Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come from a place in the Universe where peace reigns, love and good exist, where all understand one another, where everything is comprehended, where there are no obstacles or incomprehension.

From that place, I come, and I bring the Kingdom of God to the world so that more children may enter into It and feel themselves to be participants in the Communion with Christ.

I come from that place to demonstrate to the world that it is possible to live in a new state, to live within a real consciousness that includes all things, that understands all things and that pacifies all things.

I come to bring to the world the spiritual reality that many still do not want to see and that, through My Heart, I demonstrate every day, so that you may be in the truth, so that you may be submerged in love, and above all, in brotherhood.

In this place, there is wisdom and understanding, science and all that is created.

I come to bring you, from this place, what you need to see and understand, not with the mind, but with the feeling of the deep heart, with the heart that beats in God and knows all things.

Dear children, I need you to know that it is necessary to enter into this state for these times that will come. There is still much to do, and it is still necessary to continue to work in an unbreakable unity among beings; this will allow the Work to be carried out. This will allow for everything to be carried forward and for the steps of the disciples to be taken toward the path of the Purpose.

I do not need you to understand things in a material way, rather, I need you to understand what God wants in a spiritual way. This will make you more real each day, and, by means of Grace, you will be able to receive the wisdom to understand everything.

The times that are coming will require many changes, and souls do not yet know how to live the changes because they were never in this time.

This is the first school that you are experiencing, this is the first reality that you are going through in this cycle; that is why I need you within this state of unity, so that you may understand everything and so that there may be no obstacles.

Open the doors to the new times because they will arrive with great intensity and power.

The new times will come to change everything, inside and outside of beings.

The new times will come to modify everything, inside and outside of beings, and nothing will be left unaffected. For this reason, experience the times that will come with bravery and you will be within the Purpose of the part that is necessary for you to fulfill in this cycle, in this humanity and on this planet.

I come to reinforce Sacred Unity in you, which is the true principle that must never be lacking in your hearts nor in your lives; this will someday make you free, you will be able to walk free, you will not feel resistances or ties, because the divine Unity Itself will liberate you, the divine Unity Itself will guide you to the path of realization of the Plan.

Thus, dear children, receive this fundamental key for these times, even though we have already repeated it many times, you must remember it. The Lord needs it to not ever be erased within you or among your siblings on the path.

The Sacred Unity of God will allow evil to be defeated, it will allow the hells on Earth to be banished, especially all those that live within some consciousnesses in a permanent way.

The Sacred Unity of God will bring you healing, understanding, and above all, reconciliation among your beings.

Embrace this Unity, for it will strengthen you.

Live Unity all of the time, and in this way, all will be fulfilled as is written. Nothing will be altered by anyone.

Open your eyes and observe the firmament, the new time is arriving before the Return of My Son.

What I give you, in this time, are the bases for that expected return; they are the fundamental and spiritual requirements for you to be ready, rather than absent, when My Son returns.

You need to receive these impulses with true transparency of the heart, knowing that you are still experiencing transformation and change in these difficult times, knowing that you are still facing truths about yourselves that are deeply unknown to you.

But I come to bring you a maternal healing for all of those things, so that you are able to submerge yourselves in the Divine Unity of God; this will cause you to completely keep up with the events, this will cause you to be within reach of the Divine Purpose and everything will cease to be a mystery, because all will be revealed.

The Treasures of God will be within the reach of souls, the sacred tools of the Father will be within the reach of souls and all will know them, so as to be able to protect this planet, to know how to safeguard it from all the attacks that it will experience in the coming cycle, as it experiences them today.

Thus, the formation of your spirits is important, the purification of your souls is important, the transparency between your hearts and lives is very important.

You cannot set anything aside without solving it.

There is no time to waste, dear children; it is time for you to open your heart to change; it is time for you to feel within the call of God 

Each one must fulfill their virtue, their gift, their talent, and their lineage.

Each one of you must be the Mirror of God on Earth, which is able to reflect what God needs for these times.

Live the foundation of prayer every day, as something indispensable.

Never forget to pray, because if you stop praying, you will lack understanding, you will lack wisdom, and will have no inner direction or guide when We are no longer among you.

You must represent the sacred sparks of the Divine Messengers on Earth.

You must be those inner Mirrors over the Marian Centers so that many more are able to feel inside of themselves what you once felt, when you awoke to Our call.

It is time to take on this Plan in a definite way.

It is time to be whole for everything that needs to be done.

It is time to come out of yourselves.

It is time to stop being in yourselves; because it is already time, children, to be in others, in those most in need, in those most in search of God and who do not know how to find Him.

I need you to be extensions of my Rosary on Earth, that you not only be flowers in My Celestial Garden but also be that bead of Light, that drop of Light, that Mirror that illumines all things.

Feel yourselves to be joined, feel unified, like Our Sacred Hearts feel all the time.

We come to bring you a celestial reality that you cannot yet understand in this life, but rather in the next.

We have come to bring you a divine state of consciousness that you still will not achieve, until the next time.

Meanwhile, dear children, it is possible to contact it through prayer and through union with Our Sacred Hearts.

We are reaching the last stage of this work, we are finalizing everything that we should do with you.

We are in the last times of the Work, before the Work can unfold into a greater state of consciousness.

I do not, dear children, need you to understand everything I say to you, because it is part of a divine and inner wisdom that has been developing from the higher planes.

The human being will still not be able to understand it all.

Life and the non-material Universe is still very unknown, but you have the possibility of drawing closer to it, of being in communion with true Existence, with the One Consciousness, with God.

In this end time, everything will be unleashed; you must not fear what will happen, but rather what you still are not doing.

Work tirelessly with that inner unity among your siblings, and in this way, you will make room for all to happen as has been written.

I do not want your hearts to be disoriented.

I do not want your feet to stray outside of the Path of Christ, but rather, that you be even further in, within His Heart of Love and of Light, receiving His Wisdom, receiving His Mercy, receiving His Understanding and His Comprehension.

And now, children, I ask you, set aside indifference and open to the unification of your beings and of your consciousnesses.

The Lord needs this path to finish being built by yourselves, through your giving of self, through your offering.

It is time that you found the path of Truth within yourselves, and thus, within yourselves, you will find the Kingdom of God.

I have waited for this Pilgrimage in Peru and Ecuador to pass so that you were strengthened in order to be able to hear My Words, which are now the last for these times; it is the last part of the Divine Word that is expressing on Earth for all souls.

It is the Source of Love that comes to hearts so that they may awaken and feel God within themselves.

I need you to be with Me unconditionally, and that is the simplest and most real testimony to demonstrate to God that the concretization of His Divine Plan in this humanity is possible.

A time will come in which you may experience doubt or a lack of understanding, but do not allow yourselves to be tormented; My enemy never rests, not even for a second. Be intelligent, dear children, defeat it with the prayer from the heart, with the ardent adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son, and above all, with unity among your consciousnesses.

I wish the world to learn from your example of fraternity and of brotherhood; what happens here, dear children, does not happen in any place in the world, with any other group of souls.

I need you to understand that what you are living is unique and unrepeatable.

It is time to take a step in the maturity of the heart and of the consciousness; not seeking answers where they do not exist.

Ardently aspire to unify everything, because in this way, My Son will unify in you and the Will shall be fulfilled.

I bless you for the Meeting that you will experience in these days, in which this project must already be realized, first in your consciousnesses, to then be realized in the world.

The Grace of God must reach everybody, and it must first be conceived in you, so that it then may be conceived in the world that suffers and endures every day.

I Am the Mother of Grace, the Mother of Reconciliation, the Mother of Sacred Unity.

I thank you for responding to My call, now and always, and for the days that will come.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The Second Coming of Christ

The day will come in which human suffering will end and souls will come to know the full joy of being in God and God being in humankind.

False beliefs will fall and, in the depths of souls, the temple of the heart will be raised and will receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Gifts that will repopulate the Earth with true and evolutionary principles.

In that hour, the Return of Christ will be close. In the most critical moment of humanity, while Mother Earth is in her birthing process, bringing the New Human to light, the moment of the Return of Christ will come.

The times will stop and the cycle will stabilize so that the Son of Man may enter.

The real time will absorb the illusory time and a new time will begin after the Beloved Son has come to seek His followers of love, and judge those who, for a long time, have done evil.

In that moment, all will be revealed and the souls of the Earth will no longer have veils over their consciousness.

Many will realize all that they could have achieved, but it will be too late.

Others will repent, and on their knees before the Beloved Son, will ask for forgiveness and for Mercy.

But, in that moment, it will be God Himself Who will judge through the mouth of His Son, and the Beloved Son will only proclaim what His Eternal Father dictates in that instant.

Meanwhile, and with a little more time, repent from the heart and you will be safe, because those who accept living the school of Redeeming Love will manage to become a part of the New Earth.

When My Son comes for the second time to this world, everything in humanity will be unleashed, with the power of more than one thousand horses.

Nature will speak for itself and will come out of its constant silence.

The Kingdoms of Nature will express themselves and in each part of the Earth they will leave a significant message that no human being will be able to destroy or erase, because what is shown to them will awaken the consciousness of those who are asleep.

In the same way, many more things will happen. The Sun, the Moon, the stars and all of the firmament will give definite signs.

Natural and spiritual phenomena will show that Christ is returning to humanity.

The most asleep souls will awaken. Others will define themselves for the rest of eternity.

The majority of the men and the women of the Earth will realize that they had been lost and asleep for decades.

One last Grace will be granted to the world, a Grace that will arrive without anybody knowing it and will come unexpectedly to the world at the moment in which the seventh Celestial Trumpet sounds.

In that hour and at that time, that extraordinary Grace will come to men and to women in order to save them and, in this way, the Woman Dressed with the Sun will open the last door so that the last of the redeemed may enter, in consciousness, to the Sacred Enclosures of Love.

When the last door closes, everything will happen and it will not be controllable.

There will be no system, government, nation or people that will be able to stop it, because it will be the higher current itself of the Universe that will remove everything that exists so that the planet may become free of the weight of its atoms generated by the majority with their human and spiritual density.

For this reason, children, let us pray so that the majority of the non-believers and of the non-redeemed may repent from the heart and reverse their painful lives.

Let us pray so that the nations of the world convert to the Plan of the Creator and carry forward real actions in an equality of conditions.

Let us pray and not stop praying, because the unexpected Return of Christ is close and your hearts, in this hour, must be uplifted in worship in order to be able to recognize it.

May God bless you and grant you sacred discernment.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I have many followers in the world and I place them all at My Feet. They come from different stories, from varied experiences and are taken out of the abyss and error by My humble Hand, placing each one of them close to My Heart.

Thus, in the world, many adore Me; but in truth I tell you, companions, that it is God Whom you adore, through the Heart of His beloved Son, Who comes to provide you with and give you the divine virtues that will make you free and you will thus be able to praise God much more.

And so, each one of you, just like each one of My followers in the world, fulfills an important role in this time, a sacred task, I would say, that comes to consolidate and to institute My Redeeming Project in this cycle.

And so, I am with all those who follow Me, because My Heart has no religion. In truth, I tell you, companions, that your only religion is the Lord, the Almighty. I would say, the religion of Love, of Compassion, and of Mercy.

Thus, on this very special afternoon, in which My merciful Heart has beaten so hard on hearing the last song, your cells and souls also participated in a special way in a mystical communion with Me, which had regularly not taken place since more than two thousand years ago.

Believe in this event, because through My Heart and My Divine Consciousness, and through My humble service to God, today I bring you the revelation of the universe, in which you will also participate someday within that universe of Love and Unity, which Our Father El Shaddai has created since the beginning of all the worlds, of all the suns, of all the stars.

I come to bring you the impulse, companions, that will lead you to experience a true adoration, a true communion, in these critical times, when it will be necessary to be able to express a greater degree of love so that this world may transform and be healed of all its wounds.

All My followers are important in this time. For this reason, I am present in many religions and beliefs; in those who have a religion and in those that do not, as well as in those that only believe in love and in the infinite Consciousness of the Father, which is an inner feeling emanated from their hearts that is also real in this end time.

 With this, I want to tell you, companions, that through the door of adoration, of praise, and of the glorification of God, you open the doors to My Divine Mercy and I can reach those places in the world where, at this very moment and in this time, souls suffer because of not finding the Light, the Love, and the Unity that you can also express at this moment.

Each praise said from the heart, each adoration given from your spirits to the Divine Spirit of God, allows this Creation to be recreated, allows wonderful things to be drawn to this planet that are still unknown to the world and to all of humanity.

I speak again of those virtues and gifts which will make of souls, souls transformed in God, souls transformed by My merciful Heart.

While I speak to you, companions, may your cells be ignited on receiving the Christic codes of My Heart, may your hearts shine with love and with joy because of experiencing the opportunity of redemption and of Christification.

On this afternoon, I want to bring you something that I have never been able to give to My companions. Something that is deeply within, that will not only free you of any anxiety or any sorrow that you are going through in these times, but will also renew you.

But it will depend on you, My apostles, that this legacy I will give you, like the one I gave the apostles through the Holy Spirit, be taken care of, cultivated, and made to blossom by you so that many souls, besides your own, are able to receive this same impulse in this time of chaos and darkness.

I come to place the flame of the Holy Spirit over your spirits.

