Argentina is part of a very ancient continent of the planet, and that part of the continent, in remote times, was witness to important events for the human civilization.
Argentina was a region very close to the Antarctic, and a part of the Malvinas Islands belonged to the frozen austral continent that was the cradle of one of the first humanities.
All of the southern region, a very beautiful area of the planet due to its nature, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, was a space formerly consecrated to the development of an advanced and civilized form of life.
In that southern region, Antarctic was the primary center of a humanity that achieved high degrees of learning through the school of love and of brotherhood.
That civilization, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, slowly grew and its inhabitants were remnants of a culture advanced in the sphere of spiritual contact, as well as predecessors of the first native peoples that inhabited Argentina all the way to the first heights of the desert of Jujuy.
And so, Argentina is one of the regions of the planet that witnessed and gave testimony to the possibility that a civilized humanity had patterns and values of behavior held in its consciousness that maintained a true communion with nature and with the Universe.
Those values of spiritual life are what the Divine Hierarchy will try to reintegrate so that at least a part of the current population of Argentina becomes a carrier of attributes that may help in the most acute moments of the planetary transition, and that these values, which are profoundly spiritual and are united with the Creator Source, be what will maintain the presence of faith, of trust and of the love of the hearts.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
With the Light of My Wounds, I will close the inner wounds of the families of "the disappeared."
And after so many years, in spite of there being no answers of where their beloved ones are, the families of those who disappeared will feel in their hearts that all those missing are now in a safe place, that they are in the Heart of God, in the great Divine Consciousness.
In this way, Argentina will be able, in the month of August, to recover the impulse that brings forth the Gift of faith.
And in spite of the fact of what many souls have against life and evolution to gain the approval of human laws, in the hearts of many Argentines, the trust in the Lord will be recovered because Argentina will continue to be a people blessed by sacred places in nature, in which the spiritual Hierarchy is present, places from where impulses and signs of contact will continue to be sent toward humanity.
In spite of the errors of these times and the inequalities, let My children of Argentina remember that they will be witnesses to the Return of Christ, and it must be in that hour that the call to the awakening of consciousness must be heard more strongly so that more souls are able to repent of their actions and can redeem their past.
We are on the way to an important planetary event.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
At the beginning, during the first Meeting of Prayer in Buenos Aires, Argentina, within the first days of the month of August and after the spiritual practice of the Sacraments, the inner and spiritual condition will then be prepared for your Redeemer to return to South America and from Argentina to carry forward, not only the task of liberation and of forgiveness, but also the great moment of the Eucharistic Celebration with souls.
It is in this way, companions, that in the first days of August, the Spiritual Universe of God will be granting a reprieve to Argentina and also to the region which, in an inexplicable way, will open the door to redemption and to forgiveness for those souls that did not deserve them.
Through the sublime action of Divine Mercy, through the songs and prayers that will be offered, a period of inner peace will be able to be established in the spiritual consciousness of Argentina so that, filled by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, the Argentines may make their great and last decision, which will place their people and nation in Eternal Mercy or in Divine Justice.
It will be the faith of the heart of the Argentines that will allow Your Master and Lord to be able to intercede and work miracles in many souls. In this way, there will be built the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The primary purpose of My Heart, while returning to Argentina, will be so that souls do not lose their faith and trust in God, and that in spite of the material plane being corruptly manipulated by the hands of those who direct the nation, that prayerful hearts only place their love and their trust in the Celestial Father, because this will free many consciousnesses from remaining imprisoned by possible social events and by human revolutions that place the spirituality and the faith of the children of God at risk.
For this reason, before everything unexpectedly appears, I will go to Argentina so that, as from August and during the next six months, you may offer your country and your population to be consecrated to My Sacred Heart again, just as Brazil was consecrated through the perseverance and the effort of the praying beings.
Thus, I will go to Argentina so that, as from the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and during six continuous months, you devotedly offer the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Spanish, so that the rays of Grace and of the Love of God may descend upon Argentina and appease any indication of revolution and injustice in the protesting and innocent souls.
With all the Faith of My Heart, I will welcome the prayers of all the Argentines and the other sister nations.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Sacred Heart holds a special place for Argentina as well as for all of its people, which in this time of redemption must, through constant prayer and service, gain the impulse of Christic Light.
In each heart of Argentina a potential exists of being able to prepare and announce My Second Return to humanity.
For this reason, in this next month of August, you must have the bases prepared that your Master and Lord, through each heart of Argentina, will use to be able to come at the most acute moment of humanity.
Your Master and Lord has a special place in His Heart for Argentina, because it is a people that were greatly hurt and assaulted during the repressions of the last decades.
