Wednesday, October 2 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Now, look at My Heart, once again exposed with Its Wound marked and pierced by the errors of the world; however, also look at the great abyss of Light of My Heart, infinitely burning with Compassion and Pity for souls.

With ardor, I wish that the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus be remembered and renewed by those who love Me and follow Me.

Today, I come here to ask you to intensify your prayers and, above all, your offerings to the Celestial Father, so that, through the merits achieved by the Sacred Heart, the grave outrages that continue to be committed in humanity through conflicts and wars may not go unpunished.

I come on this day to ask that, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, with your hands upon your hearts and holding your rosaries, each one of you may unite to Me in supplicating, fervent and renewing prayer so that the urgent causes may be attended by your Master and Lord, according to what the Law dictates.

I call you at this moment so that you may attain pity and mercy, while spiritually practicing the following internal and external acts so that the triumph of the Sacred Heart may reach the most underprivileged and all those who are in danger, faced with the threat of a war worse than those that have passed.

These acts, from each one of you, will justify the errors and violences that are still being committed in the world; because if there are no sincere and honest acts,  acts made from the heart in the name of My Mercy, many more will be adrift and dependent on what will happen.

During this next Marathon of Divine Mercy, and for the times to come, in the name of My Merciful Work, I ask you to:

1) Practice fraternal acts of mercy and self-giving, starting with those closest to you and then extending to those most in need, because whoever serves the least of Mine will be serving Me.

2) Have an act of reverence and gratitude before all the Graces you have received throughout time and through My Messages.

3) Take care in how you treat and speak about your fellow beings, especially within the Work entrusted to you by My Sacred Heart, so that it may be a space of unity and love that overcomes differences.

4) Experience moments of prayer and Sacraments with greater responsibility, effort and enthusiasm in this cycle, with diligence for support and spiritual protection over the Legacy entrusted to humanity.

5) Practice examination of conscience on behalf of those who do not practice it in these times, so that it may be possible to contemplate with precision the aura of the Hierarchy, in which many partake out of Grace.

These are the fundamental practices for My disciples and servants of these times because I aspire and long for many more to be affluents of My Grace on Earth and no longer a disappointment to My wounded and offended Heart.

May this next Marathon be the prayer of the commitment to the Plans of Christ and, mainly, the commitment to this Call.

Once again, I thank you for keeping each one of My Words in your hearts.

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus