Dear children:
Each day that goes by is an inner opportunity to renew the vows of union and compromise for this new Nativity that is approaching, a moment in which the attention of humanity will be placed absolutely on something external and material and not on something internal and profound.
For this reason, to all those who are more conscious and are within the spiritual path, My children, will be responsible for supporting and sustaining all of the opposite that humanity will do during this month so that at least the Codes of the Divinity of Christ may be present in the majority of the souls on Earth, so that the consciousnesses feel and perceive that it is no longer necessary to submerge themselves in the superfluous life, but to go within the life of the spirit.
This is the time of the great definitions and of great steps.
I invite you, My children, to be builders of the new time for the emergence of a New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the Voice of the Creator is pronounced in the world through His Messengers, in its teachings, it brings sublime Truths that are hidden in Existence, in the sense of life, in the roots of Creation.
The Father speaks to you about these things in this time, because it is time to uplift your consciousness, as beings and as humanity, so that supported by the Truth, you may go through the last tests and moments in which you are immersed in the illusion of the Earth.
Rise up, not to be indifferent in the face of the atrocities of the world, but rather so that you can help the planet from another point of your consciousnesses, from where the aid you bring to the world comes from God and not from your poor and human heart.
In order for the experience of love on earth to be real, it must be experienced within the Divine Consciousness. Your hearts, children, must be in God and there be renewed in Love, because it is the Love of the Father in you that is renewed, and not just the human love.
Wisdom and Divine Knowledge, which the Creator causes to descend to the world at this time, are for your consciousnesses to expand, that you may understand the range of the Love of God, which is not shut up in the hearts of humankind, but moves and manifests in all life, even beyond this world, in all of Creation.
Let your consciousnesses expand, entering into the Divine Science, so that you may thus see life and all that exists as expressions of the Love of God. In this way, children, you will be able look at yourself and at your siblings and feel the Grace of God.
And when your eyes shed tears, it will be to share the pain of the Father for souls, it will be to, with them, wash the wounded Heart of God, and cleansing the Heart of God with the water that comes from your souls and expresses in your eyes, you will be generating merits for the salvation and redemption of those who are lost, of those who cause and suffer injustice, of those who are blind and blind their siblings.
Thus, find a new way of helping the world, and even in the solitude of your hearts, have everything in your life be for Love of Creation, of Life, of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children:
In this new month that begins, we will deepen into the Nativity of the Lord, an important moment for the vows with the inner Christ of each being to be renewed and the commitment to the Plan of Love to be strengthened.
Therefore, My children, I call on you to be attentive to this detail of your renewal, for even though, day to day, through the communion with My Son, you are also renewed, it is important for your souls to unite with the Sacred Nativity of the Lord so that your spirits may be blessed with the impulses of love that My own Son will be pouring out during these days in which the entire humanity places its attention in another place.
For this reason, when a soul, through the intercession of the Divine Son, offers itself to God and renews its vows, other possibilities present themselves for the planetary life and especially other opportunities are present for humanity in great need of real love.
In that inner renewal, in that confirmation that I invite you to experience during this next Nativity, you will allow the spiritual attributes that humanity needs for reconfiguring to be drawn to Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because those attributes will allow you to go through the end of times.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because from there will come the assistance that you may need.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God for grace will draw closer into your life.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because better times will come and everything will blossom again as it does in the Spring.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because His Mercy will always be active when you simply invoke It.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, from His Kingdom, will come the impulse for renewal and for transformation.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, from the Universe, doors will open so that souls may enter the Eternal Kingdom of God.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, in the next cycle, Christ will come and will transform hearts and lives so that all may begin again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Holiness is to stand before God and, in confession, to recognize without fear your own faults, weaknesses and imperfections, not hiding from yourself or from others the small or great miseries that bind you to this world and prevent you from reaching Heaven.
Holiness is to be aware of the Divine Presence and to live under His Gaze, to be ashamed, repenting and confessing in the weaknesses, and at the same time welcoming, revering and thanking the Gifts and Graces that come from the Father.
