My Son come to break the locks of these prisons so that, what you truly are, My Beloved Children, be able to be liberated and the mediocrity learned by this humanity throughout history may be able to finally be unmasked and die.
The art of loving, dear children, is that task that God has entrusted to you, an exercise full of challenges in which each consciousness takes as a goal to overcome every day, one by one, the mediocrities of this world, with determination, will and faith to reach this vital purpose that keeps waiting for the worthy Children of God.
When a consciousness is determined to achieve what God in truth has sown in it, going over its own head, without fear of what it will find, it receives from the Celestial Spheres an assistance that is not from this world, which is reserved for the brave ones.
When a consciousness is willing, in humility, to discover what false this world has put in them and decide to discover the potential the Universe has sown in their interior, the Heavens collaborate so that their prompt awakening to the truthful may open the door of the treasure that had been guarded for so long.
Beloved children, persevere, work, be strong and brave. Discover the false that My adversary has sown in your hearts and do not allow to be prevented to feel the full joy of discovering who you truly are.
I guide you, trust in My designs, in My requests and thus I will be able to help you to liberate yourselves from what you are not.
Today I bless My favorite son, the one that is favorite for the effort he has made in discovering the instrument that I have built within him and in offering himself to be led by God to the awakening of his brothers and sisters.
I want to be able to serve Myself from all My beloved children as instruments of Light in My hands.
I love you, I protect you with My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for being today with Me.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
May joy and perseverance never stop prevailing in the hearts of My children, because these attributes will build the unbreakable foundations of the inner fortress of those who must live the end of these times.
My beloved ones, as Mother and Lady of the Divine Word, I come to bring to the world the Will of God and His guidance to the souls who have decided to follow the path that leads to the Father.
My Heart rejoices to find you in prayer, because thus I will be able to prepare My soldiers, the faithful disciples of Christ, so that they may face with bravery the days to come.
My beloved children, many fear to listen to My words, others prefer not to believe them, because My word invites you to a transformation, My word calls you to maturity, so that as souls you may no longer be children and you may recognize the great responsibility that you carry as humanity, a humanity that must take a great leap and that often does not feel ready to take it.
But now, My dear ones, the moment to elevate your faces towards Heaven has arrived, and just as My Son told the Father, may His Will be done and may begin in this world the great transformation that will guide you to His Most Sacred Heart.
My dear ones, a very long time will pass in order for you to learn how to consolidate in your beings the Grace of becoming truly resembling to God.
Days will come in which your eyes will not want to open, in which your arms will seem to not be able to raise themselves, in which your legs will feel that they cannot walk, but during those days you must remember about moments such as this one that you lived today, in which I have come to meet you, awakening you from the sleep and bringing you the peace and the joy that must be perpetuated in your hearts.
In the years to come, you will learn that you can overcome many barriers in matter and in spirit. You will discover that the fortress about which I spoke so much is truthful, and as well as My Son Jesus, you will be able to incarnate the Father's Will. During days of deep darkness, you will awaken in your own heart the sun that will illuminate the world once again and that will warm up the heart of those who had their inner sun almost extinct.
I wish each one of My children to be a sun on the Earth, to dawn every day for a new time, to dissipate the clouds and the darkness with its own light that emerges from its prayers.
My beloved ones, I am building in each one of you something that you will only be able to find when you believe that you are unable to do anything else for this world. The treasure that I have placed in your essences will be very hidden and the key to find it is the persistence in prayer and the overcoming of oneself and of all the worldly energies in order to fulfill the Plan of God, a Plan that you must love and on which you must trust for all eternity.
Although someday you may not see the manifestation of God in yourselves, be sure that this God will be hidden inside of you.
And today I tell you that you must see arise in the heart of Africa, by means of this mission, the pulsating and living Heart of God, a Heart that won over suffering and sorrow and that now elevates itself, giving an example to all on how to reemerge in joy and in peace.
May My soldiers be able to have their hearts always in the Heights and the eyes of the soul always open, in order to not only see what physically happens in this world, but to find the Glory of God behind all things and in the invisible of every event.
I thank you for the joy in receiving Me. Remember this joy on the days to come and never lose it from your sight.