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, opens the doors of the Celestial Church so that the holy angels and archangels, by means of the giving of their hands and their unconditional service, may place the Flame of the Holy Spirit over your consciousnesses and over each body.

In this way, companions, in the coming times, in which the new Christs will flourish, you will be able to recognize your sacred task, your important mission, no matter what it is, but simply to serve God with the fullness of you heart and soul.

Are you willing to be different?

The apostles yielded to be able to receive this important Legacy. The apostles, in those times, did not understand what it was about until I reappeared to reveal this mystery to them, just as I reveal it to you today, bringing it to the whole world, to the souls that follow My Heart.

Kneel down.

Placing your hands in the sign of reception, you will say to the Almighty Father:

"I am not worthy of receiving Your Graces, but I need them to know how to survive in this end time.

I renounce what I fancy, what satisfies me, what awakens in my consciousness everything that separates me from You.

Today I confirm myself as Your apostle, Lord, of peace, service, and prayer, so that in me You may establish Your Mercies, which will cultivate in My spirit the gifts for the New Humanity.

And although you will not be present on this planet during the times that will come, I will feel gladness in My Spirit, gratitude in My Soul, and love in My Heart on celebrating together with You, Lord, the descent and the glory of Your Kingdom in this humanity. Amen."

Place your hands on your heart.

Lord, I who am nothing, I surrender to You,
so that You may make me Your dwelling.
(three times, in Portuguese)

You may sit and keep your hand upon your heart, to continue in communion with the Holy Spirit and in adoration of the Divine Life that comes from the universe and from the Source, which will allow your hearts to open so as to be able to live new things.

Thus, I give these Graces to the world, even though they are inner and non-material, because My followers will need them to become worthy and deserving of the Kingdom of God and of the victory of your Master and Lord, the Christ, on His Return.

Today I expand this Grace to the five continents, and feel in your hearts the reception of the Love of God through His Third Person, the Holy Spirit.

Now over your heads, see the blazing Flame of Fire, so similar to the one received by My Holy Mother and the apostles.

Let us repeat:

Come, Holy Spirit, unify our hearts,
so that we may live Your Divine Plan.
(three times)

When you come across difficulties on your paths for living the Plan of God, recite this simple prayer that was emanated from the Heart of My Mother during the Sacred Cenacle, in Jerusalem.

Relive communion with Divine Life, with the Holy Spirit of God, erasing the past, alleviating suffering, and reconciling your beings with Love.

Now take each other's hands.

"Father, Who always renews all things, sanctify Your children, sanctify the life You created.

Glorify the essences that emanated from Your non-material Source, and with My plea, awaken the New Christs, so that this Earth, on this planet and on the five continents, love awakens in all of humanity and thus the wounds may be healed, Lord; the errors be forgiven, Lord.

Let the fire of Your Spirit impregnate everything, so that souls may shine in the Sacred Fount of Your Divine Unity."

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us place our hands on our heart.

I have also sanctified all that you have brought to My altar, because if your hearts are open, as they are today, everything is renewed, everything is healed, everything can be reconciled by the presence of the Love of God and of His Divine Unity.

From this Marian Center, may the world be radiated by the sacred Ray of Love, by the sacred Ray of Gratitude, and may the Light of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit abound on Earth. So be it.

To those who adore Me, wait for Me and love Me, I want to say that through this ecumenical song, the doors of Heaven unified East with West, thus closing the cycle and the Project of the thousand years of peace.

Although you may not understand what this means, blessed be those who already live it, for you will leave here feeling the Fire of the renewal and of the healing of your souls.

Know that I will come here while the Father asks Me to. Do not waste any opportunity, because the world must experience its transition so that it may finally learn to love, just as I untiringly love you.

I want you to lift up your hearts through the Fire of adoration and of praise, as you did in the last song, repeating those words not for Me, but rather for the One that created you, so that more than ever at this time, His Source of Light, of Grace, and of Redemption may be poured out upon the five continents. And that love, which today your hearts can emanate with this song, may reach those hearts that, in loneliness and suffering, in bitterness and in damnation, have nothing.

Let this song activate the Christs of the new time, for who praises God, pleases Him twice.

Before I leave, remember that the sacred medallions and the promises of My Glorified Heart must reach Asia, the Middle East, Venezuela, and Africa.

I thank you for being with Me today and united with My Heart. At this moment, let us praise God so that the world awakens, in glory and in praise.

I bless you, companions and apostles of My Heart, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We may stand up.

We continue connected with Christ, because He is present.

Seeing that Flame in us, the Flame of the Holy Spirit over us, we will activate it in adoration.


My dear children, servants, and collaborators of the House of your Heavenly Mother, Lady of the Poor,

Today I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and through this blessing, I open the doors for you so that the spiritual and moral bases of this House may be renewed, after the cycle livced during these last months to the present.

I come with the aspiration that the House of Mary, Lady of the Poor, may be broadened and expanded, in order that the luminous Mantle of your Universal Mother may be extended towards more homes in the region.

For this, children, with the collaboration of all the Children of Mary who I have consecrated in the world, I am calling you, one by one, so that as from this new cycle of renewal, the House of Mary, Lady of the Poor, may be expanded, responding to the current needs; this will help in organizing, according to the gradual and proportional growth of the Children of Mary.

That is why I need the collaboration of all the Children of Mary, be it little or a lot, so that this blessed House may expand and respond to the needs of souls.

Another purpose that your Mother gives you today is the manifestation of two new rooms of prayer for the pilgrims and the families of this city who will need to keep alive the impulse of prayer from the heart, as well as an indispensable eucharistic union with My Beloved Son, becasuse He is the great Light for this world.

My wish is to have a great room of prayer where all manifestations, Faces, and Apparitions of Mary in the world may be present, in order for the House to be that which unites hearts of the five continents of the world.

The second room of prayer will be an oratory for silent prayer, and will have the spiritual mission of presenting the Most Holy Body of My Son to the pilgrims, on saturdays and sundays; this will help the humble families and the city itself receive a greater spiritual help.

For that, children, I need the Sacred Communion to be celebrated here in this House, at least on Sundays at 11 a.m., allowing the priestly and religious aspect of the Order to become known.

There are still many projects to materialize, and furthermore, the House of the Children of Mary must have its space of contact with all the Children of Mary in the world within the portal of the Divine Mother; there, the House of Mary, Lady of the Poor, must become known worldwide.

A los guardianes de la Casa les corresponderá ir al encuentro de todos los peregrinos de la ciudad para que cada día más peregrinos se aproximen aquí, a Mi Corazón.

The guardians of the House will be responsible for going out to meet all the pilgrims of the city so that each day more pilgrims come here, closer to My Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today My Heart lights up with joy for those most simple and for those most poor; because of the love that emerges from their hearts while calling upon your Celestial Mother so that She, as a sweet Lady, may come to meet Her children.

Today I come here because of those who have called Me.

Once again, dear children, I congregate you in the sacred oratory of My Immaculate Heart, where you can have the divine experience, the meeting with God and the manifestation of His divine Purpose for each one of your consciousnesses.

Today I come dressed in white, crowned by My children and with the moon at My feet, to announce to the world that there is still time to repent.

God thirsts for the love of all His creatures, for the sincerity of hearts, for the truth of all the servers who can express it in these times.

God has His Arms open, showing His shining Heart, indicating to all that there is still time to enter into the Ocean of His Mercy, so that your debts may be purified, so that your souls may be healed and so that you can simply feel, dear children, something that I feel all the time, which is to be in the joy of God; in union with His divine and unfathomable Source, in perpetual and perfect communion.

So that all this may be possible and may first emerge in your lives, you must continue to pray the Rosary every day, because the announcement that I made in Fatima is still latent.

After one hundred years, the world is in the great gravity, in a great chaos that submerges many souls into hell.

I request, dear children, that with the same sincerity of your hearts and the same warmth of your prayers, today offered to the Holy Creator, you continue to form groups of prayer so that in this city and beyond it, there may be pillars of light that will be placed by Heaven and under the order of My Immaculate Heart, through the work of the holy angels.

I come to request, dear children, that you continue to pray for the equilibrium of the planet and its humanity, that your hearts do not tire of proclaiming your faith in God, nor of seeking the Church so that, through the Eucharist, your lives may be in communion with My beloved Son, every day.

I need, dear children, that you turn this city into a Mirror of My Celestial Kingdom. And that will begin first in you, living good attitudes, reflecting good examples, transforming your lives through the extremely powerful flow of the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, I ask you to follow My steps, the steps that I am pointing out today, so that God can allow Me to return here as many times as is necessary and under the principle of His divine Will.

I need your hearts to continue to open so that My angels, the angels that accompany Me today and that surround your Celestial Mother, can heal your deepest wounds and so that, after each meeting with Me, you may leave renewed with strengthened hope, with unquenchable faith, with an unknown love that will finally free you from this captivity of the end of times.

Today I come especially to gather up your prayers so that more Graces may be poured out upon the world, especially upon those corners of the world where the whole of humanity still does not know what happens. How much souls suffer in silence, through slavery and persecution!

I come to use your prayers from today to be able to close more hells on this planet; so that more souls, in likeness to yours, may awaken and get out of this illusion that blinds the world.

I come to open the portals of the Universe so that not only you, but also more souls of the whole world may feel and hear the call of God to consecrate their lives to the Infinite and make of this planet a sacred people, just as was the people of the desert, in the Company of Moses.

Through My maternal eyes, I come to contemplate the sweetness that emerges from your hearts today, the warm prayer that ennobles your spirits and vivifies your souls before the presence of the Mother of God.

Now, more than ever, God has His ears well available to listen to the pleas of His children. Some will soon achieve the graces they need, but others must continue to pray, every day, to be able to achieve the Great Grace of God. Because true prayer, which can be pronounced by your hearts, will free you, will redeem you and you will be able to achieve peace through ending the human debt, all sins that make of hearts, suffering hearts.

I come, dear children, to institute My Portal of Peace in the world and I come to make of you souls in constant renewal, hearts in adoration to God.

I want to work My miracle in the most simple so that they may testify to the world the power of the Love of God when hearts open and allow the Creator to transform them, not only through His Holy Servant, but also, My children, through the prayer and devotion of your hearts.

I want to build the impossible here, in a world of chaos and so many wars. My eyes contemplate situations that you do not know, that the whole world does not know, and those which I aspire to share with My children, those who will open to feel the pain of this world with Me.

I want to make of this place, as well as your homes and your hearts, cenacles of reparation, to repair the Heart of God, so offended and so wounded by the actions of humankind.

My children, tonight I not only share the joy of My Holy Spirit with your little hearts, but I also give you a thorn from My Heart so that you may repair it with your constant prayers. For on this night I tell you that not much is needed to repair the Heart of God. When you are simple, but true, you can open the doors of Heaven and, within yourselves, you can contemplate the Heart of the Father, which He shows to His children when they open to see it.

On this night, I come to reveal a celestial mystery to you: the mystery of reparation, so that you may learn, My children, that on transforming your lives, you are not only transforming your families and bringing a little more peace to your homes, to your friends. In this way, children, when you transform your spirits and your hearts, when you pray every day, together with Me, you are repairing the Heart of God from faults that you do not know, you are generating merits so that many lost souls may find the way out of the darkness in which they live, in this world and beyond it.

My children, I want to build the triumph of God in your hearts so that this triumph may spread from you toward the world. I only need you to say “yes” to Me and to truly pray, transforming the priorities in your lives, being aware, children, of those actions that do not build the Plan of God in this world but rather, on the contrary, destroy the grace of your spirits, the grace that I give you, time and again, when I come from Heaven to meet with you.

Do not lose, My children, everything that I gave you and everything that I will still give to you, by coming to this world. But rather, day and night, with your prayers, with your actions, with the transformation of your lives, build a Greater Grace for all of this planet. The planet is at war, it is in permanent agony, which many do not perceive because they only see their small sufferings and only seek their vain happiness.

Today, My children, I want you to know a greater happiness, which transcends all that fills you with the things of this world. I come to give you celestial joy, which is beyond all human suffering and which is even found through sacrifice and constant effort.

I want you to know, children, the joy of being in My Immaculate Heart and of sharing all the blessings of Heaven with Me, so that you may bring them to your brothers and sisters, those who are beside you and those who are in the world, in remote and unknown places.

Come with Me, My children, transcending the borders between nations, through the prayer of your hearts, so that the world may find a greater time of peace through your lives.

Is what I ask you too much, that you pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, uniting the mirrors of your hearts with My Immaculate Heart? Pray with Me, children, and see your lives transformed by the Grace of My Spirit, by the presence of My Immaculate Heart.

You are part of the story of My life, which I write each day through the conversion of your heart and the perpetual awakening of a renewing prayer, a prayer that brings the faith and hope, that which the world needs so much.

And I tell you again, dear children, that I must go to the United States again; My task with that nation is not finished yet, and through your collaboration and your union with Me, it will be possible for Me to triumph again in the more awakened hearts and, above all, in the hearts that have distanced themselves from God through the action of My enemy.

I come to build in you the importance of uniting with all races and cultures so that together, dear children, we may attend to this planetary emergency, which is a responsibility of each one of you.

I Am your Mediator, the Peace-maker, the Mother who consoles souls and hearts.

Today I come with a special blessing for those who will consecrate themselves as new Children of Mary. May you now come up to My altar so that I may bless you all.