Because of the devotion and the faith of My servers of Argentina, in the month of August, I will also be able to intercede for the disappeared, and on the spiritual planes, carry to My Kingdom the most innocent souls which remained imprisoned in the hands of their political oppressors.
I will go again to Argentina to celebrate the victory of My Sacred Heart, in the essence of light of My companions.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Who will give you something bigger than what I can give you?
Who could be more than what I have been and what I Am?
I Am everything for you, without limits nor rules, without conditions nor clauses.
I have all the time to attend you, to listen to you and to welcome you.
I have something very special for your being and for all of your consciousness.
I have been by your side since you were born, wherever you went and wherever you decided to pilgrimage to, everything is under My Sight.
Nevertheless, I do not judge your acts, miseries or defects. I accompany, with ardor in the heart, every new step towards the redemption and the elevation of your being.
I know it is not easy for you to live on this planet with all of your miseries and, above all, to be here in this cycle.
But all effort, renunciation and surrender that you make to My Heart will always be well received, and wherever you are and wherever you go, you will be blessed by My Spirit of love and of charity.
Feel yourself on the path of transformation, of renovation and of healing.
This is the time to discover within yourself the Grace that God has given you to continue acting in your life.
Go ahead and rely on My Faith.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
And now that the most important stages of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe have been accomplished, according to the Will of the Heights and because of the inner adherence of all those who collaborated in this manifestation, this is the moment of the pause, of stillness, and of experiencing an important spiritual synthesis in order to see, in the events of the last pilgrimage, the evident signs that the Hierarchy left so that the next steps may be accomplished.
This pilgrimage was characterized by all that it transmuted while going through different cities, cultures, and peoples; and also, it stood out by all that it, through the Hierarchy and the Angelic Universe, managed to deactivate that was negative in the consciousness of a people and a nation.
In this sense, the last Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe seemed that it was not going to be completed until the group unity and the unity of inner spirit, with the sincere collaboration of everyone, allowed the destiny of different peoples and nations to be taken toward the threshold of a new opportunity through Divine Mercy.
For this, the endless days of transmutation, of travels, of going from country to country, generated in an evident way the possibility for the Hierarchy to be able to increasingly embrace complex and grave situations that were compromising the continuity of certain nations and peoples on the surface.
And so, during this last pilgrimage, the Hierarchy used certain divine and cosmic instruments, such as the Great Mirrors or the Celestial Doors, so that great Light Consciousnesses, in absolute silence and meditation, could help in the process of liberation of nations, which took place through each song offered.
The mental, emotional and psychological effort on the part of the pilgrim group, within the goal of embracing and of learning the native language of each people, meant for the Divinity the possibility of the Message of God and of His Celestial Messengers to be able to reach the whole world by means of an ardent devotion and love for the Divine Hierarchy.
The commitment consciously assumed by praying for such different new nations and peoples also generated a greater opening so that, over time, the field of work can expand through new seeds of Light that will be sown in Europe, Africa and Russia.
In synthesis, the victory of Christic Love was great, at a planetary time in which hate, vengeance and conflict knock on the doors of millions of homes in the world.
And so the nations that are freed become potential mirror consciousnesses so that not only the peoples may receive new attributes of life, but also the world can be supported in this cycle by an unbreakable faith and by an unquenchable love that is born from each heart redeemed and touched by the Grace of God.
Infinite thanks to all the servers of Christ on Earth!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and I shall dissolve all your bitterness. Thus, you will continue to offer Me your life for a reason and for a greater motive, capable of having you surrender, day by day, so that My Project of Redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and there will no longer exist wounds nor fears, for I will strengthen you in every moment. Neither temptation nor anguish will touch your being, because in faith and by faith you will know how to walk firm toward fulfilling My Designs.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and I will teach you to love deeply so that your soul may grow within the School of Love that I have for each being.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and you will attain peace. Daily troubles will no longer disturb you and you will receive the joy of living in God and of fulfilling His Will.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and remain in My Peace, for all will be well.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Elevate yourself through My Eucharistic Presence and, in this way, you will overcome and transcend all the obstacles of your own human consciousness.
For this reason, stay united with Me from the heart so that, in spite of the opposing movements, you may learn to surrender and be humble as did many sages and masters.
Quiet down completely while you traverse some spiritual tempest because, above all things, you must believe in and live the triumph that My Project achieved in your life, and in the life of your brothers and sisters.
Thus, keep faith in the Heights. Do not stop invoking that which is superior, non-material and grand that comes from the Universe.
Day by day, unite with universal Life and you will know, by yourself, how to rise up from the ground. But remember that who lives in My Love and practices it, will manage to be redeemed someday.
Dare to say "yes" to the Universe and do it for those who retreated and did not manage to faithfully follow My steps.
