Sunday, December 13 of 2015


My children, I have summoned here those who are willing to listen to My Words and who, after hearing them, will follow My Immaculate Heart until the end of their lives and, after that, will work with Me for all eternity.

I come to the world to warn it, but above all, I come to those nations that must be the cradle of a New Race, of a New Humanity, because they were the nations that have preserved at least a little of the principle of purity.

My Immaculate Heart comes especially to America, because the simplicity and love of the hearts that live here will allow the Will of God to be fulfilled. 

This nation, My beloveds, has a primordial task with My Heart and, above all, with a Divine Aspect that represents My Consciousness, which attracts the healing of the Universe to the Earth. 

But before you can be representatives of this healing for the world, you need to experience it. 

I aspire to reach your hearts through My Purity and My maternity, but also through the Truth of My Heart, because My Heart is one with the Heart of God and has the task of taking care of every creature in this world, because the souls that inhabit the Earth today come from My maternal Womb, souls that I must support, but also correct, so that they walk on the right path towards the Celestial Kingdom.

Humanity has not yet understood the great mission that this world has towards the Universe. Very few, My children, are those who are willing to open their eyes to see through the heart.

How small your problems and difficulties are in the face of the greatness of the Plan of God.

Few understand, My beloved, the greatness of overcoming oneself, of overcoming pride, the lack of fraternity, of allowing oneself to be humble, because it is through humility that Christ lives in hearts.

Today, My Immaculate Heart is accompanied by the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, so that you may learn from His humility, His simplicity, and allow yourselves to live these Divine Attributes, which opened the doors of Heaven to the Chaste Heart.

I hope that from this evening onwards you will release the ties that bind you to yourselves, that bind you to what you think and feel and that do not allow you to live according to the Plans of God.

Today I come to show you, My children, that when you act through the heart, your way of thinking or feeling no longer matters, because you merge your will with Divine Will and are willing to fulfill even what you do not understand.

Those who live humility know that there is a One Mind, which creates and recreates the entire Universe, all the creatures that inhabit it and which has a perfect purpose for each one of them.

This One Mind should live in the mind of every human being, so that their thoughts are one with the Thought of God.

My beloveds, your little consciousnesses are similar to the Consciousness of the Creator, because you can love like His Son and you can create like His angels. In this way, you are a living part of His Divine Consciousness, but you are still unaware of this truth, unaware of your creative power or the perfection with which this gift was given to the consciousnesses of this world.

Many believe that the gift of creation was given only to manifest material skills, but your skills have led the world to be as it is, have led the consciousness of humanity to agonize spiritually, without realizing it, without feeling the agony of your spirits.

You ignore, My beloveds, your capacity to love, and even the power of love that lives in your hearts has also taken a proprietary tone, because you only love what you can take possession of. You have not yet learned to love without receiving anything in return, to love in silence, to love the Creator and all things in Him.

I say this, my children, not only to those who live in this nation, but to all those who listen to me in the four corners of the world.

But I come especially to this place, to this city, because this nation holds one of the main Celestial Kingdoms that are expressed on Earth, in the interior of this planet, to radiate to the entire planetary consciousness, and all the places in this nation of Uruguay must correspond to such wealth that dwells within it.

I have asked you to have prayer groups in all the departments, because Uruguay needs to be ignited as a nation, because the Mirrors of Light of My Kingdom on this Earth must be represented by praying hearts, so that, from this place, the evil that oppresses the world can be expelled.

I need soldiers, companions of Christ, beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, servants who give of themselves together with the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph to manifest the Plan of God, to surrender the last drop of sweat that runs down their faces, so that the Will of the Father may be fulfilled.

I want to make this nation a great door of liberation for the world. That is why I need to find you awake, conscious and more committed to the Plan of God, forgetting yourselves and united as one heart, regardless of the differences that exist between each one. 

I unite on My altar those consciousnesses that, despite being so different, must carry out My Plan of Love in this nation, because this is how the Lord gives your souls the opportunity for redemption, with this great service of conversion and liberation for the world.