I will pray to the Eternal Father for you:

“Lord of the Heights, maximum Omnipotence,
which is mirrored and is alive in all universes,
as in all stars,
participate in this moment with us.
Hear the voice of Your faithful Servant:
make Your Celestial Kingdom descend,
transmute and purify souls
and vivify them with the Fire of Your divine Spirit
so that Your original Project, Eternal Father,
may be established in humanity, in all those who today are redeemed
at the feet of Your Celestial Servant.


I consecrate you, dear children, and I ask you from today on to be a part of My army of Light, of My soldiers of prayer, of My warriors of Mercy, so that you may carry to the world the relief that it needs and the hope that many souls have lost in these critical times.

Today I am crowned again as Mother and Lady of this city. The next step, dear children, will be that from the square of this city, to this location, we will do a procession in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, during the next meeting, so that I am able, dear children, to bring many more souls, millions of souls, into My Heart, and from My Heart to the Celestial Kingdom.

So be it.

I bless you and maternally thank you for having responded to My call, once again.

I have been able to do many things in the world and concretize here on Earth the Sacred Will of God, by means of this meeting.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be My Peace in the world so that more hearts may be ignited in the Mercy of the Creator.

See you later, dear children.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

With the Eucharistic Body of My Son, exposed upon My Immaculate Heart, today your Heavenly Mother celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Body of Christ with you and with all those who pray throughout the world, in which Heaven offers an indulgence to all those who commune of this most precious Body of the Lord.

It is in this way that the Communion with Christ must be considered special and renowned since My beloved Son, from the Heavens, will be granting those who commune with devotion, the Grace of dissolving any fault, debt or action committed against His Sacred and unfathomable Heart.

That Grace will gain greater strength and amplify within if souls adore this Sacred Eucharistic Body for a few minutes. Just by simply looking upon the value of the Sacred Body of Christ, souls will balance their errors and become free of them all, which had led them into being separate from the path of love.

This act, which can be offered by each soul, will attract an inexhaustible flow of Grace to humanity and for all causes that generate war, death and the persecution of Christians and non-Christians.

The Grace will be for all if the majority contemplates the Sacred Body of Christ, present in the Eucharist.

I thank you for adoring My Son with your heart, for this allows His Mercy to expand throughout the world.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 3, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón
My God,
I believe, I adore You,
I wait for, and I love Thee.
I ask for pardon
for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for
and do not love Thee.

Children of My Father, listen carefully to what I will tell you:

Here is the testimony of My living Love for you. Blessed are those who contemplate it from the heart, for they will deserve eternal life.

Listen, tribes of Israel, today spread throughout the Earth. Listen, peoples of the East. Listen, peoples of the West, for My Voice resounds in the four corners of the Earth.

Listen to your Lord, who is declaring the last time of His Mercy for humanity.

Raise the flags of peace among all the nations of the Earth. Light the flame of peacefulness in your hearts. Become reconciled between brothers and sisters. Become united between tribes, and may all be exalted by the coming of the Son of God.

Here is the testimony of My Love for you, made Body and Blood, for the reconciliation of humanity with God. Blessed are those who contemplate it in Adoration and in Communion.

Hear My Voice, tribes of Israel. The Almighty Lord is sending His Son a second time. Blessed are those who believe in His Words, because their eyes will open to see Him when He comes at the least expected moment, glorious and sublime among the clouds, announcing to the world the end of pain and the resurgence of hope in hearts.

Tribes of Israel, children of David, stop opposing each other. May the nations no longer rise one against another. A lot of innocent blood is being spilled in the world.

Today I come here for My beloved Holy Land, for Egypt, for Eritrea, for Sudan, for Syria, for Turkey, and for Greece. May humanity listen to the Word of God, while the angels bow down before the Divinity of the Son of God.

Be resigned for those who are not. Humble yourselves for those who do not humble themselves before God. May all hearts hear the Word of God. May they hear the Word of the Son of the Father, impregnated by His Divine Mercy and by His profound Pity.

May languages ​​and peoples unite. May borders and barriers no longer exist. May each one welcome their brothers and sisters and their fellow being, so that the Kingdom of God may guide them in this bloody hour of humanity.

May Our Father Abba bless those present. May those who are not blessed be blessed. May they receive from the Heart of the Son of God the encouragement to return to hope, the joy in continuing to live, the cure to heal their deepest wounds.

I want you to hear the voice of the One Who was among you as a Brother and Who once again, this week, pours out once again His Spiritual Blood over the world, so that Divine Justice will not descend upon a large part of humanity.

I would like that today, when your hearts are before the adoration of My Eucharistic Body, the universal teraph of all expressions of humanity, you could consciously and with your heart, take up the nations of the world, that suffer their own agony. In this Sacred Week, My friends, offer My seven agonies for Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Israel, Greece, and Syria. In that place I left for the world a treasure that many are still searching for, in their pilgrimage of faith.

But I come here to South America, to show you the Omnipresence of the Son of the Most High, because in His Omnipresence, He loves His creatures, in the essence of their spirits and souls, constituted of the molecule of the Love of God, from the beginning of their existence.

Today I want you to not only be sincere hearts, but faithful to My Call. I am opening the doors so that you may enter the new schools that My Heart offers you, in Its immensity and infinity.

Today seven adorers of this Order that I have constituted, will offer their Lord, their Most Holy Eucharistic Spouse, the flame of their hearts, lighting a candle at the foot of this Blessed Sacrament. And they will do it for each one of the nations that I have named, that suffer terror and the immense loss of My Divine Mercy.

I wait for them to continue. Keep your attention on the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because My Eucharistic Body and My Divinity are present, working with the whole world.

While I wait, intone that song.

And so, I entrust you, dear daughters, to pray, as many others do, for each one of the nations that I have named, which are part of the sorrow of My Heart, in this Sacred Passion that at this time, I am sharing with all of you.

Relieve the agony of My Heart, so that, being able to come out of yourselves, you unite with Me, like so many of My servants, to clamor for this race, which is losing its project. But My Divine Mercy overcomes all those things when your hearts unite with Me in constancy and faith, and in spite of what happens, you respond to My Merciful Heart, so that I may be Mercy in you and you may be Mercy in the world that is suffering so much.

To all My adoring daughters and sons, today I give you the greatest treasure of My Consciousness, which is the spiritual Communion of your Master and Lord. Because each time you adore the Most Holy Lord, in the silence of your spirits, you must know that you will be communing fully with Me every day, until My Plan of Peace can be fulfilled.

The angels, like you, creatures similar to God, have in themselves the potential to divinize things, when they deeply and trustingly love.

I ask all of My servants, consecrated or not as adorers, that each day they encourage themselves more and more to penetrate this mystery, this teraphim and this symbol, which will elevate you in humility, renunciation, and sacrifice, for all that your Master desires to fulfill in the world.

Today, companions, I will take each one of you by the hand, so that you may accompany your Lord in this agony, which He sees happening in the world, day after day, and that does not stop. But the Power of God is stronger than all humans and all nations.

Woe to those who do evil to their brothers and sisters! Because on the day of My coming to the world, they will fear Me, because of so much Love that I will emanate to the ends of the Earth, until the new humanity arises.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us stand.

Children of My Father, revere that the One Who comes among the clouds, bringing the Love of God and Mercy, and making it live in all who trust in His Most Sacred Heart.

I am here to be close to you and never move apart, because what I have for each one is eternal.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing.

While I prepare the altar, to bless the water that will baptize souls in the Holy Spirit, let us unite in this moment with the Source of Love of God, which is what sanctifies the consciousnesses that unite to experience these sacraments in their essences, representing many more souls.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Lord is preparing to live the most sorrowful moment of His Passion for humanity. And you must receive the sacraments, to be able to accompany Him on this path of the incessant search of His Heart.

"Lord, exorcise this incense, so that it may be as sublime as the angels of Heaven, who release all the creatures of the Earth from the evil forces.

Eternal Father, bless this water, so that it be more chaste and pure, and be as blessed as You are in the Universe.

Beloved Father, bless these candles, so that they may be Divine Light in the world, just as You made Yourself Light and expansion of Consciousness in all that is created. Amen.

Lord, Adonai, and Most High Father, You, Who created water to generate life in consciousnesses; You, who caused this element to be born, so that all may aspire to find Your sublime chastity; You, Who has given this element to all the planets and stars, so that this water would act as a Source of healing and reparation for all the wounds that Your creatures would experience through the ages, have it reflect Your Love in those who will receive the sacraments on this day. Lord, let it, in its chastity and essence, purge, purify, and cleanse what is impure, so that each heart that will be sanctified may find healing, renewal, and peace. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here, at this moment, Adonai, and through these elements, which are part of the humble that plow the earth so that the wheat may be born, and those who harvest the vine to nourish their bodies, today I again surrender to You, Lord, so small, humble, and insignificant among Your children, so that through this transubstantiation, hearts may find refuge in My Spirit.

I lift up, Lord, this offering, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, at the foot of Your altar, so that Your Grace may be poured out on Me, and My Grace may be in them, in all those who suffer and endure wars. So be it.

And today I will also ask for a song, companions, in order to lift it up to God, crying out for this Mercy for humanity; a song that represents the love of the Word of the Universal and Celestial Hierarchy, because My Word is like the water that quenches thirst. "My Word is living water."

I thank you for being in Me and for allowing Me to be in you.

Let us pray an Our Father for all the planet.

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord. Amen.


It is a joy to meet those who persist. That is why today I have come to give sacred significance to the sacraments in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is a joy to meet those who worship My Heart and who, through this path, seek to strengthen their alliance with Me, so that My Peace may be disseminated in the world.

Today I am with the Archangels Saint Raphael and Saint Gabriel. They have come to open this Ceremony. They are the spokespersons for the Primordial Source; the ones who bring healing and redemption for humanity.

With this, companions, I need you to comprehend that today your consciousnesses took a step for humanity. And God comes to meet you in His Glory, with all His angels and saints to proclaim the triumph of My Sacred Heart.

Just as I stood at the gates of Jerusalem more than 2000 years ago, today I am at the door of your hearts to proclaim, Hallelujah! Glorious is the Father who is in the Heavens, blessed are those who come to meet the Lord, to awaken their faith, their love, and their trust in the Firstborn; in He who was born of the powerful Source of Love.

Today the choirs, in this part of the Earth, intone the descent of My priestly Consciousness, so that in the other part of the world, the darkness may succumb, just as it did 2000 years ago.

Believe that this is happening today. I cannot prevent anyone from dying, but I can grant the Glory of My Kingdom in this time of chaos.

Blessed be those who come to meet the Lord and open their hearts, so as to be freed from bondage and to awaken their commitments to He Who will come in Glory in His second return, and Who will be seen among the clouds lighting the Mirrors of Love, so that evil may disappear from the planet.

Praise be to those who are here today, in the name of the Lord, in unconditional service and in permanent love, so that the world, which is wounded, may be healed with their prayers and surrender.

Blessed are those who today will consecrate themselves as Adorers of My Eucharistic Body, because they will be the first and also the last that will open the doors, so that many more may enter the Sacred Temple of My Heart.

Today the impure spirits that roam the world are being paralyzed.

Blessed is the Kingdom of the Lord!

No one can resist Him, because His Mercy is very great.

Ignite now the flames of your hearts. Ignite your spirits before the presence of the Son of God. His Sacred Heart penetrates the deepest core of your beings, so that Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit may be established. Amen.

Place your hands in a sign of receptivity, so that My Graces may be poured out and your hearts become free from any agony.

Blessed are those who weep in the presence of the Lord, for they will be consoled and will receive a universal blessing from their Heavenly Father, His Most Sacred Flame of Love and all the power of His Grace.

Blessed are the humble who come to see the Lord, because they expect nothing for themselves; only to honor and adore the Second Person of God, through His most beloved Son.

Today, companions, I come to spiritually wash your feet; so that you may be purified, clean, and pure during this Holy Week. Believe that I am doing it at this moment, together with all the angels of Heaven, who also wash your feet to reveal to the world the most Holy Humility of God.

Blessed are those who come to meet the Lord. May the doors of evil be closed, so that the Celestial Universe may descend upon all the creatures that invoke it and cry out for it, in the perfect sincerity of their hearts.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At this moment, the Lord is indicating the blessed, the saints, and the evolved, and a great clear blue sky of light, which is over our beings.

Jesus is opening a book again and is reading it. The words written in that book are golden and He contemplates them in a profound silence. The pages that He turns become illuminated, just as His Heart is illuminated like a great sun. Around His Heart points of light appear, forming circles among themselves and surrounding His Sacred Heart. He told me that these points are glorified souls, who are present on Earth and have come at this end of time, from other Universes and from other schools, to fulfill their final commitment and to seal their alliance with the Firstborn.

The book disappeared. Now He is stretching out His Arms in the form of a cross. He says, “I am the Redeemer. All who come to My Heart will not be lost, because My Heart is a refuge for eternal life”.

Now the Archangels Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael are holding chalices in their hands. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is shedding Blood on them. That Blood is pouring into the chalices. They are large golden chalices, which come from the Celestial Universe. The Creator Fathers knelt to gather the Blood that pours out from the Heart of Jesus.

