While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to the capital energies, believing that the meaning of life is kept in pleasures, in false joys, and in conveniences; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to self-sufficiency, believing that freedom is in personal will and in excessively carrying out what human impulses always dictate to them; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to wars and conflicts, believing that plenitude is to be found in imposing their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on others; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to fear, to depression, to sadness, believing that life on Earth, as they know it, is the only thing that God offers them as experience, not finding a way out of the darkness they have entered; surrender, yourself, to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to the human condition, in a constant struggle for power and for survival, ignoring the Truth and the Kingdom of God within themselves; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

Do not look at what happens around you with eyes of criticism and superiority because, unknowingly, you will be letting yourself be conducted by the same forces and impulses that move the hearts of those who get lost in their own darkness.

May everything be a reason for you to surrender yourself more to the Heart of Christ, make your surrender ever more sincere.

Let compassion for the world emanate from your heart and learn to transform compassion into true Love, deepening yourself, each day, into your surrender; surrendering your heart to the Heart of Christ.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

My words are the poetry of Heaven,

My solace is the joy that the heart has to experience God.

My aspiration is the conversion of all hearts.

My message is the realization of the Will in My children.

My joy is the song of the choirs.

My healing is the happiness of those who smile to God.

My path is the return of My Children to the Heart of Christ.

My inner aspiration is that everyone may understand God.

My song is the prayer of all My children.

My life is the life of those who follow My paths.

My principle is the Purpose of God

My goal is the awakening of those who are asleep.

My sadness is the abandonment of those who have not lived the Will of God.

My ardor is the praying fire of My children.

My offering is the love lived among My children.

My hope is the conscious answer of the soldiers of Christ.

My agony is the lack of love, it is hatred among the hearts.

My relief is the rosary offered by My children.

My conviction is the absolute faith in the Divine Plan.

My intercession is the kindness of the meek of heart.

My joy is the consecration of the spouses of Christ.

My peace is when you, My child, dare to say "yes" to me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Third Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

May I become
like a child, Lord,
so that I may
always be upon Your lap.

May I become
like a child, Lord,
so that I may grow
in simplicity and in humility.

That, as a child in spirit,
I may recognize
how wonderful and sublime
it is to remain in You, Lord.

That, like a child, I may recover
the attributes of Your Heart
so that I may represent You
as Your child and as Your companion.

That now, being able to be
in Your humble Arms, Lord,
I may closely come to know
the sacred mysteries
of Your Heart and of Your Word.

May I be invaded,
beloved Lord,
by Your Divine Spirit
so that I may sincerely fulfill
the attributes of Your Consciousness.

Renew me always, Lord.

I know You accept our offering.

Receive me into Your Kingdom
of Love and Redemption
so that with the Father
we may celebrate Your celestial Glory



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Feel the beating of My Heart, a Heart that pulses with love for humanity and the planet, a Heart that feels the love of His neighbor, but also the rejection of the disbelievers.

This is the living Heart of Christ, a Heart that lives for each being, aspiring for each soul of this planet to awaken to their inner reality and respond to the Universe.

This is the Heart that is gladdened by Its companions, but is a Heart that cries for those who disappointed Him, for those that were once at His side and then forgot all the love they received, because they exchanged it for other loves.

This is the sincere Heart, a Heart that opens as a refuge, as a tabernacle of worship, a Heart that is wounded and also flagellated.

This is the Heart of Christ, a Heart that has been opened to Life and has surrendered for all, a Heart that gives of Itself and pacifies all inner worlds.

This is the Heart that awaits for those who have not yet returned, it is the Heart that awaits for consolation, a Heart that listens to those who want to confess.

This is the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Apparition of Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Espíritu Santo, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come to talk to you about what is happening in these last times and that is up to your consciousnesses, as part of your service and love for humanity.

The foundations of My Work are being removed for the purification of the consciousnesses and hearts.

No stone is remaining upon stone, and that is very good for Me, because you are learning to follow the path of truth and transparency; path that will some day make you free, on this path of pilgrimage to the Blessed Homeland, where many want to enter, but still cannot due to their faults and acts committed, due to the learning they must live on Earth.

But now, companions, let us focus on what I have told you in the beginning about My Work, this part of the Work that you are living with Me and which is not yet completely understood because it is not a material Work nor is it under the autonomy of anyone.

It is a Work that comes from the Celestial Father, through the feeling of deep Love from the Heart of His Son. Work that expresses itself as rays of Light on Earth and that comes to touch the hearts of the world so that they may awaken and be aware of the true reality of these times in which everything is unleashed.

