My children,

Every 19th day, My Chaste Spouse opens a universal and celestial door so that lost souls may find again the way back to God, the Creator.

So that this Grace may be granted in the heart of the simple and good server; so that each one of you may be, every 19th of the month, a bridge toward the Universe of God; your Beloved Saint Joseph needs you to love to seek the essence of a humbleness of heart, so that from your minds the codes of self-destruction and illegitimate power against My Beloved Son may be banished.

Every 19th of each month, through your prayers, the altars of Saint Joseph receive lilies of light, souls redeemed and converted through the loving action of your sacred offering.

Each lily of light which is placed at the foot of the altar of the Patriarch Saint Joseph is then offered as a symbol of restoration and of peace between humanity and God; in this way, the Plan manifests again month by month in the life of each soul.

Dear children, all these redeemed souls merge into the Great Heart of God and a new Purpose descends over a world which would already be on the edge of a universal collapse.

Children, do not waste time with your inner realities; be consistent with the Grace of the Humility that Saint Joseph pours out every month. In this way, you will drink of the Source of the Humility of Saint Joseph, and as a result, your lives will achieve a good redemption.

Every 19th day, My Immaculate Heart is the most pure and most chaste portal so that millions of essences of this world may achieve the Parentage of God and a Filiation with God through the Chaste Heart.

Each novena made to the Saint of Humility and the Poor Laborer of God is received in the Kingdom of the Heavens as an opportunity to transform your lives.

Do not deceive yourselves, My children; take the Hand of simplicity and chastity that My Holy Husband reaches out to you, with the hope that one day you may reach the path of renunciation and humility.

Thus, be pure of heart, and you will not miss the infinite Grace of continuing to be instructed by Saint Joseph. He is your Father and Guardian. He is the One Who after My Assumption, from the universe, assumed your conversion to God.

Seek that which is most simple in you and give it to the Chaste Instructor of Love; in this way, you will be able to know all the humble things that allowed the glorification of the Sacred Hearts.

Today, your Heavenly Mother is here to console you and hopes you will now be able to grow into the maturity of a simple evolutionary life, yet full of the humility that will make you similar to My Beloved Son.

Greetings to all the missionaries of peace and I hope this same group of souls has the Grace of continuing to respond to the designs of the Celestial Messengers; for Our eternal aspiration is your humble sanctity, a sanctity that will awaken to the New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who carries you into the arms of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I Am the Virgin of the Immaculate and Pierced Heart, and in this way I come to the world on this day so that humanity may be alleviated from its sufferings by means of the sorrowa that I felt in My chest, and which I feel still up to the present days.

Children of Mine, I give to the world today My Immaculate and Pierced Heart as a divine offer  in order that other souls may help Me in alleviating the sorrow of this world.

I want to offer to My children the sacrifice; the donation of oneself; the permanent service to humanity, to the Kingdoms of Nature, and to the whole planet.

I come to give to you My Heart, pierced by the sword of human sins and of the indifference of humanity in face of the sacrifice of My Son.

The times are accelerated in this world, and the consciounesses are indifferent to all the warnings of the Divine Messengers.  The gravest faults have become the common living of human beings, and the afflictions that many souls suffer no longer touch the hearts of those that might be able to balance these sorrows and torments by means of prayer.

My beloveds, the search for comfort and for one's own well-being has taken over the hearts of those beings who no longer give importance to all that happens in this world.

My Heart continues to be pierced as a unique offer that I am able to realize for the Creator, suffering in it all of the sorrows of My children and alleviating them through My Love.  But this, My beloveds, is not sufficient.  To balance the evil that is spread across this planet it is necessary that at least a few souls of the world awaken to the reality in which they live, and submit themselves to a path of sanctity by means of prayer, of service, and of total surrenderi of oneself to God.

It is no longer enough that you dedicate to Me a little prayer before sleep, or that you make prayers each day, if in the actions of your lives you destroy all that I have attempted to build in the few minutes of prayer.

My eyes are fixed on this world, attentive to the prayers of each one of My children, no matter how small it may be.  However, even those of My children that may pray the most, if they will not live the prayer in their actions, in their thoughts, and in their feelings, of little use it will be that they pray, if the drop of Love that I am able to deposit in your essence is spilled in the first opportunity, that is lost, of manifesting love.

