Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Never forget, dear children, that paths of peace exist.
The peace, which I invite you to live in these times, is the peace of the heart, humble and simple peace that the Lord taught Me since the beginning.
Dear children, do not fear what I told you, yesterday and today.
I want to warn you and make you mature so that you can grow in this definitive time.
The Lord has His Thrones open so that all souls may enter.
You know, dear children, that while I am here with you, sharing a little piece of Heaven with you, there are many souls in the world who become lost because they do not find peace and the goodness of God.
Therefore, it is important, dear children, that you first remember charity with your brothers and sisters, so that this charity can expand in the entire world.
A good charitable heart constantly prays to God, this can be a faithful example of your service.
Dear children, while the world rapidly changes, My Son sends me to the world to prepare your hearts for when He returns and can be seen among the clouds with splendor and magnificence.
Dear children, God sends Me to open your hearts. I need new apostles who can face the end of times with courage.
Know, My children, that the Light of My Immaculate Heart, that Light which prevails throughout times, arrives in this world to help you. And it will be this same pure Light that will help and shelter you in these difficult times.
Gestate in your families, in the heart of good families, the prayer of the heart; that which can prevail in this time and can sow new seeds in hearts that feel empty because they have lost the Paternity of God.
I invite you, on this evening, to unite yourselves with God, to unite yourselves to His Immaculate Spirit. He, on this evening, observes you with so much Love and Compassion, through the beating of My Immaculate Heart; your lives and souls, in this moment, are crystalline before the Father.
Turn to God every day, talk to God, dear children. He wants to listen to you, every day, not only in prayer but also in the confession of the heart.
Dear children, there is much to forgive among yourselves. If you forgive each other, in these times, the world will achieve a more peaceful time and will avoid difficult things for all.
Therefore, with very few, My Marian Work will be accomplished, as it was over the centuries. This has been foreseen by God, dear children. But I will not tire, as a good Mother and Pilgrim, of coming to take hearts that want to listen to Me, even those who have been distant from God for a long time, who have lost faith and the love of God.
I want to cultivate in My Heavenly Garden, the new roses of Light, which will first germinate in your hearts so that they can expand the subtle aroma of My Heart, Love that heals, pure love, Love that liberates and redeems.
Dear children, when My Son gave Me to you once, at the foot of the Cross, I accepted, as your Mother, to accompany you until the final moments.
Therefore, God granted Me, throughout the times and over the centuries, to be able to reach your hearts, to correct humanity in its faults, to prevent it, to warn it, to take it on the Path of Christic Light.
Therefore, in this time, dear children, the Queen of the Sun, the Mother of the infinite and expansive Universe, brings all the stars that exist there so that they can guide each of your steps in this moment.
Therefore, dear children, consecrate yourselves to My Heart, live in my Heart. Feel that it is possible to change. God hopes that your hearts can heal soon.
In these times, dear children, My beloved, may there be no rivalries among you; may the reconciliation of God flourish, that reconciliation that He cultivated in the Last supper through the Eucharist, of perpetual Communion with all incarnated souls and souls that are no longer on this Earth.
This perfect harmony, which Christ promised to all, must first start in you, through confession and union with Christ.
Dear children, once again today, I open My arms to welcome your pleas and intentions; also, to bless these sacred images which I know, in these difficult times, will represent a visible sign to your hearts in this material plane so that your faith may grow, and the love and hope of God as well.
Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace, the same one who appears in Medjugorje and who, in this time of Grace and of reparation also comes to announce Herself in the Americas, as it was said in Fatima in those times, to be able to help My children and, at the same time, because of the great need that exists in souls and in all humanity.
Contemplate in your hearts, dear children, the reparation of the Kingdoms and elements.
I need, dear children, that you unite in brotherhood and fraternity with all of the Creation of God. He also hopes, dear children, that humanity can do something in this definitive time. Therefore, on this evening, dear children, My Heart proposes many tasks to carry out, many missions to fulfill, may proposals to concretize.
I need you closer to My Immaculate Heart. Feel the beating of My Love in your heads, you can only feel at peace and in confidence when you gather your beings to My chest; because, in spite of everything, I want you to be well. I need you, dear children, and I will always be grateful to you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Before the whole Plan of God which you have before your eyes, on this evening I invite you, each one of you, to not be afraid nor ashamed of announcing the Kingdom of God, of following My Steps of a Pilgrim and of showing the world the fruits of the conversion of your lives.
