When the Creator thought of the human project, He contemplated from the start the upon the possibility of the His making of Himself a creature among His creatures.
The human beings were created among so many other beings and civilizations of the Universe, to express something that none of them had expressed.
They were created to unite dimensions, to express the love that overcomes the limits of all existence, and this allows beings to unite with God. They were created to express the essential likeness with the Father of all life.
The human purpose is great, and for this reason, My children, it is not attained in a simple way, although everything can occur with the awakening of consciousness and the firm decision of loving without conditions and surrendering everything for this purpose of entering the divine mysteries within one’s own heart, like in the infinite Cosmos.
Living the human potential seems to be something impossible, because most beings have not opened to truly experience the Love of God, which they are capable of finding and feeling within themselves.
I have taught you to pray, so that in this way you might cross the doors of your own heart and, little by little, you might discover the possibility of uniting with God, feeling Him and living Him.
When a being truly lives the Love of God, My children, even for an instant, this is enough to lead them to understand that any sacrifice, effort or renunciation, of things of the world and of human illusions, is small to attain the Eternity within this Divine Love.
God, knowing that His children were lost in their evolution and that they increasingly moved away from their purpose and truth, and in order not to allow humanity to again go astray, as had happened so many times, your Creator Father decided He would Himself come to the world and show them the way.
So immense and merciful was the impulse of God for humanity, an impulse never before given to any creature, neither in Heaven nor upon Earth, that the whole existence placed its eyes, heart and hope in this world.
Mystery upon mystery is the evolution of humanity, beloved children, where the errors of the past and the history of ancient universal consciousnesses stop, so that a story of redemption and the revelation of the Love of God for all life may begin.
No being of this Earth, while being alive, has yet been capable of understanding themselves and entering both into their origin and into the true potential of their essence. Only after this life were those, who received from God the possibility of living the experience of love in this world, capable of perceiving the opportunity they received.
But today, My children, you are called to live the greatest miracle of this time and of all times, the miracle of the awakening of consciousness; the miracle of the union of time; the miracle of understanding what you were before coming to this world and what is the essence and the purpose of your lives. You are called to live the miracle of Science and the Divine Wisdom, to communicate to the world His Truth, not only with the word but, above all, with your own lives.
More than two thousand years ago, at the request of your Creator, I gathered the disciples and companions of Christ so that the Consoling Spirit might pour out upon them. Its mission was to announce the Good News of the arrival of the Messiah and to manifest, in the consciousness and in the history of humanity, the presence and the example of God amidst humanity.
Today, I gather you so that the Consoling Spirit may give you strength, may awaken in you the Gift of Science, which becomes wisdom and discernment. Science to awaken, beloved children; science for you to know what to do and how to become responsible, not only for your own redemption, but also for sustaining this world in transition.
While My last words echo throughout the world, I pour upon you Graces amid Justice, I bring you Gifts among corrections, because it is necessary that you are corrected, but it is also necessary that you awaken and fulfill the Purpose of God.
Just as the Creator came to the world while humanity was straying from its purpose, and He showed them the Way, the Truth and the Life, He will come again, My children, to show you the revelation of Love within chaos, to show you the awakening of Truth during the apex of the illusion of human suffering; He will come so that you may know how to unite the times and the dimensions, and thus you may do it, not only in this world, but in all of Creation, because not only does the Earth need redemption, all life must learn to return to God, and this will happen through the fullness of your lives and the expression of what you truly are.
I love you, bless you and, with the deep humility of My Immaculate Heart, I thank you, so that you may learn that, through gratitude, Heaven opens and the Creator touches all hearts of the world.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When hearts pray for peoples and for cultures, for nations and for the religions of the world, with their intention, they rescue that which is purest within beings and attract toward Earth the Original Thought of God for the expression of the peoples.
When you pray for the different religions to be true paths that lead hearts to God, you are rescuing the original principles that inspired the existence of religions, as a way of being a guide for human beings and, in this way, children, you help those who are lost in their ignorance and make the paths, which should take them to God, the path to their own perdition.
To pray for peoples and for nations is very important in this time, it is to place the purpose of your prayers on something higher, and to include all of humanity in your prayers.
You are at the point of deepening your union with God and of beginning to feel His Love for each one of His children, to feel the importance of peoples, the importance of the existence of each creature of the Earth.
For this reason, children, I come today to tell you that you must not tire of praying for life, for human beings and for the lower Kingdoms. Do not tire of sincerely praying for nations, for religions and, in short, for this human project. Because the hour has come for the times to change and for life to be renewed. The time has come for the definitive cycle, which includes all existence.
Thus, pray so that there may be peace, pray that there may be love and, above all, pray so that the Truth may unite you on a single path, which is the narrow doorway to the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom of God is among you.
When you love and forgive; when you serve and are fraternal; when you smile with the spirit; when you speak with wisdom; when you are reverently silent, the Kingdom of God is within you; the Kingdom of God is among you.
When you pray and open up the Heavens, uniting your hearts with the Heart of the Father; when you cry out for a fellow being and seek peace; when you are glad about the progress of your brothers and sisters; when you do not covet the evolution of others but rather seek the Will of God in yourselves; when you understand and perceive the Presence of the Father in all life; when you are grateful for the gift of living and of renewing Divine Creation, the Kingdom of God is within you; the Kingdom of God is among you. Remain in it.
Let It be revealed to your brothers and sisters. Let the children of God discover the gift of living and being the Kingdom.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Silence will be your best friend in these times and will open the doors of your heart so that you may find the bridge that unites you with God.
Prayer will be your nourishment and your sustenance in a world where souls perish because they do not know how to nourish themselves from God.
Peace will be your quest and you will find it in the center of the Heart of the Celestial Father. In it will be your liberty and your strength. In it will be your repose and your contentment.
Ascension is your path, a path marked by God on the pages of your history, in the drawing of your life. Place your feet in the divine letters and start walking.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, uniting your heart to the Heart of God because, in these times of spiritual battle, this is what beings need most.
Pray, not only formally, but pray in dialogue and confession with your Creator, with certainty that He listens attentively to your pleas. Be silent to hear the answer of God. Enter into quietude to feel His Presence and, through profound gratitude, open the doors of the world and of the hearts of human beings for Him to send His Peace.
Make your life a prayer, respecting your neighbor, being patient, being grateful for the presence of God in your brothers and sisters.
Make your life a prayer, serving and loving those who are around you and those who are far from you.
Do not fear to cross the threshold of a new time. Let this time live within you, uniting yourself to God forever.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sometimes, in order to carry peace into the world, you lose the peace within you, because constant sacrifice and surrender cause your most hidden resistances to emerge, your most retrograde condition to come to the light and be freed from your inner unconscious world. This, child, is also part of the service you provide to humanity and to this planet, in the name of Christ.
Inner peace must be gained every day. Union with God must be built and rebuilt in each instant. In these times, in which humanity is in the center of a battle that defines evolution of all of Divine Creation, every day consciousnesses are targets of the untiring stimuli of the life of illusion so that they do not move forward in their awakening, so that they do not deepen their union with God, but rather that they retreat or at least stand still in the point they are in.
Thus, child, calmly observe this moment, be aware that the tests of this time are unknown to all of Creation and, every day, as long as you can, remember the purpose of your life and of your consecration; gradually rebuild your connection with God and do not stop trying to reach the Father. Build a dialogue with Him within you, a sincere confession of your weaknesses, not to re-affirm them, but rather to transform them and release them from your heart.
Feel how confession to God cleans your heart and you begin to return to the Father, feeling yourself to be worthy of His Presence. Do this every day. Do this every time you remember to.
Think of the mirror of your heart and unite it with the Mirrors of the Cosmos, with a simple thought. Think of the Essence of God and feel that it is within you. Think of higher life, of universal life, and feel how it is waiting for you.
Renew your strength in the little things, because it is also there where the enemy is looking at your evolution and at your union with God.
Pray and find peace again every day.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Human existence is a mystery that only the Creator knows in depth. Not even the Archangels who, together with the Divine, thought of and manifested the human project, fully know the capacities of human beings.
