Raise your heart up to Heaven while you are on this Earth, so that through prayer you can be close to God, and in spite of what you believe or not to be purifying, you know the time of surrender has come.
Sustain your life based on the expressions of the degrees of love, thus you will allow the true Christian principles to flourish in you.
Child, this life is a path full of challenges and of transcendences; when you just are able to take a step towards the Truth, your soul is liberated from the chains of pride and of the lie.
Go beyond the hard shell of indifference with the strength of love and the impetus of service; in this way, you will know that within you there is a universe which is still unknown to you.
Open the correct door with the correct key. May your spirit today be magnetized with a courage capable of helping you to transcend barriers and to overcome the tests of your own consciousness.
Start by taking the first step towards yielding, and the old human being who lives and acts through your mind and your actions will lose strength, since you will allow the Ray of Redemption to transform your being.
If you want to change the world, first begin with yourself; be generous, efficient, and give of yourself all the time, so that before you the love of the sincere heart gradually opens the doors on the paths of Christification.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Responsibility of doing Good
Do good in every moment and commit yourself to making it in each small detail, because in this way you will attract from the Universe the Current of the Brotherhood.
Do good just as Christ did, because even though He was denied, repudiated and crucified, until before He died for you on the Cross, Jesus did Good, and this Good that He emanated saved all humanity.
For this reason, child, may good impregnate your consciousness, your senses, your feelings and your thoughts.
Despite what may happen within or without you, do good and practice it with immense bliss, because with each act of good that you do for your fellow being, you will be entering in the School of Love and of Unity.
Remove from your deep entrails the roots of division and of permanent indifference.
Declare to yourself that you are part of the Current of Good and comply in this way with the divine Laws.
Each new step that you take, do it in the name of good, because in this way human evil, which has roots in the and in haughtiness, will be extirpated.
Dear child, follow the examples of the Redeemer, live good and do good at each moment. Banish from your consciousness every act of omission, because if you do so, you will see My Son reflected in the suffering of your brothers and sisters.
Help your Celestial Mother to rebuild this Earth in the Current of Good and thus the most terrible forms of evil will be dissolved.
Comply with, live and practice the Good of Christ, and be part of His Divine and Omnipotent Celestial Consciousness.
Do good with the aim of healing, within yourself, the lack of living a life of service to God.
Do good with the aim of banishing from human consciousness all form of acting pettily.
Fill your spirit and heart with the Greater Good, and confirm yourself at this time before the Celestial Father as a pacific, kind and merciful spirit and person.
Let the Current of Good of Christ move your structures, disarm your characters and establish the spirit of divine and unfathomable charity; in this way, you will be pious and considerate, selfless and helpful before every mission of love that shows on your paths.
But remember, My child, begin to live and to practice the Current of Good first in who you have around every day, thus you will allow any indifference or rejection to disappear from you.
You will allow the Fire of Good of Christ to purify your consciousness and to convert it into an unconditional consciousness.
Be encouraged to say “yes” to the Current of Good!
It is high time you assumed the responsibility of doing good in each detail just as to each brother and sister. It is time to detach yourself from competition, from judgments and from all criticism.
May your being be a being of good; in this way the planet and its sick humanity will be healed upon finding, in this long earthly trajectory, spirits, souls and apostles of good, beings that will sow the Earth with new Principles and values of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Science of Superior Love
Dear children,
I come from a dimension that you do not know, a Divine Universe where you have never been as material creatures, but only as a unique part of the Consciousness of the Father, before your lives manifested themselves. And it was there, in the origin of your existence, that you experienced and felt the Science of true Superior Love.
Today I speak to you about the Love that comes from the Heart of God, a Love that transcends all that has already been experienced by His creatures in this Universe and in all of the others.
With My Divine and Celestial Word, I come to make you feel that which is concealed, hidden within your hearts.
Today I bring in My Hands the seven keys that open the doors of your chests and in this way, places you before an unknown reality, even though it comes to something, children, that is within each one of you.
Today I want to teach you the Science of Superior Love, which in truth is the science of the return to the Heart of God; the path that you must begin to tread still in this life, so that, crossing the portals of Eternity, you find a safe space, where you will be able to continue your own redemption.
The Science of Superior Love begins to be lived when the being emits their “yes” to the Universe, recognizing their limited human condition and their great need of God.
It is there, children, where emerges in the interior the Principle of humility, which little by little breaks down the false fortress of arrogance, of haughtiness and of human pride.
Before recognizing oneself as small and poor, with sincerity of the heart, there is no way of giving place for this Superior Love to develop within you.
When the being recognizes themselves as miserable, they are capable of seeking the healing for their miseries in service, in forgiveness of their failures, and of the failures committed by their brothers and sisters. Because upon recognizing their imperfections and allowing to be born in their own interior the Principle of humility, no matter how small it is, the being can also comprehend the imperfection and the misery of others.