And the Lord continues to stretch out His Arms in the sign of a cross, like those who consecrate themselves to life, to all consecrated life, like all those who consecrate themselves to Him.

Above our Lord, there is the dove of the Holy Spirit, like a bird of fire that emanates twelve rays through its wings, over different points of the Earth.

Jesus is crying, with His Eyes closed. Beneath the chalices of the Archangels appears an image of the planet. And under the planet, four cherubim angels that sustain our world.


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


(three times)

Carry My Blood to the world, so that no one else spill it and the beings of this Earth not be sacrificed, because of false power, or through human pride.

I come here to give you My joy, but also My trust. And in that trust My pain is to be found, which very few accept, because it is a very great pain, that I spiritually aspire to share with those who are Mine, until the last days of the Earth.

This is the Blood that I come to pour out upon the world. This is the alliance that I give to My followers. This is the greatest Sacrament of reconciliation with God.

Now that you are purified, you can enter the Portal of My Peace and of all My Glory, where I will reveal to you Who I am in essence, why I am returning to the world now and have chosen this house to start doing so, to open the doors to the return of your glorious King.

When you pray and sing from the heart, without any expectation, without seeking anything for yourselves, My Heart, which is human and divine, is alleviated by all those who fervently proclaim their faith in My Consciousness. This brings me the hope of visiting you and your brothers and sisters again, so that the world may hear Me and know that I am truly here, in this part of the planet, and with this part of humanity, so as to be able to enter the hearts of those who are Mine.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Archangels Gabriel and Raphael rose up. They have just risen to Heaven, carrying the chalices in Their hands.

My Blood shed today in the chalices is the offering of your souls, so that My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may descend even further; so that pity may descend where there is no peace and where suffering reigns, in these final times.

On this first day, I invite you to be part of My Planetary Work. You were chosen to carry My Message to the world. You are very different souls, but in essence you are the same, in the degrees of love. I make use of these degrees of love, so that definitely, after this Sacred Week, My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, with all Its angels, may enter Asia.

Blessed are those who believe in the Word of the Lord, because in the next world they will have eternal wisdom.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Archangel Saint Michael has just arrived, and He is above our Lord. In His right hand, he carries a spear; in His left hand, he carries a silver shield and He is similar to a human being.

Jesus says:

He came to announce His victory over the darkness of the Earth, because today in the world, 130,000 souls that were lost have been saved and will begin their path of redemption, to meet me one day, just as you met Me and I met you, in the innermost depths of your hearts.

Let us praise God for His Infinite Mercy.

Let us bless this altar, so that each space is worthy of receiving My Grace. So be it.

Lastly, I want to thank your hearts and above all your souls, for following Me, in spite of what may happen. For who in truth believes in me will not perish. I will triumph in your lives and beyond them.

Let us now unite with Adonai, invoking His Mercy for a wounded world.

Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit".

Remember that here I always leave you, through the communion with My Body and with My Blood, the symbol of your salvation, your redemption, and above all, your peace.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

He is placing His Hands upon the elements and is praying in Aramaic.

And now the time has come, companions, for those who will be part of this congregation of love, that tries every day to learn to live in My Grace and in My celestial Transparency.

I have chosen a song that all of you sing to Me very well, which I appreciate because My Father appreciates ​​it, for the innocence that souls can find when they sing it. This will be the song of the Adorers, so that also through them, the Kingdom of God may be proclaimed.

I will listen with my inner ear to the pronunciation of these words, recorded in that song, so that on this day, the Adorers may receive My Blessing, so that many more may also receive it in the future.

Song: "You are the King."

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We wanted to share with everyone that this special blessing that Christ did for these brothers and sisters is because from today, they are part of a new branch of the Grace Mercy Order, which are the Adorers, a task that all these souls have, to adore the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and we, as an Order, welcome them. Because we know that you are going to be a great support for all of us, not only for those consecrated of the Order, those who consecrate themselves monastically, but for the whole planet.

These brothers and sisters have carried out a task for months, where they confirmed themselves day after day, as adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ. They have been working intensely and have achieved some goals, among them, that of worshiping Christ internally, and having a permanent frequency in the task of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In these last six months, they confirmed themselves before our Lord, and gave their "yes" to formally take on a task within the Order as "Adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ."

So all those who feel in their heart that they may be able to carry out this task, and formally assume the task of adoration before God and before the world, can also request to do their apprenticeship and when they feel ready, confident that they will be able to sustain that commitment, we will be very happy to welcome them to our Order. 



Dear children,

Today your Mother of the World contemplates humanity with serenity and compassion. With My eyes full of tears and anguish, I see many of My beloved children in worldly blindness and hypnotized by indifference. Where is the Christ who was born a few days ago within you? I ask you, My beloveds, do not forget Him or turn your back to Him, because this Christ who lives in you waits patiently to be attended and filled with much love.

To all those who today elevate their thoughts and hearts to Heaven, I ask: pray, pray and adore My Son in the Blessed Sacrament. May this year that ends, a year full of misfortunes and unconsciousness, be liberated so that next year will be one with more light and more mercy. Therefore, I ask all of My children of the world to have God present, at least do this for all those who will distance themselves during this night of their true and most pure innocence.

I would like you to celebrate with Me the triumph of the Sacred Hearts, more than the change of one year and the end of a cycle. Let us pray, dear children, because the year that is approaching will be harder than the past one, and I see how many consciousnesses decide for other things and resist more each day. Give, not as the world gives, but give a beautiful smile to the Mother of God, give love, mercy and compassion so that the ignorance of the world may be balanced.

Love and understand each other a little bit more every day and no longer close your hearts. I am teaching all My servers to love sacrifice, for this sacrifice to be at least similar to the one that My Son offered in solitude, abandonment and silence.

Dear children, let us pray so that next year your Holy Mother of Light might not have to cry, although My supplications and My petitions will be continuous, relieve My Heart from the serious sins I see being committed every day throughout the world.

At last, forgive yourselves, and you will be forgiven, and humanity will miraculously be forgiven when on this night somebody may feel encouraged to tell Me “Yes, my Mother, today I will be with You at all costs for the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart.” Thus, God will have infinite pity for all nations, for all the continents and for all consciousnesses that on this night will spiritually confirm their alliance with evil. But know that, in spite of all, dear children, it is your lives and your acts that make My Heart triumph, day by day.

And if you have come until here on this pilgrimage with Me in prayer and to all these nations, it is because only the Grace of God allows for some things, only sincere love conceives and generates a sacred opportunity for souls.

Dear children, I apologize for this declaration that I bring you today, but I promised, since My Assumption, to only tell the truth to the world.

For all efforts and for all renunciations, I thank you for following Me throughout this planetary Calvary.

Who loves and blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The Shooting Star of Bethlehem

In those days, when the inner preparation to receive the Baby Jesus into My arms was being anticipated, the sacred star of Bethlehem, the symbol of the Great Brotherhood of Heaven, revealed Itself to the three kings that, because of having pure hearts, could come to our gathering in the humble stable of Bethlehem.

The great star of Bethlehem shone during several days and was sent by God to accompany and, at the same time, to announce the arrival of the Son of God in the world.

It was in this way that this sacred star, that only appeared during those days, began to reveal, at first in dreams and in signs, to some consciousnesses that by the Will of God, should become aware of the arrival of the Messiah.

In those days previous to the arrival of Jesus, Saint Joseph, although still being in Nazareth, heard from the angels of Heaven the announcement and the exact time in which the Most Holy Spouse should be in Bethlehem in order to give birth to the Divine Son.

It was in this way that the sacred star of Bethlehem also showed the place and the path which the Sacred Family was to travel.

In those days in which the whole Universe gathered to accompany and at the same time to witness the birth of Jesus, the star of Bethlehem, from Nazareth, had the simplest consciousness among the simple ones come to the manger, souls that were called by the Most High to lovingly accompany the arrival of the Messiah.

The star of Bethlehem was that powerful bright star that in that time worked upon the spiritual and the material plane of the planetary consciousness, so that it could receive the extremely potent love-wisdom, the Ray that would change the events overnight.

This sacred star of Bethlehem has marked a before and an after. It was radiating certain universal currents that, before the coming of Christ, physically modified all the human mistakes that made of the race a civilization compromised by evil.

During the nine months of the gestation of Jesus, the Sacred Family was prepared by the angels themselves, so that this important event of the coming of Jesus could be experienced in all planes of consciousness, in order that this divine event could be recorded on the planet and in the solar system.

The star of Bethlehem was the guardian of the birth of Christ, and at the same time, it was the cosmic bridge that united humanity’s time with celestial time.

It was in this way that the Holy Mother of God, moments before the birth of Jesus and after having been in silence during nine days, received the divine impulse of all these revelations that the sacred star was fulfilling.

The Most Holy Mary knew that the birth of the Son of God would, in that moment, bring to the world the liberation of age-old errors, and at the same time, the redeeming light that should, no matter what, shine on this planet.

The star of Bethlehem was that cosmic beacon that drew a spiritual awakening of consciousness to the human race. That sacred star was what generated the maturity of many souls for future times; it was the great star of Bethlehem that announced in all the inner worlds the arrival of the powerful Christic energy of redemption and of love.

In those days in which the planet was prepared for the coming of Jesus, and was also purged of the codes of perdition of the world, the holy angels, the same ones that were at the manger of Bethlehem during the divine birth of Christ, also supported the awakening of inner love in humanity, especially in the simplest hearts. If that love gestated by the holy angels had not been born in humanity, the coming of Jesus would have necessitated other spiritual requirements.

In the star of Bethlehem was reflected the presence of the Love of the Most High, as well as the Grace that was being granted through the birth of Christ.

Bethlehem was the scene chosen by the Father so that this event, guided by the Archangels, could be carried out under the divine perfection of love and of ceremony.

The coming of the Messiah and the Great Liberator of the peoples was beautifully guided by the angels, who at the same time, worked on the unconscious of humanity, in order to be able to redeem it as from this blessed moment.

The great star of Bethlehem brought to the world the opportunity of elevating and of purifying the consciousness through elevated and not rudimentary thought by means of determination.

This precious star of Bethlehem showed itself to the world in that time to gradually disintegrate the patterns of self-destruction and of a commitment to all that is mundane in the human race.

The star of Bethlehem brought the awareness that we are spirits in service to a Greater Purpose, capable of giving us the impulse to a fulfillment of the Divine Work. 

It is that very same star of Bethlehem that in that time tried to reflect and shine in the consciousness of human beings, so that they might perceive within themselves that a unique opportunity was being given through the birth of Christ.

Because of this, children, after all these events that were planetary and universal, once again humanity is facing the test of Christmas, of being able to go through this sacred date remembering and placing their attention on all that the coming of Christ to the Earth meant.

The Eternal Father hopes to see Christ be born inside of you, so that a love greater than the one you experience today may awaken in the consciousness of humanity, which must fulfill and collaborate with this last part of the Divine Plan of Love.

I would wish My children to not be indifferent, but rather that they take advantage of this Christmas time to reaffirm their vows before the Celestial Hierarchy, because that confirmation will open the doors of consciousness to other souls in the world.

On this Christmas Eve, when the Sacred Family is in adoration at the foot of the manger of Bethlehem, may all My children prostrate themselves to revere within, the birth of the Child-King in their hearts.

At least do it as an offering and in devotion on behalf of those who today will become lost in banal celebrations.

For your consciousness and union with this moment, dear children, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who, under the sacred star of Bethlehem, blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children of the city of São Paulo and of the world,

Today your Heavenly Mother, in the presence of Christ and of Saint Joseph, comes to renew Her call to the adoration of the Most Holy and Eucharistic Body of My Son, as a spiritual task for each one of you in the sustaining of the planet, and especially this city, where souls must definitively have this mission as a priority in the end of times.

My dear children, your Heavenly Mother still remains in vigil, waiting above all for those souls who have committed to collaborating in Her work in this time, and thus to be able to concretize the spiritual mission to Central America and Mexico.

Also, children, I have come on this day with the aspiration that you assume this call, not only to sustain this city of São Paulo, but also to consecrate yourselves as spiritual collaborators in the Plan that the Celestial Father is foreseeing for this time.

I would like to tell you, My beloved children, that in this hour it is necessary to cross the threshold of human inertia, of material and spiritual convenience. I wish a permanent impulse of living this call may be born in your hearts, and that in spite of it being unknown, you are able to follow it with the freedom of your souls.

Today I re-open the doors of this house of adoration with the purpose of the whole mystery of the Universe also being able to be lived through the portal of the adorers of the Most Holy and Favorite Eucharistic Body of Christ. In Him you will always find the liberation from self and from all the forces of material life.

From the portal of the adorers, you will find the strength of faith, the trust and the love that will always fulfill you.

Children, the cycle has once again changed; feel in your hearts the voice of the Handmaiden of God and of the Servant of God, Saint Joseph.

Believe always in what we tell you. We have chosen you and have called you so that you at last may be the example of the transcendence and of the love that understands all and that can do all things.

I leave you My Peace and the vows that you will in truth fulfill My call, a call for your salvation and for the peace of the planet.

I thank you for responding and for collaborating in the work of the Divine Messengers.

Who loves you above all,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Through My presence and the presence of the group that peregrinates with your Heavenly Mother, I am deactivating spiritually what could make half of this city completely disappear, that in its majority is indifferent to the call of God and does not welcome Him.