I bless you and by means of your prayers, I bring My blessings to the whole world.
Mary, Mother and Lady of the Divine Word
The Glory of God manifests itself in the world!
My children,
May the celestial armies open today the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens before your eyes so that you may in this way get to know and recognize the Dwelling to which you must return in this time.
May your hearts be willing to receive the blessings and the Graces that the Lord sends to the world in this time because it is necessary that each consciousness give the consent and send to the Universe a strong and determined yes so that the Light of God may descend upon your lives.
I come to the world in this time to remove from ignorance all of the humanity that lives in the false belief that the world and life are limited to matter, to that which they can see and touch.
My beloved ones, I come today to show you that you know nothing about life on the surface of the Earth and even less about the celestial life. Until today your souls have lived in this world as children that do not truly know the value of life and many permanently refuse to grow up. It is time for humanity to mature and to live no longer as a race of youth and adolescents that acts without perceiving the consequences of their own actions.
The time in which the Lord will let humanity known the product of its life and all the fruits of the trees planted throughout human existence must emerge now.
I do not tell you to fear because it is not fear that I bring to your lives. I only tell you to wake up because maturity will bring pain to many but to others it will bring the joy of knowing a Universe that had been hidden during all the history of humanity.
My beloved ones, as Mother of the World and Universal Mother I must warn you that that the moment has arrived of discovering before you a universal life that has always been here and that you could never find.
My beloved ones, be open to take a great leap as a consciousness and as humanity, but walk with joy, with the same joy of a child that enters a new school, in a new level of learning because it is like this that you are today, entering into a new level of your evolution that for many is greater than that which they would be able to achieve by themselves. But for this I Am here, to help you to take this leap, to indicate to you the path and to sustain you during all the learning that is the first of many that you will live in Paradise.
My children, understand the importance of these times because the yes that you give on the day of today will represent the answer of all the human consciousness and it will determine the course of evolution of your souls.
As the Mother of each one of you I Am willing to guide your steps and to support them under any circumstances. I only ask you, if you accept to follow with Me, to be faithful to My instructions because nothing more will be asked to you then a pure and truly open heart to the living of the Sacred and of the Superior, through prayer, service and love for all of the kingdoms of nature.
I thank you for accepting to enter with Me in this path of Redemption.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
On this day, go on pilgrimage on the long path of your consciousnesses, an inner path on which you will find some obstacles to be surmounted, some tests to be experienced, and some memories to be forgiven and forgotten.
Seek to walk through the inner world with profound peace and joy, and even though the encounter with some situations may cause you pain, try and move beyond them with the joy of the day.
Allow yourselves, My children, to be guided by the Star of Bethlehem to the most simple and pure place of your inner world; a place that for many is unknown, but that exists and is now ready to receive the Son of God.
Today, the Lord offers you a possibility for freeing and healing ancient sorrows, fears, blame, old errors and suffering. Today, the Lord makes known to many of His children that they must transform in this time. Because to experience an effective and resounding transformation, you need to know all that is to be changed in yourselves. However, trust in the Grace that is granted you, of being guided by the Faithful Servant of God, and do not be shocked by what you may see about yourselves.
Those who allow themselves to take a step on this day will find themselves faced with a past to be redeemed and all that they have hidden from themselves for so long.
My children, make of this day a day of Glory, and of this purification, the harbinger of the glorious coming of My Son Jesus. Because for Him you will be building an empty and pure space, where He will be able to freely dwell, and will be able to reign with the totality of His perfect Consciousness.
The greatness of this day will manifest in the consciousnesses of the world, according to the openness of each one to what is being offered to them. The depth with which God will work in your consciousnesses will occur according to the openness of your hearts. Thus, be willing to experience something new, unknown, which will revolutionize your inner world.
My children, make of the pilgrimage on this day a moment similar to that experienced by Joseph and Mary on the night of the Birth of Jesus.
Much was gradually revealed to Joseph and Mary as the Birth of the Messiah drew closer. They offered Themselves to know and heal the evil that lived in the humanity of that period. As the Birth of Christ drew closer through the pilgrimage of Joseph and Mary, the energies of lust, greed, vanity and pride, which were expressed in that period with great intensity in human beings, were gradually changed and transmuted.