The more you serve and find within you the spirit of abnegation, the more you will live in the Science of Superior Love and you will let universal chemistry take place in your spirits and, above all, in your personalities, which so many times impede your walk to the return to the Origin.
Discover on this path the power of prayer, the selfless prayer, which seeks no other thing but the redemption of the world.
Let your anxieties for getting this or that convert into a possibility of union with the Divine Word, for the redemption of Life, for the forgiveness of human errors, which did not begin in this world.
Little by little, you will discover that the roots of your miseries cannot be found only in what you know about yourselves, but that they enter mysteries of human consciousness that seem unreachable for you.
But when you reach this moment, when it seems impossible for you to be healed, because it escapes your possibilities of comprehension, it is there, My children, that God will make you know something more about yourselves, something beyond your miseries and imperfections.
This is Superior Love, which is also beyond what you know of this world, and at the same time, has as dwelling the depth of your hearts. Place that is hidden from you today and which you do not know, even if you think you know how to love.
It is when the being gradually unravels their miseries and breaks down the barriers of their ignorance that the Science of Superior Love is revealed, because you become meek and humble, before the One who Is the Only One that can help you: God Most High.
The Creator will then strengthen you and encourage you to go beyond, to unite yourselves to His Spirit and to Universal Life.
And to find in the true meaning of the existence of the Earth your strength, not only to live your own purification and the purification of the planet, but also to give testimony in the Universe of the redemption of your spirits.
All that I tell you today, My children, is for you to raise from the abyss of ignorance and of resistance, and to open yourselves to the living of Superior Love.
In this way, I will lead you to the awakening of greater truths and you will discover that today I did not only speak to your souls and to your hearts, I spoke to your spirits, to your old Warriors and universal Commanders, to your essences and to this which you do not know and which comes from God, to awaken today the Science of Superior Love in your lives.
Encourage yourselves to comprehend what I tell you with your own experience. Take a step in trust and in faith, in service and in abnegation, in redemption and in the purification of your miseries and live the Science of Superior Love.
I bless you and guide you on this path and I thank you for coming to meet Me and for trusting that, from today on, your lives will never be the same.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Declaration of the Divine Love, continuation
Oh, beloved Chilean people, who has printed on your blue and red flag, the star that must be the symbol of a celestial motherland!
Oh, sacred mountains of the Andes, which keep in in their mineral heart the greatest treasures of the original history of this humanity!
Oh, My children from Chile, who reflect on your faces the legacy of the peoples of the past!
Lift your white flags of peace and that, upon the cry that the Universe will emit, your inner stars receive the sacred call of the redemption!
May the Vigilant of the Legacy wash their faces in the Fountain of My Grace, so that they may be healed of everything!
May the Guardians of the Treasures of the Universe receive the balm of My Peace to be able to be healed!
May the Commanders of other times be forgiven and receive the spiritual Absolution from the Son of God!
Children of this ancient sacred people! Peoples of the beginning and peoples of the end! Open your hearts to be liberated!
Throw from your hands the weapons of destruction! May each radiant Sun, which dwells in this people, be erected again to the Glory of God, so that everything may be restored, so that nothing is lost. So that, from the silence of the Andes, the Sacred Word of Our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ may be heard.
Follow your Mother of Heaven on the path that will lead you to the blessed motherland, because thus your people, wounded by the causes of yesterday, will be redeemed of everything.
Trust, children, in everything that I bring you!
Trust in the renewed hope and in the end of this national captivity!
I Am the Mother who moves the whole Universe so that Her smallest and needy children have an opportunity!
May the soldiers of the Stars gather today at the foot of the great Celestial Altar! And may the doors to the abyss of this people be closed now!
Because the inner Christ will emerge from your beings and thus you will be one with My Son, so that He, in His Celestial Glory, may be one with His beloved people!
I want the Star of My Brotherhood to now be the motto and the symbol of your people!
I want, from this country, beings redeemed by the Love of the Creator!
May the Commanders of once now raise their hearts to Heaven!
Because now, without helmets, weapons nor cloaks, you will be free to sit at the Redeeming Table of the Lord and thus commune of His Codes of Life.
May the fallen in the past, arise in this present!
May those who have not yet forgiven the errors of this homeland and of this people, forgive today, so that My Beloved Son, in His Divine Grace, may reunite you and, by means of His Word, make you commune of His Most Holy Spirit!
That today Chile can, as a people, take each other by the hand, to declare the long-awaited reconciliation and pronounce the so longed-for peace, erasing thus, from this Chilean history, the errors of yesterday!
Thus, your hearts will shine and together with Me you will be able to take the steps toward the reunion of love that will heal the greatest wounds.
Let no one else grieve his or her heart, for Christ, My Son, will put an end to this exile!
And all the soldiers and Commanders of the purple helmets will unite in Christ, to make of this nation, the concretion of the Divine Promise in the life of each being.
That today the swords be abandoned, and the meek heart of each Chilean be offered to the Creator, so that the Plan triumphs, beyond everything!
