Rest your soul, your mind and your body in the arms of the Celestial Mother, so that after the sacred rest you find the inner strength necessary to carry forward.

In these definitive times, souls are defining for their lives the next stage of their awakening and walk.

The more adhered and united the souls are to the need that the Universe presents, the greater will be the reason, for all, to respond to what is urgent and immediate.

Then, in this cycle, the fulfillment of the Plan of the Father will depend on this true and unbreakable alliance that must exist between hearts and God.

Thus, the Almighty will see that the action of delivering His most important Designs to the souls, who in this time must take charge of greater responsibilities, is just.  A deep and sincere openness will be enough to carry it out.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel My Love in the breeze that caresses your face.

Feel My Love in the blowing of the wind.

Feel My Love in the sound of the waves and in the harmony of their movement.

Feel My love expressed in the Kingdoms, in each part of Nature.

Because I am the Mother of nature, the Mother that regenerates the life of the spirit and of matter.

I am the Mother who gestates and conceives what is new for each being.

Therefore, feel me in each part of this Creation, because I am always present there.

Be a part of this communion with all that is created, with all that the Father created with so much Love so that His children could glorify Him and recognize Him in each aspect of Creation.

Union with Creation, between creatures and God, can be inalterable.

This sacred filiation with the Highest allows souls to find meaning in all that exists and why it exists in this way.

I would like all My children to enter into this same consciousness of union with Nature, so as to restore the deepest wounds of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Light of the Mercy of Christ guide the path of the souls that surrender with trust into the Arms of the Redeemer.

May this unconditional surrender open the door to healing of the hearts and of the lives of people who fully trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus; may in this way a spiritual alliance be established between the redeemed ones and our Lord, and may this union of souls with Christ strengthen the development of the Work of Redemption and of Mercy in humanity.

Leaving the past behind, may souls find the meaning of the Purpose and may they always be able to see and feel it inside of them as the flame that guides all and protects all.

Opening the doors to the Mercy of Jesus, may hearts renew themselves, may they lose the fear of failure and may an unbreakable alliance be established between souls and the Creator.

May everything become renewed, may life be permeated by the spirit of peace and may, finally, everything be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Second Message

And you will see the Son of God come with the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, illuminating the four corners of Earth, all races and all peoples, so that the Merciful Love of My Heart may triumph again and the doors may open for the reconciliation of souls with the Universe and life.

This victorious Cross of Emmanuel will announce a new time for the planet and its humanity.

Happy will be those who venerate it with the humility of the heart, because in the coming time they will be recognized as Children of God.

Happy will be those who believe in its power, because they will be assembled at the foot of the Cross of Emmanuel to be blessed and filled by the Holy Spirit.

And finally, companions, through the powerful Cross of Emmanuel, all adversity and evil will be defeated, and in unity with the Father, your hearts will blossom in love and in faith.

When you see the Son of God come with the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, it will be the signal that the end time is approaching; it will be the moment when your hearts must be prepared to receive what you have waited for so long.

This Cross comes to close all that is uncertain, and open the Source of Love for hearts.

The Cross of Emmanuel brings the spirit of redemption for souls and for all fallen spirits. It has the authority to bring liberation to the world and redemption for nations, because in it are kept the codes of the sacred merits of the Passion of your Lord.

In the sacred Cross of Emmanuel is kept the experience lived by Christ on Earth, the incalculable value of His sufferings, of all His sufferings and of all His agonies for the conversion and redemption of the fallen spirits of this planet; and also because of His most precious Blood poured out during His Passion and until His Death on the Cross.

The victorious Cross of Emmanuel holds, in essence, up to the last moment in which your Master and Lord expired on the Cross, giving up His Spirit to the Father, so that it would be resurrected on the third day.

Blessed will be who, in humility, contemplates the victorious Cross of Emmanuel and who asks something of the Father for any consciousness that is lost or fallen, because on the third day the Father will hear them and will respond to their plea.

This powerful Cross of Emmanuel is the symbol for the visible and invisible worlds, for the spiritual, mental, and material plane.

In it, the Father has left the merits that His Beloved Son achieved from His Birth to His Ascension into the Heavens, until before leaving this planet and rising up to the Universe.

The sacred and powerful Cross of Emmanuel brings the alliance and the union of souls with God, with His Divine Project, with His Divine Idea, with His Divine Thought, and with the purpose that each being, and creature of this humanity must manifest for the end of these times.

It is the blue symbol that defeats darkness.

There is no spirit or consciousness that can resist the victorious Cross of Emmanuel and the merits it holds, merits achieved by Christ during His passage on Earth.

