Message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Fortín Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Little children of My Heart,

Today I want to dictate words of encouragement, of hope, of joy to you, so that united with the attributes of My Heart, you are able to move beyond the tests that God sends to your lives.

My beloveds, these are times of much suffering for the world, for all the Kingdoms of My Heart, and those who are willing, in prayer and in peace, to serve all these Kingdoms must grow and become stronger every day in My Maternal Heart.

Many tests are still to come, and they will be ever more intense and deeper, for the Lord aspires to purify the depths of His creatures.

To overcome each test, your hearts cannot lose their joy and the hope of continuing forward. The joy in the hearts of My children will make each fall light and will help them to get back up, always noticing the great need there is in the world, and how necessary it is to learn to fall and get back up every day.

My Heart addresses all the hearts of the world, because each being that lives on this Earth must awaken to be a soldier of My Marian army, that fights for peace through prayer.

All who live on this Earth at this time come from the Heart of God, and to Him you must return, when you have learned to overcome the tests of life through persistence in the Heart of God and through love.

My children, all the hearts of the world - each one within its lessons - experience hard tests in their maturation. Those that do not know Me are submerged in suffering, and become lost in this sea of pain and of darkness that grows in the world; but those who at some point have heard My Voice, must raise their arms and cannot allow themselves to be submerged in suffering.

Know  how to see, My dear ones, the difficulties of life as opportunities for maturing the spirit, of learning and of helping others that are in this same situation.

The warnings of the Messengers of God are always to propel you towards the Celestial Heart of God. So allow yourselves to be shaped by the Hands of the Creator through His Messengers. Be like light vessels to be shaped by the hands of the Potters of God, so that when it is the correct time, the Water of Life may be poured into your hearts and, through you, it may reach all of humanity and all the Kingdoms.

Today I also tell you that in your hearts, greater love and greater understanding for the Kingdoms of Nature must emerge. Through prayer, seek to know the greatness of these Kingdoms, and in them find My Heart, for in the Kingdoms, My Spirit already has an everlasting dwelling place.

My dears, with the heart full of joy, continue forward in spite of all the tiredness, in spite of all the tests, in spite of the feeling that your feet do not move from where they are. Do not worry, for if you just take one step, My Heart will take all the rest toward your hearts, but it is necessary that this first step be taken.

I love you and bless you always; I hold you in My Sacred Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

It is time to ask with the heart for the help of the Lord in your lives. It is time to cry out for forgiveness and for the conversion of the world. It is time to unite to the Divine and the Sacred to maintain the thread that unites Heaven to Earth.

My Son Jesus once said to you: "Ask and it shall be given to you." And so it is, up to the current times. The Lord expects that the hearts of His children cry out with fervor for the salvation of the world.

If your hearts, for themselves, do not approach God, nor can God, for Himself, approach you. In the Laws of Heaven, dear children, it is necessary to ask to be given, it is necessary that your call for it to come, it is necessary to open the door for it to enter.

Therefore, I ask you today to open your eyes and hearts to perceive if you are really crying out for the Presence of God in your lives.

Perceive with the heart if you call the Name of the Lord daily and ask Him to approach and to guide your little hearts. If you open to delve deeper into this understanding of yourselves, feel if your hearts, through action, feelings, thoughts, aspirations and intentions of the heart, are opening the doors for the Lord to enter, in Consciousness, into your lives.

My Immaculate Heart, for many centuries, dictated to the world holy words of reconciliation with God, so that souls could find the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, dear children, it is the moment for your eyes to turn to the Heights, for your hearts to allow yourself to discover the new, out of love for this unknown Universe of God. 

My last call comes to renew the knowledge of the world, it comes to awaken the divine life in all those who are tired of walking in circles in the path of Evolution.

My Heart comes to embrace the old world, so that under My Mantle it is transformed into the new and reborn world. But, My Beloveds, for many it is not simple to give up one's own knowledge to open oneself to the endless Mystery of God.

Therefore, those who are encouraged to respond to this celestial call must do so without fear and without delay, in order to give impulse to all human consciousness in this new step towards the infinite Heart of God.

Walk with faith, My little ones, without fear of making mistakes or suffering, because mistakes are ways of discovering humility and experiencing new learnings in the heart, and suffering will come, according to the Will of God, for those who must to render service by living it.

Simply open yourselves on this day so that a new impulse of transformation enters into the world. While you pray, ask for the help of God and for His Presence in the life of all beings. Do not forget that when the Voice of God sounds in the hearts, it will be necessary to respond with promptness and faith, for you and for the world.

I thank you, little ones, for being in prayer with Me on this day and in all the days of your lives.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Peace for all the hearts.

Weekly Message of the Most Holy and Pious Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

About the message:

Before Mary came, before us emerged images of the Passion of Christ, of Mary accompanying Jesus, and lastly, an image emerged from the moment when Jesus was taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of Mary. Mary stood up with Jesus in Her arms and came toward us; this is how She presented Herself in the room where we were praying. She continued for some time, then disappeared and appeared again as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and transmitted Her Message.

