My Divine Mercy is poured in all of the times of your day and in each one of them My Heart transmits a task according to the need of the souls that are thirsty in the world.

My Unfathomable Mercy traverses the spaces that the souls open to Me through the constant source of prayer. This allows that My Merciful Heart may help and may liberate the consciousnesses that must elevate themselves and leave from the Earth.

By means of the Divine Mercy the hearts are touched by My Light and by My secure Love. For this the permission so that it may happen must be born first from the confident heart of that soul that abandons itself completely in My arms of pity and of love.

To be in Me is a daily challenge but the merciful prayer of the three in the afternoon and of the other times of your long day will allow you to keep a unity with Me and in this way you will see yourselves within My Most Sacred Heart.

The consecration to the Plan of God through the Divine Mercy is possible but the soul who may determine it must take the first step to free itself from its own control, of that which it believes that is the absolute security for its life.

The Divine Mercy helps to materialize the inner emptying so that the souls may achieve consecration before God the Highest. I Am here every day to help you to achieve this ardent spiritual goal.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Who truly and without rush prays the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy will be able to receive the precious and glorified codes of light that My Consciousness achieved on the Mount of the Olives in My agony. It also achieved them during the flagellation and with the Blood poured during the painful crowning of thorns and when I carried your cross to the Calvary and also during My Crucifixion on the Cross.

All those codes will enter in the soul that at three in the afternoon may use correctly and with devotion to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, because at this hour it will not only pray with the heart but I will let it know the power of My Sublime Grace and in this way your hearts will get to know the passages of My Passion step by step such as I lived it.

Enter from this moment on in the science of My Mercy and be thankful for being able to understand in these times of chaos each one of the infinite mysteries that guards My Sacred Heart. If you accept, with consciousness, to learn to live the life of prayer your superior consciousness will be available to help in My Plan of Salvation and, consequently, your more earthly beings will count on the aid of the greater spirit of your true beings.

In this way I prepare hearts so that they may be workers of the Plan and consciousnesses that may be servers of My Eternal Father. Today I pour to you the wisdom that guards My Christified Consciousness so that you may understand that it is possible to be consecrated to My Lord when you simply say yes, because in this way your will will be surrendered so that may awaken in your hearts the Divine Will.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for understanding My words with the spirit of the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Those who are more tired of themselves are those who with humility must come towards Me because, even though it may seem that everything is of the same degree, everything changes within the heart that affirms day by day its eternal commitment with Me.

And in the spirit all changes more quickly whenever the heart trusts in My Mercy every day at three in the afternoon because it is then, at this time, when My Consciousness makes miracles of liberation and of transfiguration of your little cells.

Understand this mystery of the infinite power of My Forgiveness because at each day that I am descending from Heaven to give you My Poor Words, My Merciful Light absolves you prior to your again committing a mistake. My Heart does not grieve nor suffer for the amount of faults that the souls commit. My Heart becomes as alone in a desert and thirsty because the souls do not address their worldly problems towards My Heart that everything is possible and all can be transformed.

To My companions I say:

That until the end of life upon this world you will always find a test and a challenge to overcome in honor of the redeemer project of My Sacred Heart. And the more that the same test may repeat itself in your lives, never cease to ask for help and to humiliate yourselves before God, recognizing your state of imperfection, because in this way My Heart will always repair you and save you by means of the Grace that I have obtained through the merits of My Passion on the Cross.

Be as transparent as water and pure as a flower, to recognize that nothing may change by itself without first clamoring for My Divine Mercy. To those who still shipwreck in tests, as inside of a boat without aim or direction, meditate if you are truly clamoring for My Merciful aid of love. If you did like this you would not allow that your arrogance drown you as in the ocean, and on the surface of this sea of darkness and challenges you may see the light of salvation that comes from My Eternal Heart.

I love those souls that with simple bravery tell Me every day how much they want to have Me present in their lives, because all of these souls I will reward with My Sidereal Forgiveness.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Savior.


I give you a patient heart so that you may have a humble soul. I give you an abnegated life so that afterwards you may have all the wealth in Heaven.

Do not seek another love as pure, true and simple as the Love that I have for all of you. The beings from the Earth are still human and all are able to be in error without perceiving it. For this I ask you that your eyes may encounter the true love of God in My Most Sacred Heart of Love because there your tears will not be spilled, but rather your heart will be magnified with joy for only being with Me.

