While the doors of Lys-Fatima slowly open to give the great impulse to humanity, let your hearts and lives prepare in awareness, love and faith to receive the impulse which will be given by your Celestial Mother to all Her children of the world.
Today once again, Heaven will descend to Earth, to a planet with wounds, hurt by your actions and darkened by your errors.
In this way, if each child of Mine should give the best of themselves on May 13, I assure you that something very serious could be reversed overnight.
With resolve, bravery and courage, I invite you, dear children, to overcome your inner limitations, so that something truly changes in the conscious level and the inner self of this current humanity.
I will especially be united with the Holy Father; thus, I ask you to be inwardly united with Him, as a member of the Church that must be healed, restored and redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and prepares you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Mother of the most simple among the simple
I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because, in this way, all will know My Truth.
I am in the simple gestures of love, service and charity.
My intention is that all My children find their Mother in the true simplicity of things, seeking the best for a fellow being, for the sick, or for the poor.
The Love of your Heavenly Mother is also reflected in the simplicity of Her poverty. In this way, souls find a model of freedom and of surrender in the Mother of God.
I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple; I have given Myself to My children and I take care of their souls so that they may learn to take care of their bodies.
I bring an unknown relief, a relief that emerges from within My Heart and is a source of healing and hope that is poured into those who invoke it through the simplicity of their hearts.
I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and, within them, I easily build the Kingdom of God, for in their inner worlds I find a great opening, adherence and consent.
In the most simple among the simple, life can be regenerated, and the spirit of a being can be filled with other Laws when it loves life and its existence with simplicity.
The children of life are the most simple; they are those who manage to feel the poverty of a fellow being in their hearts because they want to provide for that through their prayers and their loving service.
In the most simple, God easily shows Himself, because He does not have limits and He can show Himself through His creatures, just as He showed Himself to His Servant the first time.
True simplicity is a powerful essence, capable of moving mountains as well as awakening faith. The simplicity of the heart leads to the awakening of an unbreakable faith, capable of generating a permeable stream of love and charity in the world.
I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and I see Myself reflected in the soul that tills the soil, as well as in the homemaker who prepares the food for nurturing their children.
I am the Mother of life, and where there is life, My maternal Consciousness is present so that My children can thus find the meaning in their lives and the purpose for their existence within the school of love and unity.
In the most simple the warm prayer of the heart is portrayed, for in the most simple, there is no interest or complaint; what exists is only the love for life and for all that has been created; for the humility and simplicity of these hearts allows them to understand many things and lovingly feel everything they experience.
I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because My Heart is reflected in them, just as God was reflected in your Heavenly Mother, like in a great Mirror of Love and of Light.
The surrender of His Servant allowed the simplicity and the Love of God to be seen in the humility of His Server and in the Love of His beloved Son.
Simplicity could renew the Earth and all consciousnesses, because in the most simple there is no opinion, want, or desire. The most simple are permeated and filled with the love of their inner Christ, something that strengthens them for experiencing their daily tests and for fully confirming their lives on the path of faith and of the hope of being able to be in God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you with love, faith and simplicity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In the Love of Jesus everything is possible, even impossible things, because in His Love there is the master key for everything.
In His Love is the healing, and at the same time, the way out of difficulties that may arise.
Trust in this Divine Love, and every day, live through It; for in this way, you will make of this Earth a true refuge, where the Son of God will find rest and refuge through His companions.
I invite you to value the love of Jesus for you, because the whole Earth will have need of being transfigured and elevated to another state of more evolutionary consciousness.
I invite you, dear children, to have My Son make each soul an instrument for His Work on Earth. I wish you could perceive what this means at this planetary moment, in which true love between beings is at stake.
Put the Love of Jesus first and you will see, by your own means, that everything will change.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Holy must be the corporeal death that is consummated with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. It is in this way that the soul, through the mediation of the priest, frees itself from antagonistic and earthly aspects to achieve the Grace of redemption.
Holy must be the corporeal death, because during the agony when the consciousness receives the Grace of the Anointing, the obstacles that stop the soul from flying toward new skies disappear since, in essence, the spirit also is blessed by the Holy Anointing.
Holy must be the corporeal death because before leaving the soul receives a great flow of prayer, it is assisted in achieving new steps and the whole consciousness is elevated to new schools.
Holy must be the corporeal death, because when the consciousness is anointed, all the healing the spirit needs is poured out so that it may free itself from the past and go on to live the eternal present.
Holy must be the corporeal death, because when the priest anoints the sick or the dying, they will be anointing the inner Christ of each being. In the name of the Lord, they will be opening the doors to divine and unfathomable Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a spiritual and deep sorrow is healed, a liberation from the past and all its codes is established, thanks to the intercession of the Spiritual Laws of Healing.