It is so that your Heavenly Mother and Her missionaries in sacrifice offer themselves to be in the State of São Paulo during the month of October so that the consciousnesses who are here will realize that it is time to leave the point they have reached, time to not remain in their comfort.

Therefore, My children, the Heaven and all that forms the Celestial Universe has its gaze detained in the events that take place in this city of São Paulo; also the Universe observes if the servers of the Most Holy Mother are understanding the importance of keeping alive the house offered for the adoration of the Lord.

It is no longer a time, My beloved ones, to justify yourselves before the urgent need of responding to a call, as well as to the warning, that your most beloved Heavenly Mother makes.

For this reason, a state of permanent transmutation has been installed and some of My missionaries participate and collaborate in this juncture that intends, until the end of October, to leave a seed of greater consciousness.

Therefore all the people from São Paulo, as well as all My children from Brazil and from the world, should have as a goal to collaborate with your Heavenly Mother, for an extraordinary balance and harmony to be installed in the city of São Paulo and for it to be deserving of a greater time of peace.

Your Heavenly Mother invites you to collaborate with the mission to Central America and Mexico in the name of all those who could do it and do not do it.

I want from you a constant operative attitude and not static one. I wish that, as in previous times, the people from São Paulo can come out and help in the maintenance that your house – the beloved Nucleus and island of salvation – performs in the Divine Plan.

I thank you for welcoming each one of My words.

Who waits for you to be more awaken,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Archangel Gabriel:

I am the Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger of God,

I come before Christ to announce a prophecy,

Let us pray to the First-born Son.

Thank you for listening.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In the name of the Christ of Light...

Let us again sing "Christ, You are Love" to wait for the Master

Embrace your cross and follow me.

I come from Heaven as a Messenger of Peace, to bring hope to lost hearts, to bring peace to those who judge Me, to bring healing to those who most need it.

I Am that Great Heart of the Universe that announces itself to all souls, bringing them renewal, transcendence and the transfiguration of their consciousnesses.

This is My Message for the end of times: That all may vivify Me, no matter to what belief they belong, because if the Love of God is in you, there will be the Love of the Son of God and He will fill you, He will guide you, that love will strengthen you, and you will know which path to follow in these times.

I am calling all the souls that follow different paths of light, and even more, I call those souls that are lost on dark paths.

Including within My Church. I come to banish what is already old.

My Government is Divine rather than terrestrial.

My Church is Celestial and Universal and is not made of stone, as it is in the minds of some hearts.

I come to bring everyone the Great Spirit of My Ascension, which throbs in the heart of the Universe and that has redeemed all the existing world. Thus, I also bring you My Divine Mercy so that deep in your hearts you may know My Peace.

I do not come to create conflicts among nations, nor among religions. My sole religion, dear companions, is Love, and I know that, since the beginning, when I was among you, those first did not understand My Message. And that mistaken message has come forward today; thus, the structure of My Church is very rigid.

Time and again, through My Divine Aspects, I come to bring a renewal in order to break away from all the structures that have crystallized many hearts on Earth.

Live in My Mercy and truly profess My Divine Mercy.

My scepter is not with the impious, nor with those who think to govern through Me.

My scepter of Light is with the humble, because it is nothing material. My Government is spiritual and incalculable.

I bring the Divine Mercy of the Universe for all, something which I drew to Earth when I died on the Cross.

So really feel these things, transform your hearts in time and you will not remain like your fellow beings, lost in their own ideas and projects.

May all be able to hear again, just as you listened at the Mount of Beatitudes: I Am the Son of humankind. I am that pure Heart of Love that is represented through Mercy so that all souls may achieve redemption.

In this final cycle of the planet, our message is not to bring terror to hearts, but rather, consciousness and awakening.

When the impulse of our messages reaches the whole world you will see how the castles of sand will move, of those who build their own structures and say they are doing it in My Name. But things are not like this, companions.

I invite you to live the renouncement of self, the emptiness of self, so that My Church, which is celestial rather than terrestrial, may awaken in all the hearts that need it.

Therefore, I am sending My angels and archangels so that they may testify to the world that many of My apostles are mistaken.

I came to bring you the Gospel and the good news through the simple things, through prayer, charity, and poverty.

In My Celestial Church no wealth is kept, but only the treasure of the Heart of God that is not visible to all.

Open your eyes, My apostles of the whole world, priests that preach My Word.

My real church is still descending to the world and it is spiritual and sublime.

Happy are those who adore Me in the Holy Sacrament, because they will be able to understand all the mysteries that I bring today.

Do not bother your siblings any longer; live your own transformation before the door of Mercy closes. There will be no place or space where you will be able to cry.

Repent and do penitence, priests, before it is all too late.

It has already been said and written: the Son of God, together with His angels and archangels, will separate the straw from the wheat and will come with His Divine Justice to correct humanity and also all of the church's on Earth.

Nothing will escape My Universal Justice but if you repent from the heart, rather than only in appearance, you will be able to find My Celestial Kingdom.

Again, I will not cast My pearls before swine.

Help souls so they can rescue themselves and fulfill the mission they came to fulfill.

Do not defame the things of My Work and unite in charity and in ecumenism because it will be the Love of God that will triumph in all the hearts of the Earth.

It will be that infinite and inexplicable Love that will unite religions and beliefs because when I physically return to the world, I will show the world and especially all My followers, how mistaken they have been. In this way, they will open their eyes and will be able to recognize all I have done throughout the ages, through all the consciousnesses that I have self-summoned.

Do not tempt evil, because in truth you do not know it. Unite with My Heart and you will find peace.

Do not be unbelievers, do not deny My Message.

My Heart comes to those that have not reached My Church, to all those who have not managed to attract it.

Live in love and you will be in My Divine Mercy, and you will not be touched by the rod of My Justice.

Do not deny My Message.

I do not come for the world, I come for essences, for the hearts that need to find love again and live My last and Divine Mercy, for I will raise those to the Kingdom of My Father who are fallen and it will not be My priests who will first enter the Kingdom of God.

Have you ever asked yourselves whether you may go to purgatory?

Everything is allowed in these times.

Live love, because humanity needs love, thus, you will attract peace, and in this way, the conflict on the whole planet will end.

Friar Elías of the Sacred Heart:

Christ is gone

Let us enter a moment into adoration and ask for forgiveness, for us and for our brothers and sisters, for the fulfillment of the Work of the Father.

Each one will make their offer to Christ, in gratitude and love

The Archangel Gabriel has asked us for the Holy Sacrament: Can you bring it here?

Let us keep the connection with the angels.

Let us stay in silent prayer, being grateful for the presence of the Archangel Gabriel, and all that this means.

Let us keep the contact with that reality, that Angelic and Archangelic Kingdom that comes to help us and bring us peace. And in this way, we are going to prepare ourselves for adoring the Holy Sacrament for some minutes, bringing peace to us, to the planet, and to our peers, for those of whom Christ spoke to.

The Archangel Gabriel tells us to penetrate the Universe of the Holy Sacrament with the eyes of our heart.

Through this sacred symbol, may we find the Kingdom of God and all the adoring angels who bring Peace and the Mercy of God to all the Universes.

Let us adore, says the Archangel Gabriel, for all those who have been outraged and removed from the path of light.

Let us offer this adoration for these souls, trusting in the fullness of the Mercy of God for each one of them.

Let us unite our souls with the Holy Sacrament of the Altar and trust in the Lord at this same present moment, in the Eternal Present of the Creator.

Let us adore for those who are unjust and for those who hurt the Plan of God, because in their essence, they really do not know love, but only pain.

Let us have mercy and let us be merciful.

Let us revere.

Those who are present say the prayer to the Angel of Peace.

 My God, I believe...

Let us thank Christ for this moment and carry His Words in our heart, to inwardly maintain this communion we had with Him.

Let us close the program of today in this way, in silence, so that we may keep what the Archangel Gabriel and Christ built inside of us.

Thank you Lord for all that you give us!


Dear children,

On this Thursday, when we remember the Last Supper of the Lord, I come to ask that through your sincere and simple offering, there be a reparation to Heart of My Son for all He sees in this unfaithful world.

Thus, My children, as you are kneeling down like the angels at the foot of the altar of the Last Supper, remember that moment, giving thanks to God for His unfathomable and infinite Mercy.

Dear children, I ask that in this act you include the whole world, without forgetting each consciousness that needs the Grace of My Son.

With your eyes on My Heart, see through it how the world is, completely oblivious of the Face of God, which every day looks at the Earth to find some heart receptive to His sacred convocation.

In spite of everything, I invite you to seek God and His blessed Kingdom, so that your souls may be participants in this perfect communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

My beloved, I have the hope that with each act of reparation the Father will pour His Immaculate Grace over the whole planet and over whomever in this hour needs love and salvation.

I accompany you in adoration of My Son on this day when, along with the Lord of the Universe, we celebrate the memory of the Last Supper.

May the Father forever and ever be praised.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who contemplates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May Peace be in your hearts forever. Let us adore God because it is He who allows the manifestation of that Grace.

Ask God for forgiveness for your offenses, so that His Son full of Mercy be in Glory among you.

We pray the Our Father.

While I stretch out My arms to you, companions, My Heart expands in your lives, bringing you again the Law of Love, so that you remember it and live it in these times that will come.

It pleases Me to see your hearts open to receive Me, and My Spirit draws closer to all your consciousnesses to bless you again in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May this blessing multiply in all those who need it.

Be My Apostles of the new time and retransmit My impulses of Light to the world.

In your souls I find charity and service, the true fullness where God can express in each little action of His children.

I come here to give you the impulse to move forward, because in these times, companions, the Grace of God will be your fortitude.

And victory will take place in each one of you when your hearts vivify Me even more than they already vivify Me.

You have adored Me and you have contemplated Me in the Blessed Sacrament, and My Heart was restored by you and by the Glory of God, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

I come here to bring you, My companions, what you have given Me with so much love during these last times. The adorers of My Merciful Heart through the Holy Eucharist are indispensable for these times.

You will be able to be custodians of My Light; each time you contemplate Me in the Blessed Sacrament, I will be able to deposit in your hearts all the Graces that will not belong to you, but rather to those who need them the most; in this way, I invite you to be My mediators between Heaven and Earth just as you have done in these last months.

A thread of Light is established between God and humanity when souls adore My Heart.

The reparation becomes deeper in the spirit and the soul of each being, and each consciousness can find its path through each exercise of adoration.

The adorers are the epicenter of My Christic Energy. Even in this humanity, companions, there are many consciousnesses, many devoted souls that adore My Heart of Light.

And it is through that adoration, perpetual and permanent, that I am allowed to be present today among you.

I come to give office to your sacred task so that you continue forward, sustaining this Project of God, which each one is called to live in this time.

It is for this reason, companions, that today I bring you My Merciful Heart through the symbol of the Blessed Sacrament; powerful Light of God, solar and infinite, which interpenetrates all the souls of the world and especially all those who contemplate the Power of the Heart of the Son of God. In them is My Kingdom, and thus My Kingdom is in the world.

Despite all adversity, may your hearts become even more in peace, because My Codes of light of the Universe come to place themselves in your consciousnesses; believe in this because it is true and you will see this shortly.

If your souls were encouraged to contemplate Me in the Most Holy Blessed Sacrament, what more could you do on behalf of this so lost humanity?

May your eyes never cease looking at My Heart despite the adversity that surrounds you, despite the tests that come, despite the challenges that you may live in these end times.

Believe that I am present in the Blessed Sacrament emitting impulses of Light to consciousnesses, which are retransmitted, accordingly for all of humanity.

Today I do not come to do battle against evil; I come today, dear companions, for us to enter into adoration, in union with the Infinite, with the One, which is present through His beloved Son.

I come to establish in you a Temple of light that is built in each new adoration. Maybe you will not understand the mystery of observing the Blessed Sacrament, but adore, adore My Merciful Heart, for It is very full of Graces and many souls reject them because they are looking at other things.

Looking at the adversities of the world, the lack of control, the capital sin that overflow the hearts that are lost in the illusion of humanity.

Seek union with My Heart and I will give you peace always, and peace will be in your homes, in your family members, in each place where you are.

Because if your hearts adore My Heart in the Blessed Sacrament, you will be the peace makers of the New Time, the apostles of the last hour that apply for entering the columns of My Armies, that will help in the transition of this humanity.

I know you are feeling many mysteries; love them, adore them, live them, and after, you will understand.

Adore My Heart in the Blessed Sacrament so that your old codes can change, and I may pour out into each one of you the Codes of God, of the Celestial Kingdom, which want to be close to each one of their creatures.

Let us adore the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, because the Most Holy Trinity is present at this time through the Heart of Its Beloved Son.

Feel how My Heart can live in you; in the silence of prayer ask for what you most need. Ask for your fellow beings, ask for all those who live the consecration and are in their transition.

Ask for those whom I have called to serve Me, so that My Heart does not suffer the lack of understanding of My Apostles.

Ask for Me to be present in those who instruct you, because it is of vital importance so as not to leave the path and become blinded by your own light.

Ask so that I may stay here longer.

This is why I have come here, companions and adorers, because I know that you can ask for this when your souls open to recognize the Will of God through His Son.

Ask for Heaven to descend to Earth, so that the darkness can be dissipated and My Merciful Heart may triumph in all those who are fallen and are blind of spirit.