I still hope that those who have given up My Work may reconsider someday, because when they have that Grace, they will not be able to believe what they have done and what they have generated to My Merciful Heart.

It is with the Goodness of God that I come to speak to you, to transmit these words so that your hearts do not lose the north of their truth, so that your eyes may always follow the Purpose in the firmament, a Purpose that is announced from the Universe and that comes to the planet to correct a humanity that is still very much asleep.

But you, companions, who are aware of all that I need, must learn every day to do the right thing, to live in balance, to follow the path of the Law and of obedience; that is what many do not propose living, as a principle of the new life, as part of the consciousness of a New Humanity that will no longer have personal objectives, but rather will be guided by the Greater Source, as it should have been in the Beginning, in the Genesis.

That is why I offered Myself to the Father for you, so as to not only be here on Earth, as I was more than two thousand years ago, but also to come as a Messenger of His Source, from time to time and from century to century, announcing to humanity the great time of change, in which everything will be transformed, in which everything will be modified, in which humanity will be called to live within the Law, which is what it still does not yet live in this time.

But while your hearts are purified and your lives are transformed, continue onward.

I need you to be able to penetrate the mystery of My Purpose, which is still unknown to the human consciousness. That is why there are things that you will never fully understand, because here the human mind is unable to encompass it.

The feeling of the deep heart, the deep love of beings is what will predominate in this time and will carry forward My magnificent Work in all the corners of the Earth.

And when this has materialized according to My Designs, then I will be able to return.

Meanwhile, companions, you must learn to survive in these times, because if you are here, present and in this end time, it is because you are to go through this test and not fear it.

I cannot promise you full happiness or eternal joy in this world; I would not be telling you the truth.

I need you to open your eyes to the reality of these times, because each day that goes by in this world is a difficulty that arises and that one must be able to overcome with intelligence and discernment, without losing the union with the Celestial Father, with His Divine Will.

That is why I come to give you My Message of awakening, to try to get humanity out of its deep sleep, because the whole Universe still hopes to be able to intervene with its great luminous and shinning Consciousnesses.

The time will come of the great definition of humanity and the planet, and of everything that has been against the Law of God, within and outside of beings, both in the lower worlds and in the higher worlds.

Before I return, everything will be revealed, because it is time; the time has come.

Let nothing surprise you, let nothing disturb you, may the true flame of faith emerge from you so that you may overcome the times and the tests.

Let there be truly built in you a luminous community that is able to live the Principles of Christ, that is able incarnate His spiritual Gifts, that is able to reflect the Presence of the Universal King, both in the simplicity of the daily routine, and in dealing with your peers.

In all I must be present and in all I must participate; because if the Work is of My Father and if you are within the Work, it is thus that you are within the Heart of Christ, trying to manifest His projects and His divine ideas.

Let no one be dragged by those who will disappoint the Master and Lord of the Universe. On the contrary, when you see those things, may your spirits be strengthened in the Trust of Christ and in the affirmation of fulfilling His Will, day to day.

Each being of this planet will live its definition on facing the Celestial Father; each being will have the opportunity to choose the next path that is coming up and is close.

The freedom of humanity is untouchable, and just as it was designated in the beginning, it is respected.

That is why souls must define themselves in that next game where everything is allowed and where hearts will have to learn to be unconditionally in Christ.

While the foundations of the Work are removed, be glad, because everything is being put in its place and you will be able to perceive how important vigilance is in these times, so that the Will of the Celestial Father may always be fulfilled.

Be brave and decide to live the truth, in this way, you will be within the Truth of your Lord and you will be able to follow the steps of His Designs, those which must be accomplished and carried out in the coming time, in this next stage.

The energy of the Universe itself will shift what is not right.

The energy of the Universe itself will balance all things, that is why it is necessary to be in prayer and in vigil so as to be within the Purpose and in harmony.

It is time to carry forward this path of redemption; It is time to concretize what the Father so much expects.

But for that, defined disciples will be necessary and not of lukewarm hearts. This is the last opportunity to take on the Plan and to concretize it as it is written.

Because when you are living the Plan and while everything is happening in the world, you will not lose peace and union with the Father.

In Their Islands of Salvation you will maintain a collation with the Hierarchy, and you will be led along the path of the liberation of humanity, so that when I return to the world, the foundations of My Project may be accomplished.

I leave you My Heart as a symbol of peace and as a deep flame of faith. I leave you the Fount of My Grace so all may be renewed.

Walk with Me through this path of definitions and thus you will follow the footsteps of the Great Master, towards the New Humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Offer every difficult moment as a sacrifice and as reparation to the offended Heart of God and of His Beloved Son, for the indifference of those human beings of the Earth and the religious who secretly outrage the Laws of Creation and life.