Through the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering, I wish to establish a home where souls that have not yet found God within themselves are able to find Him through the charitable hands which will give of themselves to accompany that moment.
In this, My next Project, I would like a work of healing and of spiritual prayer to be experienced at the current nucleus with the souls that, in spiritual or physical convalescence, will need recovery.
For this reason, dear children, a second house for the relief of suffering and physical transition toward corporeal death must be founded.
I need, dear children, that this second house be called the House of Saint Lazarus, so that souls which will be experiencing their last days on Earth there, will be able to be resurrected to eternal life.
For this reason, My little ones, this task will gradually be gestated, with the hope that the servers of San Carlos and the surrounding cities, in prayer and in service, take on this important mission for the souls that do not know healing nor eternal life after death.
I need everybody to be trained, educated and prepared for that mission.
The purpose of the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus is a part of all people of São Paulo, which will be affiliated with the mother house of the Immaculate Mother for the Alleviation of Suffering.
I also wish to be present, as the Lady of Graces, at the entryway of the House of Saint Lazarus.
This house will shelter many souls, and in the future will go through an expansion, because My design is that the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering have other houses in other cities of São Paulo, because this task will be done so that souls may feel loved and protected at the moment of their death.
Dear children, if the people of São Paulo should take on this task of healing and of the transition of souls into the Kingdom of the Heavens, I assure you that the city of São Paulo will not need to go through so many purifications.
Once again, I invite you to embrace My aspiration.
I thank you for accompanying Me!
Who brings relief to you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
To My dear choir children of the Meeting of Music for the Healing and Elevation of Humanity
From the Marian Center of Montserrat, in the mountain heights, today your Heavenly Mother will, together with Her angels, listen to the sound of the instruments and the vibration of the voices in a profound giving of self.
Today the universe will stop its subtle movements to place its attention on each piece that will be offered in honor of the Celestial Father.
Today, Aurora will open its inner doors again to expand a powerful beam of Light and Healing throughout the world over the planetary consciousness.
From Montserrat, from the morning star of the universe, I will be united in My Heart and Soul with each of your essences.
Children, today from your spirits, let the lineage of the singers of the Plan emanate, who gather together and, in love and sacrifice, offer an opportunity to the sleeping consciousness of humanity.
Today the violin will sound, for it will bring for all, subtle cords from Heaven.
Today the guitar will sound, because it will generate harmony and peace between souls and God.
Today the piano will sound, for it will allow your souls to be submerged in the consciousness of the cosmos.
Today the basses will sing to allow the root of everything to emerge from its origin.
Today the contraltos will sing to unite Heaven and Earth.
Today the tenors will sing to attract an awareness of the sacred.
Today the sopranos will sing to uplift matter and divinize it.
Dear children, from Montserrat, today all the singing angels will be united with this task of Peace.
Let hearts open so as to be freed from the chains.
Let all ears hear the melodies that will come from the universe.
Let all souls commune of this sacred meeting, because month after month, the purpose of humanity is renewed when the voices and the instruments unite to assist in the healing of humanity.
Dear children, let nobody miss the sacred opportunity of elevating their consciousness.
May humanity awaken to a profound healing.
Today, Aurora clothes itself in its emeralds of Light to allow the essential healing of consciousnesses to shine in the cosmos.
Whomever lives this message and unites with each choir singer will allow today's singing and the music to expand into sublime spheres; this will be the loving offering of a humanity that is awakening to its truth.
I am united with each heart that will cry out with its voice and instrument. I am with all My children, in praise and Love.
I deeply wish for a divine work of elevation for everyone.
Who loves you and motivates you so that you continue onward for Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am that Rose of Light that emanates the subtle aromas of love for hearts.
I am that Rose of Light that turns pain into joy and suffering into healing.
I am that Rose of Light that shines during the night to guide My children.
I am that Rose of Light that blossoms again and again when My children are making an offering and are in prayer.
I am that Rose of Light that inspires souls to live the path of peace and of love.
I am that Rose of Light created in the universe to be the Mother of humanity, in service and love for all.
I am that Rose of Light that was once a humble human heart that was in service to the Lord, in praise and in joy.
I am that Rose of Light that brought to the world the most important thing it had lost, its original purity.
I am that Rose of Light that opens so that all may come to know the love of My Original Purity.
I hope that after this journey on the planet, your hearts will change as Mine did, into roses of light that are in offering and redemption at the Feet of the Creator.
I hope that one day you may be roses of light that reflect the inner purity of the soul that was worked on and purified through service and love for God.
I hope that you may be roses of light that wake up other roses, so they may blossom and manifest a true 'yes' to the Creator.
I hope, children, that you may be roses of light so that you may confirm that life can be divinized through union with the Celestial Father.
When your hearts change into roses of light, you will no longer be the same as always, for in you will awaken the unique talent that My Son left in the essence of each human heart.