Your essence, created from a unique divine particle, holds in itself a union with the Father. In this essence, the Creator placed a part of His Consciousness, a part of His creative potential and of His divine mystery.
Therfore, children, wanting to understand humankind is like wanting to understand God, to fully know His Truth, the origin of the origin, how life, existence, the Divine Consciousness emerged, and what the reason is for His multiplication of the expression of life created by Him.
Human beings hold within themselves a will and an aspiration of God, the reason for God manifesting life in all dimensions. The Love of God dwells within humankind and thus it holds a potential that is unknown to you and that which the Firstborn Child of the Creator is unraveling within Himself.
Why do I tell you this today?
To elevate the purpose of your lives and your understanding about yourselves; so that you may know that you know nothing, not even about yourselves, and in this way, children, you may be thirsty for seeking the truth, to find again the Origin of all things and, more than that, to discover the treasure that you hold within yourselves. That you may know who you are and what the purpose of your lives is.
Seek the truth in prayer. Find the Divine Consciousness within your own selves.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to have your heart always united with the Heart of God, everything you do, do it with love, with dedication, aware that it is for God Himself that you are working, praying, serving, living for.
Thus, child, the ascension of your soul will occur not only when you have your knees on the floor, but rather when you have your heart in God and you allow Him to be within you.
In all things, remember that the purpose of your actions is to awaken souls, it is to carry peace to the world, it is to prepare for the return of your Lord, it is the uniting of the times, of the Time of God with the time of this world.
From the smallest task to the most elevated prayers, everything in your life holds this higher purpose. Thus, be aware of that and impregnate your actions, your thoughts and feelings with that purpose. In this way, you will find God and He will be with you in all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
O soul that has wedded the Lord, surrender to Him your being, body, soul, mind, spirit and heart so that, in this way, you may be in your Spouse, and He in you.
Be faithful to the One Who called you by your name and Who, among so many beings of the Earth, allowed you to hear His sweet Voice, His firm call.
Seek to be, soul of the Lord, an eternal companion of your Spouse, faithful in the graces as well as in the cross, giving Him all virtues and miseries, everything you achieved and also that which you have not even tried for. Place everything in the arms of the Lord and surrender your heart before His greatness.
Do not wait any longer to experience an alliance with your God. Renew your union with the Creator in each instant of your life. Understand the union with God, not like the marriages of the Earth, but like a spiritual marriage, an alliance that is made between your soul and God, representing that everything you are and what you have experienced, up until now, is placed in the Hands of the Most High, so that He may dispose of your consciousness and of your spirit to accomplish His Will.
Learn to love God more each day.
Learn to be faithful and dedicated.
Learn to always offer all of yourself, so that His Will may be accomplished.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Search for the science of illumination within you, and know that it is nothing more than the living of the Purpose of human creation.
Illumination is the act of finding the Creator again within yourself and to discover the path and the doorway to Divine Consciousness within your own self.
By living union with God, you will understand His Presence in all things; you will know what the essence of life is, of learning on Earth, and the reason why each being inhabits it.
To illuminate the consciousness is to find the Creator and know yourself to be a part of Him and this, children, is achieved through experience, with the constant search to find God.
Sacred books will guide you; philosophies and true religions will help you find the path for this; but nothing has any meaning if each one of you does not search within yourself for the experience of unity with your Creator.
To pray is to seek the path of communication with God. To communicate with the Father is to create the link of your souls with Him so that you may be able to gradually enter into His Truth and receive the revelation of His Presence.
Seek for the Light of God so that He, in you, may illuminate the abysses of this world. The time has now come in which the little lamps must be on the table, and this is done, children, not with the light of humankind, but with the Light of God in human beings.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek the purity of your heart through silence and prayer to restore this world from so many sins and illusions.
Offer a sincere reparation to God through the small renunciations of life so that, through these offerings, the Lord can intercede for those who are ignorant and indifferent in this world, in spite of having a commitment with God and with His Love.
Each day live a true religion and love being united with God for those who deceive themselves with false spiritual lives.