Mary's birth pains became more intense than that which was normally felt. They experienced the desolation and the affliction of not being able to give Christ a safe place in which to be born, and this experience of purification culminated when they understood the Will of God and gave life to Jesus in a stable, experiencing the purest humility and joy, and thus discovered that everything was to be healed through humility, purity and faith in the Will of God and in His divine guidance.
Today, for the hearts of the world, it will not be different. If you allow it, the Lord will have you live a great experience, which will culminate in the discovery of an emptiness of self and surrender to a divine humility.
My beloveds, gladden your little hearts today, and walk with Me, for I will be your Star of Bethlehem, and through prayer, I will lead you to the birth of Christ in your essences.
I thank you for allowing Me to guide your lives.
I love you always.
Your Mother, Mary of Nazareth, Star of Bethlehem
Dear children of Mine,
Never forget to come to My maternal arms because my purpose as a Mother is to make you sleep close to My Heart, and rest, rest in My mantle of Light, so that I, during the night and in vigil, may pray by your side until the dawn.
Dear children, do not forget to be in My arms because as your protector Mother, I wait for you to surrender your pains, fatigues, tiredness and despairs to me. I know your lives very well, therefore trust and walk by My side so that we may meet Jesus.
Dear children, never forget to be in My arms, because as Mother of Love I want you close to Me, so that you may say all that you feel and know. It is time for you to rest in the Spirit of My Heart thus I will make you walk steady until the end.
I want you to be in My arms because I want to kiss your faces and envelop you with My Celestial Light. Thus, you will rest and will not lose time with anything, because My Heart wants to sustain you, motivate you to continue on the path of good and peace.
My dear ones, be in My arms today so that tomorrow I may show you the path of the great sacrifice of love.
Beloved ones, now that you are already in My arms, tonight I contemplate your efforts. Thus, remain near Me, because in this way nothing will happen to you.
I am with you in joy and in sorrow, in certainty and in error.
I love all of you dearly.
Today I thank you for having responded to My Son. I give thanks to you and Heaven gives thanks to you.
Rest in My Arms. It is time to sleep in the arms of your Celestial Mother. Come on, My dear ones! Onward and with faith!
Mary, Your Mother and Queen of the Peace of the Heart
Little children of My Heart,
Today I want to dictate words of encouragement, of hope, of joy to you, so that united with the attributes of My Heart, you are able to move beyond the tests that God sends to your lives.
My beloveds, these are times of much suffering for the world, for all the Kingdoms of My Heart, and those who are willing, in prayer and in peace, to serve all these Kingdoms must grow and become stronger every day in My Maternal Heart.
Many tests are still to come, and they will be ever more intense and deeper, for the Lord aspires to purify the depths of His creatures.
To overcome each test, your hearts cannot lose their joy and the hope of continuing forward. The joy in the hearts of My children will make each fall light and will help them to get back up, always noticing the great need there is in the world, and how necessary it is to learn to fall and get back up every day.
My Heart addresses all the hearts of the world, because each being that lives on this Earth must awaken to be a soldier of My Marian army, that fights for peace through prayer.
All who live on this Earth at this time come from the Heart of God, and to Him you must return, when you have learned to overcome the tests of life through persistence in the Heart of God and through love.
My children, all the hearts of the world - each one within its lessons - experience hard tests in their maturation. Those that do not know Me are submerged in suffering, and become lost in this sea of pain and of darkness that grows in the world; but those who at some point have heard My Voice, must raise their arms and cannot allow themselves to be submerged in suffering.
Know how to see, My dear ones, the difficulties of life as opportunities for maturing the spirit, of learning and of helping others that are in this same situation.
The warnings of the Messengers of God are always to propel you towards the Celestial Heart of God. So allow yourselves to be shaped by the Hands of the Creator through His Messengers. Be like light vessels to be shaped by the hands of the Potters of God, so that when it is the correct time, the Water of Life may be poured into your hearts and, through you, it may reach all of humanity and all the Kingdoms.
Today I also tell you that in your hearts, greater love and greater understanding for the Kingdoms of Nature must emerge. Through prayer, seek to know the greatness of these Kingdoms, and in them find My Heart, for in the Kingdoms, My Spirit already has an everlasting dwelling place.