My beloveds, I want to teach you to change the values of this life, to change the goal to which you walk. Your goal shall not be in this world.  Do not battle anymore simply for a comfortable material life, and do not gauge your effort to establish a time of peace, of reconciliation, of forgiveness, and of redemption.  This is what the world needs, and for this you are here in this time.

Do not let yourselves be deceived, because while you are distracted with illusions and mundane pleasures, the souls do not stop from entering the hells and purgatories of this world, which already are so full of lost consciousnesses as a result of the consequences of their choices.

My beloveds, pray!  Pray much! Clamor!  And be merciful in your lives.

Awaken!  Review your goals and your aspirations.

Accept in you lives My Immaculate and Pierced Heart, and assist Me in alleviating the sorrow of this world.

I love you, and I wait for you day and night in prayer and in surrender.

Mary, Virgin of the Immaculate and Pierced Heart

Monthly Message of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Thank you, My child, for fasting; in this way, weaknesses and temptations fade away from the depths of the consciousness.

Dare to give Me that which you can truly give Me; because it is only through you that I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world.

I Am the Sun of the starry night. I Am the Star that brings rejoicing and serenity for whomever seeks them. I Am the Path that opens to find the peace of the heart in this time.

Unite with My precepts and you will know My will, which I wish to concretize in your life.

Today, I bring you to the Portal of Peace so you may enter into My Kingdom and find the Peace that is not in you. Thus, join the universe of wonders and allow Me, through My Love, to bless you.

With this water with which today I bless everybody, I decree by this element the Purifying and Eternal Love of God, so the particles of the enemy may be dispelled and hearts find healing.

Over the water I pour the codes of Redemption and the Glory of My Son Jesus, so that those who have been sad and lonely may be able to again find unity with the Celestial Father.

Today I come so that, through this water, your debts be washed away and the Love of Christ the Redeemer enter into you.

With this same water, I will wash away your offenses, imperfections and fears; through it, I will leave the sign of Baptism and Renewal, by means of the Powerful Essence of the Holy Spirit.

Like the water with which Jesus was baptized, today I baptize you for the redemption of all, so that you may feel My caresses of Motherliness and of Peace.

Let the healing of the spirit be the goal for all; in this way, the doors of Paradise will be open for those who simply said 'yes' to Me from the start.

Over this water, I leave the universal Love of the Cosmos, the visible sign of purification and holiness for the newly redeemed.

Receive this water as the symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father, so this Sacrament of Spiritual Baptism allows you to commune with the Gifts of God and His Adorable Son.

As your Mother, over this water I pour the spirit of liberation and of transfiguration, so that good spirits may rise up and find the peace of the heart.

I redeem you. I purify you. I absolve you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

As Mary transmitted this Message, She was consecrating this water.

So, let's receive this blessing with great love and much gratitude; in this way, as She said, we will feel ourselves washed by this water of life.

After Mother Zorobable does this blessing, there will be two brothers at the exit who will be breaking this bread with their hands, so those who feel like it, are able to commune and carry the Body of Christ in their hearts.

While the Mother does the blessing, let's sing.

Monthly Messages

The flowers of light that are born in My Sacred Garden are diverse, but all together emanate the same aroma of prayer.  My celestial rays water the flowers of the garden every day so that they, on their own, may reach the expression of their inner beauty.

In My Garden the roses are a beautiful present for the Altars of God, each one of them has its time to be harvested and after be taken in My basket of gold to the Thrones of God.

These precious and diverse flowers from Heaven are the sublime expression of the souls that pray every day with Me and that, as in the earthly life are transformed step by step.

Today I wish that you be new flowers in My Sacred Garden, that you may beautify life upon the Earth through your love and your prayer; it will help that most of the flowers that die on Earth may blossom again as seeds in the stable of Your Lord, Jesus.

Dear children, in this way is expressed My Mystical Rose.  My Light profoundly springs from the Immaculate Heart in order to transform and convert in love the souls that have fallen.

Think, dear children, about the possibility that you may spiritually materialize this aspiration of Mine, that you may be beautiful flowers at the feet of the Creator; in this way your lives may be guided by new laws and that which to you seems not transformable, the Holy Spirit of God will transform.

Beloved children, encourage yourselves to live in the new; seek in your sincere prayer the Divine Life, that is the Life of Heaven, the path of holiness and of service.  Be holy in life, proclaim the greatness of God in all things; in this way you will help that all be renewed and many of your brothers and sisters may find hope again.