Repair the Heart of the Father for those outrages, praying and adoring with the heart. Be an instrument for the miracle of God, allowing yourself to be transformed. Be a source of His Grace, allowing Him to be within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep vigil, in prayer with your Lord, so that in these times He may find His companions and apostles awake, aware of the agony and the passion of the planet, truly ready to surrender their lives for Christ, through the small and big sacrifices that bring them closer to God.
Make an effort every day to offer something more of yourself to the Father, in the name of the whole of humanity. Let your prayer, your song and your surrender deepen and each day become more sincere and unconditional because of being the instruments and the vehicles of your union with Christ, of your service to His Plan of rescue in this world.
Pray and be in vigil with the Lord, because it will be in this way that you will be accompanying His steps. It is in this way that you will be consistent with His spiritual presence in this world. It is in this way that you will prepare His path of return to Earth and will be worthy of being with Him in the institution of His Kingdom.
Let prayer be the water without which your soul cannot live, and let sacrifice be the food for your spirit. In this way, child, every day you will be closer to God, and as a result, you will elevate this world and its humanity with you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you pray, God washes your heart and purifies you, renewing your soul and your essence, in purity and transparency. But it is also up to you, child, to maintain that purity within yourself and, during your days, make of your life a prayer.
Pronounce your words with the purity of your essence. Let your retrograde thoughts pass by, and only follow the flow of those that lead you to reflect upon Wisdom and Divine Love.
Fill your time with service rather than with vain things. Fill your mind with the harmony of nature and the Love that comes from God, rather than with the distractions of the world.
Every day reacquire a point of union with the Father, so that it may deepen. Nurture your essence with that which comes from God, so that it can expand and express within you.
Let your essence be the support and the dwelling place of purity, so that your soul, protected, may find the space to take steps in its evolution.
When you pray, God cleanses your heart and purifies it, therefore, pray, and give your being the chance to begin again, every day.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For you to carry the cross of these times, and make of your own being a triumph of God, you must first learn, children, to experience humility and anonymity, which draws you closer not to human honors, but to the Heart of the Father.
For thirty years, the Savior of your souls remained in silence, in solitude, learning from the humility of His simple life, deepening into the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the Heart of His Father so that, only in the last three years of His life, He could express, under the strength of humility, what He truly was.
For thirty years, your Lord transmuted and transformed the human condition by means of His silence and His humility. Each day more, he emptied His inner being so that the Heavenly Father and His archangels could dwell there.
It was only when His entire Consciousness was ready to renew the Love of God that He presented Himself before humanity as the Way, the Truth and the Life, for there was no distance between His humanity and God. Everything He was, was a part of the Father.
Today, children, I invite you to understand humility as the foundation for the union with God and for Christification. If you do not love the Presence of God more than the presence and honors of humanity, you will never reach where the Creator expects to you.
Love the greatness of His Plan and the majesty of His Presence, and you will understand what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
During the 40 days in the desert, your Lord not only strengthened His Spirit and His union with the Father; He experienced for the first time the suffering of the entire world in His Heart and knew what it meant to carry the Cross of the sins of each being of this Earth.
His silence sustained His inner world and raised Him beyond human pain, for Him to reach the Heart of the Father and to know His Love would go beyond any sacrifice.
Today, child, you are invited to enter the desert of your heart, to there contemplate this planet, to prepare your inner world for that which will come, to experience within yourself what the transition of times is and, above all, to strengthen your union with God, entering His Heart and knowing there is nothing on this Earth which can surpass the necessity to reach the Father. His Love justifies all things.
Every effort, sacrifice and offering made with the heart are justified by the Love of God.
Every humiliation, emptiness, desert, loneliness and silence are justified by the Love of God.
Every service, tireless surrender, renunciation and trial are justified by the Love of God.
In the Love of God everything is dissolved and pacified, everything finds its meaning and its value, since within it all can be renewed. Therefore go, child, and seek that Love. It will be your sustenance, it will justify your existence, it shall be the meaning for your life on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.
In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.
His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.
That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.
Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, because the more awakened the ones who committed themselves with Christ are, the greater is their responsibility before the planet and the Plan of the Creator.
Pray, because in the same time that you awaken, the world agonizes and those who are submerged in darkness enter deeper into their abysses.