My dears, with the heart full of joy, continue forward in spite of all the tiredness, in spite of all the tests, in spite of the feeling that your feet do not move from where they are. Do not worry, for if you just take one step, My Heart will take all the rest toward your hearts, but it is necessary that this first step be taken.
I love you and bless you always; I hold you in My Sacred Heart.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today allow My Voice to resound within each one of your hearts, so that My return to this blessed House may be of profound Glory on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
My children, My Heart deeply rejoices for being able to again be close to your hearts. From the Heavens, the Lord observes the steps that you take day after day and accompanies you on this trajectory of growth.
Beloved children of Figueira, for this important day of worldwide decisions, I ask that you pray, pray a lot, with the fervor of the heart and the will of the soul, for in this way, through a sincere prayer, the Lord will be able to speak in the heart of His children, those who support the Church of Christ and have need of great inspiration to make the correct decisions, according to the Will of God.
This is a time, My children, when you must pray so that the Voice of God may be heard in all hearts, of all nations, races and religions, so that all the paths chosen by humankind may be truly guided by one only God.
The Lord emits His Voice, touching all hearts so they may awaken at this moment and experience the true conversion of life.
For this reason, I come, My children, as an echo of the Divine Verb. I come so that the Will of God may manifest in your lives and in the lives of all creatures.
Therefore, pray for each other. Always have your neighbor in your hearts, without fear surpassing judgments and all the differences that exist between beings.
Pray so that the paths created by humankind may be converted into paths guided by God, so that His children may find the entrance to Heaven.
Pray so that the discernment of the Holy Spirit may permeate the consciousnesses of all humankind. For in this way, humankind and God will always have the same Will, as it was with My Son Jesus.
Listen to My Heart that prays, to My Voice that rises, and pray with Me.
I wait for you in prayer and peace.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
May the joy of living and of being in God awaken in you today because in this way you will be in inner communion with the Creator.
Dear children, today I ask you that, through the prayer of the heart, you may commune again with the Presence of My Son so that all souls may unite to God and may awaken to the call of this time.
My children, as the Mother of Graces, today I radiate My Peace to you and I bring all of you closer to the Great Heart of God. The goal for today, little children, is to continue to pilgrimage through prayer, because the world needs your loving and giving help. The redemption of all hearts of the world is primordial in this time, and each one of My children keeps in their heart the inner potential to accomplish this praying mission that My Heart entrusts to you day by day.
Dear children, today before the Doors of Heaven I ask you to revere the Universe, because many of My children forget to look towards the Infinite to find peace. The enemy distracts humanity with modernities and this disconnects My children from prayer.
Today I invite you to love the primordial exercise of prayer so that at least some of My soldiers may help in the awakening of the new consciousness of the spirit and of the heart, that each child must have in these times before the Most High.
God will thank your praying posture at the end of times.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call for peace.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As the Star of Heaven and of the Universe, your steps are guided under the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Thus your feet walk on this pathway towards the encounter with My Son. This is a pathway built in the pacification and in the faith of the heart.
Dear children, today I call you to rejoice your hearts and not to fear for anything because your Celestial Mother is with you, by your side, observing the walk of each soul, observing the definition of each heart before the Plans of God. Because each one of you keeps in the heart something that is revered by the angels of Heaven. This precious thing that you keep is called “purity of the heart.”
Although the world forgets, day to day, to strengthen the spirit through prayer and through the Love of God the Creator, today I invite you to search within yourselves for the immaculate purity of the heart. Out of love, God has given you His Favorite Son, who left for you the path of truth and salvation.
Therefore, dear children, today revere, adore and glorify the Presence of the Son of God in your lives.
On this day of important reparation of the Heart of Christ, I ask you that, out of love, you surrender your lives to Jesus and that you find, in the Merciful Love of Christ, the door to your salvation and redemption.
My children, new instruments of Christ, new fires of His Merciful Love must awaken in this time because the souls, as sparks of the Love of Christ, will help in the salvation of the essences by means of service and consecration.