Beloved children, the Lord of the Universe observes you and accompanies you every day of your lives; only seek the one and true union with the Eternal Father. He waits for His servants to give Him the fruits collected from the great harvest of the end of the times.

I am still here among your hearts, because there is still much that heals and that scars; it is time to place your beings under the healing rays of Christ, so that My Son may exorcise and transform you in precious seeds of light, ready to be sown as groups of prayer upon the surface of the Earth.

After so many precious instructions that the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph have poured, today I announce to you that this will be the last message that I will give to you for the Prayer Vigils.  Now I need for you to meditate, in the beginning of each new vigil, about the Daily Messages that I have given to the world; in them are deposited important keys for the conversion of the world and to be able to establish peace.

The Daily Messages, beginning in the next Prayer Vigil, will be those that will open your hearts month after month and will be the ones that will prepare your inner beings for the exercise of prayer for peace in the nations.

This does not mean, dear children, that I Am withdrawing Myself; God needs that you wake up to the reality that all have lived with Me since the last trip to Medjugorje in the year of 2011.

Dear children, I leave you My Eternal Peace, I love you and I bless you always!

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira


The protection of My Heart will always be upon My servers and I will not let anything that is not My Light touch them because I want for all of My Ones, holiness.  In this way they will achieve eternal life.

Let Me today occupy Myself with your difficulties, surrender to Me that which you are.  In this way I will be able to realize My Projects upon the Earth.  Find Me in the silence of the heart, in the union of the soul with My Spirit.   Remain in peace because if you are in Me, I will be always with you.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for invoking the protection of My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Even though all in this time may seem darker than the night, concentrate your gaze and your feeling in the light of My Heart.  It will be for your life the imperishable and inextinguishable flame before the contrary winds.

Recover the strengths, My server, in the Source of My Mercy and let that I guide forever the steps that you must take in your life.  Do not allow the difficulties to frighten your heart, but offer to God in sacrifice all the tests that the universe may send to you, so that soon you may be a mature spirit in service to the Divine Hierarchy.

Let every situation pass before you.  Remain immovable and impenetrable in face of the circumstances that generate disharmony and conflict.  Be a peacemaker without frontiers and unite in each space and moment the hearts that are separated.

Find in My Path the perpetual apostolate and confirm your life before the Throne of the Great Lord.  Seek the science of peace and nourish you inner through the celestial gifts of love and unity.  Find Me in the profound silence of the heart.  May nothing within your possibilities change your mind.   Allow yourself, My friend, that the Fire burn what is already old.

Be truthful before all.  Be a good disciple before the indifferences.  Be the bridge that may unite what is separated between humanity and God.  Be what in truth you must be, a saint of the new time, a humble imitator of the path of charity and of good.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart!

Christ Jesus


Soul of Mine!

Direct your steps of light towards My Heart and I will give you the tunic of humility so that you can wear it.  And with your hands you will donate life for the others, so that they may be able to feel the plenitude of your holiness.

See in every place an answer, a sign that will come for the transformation of the heart.  Conduct yourself through My Words, in this way your path that is full of stones will be converted into a garden of flowers and of subtle aromas.

O soul of Mine!  That belongs since the beginning to My Kingship, surrender your tiredness in My Arms and marry your Faithful and loving Husband.  Seek the ardent Fire of My Heart because only in Me will you find the answers for your doubts, the true food for your spirit, the eternal peace for your most little heart.

Gentle soul of God!  Allow the Worker to build His House of Love in your being because in this way will emerge the Temple of Light, that which will radiate its inner presence for all.  Consecrate your life to My Path.  Live Me all of the days as the only and supreme passion of your life and let that My Blood be poured over your body so that it may again be as pure as it was in the day of your birth.

Receive in the silence the Light of My codes.  Give Me the thanks for having called at the door of your life.  Stay in Me forever, I have greater treasures than those that exist upon the Earth.  I offer you My Eternity.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for pouring your lives in My Heart of Peace!

Christ Jesus, the Faithful Husband


And the awaited day will come when My followers in the whole world will unite as one around My Heart, and religion will be one, because all will be merged in the Great Spirit of My Lord, and in this way you will recognize His only and true face.

For this, day and night I call My apostles to share the missions that in this time you must accomplish, the mission of love through the heart that trusts.