Although the internal and external pain may be unbearable, offer yourself in sacrifice, reparation and prayer for those who, having received everything, demean the Name of Christ with their outrages, falsehoods, and their insults.

Offer yourself in sacrifice and reparation for those who will deny the Glory of the Father and His descent into the holy places chosen by Heaven.

May nothing surprise you or bother you. Offer yourself for those who will betray the truth behind one's back and for those who will join the essence of lie and show their puppet faces, moved and manipulated by the hands of My enemy.

Offer yourself for those who will not be able to offer themselves, for those who will not manage to forgive; have at least a little pity for those who are miserable of spirit and for those who do not live poverty of heart.

Offer yourself without conditions, again and again, for those who will betray the Heart of Christ and His Work.

Even if you do not understand it or do not accept it, offer yourself, because when the time of your dark night comes, you will ask for someone to offer himself or herself, out of mercy, for you and, at that moment, you will receive consolation, because the Father never forgets the sacrifices and renunciations of His children. He rewards them all with His Comforting Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


By the spear that pierced the Heart of Jesus and poured Mercy for the world, forgive us, Lord. (x6)

I am in silence, as I was in the Sepulcher, contemplating the world.

I would like to see the results of the trajectory of these days, and My Heart is ennobled on finding it in the most simple and the most open of heart, because My Wounds are still open and they are shown to you on this day: My Wounds of Light and of Mercy.

Drink from the correct Source that I offer you and do not drink what you like the most, but rather what God has prepared for you.

Today I am in the silence of My Spirit, speaking to your inner worlds, because it is where true things are built.

That is why I am here today, in the silence of My Sepulcher, preparing to resurrect tomorrow in those who knew to offer Me the best from within themselves.

I will no longer pull on the ropes of the ungrateful so that they may be saved. If they fall from My boat, they must learn how to swim, because everything was given to them, and that is irrefutable. My treasures cannot fall into impure or unjust hands.

I come to give you something, companions, that will serve for the next life. But some of you still do not understand Me, do not live My desire and even less My Will. You think you are following My steps, but you do not. Do not deceive yourselves any longer; open your eyes to the Light that I bring you, the Light of Truth and of transformation.

If I offered Myself for you, I want you to offer yourselves for Me, truly and without lies. For you may lie to your fellow beings, but not to My Father, and even less to My Heart that donates Itself completely to you.

I would truly like, companions, that you abandon your miserly abysses, where you only waste time because of your own ideas. I do not come to activate the power of your thought nor of your decision. I come to awaken Christs of the New Time in hearts that accept My designs, just as I write them in your spirits.

I will not be able to wait, companions, so that you can change. It will not be your brothers that will take you off the path, but your own decisions and your own paths that sometimes are not Mine.

Today I come again to show you the Wound on My Side, the last and great sacrifice that I lived for you, even when I was dead on the Cross. If I allowed Myself to be martyred and flogged for the unjust, could it be, companions, that you have learned the lesson of My Love for the whole world?

I would not like, companions, that after this Sacred Week you should live on the same paths of your wills. Everything that I have given you in these last days has been a preparation for this moment, even more for those who consecrated themselves to Me and made vows before My Heart, which they sometimes do not fulfill.

But today I do not come to give you My Justice, because you could not bear it. The world always seeks its own defeat and thus does the human being of the surface.

You are the same as the Apostles from the past, who had to face their own banishment, their own ignorance and lack of faith. But God dwells in all the hearts that follow Him, but not in the hearts that are prideful and think they live in God. God is not constrained to unjust souls. How can the Heart of God be in a closed heart, when it is blind and does not want to see what the Universe shows it?

To be My disciple there must be no preferences or doubts, but rather trust, obedience, and love. If you do not live within love, companions, you will not be able to bear the purification, and nobody will be at fault in this, because the Law as It is above, so it is below, and It responds, just as you respond, to material life.

I would like that your hearts reflect with Mine, without forgetting what I tell you with so much Love.

I do not want you to observe your miseries with contempt, but rather that you banish them with love and will, at least for Me. I cannot build My Work in fragile and tepid pillars. I have given you all the materials so that your pillar may be strong and victorious.

I have given you the Creator Parents so that you may know Them by Their hidden and profound Face.

 I have given you My Mother so that She may console you and guide you on the path of faith and of obedience. Each one will know, companions, what they are still not doing well.

I do not come to unmask you nor make you feel like sinners.