Today, dear children, I want you to remember that you are precious essences of God and that beyond your understanding and reason, there is the expression of the Love of the Father in each one of His creatures. If souls could at least remember that they are essences created by God, the steps in conscious- ness would be able to be united to His Will.
Dear children, as the Mother of Redemption I leave My crown of stars to each one of your hearts today so that, guided by My Immaculate Love, you may recognize the value of your faith and of your absolute trust in God the Creator.
Today I also tell you to fear nothing and to walk, walk in prayer, because it will be your shield for the important moments. Uniting day by day your hearts in fraternity you will be able to carry imprinted in your beings the Eternal Celestial Peace of the Lord.
Propagate the merciful power of prayer and may your lives reveal to those who are distant from God, the teachings and the transformations that Christ has made in your consciousnesses.
Be the new shepherds of prayer and, through the exercise of prayer, be the guardians of all souls with Me. Let us pray for the presence of the Mercy of God in the world.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
In My arms I hold the world. In My Heart I keep humanity.
In My prayer I help humanity and thus I aid all souls. With
My eyes I contemplate the joy of some hearts and the pain of the wounded hearts.
Therefore, My mission is to bring Heaven to Earth through the prayers of My soldiers. My Graces are poured hour by hour, second by second over this world in need. My hands pray perpetually for you. My Immaculate Heart rises to the celestial throne of God to ask, as mediator, for all humanity.
While time, the changes and the events pass quickly in the life of all souls, My Heart wants to take you to a deep state of peace. I want to reveal to My little ones the essence of the Divine Mercy of Jesus. I want that My little ones learn to be with My Son without fearing for anything and thus to walk in joy towards the encounter with His Merciful Heart.
As Mother I protect the hearts and I awaken the power of faith for life. As the morning I bring hope, the renovation in Jesus, the beginning of a new path towards God.
Day by day I contemplate that the need of humanity increas- es; for this reason, from the Heavens of God, the Most High sends Me towards My children to help them to find the Love of the Creator.
Little souls of God the Father, today as the Mother of Divine Mercy I pour once more the Ray of Forgiveness and of Repa- ration upon your hearts. But so that your lives may feel the unfathomable source of reconciliation, you must say “yes” to God, to the Father of Love and Compassion.
Dear children, today I am calling you to convert your lives into forgiveness, into peace, into eternal Mercy for all.
Today I am calling you to do something for this humanity, because, through its own actions, it separates itself from the Peace of God.
Today I am calling you to reinforce the power of prayer in your lives.
Today I am calling you to fasting and to meditation on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
Today I ask you that your hearts become merciful and humble so that Jesus may manifest Himself in each one of His disciples.
Today I am calling you to awaken from the slumber of this humanity.
Today I am calling you to be active servers of God for your neighbor, in your families, for your dearest friends and for all humanity.
Because today My Heart calls you to be in Christ the Savior so that the Grace of God may aid the world.
Today I call you to open your eyes to the reality of humanity and to commit yourselves with the perpetual prayer for all the causes that need the Mercy of the Redeemer.
Dear children, today I ask you to ignite the Flame of the Holy Spirit in your hearts so that My Immaculate Peace may propagate itself throughout the world, because at the end of everything, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Contemplate the divine beauty of Creation
Dear children, may the essence of love and truth spring from you so that your hearts may be open to the essence of giving. My children, never stop contemplating the Love of God in your hearts. Embrace the essence of forgiveness in your inner worlds so that the new spirit of Love may be sown in you.
Dear children, never give up, raise your aspiration towards the Infinite, aspire to live in the Kingdom of God and also aspire to live the Reconciliation and the Mercy of My Son.
Little children, never lose the joy of being in Me and of glimpsing in yourselves the power of My Immaculate Love. Accept to be on My path. Your souls recognize where My Maternal Heart comes from, they recognize My presence before your consciousnesses do.
I am the Lady of the Heavens, I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Mother who helps the pilgrims and I am the Immaculate Heart that gives Itself to you in order to love you and to forgive you.
Dear children, My voice announces Itself to the world once more so that My children do not lose the path to salvation, to the rescue of the heart.