My Merciful Heart, all of the days at three in the afternoon, has an infinite space waiting for each essence of this Earth. From My Death on the Cross, out of love for you, and after My Resurrection I guarded for each being a sacred space within My Unfathomable Heart of Love so that you would be able, through Me, to again trust and love the Will of God.

I only ask the ones who have faithfully consecrated themselves to My Most Sacred Consciousness, that their eyes only be directed in love towards My Heart of Peace because in this way your feeling that lacks love will be filled only by My Redeeming Presence. Seek love in each act of charity and of good because from now on My disciples must be the new receptacles so that I may be able to pour My Love for this blind humanity.

For this cultivate a grand love for My Father so that the enemy may not tempt you with false human love. By means of the merciful prayer quench your lack of inner love and feel completely loved by My Great Heart of Husband and Shepherd.

Allow that the essence of the love of God may be able to be sown in you through the simple but true prayer that day by day you donate to Me. Above all things prepare your hearts for the times that will come. Whoever may want to quench the thirst of love, only come to Me.

I Am trust, I Am plenitude, I Am peace, I give you the faith that you need for all of the days of your life. Live in My Love and do not reject It as the world already rejects It for living in the false modernity of love. Always seek shelter in Me.

Under the Pure Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Truly I say to you that the soul who clings with devotion and love to the hour of My Mercy will be recognized as a blessed soul, capable of being able to carry between its hands the standard of My Peace. In this way I will give to it, at the culminating hour, the power of the Word and of the Spirit so that the hearts may be able to recognize My Presence between their lips and their little spirit.

I am also here on this day to confirm to the souls that since the beginning made a vow of consecration to My Most Sacred Heart of Love. For this, in addition, I tell you that no soul will lose the bond of love that unites it to My Heart as long as it answers to the greatness of My Eternal Call.

In this time of purification for your hearts My Rays descend from the heart of this universe to unveil the mysteries of My Christification as a Man and as a Consciousness. This happened with the intention that all of My disciples, as souls of the world, may be able to soon imitate My steps in the different phases of life.

Dears, day by day I bring you My Kingdom so that in your earthly life may be affirmed the commitment of your souls with My Eternal Spirit. In this way your example of love and of devotion to My Sacred Heart will open the door for all of the consciousnesses that live in suffering and in the eternity of their own hell.

Whenever your beings, in spite of everything, are available to receive Me with truth and faith at three in the afternoon, the inexhaustible Source of My Mercy circulates throughout the world as a flight of the Holy Spirit to convert the hearts, and to liberate from ties those who live tied up to the illusion of the world. Day by day, through My Mercy, I invite you to the collaboration with My Plan of Rescue and of Conversion of the world.

Under the Infinite Light of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, He who returns in victory to your lives. 


I am here present in Aurora all of the days at three in the afternoon to comfort with My Spirit the one that feels as lonely as a desert.

I am here all of the days at three in the afternoon to pour My Grace on those who still have not been redeemed.

I am here all of the days at three in the afternoon to consecrate those who still have not lived My Redeeming Path.

For these and for other reasons I am here amongst you and I have chosen you so that in these times you may diffuse My message of Piety, Hope and Mercy. One more time humanity will be able to prove that I really call those who only listen to Me through the heart, even if it is only for a moment.

For this I give My Celestial Goods into the hands of the most simple and free so that they may be multiplied in love and brotherhood. This is the true essence of the end of the times: to have a pure heart, in order to be able to have a pure mind and by having a pure mind, to receive Mercy and Redemption.

Know, My Friends, that I know all of the corners of your consciousness but My Love for you is so great that I let Myself be nailed on the cross out of love for the salvation of the world. For this reason today I am with you so that with braveness and will you may follow My Steps towards the eternal light of the Father.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Humility will be what will move the souls away from darkness.

Therefore My dears, cultivate through constancy in prayer a humble and meek spirit, because in this way your spirits will be brought towards the liberation of the capital sins of humanity.

To those who persevere day by day in the hour of mercy at three in the afternoon, I promise that at the hour of their death they will not be judged by Me, but they will be liberated from the weight of the past and they will begin to glimpse the Light of Eternal Life.

Before the great time, try to live through the spirit of humility because it is in the emptiness of self that the soul will find meekness for its consciousness and thus it will be able to heal itself from all that it may need, through the wise and loving forgiveness of God the Father.