Cultivate in your heart, in your mind and in your feelings, that which brings you closer to the Father, and unite to Him so that this union has more strength inside of you than the human tendency to follow the illusions of the world.
While the rulers of the nations become lost and confuse their spirit with matter, pray, child, for there to be balance in this world so that the laws attracted to it do not foster on Earth an unexpected test, something that many will not be able to bear.
Your prayer, hidden and silent, but sincere and true, reaches the Foot of God and His archangels, in order to balance the laws that cause the events to manifest within the life on Earth.
Everything in human life, before manifesting on Earth, starts to exist on the spiritual levels. The roots of virtues as well as of evil, of the new human being as well as of the tests of this time, are still in the invisible, intangible levels, but where prayers can indeed reach.
When you pray, you are attracting the Thought of God to Earth and this very Thought, when descending through dimensions, balances them so that it can manifest.
In the same way, when human beings act in a negative way and attract chaos to Earth, this chaos destabalizes the dimensions of life wherever it passes so as to manifest according to its vibration.
Therefore, we say that we are in times of battle. A silent battle, in which one triumphs with love and unity with God, because there is nothing superior to the Love of the Father, nothing that can defeat it. But, for it to be present within life on earth, human beings must open the doors to the Love of the Father through prayer.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Bring your prayer of the heart to the consciousness, children, and have the feelings of peace and of union with God that you feel while you pray remain in your lives, reflected in your actions, in your thoughts and in your feelings; and to your daily and constant experience bring the wisdom and the discernment that you feel when praying, and be in the constant presence of God and of His Spirit; being reverent not only in the sacred places and moments, but at all times.
Bring the prayer of the heart to the consciousness and allow your beings to be constantly elevated, seeking to draw to Earth the principles of higher life, in the certainty that in this union of the Time of God with the time of the world, this life will manifest on Earth.
Feel your hearts and your inner world during a moment of prayer, and after this try to maintain that state of alignment and of gratitude. That is bringing your prayer to the consciousness.
Seek that knowledge and express that wisdom.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Collect the fruits of the Grace of God within you, trying hard every day to express the virtues and gifts that He gave you.
May His blessings remain not only in your hearts, but may they also be expressed as a way of life, as actions, as the praying word, as a helping and loving word, as a thought that elevates the mind to the Heights.
These are the ways to multiply what God gives you and, therefore, become dignified of a more and more deeper union with the Father.
May your example, child, always speak to the hearts about love and unity with God, because this is the way that the Creator has to reach all His creatures: through the example of transformation and the prayer of those who do listen to Him.
For this reason, allow yourself to become an instrument of God. Each day more, love what He gives you, and aspire that this Love, that comes from the Father, reach all your brothers and sisters.
Go and serve, pray and multiply the Love of God within your life. This is what it is to collect the fruits of His Graces within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The greater the chaos and disorder on Earth, within the nations and in humankind, the more your heart and mind should be in God.
Remove your heart and mind from worldly things, not to be indifferent before what happens in the world, but so that you may be a point of equilibrium for the Earth and so that your consciousness, united to God, may constantly be generating peace and attracting the Grace of God to the world.
Know that the greater the planetary tension, the more beings seek refuge not to face what happens in the world; this is part of the human condition. In this time, it is quite easy to be distracted from the Divine Purpose and to go toward paths that make beings forget their mission and the Divine Will, which they have come to fulfill.
The minds flee renunciation and sacrifice because they do not want to withstand their own transformation and their own spiritual maturation. But you, child, are called to live something different, on behalf of all humanity.
You are the self-summoned of these times who, in the multitude of humanity, raised your hands to commit yourself to the Will and to the Plan of God, and this is the culminating moment to confirm yourself in this Will. This is the moment to forge within you this consciousness, which will face the transition of times and that will be a reference for those who will be blind and lost in this world.
Therefore, silence your mind and seek God in prayer. Embrace with love the renunciations and sacrifices that He offers, embrace with love what contradicts your own will in order to build the Divine Will, and let yourself be molded by this Universal and Celestial Purpose.
Enter spiritually for forty days into the desert of your heart because, after that, it will be enough for you to carry the cross of the end of times and to give everything out of love for God and for life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more