As Mother of the Divine Piety, today I bring your small hearts this sign, so that you may experience the Gift of Piety in your hearts.

My children, Piety returned to the world at the moment when My Son Jesus was taken down from the Cross and My arms felt the weight of His Body, which was all a Most Sacred Wound. In My Chest I did not feel pain, but rather the Love that was shed in the Blood of My Son, the Son that was given to Me by God and Who in that moment returned to the Kingdom of His Father.

Piety was born as a doorway to Mercy. The understanding of My Heart and the Pity I felt for all the souls of the world made it possible for Sacred Mercy to continue to be poured out upon the world.

With Jesus in My Arms, I Finally and Definitely Included The Love of God for His Creatures, and In the Scourged and Dead Body of Jesus

Piety, beloved children, is born of Mercy and allows it to expand over the world. So that the Earth may experience some more time of Mercy, it is necessary that hearts know how to experience Piety.

Today I tell you, with the purest Love of My Heart, that Piety emerges from the understanding of the Plan of infinite Love that Our Lord God has for all this humanity.

Dear children, simply love one another, understand the trials of life without judgment, be pious as to accompany the painful transition of each of your brothers and sisters.

In this time of purification, only love will sustain you on this path that leads you to the Kingdom of God, and the search for love will show you the weaknesses of your brothers and sisters so they may be seen with eyes of Piety.

I aspire that My little soldiers be, in the small things of life, faithful to this God that is so good, that always guides them. That faithfulness, My children, is in being what God expects: loving, merciful, pious, understanding, welcoming, helpful.

A soldier of My army fights through love; their weapon is prayer and their field of battle is daily co-existence with their brothers and sisters, because the world no longer knows how to love.

My gaze travels the Earth from the Heavens, and I see that Piety dies day after day in the hearts of My children. For this reason, to those who listen to Me, I ask that out of love for My Heart, you rescue the Piety in the world, living it among you. Cause love to be reborn, by living it. Allow the time of Mercy to be eternal, even during the time of Justice, and that is achieved by being merciful.

Continue being the sweet breath of My Heart, so that I may find refuge in the little hearts of My children, that together with Me, are tireless.

Do not give up, My children, from living love. Do not seek to be perfect in order to experience it; live it in your imperfection, for I descend from the Heavens to tell you that this is possible and that it will be with those who listen to My Voice today, in all parts of the world, that God will accomplish His Plan and manifest His Eternal Glory on Earth.

I love you with all of My Heart of a Mother and I thank you for persisting in responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Message for the apparition of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Sister Lucía

By the Power of the Holy Spirit, praised be Jesus Christ.

My children,

In eternal Glory, the Lord has sent me to bless this city and its nation. My feet rest today on Earth to confirm My Kingdom in the heart of My children and to show how infinite the Mercy of the Lord is, who sends His Servant to announce the glorious Return of His Son and to prepare the flock of this Great Shepherd of souls.

Dear children, I thank you eternally for the effort done by each one of your hearts to receive Me on this day. I thank you for the love and joy with which you prepared My arrival and I tell you, from the depths of My Immaculate Heart, that today Heaven observes Earth with special attention.

The angels of My Kingdom held back to accompany My maternal task. The saints and the blessed who live in the Kingdom of Heavens pray with fervor for the conversion of the souls who meet Me for the first time.

I welcome under My Mantle all who approach My Heart and allow Me to touch their essences with Love.

Do not fear, My children, to stand before the Blessed and Most Holy Mother of God. I am the same of Nazareth, who returns in spirit, from time to time, to renew the human hearts. This is the cycle of My last call.

I come to awaken those who have not yet heard My Voice that calls them. I open My arms for all to be able to find refuge in My Heart. I am the Mother of all the creatures of this Earth and I am here, at this time, before those who see Me and feel Me in their hearts, so that all My children of the world may have the opportunity to know My call to conversion and to prayer.

I ask nothing more of you, but that you pray with love, sincerely confess your faults to God, commune daily with My Son Jesus Christ and open your hearts so that I may be able to reign in your lives.

What I ask of you is so simple and great is the repercussion that happens in Heaven and on Earth when you respond to this call!

Each one of My requests, My children, has the sole purpose of saving souls who suffer in the darkness and preparing those who will walk beside the living Christ, who will return in Body, Soul and Divinity to definitely redeem the world.

My Voice echoes in the hearts that recognize Me for they were summoned by God to be part of My Marian army of prayer and to work tirelessly with Me for the salvation of souls.

For those who accepted to follow this simple, but great call, I am awaiting them in prayer.  For, in the same way that I present Myself today to those who call Me with their hearts, I aspire to reach their homes, cities and nations whenever sincerely cry out to Me, so that My Peace may expand throughout the world.

As Mother and Queen of Peace, I come to spread My request of Peace, for the world, My children, needs to find peace in the hearts of the human beings.

I leave in your hearts this request and this call, so that you may follow the Blessed Virgin Mary in the rescue of the most lost souls.

There is still much to be done, and My children wait for your prayers.

By the eternal Grace that God sheds upon the world, I always bless you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