Holiness is to surpass, each day a little more, the layers of material illusion, to fix your eyes and heart on the Purpose and Divine Truth. Gradually, human forces, tendencies and conditions lose their place in the hearts of beings, and this space is filled by the freedom to love and serve God.
Holiness is to recognize that the path is long because the deviation was great but, above all, to trust in the miracle and the Mercy of Christ, without conditions or limiting the actions of the Lord in your own life. But, on the contrary, always letting Him have the possibility of turning the stones lost in the mud into crystalline and pure pearls, full of His Truth and Transparency.
Holiness is to know that you have never reached the necessary point and not stopping your own steps, nor the Grace of God in your lives, in the certainty that at some moment of evolution, Unity will come and, on that day, Creation will be recreated. And, allowing the Father to have renewed His love, He will reinvent Life in a new degree of Love.
See holiness as a horizon that calls you. This is a path and not a utopia.
Seek service, love and transparency, and, without realizing it, you will experience redemption and, more than that, you will return to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Healing and the forgiveness of the past – Part 1
In the beginning, when God created His creatures, He thought of leaving in them something that, being valuable for the Spiritual Universe, they should learn to find within themselves.
This Gift and, at the same time, this potential that God deposited in His children, would give an impulse to the great change throughout the times and would generate the renewal of Creation on the spiritual, mental and material levels.
Thus, His creatures were evolving and living universal and internal experiences, but after the great fall of the adversary, the errors and faults began to manifest themselves.
All these events that happened once in the Material Universe were the result of the lack of obedience to the Divine Will; this caused the school of duality to manifest itself.
From then on, many humanities underwent different learning experiences and tests, which in most cases, led them to the internal and spiritual decadence.
But all this was happening because the creatures, created in the image and likeness of the Most High, were forgetting to go within themselves to find love, which is the matrix that heals and forgives all.
Each being of this planet carries a spiritual history that is still unknown to them, which, however, their spirit holds with total consciousness, beyond the fact that the conscious world of the being does not know anything.
This cosmic history is registered within the Universe, which must still be healed by means of the school of love and forgiveness, that this planet offers.
This is the time of the great and true miracles that will allow souls to liberate themselves from the chain of errors and all consciousnesses to be rehabilitated by living the path of redemption.
It will be in such simple way that the history of the past will be healed by the Fount of the Love of God.
The time and moment has come for the Universe to be able to breathe and liberate itself from hundreds of stories and facts that have led creatures of God to the path of suffering.
It is in this way that the Spiritual Hierarchy comes to extend its hand and to sustain those consciousnesses that accept, in total trust and love, to forgive and heal the spiritual past that was once lived and experienced in other stars.
The Mirrors are preparing to put in evidence the history kept in many humanities in order to attract inner reconciliation and the much necessary relief after eras of events that led consciousnesses to separate from Love and from the Truth.
For this reason, children, the time will come of the end of an end, of the beginning of a new stage in the higher and spiritual life of souls.
The Spiritual Universe will open as a repairing and healing fount so as to be able to reach those regions of the Material Universe and dissolve all errors from universal memory so that all consciousnesses may no longer feel the weight of carrying an indelible past.
May, on the contrary, consciousnesses be able to believe again in the prodigies of love so that the life of souls may be different.
The Love of God will be this vital balm for the spiritual reconstruction of the Universe and for the emergence of a New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through My Presence, God brings you His Infinite Compassion, which, approaching the Earth, will try to rescue the souls of humanity from the abysses.
Divine Compassion is capable of forgiving what is most difficult, just as it is also capable of helping maintain an absolute balance during the times of rivalries.
It is for this reason that Divine Compassion leads to the awakening of pure neutrality.
In this time, Divine Compassion will try to place souls on the path that they once lost, for different reasons.
Divine Compassion will create an inner space, within the state of eternal light, where the soul will be placed in order to find relief for its errors and purifications.
Divine Compassion brings us hope and renewal, indispensable attributes for the healing of all humankind.
