Supplications to God the Father for the End of Times

Supplications to God the Father for the End of Times


On December 16, 2022, Our Lord said:

"The voice of all supplications sustains this planetary moment. There would be no scientific or physical explanation to understand the power of prayer and what at this crucial moment it is doing throughout the Earth. (...) And although the world must purify itself, it is still possible to placate the events, to relieve them, if there are people aware of all that I Am telling you today, who may become different at the end of this moment with Me tonight, and who may give an evident sign of what they have understood. (...) 

Behold the outraged and wounded Heart of Jesus, to which I point out at this moment, at the center of My Chest. The angels contemplate this Sacred Heart.

May souls, at this moment, also contemplate it, as an atonement for the grave sins of the world, for the barbarity of the wars and conflicts of the world. This is so that the Wounded Heart of Jesus, which wants to be part of you so that you may be part of Me, this Sacrificed Heart of Jesus, may stop the lethal bombs."



For the blood of the innocent, 
have Pity, Lord!

For the divided and martyrized families,
have Pity, Lord!

For the abandoned, aborted and discarded children,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the division of nations and peoples,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the migrant, refugees and exiled,
and especially for those who disappear in the seas of the world
without anyone to help them,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the impunity of governors
and the lies of those who think they are powerful,
have Mercy, Lord!

For those who suffer in loneliness,
for the cry of children,
for the despair of the mothers of war,
for all those who are slaves,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the Church of Christ on Earth
and the spiritual life of all priests,
so that the Love of Christ may triumph,
have Mercy, Lord!

For all the Kingdoms of Nature,
for the mistreatment they receive,
for the agony of the Lower Kingdoms,
have Pity, Lord!

For those who are ignorant,
for those who still have not awakened
and for all who denied Christ
at some moment of their life,
have Mercy and Pity, Lord!

For the Sacred Project of the Most High,
so that it may be fulfilled as it was thought of
and humanity may respond to this petition,
have Mercy and Pity, Lord!




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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
