Today I say goodbye to a land and a people marginalized and exploited, but profoundly blessed by God and by all of His Kingdom.

Today I say goodbye to simple but strong hearts, to souls who want to protect their roots and teachings so that these may serve as a spiritual support for the New Humanity.

Today I say goodbye to a devout but poor people, charitable but rejected in the world, because of its condition.

Today I am leaving happy, because new Suns awakened to the sacred knowledge of their mission and to prayer.

I carry in My Heart the warm expression of My children through songs and prayers; this will make Me return someday to bring continuity to the Work of Love and of Redemption of My Beloved Son.

Today I say goodbye to a people who was blessed by Grace and restored by the Mercy of God.

Today I say goodbye to the essences that awakened and to the hearts that, in profound humility, responded to the call of the Heavenly Mother.

I bless you all and I encourage you in the ministry of prayer and on the path of restorative service.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.


The emptying of self will allow you to cross any desert in life; and in that emptiness of wanting nothing or expecting nothing, you will allow the Universe to flow through you.

The emptying of self is more than divestment, surrender, or penance.

Emptiness is more than an attitude of introspection or a profound silence.

The emptying of self is to trust and have faith in the Arms of God in order to feel His Will and His desire at every new step in life.

Emptiness maintains you within the Law of Impermanence.

Emptiness does not allow the static or that which leads to terrestrial inertia.

The emptying of self is an impulse that the spirit can give you, from time to time, so that inner paths may be unblocked and so that, once open, the steps toward the light may be taken in humility.

The emptying of self is not arrogant, proud, or ostentatious of what does not belong to it.

Emptiness is empty; it is to be in the void in order to enter the universe of the All.

The emptying of self is a new school for disciples; it is a path that causes you to find neutrality and the sense of inner life.

Emptiness of self is premeditation and, at the same time, wisdom.

In the emptying of self one learns to be silent.

In the emptying of self lies a doorway to inner liberation.

The emptying of self never wavers, it is always prepared for new challenges.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Contemplate this world then, in your prayers, and come towards the Celestial Altars to cry out for a world wounded and without love.

Never forget, child, that more than crying out for yourself, for your evolution, you are called upon to cry out for the world. Furthermore, I will tell you: leave your needs at the Feet of God and continue to rise up to the Heart of the Father, to place there those of your fellow beings who are most in need.

Perceive that time passes and the tests of humanity do not cease, but grow each day, because thus dictate the Laws of the Apocalypse and of the human definition.

You are called to be in peace and, with peace in your heart, to be a bridge between the lost world and the Heart of God, so that humanity never loses its connection with the Source.

More than your tasks, even when you work for the Plan of God, more than your transformation, even when it transforms the human consciousness, remember, child, to cry out for the world and to sing and to pray twice, for yourself and for those who do not pray and do not know God.

Just as the Father sent His Son to carry the Cross for you when you were asleep, thus the Love of God awakened you, so that today you may be the intercessor for the souls that are lost, and so that you do not only carry your cross, but that of all of humanity. That cross is carried in the silence of the spirit that lives the sacrifice with gratitude and that, when tired, offers God a little more, crying out for mercy for this world.

Your greatest mission is in the unknown, just as the greatest Work of the Son of God was hidden, because what He brought to the world is until today incomprehensible to humanity.

If Christ, part of the Living God on Earth, was not understood by human beings, do not seek this path yourself, but rather imitate Him and make love triumph through the intercession of His Word, which rises in secret and, in the power of a hidden prayer, brings mercy to this world.

I will pray with you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In truth, children, few will have the Grace, in this time, of recognizing the Wonders of God even in the smallest details of life; few will have the capacity to understand that behind each request or intention, there the Will of God is to be found.

For this reason, only those who have a simple heart and a humble mind will not doubt nor fail in their faith, because being empty of self, they will be free of themselves.

You should never, children, put your faith into play, and even less the Designs of the Father through His Hierarchies, since behind everything a Purpose exists that is intangible to the prideful and the owners of themselves.

In this time, children, you must learn to differentiate between the Will of the Father and your own will; you must stop underestimating what you do not like and seems false to you in comparison with that which you fancy and makes you feel good.