In this time, My Sacerdotal Spirit intends to unite in the same Christic fire all those who follow My steps; it will be necessary that all the servers are one, so that the world can support the moment of its great, awaited universal judgment.

Now, that you are in time to mature and to obey as good disciples, never lose union with Me, no matter how large a task or material action that there may be; if you lose union, you will be subtly cutting off the links of love that unite you to My Heart.

Seek, work and act for a life of holiness before the safe of the world, that guards the great sins, may be opened by the ideas of the enemy. Be brave and walk by means of My Mercy; that your eyes may seek only the sacred glance of My Heart.

That nothing may distract you, cultivate an ardent attention so that you may be in an operative tension. The time of the clock sets the hour of revealing the secrets of the universe.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening with attention to the words of My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Listen with your heart to the story that I will tell you, let that My words flow like pure water in the river of your mind and may the mysteries of My life run within this water with the same harmony. Trust in the commitment that your heart has with Me because the world knows very little about this story, and it will continue to know very little until it enters into the Kingdom of Heavens.

I was born from a gestation of infinite purity, prepared by the angels, as if they were creating a flower, but it was My soul that was growing in the maternal womb of My holy mother. I say holy to you because upon her the Holy Spirit descended through dreams. She was prepared by the angels to understand the maternity that she was going to live, of an uncommon child for those times.

My mother used to sing to My heart, praying and preparing her pregnancy with deep love. Love that God infused in her to inspire her creation that was going to be the seed of what was going to become Joseph, called the son of David.

I was born and I grew up accompanied by angels. My holy mother, adorned by the Holy Spirit, was the one who first taught Me to realize the initial works of charity. She taught Me that to the neighbor we would always offer the best and whoever acted in this way, giving to the neighbor the best that one had, would receive from God the best that He Himself had in the Kingdom of Heavens.

In this way, I began to understand the Laws of God that were very different from the laws of the Earth, and the more My child’s consciousness was submerged in this Kingdom, the more I saw Myself outside of all of the laws of the world, above all the laws of matter, those that tie humanity and make it a hostage of the energies of vices.

Gifted with a deep union with God, the Lord never allowed the laws from the Earth to act upon My youthful consciousness.

I learned about work and about solitude, silence, prayer and fasting, and within these daily habits, I grew. From a simple and poor family, life was reflecting itself in My soul, I grew up simple and poor from the things of the world.

Solitude taught Me humility because in solitude I used to deepen Myself into the mysteries of Faith, and in the science of the Kingdom of God, that which made Me understand, day by day, how small I was before the Greatness of the Most High God.

It is true that I made a vow of chastity when I was 12 years old. In truth, chastity and purity were infused in Me by the Divine Will, and these were natural virtues of My little being. When at the age of 12 I understood part of the Will of God for My little consciousness, I confirmed Myself in this Will and I offered the vow of perpetual chastity.

I did not only make this vow before God, but I also promised Him to be eternally of service in all things as long as I lived and into Eternity, I would be His faithful servant and worker,  eternally serving His Holiness and all His children, those most in need.

When I married Mary, I also found within Her the perfect charity of which we were examples as a family, and as individuals.

All works carried out by My hands were offered to the poor, those who were poorer than we were. And, as I had learned from God, when I gave to those in need, by Work and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, we would receive at our table all that we needed to survive.

Mary was also an example of spiritual charity. She would form in the Love for God all those who were in need, from the elderly to the youth. She was always surrounded by women from Nazareth and Jerusalem.

In My work as a carpenter, I carried out the trade always united to the Will of the Lord, and this allowed the craft made to be endowed with the Holy Spirit.  Many miracles happened within and outside of my knowledge, miracles over which I asked for perpetual silence regarding those that would receive them, and total attribution to the Divine Grace and to His Holy Will and Work.

In My carpentry, I trained the young and the children of Nazareth, among whom was the Child Jesus, who would teach Me more than what He learned.  With His presence, the miracles realized through the objects that were made began to grow.

Since our creations were made for people that were very poor, but who had much faith, it cost them nothing to believe in the Works of the Holy Spirit and, though deeply grateful to this quite mysterious family of Nazareth, seeing such great humility and purity, they did not hesitate in attributing these holy works to God. 

The life of Joseph was above all a life of silence, work and prayer. The Lord says that this is the archetype of consecrated life, a life that existed so many years ago and that, by many, may be considered outdated, but that came to reveal to the world the archetype of families upon Earth.