I am always here with you, as long as you call Me.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Plan of Redemption will be concretized through difficulties, because it will be the moment in which the soul and the spirit of each disciple of Mine are confirmed, in absolute faith and in trust, so that the Work within this end of cycle may be completely realized.
But this is the time in which everything can happen, above all, in those regions where the spiritual, moral and inner need is immediate, and souls sleep because of the modernities.
In this sense, it is this that the Hierarchy contemplates and observes within the inner and spiritual needs of those who most lack love. Thus, the divine impulses come to be able to reverse many needs in order for souls and hearts to assume their responsibility.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I surrender, time after time, so that souls may learn someday to love Me, to revere Me and to recognize Me.
If I had not surrendered in the Passion and on the Cross for you, you would never have had the possibility of living a life dedicated to union with Me and to the professing of faith.
For this reason, I continue to surrender to the world in different ways, and although the majority does not recognize Me, Your Master and Lord continues to surrender because someday all will awaken and become aware that the Son of God was Who surrendered out of real love for each one of you.
Meanwhile, in the meekness of My Heart, I wait for those who will be consistent with Me, so that they may learn to serve the Divine and the Supreme.
I wait for those who at some moment will become aware of what it means to be in Me, and the opportunity represented in living through the mystery of My Love.
Someday all will recognize Me, no matter the religion or the faith, because the Love that I pour out is for all.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Without you having expected it, today I have come according to the expresed Will of My Father, to tell you that I will be returning to give you My daily spiritual impulses beginning today, March 20, 2019; numerically special for the Universe of God.
All of the Spiritual Hierarchy is attentive to the great spiritual and inner needs of humanity.
But in this cycle, in which My Word must be put into practice, I will impel you and guide you with new and precise instructions so that your inner worlds and your souls may feel guided.
For this reason, the Father has asked Me, by the infinite merits of My Passion, to offer My Divine Consciousness to those who will continue working daily for their transformation and redemption.
Thus, as from today on and for an undetermined period, I will be returning with all the Glory of God to accompany humanity in this critical and decisive time in which it is going through.
And I will specially come, at the request of My Mother, for those who deserve and cry out for the merits of My Divine Mercy.
I will come in this cycle to continue to reveal the Truth to you and, above all, to avoid the substitution of faith and Christian teachings with worldwide and religious idolatry and fanaticism.
During the next Sacred Week, I will sow the last seeds.
I thank you for keeping My impulses in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My final time is drawing closer, a moment in which your Master and Lord will give and deliver His last impulses, which will finish concretizing the cycle of manifestation, even though everything will be happening on the planet.
For this reason, companions, the moment will come to put into practice, in your life, everything that I lovingly taught you; it will be the time in which everything will be defined.
I prepare you so that when the moment comes for you to make a decision, it may be done consciously and with discernment; thus, in this last stage, I come to give you the last keys, instructions that will open the door of your consciousnesses so that you may take steps in love and in unity.
But although everything may shortly be happening, do not allow your faith to waver or change. On the contrary, allow My Love, which is unconditional and eternal, to help you endure all that you will see and be aware of.
This is the time and the hour to prepare, to surrender and to trust, following the light of My steps until you are able to find the portal toward the eternal and the greater.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
For Me, it is not important that you make mistakes many times, what is truly important is that you try, again and again, to come out from the point where you once were, although many times you do not know how to begin to change.
Attitude and inner effort alone are worth much more than hundreds of words. Therefore, persevere with faith. With faith, cry out and never lower your arms.
Your Lord God deeply knows your being and He, who is infinite in Pity and Mercy, will help you.
Allow, then, that inner change begin to take place within you, no matter the results or delays. Just place in your heart the aspiration that someday you can live My Divine Attributes.
Keep yourself firm in prayer and strong in faith. Thus, day by day, you will conquer new results; because in truth everything starts in the small, in what is invisible, simple and truthful.
Everyday, give yourself more and more to God because, in this way, your consciousness will be within the revelations of His Mystery.
In the end, everything ends in love, because it will be love that one day will manage to free you and lead you to the goal.
Trust in Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Silence is capable of transcending and elevating the whole human condition.
Silence is the mirror that shows us the condition of our inner self.
In silence, we achieve union with the divine, and thus, we bring more wisdom to our souls.
Noise is the opposite of silence, because, in noise, the soul is more prone to distraction and lack of attention.
In silence we communicate with our inner self, we clearly know what it is that it needs and what moment it is facing.
In silence we concentrate better, we elevate the concrete thought and open the way so that the divine may approach our consciousness.
Silence is the great seed of peace because in silence there is no struggle when the mind is calm and obedient to commands.
In silence, the consciousness is vitalized, it finds, again and again, the path that strengthens it: faith.
In silence, there is more awareness of reality than in more than hundreds of words.
Silence is healing, it is alignment and it is overcoming illusions and desires.