I have come to show what truly is and the urgency of your hearts being clear and less false. But still, My Heart pours out Its wonders over the unjust, because My aspiration is great for each one of them, something that you would never understand in this life.

During all of this time, with Love I brought you the Kingdom of the Heavens so that your lives may be lifted up from the ground, just as you have fallen so many times. But it is no longer the time to judge. I told you once that you should take the speck out of your eye rather than from that of your siblings.

Nobody is perfect in this time nor in this old humanity, but rather, in the next one you will live the glow of My Spirit for those who have given their full "yes" to My call, rather than to their will.

Just as I teach you today, companions, I have taught My apostles the true transparency of things and of the paths. I do not want you to leave here thinking that everything is fine. In truth, companions, it is time to face what must be faced and not be lukewarm towards those events.

In this way, today I want you to live this communion with Me, because just as I love you, I also instruct you so that you never again deceive yourselves. If you do not accept what I tell you, because I know that you do not accept it, you will not be able to love My Heart. But My infinite Mercy allows the revelation of these things so that your hearts may mature in consciousness and in love.

I asked the twelve for everything, and to you, companions, and all those who hear Me, I also ask for everything. How do you think the 144.000 will be gathered if you still do not accept My convocation? I chose you for this moment and you cannot deny it.

But your feet are so free to walk, like your hearts are to feel, meditate, and reflect. I do not want you to be distressed today, but rather that you feel everything with more neutrality in order to truly grow without emotions.

I come to ask for something very demanding from each one, especially from those who have consecrated themselves and that through the Mercy of My Mother are here again today, so as to not forget My Path and to not forget on the path that I placed you in unity with your fellow beings.

As a token of My Love, I will bless you again in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, so that your consciousnesses may open to the new and to the path that I invite you to walk on every day.

How many offerings you have left here on My Altar to please Me. May this always enrich your spirits in union with My Heart.

I purify all things when hearts open to receive Me. I consecrate what is impossible and transform what is imperfect. In hearts I ignite the light that was always in darkness.

In the name of Heaven and Earth, I ask God for your salvation and the salvation of humanity. Through this living example of the Body and the Blood of My Heart, may souls find Peace.

Today I will give My Holy Body to those who make an effort for Me.

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon:

Will the brothers and sisters of the TV come here. Abel and Anita also.

Do not lose your connection with Me, I am here.

My God, I believe in You,
I adore You, I wait for You and I love You,
and I ask Your forgiveness for those who do not believe in You,
do not adore you, do not wait for You, and do not love You.


The Our Father in Aramaic.

And by the power of Love and of Truth, companions, I bless you and the world in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now you may go in Peace, following My ways.

Song: "In Your Gaze"

Weekly Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Dear children,

Let your hearts rejoice, for the time of the Apostleship of Christ begins. The Lord waits with Love to know which of His children will raise their arms and announce their name for this Holy Apostleship.

To be an apostle of Christ, My children, is to fully trust in His Heart, to strive with all of your being to live His teachings, and through example more than through word, disseminate His Message.

Heaven has waited a long time for this moment, in which the Good News of the Lord will be announced on Earth again; in which hearts will again be able to burn in love for Christ, and devotion be the strength of those who walk.

Beloved children, to the Glory of God, the time has come to definitely live your faith, to consecrate your hearts to the Plan of the Lord and live to fully accomplish His Will.

My children, today in your hearts I sow the virtue of faith and of ardent devotion, so that in this way, you may be ready to take the first step toward the Most Holy Heart of Christ.

I wish to find in My children the living example of fidelity to God, so that once again, the world may have before its eyes and its heart an impulse of those who surrendered in holiness to the Words of the Lord and fulfill, in love, His Commandments.

I invite you today to be brave soldiers of Mercy, so that God may establish His Mercy within your hearts, and these be sources of Divine Mercy for the world.

I invite you today to follow the example of those who were crazy in the eyes of the world and truly lived the Gospel with absolute fidelity to Christ.

I invite you to surrender your fear, which many times permeates your hearts, in order to experience something new, a celestial freedom that will transform your hearts into a bridge to the Universe of God, where My Kingdom is a reality.

I wait for you to joyfully respond to this call. I will take you by your hands and together with Me, you will discover a new world that awaits in your hearts.

Allow Me, little children, to light the flame of devotion in your hearts, a devotion that you still do not know and that, many times, will cause you to surrender your life out of love for God.

Do not fear the intensity of My Words nor the greatness of My call. It is time for great spiritual works out of love for the Lord, and I will be guiding your hearts always. Simply open up to discover My call and to live it with your heart.

I love you always and I am by your side.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