The victorious Cross of Emmanuel is the symbol of union of the spiritual Universe with the material Universe, of the Source of the Father with the essence of His creatures, in all of this Universe and in others.

His Beloved Son and the holy angels of Heaven prostrate themselves before the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, because it overcomes the enemy, defeats the impious, purifies the unrighteous, and redeems those who are lost.

Open your hearts to this great moment of the descent the powerful Light of Emmanuel so that souls may abandon their inner deserts and all their agonies, so that the spirits of this Earth can be re-ignited by the powerful Light of Emmanuel that comes to meet the spirit of His children, to fill them with His Gifts and with all His Graces.

When you live some obstacle or some difficulty, prostrate yourselves before the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel and contemplate it, lit up and bright, and see how it penetrates spaces and planes, filling them with Light and Mercy, and in this way, your sufferings will dissolve.

Powerful Father of the Universe, Beloved and Resplendent Emmanuel!

Today Your Son offers the symbol for the redemption of souls and of all this planet.

Your Son places the powerful Cross of Emmanuel on Your Altar so that, for all sacrifices, afflictions, and sufferings lived by Your Beloved Son, Your Graces and Mercies may return to souls, that the essence of evil may be dissolved, and that Your Divine and Glorious Hope shine within hearts.

O Glorious Cross of Emmanuel, which comes to the world to assist souls, which descends in Glory to ignite hearts, which comes to aid the unredeemed!

O Holy Father!

May your powerful Blue Cross cause Your Purpose to be fulfilled in souls, so that evil may be dissolved and joy may return to the clean hearts, and thus we may live in communion with Your Spirit and Your Divinity.

Today I illumine you with the powerful Cross of Emmanuel so that all may be transformed and transmuted.

You will see the Spirit of the Father shine at the Marian Centers, which, being imperceptible and silent, comes to the world to gather together the flocks of God and take them to an encounter with the Return of Christ.

Heaven gives you one more symbol of redemption and of mercy.

May the Cross be the impulse for the return to your origins, and in essence, to your beginning.

And thus, you will be able to live the Plan as God has designed it in His Merciful Heart.

Do not fear, the suffering of the world will end, but humanity still must learn what it has not learnt.

My Heart and My Life give you the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel so that it may illumine the paths of the disciples of Christ, of the peoples of God, of the servants of the Plan during the time of the great tribulation.

When I Am no longer among you, not even here, you will have what can be used: the powerful Cross of Emmanuel, and you will remember, at each moment, the Sacrifice of the Son of God and all the merits that He achieved through His sorrowful Passion.

May the Spirit of the Father descend to the Sacred Centers and may souls listen within to the Voice and Echo of God, so they may walk towards a meeting with the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, which will be the portal of union with the Universe and the stars.

O Holy Purpose of Emmanuel, make Yourself visible to the souls of the world!

May the chains of perdition be broken, May hearts be liberated, and may souls find communion with Your Spirit.

After two thousand and eighteen years, your Master and Lord descends in Aurora, with the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel to illumine the visible and invisible spaces, to give the Grace of redemption to and healing to all fallen spirits.

And together with His Angels of Heaven, the Master sings Hallelujah because His expected Return to humanity is fulfilled, at the end of the cycle, under the Glory and the Power of Emmanuel.

In this Marathon, may souls be able to revive their commitment to the Most High rather than to the low.

May souls be able to again awaken the essence of their purpose, so as to abide by the Will of the Father, and thus respond to His call, in the end of this time.

I come here, bringing in My Hands the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel so that the doors may be closed, and the Kingdom of God descend, in order to transfigure the hearts and lives of all people.

Beloved Father Emmanuel, breath of the Powerful Spirit of God, inextinguishable and irrefutable  Essence, powerful code of redemption and of cosmic liberation!

Rebuild, in this race, Your sacred Principles, so that under the powerful Blue Light of Your Divine Consciousness, souls may take flight towards Your Source, and thus meld with Your Glorious and Living Heart.

Just like the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel, I give you the Sacrament of Communion with My Body and with My Blood, so that you may again vivify your commitment to the Father and His Sacred Plan.

As done more than two thousand and eighteen years ago, I again say to you to eat because this is My Body, which has been given for the unrighteous and the traitors, for the redemption of all souls and of all sinners, so that, someday, they may awaken to the Truth that is the Love and Unity with the Father.

In the same way, I tell you to drink because this is My Blood, of the New Covenant, which comes to purify you and sanctify you in communion with humility and with truth.

Receive this Sacrament in the name of Emmanuel, in order that not only the Universe may fulfill the Divine Purpose, but that all souls, all peoples, and all races may awaken to redemption and to healing in these times.