On a spiritual path, you should never judge with the same measuring stick what you like and what you do not like; you must keep in mind that your inner wavering or your unreal doubts must not destabilize the Work, and above all, your sibling consciousnesses, as others have already done after having shared everything with them.

One should not small-mindedly judge the Work of God.

Be mindful and watch over the Supreme Truth rather than what is convenient to you.

I will be thankful if you are more mature in evolution.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

With joy, today your Celestial Mother presents Herself to demonstrate to the world the sacred Prodigies of God, which come from His Humble and Merciful Heart; Prodigies that allow His children to feel in their hearts that love and hope will always exist and reign.

Dear children, it is the driving force of hope and of love that defeats evil, that which from time to time, through lack of love in the hearts, makes all peoples succumb to error and adversity.

But today I come to speak to you about a special prodigy granted by the Eternal Father which will allow the realization of the sacred project of the Light-Families. A project felt and lived by the Heart of the Father and carried forward by the Work of the Divine Messengers on the planet.

The family is the model of perfection that must be sheltered and safeguarded in these critical times, so that it may incarnate the Gift of God's Love, which will make it worthy before the Universe and Creation.

As Mother of the families, I come with my Mantle of Light to protect all the beings that integrate a family, which one day must become spiritual and evolutionary.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel My Love in the breeze that caresses your face.

Feel My Love in the blowing of the wind.

Feel My Love in the sound of the waves and in the harmony of their movement.

Feel My love expressed in the Kingdoms, in each part of Nature.

Because I am the Mother of nature, the Mother that regenerates the life of the spirit and of matter.

I am the Mother who gestates and conceives what is new for each being.

Therefore, feel me in each part of this Creation, because I am always present there.

Be a part of this communion with all that is created, with all that the Father created with so much Love so that His children could glorify Him and recognize Him in each aspect of Creation.

Union with Creation, between creatures and God, can be inalterable.

This sacred filiation with the Highest allows souls to find meaning in all that exists and why it exists in this way.

I would like all My children to enter into this same consciousness of union with Nature, so as to restore the deepest wounds of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Sacred Lines of Nazca

Nazca is a place considered sacred by Heaven, due to the spiritual and inner wealth that the ancient civilization who lived there left as a message for the future humanity.

That civilization was one of the many Peoples of the Sun that attracted to the planet the attribute of reverence and of the sacred.

Nazca is a place in the world that should be spiritually reverenced, since in this place a humanity advanced in the cosmic and divine knowledge and in its spontaneous relationship with the Universe and with Creation developed.

The Lines of Nazca represent to the Father this inner message of union of the previous humanity to the Divine Source and, in this way, of its most important inner communication with the Cosmos.

The Lines of Nazca leave over the desert the message to the Universe that, in remote times, there was a humanity that could mirror, through these symbols, its union with the Eternal Father and all its cosmovision related to the Solar System that rules this planet.

Thus, the Lines of Nazca not only left an eternal message for the future civilizations, but they also served as Mirrors to establish this system of spiritual communication between the Mirror of the heart of each being with the Mirrors of the Universe.

This demonstrates, in current times, that humanity has spiritual and inner conditions to be able to come into contact with its true inner reality and that life on this planet is not only physical or material.

The Lines of Nazca left for the current world the message of a renewed and permanent union with the Universe that exists within every being and demonstrate to us that we can get in touch with the higher and divine.

The Lines of Nazca left a message of Love for the Kingdoms and the consciousness of reverence and devotion that every human being can conceive for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Nazca is the symbol of awakening for this part of the Americas, just as others sacred places where civilizations before this one taught the universal and divine knowledge to all its people.

In this sense, the consciousness of the Peruvian nation holds one of the most important spiritual legacies, from a human and internal point of view, since the civilization that once lived in this place achieved a state of Love and Wisdom that no other race, in no other age, has lived.

This is the reason why the culture of Peru and its intimate relation with the native peoples will facilitate, in this time, that the sacred values of brotherhood, equality of conditions and love may help the physical and spiritual rebuilding of a country that is permanently submitted by the social and human exploitation of other non-evolutionary cultures.