Joseph and Mary completed each other in virtue and in devotion, in Love of God and in caring for Jesus. Jesus learned in His childhood about the virtues of His parents and He excelled in all, growing up with them and teaching His most humble parents to live under the Law of God.

The Sacred Family was the complement of perfect holiness, the most pure Work of the Creator, seen in the smallest details and prepared not only in Joseph and in Mary, but in all previous fourteen generations of both parents of Jesus.

These generations were growing in holiness and purity to offer the two saints the most pure sanctity that could exist upon Earth and, from this perfect union, they would be able to birth, protected from the world and sheltered by the Holy Spirit, the favorite Son of God, His firstborn, Jesus Christ.


The writings that are found in The Mystical City of God are complemented by those that are in the Gospel.

All must be read and studied with the heart so that, through it, it shall be transmitted.

May first be born in your hearts this devotion that later will cross the world.

Your beloved Brother and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph



My friends,

Do not fear failing because of what you were in the past or for what you have now discovered about yourselves and that must die from now.

I am here on this day of Glory and Mercy because you have sincerely accepted to wash your faces and your feet in My Source of repairing and inexhaustible Love. For this, day by day, by means of the merciful prayer, I encourage you to go ahead in the search of the path of sanctity and of perfection of the soul so that all may be renewed in life.I know how you feel now and how much you need My Help. I have My Heart open so that in faith and in trust you may be able to enter in It without fear and without disturbances.  I will not judge you, I will only show to your hearts the time of the great step for your spirits.

Cultivate a spirit of hope because if you do it you will see being born in you My Joy and My Mercy. Remember that the world is suffering and purifying itself, it is time that My Soldiers abandon the swords from yesterday and to carry in their hearts and between their hands My Banner of Redemption.

My Paternal Spirit accompanies you today in the silence of prayer.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for transforming your lives through My Holy Heart of Love!

Christ Jesus, You Faithful Confessor.


Blessed are the meek and the silent of heart before any adversity, denial or judgment that they may receive because they will be called those transfigured by My Merciful Heart.

Whenever people make use of a judgment or of a word against My servers and it is unfair before the eyes of the Universe, try to have a malleable spirit so that it may only walk beneath the ray of My Love and of My Peace.

Remember all of the days all that My Being received during the Passion and the Death and, in spite of all, I never stopped loving the mistake of those who unfairly punished Me. The one who in these times may not be able to be in the humility of serving God will not be able to easily reach the Source of My Love that heals all and redeems all.

For this, when they tell you all the mistakes that you have made, guard in your hearts the lesson and the moment because behind the injustices that the world lives and that human beings live between themselves there is a safe door to the liberation of yourselves. Do not take each experience as something destructive. Consider all that happens as an opportunity of living in a spirit of humility and of emptiness of oneself.

And for those who judge without consciousness even when it is a brother or a sister that is at your side, only be for him or for her a bridge to peace, to compassion and to harmony. Relieve the burden that this sibling carries in the heart and do not judge because this moment will be for you to act in deep mercy.

All that you receive is proportional to what God expects that you achieve on this life upon the Earth, in this way you will perceive that it the time has come of leaving control of yourselves and of taking the step to the great transformation. When you feel that people hurt you, remember for an instant My wounded Face. In this way you take inner strength enough to get out of yourselves and to give the opportunity of redemption and of forgiveness to those who have been unfair with you.

Remember that each experience lived here on the Earth is a precious and possible treasure in Heaven.

Go ahead, go ahead! Surpassing yourselves without looking to what is already part of the past. Be good and be holy. My Heart blesses you always.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My messages from the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Special Message for the Apparition of the Most Holy Queen of the Holy Rosary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

I am the Blessed Virgin Mary, I am the one Who speaks to you, I am the one Who communicates with you, I am the one Who guides you, I am the one Who loves you, I am the one Who adores you, I am the one Who pacifies you and I am the one Who tempers your hearts.

Dear children, a year ago I was with you in Aurora, Uruguay, and today, after so many events, My Immaculate Heart is with all humanity.

My children, My call is special because My Heart asks you to reignite the flame of devotion in your hearts.

Dear children, it is time for you to awake from the dream, so that you may perceive that you are in a different time.

Now, the only thing the flocks of My Son need to do is to follow in the footsteps of the Lady Clothed with the Sun, because She has already launched towards the Earth the twelve stars of salvation for the world.