And thus, I leave you with the Blessing of Emmanuel, preparing you for the day of the consecration of His victorious and powerful Cross, in which many more spirits, scattered throughout this planet, will surrender when the Cross is ignited and unites with the Father, and the Father unites with His children.

I bless you, and offer this Meeting of prayer for those who are no longer here, and for those who have closed their heart to the Truth for fear, for trepidation, or by dissociation.

May one small particle of the sacred Light of Emmanuel reach these souls so that the Plan be rebuilt, just as God has thought it.

Carrying in My Hand the powerful Cross of Emmanuel, lit up and resplendent, bringing Heaven to Earth, bringing God to Aurora, I prepare you for these days of reconfirmation and for the experience of Christic Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the region of Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let there be no lack of absolute trust that, in the name of the Lord, all will be well; because in these times, souls need to learn to survive and remain in God so that the perfect and invincible union with the Kingdom of Heavens may be established.

This trust that we can have in God every day is that which attracts the effect of miracles and of marvelous things that can happen during the path of spiritual life.

Therefore, My children, rejoice, smile, and give thanks to God, because His Plan, which would seem impossible to be carried forward, is being fulfilled under the spirit of charity, fraternity, and effort, so that more Graces and more miracles may be materialized on this planet and in this needy humanity.

I encourage you to say yes to each new service so that the doors of the Mercy of God remain open.

Good start of work for all My missionaries!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The union between beliefs

A time will come to the planet in which all religions will have to unite in the spirit of Christic peace and love.

This prophesied union will allow souls who have walked different spiritual paths to find the Highest Source, the great Spring of the Heart of Christ.

At that time, Jesus will be recognized by all as the Redeemer not only of the Christians but also as the Liberator of the whole world through the impulses of Love that He is giving the world in these times.

This hour is approaching for the planetary consciousness.

When this prophecy of the union between beliefs can be realized among all peoples and not only among Christians, nations will oppose one another, and different human philosophies will try to tear down what others, with love, try to construct for the common good of all souls.

These types of judgments and slanders emerge as a source of human impulses that will only lead to the weakening of the union between consciousnesses and peoples.

In the most critical and acute moment of the planet, the faith of the consciousnesses will be put to the test; not because God will determine it, but because of the destructive action that the voices of the philosophers of the world carry out against everything that is considered the Work of Peace and Light.

But finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the world and outside the Church.

Before the eyes of those who govern the religions, I will open the great door of redemption, and all will recognize that, behind every Work of Light, Christ was present.

In this time, they will try to silence the Voice of the Heavenly Messengers, just as they tried in other times; but, at the end of everything, many will belatedly realize the just and true cause.

In this cycle, everything will be allowed, both the great errors and the great victories. It will be like this so that souls, in their freedom, can choose before the Final Judgment which path they will take, whether the path of error of the unjust or the path of peace and fraternity.

In this definitive hour, your heavenly Mother carries out Her Co-Redemptive Work outside the Church, so that in this way, the shepherds of My Son can contemplate the planetary need with Mercy and not with deep and petty indifference.

The Mother of God comes to gather what the Church could not achieve, the mission of contemplating with love the spiritual and moral need of souls, regardless of the belief which they experience at this time.

This is how your Heavenly Mother comes, in this cycle, to teach you what She taught the apostles in the past, uniting nation with nation, culture with culture, and language with language, in order to establish the principle of the sacred people of God, for which Moses worked for a long time.

Therefore, I ask all of you, regardless of your belief or your spiritual doctrine, to listen to the Mother of God, the Ambassador of Peace, who tells you to no longer waste time; do not use it to argue or slander whether or not it is true that I am working outside the Church, or whether or not your brothers and sisters are wearing  certain outfits, or are lying. This is not true, you are not seeing the truth nor feeling it with your heart.

Do not forget that you are all children of God and that the most important thing is to lead souls towards love and prayer, and not towards slander and value judgments.

Those who claim to live the truth are blind. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Open the heart and not the mind, because truly I tell you, My children, that you are trying to dissolve My Work of Peace with your evil actions.

Live peace and do not feel disturbed. Embrace the Call of God, just as He determined, and do not try to deny it only because this Call is alive and luminous outside the Church.

Thank the universe because there are souls who offer themselves to suffer for you.

Change your attitude and do it out of love, do not lose time in vain words. Do your job and thus the religions will unite through love and not through force.

Christianity is an inner state and not a formal state, it is the possibility of believing and feeling Christ within the heart.

Listen for the last time to My call.

I thank you for responding to My requests!

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

I come from Heaven on this day full of Grace to proclaim the victory of the hearts redeemed by Christ.