Be roses of light to glorify the Father and praise Him forever in gratitude.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prepares you for your change,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am present every day in the most simple and inhospitable places of the world, for example, in this simple garden consecrated to My maternal Heart.
It is this way, children, that I would like to be in your hearts all the time, to guide you to Jesus and His Divine Kingdom.
On this day, I also come as the Lady of the Thirty-Three to strengthen in the inner planes the spiritual mission of Uruguay and of all its people that must decidedly grow in sanctity and in the service of God.
Therefore, in this month of May, the groups of the Light-Network of Uruguay and the groups of all of America will be placed in an important confederate mission that will open the doors to knowledge, to training and, above all, to the union of all consciousnesses that want to follow the Law of the Hierarchy.
If this adhesion and response were as positive and mature as other previous answers given by the groups, America as a continent would count on inexplicable spiritual support during the most acute moment of its purification and, in this confederate mission, the groups will be more firm to widely help without borders during the planetary crisis.
So, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will be at the inner command of this spiritual task that will try to displace the destiny of the Americas, very serious social, environmental and political problems that would cause all humanity present here to lose control.
Thus, today I am again founding the Light-Network of prayer, which at this time will be one of the active branches of the planetary Light-Network. The Light-Network of prayer will be a more open consciousness and will welcome all who aspire to experience the prayer schedules of the Divine Messengers, but who, until this moment have not been able to consecrate themselves as part of the planetary Light-Network.
The Light-Network of prayer will be like the Light-Network of service or the Light-Network of healing, and can be integrated by collaborators who are beginners, servers and pilgrims who are learning to take the first steps in the task with the Hierarchy.
Therefore, the more than 300 groups that form the planetary Light-Network throughout the world will be those who welcome and become the guardians of these souls that have been formed within the Light-Network of prayer, service and healing, and who will be united to the nuclei of service as well as to the different cities where the new members come from.
The restructuring of this network of prayer, service and healing is a response to the needs of the newcomers who have not yet gone through instruction, but who have the impulse to join a more open proposal like prayer, service and healing, tasks that can also be united to the service of the missionary Light-Network.
In all of this, the planetary Light-Network in each region and city will be creating new flocks that will be coming, this will be, for all the groups of the planetary Light-Network, a great service for humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the formation of new apostles,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am that universal Light of Aurora that illuminates the wounded spaces of the consciousness, bringing healing and a cure to the whole being.
I am that Ray of Aurora that purifies the corrupted particles of humanity and transforms them into codes of redemption.
I am that Spring of healing of Aurora that renews everything it touches and radiates principles of redemption.
I am that green Flame of Aurora that in devotion, elevates those who cry out for liberation.
I am that precious and green Crystal of Aurora that scatters victorious lights upon the souls that confirm their union with that state of redemption.
I am the green Star of Aurora that summons the soldiers to the path of a profound awakening.
I am that brilliant Light of the Kingdom of Aurora that calls disciples to inner instruction; in this way, I form the redeemed legions of Christ in this end time.
I am that green Fire of Aurora that like a torch, illuminates the path of the followers of the Plan.
I am that invisible Mirror of Aurora that attracts the principles of brotherhood and unity.
You, children, can be Aurora each time you unite with it and affirm your union with the Hierarchy.
May the New Aurora awaken in the life of each being. May the suns, which still do not shine, recognize the great convocation of the Plan.
Aurora calls you to form the first ranks of the armies of the Plan. Aurora invokes its Sacred Center so that the self-summoned awaken to the Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the healing Light of Aurora,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
It is in the silence of the heart that you will hear My unmistakable voice.
It is in the silence of the heart that you will feel the Presence of Christ in this time, a time of tests for a humanity that will be purified, as is the Will of God the Father, the Eternal.
It is in the silence of the heart that I will leave the seeds of My Purity, of My Love and of the Forgiveness of God for all peoples; so that there they may germinate, grow, blossom and bear the fruits that the New Humanity will express on the New Earth, the paradise promised to the just, the faithful, the pure of heart.
It is in the silence of the heart that creatures will find God, to revere Him, to reconcile their spirits with His loving Heart of Light, Mercy, Love and Pity.
It is in the silence of the heart where creatures will find the Will of the Father and will discover what their true paths are, the ones the loving God charted so that His children could travel them in peace and joy.
It is in the silence of the heart that the children of the Most High will learn the art of loving and serving their neighbor, where they will experience the school of compassion, a step that will take them to the love taught by Christ on the Cross.
It is in the silence of the heart that humanity will find the lost hope, the love God placed in each essence, an essence that today is drowning in a solid box of stone, closed with infinite keys, without air and without light.
It is in the silence of the heart that you will find Me, beloved children, because I have the key that opens all doors; the door to redemption, to healing, to reconciliation among peoples, the door to love that forgives everything and rebuilds everything, the door to pity that will come through the selflessness of a service rendered without personal interests.