They who have eyes to see, let them see, they who have a humble heart to feel, let them feel. It is time to give one's own life to God, to entirely surrender oneself to the Plans of the Most High, and this begins from the feelings and projects in life.

Dear children, through the power of prayer you will perceive that you, like so many other children of Mine, are in the last spiritual ship that is conducted by the Morning Star, Star that for the second time, announces the coming of the Son of God.

Dear children, with your hearts open and your hands in prayer, you will support the greater step that the world must take. Thus, with love, watch over all that you have built with faith during this time, walk with confidence, and be renewed every day with the sublime life of prayer.

My children, the Mother of Heaven accompanies you, blesses you and prays for you. I pray so that the world may now perceive where it is. I pray to the Holy Spirit so that wisdom may awaken in the hearts of My children. I pray crying out to My Son for an opportunity. I pray for those who day after day are diverted from the path of redemption by the action of sin.

Dear children, you must pray with Me without commitments or delays, because prayer is the nourishment for your lives, prayer must give life to your spirits.

My children, who will give everything of themselves so that the world may be saved?

My call wants to reverberate within your hearts, but the call still gets lost in some of you.

Pray to God and love Him. He is greatly offended by human wills at this time. Alleviate the burdens that the world generates for Him, live God in love and truth.

Dear children, pray so that the Father may give you His loving Mercy. If you want the world to change, you must pray for peace, because peace must first occur in your hearts, so that afterwards there may be peace in the whole world. The time that humanity is going through will demand a greater sacrifice of your lives, so that thus the Plans of the Father may be accomplished.

I embrace each one of your hearts, but everything can change when you simply prepare the way for the new through prayer.

Be examples of holiness and faith, be humble and simple, for it will be necessary that many of My children convert to the One and Only God through the prayer of the heart and charity.

Beloved children, I only want you to be in My Peace longer and that from that point, you may live in peace so that others may also live it.

Children, your lives are already growing after all that has been granted to you by the Lady of Heaven during the last years.

Now, the new shepherds, the shepherds of prayer, the shepherds of faith, the shepherds of Mercy, the shepherds who are trained by the Church of My Son Jesus must reorder the life and path of souls.

Pray so that the shepherds of My Son may be guided by the Holy Spirit. Support them, for in their hands lies the path of many souls to Paradise.

Let us unite, in love and prayer, with the shepherds of Christ the Redeemer.

I thank you, dear children, for receiving Me with devotion on this blessed day of Grace!

I bless you, praised be Jesus!

Thank you for listening to My last call for this time.

Mary, Lady of the blessed and most holy Rosary of Peace



My dears:

Find today eternal rest in My Redeeming Heart because as Master and Father of souls I only seek that you may meet with My Father through Me.

For this My Love sustains your lives and, even in the great difficulties, you must love profoundly the Will of My Father in order to learn how to extirpate self-will.  Self-will is the path which the souls choose to wander in this time, for this they distance themselves from the true Wish of God to be able to realize their own projects of life.

God must be in all, all of the days, so that as part of His Creation you may be guided through the path of holiness. The Lord sends Me to return to fulfill the promise made during the ancient time and now your consciousness must prepare the Inner House so that I may enter.

My dears, if I form part of your life you will be able to know the love of God and His Great Will. On the contrary, those who do not accept for their lives the Son of God – how will be their next destiny?

Dears, I walk at your side for such a long time revealing to My Friends the next steps that their hearts must give. I Am observing the walking of your feet because I aspire that you follow me through the only path and the only truth that is being always in the Lord.

Under the Love of the Holy Spirit, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My designs in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Trust, My dear ones, because My Fount is that which renews life and gives it the eternity that is still unfathomable.

Today, I come to confide in you the mystery of My Love for you, for all souls, and this mystery is called the adoration of each human heart. I have been with you since before you ever even knew of me in life, because My Spirit of Love and Redemption sprouts directly from the wise heart of God, and He gave to all that which is most precious: His First Born Son.

For this, My companions, when you are with Me, you are with the Father, and if you are with the Father, you will be in the Fount of His Prodigiousness and Graces, those that He still intends to pour out upon the hearts that accept My saving message.

I return to prepare My flocks, but first I will come with My Blessed Mother, to bring you within Her arms to the Temple of My Sacred Heart, where My Consciousness may contemplate the love and effort of all souls that day by day intend to live in the Will of My Lord.