It will depend on the very consciousness and culture of Peru to be the spiritual and inner bridge so that the sacred values of loyalty and unity with the Universe may manifest again on souls and that these same values elevate the consciousness of their people.

The Sacred Lines of Nazca are also registered on the Book of God as one of the major legacies of spirituality of the human race to present day.

It is time to return to our origins and to the roots that were the cradle to gestate a new humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of all Peoples


With the light of the oceans and the Celestial Mirrors, your Universal Mother radiates toward the great imbalance of humanity, in order to harmonize and repair it.

With the inner essence of the Marine Kingdoms, your Celestial Mother maintains the planet on its axis and spiritually purifies everything that the human being of the surface causes to Creation.

With the essence of love of the whales and the dolphins, despite being outraged, your Celestial Mother provides humanity with a Source of unknown spiritual love that is not valued by human beings.

With this Source, the Mother of God stops the marine cataclysms such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

With the essence of love of all the Marine Kingdoms, your Celestial Mother can revert, little by little, the grim thought of hunting and fishing of the whales and the dolphins, as a means of unconstrained profit of the present humanity.

With the essence of love of those who pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, I can balance the great human debt as well as all actions contrary to Creation that this race commits, every day.

With the consciousness and the love of those who awaken in this time, I can make a New Humanity emerge.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the spiritual treasures that God hides deep in beings.

Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the "yes" that a few emit to the Universe, forgetting themselves and surrendering their own lives to the Father for the benefit of human evolution, and more than that, for the benefit of the evolution of all the Universes and the renewal that God Himself lives when His Children say "yes".

Enter the desert of your inner being  and follow the sublime ceremonies that are carried out in the silence, while humanity, distracted, seeks a way out of the entanglements and the chaos of their own lives.

Contemplate the solar essence that God gives to His Children, so invisible, yet as palpable as the wind.

This Light, which does not come from this world, is not only like the Sun that illumines your days. It does not reveal itself to those who do not want to see it; therefore, child, enter the desert of your heart and there receive what God has to give you.

Like the Patriarchs who opened themselves to a new cycle and awakened the faith in One God, Who spoke to them in their heart and awakened their consciousness, you too enter the desert of your spirit, open to a new cycle, ready for a new Law.

I know that, for you, many mysteries are not palpable and even less, reachable before your imperfection, but today I take you to the desert and I show you a place where emptiness is real, where you become a new jar, ready for a new cycle and a new inner learning.

Just simply take My Hands and enter with Me into this desert and, like the peoples of ancient times, allow yourself to be renewed by God.

I will guide you and bless you on this path.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Live the Love of God, dear children, and the world will achieve peace. This is My main desire for this Christmas of Our Lord.

In the birth of this inner Light, dear children, I want you to be able to open your heart more so that God can completely fill you and thus carry His Project forward in every one of your days.

I come here as the Mother that can do anything, as the Mother that stretches out Her arms and Her hands to take up Her children,  just as She took Jesus up in Her arms when He was in the manger.

But today I want to have each one of you on My lap, each being of this planet that does not live in peace, that does not practice love and does not move forward with their mission in these definitive times.

I need you, children, to continue by My side, even though you do not know My Plans, even though you doubt them, even though you do not understand them.

Through the Plans of God, I bring you and give you all My Love, the Love of a Mother Who understands, Who accepts and, together with Her children, experiences the suffering of the planet and its humanity.

Today I come surrounded by the Angels of God, those angels that will announce the new times, the new stages and the new cycles. Thus, on the inner planes, they are sounding their trumpets, for they are who announce, on the eve of this time, the Return of Our Lord.

I come to leave within you, dear children, a seed of Light, of understanding, but also of supplication, so that you learn every day, through your transformation and surrender; so that you allow the Plan of God to be accomplished at each new step.

It is on the souls of this Earth that the concretization of the Plan of God depends, and of its continuation throughout time. Thus, you are called to experience something that you have never experienced and have still not learned.

So you must go through these times with courage, and experiencing love in each minute, each second, in all the moments of your life, so that your spirits, dear children, are enriched with what is real, so that love may lead you to be transparent, so that all believe that their path is truly a surrender.

