Beloved of Mine,
The victorious and transmuting mission of peace in Africa is coming to an end. How many souls have been worthy of the Mercy of My Son! How many inner sorrows and sufferings have been alleviated by the power of charity! How much love has been conveyed and poured out through the hands of service of My missionaries of peace! How much your Heavenly Mother has been able to do in this time, and through this sacred mission!
Children, you could not even imagine how many souls were able to again find the path of rehabilitation and spiritual healing. How many benefited from so many days of prayer in the cenacle that was gestated in the three African nations and mainly in the heart of all of the missionaries.
Children, how much I have to thank you all for helping to fulfill My designs in this time and thus, My dears, how much I was able to show you, through each nation, the need that is never quenched or met by this humanity. How much your Holy Mother of Kibeho was able to do, how many Graces were poured over forgotten and subjected hearts. How many smiles and how much fraternal love were able to blossom from your inner beings and how much all of this was able to do in this time of chaos.
If humanity lived this formula of peace and charity, evil would no longer exist, and many souls could find again the path that they have lost. Beloved children, how much there is still to do in this world, in each continent, in each nation and peoples of this planet. How many doors of liberation and of forgiveness were opened during three continuous weeks; but this is still not enough, children, because there is great need for help and for mercy.
Now look, missionaries of Mine, how much there is to be done in the Congo and in this world. How much My children of the Congo need all the maternity and paternity of good hearts.
The last key that I will give you, missionaries of Mine, is the key of filiation with God that each small heart of the Congo must recover; this will be your last mission in Africa before leaving for Brazil.
May the Congo and all those hearts be able to reconnect with God, with the Celestial Father.
I thank all My children for having materialized My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I ask you to look to the Far East and see in this moment how your planet is responding before a blind and careless humanity.
While the souls of Nepal are being removed from the rubble, your Heavenly Mother is found in perpetual prayer so that the world does not continue getting agitated as in these last days.
Children, all of humanity is called to the awakening, to the search for the life of the spirit and not for the materialistic life and for modernity. But for humanity to perceive that nothing is fine, some regions of this planet are already starting to live the result of a reality that it generates every day.
Something must change and even though this is not expected to happen with the majority, today, dear children, I hope for this change to happen in you, living it for the whole humanity and specially for those children that for a long time have been turning their back on God.
The time of transition has arrived and nobody is ready to deal with it. For this, pray with your heart every day and start to abandon the normal life. In this way, My children, you will not remain empty and without spirit, like most of this humanity.
Today My call of prayer for Nepal and the Congo is extended to all, since the time has come to work, so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled despite all. In times of purification, may your union with My Son be the main reason for peace to be achieved.
Humanity is being called to change and to be fraternal with those who lose everything and are the most unprotected ones. Carefully reconsider you own actions and decide to change, children, time is running out!
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who calls you to the mission for peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In this end time, remember My Words of Light and hold on tight to Me so that My Love may dispel the confusing ideas of evil.
Thus, I ask that each day you trust in Me a little more and that you remember these last moments of love which, in My Celestial Glory, you have shared with Me.
Do not delay, time is going by and My sidereal bell tower is calling the last sheep before the time of Divine Justice comes.
Decide to surrender. My absolute confidence has descended upon your being. And in all of this precious mystery is held My Love for souls.
Thus, with resolve and emptiness of your own will and expectations, focus your attention on what I tell you, for you have the supreme Grace of being worthy of My Father and of receiving My infinite Mercy every day.
If you walk toward Me, the darkness of the pathway will not touch you or embrace you.
Be intelligent and decide to seek the things that come from My Will. In this way, you will know what correct path to follow and you will be free, by My Grace, of your peers being lost.
Open your heart, for you still have not done so. To open your heart to Me means to constantly renounce your own desires. Take care of yourself more than your opponents. The pure pathway is built based on the perfect unity you establish with My Kingdom.
Throughout time, I have given you My Peace and My Mercy. Be thankful and good. Listen to My Words through your brothers and sisters.
Remember that I am present in tabernacles and in all the praying temples of beings. If you still have not recognized My wise and pure Will, today I show it to you, and this is My spiritual petition: follow Me and renounce your projects.
I Am the only portal to salvation and redemption of your tiny terrestrial life.
It is no longer the time or the moment for your feet to be in two boats. Stop being shipwrecked in your own world and humbly recognize Who has come to call you and redeem you.
When you open your little heart, you will already be loving the things of Heaven. While you look for your own fulfillment, for Me you will only be a part of the sin of this cruel world.
Be resigned and implore for My Mercy. The Tablets of the Law are already at the Feet of the Creator and they will soon be revealed by the celestial choirs before My Return.
I have come for a long time and so many days, so that one day, you can give up and unite with the spirit of My holy Humility.
May this merciful Marathon, after so many have been done, be the moment that every being reconsiders because of all that they have received directly from My Sacred Heart of Light.
When you have reconsidered, meditating on My Passion, I assure you that you will realize all that I have told you in the name of God.
Pray and seek nothing but to pray. Ask forgiveness for your immense pride and decide, now and always, to be worthy of the Lord.
I thank you for your gesture of humility and reverence.
Under the infinite forgiveness of God, be blessed.
Thank you to those who adore Me from their heart, in the Most Holy Body of Christ.
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more