If you follow My Path in obedience, I will show to you the keys of sacrifice and sanctity, because My Father awaits new saints who, in humility and the emptiness of self, unite to My redeeming service for the world and for all souls. I am once again with your souls, to encourage them and to walk in My presence, because My Heart waits for you to adore Him, just as in the Eucharistic Body, so that My signs of salvation may be the guiding stars for souls. I will sustain those who join Me in love and in compassion.

In the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My precepts of love in your hearts!

Christ Jesus

As Mother of the Good Advice, today I tell you My children: be in My Peace, trust in My Peace, live in My Peace, so that this celestial and inner serenity that many of My children lack may come to all through the imperious strength of the prayer of the heart.

Today I am with you, tomorrow in the Celestial Kingdom of God the world must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, this is My divine mission for this time.

For this dear children, the offer on your part, by means of the exercise of prayer and of a life of sanctity, manifested in fraternity, in charity, in service and in love to the neighbor, all this will count for the merits of the salvation of the world, for the salvation of all the souls who are without God, even those who still believe they are in Him but whose lives take them away from the Heart of God.

So, beloved children, the most loving act of reparation for all faults comitted against the Universe of God is the prayer and the fraternal donation for others.

I want to tell you, My little children, that each step you give through prayer will be collaborating for peace in the world.

The Grace and the Love of God will be the strength for all the Marian missionaries who are on their way to the consecration of My Immaculate Heart.

Also, today I tell you, My little creatures, to not have fear for anything. I will be in your hearts when you allow it. Know that I am a Messenger of God who wants to let you know the infinite love of the Father in My Son Jesus.

Your hearts must be prepared for when the One Son of God returns to the meeting of all the hearts. Trust in His Merciful Love because each one of you may be in this immense and compassionate love of Jesus.

Let us pray for all the reasons that hearts need before God the Father.

Thank you for answering My call.


Come into My Peace and, in your faith, live in My Immaculate Heart. Drink from My crystalline Source of Love and Forgiveness. Abandon your heart in Me so that My steps may guide the new path. No longer let the time pass without being in prayer with Me because the beads of contemplation form part of the salvation of humanity.

Recognize that your heart is still growing and that life drinks from the source of learning and of the knowledge of God. My child, allow each soul to live the school that it has come to attend. Without experience your lives will not be able to witness the presence of My Son, because love is learned through the walk of each heart.

My Words are nourishment for your lives; they are the fire that illuminates you so that you may find the Source of Peace.

For this reason, little children, today I tell you: remain in My Peace! Walk through each learning experience united to My Heart, because It will guide you. Know that My eyes accompany each one of your steps so that in My Maternal Vigilance you may be able to take refuge under My Mantle of Protection.

Many of My children are still unprotected because their lives are without God.

Now, can your hearts see how close I am to each one of you?  I am a Simple Heart that wants to impregnate you as a prayer for the heart. I will only show you the true and the good so that

your hearts may be able to grow and walk.

Therefore, again I tell each one of your little hearts: enter into My Peace! Abandon yourselves on My lap so that I may be able to sustain you as I did with Jesus. Be always like children so you may be very close to God. Return to the path of sanctity through the absolute faith in My Son.

I illuminate you with My Heart and I will find you in prayer with Me.

Go ahead!

I love you in the silence of My Immaculate Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Dear children, I transmit this message to you in a special way, because it will help you to bring Peace, My True and Maternal Peace. It will also be an instruction for all.


My children,

May peace reign in your hearts today so that hope may become life and joy in all souls. Today I invite you to discover the five keys that will take you to the Heavens:

Constant charity

Forgetfulness of self

Spontaneous self-giving

Permanent humility

Compassionate love.

With these five keys you will be able to open the doors that will lead you towards the Greater Kingdom.

Remember, dear children that the growth of love in the heart is reached in patience and humility. Therefore, My dear ones, sustain this standard that I am giving you, My banner of peace so that, like the heart, it may radiate the absolute quietness that many souls need to be able to encounter with God.

If souls remained in quietude for a moment many events in the world would not happen and the Creative Universe would be closer to the life of all hearts. Open the doors with these five keys to travel the path of sanctity that all hearts can live.

In God, love towards others awakens. With God you will be walking through a secure place. To God the souls exist as His precious creatures.

I invite you to exercise the five keys that allow the conversion of the heart.

Thank you for responding to My call.

A celestial blessing for the world,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