May Divine Compassion guard and protect everyone so that, being in it, all may drink from the Fount of God’s Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate, in the center of the Universe, in the heart of Creation, the Creator Father in His silence. Source of all sources, Light that generated all the Lights, silence from where all sounds are born. The Heart of the Father observes the Earth, waiting for the awakening of humanity, which in majority lives indifferent to God.
The Heart of the Father silences with Love, a Love that you do not know in this world but that you are called to live.
In order to find the Love of God you need to seek It beyond your human lives; you need to stop and look within for the bridge to the Heart of Life, which is God.
Know that His silence has more meaning than all words because, even if they were uttered altogether, they would not express what the Father is.
Know that the silence of God expresses something unique for each being. It is not enough that God speaks to your brothers; He aspires to utter His silence to each heart so that they feel Him, live Him and know the existence of God and His Love through their own experience with Him.
To live God transforms you, heals you and renews you in the true sense of your existence. Therefore, children, rather than seeking philosophies and sciences, above all, seek God. In the humility of prayer and in the truth of inner silence, you will find Him. And thus, Face to face, you will fulfil with His Will and you will receive from Him the Love that you must express on Earth.
Who inspires you to seek God,
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Open your spirit so that the Holy Chalice of the Lord may pour out upon you its codes of life, and so that everything may be transformed and redeemed.
Let the Holy Chalice radiate its spiritual power, inner and immaterial, so that its divine currents may descend into your life through your faith in the powerful Blood of Jesus.
Open yourself to know the mystery of this instrument of God; in this way, you will be reaching the spiritual reality of this powerful tool.
Open yourself so that, through this mystery, you may find the great key that will open all the doors in order for you to soon enter into the Sacred Kingdom of the Holy Chalice, where the angels venerate and honor the most precious Divine Codes, achieved by their Master and Lord.
Participate in this inner communion with the Holy Chalice and renew the commitment and the trust to continue forward, beyond everything, so that purity may break out in your soul like a sacred Sun and you may receive the spiritual blessing of the powerful divine energy.
Before the Holy Chalice of the Lord your life is renewed, again and again. Everything is restored in the depths of your consciousness so that you may reach an inner state of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I speak to the heart of the old human so that they may yield and become new, renewed in God by His deep Love.
I speak to the lapsed heart of a lost humanity, so that, knowing itself to have strayed, it may seek the path of return to the Heart of God and enter the path of its redemption.
I speak to the miserable, to the sinners, and to the indifferent, so that they may know that by recognizing their miseries, sins, and indifference, they may change and create reason for Mercy to descend upon the world and permeate not only their being, but all life.
I speak to those who consider themselves small and to those who consider themselves great, so that each one, yielding up their vanities, know that it is not by wanting to be small or great that they will reach God; it is by being nothing, disposing with greatness and smallness to the Father, knowing that everything only gains meaning in God.
I speak to the world by a higher Will, making My voice the echo of the Sovereign Voice of the Creator because He sends His Messengers to warn and guide humanity. Therefore, listen to the Messengers of God, as the Voice of God Himself speaks to you. In gratitude, revere the grace the Father grants you.
Know that if you are hearing these words, they are for each one of you; it is God Himself who called you by name to listen to His Voice.
I speak to you, My child, because this is the Divine Will. It is enough now that you follow these words, so that you understand what the Creator expects of your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Fourth Day
Today, remove from My Heart, the painful thorn of indifference that many of My followers left for Me, those who used to be with Me and who still think they are.
In truth, the indifference of these hearts has completely blinded them, to the point of challenging My Work and putting it to the test.
I had to carry the thorn of indifference of My old companions so that the Wrath of God would not knock at the door of each one of them.
For this reason, through your simple prayer, remove this uncomfortable and painful thorn from Me, of those who thought to win, but who have already spiritually failed.
My Silence reveals the deepest core of My Heart, because in this time I have decided to tell you the whole truth, however hard it may seem.
I have the duty of preparing for My second return in your hearts and I will need true hearts, rather than perfect hearts, because you will only find perfection in God.
When hearts are not true, they lie and are indifferent, and from that point on, these souls miss the opportunity of loving.