I am with you on this path of pilgrimage towards eternity. May pain, bitterness and desolation not be a burden in your lives. May your hearts, filled by the Holy Spirit, receive Peace, a Peace that comes from the Universe, a Peace that the suns and stars emanate, a Peace that is radiated from all galaxies, a peace that comes from the Infinite and that you do not know.
From there My Maternal Heart comes in order to show you the path that leads to a humble and peaceful life, a path towards the Universe, towards everything that the Father, Adonai, created out of love for you and for His Glory.
Dear children, glorify God! Love God! Search for God in your lives because in this way your little essences and all the essences will be in the Celestial Kingdom of the Universe.
Beyond your earthly life there is eternity, the eternal present, the Omnipresence of God in all the universes.
Therefore, My children, pray, pray and pray! May your lips not tire of praying so that the Mercy of Christ may aid humanity.
I thank all My children for the loving welcome in this nation of Paraguay.
Love and peace for all.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Thank you for responding to My call for peace and for the conversion of the hearts that each day distance themselves from the Love of the Creator.
My children, do you really know why you are My dear children?
Because I want to teach you to love no matter what the circumstance.
Because I want to open your Inner Temple to the Glory of God.
Because I want you to open your eyes to the Light of God.
Because I want to erase conflict and lack of peace in all My children.
Because I want you to pray with Me and to remember how important it is to unite to one another in prayer.
Because I want to recognize your hearts as I recognize, as Mother, the Heart of My Son.
Because I want the souls to be one, as My Son and I are one with God.
You are My dear children because Jesus entrusted your path to Me from the beginning.
Because I want the world to be a Kingdom of Peace.
You are My dear children so that you may learn to forgive, to reconcile and to live in the Love of God.
Because I need your sincere response in prayer as in the communion with Christ.
Because I want to consecrate your lives so that humanity may be consecrated.
Because I want you to be humility in life to quench the thirst of those that are alone.
You are My dear children because I want you to live in Peace, because in Peace you will always find Light and shelter in the Heart of God.
Because it is necessary to liberate the causes of the past to be born under the Light of the new.
Because I want you to be in God.
Because I want you to live as souls and to let go of all control.
You are My dear children because I want to reveal to you the only truth, the truth of love, which will lead you to be able to forgive and thus reconcile your hearts.
Dear children, all My intentions are united by means of prayer; it is the path that will lead you towards the Truth and the Life that Jesus represents.
You are My dear children because I love you as hearts and as essences, because God observes the beauty that He created in you through the power of His Love.
My children, when you are empty, God will fill you with His Eternal Love and your faith will become as strong as iron. Nothing will prevent your life from being joy, even in the arduous tests.
When you are in God nothing will separate you from Him because there, Jesus, His Kind Heart, and My Maternal Heart will be with you illuminating for you the path towards Eternity.
Open your Inner Temple to the Great Heart of God and you will be perpetually in His Trust.
I am here today because you have prayed with Me, and this Grace has descended through My Maternal Arrival in each one of your lives.
Be brave and never stop the pulse of love in your hearts.
I am celestially thankful for your inner pilgrimage!
Joy for your day.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Peace! Peace! Peace in the hearts of all My children! Come to My Kingdom because in this place of love and peace My Immaculate Heart will heal you. Open your arms and receive from My Heart the flame that will illuminate you to travel the new path with My Son, a path called Redemption.
Dear children,
May your hearts rejoice because My Immaculate Peace is with each one of you. Know well that all your prayers count a lot in the universe, especially the prayers that are born from the essence of the heart.
Today I ask that you wait for Me in prayer each day. If so, My merciful eyes will contemplate you preparing the salvation of all the essences of God.
The world waits for your prayers and so do My children that do not pray. Therefore, contemplate with Mercy each one of the Kingdoms created by the wise Hands of God and know that they need all My children who are on Earth.
You, dear children, have the primordial key of the prayer of the heart, which will open the Sources of the Heavens so that more Mercy may descend.
My children, you have in your hands the possibility of mak- ing the decision for a new life. My Son Jesus, the Most High Guardian of all the hearts, waits for you so that, united in vigil and in prayer, you may help the heart of all the souls who are deaf and do not hear the Voice of My Heart.
I thank you for your persistence. Walk towards the Light, forgetting the past with love so that your spirit may be reborn.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more