On the path of prayer, you will find a key, a fortitude and the impetus to transcend tests and the times that will come.

Do not cease drinking from the fount of charity and good examples.

Allow the Piety of God to transform you through each new service, each opportunity for expressing surrender and love.

My Son has come to be born, in this time, in simple hearts. My Son has come, in this year, to finish concretizing His awaited Plan of Return to the world.

When you do not manage to take the steps in the Plan of God, you stop the Plans of the Creator.

Our Hands and Our Sacred Hearts untiringly give of themselves to help the children of God to feel safe on the path of surrender, renunciation and sacrifice.

Not everybody will experience that which I ask of you, but it is possible to do it and experience it. Each unconditional surrender of your hearts moves the Heart of the Father, and He once again entrusts His Plan of Mercy and Redemption to you.

No longer think, dear children, of the whole world, that you were fallen stars. Now, with the impulse of your inner Christ, be redeemed stars in the firmament. Be stars more brilliant and radiant than the great Star of Bethlehem, for in your hearts exists the Gift of the Fear of God; there exists His Divine Essence, which is still not understood by the world.

To experience this mystery, dear children, I bring you the gift of My Immaculate Heart, so you may enter into It without fear and with confidence.

In My Heart exists the Fire of God, which transforms all things.

In My Heart exists the Dwelling Place of God, which gives refuge to all, especially wounded souls, uninspired and suffering souls; souls that do evil and do not know how to get out of that.

I come to offer you, dear children, on this Christmas, the great Present of God: My Immaculate Heart, so that it may be a living flame in your lives, which illumines, purifies and transmutes all things.

Believe, dear children, that it is possible to achieve transparency, consecration, and surrender to the Plan of God.

The angels with their trumpets announce the new cycles, the new teachings and the experiences that will come to your paths to someday make you free of yourselves, free of arrogance, free of pride, free of vanity, free from sin and from the lie.

As untiring and perpetual Mother, I wish to make you in likeness to My Immaculate Heart, make you true at each step in life and with each brother or sister you encounter on your paths.

In this way, beloved children, in this time, we will build unity between souls and hearts; a Sacred Unity, which is feared by My adversary because it is unknown to it.

The essence of Unity is the Love and the Truth that will always save you, which will always be your lifeline, that will always help you and aid you in these difficult times.

I need, dear children, for you to see My Work as a global work, like the great Work of Jesus, the Redeemer, Who comes in this time to prepare you inwardly for His Return.

After more than two thousand years, Our Words will not only be Messages, but the reality. You will see what I tell you being fulfilled. For this reason, so that you may be participants in the moment of the Return of Our Lord, strengthen your trust and your belief in the faithful Messenger of God.

I come walking as a Pilgrim Mother through the times, the centuries and the years, to announce this awaited moment in each place of the planet.

You, together with Me, dear children, have a great mission which you will not understand for the rest of your lives; you will only end up understanding it after this life, when everything has already happened as requested by God.

You are part of a transitional mission, of the passage from an old time to a new time.

You, my children, are the first cell in My Work that is taking shape to generate life in new souls. Thus, dear children, you will not understand everything nor will you know it, no matter how much you believe you do.

Be humble on the path of transformation and you will reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, which still have the doors open for sincere hearts, for hearts that cry out in truth for Mercy and Redemption.

On this evening, your Heavenly Mother prepares Her next mission to Peru and Ecuador. As from now, dear children, I invite you to accompany Me in the concretion of this design, which comes from the Father and is being pronounced through My Immaculate Heart. Peru and Ecuador will be the preamble to Asia and Africa.

My Work is still not finished, but later it will withdraw, thus fulfilling the time that God has allowed Me to live among you and with you. That will be the moment in which you must be My living Message on the surface of the Earth. It will be the moment in which all the teachings of Our Hearts will not only be in the books, but alive in your lives.

It will be the long-awaited moment to help and aid the souls of the world, the nations and the continents that will experience their great and last purification.

When this is about to happen, dear children, be alert in vigil, adoration and prayer, because the Return of My Son will be near.

The Blue Crosses He has requested to be installed in the Marian Centers will be the sign and will, at the right moment, indicate His arrival. Thus, they must be lighted so that souls can recognize where the Redeemer will come and where He will assemble the nations and the peoples to speak to them again and announce His last Good News.