Also offer the Celestial Father your failures, your weaknesses, and your bitterness. Believe that, through the thorn of My Heart and by the offering of the Beloved Son, I will be able to again renew everything.
Have faith, My child, and with devotion and love, remove from My Heart the painful thorn of indifference; thus, you will help your Master so that the unending wellspring of Mercy may still remain open, healing and converting the hardened hearts.
Avoid any indifferent act, and seek to perceive where the indifference is, because it is as cunning as the serpent; it hides and emerges when least expected.
Overcome indifference by means of an unconditional service to others, thus, together with Me, you will also overcome, in the name of love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the Kingdoms of Nature, God finds His dwelling place.
In the Kingdoms of Nature, the Creator expresses His perfection.
In the Kingdoms of Nature are kept the mysteries of the Universe and the keys to enter the new life.
In the love for the Kingdoms of Nature lies the expression of the new man.
In the love for the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing for all physical and spiritual illnesses and weaknesses, because the secret of life is the mutual support amongst everything that was created.
If you want to live healing, serve and heal the Kingdoms of Nature. If you want to rise to God, help a tree to live its upliftment. If you want to learn how to live love, let yourselves be loved by the Animal Kingdom, and with them, learn how to express the love that exists within you, without fear or shame. If you want to be firm and faithful, learn with the offering of the minerals. If you want to be transparent and express likeness with God, contemplate, love and revere the oceans.
The Creator has granted you the grace to renew yourselves every day through the renovation that the Kingdoms of Nature constantly live.
Renew yourselves in love, contemplating the Kingdoms.
Overcome yourselves in love, serving the Kingdoms.
Be more love, living in communion with the Kingdoms and, thus, you can be called worthy children of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Raise your consciousness through the silence of prayer and the aspiration of discovering the spiritual science of life. Let your nature of divine creature be revealed through the humble aspiration of expressing what you really are, what you were born to be.
Life on Earth, up until today, child, only expresses a synthesis of lived experiences by each being throughout its evolution. Even though this planet was created to generate the renewal of life, nothing which is lived on it is new.
You were not created to express skills but, yes, virtues; spiritual and inner virtues that renew the Gifts of God when they are lived by the expression of love in the human heart.
Everything in life on Earth keeps in itself a sacred purpose and a divine and spiritual science that, when lived, transforms and raises the planet so that it reaches the Heart of God.
The Kingdoms of Nature, the elements, the composition of beings on Earth, the groups of family life, some forms of expression of human life, everything keeps in itself a sacred purpose. And human beings bear within the synthesis of that purpose, the key for its manifestation, the mystery for its expression.
Nature fulfills its part, up to where it is possible. The consciousness of the planet fulfills its part, up to where it is possible. Even God Himself fulfills His part, up to where it is possible for Him. But, in order for everything to be renewed, the human heart must awaken, raise itself and collaborate for the elevation and renewal of all life.
Human existence is an incomprehensible mystery for whom does not know the Love of God.
Meditate on what I tell you and when you are before a manifestation of life, be it an element of Nature, the Kingdoms, be it a fellow human, emanate love and gratitude and aspire that they express the best.
This is how evolution is built: being for the other the motor that leads it to love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Renew yourself every day in the fount of peace and of prayer that comes from God. Do not let your being miss the change of cycles due to being distracted and imprisoned by previous cycles. Life in this time has a dynamic and firm rhythm and to accompany it, it is necessary to be in prayer and in peace.
Prayer will make you vigilant so that you may act with wisdom when necessary.
Prayer will bring peace when the events of the world erase hope from the hearts of many beings who did not know God.
Prayer will renew your strength and your commitment to the Father when fear and indifference emerge from your human bones.
Prayer will bring you to God and will guide your path of return to the Heart of the Father, even when He seems far from you.
Prayer protects. Prayer shelters. Prayer unifies. Prayer transforms.
Pray, child, and never forget to pray.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To the singers of the heart
My dear children,
In this new stage of Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, may the gifts and talents of your beings awaken and be at the service of the Plan of God so that, through the powerful current of healing provided by music, it may reach more places in the world, places that need love, forgiveness, and redemption.