It is in the silence of the heart, My beloved ones, that you will find the great Peace that I bring to the world and place in each of you, so that you may experience this peace in your lives. And if there is no silence in the heart, because unease reigns in your beings, pray with Me, so that the codes of light of the blessed prayer may reach your hearts, and, like a balm, that blessed prayer may take away the pain, like a fresh breeze that will bring ease, tranquility and harmony into your lives.
Children of Colombia and of the whole world, today I invite you, I call you to feel Me, to find Me in your hearts, where I came to sow My Peace, the Peace of Christ, the Peace of God for all.
Thank you for assembling and gathering together in My Heart. Thank you for being with Me today.
Who loves you and covers you with Celestial Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Mother of all the Peoples of God
Dear children,
In this time of worldwide spiritual crisis in the majority of souls, I ask you to seek the harmony of My Maternal Heart.
To find the harmony of My Maternal Heart, children, you must practice silence so that your hearts and consciousnesses may perceive the difference of being near or far from the Celestial Kingdom.
Children, you are a humanity with the potential to be able to develop many things within the Sacred Law of God.
Harmony is what is lacking in all of humanity, which makes it lose its peace, and in a short time, the path of true humility.
While hearts place their lives in the material things of the world, the path of harmony, which is universal, will not be seen by the majority.
Silence and the practice of silence requires the consciousness to think regarding what it will be talking about and to rethink actions that were previously taken hastily.
If at least a small part of humanity does not live the search for silence, it will be difficult for all, at some point, to be able to hear the Voice of the Most High announcing to the world the glorious Return of Christ to the hearts of the simple ones.
Dear children, you are before a reality that can no longer be hidden; the lack of harmony does not allow the laws of healing to approach and souls remain without receiving anything.
Assume, dear children, that a part of this whole Project is in your hands, as well as the responsibility of the planet and especially of the Kingdoms.
Your union with God and His Divine Will will define the end of times. Keep going, in the company of your Heavenly Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you together in the Divine Spirit of God in sacred harmony,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the seven colors of the universe. On My Mantle is drawn the eternal fusion between the Rays and their universal vibrations that give life and form to all Creation.
My Consciousness is expressed through the White Ray that manifests the essence of Purity and its maximum expression is attained in the hearts of those who give themselves to the total transformation of their lives.
The White Ray concentrates the divine synthesis of all the others and so acquires a power of transformation unknown to the world. The White Ray is the positive expression of the goodness and self-giving of all who aspire to reach the inner light.
I am the essence of the Pink Ray, My Consciousness expresses the Love for everything created and fully accepts it as a filiation of the creatures to God. The Pink Ray has its maximum expression through pure Love; therefore, knowing the power of the White Ray and uniting it to the Pink Ray, the effect of Love becomes able to transform that which seems impossible of being transformed.
Through the Pink Ray, the tribute of compassion allows humanity the power to recognize Christ as the Master and Lord. The Pink Ray is able to place a spiritual situation on another level; and so this Ray helps to fulfill the mission of each soul, of being able to live in the Love of God. The Pink Ray is the universal color that promotes peace, through this Ray all becomes softer and harmonious.
I am the Mother in the essence of the Green Ray, because it expresses the harmony of serving the fellow being and so establishing its healing principle through the balance that it can express in the material life.
The Green Ray gathers the profound synthesis of alignment and it is the principal Ray that spiritually promotes hope. It is the Ray that neither permits nor allows the extinguishing of the aspiration to experience transformation because it fulfills, through its harmony, all the missions that the creatures intend to live. This Green Ray attracts the Will of God in a neutral way, that is, it allows one to live the Will in balance, serenity and peace.
I am the Mother of the Universe in the essence of the Blue Ray, which attracts towards the whole universe the divine force to realize the aspiration to live the Will of God. This Blue Ray is capable of gathering souls with the same purpose. It is the regent Ray, that is to say it creates favorable conditions for the creatures and the forms to be motivated to fulfill in harmony each inner aspiration.
The Blue Ray gathers the Will widely so that it can be experienced in a conscious way and, at the same time, profound and in balance. The Blue Ray is able to help to live acceptance of the new times and also to unlock the path that may be limited by the opposite actions or imminent challenges. It allows us to feel confident in the Plan of God.
I am the Mother in the essence of the Golden-Ruby Ray because through it all becomes possible and the consciousness can expand its love for knowledge so that it can finally live it.
The Golden-Ruby Ray manifests the fundamental essence of the Divine Wisdom; it is through this Ray that the universe carries forward the concretization of the Divine Thought, and thus the creatures and the forms created by God take on life, vibration and energy by the action of this Golden-Ruby Ray.