Be meek and when you do not manage to be so, strive to be as humble as you can, seeking an act of reconciliation and silence towards your brothers and sisters because this will strengthen the necessary unity that in these times must exist between My Sheep. Do not occupy your time with whatever may still not be solved but try to detach yourselves and to give to Me all that is not good for your hearts.

Whenever a soul surrenders itself to My Heart, the joy of My Consciousness is infinite because this simple action opens a door for the unexpected conversion of other creatures.

I am with you in good and in error because as Father of the essences and Son of God I know that you are still learning to walk amongst the thorns and the stones that in the past have marked your lives. But always see on the horizon the unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, see the rays of peace and of transfiguration that come to your hearts.

Believe in My Eternal Hope; when you raise your eyes on High, may your beings shine out of joy for being in God the Father. Encourage yourselves to live redemption and to entirely transform yourselves in My Mercy.

I always encourage you to carry on.

Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, who will save you and redeem you through the Power of the Love of God.


Dears, from three in the afternoon My thirst is little by little quenched in the face of the immensity of souls who do not rest in My Arms of piety and redemption.

For this at three in the afternoon I bring the merciful rays of God to encourage the souls to follow Me in the steps of the apostolate and of the missions for all of those who have turned their faces back to the light of God.

The bitterness and the suffering of the world is liberated during the hour of Mercy but it is still necessary and urgent that those who have reached My Source and who lose themselves in the great inner desert may be able to achieve Piety and Mercy before God the Father.

For this My Heart forms new apostles so that they may ignite again My Christic Flame in the hearts that are empty, alone and abandoned, in the hearts that are without faith and despair  day by day.

Today all of those who listen to My Word have the Grace of receiving the Mercy of My Heart. I ask all of My Companions to, during the hour of Mercy, be very awake before My Presence, to strive in your beings to seek Me and feel Me because the day will come in which the flame of prayer will be your only guide towards God.

Today you are with Me as on all of the holy days, but do not lose sight of the inertia that can invade your spirits and make you believe that you are all the time united to My Heart. You will not be so until out of love and sacrifice you raise your voice asking and clamoring for Mercy.

I want to encounter My Disciples attentive to the events of the world. I do not want to see My Friends sleeping for the second time as I saw them in the beloved Garden of Olives.

I ask you for persistence, faith and willingness to face the currents that will come to the aid of humanity, that which each day separates itself from the Supreme Will of God. I ask you to become conscious before the merciful task that each one of you lives with Me as a member of this humanity.

I ask for sacrifice to those who have made life vows to My Redeemer Heart. I ask you for more prayer and love.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving in humility My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Whoever is in My Love will lose nothing, because I will give them the courage to consecrate themselves to My Eternal trusting Heart, an essence of God that will permit them to construct the new dwelling for My Return, and in this way they will have the strength to be emptied of themselves and to donate themselves to My Heart.

I want to see suns lit from the heart so that they may illuminate, in humility, the dull path that many of Mine live.  For this I call you day by day to merciful prayer so that the Fire of the Spirit of God may be present among you and may guide you towards the paths of peace and good.

I leave today for all My trusting and favored Love, especially for those who have been encouraged to cross the threshold to My Heart of Love.  Walk without delay, because I always wait for you in the silence of a prayer, as in the daily confession of your beings to My Paternal Consciousness.

Quench your thirst for love and comfort in My Ocean of Mercy, simply by entering into My Heart at three in the afternoon, because in this way you will be with Me and will be able to grow from the spirit, so that My Father may entrust you a precious mission with the aim of accomplishing over the Earth, His project of love, unity and redemption.

I am by your side, following your steps.

Under the Love of the Father, be joyful and blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior


My Works are various in the whole world and they are accomplished through all of those who answer to My Merciful call.

Those who surrender their lives out of love to My Heart will never cease being observed by the compassion of My Paternal Spirit, because it is through the humble souls where My Kind Heart finds rest, it is in the simple souls where My Universal Spirit rests to be able to help the world.

For this may each one of My Disciples know that they are accomplishing a precious task to generate and awaken redemption in the world and in humanity.

May no one lose the joy of serving Me every day of life because at the end of the task in this world, I will recognize in Heaven the greatness of their love for My Heart and I will recognize the path of surrender that they have taken for My Work on the whole Earth.

Whoever complies with My Will, will be able to lead a life invaded by the presence of My Spirit and should not occupy themselves with anything, only with accomplishing the simple that I ask of them, which is the life of merciful prayer, because My Heart will take care of the rest of the questions of life.