Ask for My Peace to be among you and in your brothers and sisters; the Justice that will reach the world will be very great and few will bear it.

While you purify yourselves, My friends, adore My Heart, and I will alleviate you in the Blessed Sacrament. Because in the silence of a good adoration, My Mother is to be found, God is to be found, and the holy angels of Heaven who unceasingly adore the Most Holy Trinity.

In these times, My beloveds, imitate the angels of the Universe, be similar to them and in this way you will draw peace to the world, the peace that is ending because the world prefers to live its own will and not the Will of God.

If you adore Me, I will be able to contemplate those who most need Me, and we will be one single Fraternity, a Sacred Family, which responds to the end of times, to the last call of God.

Ask for all who are suffering the consequences of My adversary.

Ask for those who are in darkness and who work through it.

Ask for souls so that they are able to wake before My return to the world.

This moment, companions, is a time of preparation and I will still continue to do it for some time, until the last day comes, the last day of the planet, before the New Humanity, and this is not far away.

Because who lives in My Heart knows that everything will take place, and that what the Son of God says is True and is Law.

Today I have brought the Angels of Heaven, a part of the Elohim, so that they may receive all supplications from your hearts and souls.

Adonai is listening. In the silence of the Heart the true enunciations are spoken, the voice of the soul makes itself felt, in union with the Celestial Father.

Today I have come here, not only to be with you, but with the world, and together with you to ask the Father of the Universe for this Project of humanity that still must be fulfilled in the life of each being.

While I speak to you, your hearts are liberated, and your souls can feel the relief of the Kingdom of My Peace. The Divine Word makes itself felt in the spirits to ignite the flame of the heart that will illumine the end of times as the precious sun that each one of you is.

At the request of the Master, we will sing “Adonai, Holy Spirit” several times. Making the offering to the angels, to the Elohim.

I thank you for the love of your devotion, but enter with your consciousnesses and even more with your hearts to this blessed moment in which the Son of God surrendered on your behalf, to save you on that day.

When the angels descended to the poor ground of the Last Supper, the Most Holy Mary with Her disciples, as with some of you, entered into adoration and said yes, to live Me in this time.

Remember the time when I offered this same bread and this same wine to God that today you offer to the Creator.

In this small mystery of the sanctified bread and wine, Love is to be found, in something so insignificant, but very great, like communion with the Son of God; to mend all the faults and what has been committed, all offenses and all sins that souls live through ignorance, when they are persecuted by My adversary.

Adore the moment when Your Master and Shepherd of all the flocks of the world, and throughout all times, is offering Himself in the Sacred Eucharist so that souls may finally find God and live in Him.

I took the bread, companions, and said, Father, may this be My Body, to save all souls and liberate them from evil in honor of the triumph of Love and of the Sacred Unity of Your Most High Heart.

Commune, My apostles, and live Me.

In the same way, I took the Chalice and said, Father, may this be My Blood, the Precious Blood of Renewal and of Peace in all those who drink it in reparation for all the outrages to your Most Sacred Heart.

I offer Myself in this Supper so that souls be in Me, in deep adoration and reverence. And in this manner, I may be in them, at each point of the planet for whoever invokes My Holy Name.

In this way, companions, without your perceiving it, in the center of this city My Heart triumphed and the doors to evil are closed, so that souls may truly live Me.

You asked Me to return here, in your task of adoration and in each moment of prayer, and here I Am, friends, so that you never forget Me.

Praised be God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah!, Hallelujah!

May this Marathon, companions, be dedicated to adore Me on behalf of all those who do not adore Me, on behalf of all those who do not live Me, on behalf of all those who reject Me after I have appeared on their paths.

Restore My Heart, and in this way I will be able to restore the world, especially the unborn, who need many prayers.

May your spirits be ignited in this Marathon, and the joy of being in God, the joy of serving God, and feeling Him in the depth of your hearts reign.

I leave you the Gift of My Peace, so that you may work with it every day, and your souls transfigure into the perfect model that I hope for in each one of you.

I thank you, adorers, for responding to My convocation.

Your Master and your King,

Jesus Christ


Adorers be the ones who understand through the Blessed Sacrament the infinite mystery of the Love of My Son.

Adorers be the ones that, with their fixed gaze on the Blessed Sacrament, attract peace to the planet.

Adorers be the ones who unite with the heart to the great portal of the Mercy of My Son through the venerated Eucharist.

Adorers be the ones who attract in each new exercise the Plan of God to the Earth.

Adorers be the ones that together with their guardian angels deposit the sacred offertory of the adoration in the Heart of God.

Adorers be the ones that receive the Grace through the adoration, not for themselves, but for the world.

Adorers be the ones who establish the spiritual unity between Heaven and Earth.

Adorers be the ones who repair in each adoration the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

Adorers be the ones that together with the Most Holy Mary clamor for Mercy.

Adorers be the ones who cross, with their gaze, the portal of the Blessed Sacrament and enter in the summit of the celestial altars, attracting the Piety and the Compassion of God to the world.

Adorers be the ones who disarm with love, silence and contemplation the plans of the adversary and, only through their adoration of Christ, help to save the souls from the abysses of the consciousness.

Adorers be the ones who receive in humility and simplicity the sacred flame of the Love of Christ so that this flame will multiply in the ones who need it the most.

Adorers be the ones who repair, in each adoration, the outrages against the lower kingdoms, and the ones who implore for Mercy without rest.

May you all be adorers of the Mercy of Christ in this sacred house that I have founded for the Celestial Kingdom, and in every place of the world where there is one soul in adoration, may it know that it will attract the Kingdom of God so that the holy peace will be established.

I thank you for adoring the Most Precious Body of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament!

Who accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Adoration


Divine dialogue between the Most Holy Mary and the Angel of Portugal

Angel of Portugal: “Sweet Queen of the Stars, Spiritual Ruler of all souls, lost and not lost; consent, Celestial Majesty, to raise each one of Your children into the arms of the Celestial Father.

At least, Adorable and Holy Virgin, shine with Your Divine Love upon each essence so that it may at last find God, the Supreme Lord”.

Most Holy Mary: “Welcoming Angel of Portugal, legionnaire and server of Archangel Saint Raphael, I send You and all of Your blessed armies, in honor of the Archangel Saint Michael to free all the consciousnesses that are chained by My adversary.

With Your Peace, Angel of Portugal, dissipate all illusion of the consciousness, and I ask, servant angel of God, that you pray for all My children, especially for those that believe they are living their spirituality and do not have God because of their great pride.

Angel of Peace, untiringly protect My beloved Portugal, and also have it inwardly know that all these peoples must still settle their errors committed against My indigenous peoples”.

Angel of Portugal: “Yes, My Lady, Most Pious Mother Who consoles the afflicted, Who brings hope and renewal to those who are spiritually hungry.

Yes, Mother, this is My humble reply before Your precious request for mercy. Remember, Holy Celestial Mother, those who blaspheme the Heart of Your Beloved Son; implore, Holy Virgin, for each consciousness of this world, so that nobody lose the peace of the Lord”.

Most Holy Mary: “Servant of My Father, who serves the Higher Universes, valued Angel of Portugal, I will respond to your holy petitions; I will ask My Beloved Son to placate the justice of God and that His Sacred Heart help to dissolve human indifference, the action that commits all the errors of the world.

O Holy Angel of Peace!, help the angels of all the nations, give impulse to each regent angel of each nation, so that it may show itself to the world. Holy Angel of Portugal, Consciousness that adores the Holy Body of My Son in the Eucharist, radiate the codes of light that spring from the untiring Heart of Christ and cause each soul to discover the sweetness of the Love of My Son.

Have it come to known through the perfect communion with His Body and His Blood, have it come to love first and in the life of each being, so that in this way, My children abandon the abyss of their great ignorance.”

Angel of Portugal: “Beloved Mother and Queen of the Jubilation of Christ, we will make known the most pious majesty of Your Son, so that hearts may find Christ and never again separate from Him.

I will send the armies of the Archangel Saint Raphael, so that they may work on healing all souls, and especially the disregarding hearts, that still deny the power of Your Son.

Do not cry, Holy Star of Peace! From your tears springs the appeal for a merciful salvation for each one of Your children. Let me, Mother of the Sun, dry each tear from Your most pure countenance with My linens of light, to offer them to the Beloved Father as petals of the eternal flowers of Your Heart.”

Most Holy Mary: “If souls knew, Beloved Angel of Peace, what My generous Heart feels, they would not fail to be in My arms, just as Jesus was.

I will not cease for one instant to stretch out My arms to the world and to offer My consoling hands, as healing and a remedy for any pain.

It gives Me pleasure, Holy Angel of Portugal, to hear from Your mouth the offering of Your Angelic Consciousness. Thus We will alleviate the Father, experiencing for all the pain of the world. In this way, wronged hearts will be able to find the path of hope.”

Angel of Portugal: “You know, Pious Mother and Queen of Peace, that we are at Your eternal service, for Your name, which is holy, resounds in our hearts like a melody of love and of redemption.

We will hear Your call and will respond immediately; all the guardian angels of Your children will help You so that the men and women of Earth respond to the voice of Your supplications”.

Most Holy Mary: “Then, Angel of Peace, emit this Gift of Grace from Your heart, so that Peace embrace not only Portugal, that it one day may redeem itself, but may the Peace of God, of the Most High, reach all who need it.

I shall invoke Your name, and You, Holy Angel, shall make known to the world the lack of its innocence. Take refuge in the prayer of all My children, and in this way, together with Your legions, You will redeem the Earth, preparing it for the return of Christ.”

Angel of Portugal: Yes, Merciful Mother, we shall comply with Your most sweet petitions; may Your Holy and Immaculate Heart be the refuge for each angel. Together with You, Adorable Mother, we lift up all supplications so that this blind humanity may awaken from its deep sleep.

We thank You and praise You, Universal Mother.

Most Holy Mary: It is thus, Angel of Peace, that on this day I shall make known to the whole world our divine dialogue, so that souls may be moved and feel the truth and the cry of My blessed words. This is why today I reveal them to all My children”.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union with the Angel of Portugal,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

My God, I believe in You...(x3)

You have been encouraged to be close to Me despite of what has happened and that is part of the victory of My Heart, of the triumph of the Plan of God on Earth beyond any adversity, disturbance, or deceit.

Today you have encouraged me to be here, in My Presence, in spite of the sins or the imperfections, because I do not wish you to be pure, but free from yourself, so that you may walk by My side, in the perfection of My Plan that I reveal to My fellowmen, to My friends and apostles.

You have trusted in Me and you have come to find Me, even thought everything has changed and the place is different. That is what the obedience of a good soul brings about, that follows the paths of the Lord in total trust and surrender, so that, above all, My Light may triumph, which is the Light that comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Today I have come as a Priest, to consecrate you and renew you.

I have come to deposit My Gifts again, which were always present, but I renew everything in your life so that you can go on and, as I have told you, walk beside Me until I reach the goal that I propose for your life and your consciousness.

Be encouraged to follow me and you will not miss My Steps, because I lead My sheep to this stable of My Heart, where I comfort them, I keep them and contemplate them through My redeeming love.

Today I am that Priest who renews your life, consciousness and spirit. I am the Priest who gives strength to your soul to not desist or lose sight of My precious Project, which is to turn your life into an instrument of peace and good for the world.

Look at your star, old pilgrim, beloved disciple and servant of My Father. Look at your origin and glimpse your brotherhood; you have never separated from it in spite of what has happened.

Find your existence again, the meaning of your life, and unify with your brothers and sisters, to survive in these difficult times.

Thus, will be My Heart among you, as It was with the apostles to guide you to the final goal of evangelizing the world and of bringing the Supreme Consciousness of God to those who were fallen and lost in darkness.

See in all My Universe the potency of My Love. that is splendorous and magnificent.

See in each step that I ask you to take, how I guide your life and your inner self with new patterns.

Do not leave My steps behind but always seek me, so that you can see in My paths My Will, which is not yours, but the Will of My Father through Me, through everything that I express for the consciences.

I have come to thank you and to encourage you, to institute a new being that must continue to be molded like clay, until the potter reaches the perfection of it and offers to God as a testimony that this Plan can be fulfilled in this world.

See around Me the twelve angels that accompany Me; supreme authorities, worshipers of My Eucharistic and Most Holy Body.

See in them how the love of adoring Me and honoring Me is emanated, because I Am the Son, Who is in the Heavens, and once descended among you to bring you peace and redemption, to show you the true path, the simple path that My Heart traversed through instruction and the word for all souls.
And so I invite you to ascend and enter My Kingdom, where there is peace and unity, just as there is peace and unity in your brothers, your companions.

Because between brothers there can only be love and unity. Blessed are those who live it and who multiply it in My Name without forgetting that all pain is cured through love and compassion.

I am that Consciousness that brought you Mercy, a mystery that is not yet very well known and that at this time I reveal to you. Because if I am the Mercy itself, it is that mystery that is being revealed to you and to the whole world, to the whole humanity, so that you may know that the great compassion of God still exists and his infinite Piety towards his creatures, similar to Him.

If this Mercy were not among you, companions, how would the world survive in this time, where actions compromise many souls and submerge hearts in the abysses?