I come to declare the triumph of the Plan of God in souls that responded from the beginning to My call.

I come to reveal the incalculable value of the transformation of hearts that surrender in trust to God, and how the doors of the Kingdom of God open themselves upon each one of them.

I come to show you, My children, the power of reconciliation among consciousnesses that once made a mistake and closed their hearts to God. Therefore, as the Mother of Divine Reconciliation, I concede this Grace for souls to liberate themselves from the chain of constant mistakes.

Through the spiritual union of each child of Mine to My higher Grace, liberation from the past and total renewal of the consciousness that was previously spiritually apart from God are established.

Dear children, on this day I bring you awareness that before everything happens to humanity, souls can be free from their sufferings and, thus, be prepared to enter the commands of Christ, Your King and Lord.

My children, when your hearts open themselves, other opportunities can arise; the Universe helps you to take this great step towards surrendering to God and to His divine Plan.

I would like, My children, that every day you live the reconciliation of the heart so that many more souls receive the Grace of finding redemption. This will first start in your families and afterward in humanity.

I urge you to walk by My side because I love you and wish the best for each child of Mine.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and reconciles you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Thirty-Three, transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am present every day in the most simple and inhospitable places of the world, for example, in this simple garden consecrated to My maternal Heart.

It is this way, children, that I would like to be in your hearts all the time, to guide you to Jesus and His Divine Kingdom.

On this day, I also come as the Lady of the Thirty-Three to strengthen in the inner planes the spiritual mission of Uruguay and of all its people that must decidedly grow in sanctity and in the service of God.

Therefore, in this month of May, the groups of the Light-Network of Uruguay and the groups of all of America will be placed in an important confederate mission that will open the doors to knowledge, to training and, above all, to the union of all consciousnesses that want to follow the Law of the Hierarchy.

If this adhesion and response were as positive and mature as other previous answers given by the groups, America as a continent would count on inexplicable spiritual support during the most acute moment of its purification and, in this confederate mission, the groups will be more firm to widely help without borders during the planetary crisis.

So, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will be at the inner command of this spiritual task that will try to displace the destiny of the Americas, very serious social, environmental and political problems that would cause all humanity present here to lose control.

Thus, today I am again founding the Light-Network of prayer, which at this time will be one of the active branches of the planetary Light-Network. The Light-Network of prayer will be a more open consciousness and will welcome all who aspire to experience the prayer schedules of the Divine Messengers, but who, until this moment have not been able to consecrate themselves as part of the planetary Light-Network.

The Light-Network of prayer will be like the Light-Network of service or the Light-Network of healing, and can be integrated by collaborators who are beginners, servers and pilgrims who are learning to take the first steps in the task with the Hierarchy.

Therefore, the more than 300 groups that form the planetary Light-Network throughout the world will be those who welcome and become the guardians of these souls that have been formed within the Light-Network of prayer, service and healing, and who will be united to the nuclei of service as well as to the different cities where the new members come from.

The restructuring of this network of prayer, service and healing is a response to the needs of the newcomers who have not yet gone through instruction, but who have the impulse to join a more open proposal like prayer, service and healing, tasks that can also be united to the service of the missionary Light-Network.

In all of this, the planetary Light-Network in each region and city will be creating new flocks that will be coming, this will be, for all the groups of the planetary Light-Network, a great service for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the formation of new apostles,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Establish the Kingdom of God within you, this space of peace where the universal Laws find their manifestation.

Establish in you the union with the Father and let yourself be similar to Him, giving Him the authority to transform you, according to His Will.

The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world, where some enjoy their own riches and the majority suffers and works to serve the latter.

In the Kingdom of God everything is permeated by the Divine Consciousness. The Creator is in all of His servants. He Himself is the essence of humility, living in the smallest of all as in none of the others.

In the Kingdom of God only triumphs peace, goodness, love and unity, principles that become laws manifested in the lives of all creatures that share this state of consciousness that is the Kingdom of the Creator.

Live these principles in yourself and become worthy of being the bearer of the Kingdom of God, which first emerges in the interior of the beings from the union with the Father, and then establishes itself outside, in the material life of this world.

Every principle, law or manifestation of the Divine Consciousness, before settling externally in planetary life, first meets its dwelling in the heart of each being. The heart is the bridge to God, it is the door to Heaven, it is the great manifester of the divine will. Everyone who has a mission first knows it within the heart: feels it, understands it and accepts it, to then, afterwards, live it.