At three in the afternoon is opened a door to the renewal of your little consciousnesses.  At three in the afternoon is opened a door in the universe so that the souls may be reconciled with God through the infinite Mercy of My Heart.

For this, may no one miss this hour, because My Heart will be attentive to the voice of the pleas of all those souls who dispose themselves to drink from My Merciful Source.  Day by day I want to clean your feelings and thoughts, so that they may be as pure and as divine as Mine.

I aspire to find you at three in the afternoon in profound contemplation and adoration to My Heart of Peace because in this way you will simply help Me to help the world in Light and in Mercy.  My Soldiers are formed by means of the donation to merciful prayer.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer


The one who has the courage to open the wings of the heart will be able to arrive quickly to My Kingdom of Peace and Redemption, because the soul that day by day surrenders itself to Me by means of merciful prayer will receive the precious gifts of My Sacred Heart.

In this time the flocks will be only one because through them I will always intend to prodigiously share My Graces of Love and Mercy. That heart which at three in the afternoon opens its door to Me will be aided by My Spirit that comes from the Universe as an immaterial and divine presence. In this way It will erase from the memory of its soul all of the sufferings caused to My Merciful Heart.

But My Grace that comes from Heaven and from the Kingdom of God descends all of the days at three in the afternoon to be multiplied in love, truth and fraternity. My Heart looks for thirsty souls and souls that may still not know the greatness of My Universal Love.

In this time I gather the sheep so that they may graze new laws, very close to Me, at My side, without losing sight of the path of redemption that each one must go through in this world.

For this My Sacerdotal Spirit comes again from the Universe to free from sin all of those who may open themselves to recognize that the Son of God is near and that He will arrive at each one of your lives to unite you again in Peace and in Love.

Something that this world lacks today, the world that God perpetually contemplates, is to live in the Love of My Heart, something important that humanity forgets about. If you live in this love, the alliance that must exist between My Disciples will be able to be materialized in the same way that I created it between the apostles.

My dears, today I gather you and I come to your Prayer Gathering to open the doors of your hearts because this will be the way for this final time. Open the doors of the heart, in this way your spirits will be redeemed and they will find the safe path towards the victory of My Light.

Tirelessly unite yourselves to the indispensable hour of My Mercy because once more, through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, I will be able to liberate from hell many who live there perpetually for not having met love and for not having accepted My Redemption.

I belong to you in Heart, Soul and Divinity and I give you, for the beginning of these journeys of prayer, My Peace and My Mercy in the hope that soon may blossom within you the fruit that I have left to you, a fruit that will flourish in the spring of My next coming to the world.

May Peace be the shield for you and may faith soon transform you.

Go ahead, My companions!

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for sharing My teaching from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


And whenever you feel a lack of consolation or feel perturbation, confusion or disquietude, repeat with full trust and love towards Me:

Lord Jesus,
Only and Favorite Son,
Christ Redeemer,
keep me in Your Heart
for all Eternity,
and liberate from my heart all evil,
in Glory to the Universal Father.



In silence I will await the return of the souls, of those which I have more thirst for.

For this, the prayer of three in the afternoon together with Me opens the paths for those flocks that must unite themselves to My Pathway. I return for all and I hope that more hearts may be able to prepare themselves to receive Me.

I follow the steps that My Sheep take, the steps that you take towards the Light of My Heart but the prayer of three in the afternoon will always be the bridge that will unite you to Me.

I gather in this time all of the working souls, those that again will return to join My redeemer Task for the souls that are still asleep. I will vigil for all of them.

May the most needy enter into My Trust because I will bring them something precious for those who may have followed with love each one of My Steps. The opportunity is for all.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Those who are very far from Me and who separate themselves because of what they generate with their own actions need My Mercy.

Those who separate themselves from My Heart and stop looking at Me in the eyes are the ones who most need My Forgiveness and My Piety.

Those who deny My Name and turn their backs to Me are the ones who most need My Mercy.

For this at three in the afternoon the door of redemption is opened to liberate from sin a great number of souls that, through sport or from ignorance almost miss the path of return towards Me.

The time of Mercy is for the most unprotected and thirsty for My Redeemer and Savior Light. And so that My Love may be able to approach those who mostly ignore their true spirit I make use of the instruments that, opening the heart to Me, transmute in sacrifice and joy the evils of the world out of love to the Great Love of My Heart.

As I have told you, few are the ones who row the boat of the Shepherd and even fewer are the ones who follow the Greater Will of the Captain who is in the Heavens. See how simple is My Mercy that at three in the afternoon My Source of wonders and graces hopes to reach those who most need Forgiveness.