Thus, dear children, let the advent of the Christs of the last days be accomplished.

Let this inner Christ which has been born in the hearts of the world, which lives in faith and in prayer not only dwell within, but in this time, express in each detail, in each moment, as in each prayer. In this way, beloved children, you will allow the preparation of the Earth and the planet for His Return.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, understand that what I come to build in this world though you, is unknown to you.

For this reason, on this evening, My children, I bring you a part of the Plan of God for this Work, for your lives, for your hearts that must be fully united with Mine.

I reveal a part of this mission to you which you so aspire to know so that, being aware of it, you walk toward that destination, you walk toward that goal.

Today I give you My Immaculate Heart as a unique offering, because of a request of the Creator, so that in this way, My children, in the renunciation, the surrender, the void and the silence of My Immaculate Heart, you are able to accomplish all the things that I announced to you today.

For your lives, this new cycle will represent a cycle of greater surrender, of greater renunciation and of greater silence.

My Heart will begin to go silent together with yours so that, in this way, My children, you prepare this world with an example, with the living example that you are servants and companions of the Sacred Hearts and of the Creator of all the Universes.

This is why you are being so intensely purified. This is why the Universe has you facing tests and challenges unknown to you, so that in this way, children, you may find the void, you may find the Father within your inner self.

Today, I come to deprive your spirits, minds and hearts of your personal skills, of the vanities and pride of this world, so that you make space for My Immaculate Heart.

Let It enter into your essences, your bodies, like a new cell that will change not only your consciousnesses and your spirits, but also your flesh and the depths of your human condition, so that you may be free of the old being, the old human.

Let My Heart enter into yours like a new heart; let it pulsate a new cycle, a new being; one that in truth, My children, is what you are since the beginning.

Let My Heart bring you the Grace of renewal and that, with this Grace, you discover that the true triumph of the Redeemer is built from the inside outward; that this Work is what I am building from the inside outward.

The Creator asked Us to transform your lives completely; transform your beings and your hearts; with the fire of the Divine Spirit of God, burn your old vestments so that you may be dressed with the robes of humility, barefoot to the past on this Earth and in other worlds so that, in this way, children, you may be in likeness to Him Who walked barefoot in this world, and with Me you prepare for His Return, which is close.

Believe in the Return of the Redeemer. Feel that He can arrive at any moment and, in this way, aspire every day to be ready to see Him face to Face, without fear, without shame; because today My Immaculate Heart cleansed you, redeemed you, forgave you your faults, and invited you to a new life and a new cycle, together with Me, the Redeemer, your Universal and Divine Father, and all those that respond and will eternally respond to the command of His Voice.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I want to tell you, dear children, that I will always tell you the truth, no matter how hard or difficult it may seem.

When you are unable to hear Me, understand Me or accept Me, pray from the heart and allow your hearts to expand, and in this way, the fire of My Divine Spirit will embrace you like a mystery, will bring you wisdom and understanding; above all, it will bring you peace.

Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I have also come to consecrate the new Children of Mary, whom I ask to come forward, because they will be the first in this cycle who will experience the transforming Fire of God in the name of all of humanity, knowing that it will be necessary, beloved children, that you always remain firm in service and in prayer so as to be able to persevere and transcend these definitive times.

Today I will bless the new children of My Immaculate Heart with the balm of My motherly Light, so that this Light also expands through the world and the places that are in most need of Redemption and of Mercy, in the hearts that still do not listen to God.

Place your hands in the position of receptivity to ask the Eternal Father, beloved children, to make you strong, persevering and that in this cycle, you learn to transcend errors, faults and sins, so that the inner Christ may always shine in the soul of each being of this planet, so that the Love of God and His consolation always prevail, and in this way, the flocks of the Lord are gathered when He calls all of you for the second time.

I bless you and consecrate you as children, servants and slaves of My motherly Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lift up the song and the hymn of your consecration to Heaven, so that as Mother of Providence and Grace, I take this offering to the Feet of Our Father, the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call and I leave you in the light of Aurora.

So be it.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