Christ will first come to the hearts in Spirit and Divinity; afterwards, He will manifest Himself in Body and Soul, when His Dwelling has already been established in the hearts of those who have recognized His presence within their own hearts. They will recognize Him when He returns, and, with Him, they will fulfill the end of this redeeming Work. Therefore, bring the Kingdom of God into yourself; do it being consequential with it, living peace, love, unity and humility as premises.

Let, child, that the higher Laws act in your heart and, from you, reach the whole world. Let yourself be shaped, transformed, corrected. Prepare yourself and consolidate in yourself the Kingdom of God, a secure dwelling for the Redeemer.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph,

The One who prepares the return of Christ in the interior of the beings


While the enemy tries to strengthen the lust for material power and discord between nations and the different religions of the world, may those who are still lucid and firm in the aspiration of following the divine purpose strengthen their conviction that the only Power is the one that comes from God and that all religions that lead to the Father must be respected.

Children, understand that the spirit of this next mission to the Middle East, as also to Chaco, is the unity, the possibility of being united in love and respect to the different cultures and ways of revering God, who is the Only One.

If the souls walk to God under the spirit of love, fraternity and of unity with the neighbor, it does not matter how you go through this path, because – when the time comes – God Himself will unite all paths opened by Him throughout the human existence to merge them into a single destiny, which is love and unity with Him.

The most important thing is giving an example, to the world, of the possibility of love existing between different religions, cultures and nations. It does not matter if Christians are persecuted in the Middle East: the fact that the Christians of the West continue helping this people, with the intention of dissolving the hatred that expands in the hearts, it is a great act for God, which will balance many evils of the planet.

As the missionaries are going to the Middle East, may all the prayerful beings of the world accompany them with their hearts and unite themselves to this purpose to truly pray for the different religions, to strengthen themselves in their essences of union with the Only God, who is the God of Love and of Truth.

Children, do not allow that the enemy reach his goal of destructing, from the human heart, the Faith in your religions and the essence of all of them. May all the true religions, which are those that lead to God, keep their purity and their essence alive, so that they keep reconnecting souls to the Creator, as it is the purpose of the existence of each one of them. Also in Chaco, in Argentina, you must learn the religion of the heart, that which transcends institutions and is based only on the true meaning of the word, which is to reconnect yourself.

May, little by little, love and respect be planted in the human consciousness. This is the Will of God for this time. May, despite all differences, there be unity among the beings. May the different paths be ways of conducting different souls to only one purpose: love and unity with God.

If you learn to give your lives for your friends, to love and to forgive above all things, you will be living the Christic principles, even inside of other religions. It is this way that the consciousness reaches Christification, even though it only comes to understand the essence of its experience when it transcends the physical level of this world.

Christ is hidden in the essence of all the true religions because who lives in Love, lives in Christ.

I love you and bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Seek within yourself the true union there is with Christ and, through Him, with God. The Lord has already been before you many times; some of those times, you were able to feel Him, others not, but He left a seed of the tree of Christification within you, so that you may be in likeness to the Christ that was born in His Son.

Your soul suffers and feels lonely, for it has not recognized Divine Omnipresence yet and ignores the Presence of God and of His Son in everything and everyone. For you, Omnipresence is still a theory which you know but do not fully live.

Christ was not before you and then left; Christ illuminated you with the most intense ray of His Solar Light, and you were able to feel It, but His clarity illuminates all things, within and on the outside, all the time.

It is now time for you to recognize that you are united with Christ, united with God, because a part of the Project of God must be born from you, which will seek nothing less from humankind than the Christs of the New Time.

Contemplate the Lord in the Eucharist, as well as within yourself. Contemplate Him with the eyes of your heart, in an apparition or hidden in all things, and find Him.

May the peace and unity with Christ be a reality for the human heart.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who united with Christ and God for all eternity.



Walk with bare feet, symbolizing the detachment of results and the surrender of all the goals in your paths.

Unite to the Purpose of God and to His Rescue Plan and let the Creator be in charge of everything else.

Be a proclaimer of the Mercy of Christ in all of your acts, thoughts, words, feelings and aspirations.  Never lose sight the fount of Mercy and be merciful, as a good and true disciple of Your Lord.

Do not let the daily demands prevent you to serve the others.  Do not let your rush close your eyes to what you have beside you and not allow you to see the Kingdoms of Nature asking for your assistance.

Live with attention and watch your steps, seeking, in each second, where the Lord awaits you and what His need is that you will supply.

Allow yourself to be a servant of the God that inhabits in all beings and in all Kingdoms of Nature and do not proclaim His Presence only with words, but, above all, with the pure example of your actions.

Seek to understand the others and live under the Law of Love or, at least, try to live it every day.