I still count on the few hands that will help Me to climb the mountain and to elevate an immense number of souls separated from God. In little time there will be much to be done. Just now everything begins for My apostles.

Redemption will be ample for the rigid hearts. Be merciful before the miseries of the neighbors, thus I will accompany you.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


In the ocean of My Mercy, the deepest wounds are healed through the Spirit in all the consciousnesses that awaken to the devotion for My Sacred Heart.

In the fountain of My Graces, the souls find always the joy to be able to renew themselves and in this way liberate themselves from the past.

All of those who venerate My Merciful Heart and invoke the power of My Blood and of My Water, are renewed from the most sublime part of their beings and these wonders poured by My Sacerdotal Consciousness touch even your material life. 

In the precious hour of three o'clock in the afternoon the hearts of all the beings of the world, spiritually are contemplated in Mercy by My paternal Vision and by the effect of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy; in this way My Heart of Love pours Its Pity over those who are condemning themselves day by day to the underworlds of hell.

In this time of great changes for the interior of many souls, My inexhaustible Ocean crosses the deepest thresholds of hell; so that in this way someday, under the powerful protection of the Celestial Armies, My Heart may liberate and obtain the victory of the Kingdom of God over obscurity, and all evil may be dissolved from the heart of the proud and of the vain.

The Infinite Love, one time reached by My Heart on the Cross, has awakened the Glory over the death towards which humanity was heading, the death of the spirit of all of humanity.  It was in this way that God sent from Heaven one part of His Great Consciousness, the First Son was born, out of love He liberated the world from sin, and now in humility serves God eternally, out of love for His Brothers and Sisters of the Earth.

And one day, in the same way that He elevated Himself, He will appear among the clouds and a great Merciful Sun will shine in the essence of all the hearts, those that will be able to recognize the path of return to the House of the Celestial Father, and the Divine Mercy will finish pouring itself over the world, so that it may reach redemption.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I come and I return to the world in the search for new custodians of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

As I did with Saint Faustina Kowalska I Am congregating apostles of the Divine Mercy of Christ Jesus so that, in the same way that the apostles and disciples did in the past, you may diffuse, before My Return, the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart.

For this I Am preparing day by day, through My Words, all of the souls that in the love of the Plan of God may want humbly and simply to represent Me as springs and rays of My Merciful Heart to the entire world.

As I once called and searched for the fisherman from Galilee, today as Fisherman and Master of hearts I convoke to My Table those ones who, together with Me and before My Eternal Father from the Heights, have committed themselves to be the living word, example and testimony of My redeeming Message in their lives.

Today My Heart flourishes with love and honor for all of those who in this time and without knowing anything call for My Divine Mercy, because all of those who pray the Sacred Chaplet of the Divine Mercy of Jesus at three in the afternoon are spiritually liberated by the redeeming power of My Blood and are reconciled by the endless strength of the Source of My Eternal Water.

In reverence to those who in love realize and pray with Me this exercise of the Divine Mercy My Consciousness will show itself to you as a Savior. At the hour of the death I will not be your judge nor executioner, I will be the Source that will nourish you and will free you from any pain that you may have caused to the Heart of My Father during your passage through the Earth.

To those who until the last minute of life may pray with effort and love the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy I say that they will quickly pass through the garden of My Kingdom, they will rest in My Arms and they will know the unfathomable power of My Love.

For this in your hands is the safe key for your salvation for all of the days of your lives. And for those who may diffuse the Grace of praying this Chaplet of the Mercy, in Heaven they will be recognized as disciples of My Sacred Heart.

In truth I tell you that you still do not know the greatness of the Love of God in My Eternal and Glorified Heart. Today I encourage you to love the Divine Mercy because this is the necessary door for your salvation.

Under the Mercy and the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Merciful and Redeemer Christ Jesus.


In My Ocean of Mercy at 3 p.m. the faint and most suffering souls are washed with the Water of My Ocean and the angels of the Lord heal them and repair them from their perpetual pains.

And this is possible only because some soul upon the face of the Earth is united to Me by means of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. In My Ocean of Graces, the sores of the spirit are healed through the honest prayer of souls that, upon the Earth, dedicate a space to My Divine and Celestial Presence.

In this way, find out about My inexhaustible Source of prodigies and blessings for all of humanity. If I had not given My Life for you, this Spring would not have been able to pour itself as it does up to this very second in which you listen to My Words.