The Divine Mind is expressed through this Ray, it expresses all that has been created. The Golden-Ruby Ray gives impulse to the manifestation of life and allows life to become sacred. This Ray is able to carry forward the projection of Wisdom in all that exists. This Ray can be expressed in seven different forms, since the Divine Wisdom pours forth so that all may reach the reality of creative thought. It can appear in souls that are guardians of the universal knowledge.
I am the Mother in the essence of the Violet Ray, because it manifests the transubstantiation of all forms. It is through the Violet Ray that everything is transformed into something positive.
The Violet Ray is capable of changing complex principles into sublime states. Its principal action is focused on the Divine Fire to perform the exchange of the forms and of the creatures. This is a Ray that is manifested in all that is transmuted and raised towards a superior state.
The Violet Ray is the main principle that acts on the liberation of humanity during the cycle of transition.
The Rays live and act through the maternal essence of your Heavenly Mother, they are Divine Principles, but at the same time they are Laws of expression of the Divine Consciousness.
The fundamental consciousness of the Rays arises as a stream from the Source of the One Consciousness and from there, all the universe of which you are also a part, receives the positive influence of these Principles which are also manifested through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
It is so, dear children, that you are being called not only to purification, but also to the divine consciousness of the Rays, which are the expression of the universal life. I am the Mother in the essence of the Rays, whoever lives in Me, lives in the rays.
I thank you for responding to My call!
This Divine Wisdom is for those who want to know themselves and become that which they have never been.
Who unites you to the principle of the Rays of Creation,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this holy day in which the reparation of souls and of My Heart is made possible for this part of the world, I invite you to the intimate renewal with the attributes of faith and reconciliation.
Thus, today, in front of you, the doors of the Aurora of My Heart are opened so that all may enter for the last time into this network of light that I build in the world through hearts.
Then, My children, offer this Reparative Communion to the Celestial Father for all your brothers and sisters who are spiritually blind and deaf, brothers and sisters of this humanity who do not want to hear the message of your Celestial Mother.
You, with your inner eyes open, wait, from the Aurora of my Heart, for the Grace that you so much seek. In truth, I tell you, My children, that the Aurora of my Heart will open the door so that you may find the Grace that you so much wait for.
While the world waits for the moment of its self-realization, I invite you to continue praying with Me at the foot of this portal that represents the perfect state of My Peace in this part of the world.
Thus, during these days of August, I will return to Aurora to demonstrate My constancy and Motherly love for all of My children, for the correct and the incorrect, for the prayerful and for those who are deviated from the path of love.
Receive My spiritual blessing so that, from today on, new codes may be sowed in the depths of your hearts.
Faith makes you return, once and again, to this Sacred Center where the simplicity and the love of Aurora are the flame that transforms all and the light which heals every heart.
Commune with the inner Presence of Christ, and, I thank all those who kept the Reparative Communion of the first five Saturdays of each month.
I bless you and safeguard you in My universal Heart of Light.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
Today I present a request of immediate assistance and help from all those who pray and the servers of the whole world, for My Marian Center of Aurora in Paysandú, Uruguay.
On the verge of a great planetary transformation, the Marian Center suffered from one of the more than a thousand climactic effects of the end of times, effects that will be generated through the great mental and emotional imbalance of current humanity.
For the first time, the Marian Center of Aurora faced the effect of the union of times; this means a shock of light between the old current time and the eternal Real Time of the universe. This event, unexpected for the laws of the Earth, activated a principle that, from now on, will be experienced by all of humanity.
Children, I would like to announce to you that, on the verge of one of the most important meetings of prayer of the last fifty years in the spiritual life of humanity, My consciousness of Mother is praying, protecting and safeguarding all the brothers and sisters present at the Marian Center of Aurora.
Today I am especially calling upon everyone to participate in a study of the Redemption House Association about the next steps that will be taken in the face of the event taking place in the region of Aurora.
This situation is a wake-up call for all participants in the Work of the Divine Messengers, to remind you of the importance of manifesting the auditorium of Mercy, which, in the Plans of God, is destined to carry out meetings for the spiritual healing of humanity.
It is for this reason that the Marian Center of Aurora, starting in the next hours, will begin to rearrange the task that had been foreseen for the days of August.
Thus, I ask, in the name of My Son, that the doors of the Marian Center be opened to receive the necessary humanitarian help, which will allow the adjustment of the program foreseen in the organization of the next prayer meeting of August.
Children, I have come from Heaven to ask for the special collaboration of all My children so that this important meeting, which Heaven hopes to move forward with on the grounds of Aurora, may take place.
In this way, the humanitarian help of the servers and the spontaneous donations of all for this meeting will make it possible for it to occur as had been foreseen.
The Marian Center, My children, has a large heart for receiving you, but up until today, it does not have the essential spaces to harmoniously accomplish the task of the Divine Messengers.
In the face of these planetary times, that will take place in humanity, certain sacred spaces at the Marian Centers must be preserved and safeguarded so they do not become the object of a contrary plan of My adversary.