A fast of silence ennobles the spirit and frees the soul from its oppressions because silence is and will be the bridge that will unite us to the primordial Source of God.
Silence is not indifferent, it is not mutism, it is not omission.
Silence is capable of speaking and of proceeding in any emergency, but in these cases, silence in itself will already be more mature.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today, My descent to the world contemplates a Venezuela outraged by extreme marginalization, wounded by the infidelity of its laws, imprisoned by the captivity generated by a few, violated by an obsessive oppression.
Oh, My dear and joyful Venezuela! May impunity no longer awaken battles, may the power that some believe they have not block your sincere spirituality.
My dear Venezuela, the justice you seek is not on the Earth; the hope you expect, you will not see in the heart of any representative.
Liberate yourself, Venezuela, from your constant pain; forgive all the evil that has been done to you; reconcile, within you, everything that was hurt and transgressed.
My dear Venezuela, do not lose the aspiration of fulfilling yourself as a people in freedom. No longer fight with weapons, for evil defeats itself.
Pray, Venezuela, pray without delay and without rest because you will see, with your own eyes, the idols
who have been erected, fall.
Pray, Venezuela, so that you may always be within the Kingdom of God. Your escape and your freedom will not be in war nor in conflicts. Your rebirth and your liberation, you will find in the power of your faith.
Venezuela, I know that you hope for a quick end to this captivity; only choose God as your Governor; only seek the greater good above all adversity, and thus you will triumph.
Venezuela, your joy will reflect again on the face of your people and the indelible love of your population will make them return to the purpose of their creation.
Venezuela, it is the time of your profound awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
O warrior heart! Beseech the Celestial Father for the rain of meek humility to descend upon you so that your spirit may be eased in the face of all the adversities and challenges.
O warrior heart! Let the momentum of your faith never waver. May the fire of love that is born of your confirmed heart be renewed, time after time, regardless of the events or the tests.
Warrior heart, always be the light that illuminates in service the path of your brothers and sisters.
Never battle against anybody because your warrior heart is born from the absolute certainty of your obedience in fulfilling the Plan of the Creator.
O warrior heart! Let your shout not be sword against sword, but rather of constant prayer and pleading that brings the Mercy and the Love of God to Earth.
Warrior heart, never fear to be naked before God, empty of self, stripped of yourself, and completely surrendered to the unknown and great Will.
May your steps, warrior heart, be marked by the same footprints of your Lord, so that, in everything, you may be fulfilling and living the service to the Greater Universe.
Warrior heart, soldier without a sword or shield, guardian of love and hope, surrender to the sweet commands of your Master and Lord.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I am glad to visit the house of My servers because in it I not only find rest, but also the living faith in the hearts that, day after day, make an effort to be with Me in each moment.
I am glad to visit the house of My servers because, time and again, I see the results of love in them, a love that grows and matures because of all the Work of My Love.
I am glad to visit the house of My servers because the Hierarchy, in such a simple place, finds the breath it needs to be able to continue forward.
I am glad to visit the house of My servers and friends because with them I can share the fruits of redemption and healing to be seen in the spirit.
I am glad to visit the house of My servers because in this dwelling I can enter as many times as needed, to sow and share the peace and the joy of living in the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
There is no greater concern than My Love, for My Love dissolves all worry into light. Nothing opposed to love can be greater.
Therefore, when there is concern, it is something understandable, it is the point of friction that souls find when they have to take a big step for something unknown and higher than their small possibilities.
Concern places the consciousness within a constant tension.
Concern is also dissolved by means of the trust the soul may express for the Higher Will.
These days souls worry so much because they lose the leading thread which brought them here, to this life, to fulfill the Purpose.
Yet worry also occurs when the soul fears the result of its destiny or the destiny of a fellow being.
All these feelings, which are fed by the lower consciousness of humanity, are defeated by means of a trustful love, a faith capable of going beyond every difficulty and every obstacle.
I, as a Man and incarnated Consciousness, went through concern and the fear of facing the Passion. But faith in God and trust in My Father lead Me to give all and to sustain Myself in an unbreakable purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Sometimes souls lose their union with Me because they lose faith in everything I have envisioned for them, which results in the life and experience of suffering.
For this reason, the basic key lies in the surrender of souls to the Heart of the Redeemer because in this surrender souls have the possibility of transcending control and power over things.
On the contrary, when souls do not truly live this surrender, for different reasons, they are submerged in the currents of the world and become vulnerable, without the protection or shelter of the divine energy.
This happens because souls do not have enough security and impulse to allow themselves to be transformed by something higher and unknown to their roots.
The bridge of surrender will allow the soul to always benefit, it will allow everything to be overcome and transcended. The soul must just give permission to be able to do this.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more