Do not fear, My children, the judgments of the world, because in the Eyes of God your lives must be pure, full of prayer, service, self-giving to the fellow being. When you just take the first step and see your hearts nourished with the faith that I deposit in you, all the fear and judgement of others will soon disappear from the consciousness, and your hearts will only serve God and you will have as your only goal to proclaim His existence on Earth.
My children, today I invite you to face the world and to face all barriers that exist within your hearts, to overcome all limits built by the world, limits that prevent you from meeting with Me, that prevent you from meeting with My Son, from communing with Him of body and soul.
Therefore, on this evening, I urge you to take one more step, one more step in consciousness, in each of your lives. And, with these Words, I take the impulse of My Heart not only to those present here, but to all who accompany Me, because, in My Divine Omnipresence, I come to each group that gathers to pray, to prepare this path where My Feet step.
My children, do not be afraid to invoke God, do not be afraid to live My Words and manifest the Message that I bring you in your lives. As much as today looks difficult to you, it seems distant to you, My help will always come to those who take the first step.
The human consciousness gestated, over the centuries, ideas that do not correspond to the Divine Consciousness and that are rooted in each one of your hearts, but which must be demystified so that you can approach divine life that must be the natural life of each of the creatures on Earth.
Therefore, even though it may seem distant, do not fear taking the first step, because in your essences the divine archetype is kept, and the entire Celestial Kingdom awaits only the awakening of your souls to come to meet you and impel this transformation. Do not be afraid to live something that seems different, to live a holy madness in the eyes of the world because to God all is natural and simple, it is as He thought for mankind who manifests in the world today.
My children, I invite you to conversion, to the conversion of life, soul and spirit, to the redemption of all acts, thoughts and feelings that you have felt until today. I invite you, on this evening, to a life that will only bring you peace in the heart, that will only bring you closer to God and to His entire Kingdom.
Awaken, on this evening, to the existence of a Kingdom of God, awaken to the companion who is beside you all the time, this Guardian Angel who brings to your lives a little piece of Heaven. Through this Divine Presence, allow the energy of My Kingdom to enter your lives.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today, the Guardian Angels accompany you. I invite you, on this evening, to the prayer of the heart together with the Guardian Angels.
The Father has granted me to teach you a prayer. Repeat, with the heart, what I proclaim to you today.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Mother wants us to repeat together.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
When you feel alone, My little ones, uncomfortable and disturbed, invoke through this prayer your protector angels, faithful servers of God that are guided to the Earth by the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. Entrust your lives to this Faithful Missionary of God so that your steps may be guided to the redemption of the Lord.
Dear children, I thank you, I invite you and I call you to celebrate with Me the end of the year in Aurora, in the Primordial Center of Aurora.
Now, I will give a Message of Peace to a daughter of Mine, with the permission of the Most High and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Dear daughter and Mother Emaús, may your heart not be disturbed because the Inner Aurora shines within your heart and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters. My Mantle protects you and shelters you, completely trust that My Faith deposits itself in your spirit.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "Mary of Nazareth".
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We want to repeat the invitation that Our Lady made to us today, because She told us yesterday that December 31 will initiate the celebration of Our Lady, the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
This will be done through the journey of work and a Special Apparition that will take place at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, where She appeared to us for the first time.
She asked us to do a journey of work, with prayer and reflection of Her Message in this time, and that, at the end of the afternoon, She will extraordinarily appear to us. Just as She today invited all who are present here and those who are accompanying us through the internet, we wanted to explain what the reason for this Special Apparition is.
So, you are all invited to participate with us there in Uruguay or from the heart, via internet; sometimes technology serves for these things.
We thank all who have accompanied us. And if you want Our Lady to return to Curitiba, pray, pray much and ask Her to return.
Whenever groups of prayer ask with much fervor and much prayer that She be near, usually She returns to those places where she was well received.
So, place this in the heart because whenever Our Lady is near us, She liberates us and helps us very much, She liberates us spiritually, She helps us internally. All of Her Codes of Light enter our being and everything that does not belong to God, She takes away.
So, it is not only listening to the Words of Our Lady. If we open our hearts, many changes, many movements can happen in our lives. Let us place this in our inner world so that we can always have it present.
Thank you all very much!
Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more