Dear children, today the Father calls all of you towards inner neutrality, but also to be aware, just as you have demonstrated to the Divine Messengers in these last months.
I wish to announce to you that today, July 31 of 2015, at 8 p.m. Uruguayan time, a special update will be transmitted about the current reality of the Marian Center of Aurora and about the next steps which all are invited to participate in.
So that the next Marathon of Divine Mercy may be possible, the House of Adoration and its surroundings will be reorganized, as well as the other spaces of Redemption House, to be able to receive the number of pilgrims that is arriving at Aurora.
For this reason, in the face of a reality that will take days to be resolved, the Marian Center must receive the collaboration of everyone to be able to move forward with the task. From the Heart of My Son, I will be grateful for the prompt response of all My children of the world for this emergency situation.
Heaven foresees, as from the first days of August, carrying out a task of redemption and reconciliation for all those present. For this, certain spaces, which must be reconfigured by your own hands, will need the help, donations and the service of all My children.
In this anniversary and celebratory year, Aurora cannot be left without blessings and Graces for everyone.
Be prepared for the prompting and for the command of your heart, united with your Heavenly Mother of the universe, in the necessary and urgent Peace for the end of times.
I thank you for responding to this special call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the first days of August, the Light of My Immaculate Heart will in spirit assemble the sIn the first days of August, the Light of My Immaculate Heart will in spirit assemble the souls in the world that are in need of the spiritual and redeeming healing of the Aurora of My Heart.
It will be in those days of August that My maternal Spirit will want to lead you into experiencing the faith and absolute trust in the co-redemptive Project that your Heavenly Mother carries out at the Marian Centers, which in just a few more years, will be Mirror Centers of My Heart that will refract the attributes of salvation of the Universal Mother to the world.
For this reason, children, after all that you will receive in Aurora and from what each one participates in, I will expect you to leave My greater Marian Center in the certainty of My Love, and your faith renewed by your commitment to the Plan of Salvation, which each soul will be called to live and share.
The Plan of God, foreseen for the coming times, would show a greater result if consciousnesses responded at the proper time. Thus, My children, through My Graces, you are put in a place that perhaps you did not deserve, but through My intercession, I lead you to know the Will of the Creator.
Now that the times are urgent, in order to be able to sincerely follow the proposal that you are being called to participate in, your Heavenly Mother again will gather you together in the sanctuary of Her Most Pure Heart so that during the days of August, you may be true testimonies of a manifested redemption, while at the same time, be witnesses of this Work of Grace that you all share with My Immaculate Heart.
Children, I will await all of you in love and devotion. If your hearts are united with Mine, everything will be possible.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who nurtures you with the Word of Life of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I will deliver every last petal of the rose that I hold inside Me so that the ignorance of humankind may be dissipated.
As the pure and maternal Love born from the Essence of God, I come to the world to heal what is incurable, to overcome what is invincible, to overthrow what is unshakeable and which separates the creatures from their Creator.
In this final time, I will spare no effort or words to awaken the human heart and definitively remove it from darkness, from the ignorance in which it permanently lives.
Children, I will move everything, within and outside the hearts, so that the proud may live in humility, the arrogant in renunciation, the egoists in service, and those who ignore and deny the existence of God may have all evil dissipated from their eyes and hearts.
As long as there is still the intercession of hearts in the world, I will always act. As long as there is still one heart that truly prays, I will always be here.
The day of the end of the darkness of the world approaches, and all the roots of evil that dwell within beings will be uprooted by the power of My Love and Divine Justice. You will feel that the ground trembles, the interior does not sustain itself, that the spirit is troubled and the soul cannot support the clarity of My Light, but be persistent and trust in My Heart.
You will see that many of those who appeared to be brave soldiers will give up their armor; others will fight with opposing armies. Let not the example of those who do not follow Me be a reason to disrupt your paths.
You will see an evil that you did not know existed emerge within yourselves. Simply hold on tight to My divine hands and reaffirm your consecration to My Heart because I will sustain you in this purification and, although I allow you to be tested and that you confirm yourselves on this path towards the Light, I will always accompany you silently.
I will speak intense Words that will make the enemy lose his reign within the human heart. I will overthrow the arrogant and proud spirit, not to mistreat it, but so that it learns, once and for all, the path to humility.
I will allow you to live great loss in human eyes, but to God they will be unique opportunities to divest of yourselves and follow only one path. I will banish the illusion from My soldiers and I will make them mature before the Plans of the Creator.
At My side will remain only a few who will completely respond to My call, but with these, I will keep the doors of redemption open for all humanity.
It is time to define your paths, knowing that the consequences of your choices will not be seen in this world, but rather after this life.