My beloveds, those of you who listen to Me must not be the reason for the stagnation of this country. Therefore, forget yourselves and go and serve, fulfill the 33 Principles that I have given you to consecrate this nation not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This nation needs to be free from impediments, your hearts need to be free from power, from dispute, from competence, from competition, because in this way, you can be pure so that the Power of God, and not your own power, can flow through your consciousness.

Rejoice your souls as you listen to Me, because I am pulling each one of you out of the abyss of ignorance and I am showing you a new horizon, a higher Purpose for your lives.

That is why, My beloved ones, I will bless this image, which is already consecrated to My Heart, so that it may open the door of every home in this nation, those homes that wish to listen to Me, that wish to pray with Me, igniting the Kingdom of Aurora so that healing may spread across the planet, starting with each one of you, until it reaches the whole world.

I hope that this image will be a living representation of the consecration of Uruguay to my Immaculate Heart, that through it, through its entry into your homes, into your prayer groups, you will gather in fraternity, reconcile, dispel all arrogance from your hearts through the union that I bring into your lives.

From the moment I enter your homes, may your hearts be transformed into missionary hearts that serve and love the Plan of God, which in truth is a Plan not only for this world, but one that encompasses the entire cosmos and includes every creature.

Today I will ask you, My beloved, to cry out for spiritual intercession, so that the Will of God, expressed in the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, can be a reality in your lives, so that you can serve together with the Chaste Heart, and thus generate merits so that the Kingdom of Aurora continues to be a living expression on the surface of the Earth.

I will ask you, in the silence of your hearts, to cry out to Emmanuel to intercede for this nation, to open your eyes, to awaken your consciousness to a new cycle, marked by the transformation, fraternity, unity and humility that the Chaste Heart gives to the world.

I will ask a daughter of Mine to sing with Me and to express to the world My Voice and the glorification that the Creator is giving for the emergence of the New Humanity, above all for the spiritual awakening of Uruguay.

While you listen to Me in union with the voice of this daughter of Mine, pray and ask God for spiritual intercession. After that, I will tell you internally what I want most from each one of you.

Let those who will consecrate themselves as Children of Mary come here and, on their knees before Me, offer their consecration for this beloved nation of Mine, Uruguay, for all those who were born here and who need to awaken to the Plan of God.

What I want most is for you to understand that I love you and that I aspire for you to know your essences, your spirits, your hearts, to express the beauty that exists within each one of you, and no longer feed illusions, because it will be worth nothing, My children, if you do not live the truth, when God, who is Truth itself, is before your eyes.

Now I will ask you that, one by one, those who will consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart, like those I have called on this altar, represent the spirit of fraternity through unity with Me and be My missionaries on this earth, in this nation and on this planet.

I consecrate you and send you on a mission of conversion, first your own, then that of Uruguay.

May this consecration of the Children of Mary represent the 'yes' of this nation to the Immaculate Heart.

Let My beloved children from the different prayer groups, who have come to this place responding to My call, come here in the hope that My Plan will be fulfilled tonight.

I love you, My children, and I will always thank you for every effort you make. But, as a good Mother, I will always call you to give more, so that you may overcome the limits that you yourselves have placed in your consciousness, to discover the truth and the infinite love that dwells within your beings.

Sing all together, as Children of Mary, while My Love expands through your hearts throughout this nation, dispelling evil and propelling you to take the first step in liberating your own consciousness and consecrating Uruguay to the Immaculate Heart. I will await you, ready and responding to My call. May the Principles of the Virgin of the Thirty-Three soon be a reality that allows for the redemption of Uruguay.

By the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I leave you My Love in this image and I aspire to be upon your souls to always lead you to the true awakening. 

Tonight I place Myself upon you and I also leave My Heart in this image, because the more you need it, My beloved ones, the more Graces I will pour out on each one of My children.

Keep singing, because although I will say goodbye to everyone, My Immaculate Heart will remain present, radiating and awakening each consciousness.

I thank you.