Tuesday, February 25 of 2014


Dear children of Venezuela,

With great joy, I come to meet you to strengthen the hearts of My brave children. Today I come to tell you that I aspire for you to trust in My Presence, so that, until the end of your lives and far beyond, for all eternity, you may count on My help, you may count on My Mantle that protects you, on My Heart that always supports you.

Today I come to the world and contemplate, with My Heart and My Gaze, this entire nation. The Heart of God, in this time, is flagellated by what is happening in the world, but His Hope in humanity will never disappear from His Most Holy Heart, because God knows the perfection of His Creatures. He knows the potential that exists in each one of your beings, this race that is unique in the universe and holds a potential to love that does not exist anywhere else, neither in this world nor in the Celestial Kingdoms.

My children, today I ask you to be attentive to what I tell you, because My Words will dissolve the fear in your hearts, they will bring the confidence you need to cross this threshold of the new time.

I want you to strengthen absolute faith in God in your lives, because the Lord left an angel in this country to bring you this faith; because in the plans of the Father nothing will be left without being contemplated. God already knew, from the beginning, the history of this nation, and for this reason He sent you, from His Kingdom, the one who will always accompany you, who will strengthen your hearts and elevate you, fall after fall.

My children, when you are without faith and devotion, cry out for the one who brings absolute faith, this angelic consciousness that, at the request of the Lord, safeguards each soul in this nation. Today I also tell you never to forget those who, from the beginning, have had the mission of guarding your souls and, even if you may forget them, they are there at all times.

My children, count on the celestial powers that are given to you through prayer, because the world has yet to discover this power; souls do not believe in true prayer, because they do not risk truly coming to know it.

My children, when I ask you to truly surrender, to totally surrender, I mean that you should discover what is hidden in your souls, that you should open yourselves to live something that you have never lived until today, because My Presence brings you this possibility.

I am here today among My little children to help you know each one of you, to know that which you still do not know about yourselves.

My children, I contemplate your crystalline essences and, before My Eyes, nothing is hidden. I know each anguish, each pain and each joy. I know your difficulties, and I know everything you have achieved up until this moment. I come so that you may place in My Hands everything that prevents you from growing, from maturing in spirit, and I also come to give you this divine gift, which you must awaken at the end of times.

My children, the Apocalypse is now taking place on Earth, but your hearts should not fear; on the contrary, they must fully rejoice, because they will be closer to the Kingdom of God.

At this moment, you are approaching a new time, a new life and a new race that, despite all the suffering, will emerge gloriously and will manifest on Earth what God has thought of since the beginning.

I want you to walk within My Heart, to set an example within your families, in your homes, in your nations, so that everyone may contemplate the presence of God on Earth in your lives.

My children, Apparition after Apparition, My Presence remains imprinted in your beings. I engrave in your essences and hearts the light of My Kingdom, and even though you may not be physically present at the place of My Apparitions, through omnipresence I reach every heart that opens the doors to Me, because for My Divine Consciousness, there are no limits and, in the same way, your little consciousnesses must learn not to have limits in love, in surrender, in the giving of the heart and of life, because this is the keynote of this time.

May you awaken true love, may you love your neighbor, but also your enemies, because before God, My children, enemies should not exist.

You must understand the ignorance that exists in the heart of humanity and, through the love within your hearts, dissolve this ignorance in creatures.

Because this afternoon I tell you that the love that is latent within your hearts transforms everything, converts everything and renews everything. For this reason, you must awaken it right away, you must seek it as the only goal of your lives, and walk in trust towards this awakening.

Because it is this love, My children, that will open the door to a new world, a new time, a new life that you have not known until today, a universe that is hidden and, although you may feel it within your hearts, no creature on Earth has truly known it.

My beloved ones, understand the Grace that you experience today in your lives and strengthen yourselves in My Presence, but know that I will be with you every day, at all times.

Today I come directly to this place so that you may feel My Heart, so that you may know how to recognize It when It approaches you in silence. Because even though many cannot see Me, I am here, and I am always by your side, whenever you open your hearts to Me, whenever, in difficulties and also in joys, through the gratitude of your souls, you say to Me: “Yes, come, Mother, come to meet me, help my heart.”