For many, the end of everything will appear to be a great failure, and those who enjoyed the illusion of matter will exalt themselves for having chosen the path of the pleasures of the world. But, when Heaven opens before the doors of hell and Divine Justice indicates the new paths, you will then feel the merits of all sacrifice and all renunciation achieved in this life.
I do not want to cause you fear, but it is time to be true to yourselves so that you may live the awakening.
Become mature in the times that are approaching.
I will guide you as long as you say yes to Me and, with the decisions of life, you demonstrate that you respond to My call.
My blessing will be perpetuated on this sacred ground of the New Earth, an earth that must live a new cycle of maturation and inner decision. Thus, you will demonstrate to the world the miracle of love and redemption.
I trust in your hearts and know that you will follow My paths.
Your Most Holy Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
I am the Mother of the lost. I am the unceasing Spirit that searches for souls that are without God.
Dear children, I am the door for your conversion; surrender, then you will be on the correct path, and you will be guided by the spirit of wisdom and of truth.
Children, the time is growing shorter and the whole of humanity does not believe in this, sins are sold and bought as something natural and superficial. Reconsider, My children, you are in time.
I am your Mother Who comes to help you and to lead you to the fulfillment of the Purpose of love.
Dear children, do not become separated, unite more each day. May your search be based on the Love of God, a love that resolves and heals all things.
My children, I come to seek the good in each one of you, I come to help you become aware of what you do well and what offends God.
Dear children, I come to help you mature in your heart; I wish to convert you into Christs, into apostles of the new time. But for this to happen, My children, your permission will be the door that will open so that Christ, your Savior, may dwell.
Dear children, be bearers of My Peace rather than disseminators of the anger that blinds the trusting heart.
Be the best you can be; but children, do not forget to love.
I come to teach you to walk in faith and in the hope of always being able to see and feel My Son in the depths of your spirit.
Justify your consecration to God; My Son expects your transformation to be the test and the confirmation of this sacred path that you chose to live.
The new time calls you to a consciousness redeemed by the Love of Christ. The hour indicates the beginning of the inner apostolate.
Children, I am your Mother and I love you; I am waiting for your immediate response; in this way, My plans will be accomplished in this sick world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who grants you the peace of your heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Like the sound of a harp of light, I bring to your souls the most pure and harmonious sounds that exist in Heaven so that, in this way, you may receive the balm of My Motherly and Spiritual Healing.
Children, everything foreseen has already begun, and at this moment, humanity faces the result of their actions and their decisions, which in this hour, will make millions of souls deviate from the path that My Son offered them.
Many of My preferred children will experience the yoke of suffering, transmutation and surrender caused by the immense load that exists on humanity and due to the absence of servants, obedient to the requests of Heaven.
It is for this infinite reason that Your Celestial Father, Adonai, decided to pour out codes of transmutation so similar to those which My Beloved Son experienced and felt during His last night in the Garden of Gethsemane.
With His own Holy Hands, the Father will be placing you on an unknown path never before experienced by anybody; because just like many Blessed from the past, you must cross the same portal so that God may recognize that it is fair to pour out Mercy and Liberation over a world completely paralyzed by the insignia of My adversary.
Thus, children, prepare yourselves; the hour will be coming and God will make you repositories of His most Precious Gifts so that, in the name of His Beloved Son, you may prepare your beings to help the evolution of the Plan of God.
In this way, My children, in a spirit of surrender and the giving of self, in spite of the uncertainties and the circumstances, you will now be prepared to take on the end of a cycle and the beginning of another.
Your Heavenly Mother will assemble you in the Healing Spirit of God so that, experiencing your intense purification and inner liberation, you may serve the Kingdom of God in fullness and love.
Children, the last battle has not yet begun. Before this happens, I come from Heaven to pour My instructions over you, which will allow you to be ready for the calls of Heaven.
Do not be discouraged. The Lord will be with you, accompanying you even though you do not feel it; His Presence is silent.
I thank you for persevering in responding to My call!
Who unites you with the Blessed Heart of God,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, so that I can take you to the Kingdom of the Heavens in heart and consciousness, and so that your soul may be an instrument of God.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, so that through you all humanity may experience the holiness and consecration of its essence.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, so that this world may be perpetually united to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, the One I bring as a celestial gift to humanity.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart every day, so that your soul does not run the risk of getting lost on this path so full of shadows and traps.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, surrendering your life and all of your virtues to Me, so that I can have them available for the salvation of all souls.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, and set an example of life for all creatures.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, and be the thread that leads the evolution of the lesser Kingdoms, which will find in you the path to evolution.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, tirelessly, so that the temptations of this world may not overcome you.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart and be the joy of the Heart of God, so that I may find in you the reason to intervene for humanity.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart and do not lay down your arms; be a tireless soldier of this army of Peace.
Consecrate yourself to My Heart, My son, My daughter, so that the Plan of God for this world may be fulfilled.