The world is collapsing, with a humanity that does not know how to love, even though it has a unique opportunity, in the whole universe, of learning about love.  Be, yourself, the one that impels the step of this race.  Do not wait for the transformation of others, but only remember yourself, every day, that the transformation of those who are around you comes from you.

Be what you seek in others and, before asking anything from your neighbor, ask it first of yourself and deliver to others a loving and silent example of life.

Unite every day to those who are true from the heart.  Pray for this world and transform yourself also for it, because the Project of God needs to fulfill itself in you and in the whole planet. Today I ask that you unite to all Christians that, sincere in their hearts, aspire to find peace.

Pray and fast as you can on the day of tomorrow, answering to the Call of God.

Be true in your prayers and seek to pray not with emotions, but with the spirit and with the heart.  Feel, in the depth of your being, the Sorrow of God for all that happens in the world and let yourselves be impelled to a true transformation.

Peace expands itself in the planet by means of the peaceful hearts that can live it.

May all hearts of the world be united to proclaim peace.

Saint Joseph, Peacemaker and Humble Servant of the Most High God


Just as the rain, that touches the Earth and makes the fruit grow in arid deserts, so do My Graces, which touch your hearts in order to convert them into the perfect model that God planned for since the beginning.

Children, I know that which must still die and be transcended within you, so that someday the true apostle of redemption may manifest.

Dear children, we are in a time of spiritual battle, and many of My children do not want to realize it; for this I come to ask you for prayer, so that you can realize how distracted the world is and how it affirms, before the Universe, that it is doing everything fine.

I come to demystify what you believe about your lives so that you may recognize the Will of the Celestial Father and so that your own will may die.  Thus, children, you will be worthy of understanding all things.

Now the Universe allows certain events so that all may learn and not repeat the same mistakes again.

Children, I am consistent with you and I will touch you with My Grace, as many times as necessary, because My true purpose is to convert you into that which you are not yet.  Be patient and love transformation, thus, it will be less dificult for those who are willing to know themselves; when this happens, you will be able to be conscious that your very little problems in life are light compared to the great sin of humanity.

Seek fidelity through Christ; do not despair over that which you experience; there are greater planetary problems that encompass regions, peoples and, above all, a project of spiritual evolution.

Purge that which is old, empty yourselves all the time and thus, you will be the new wineskins that will be filled with the Precious Blood of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who purifies, heals and elevates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In order for you to work with maturity and consecration to the Plan of God, I give you the Seven Precious Stones of Salvation:


- To not be ungrateful towards the universe or towards your neighbor

- To believe that everything is possible through Mercy

- To not destroy the Divine Plan by means of false actions

- To be reverent towards others

 - To love the Divine Plan more than your own comfort

- To accept the help that comes from the Heights

- To forgive yourself in order to be forgiven.


With these seven little stones you will be able to truly live the Five Unions with the Celestial Father through:

- Repairing communion

- Healing confession

- Formative instruction

- Renewing reconciliation

- Redeeming conversion.


Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


    Dear children,

    My work is to manage that someday your lives convert themselves and be like the blessed fruit that was born from My most pure womb, that they be like Jesus.

    After living the time of your purification, your Heavenly Mother will take you to the Blessed Kingdom of Her womb so that your souls, already free of every stain, merge themselves in the essence of the Love of God.

    For this cause, My children, your Heavenly Mother comes to the world to liberate it rescue it and open your eyes again for them to see the Mercy of God.

    Your tireless effort to live purity and chastity is contemplated by the Grace of your Most Holy Mother and I always take into consideration that you are offering it for all those of My children who are lost and surrounded by the illusion of a materialistic life.

    This is the profane and wrong code that your Heavenly Mother, through Her prayer and Mercy, comes to redeem and rehabilitate.

    Dear children, this time is marked by a cycle of intense purification; blessed are those that always pray with Me because My Pure and Immaculate Heart will make you live the times of readjustments in a harmonious way.

    Wish deeply and with your heart to be able to reach the cure of all the aspects of the superfluous, not redeemed life, the one which in these times has lost the true connection with God the Father.  I, as your Mother who loves you, come to demonstrate to the hearts that life belongs to the sublime work of the spirit.  I come to lead you to the reencounter with a model of life like the one of My Beloved Son.

    May the Lord guard you and may you always have the internal strength to overcome yourselves and give testimony of your sacred redemption.

    I thank your for answering to My call!

    Who blesses you,

    Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


    The forgiveness of the heart will take you back to the origin of My Divine Mercy.

    For this today I ask you: return to the inner forgiveness because it will give you the opportunity of merging yourselves with the wise love of My Heart.  Trace now the path towards forgiveness because in this trail you shall discover the keys to the conversion and the redemption of matter.   