For this reason, today I want to teach you never to forget My Presence, to see this path that I show you and that leads you to the encounter with My Son. No matter how much chaos grows in the world, a great Light is also about to arrive, because, as you have been told, My Son will return when you most need it.

For this reason, today I ask you not to fix your hearts and eyes on the events of life, but rather to bring into your hearts this ardent aspiration to meet My Son, because His Steps are now approaching the Earth, and those who listen attentively will be able to hear the power of His Steps, will be able to feel the power of His Heart and, even in a time of Justice, they will be able to receive His infinite Mercy.

My beloved ones, today I want to tell you that I deeply love each one of your souls, just as I love each soul in this world, and that no creature on Earth, no matter how deeply it may be immersed in darkness, will be hidden from My Eyes.

My Light will radiate throughout the world and touch all the corners of this planet, reaching all hearts and all the Kingdoms of Nature. Those who open their eyes will see My Hands, which are outstretched before your lives and My Word, which calls out to you, “Come, dear soul, follow My Heart, walk toward My Kingdom; for your origin awaits you, and your Creator and Celestial Father aspires, with all His Most Holy Heart, for you to return to His Dwelling.”

I thank all those who have persisted in responding to My call, and I ask you to be even more persistent, especially when I am no longer here so close to you, and to recognize in this moment that, truly, from where I am, My Eyes will never cease to contemplate you.

I thank you for having brought these images that will carry My Presence, that will be a door in your homes and lives, so that I may always assist you. But today I tell you that I have opened this door within your hearts and, far beyond these images, I left My Consciousness impressed within each one of your hearts.

To those who have not found Me, bring the Love of My Heart. Bring to this entire world the Peace that I leave with your lives. Bear testimony to My Presence and bring My Love to all.

Before I ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven, I ask that some of My children approach Me so that, on behalf of this entire nation, you may receive My maternal blessing. May the Graces of the Holy Spirit and His celestial gifts reach your lives today.

Under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I thank you. May you remain in peace and under the Grace of My Immaculate Heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We will make a brief account of the Apparition of today. In fact, the account will start from this morning.

Today we received the Message for the Apparition at 6:00 a.m. and, when our Divine Mother came, She told us that Her Consciousness had already arrived on the planet at that hour and that She would be working in Venezuela until the moment of the Apparition.  

And in the afternoon today, when She gradually approached this place, instead of the doors of the universe opening before Her, we started to see Her Consciousness passing through this entire city. In truth, it was as if a path of light traveled through the country. And She came from downtown. Today She did not come from the universe. When we saw Her, She was coming from the horizon like a sun, as we said yesterday, until She arrived here, and Her silhouette of Light gradually took shape.

Again, She came as the Queen of Peace, transmitting Her Words which all of us were able to hear. And when She called us to approach Her, She again carried out a great task in each one of us, and we felt that today it was an even deeper task than yesterday. She was bringing to Her Heart, She was carrying to Her Heart, all our faults, even those we did not know. And She entered our consciousness in a very deep way, and we were able to contemplate with Her the interior of each one of you.

And we saw how Her energy entered there, and it was like a balm that cleansed everything. And as She Herself was telling us at that moment, we are not aware of what this means for humanity.

May She take with Her all our faults, all that we know and all that we do not know. It is as if those who are here today became a blank page, and had the opportunity, from this day forward, to write their story starting from a new beginning. Then, each one of you will know what story will be written.

As Our Divine Mother told us, trust in Her, be aware that She is with you, regardless of whether there is an Apparition or not, because when we call upon Her, She will always listen to us. And regardless of whether someone sees Her or not, She is there and will be by your side, and She wants you to understand this and trust in this.

Today She wanted to build an army of peace, She wants to count on each one of your consciousnesses to carry this banner of peace to this nation, even if it is in the silence of the heart of each one, in the prayers within your houses, within your homes, in this silent work that touches the hearts and souls of the brothers and sisters who are not here and suffer from the ignorance of not knowing God.

For this reason, we would like to deeply thank all of you, and leave with you this Message of Mary. May you be persistent, may you keep this fire of Venezuela burning, this joy that you radiate to all of us. We also want to thank all the brothers and sisters who have accompanied us, who have prayed a lot for us all these days; surely, these prayers have carried out a great work in this country.