Walk towards the consecration of life permanently.
Always count on the help of My maternal arms when you fall on the ground and feel that the oppression of this world is greater than your ability to stand up.
Dear children, I want you to set an example of consecration for this world, so that through those who respond to My Call, this whole planet may light up and the souls may awaken to the consecration of the Divine.
Today I bring in My hands the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, which I lovingly give to the world, so that you may merge with Him for centuries to come.
I ask this planet and all the souls who listen to Me to not become distant from God, to not pretend that you do not hear My call; because each one who listens to Me has a greater commitment to Me, a mission given by God, a purpose to be experienced.
My beloved ones, My Heart arrives in the world at this time to reveal truths that have been hidden for a long time, and few hearts could unravel the mysteries that were hidden. But, for My hands to remove the veils that cover the eyes of humanity, I need souls who can help Me and who can sustain the Power of My Words.
Dear children, there must be souls consecrated to the Lord to sustain the weight of His Divine Justice and also the Power of His Mercy; who can hold those who are fallen and lift them up again.
Therefore, I want you to be strong as an Arm of God in this world, to be firm and determined; let there be no doubts nor fears in your hearts; may you not be lukewarm, may you not be weak, but may you surrender your weaknesses to the Father and open space in your hearts so that the Divine Spirit of the Creator may enter with all Its Glory and Majesty, and you become tireless and invincible in the Heart of God.
Know that from God comes all the Power of the Universe, and the one who is in His Omnipresence will not perish.
By the healing Power of the Celestial Kingdom and by the Healing that emerges from the interior of this world, I bless you and protect you. I guard you and lead you into the Kingdom of God, into His Heart.
Mary, Lady of Aurora and Queen of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón,
When we were in the last Hail Mary prayers, a dove of light that descended from the universe towards the house appeared inside the room.
It was called to our attention that the dove had acted in an intelligent way, while it descended, it performed some movements. For example, in the moment that it approached the house, a door of light was opened above the place where we were.
The dove flapped its wings with great strength and determination, it kept flapping the wings for a long time, white rays emanated from its wings and it expanded all over the place. It seemed that the house was being purified and another new energy was entering as if it were a new cycle.
We saw and felt that this dove represented the Holy Spirit. When the dove appeared, we noticed that someone had made it emerge from somewhere, we saw delicate hands that released that dove into the air and in this way, we knew that it had been the Divine Mother Who had made it appear.
Soon, the dove disappeared from the house and Our Lady approached. She manifested Herself today especially within a channel of celestial light, we saw that She was barefoot, Her feet were surrounded by a white cloud and Her face expressed kindness.
Then She told us to write Her Message to this prayer group and at the end She added that She would transmit a Message to each of the prayer groups that we visited during those days.
She will be doing a special task with each one of the prayer groups, as if they were one single group. This task that she will doing during these days, in the State of São Paulo, has a higher purpose that we do not know about now.
She will be acting through us as a Mediator and, today She told us it was the Grace of Her Son Jesus that enabled Her to perform this task here in the State of São Paulo.
Mother Mary told us that the Grace that allowed Her, through Her Son Jesus, to come here, comes from that which is contemplated by Christ; contemplation that He accomplished from the prayer groups during these last years, and from the steps that these groups have taken through the instruction and the service.
The Virgin Mary said that for Christ all this had a spiritual value, which represented a spiritual richness to all souls, and that the Sacred Hearts need this spiritual richness in order to act.
Dear children of Mine,
Today, with joy and goodness, I descend from Heaven answering to your precious call.
I have come with the spiritual mission that this sacred house, which today I visit and have visited due to the need of many poor hearts of spirit, may be consecrated, with your permission and charity, as the new service center for the most needy.
You, My children, by opening the doors to your hearts, will allow the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Master and Guide; Who in the past gave His life for you and now, through His Mercy, I come to your encounter to request this mission from you.
From the beginning, you should know who you will deal with. I ask you that, through the faith of Saint Joseph, you learn to give charity and goodness to those who will truly come to meet you.
I want to confess to you that the gift of your group of souls is service through healing, healing which you will discover through the act of prayer and the trustful union with My Immaculate Heart.
As with many other souls, I come to call you so that you step forward with confidence. Years of instruction and formation have served as support for the maturity of your hearts. Now, suffering, lonely and empty souls that have not found the God of Love for a long time, will come to your door.
You should know, My beloved children, that Christ is amongst you. He wishes to make Himself be felt more strongly as soon as you cross the threshold of the Greater Universe. This mission will have a predicted time and great will be the need that you will see in the faces that will come seeking for new spiritual food in order to nourish and quench their thirst through the Water of Life.
Your permission will open the doors that I have wanted to open for so long. Prayer will always be your great comforter.
I thank you for having received me!
I love you and bless you from the beginning.
Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of Charity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more