It is in this that I need you to work, in freeing hearts, souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, because each one has a mission with Me that can not stop living, nor fulfill.

If I call you in this time, it is because I had already called you in another time, and that burning commitment is still alive in My Heart. And so I come to fulfill before My Father the promise I made Him of self-summoning My companions in this end of time, in which everything is in play, even spiritual life.

But if your prayer were strong, persevering, and loving, you will have nothing to fear, because if you pray with Me and pray with My Mother, and pray with Saint Joseph, Our Light will always be, in spite of the darkness.

Thus, I tell you, companion: do not fear purifying yourself, because if the Son of God was purified when He was surrendered in the Temple into the arms of God, all souls of this Earth must be purified because of their debts and actions; but there is a lifeline that will help you to transcend everything, and that is My Mercy.

Because of My Mercy you are here today and I am with you and with the world.

Because of My Mercy, you still walk by My side and follow My steps.

My Mercy is stronger than any sin, than any indifference and omission.

My Mercy renews all things and restores all things.

It was the Power of My Divine Mercy that helped Me to carry the cross of the world and the horrors of humanity, to be able to free souls from all the hells.

That is why I establish this bridge of light with your hearts and Mine, so that you may drink from My Fount and nurture your spirits in the power of My renewal.

So I am consecrating you at this time, in which the majority of souls have need of My Sacraments, of My Gifts, and of My Graces.

I experience so much pain through the indifference of the world or the indifference of one for another, in the face of the need that is visible before your eyes and hearts.

If you are indifferent among yourselves, you will be indifferent with Me, and I will not be able to reach you. That is why until now and in this time I wait for you, and I still keep My Arms stretched out to you so that you will take My Hands and are able to get up from this ground, from all the stones that makes you fall.

I restore you in spirit and in life when you hurt yourselves or when you wound others.

My Mercy helps you to see the truth in each heart and in each brother or sister who are by your side.

It is in this simple truth that I want you to be able to live every day. It is the truth that I taught My apostles and My followers, including those who gave Me up to the cross and to death.

If I suffered for you, companions, was so you would not had to suffer, nor caused others to suffer with any action, or ways that could alter the peace of the heart that incessantly searches for Me.

I remind you all of My legacy and the commitment to live Me every day until the last days of your lives, because you have offered yourselves for this before My Father and today I come to remind you so that you may live Me through your peers, transcending imperfection and errors, because what is perfect, companions, is love.

The imperfect heart that loves is a perfect heart, because it draws love to it, shares it, and distributes it like loaves to the poorest in spirit.

Many times, among you, I wished to show this love, and I had loaves distributed like gifts and graces for your hearts. And some of those times you were not able to see it, but My Love justifies you and saves you, redeems you and restores you, until you are able to take the great step, according to the commitment of each being.

I offer you My Priesthood as a principle of renewal for those who seek union with God all of the time, and especially so that you not forget that God is merciful and pious with all of the Creation.

I give you My Graces so that you may be purified and testify to My Love in the world, especially for those who most need it in this acute hour of the planet.

Cry, resting upon My bosom, and seek the essence of My forgiveness that will unify you and free you from the past.

Cry, and let Me deeply cleanse you.

My Mercy is like the water of the oceans, that pacifies and heals everything in the consciousnesses.

Cry, and free yourself of pain so that My love may enter your spirit and I make a new dwelling place in glory to God.

Feel My merciful Heart and carry peace to a world that urgently needs it at this crucial hour of humanity.

Tests strengthen My followers. Transformation unites you with Me and purification consecrates you to My Divinity, so that I may be in you and you in Me forever.

Before the twelve angels that accompany Me, this Friday we will celebrate the reparation of the Sacred Heart of your Lord, that deigns to show Himself to simple hearts so that they may see My truth.

While I am here, I contemplate the world and all the souls that open their hearts to receive Me.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us... In the Presence of Christ let us sing: "Come Oh Great Spirit" for the blessing of the sacraments. And let us allow that this Spirit of Christ enter into us. We place our hands in the sign of receptivity.

Once again.

Most Holy Heart of Christ,
change our hearts
into sacred flames of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Face may be founded on the great human heart.
May the coming descent of Your Celestial Glory
Redeem all consciousnesses.
In honor and in glory to the Celestial Father.
Amen. (x3)

O beloved Lord! O beloved Christ!,
accept our reparation through our love,
our surrender, and our prayer,
so that Your flogged heart, Lord, gain relief
from our devotion to You.
Amen. (x3)

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…

In this way, companions, I have consecrated you on this day so that your spirits and souls be reborn in My heart and always find peace under the blessing of God and of all His angels.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Could the sisters that came from Menorca come up here to receive the blessing of the consecrated oil.

And in this way, I taught all My servants to love one another through the offering of My Heart, which was pierced for you also so that, beyond all error and malice, you would be able to achieve the Love of God, which is a Love that triumphs and supports souls that live it.

Let us thank the Father Who is in the Heavens, Who assembles us and gives us life, for the presence of His angels that accompany the glory of your Lord in the Sacred Celebration of the Eucharist that redeems all hearts.

Like the angels, let us praise God, so that I may elevate to heaven your pleading and the pleading of all those who listen to Me.

Thus I constitute those consecrated, in different ways, as apostles in redemption.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing the melodic Kodoish together with the angels.

We keep our hands in the sign of receptivity.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, now we are going to share a little story of the Apparition and afterwards, at the request of Our Lord, we are going to do some reflecting.


Story of Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Sometimes it is difficult to memorize everything that happens, right?, because it is a lot of impulses that the Hierarchy gives us.

I am going to try and synthesize everything that happened, because there were several things, it was what I was feeling and what each one of us was experiencing, it was as if we were going through several stages, on different planes. And each time that we went through those stages, the experience and the meeting with Him would deepen, and I don't know if everybody was able to perceive it, but this is what happened.

But when we were in one of the songs, which was "Christ, You are Love," no, excuse me, I made a mistake, it wasn't "Christ You are Love", it was "Apostles of love", He was already getting closer. That was before the last fifty beads that were missing.

When He began to descend, what really drew my attention was what He looked like. In general, when the Hierarchy descends, Christ, Mary, or Saint Joseph descends, they come in a sphere of light, and it is as if they located the place where we are gathered.

So they come from the Universe, they locate the solar system, they locate the planet, and then, they locate the continent where we are, the country where we are. That is how the Apparition happens, how it begins to happen.

And there, He located this place in Avila, where we were, but instead of directing the energy specifically toward us, He expanded it throughout the region, and suddenly, He showed the walls of Avila as if they were channels of liberation, white tunnels, something like that.

And on the streets of Avila the dead began to rise, or those who were dead on this plane; many people began to leave and He was taking them to a place, as if it was a space where He recycled them, we could say, freed them. There was a lot of people from that period, you know?

And the angels that accompanied the Master helped Him.

So, after He finished this task, that the task was ended, He began to address us. As you perceived, He was talking in the first person, because He was talking to each one of us; afterwards, at another moment, I perceived that he was talking to many inner worlds, to many inner beings, not only to us who were here, but in other places, the brothers and sisters who were connected with us and also those who are not. He was speaking to everyone and placed something within us.

And as he said, He manifested as a Priest, dressed all in white, like a priest is dressed, and on the sleeves, on the outside part, like this part of the sleeves, He had embroidery, and he also had a stole that was all sort of embroidered, in a format very  much like a Greek embroidery, as if it were something more orthodox, I don't know how to describe it because I have never seen that. He showed Him like this.

He was all in white and around Him, in His Apparition, were the twelve angels, which He said were governing angels. And so, there He began to develop this task. There were moments which He mentioned as He spoke and also of what He showed, in which He referred to moments in His life in the Holy Land, with all those who participated in those events in His passage as Jesus.

And I perceived that some of us also were in that time with Him.

He was showing what we were like in that time, and what spiritual and human condition we were in; and how in such a surprising, marvelous way He was working with each soul, according to the need that each one of us spiritually had for assistance.

He made this bridge with this moment to this present, and through this exercise, when He transmitted the message, He gave His Word, He was renewing us.

And then in an instant, He spoke of the moment of the Passion, when He falls, and if you remember, He says: "I renew all things"; He says it to His Mother, at the fourth station of the Way of the Cross, when He is with Mary.

He shows that event; He speaks of that happening when He falls and receives a hard blow, right? He shows a situation that was worse than what we know about, and how, in spite of being exhausted, the Master receives a hard blow to His Head when He falls at that fourth station. And when Mary goes to help Him get up, in the blow that He experiences, in spite it being a blow of pain and of suffering, He releases something like many Rays of Mercy, right?, of Light, of Love.

And through the expansion of those Rays of Love and of Mercy, He manages to raise many souls, many fallen beings, that were fallen in that time, and which in this time are also, in some way. According to what He said, according to what He explained, He was trying to have those beings find the path of the light again. And there we were, in all of that process, until the end.

Although He asked to do the blessing of the sisters of Menorca, He did an initiation, like a Sacrament, a renewal, like a vow of union of us with Him, in this task that He is summoning us to live the Plan. That was, more or less, what happened.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

I think that we were all able to perceive that every day the Hierarchy is closer, each day it takes another step toward us.

The Apparition of today was deeply felt, because each one could perceive how Christ was talking to your own heart, as if we were alone, He and us, and there was nobody else in the room.

This approach that He is doing with each one has to do with that link that He wants to build with the heart of each one, and it is up to us to realize it and open up so that He can build this link. Because it is with that link that we will be able to go through everything that must be gone through, that we will be able to transform, harmoniously purify ourselves, being very personally united with Him.

So we cannot lose sight of this approach that He is wanting to carry out with each one of us.

And each time that He is closer, the more codes of renewal we receive.

What is a code of renewal? It is that spiritual impulse that changes something old that is inside us for something new, and that because it is a code, can be infinitely multiplied within us, taking out the old and placing something new in us, spiritually speaking.

And each time that we lovingly connect with Him, those codes are multiplied much faster, we could say.

We have to make what He deposits in each one continue to multiply more and more, each day.

So an Apparition of Christ in this time is not just for coming to listen to beautiful words. It is something much deeper and that we have to open our consciousness, our heart, to not miss not even one second, not even one moment with Him.

So let us place this in our heart, let us treasure what we receive.

Not many people have the possibility of receiving, let us hold this as the great treasure of this time, for our lives, for our spirits, for our future, for everything that will come.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!

Sacred Heart of Jesus
Source of all prodigies
Pour Your Mercy
Over the conflicts of the world
Amen (x3)

Like the Breath of the Spirit of God, I come to bless this place and to bless you all, in the name of the Truth and the Love of God that pours out at this moment over you and your brothers and sisters.

I have waited a long time to meet with you here, once again, in the Alliance with My Divine Spirit; I waited to find you in the Peace which I bring from the Universe for each one of your hearts in this perfect Communion with Me, with My Body and My Blood.

I come to Europe to raise it before the thrones of God, for the profound acceptance that your hearts emit for the fulfillment of the plan in this part of humanity; for this, the doors of the Universe open to receive you in the Heart of God, Heavenly Father.

The legions of angels have arrived here, with much lightness to be able to find you in the prayer that proclaims My Divine Mercy.

Open your hearts, feel your souls, and remain in Me. This is what you now need to carry on, My apostles above all, those who I have called with so much love.

Follow My Steps, follow My Paths and you will never lose peace, because if your hearts trust in Me, you will be trusting in God, because God IS through My Heart, and I Am through you, in the profound essence of the spirit and the brotherhood. 

Today I do not come to see the bad behavior of the world, the horrors, the bad actions and the indignation. Today I come to see from your hearts the flame of the Spirit of God that incarnated in you, from your birth in this humanity and throughout the times, a flame that my adversary can never extinguish because if the heart prays and persists, it will triumph.

Today you are again before My Celestial Mission, which is the Church that many wait to enter but they do not know It.

Today you are before My Patriarchate, My Legacy and all  My Universe; which is the Universe of My Father, that congregates in the invisible of His Spirit.

Today I come to bring you that presence that you should always aspire to find in these times of chaos and persecution in the world.

Feed the flame of your spirits and even though you see darkness around you, I tell you in truth, that you will not lose peace. 

But today I invite you to be true with Me, in each step of life, in each example and in each small action. I do not need your hearts perfect, but honest and simple, open to receive My Instruction, through My Holly Word, or through each brother that you find in your paths, because I make Myself present in an unexpected way in your lives and in the lives of all of your brothers and sisters, My companions.

The opportunity that I bring you, is the opportunity that the planet and all humanity needs, as do the Kingdoms of Nature that suffer so much the consequences of humanity of the surface.

In each aspect of life, My Heart and My Light is present, when the soul invokes My Universal Presence. Together with My angels I constitute among your hearts, in this hour, the presence of My Celestial Church and I open the Heavenly altars so that you may  commune, of the only and true that is the Love of God.

It is the love of God that will never disappoint you, that will never deceive you like many deceive you and deceive themselves all of the time because their hearts have hardened to My Presence and Energy; but My Mercy allows to bring forth the forgiveness and atonement that you so much need in this life and this end of times.

If you are before My Celestial Church, you are before the One, the Adonai. Emmanuel, Abba, the Elohim, you are before the Universe, before all the Brotherhood that congregates to receive you in the Fraternity of the Spirit and of Unity.