This ocean of Graces is the fruits collected during the sacrifice carried out and accepted by Me since the Passion. But this Fount of Redemption, this endless Ocean, was born from My Presence amongst you in the world.

Know that this ocean reappeared in a very pure way on the Cross when your spear, the spear of the pain of humanity, pierced My Side and, instead of Me pouring Justice, My Love for each one of you poured Glory: Grace, Mercy and Liberation which, in the spirit of truth and sanctity, expanded as a flow of Grace and Salvation upon each one of the souls condemned to hell.

At three p.m. My Spring approaches, from the Universe, the spiritual heart of all the most inveterate sinners. The lifeline for each one of them is the prayer of the Divine Mercy that is prayed by all souls.

All of you have the merciful opportunity to enter My Ocean to wash your beings. At three p.m. My Universal Consciousness opens a Door from Heaven with the hope that you may live in the ocean of My Love by means of forgiveness.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you keeping My precepts in the hearts!

Christ Jesus


In the hour of My Mercy the light of the Greater Kingdom is expanded through all the boundaries of the Earth and this Divine and spiritual Light touches all that which may be open, in soul and in spirit, so that the love of God may dwell.

During the 15th hour of each new day My Universal Consciousness gathers and congregates all of the essences that throughout time were My Favorite Apostles and who at some time carried My Redeeming Message.

For this today, in this new cycle of changes and challenges for humanity, My Power that is the Divine Power of God is propagated as a rain of Graces upon the hearts that are attentive to the sublime signs of Heaven.

Today I am before disciples from the past that, reverberating as essences inside of My Celestial Kingdom, I come to awaken to the true face of the worldly task that God has entrusted them by means of the presence of My Sacred Heart.

Dears, it is a joy to gather all of My Companions of the Cenacle, followers, devotees and those who adore My Blessed and Sacred Heart, with the aim of sharing the time of My last Mercy upon humanity.

In the merciful hour the doors of hell and of perdition for souls are closed only from the prayer of those creatures who are willing to call Me in joy and love. In this way My Arms shelter all of the necessities of My Children on the Earth and the Divine Mercy, the Source of wisdom, love and salvation, is radiated to the hearts of all of humanity, mainly towards those who would not deserve it due to the state of sin in which they live.

In this way I gather My Flocks, calling them to the time of the apostolate of prayer and of service because in this way My Heart will be present amongst the littlest and humblest souls of the world. Today you are in My Faith and in My Shelter of love.

Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for reverencing My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of the world. 


In the hour of My Mercy, all evil that exists in the world is transmuted and liberated by the power and the divine merits that My Sacred Heart once achieved on the Cross.

This evil is also rooted out at 3 o´clock p.m., throughout the whole world, while My Ray of Pity and Mercy is radiated toward all those who pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. And, for a Special Grace, all of those souls who do not adore, do not love nor reverence God, these most hardened sinners are liberated from final condemnation in hell.

Each day at 3 o´clock p.m. My Merciful Heart has permission to liberate a soul, the most ignorant one, from purgatory and from hell, and this is made possible because a soul upon the surface of the Earth is praying the Chaplet of the Mercy to My Sacred Heart.

During the course of an hour, My Universal Consciousness, beginning at 3 o´clock p.m., descends to enlighten the world and travels quickly in Spirit and Divine Essence throughout all of spaces of the planet.

Those who pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, given to Sister Faustina Kowalska, also receive the Grace of the liberation of inner and spiritual processes. Furthermore, those souls who trust in each word prayed with the heart will also be sought by Me in the hour of the sublime elevation of the true consciousness.

For all of My companions who dedicate a space to My Blessed and Priestly Heart during the 3 o'clock hour, My Consciousness will travel the world to assist the souls that are most in need, giving life to the one who is about to die, reviving the soul that still needs to remain within this world.

My Power of Love solves the lack of unity in the family that needs it, the power of My Faith gives divine life to the family that may have lost love. All is possible because My Soldiers call upon me each day at 3 o'clock.

My promise of Mercy is still in force because soon the world, by its own account, will be touched by Divine Justice, and those who have waited for Me will receive a special Grace. For the souls who have sought Me, I will be Their Savior, I will not be the Judge.

Live My Mercy and redeem your hearts. My Most Beloved Heart waits for you.

Under the Divine Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words into your hearts!

Christ Jesus, the Savior of Essences. 


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