    May the good brethren of the path be united and be never separated from the source of My Love, that which unites you totally.  I want that you be able to recognize the truth in this time, it will reveal to you the path towards the encounter with God.

    Live now and always in the flame of the spirit of faith.  In this way you will be able to cross the dark thresholds that may separate you from My Heart.  I Am the Fire that never goes out, that illuminates the path for your essences and lives.  Whoever is with Me will be able to follow the trail that I indicate for this cycle.

    Live in the unwavering faith of the heart.

    Under the Light of God, be blessed.

    Thank you for listening to My Words with the heart!

    Christ Jesus


    Open your eyes to see the Sun that now is born in your little lives, for the one who is able to see and feel that Sun of the new time will be healed by the Divine Light that comes and redeems through its rays of profound Mercy.

    My dear children, these are no longer times of suffering for those who have found the Divine Mercy of My Son Jesus. These are no longer times of lamentation for those who in their spirits celebrate so many years of Graces received.

    On this day, I come to deepen in your hearts, souls and essences, the contact with Me, so that you may feel this union within your consciousnesses, as you did not feel before. In this way, I will dispel all doubts and all the pain of those who were unable to draw  closer  to My Heart. The only thing I need is for you to truly open up.

    At this moment, in which My Presence once again withdraws from the world, I want to leave engraved in your hearts that the Light of My Sun is eternal and will never go out. Thus, do not rest and do not give up if for some reason you should experience times of tribulation.

    In the face of difficulties in your life, seek that healing Sun that I allowed to be born in your essences, so that it may light up your paths and, further, light up the paths of those who are lost in the darkness of their own ignorance.

    With profound joy in My Divine Heart, I approach My beloved children, and within your essences, I find the divine codes that so long ago I placed there, so that in current times and in the future, you could accomplish the Mission of Love that God entrusted to you.

    My beloveds, when My Presence is no longer in your hearts in such a resounding way as it is today and in the end times, know that it is because you will already be prepared to experience the trials of life on your own  and, before God, bring to light all the teachings you received.

    As a good Mother, I have been shaping My little children, externally and internally, and even though you may not  perceive it today, when the moment comes to act, you will see the necessary tools emerge from within and what I say today will come to your memory. 

    Through daily and merciful prayer you will mature, in your consciousness, the luminous results of My Presence in your lives. If you are persistent, besides the external impulses you receive, and making use of every inner impulse you received, you will be able to see built in the spirit the strength you need to cross the threshold of life between the old and the new human.

    Always count on the presence of the Holy Spirit, which will always invisibly aid you. In the Universe, the Holy Spirit represents the permanent Mercy of God and His eternal Grace for all His creatures. It is through the Holy Spirit that the Lord acts permanently in His children, and irrespective of all actions taken, one who repents in their heart and opens in spirit, will receive the Grace of the awakening and the redeemed return to their Celestial Origin.

    Today I tell you, My beloveds, that these are times to lift up the eyes to the Sun that is being born and rises over the horizon, and hold this divine lighthouse as the only goal in your lives. Walk steadfastly toward that Sun of Eternal Grace, and do not look to the sides nor behind, nor to yourself. With your gauze firmly fixed on the Living Christ, contemplate His Return, His new birth in life on Earth.

    I eternally thank you for being united at this time to My Heart and aiding in My Plan of Salvation for souls.

    I love you.

    Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


    And the awaited day will come when My followers in the whole world will unite as one around My Heart, and religion will be one, because all will be merged in the Great Spirit of My Lord, and in this way you will recognize His only and true face.

    For this, day and night I call My apostles to share the missions that in this time you must accomplish, the mission of love through the heart that trusts.

    In this time, My Sacerdotal Spirit intends to unite in the same Christic fire all those who follow My steps; it will be necessary that all the servers are one, so that the world can support the moment of its great, awaited universal judgment.

    Now, that you are in time to mature and to obey as good disciples, never lose union with Me, no matter how large a task or material action that there may be; if you lose union, you will be subtly cutting off the links of love that unite you to My Heart.

    Seek, work and act for a life of holiness before the safe of the world, that guards the great sins, may be opened by the ideas of the enemy. Be brave and walk by means of My Mercy; that your eyes may seek only the sacred glance of My Heart.

    That nothing may distract you, cultivate an ardent attention so that you may be in an operative tension. The time of the clock sets the hour of revealing the secrets of the universe.

    Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

    Thank you for listening with attention to the words of My Heart!

    Christ Jesus


    Blessed be those who pacify the souls in My Name by means of the Divine Mercy because at this time occurs the great miracle of love.