See in this moment, My hearts, how the stars of light emerge from you, the internal suns, that must shine in this hour, to illuminate humanity which is in darkness; and many do not believe that they are in darkness, but they are.

If you think of being with Me, companions, do so, and do not waste time. Seek for the Essence of My Heart that will take you to peace and will allow you to realize the path that you have come to fulfill in the name of My Father and His Plan.

The hearts are not encouraged to love My Heart profoundly, for fear of what I may ask of them. But from the beginning, companions, I know what each one of you can give Me and I will not ask of you what you can not give Me, that would be a great loss of energy for these final times.

I need My Work to be realized in your hearts, in the best way possible. But in truth I tell you, companions, that some of you have a marked commitment with Me and it is definitive and you cannot omit it, with your own indifference. 

Feel that My Words form your spirits and inner dwellings.

Feel how your souls rise to My Celestial Church, to enter the temple and vivify the union with Me, through the Eucharist.

Adore My Heart, as the angels do, and confirm that it is possible to reach Redemption and Peace in this humanity.

I would like other soldiers of Mine to be here to listen to Me, but I know that by their own means, spiritual and internal, they cannot do so; but I ask them not to justify themselves. My Blood and My Water were spilled to justify your lives, your errors, your trials, omissions and indifferences, like all outrages to this days.

Now is the time to not do it any more and open your eyes and look towards infinity, towards the Universe, to see Me coming among the clouds with all the Glory of the Celestial Father.

I need you to be prepared for those who have not yet prepared themselves.

I need you to awaken to My Christic Life for those who have not yet awakened to My Christic Life.

I need you to be witnesses, even in the imperfections, because if your hearts are true and your minds are pure, you will always be in My Heart. 

I do not come to ask for the impossible because I know that humanity cannot give it now.

I need your lives to transform, just as I transform the clay with My Hands and mold a new cup for the Glory of God; Cup that receives the Codes of My Grace and My Mercy that come from the Universal Father.

Then, companions, receive in this hour My Grace and My Mercy, for those who do not want to receive it and who omit themselves so as not to want to know me.

There is so much love in My Heart that many do not believe that I could transform their lives completely.

My heart explodes from so much love to deliver to the world and to all the souls, even to those who omit My Presence. It is this Love that I lived for You, that I worked for you, that I gave to save you, once when I was on the Cross.

Each Wound of My Body, each sign marked on My Sacred Glorified Body, was to witness Salvation, Forgiveness and the Love for each one of you.

I do not want in My Heart the multiplication of the thorns of ingratitude of My apostles, who have not understood what I have asked them in this hour.

Be part of My Rays, of The Rays of My Glorified Heart, Sacred and Blessed. Be those Rays that transform over night, that travel like the wind; that travel like the wind through all the places of the world, taking the Peace and the Mercy of God. 

Be that sun that is born each day on the horizon and no longer live in darkness. Trust fully in yourselves, in that you can take the steps, at least for Me, for My Holly Mother and for My Celestial Father.

Live all the time in our Most Holly Trinity and you will be rewarded with the Gifts of My Spirit; you will have strength to walk, encouragement to continue forward and hope for where to see in each part of the Earth.

And even though the world is in darkness and the hearts are closed, I come to give, this afternoon, the Testimony of My Love in you and for each one of your brothers and sisters in this world.

Receive the Union with My Sacred Heart and live My Path like the exit door to liberation and forgiveness.

I thank you for preparing this Altar for Me, just like you prepare your lives, in this time and in this cycle, to receive Me in the plenitude of My Spirit, of My Grace.

Do not fear for what you have not achieved.

I do not want you to suffer any more, because My Heart already suffers for those who are indifferent, for those who fall, for those who do evil, for those who deny My Love all the time.  

I need of  your hearts a temple of happiness, rejoice, of true love and of peace, so that your sins are cleansed, and the stains in your souls may be erased by the Source and the Ocean of My Divine Mercy.

Thus, companions, friends, disciples and servants, you will gladden My Heart for the horrors that the world, of those who walk all the time to the abyss, lives.

If your hearts do not love, how will you love the other? If you do not love Me, how will you love your fellowmen?  Because if I am in your fellowmen,  hidden in the tabernacle of the heart, why are you indifferent and do not see me?

I am in the one who is dispossessed, sad, lost, blind and deaf. I knock on the door of those hearts so that they may awaken to their truth and their mission.

Each thing has its time, because it is marked by the Universe of God.

Offer in this afternoon, this communion for all Europe, for those who are lost, for those who are blind, for those who are alone, for those who are sick, for those who suffer in the ignorance of their lives and of their paths, for not finding, for those who do not find My Sacred Heart that is here today, among you, so that you may live it and feel it in this perfect Communion, in a spirit of peace and fraternity.

I constitute you all as a new family, as was the family of Nazareth, together with Mary and Saint Joseph. It is not far from you to form that sacred spiritual family that must reign among the souls and the hearts that follow the Divine Messengers.

In this hour, companions, the Divinity works in all continents on Earth to sow Its Light in the world.

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We will sing  "I am with you my Lord", at the request of Jesus , to bless the elements that He will consecrate, today for all of us.

Glorified Christ: 

Through the times, companions, I elevate the souls towards the Kingdom of God, when each one of them communes, the greatest testimony of love in the presence of My Living Body and My Precious Blood, in Honor of the Celestial Father and to His Divine Plan that emanates from the Universe for all the creatures of the Earth.

In My Celestial Church, I teach you again what I once preached to all of you: seated at My table of Light and Love, I invited you at that time to thank God for every thing, for what He gives us in the Infinite Mystery of His Love. And for this, companions in the name of Peace I raised the bread, thanked the Father for the Sacrifice; I blessed it, I gave it to you and said to you "always eat of it because it is the Living Body of Christ, your Lord."

Once the Communion with the bread was ended, I thanked God for the Chalice that the souls would receive in their essences, to be depositaries of My Spirit of Mercy and Redemption. Raising the Chalice towards Heaven I thanked the Father, I passed it to you and I said once: "take it and all drink from it, because this is My Blood that will be poured for you and for all human kind for the forgiveness of all faults."

And today, in My Presence, companions, before My Celestial Church I reaffirm the Presence and Power of the Love of God. Amen.

Thank You Lord, thank you Lord for so many blessings that you always give us, that you always give us.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holly Spirit. Amen

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and Sisters, we want all that were present here and through the live transmission for the planet, by MMTV, our brothers of the Monasteries of the Order, the communities and of the praying groups, that are united with us, we want to share, how this Apparition with Christ was, which in reality might not have said much but what He did with us today, just as He did in the days of the prior Marathon in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He introduced us to that mystery that humanity still does not know very well, that is the Celestial Church of Christ, and Christ himself told us that it is something He tried to Institute so that we could learn, from the time He was here, with us, two thousand years ago.

Today, He really came very splendid, wonderful in His Love and in His Mercy.

He introduced us little by little, in that space of consciousness that He calls the Celestial Church, where the angels and all the blessed ones in a true way celebrate continually that adoration to the Body and Blood of Christ; and He took us to that place little by little.

Through His Words, His Message, He introduced us all, those of us here and those who are in their homes accompanying us, who were also taken through their souls to that space of consciousness.

It was something very intense, very difficult to support because even though It is a Divine Energy, Celestial, the vibratory and energetic voltage of the Presence of Christ, of that state of Consciousness, of  the Celestial Church, Is very high for our cells, for our bodies, for our atoms; but as He knows that we are terrestrial beings, we are human beings, He counts on our souls.

In some way, He served Himself of our souls, of our openness of heart for who had an open heart, to enter that state of consciousness and we lived, as one says, several initiations, several purifications; we went through various processes during the whole Apparition and not only were we benefited spiritually, but also here, this region of the European continent, which so badly needs it.

And when the Master repeated that we should offer the Communion for all that He said, the sick, those who are ignorant, the blind, the deaf, etc., He went after each one of them because the channel of prayer that we opened during the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy He used for this purpose; in some way He found the hearts open and He could achieved that task.

So among so few of us, He did Great things, as He once promised, that we would do greater things than He did, even though at that moment He commanded and He brought them forward, that task, that mission, that He came to accomplish here, in Barcelona, He did it through our hearts.

What He came to accomplish; He was able to fulfill and that expanded for all of the planet, for all of the planetary consciousness with the help, thank God, of the angels that were very close to us; very winged angels were very close to us, and that also called my attention very much. The approach of those angels with a subtlety a kindness an inexplicable mercy. 

We wanted to leave this story with you so we can continue united in that task that the Divine Messengers have been carrying out not only in America, but now here, in Europe, in a very broad way.

Thank You Lord for all that you give us!


The Powerful Celestial Church of Christ

Dear children:

The Celestial Church of Christ, that many angels venerate, manifests itself in the seventh heaven of the spiritual Universe. It is a space that gathers the gifts and the true dogmas of faith through the experience of the spiritual sacraments.

In the Celestial Church of Christ states of profound ceremony, religiosity and priesthood among the souls already sanctified and Christ are lived. It is a principle already established as a law of permanent communion with the sublime Divinity of Jesus Christ.

In the Celestial Church of Christ, the three main aspects of Christ are venerated.

The first aspect venerated is the Sacred Heart of Jesus that is the main live symbol of the Love of God expressed to all Creation.

The second aspect venerated is the Soul of Christ that is the supreme manifestation which allows the union among the creatures and God.

The third aspect venerated is the Divinity of Christ that is the state that reached the total realization of the redemptive work of humanity.

In the Celestial Church of Christ, the angelical consciousness participates and promotes for the blessed souls the constant plenitude to remain in Christ eternally.

This spiritual and divine church was the same that Jesus tried to institute in the Last Supper. He wanted humanity to be a mirror of consciousness that could attract from the Universe the values of the soul plane and the spiritual plane.

The science of this Celestial Church is based on true love that is part of the divine experience of all the blessed.

The Celestial Church of Christ is established in the inner enclosure of His Most Sacred Heart and expresses for all the adorers of His divine Spirit the gifts that come from His universal Patriarchy.

The Celestial Church of Christ is a center of devotion, plenitude and spirituality where the souls enrich their consciousnesses, thus they form and prepare themselves for new services to the Plan of the Creator.

In the seventh heaven of the spiritual Universe, the Celestial Church of Christ, is formed by a main entrance that illuminates the consciousness that goes through it. It is the portal that opens to the interior of the Divine Heart of Jesus.

The Church is supported by the columns of faith, devotion and burning love, its main dome or vault radiates light from the spiritual unity and its altar manifests the Presence of God in Its three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity that is established allows the blessed to be in eternal communion with the mystical Consciousness of Christ.

The main chorus of the Celestial Church is formed by seven angelical legions or greater chorus; they are angels that sing to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit in seven planes of consciousness. The sacred vibration of the angelical chorus permanently emitted helps the souls of the Purgatory and the souls of Hell so that every seven cycles and through the offering made by a blessed one, a soul may receive the liberation, and afterwards its consciousness may be elevated.

The seven angelic choirs of the Celestial Church of Christ protect the celestial treasures kept there, the angels are also wise custodians of the spiritual relics of the Celestial Church for the souls. These spiritual relics can be understood as acts of love and of mercy performed and reached by the blessed consciousnesses during their life on Earth.

In the Celestial Church of Christ lies an important moment for the souls, which is the inner confirmation before the rescue Plan of Christ, previous to His second coming.

The Spiritual Church of Jesus prepares a space in the celestial consciousness of the Universe to receive all those who in some moment of their lives will be elevated to Paradise.

For the spiritual presence of the Celestial Church of Christ, the Father concedes the total and free action of mercy and of pity for the blessed souls that live in this space of Paradise. These souls already illuminated by the Holy Spirit and formed by the bases of this Celestial Church are those that implore and pray for the souls on Earth that are lost and need redemption.

While a soul, still incarnated on Earth, creates a bridge towards God by means of the universe of prayer, the blessed soul collects the light of this prayer and presents it as a non-material offer at the altars of the Celestial Church of Christ; in this way a state of special Grace is established, and the Father grants an atonement or miracle when it is within the purpose of love and of the common good for the world.

Christ created the Celestial Church for the souls to find the meaning of living eternity, permanent service and, most of all, to be mediators of the humanity of surface.

Some of the blessed, already saints within the Celestial Church, act as mediators, and this allows the souls from Earth to count on the help of Christified and venerated consciousnesses throughout all humanity.

In this Celestial Church, the souls from Earth are impelled to live the apostleship and the mission when they are in tune with this principle of love and unity that is born in the interior of the Celestial Church of Christ.

This space of consciousness is amplified into seven planes of consciousness, and the principal of the church expands into seven wide arms to receive in its seven temples the souls that arrive and that leave to other schools of instruction.

In the Celestial Church of Christ the Father gathers His new apostles so that from the spiritual Universe they radiate the attributes of peace, unity and love towards other dimensions of consciousness.

Entering into the Celestial Church of Christ is possible when the one who prays adores the Sacred Heart of Jesus and, through this perfect union, is led to discover the inner communion with Christ. Each time that a soul communes of the Body and Blood of Christ, it enters into this state of initiation and formation for the spirit.

May this divine instruction motivate you to abandon common life and to be in contact with the richness of Christ, that arises and emanates from the deepest part of His Sacred Heart.

In union with all Argentineans.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