In this new cycle that begins for each one of you, and after all the enriching experience built through each presentation, may today, your consciousnesses, be able to testify how grandiose the manifestation of elevated music is, when offered to the Creator for the concretion of His Plan of Love.
The meeting of Music for Healing, which gathers groups of souls that are quite different from one another, must now keep deepening its offer, approaching to the stage, new souls that feel the impulse of donating their talents and integrating themselves into this spiritual construction that, month by month, is carried out in each new meeting.
For this reason, the meeting of music must undergo a scenographic, aesthetic and musical renovation so that, in this offering for the healing of humanity, the souls that live the gift of music may feel summoned to participate, in favor of the construction of peace and of the planetary healing.
All the stages, lived previously, demonstrated that it is possible to manifest the different streams of music, through all the impulses that Creation offers, as a means of being able to represent it in material life.
The music itself, the expression of the scenarios and each musical aspect worked, represents the possible means to be able to manifest the Universe of God in humanity.
In this sense, My children, the new cycle of Music for Healing and Upliftment of humanity will be open to the expression of this love for music that exists in each interpreter, who generates the conditions for awakening forgiveness and healing in humanity.
All those who have the gift of being able to express music, as a means of uplifting the consciousness, are invited to contact the organizing team of the meeting so that, monthly, Music for Healing may count on a new guest who will bring, with their musical experience, a stream of the universe of music.
And those who love to sing and express their voices, as an offering to God and to life, will also be welcome so that, month by month, Music for Healing may count on new voices that will express their gratitude to God through singing.
For this new cycle in which singers and musicians are invited to renew themselves, may all receive the spiritual impulse within their souls, knowing that through the new streams that will enter, to be presented in Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, you will have the mission of rescuing souls that are found in different groups of humanity, who must have the grace, someday, of being able to awaken and offer their lives to God, just as you have offered yours in an unconditional way.
On this gala night, may the Gift of God shine in each singer.
May each song uplift the planetary consciousness and may everything be transmuted.
Who accompanies you for this new cycle,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the Father revealed the Cross to His Son for the first time, Christ closed His eyes and let His Heart go beyond suffering, fear and pain; He lifted His gaze to the Universe, to His Origin, to the stars that floated in Heaven. Christ dove into the deep meaning of the Cross and contemplated the Heart of God living a revelation and a renewal of Love.
Christ contemplated the Universe and saw the doors that would open, one by one, from the Kingdom of the Father toward the hearts of men, creating a bond of unity among the dimensions.
Christ contemplated the errors made in the past during all the evolution of creatures that had been born from the Heart of God and that, throughout their development, deviated from the path.
Christ contemplated how the blood, that would spring out from His Wounds, would be poured out beyond the earth and reach the depths of the human condition, healing even the roots of unknown evils, unconscious to men.
Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and found His Divine Mother accompanying each one of His steps on Earth, as in the Infinite, renewing His human and inner strength and helping Him to renew Himself in Love and surrender.
Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and knew that he would endure it, throughout the centuries, imprinted in the spiritual wound that He would carry in His Heart until the day of His return to the world.
Christ recognized Himself as part of God and, placing His Eyes upon the Divine Essence of the Creator that dwelled within His Chest, He knew that it would be God Himself Who would live this offering of Love for His creatures.
Today, son, God offers a cross to the planet, as well as to each creature. Look at the situation of the nations and the chaos on Earth and find this cross there, but go beyond it and know that, far beyond suffering, surrender, inner confusion, there is Love that will arise from your heart if, like the Son of God, you overcome these appearances and speak your “yes” to the Heart of the Father: “yes” to the sacrifice lived for love, “yes” to forgiveness that overcomes all errors, “yes” to hope that transcends chaos and makes apparent defeats, a divine victory.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Divine Fire that descends at these times through the action of the Holy Spirit is a stronger and immutable fire.
This Fire corrects and transmutes the contrary currents, and is capable of giving impulse to the next phases of the Plan of manifestation.
This Fire removes all that is corrupt so that, through its ascension, consciousnesses may achieve a sense of the sacred.