    For this go with Me to the encounter of the pilgrim and of the solitary because at this moment My Light will come to the aid of those most in need of My Spirit of Light. I ask you that in this journey My Apostles be the living testimonial of conversion and of redemption because, if it were like this, the path to be travelled would be open and those who that need Me would listen to the love from your words.

    In this time the flocks will be regrouped so that they may be conducted towards the stable of the single and true Shepherd. But now it is necessary to go and seek the sheep that are forgotten or that are hurt by the old incomprehensions of life. It is time to unite and not to separate.

    It is time, for those who claim to be with Me, to recuperate the most injured sheep or those that are most separated from My Path, because, in the end My Divine Mercy is for all without preferences and without partiality.

    My Pure Love defeats error. My Pure Love opens new doors and new opportunities for those who in trust are surrendered to Me every day. It has come the time to reunite those who are lost as souls and those who must, before the new cycle, be in My Sacred Redeeming Heart.

    Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

    Thank you for being in My Eternal Heart!

    Christ Jesus


    My dears,

    Today I want to confirm to your hearts that My Mantle must be a single mantle of light that covers all of humanity. I want each corner of this Mantle to be sustained by the hands of My children, those who have given themselves to My Heart, independent of religion, belief, or race.

    My Heart contemplates hearts, souls, and spirits, and there, where My gaze can reach, there is no difference between My children.

    My dears, My Word arrives in this time in many places of the world and, in all of them, My Message is the same, a message of peace, of union between peoples and nations, races and religions.

    Humanity itself created its own separation, so that each one, in their own way, could find God, and now My Heart comes to unite all of My children under My Mantle of Light.

    As the Mother of all humanity, I come to ask you to pray for one another, so that all of My children may know My Heart and thus reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Let there be no competition, envy, nor any distinction between My little ones, because today I tell you that all the creatures that your eyes can see and your hearts can feel must equally enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

    All of My children must walk together to achieve the Grace of being by My side. And it does not matter to the Heart of God who will arrive first at His Kingdom, nor does it matter to Him the number of merits generated to reach Paradise. 

    My Heart descends to Earth bringing the boat of salvation for souls and for all Kingdoms, and this boat will only return to the Kingdom of God when the last of My children has entered it.

    Today My Heart invites you to awaken to love and fraternity; it invites you to see the hearts of the world through My eyes and, when you see any creature before yourselves, aspire with the heart that it may find Me, that it may walk towards the Heart of God, through the Heart of Christ.

    If each time that you see a brother or a sister you silently send them an impulse of love and hope, so that they may one day find the Kingdom of Heaven, the impulse will reach these hearts and will open the door for the Love of God to enter these souls. In this way, you will be intercessors of souls before God, working for all of His children.

    If you never forget that all creatures, absolutely all of them, must reach the Kingdom of Heaven, little by little competition will be erased from your hearts and celestial fraternity will be drawn with a pencil of light.

    Place your hearts in this simple lesson of peace and allow love to accompany your thoughts and let the heart be the guide of your lives.

    Always pray for one another.

    I thank you for praying with Me and for receiving Me today.

    Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


    In the face of the circumstances and tests of life I beg and I implore My Followers to not lose My Peace, My Light and My Mercy for anything because we are near the times of changes and of purification for the consciousnesses.

    For this you must be with Me present all the time. Now it is not enough only to pray to My Heart at some hour of your lives but you must remain all the time in My Heart of Light.

    The currents will come to encounter humanity and My most available and least fearful Disciples will be the ones who will give testimony of My Presence and of My Upcoming Return. In this way I train, by means of merciful prayer, the soldier apostles of the Redeemer Christ so that surrendered to My Divine Fire and donated to My Law of Love, they may reach the most suffering corners of the Earth where is needed a true word and the action of love and of peace.

    In this way I will raise My Promised Church so that through My Spirit all of My Followers of peace may unite themselves in the mission of the Great Fraternity.

    Dears, raise the flags so that those who constantly shipwreck in the ocean of loneliness and of despair may enter into My Ocean of unfathomable Mercy and Piety.

    I return to overthrow with My Light the idols that have created sinuous paths for the souls. I come in Glory and Justice to liberate the doors of hell so that those who still do not see My Precious Light may be fed by the love of My Creator Father.

    I unite you and I do not want that you separate yourselves. I love you and I ask you that you truly love each other because the time will come to confirm the fruit of the talents that I have left for humanity.

    Believe in the power of My Infinite Mercy for these times. Believe in the strength of My Redeemer Love. I love you and I bless you always.

    Under the love of the Father, be blessed.

    Thank you for meditating on My Words with the heart!

    Christ Jesus.


    Who are we?

    Association Mary
    Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