This Fire is capable of consuming an entire form and all of a rigid structure.
For this reason, Divine Fire must be contacted in stages, so that consciousnesses can bear its ascending voltage.
This Fire also purifies and removes all that hinders the evolution of the being.
This Fire is capable of concretizing the light of manifestation within the field of action.
This Fire eliminates the impure and reveals what is pure.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Listen to the Heart of God, which beats in the silence of every human heart. In prayer, unite your spirit with the Spirit of the Father, and grow in virtue, in gratitude, and in love, because the world needs it.
The moment has come in which the planet has also entered into its agony, just like you, child, deep within yourself, can feel the agony that precedes a great surrender and the triumph and the renewal of the Love of God.
Listen inside of you to the Heart of God, because in this cycle that is beginning, only He will be able to guide you in your actions, thoughts, and feelings; only with your spirit united with His will you be able to discern in order to take sure steps and without fear.
Listen to the voice of God within you, unmistakable, impassive, transmitting stillness to your soul and strength to your heart.
The agony of the planet is beginning, and just as you were and are tested in the temptations of the world to persevere in your surrender to God, so also the nations and their people will be tested, and one by one, will be confirmed in their surrender to and union with the Father, so that they may be the cradle of a New Life.
You should pray and unite your heart with the heart of God, doing the greatest and grandest service, keeping the door of the human consciousness open to the Heart of the Father, so that humankind may not lose the link with their Creator.
Do not fear nor be sad, rather just maintain your heart in God. You know the Cross of the Lord and know that, after sacrifice, humiliation, and surrender comes the renewal of Love. Therefore, concentrate your heart on making your offer real, and may every second of your life in this world be for the renewal of the Love of God, be a brick that you place on Earth to build the New Life.
For this, you have my blessing.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Revere the mysteries of God, recognizing your ignorance and loving to enter into the Divine Wisdom.
Revere the God Who hides in the Eucharist and who is revealed in a profound dialogue of love when the heart opens and is capable of hearing Him.
Revere the mysteries of God, because His Will is beyond all human comprehension and logic. The Mind and the Will of God do not move like the mind and will of humankind. For this reason, believe that the Creator Father hides in the bread and the wine and places His Divine Consciousness in the sacred elements, chosen to hold the memory of the Passion of His Son so that, thus, beings may learn to re-experience this Passion and find it reflected today in all situations of life.
God does not diminish His greatness to be in the bread and in the wine. He reveals His Omnipresence and, in this way, invites beings to deepen into the knowledge of His Spirit, of His Divine Science.
Today, child, simply revere the Presence of God and let Him renew you and reveal to you the truth of your heart.
Today I come as the one who contemplates the Heart of God in the Eucharist, as in the Universe, to teach you that God is only one, present in the Cosmos as in the Eucharist, present in the Infinite as in the essence of each being.
Seek the path to find Him, create a communication with the Father, because only He will sustain you in the time that will come.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Breathe the Breath of the Spirit of God and allow Him to transform you within, placing inside of you the first thought that God emanated in thinking of you, to create you as a living part of His Heart.
The Creator is so mysterious, His Plan so unknown, and His Love so incomprehensible, that human errors or the distance which hearts are to be found from His Sacred Heart do not matter. God, child, only expects humanity to repent, to surrender at His Feet and cry out for Mercy because in this way His Love will triumph beyond the darkness, and evil will lose its influence over souls.
The Breath of God approaches all hearts to remove them from ignorance and awaken them to a boundless Forgiveness and a Mercy whose source is eternal and abundant.
Only the one who chooses to be in darkness will remain in it, because the Breath of the Spirit of God comes to ignite the flames of the hearts that went out for not having air, for not having life.
Therefore, today believe in the renewal that comes from God, in this Grace that emanates from His Spirit, because He has the power to clean every stain, to place you at the beginning point, to reveal His perfect Love to you, and to give you everything, even if in life you did not generate merit to receive anything.
Mystery among mysteries is the Love that God invites you to receive, to live, to multiply and to share with the world today.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more