So be it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the inner planes, your Heavenly Mother is already gathering the consciousnesses of this nation so that, at the foot of these sacred mountains, they may surrender to Christ and participate in the communion of reparation that My Heart will offer you during these next days.
This surrender will be first spiritual and then material, so that the consciousnesses of this country may come into contact with their spiritual and physical reality and, thus, be able to live their moment of redemption.
This will take a long time until, finally, most recognize that it is important to look at God every day and to be able to live in His Heart of Compassion and Love.
Therefore, from now on, I invite you to continue praying for the intentions of your Heavenly Mother so that they may be fulfilled, one by one, and that, in these definitive times, healing and peace may be established in most hearts.
This will also help My Immaculate Heart triumph!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Humanity as a consciousness must surrender to God so that all the faults committed may be forgiven and the hearts may be relieved and liberated form their inner captivity.
As long as there is no true surrender and disposition to God, the humanity that does not yet repent will suffer greatly and will learn to become conscious of its errors through the effects caused by all its decisions.
Announce to the world and to all those you find on your paths that the time has come to surrender to God, to place your head on the ground and to ask for mercy and forgiveness so that, before the last great events, the souls may find the path of salvation.
For this, I come to ask all the souls of the world the daily consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that I can intercede more each time for all those who are lost and hypnotized by the traps of the enemy.
I wish at this time, My children, that everyone can open their eyes and come out of the world illusion that traps millions of souls.
Tell the souls to consecrate day to day to My Immaculate Heart, so that the majority can live a true repentance of their sins and thus, receive the Grace of a victorious redemption directly from My Beloved Son.
Remember that repentance form the heart opens the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that the Divine Mercy may descend.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light, which comes from God, I illuminate the paths of My children.
I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I guide the paths of the servers of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I deposit and pour out the Gifts of God upon the most needy souls in the world.
I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I establish the Kingdom of the Heavens, first in the inner world of each being and afterwards in the consciousness of the world.
I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I indicate to My children the path of ascension and redemption, because in this way the consciousnesses will be liberated from the past.
I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I fulfill the promise of the emergence of the New Humanity.
I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I bring from the Celestial Universe what humanity needs most, so that new patterns arise that will cause the consciousness of the world to change.
I am the Lady of the Light and I raise My children towards the Source of Love. This Source can be closer to the world when the hearts surrender to Me.
I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I decree the beginning of a new cycle.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a soul or a heart surrenders and places itself in My arms, I can heal it and have it feel what is new, what is hopeful, and what is good.
When a soul places itself in My arms and trusts, I can spill the codes into it that it needs to achieve peace during its time of redemption.
When a soul places itself in My arms and trusts in My designs, I can have it become similar to the souls that exist in Paradise.
This is why surrender is not a resignation or martyrdom, but rather an opportunity of emptying as life and as an instrument, because in this way, all that is to be redeemed and forgiven will achieve its inner liberation.
In order to surrender into My arms, the soul must trust in the Love that I can give it through those who surround it, because the Father needs each soul, each life, and each heart to be capable of keepening its degree of love, because love is what will make of each consciousness a full server of God.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear son, dearest daughter,
Conceive, in this time, of a meek heart such as that of Jesus, free of judgments, criticism, and condemnations.
Conceive within you My flame of peace and free yourself from all claims and demands.
Conceive of the humility of being similar to My Son in His Works, in His charity, and in His Infinite Mercy.
Do not reject what you live, and accept with fervor that the time of your inner death has come.
Submit yourself without punishments to the rules of love and make all that you have still limited within yourself germinate.
Freedom of spirit is achieved through first forgiving yourself and then all others. There is no peace in the soul without a reconciliation with life.
The tests that your consciousness embraces are the stairway for being able to take a greater step, unknown to your possibilities.
Let My Son model the new being and empty yourself, fully empty yourself, every day, showing the Universe that you know how to live love, rather than just understand it.
Rather than watching you walk aimlessly, I hold out My hand to you so that you can clasp it strongly and save yourself from the danger and from the traps that My adversary inflicts.
If you know the power of My Immaculate Heart a little, I assure you that you will learn to come out of yourself to serve others and you will find the so awaited hour of ascension.
Do not let anything external bring you down; take each experience as the opportunity of dying to yourself a little more every day.
You know that redemption starts by being true to yourself; do not seek either external answers or benefits; allow the fluid of spirit to always show you the exit.
If you do not know how to begin, start by loving that which seems impossible to love, forgiving what you would never want to forgive. Do as I did for you and for humanity; I had already forgiven you in holy humility before you crucified the Son of God.
Deeply think about and do not set yourself apart from those you do not understand. True surrender will occur through your humbling yourself before the sinner or the judge who condemns your life.
Imitate the silence of My Son and have confidence, because above all Love will triumph.
Accept what you live with joyfulness. Fly, fly high, and even if you do not manage it, I will take you to the Kingdom of My Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In humility,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Listen attentively: love will always triumph and no matter how difficult living or manifesting it seems to be, it exists inside each being.
This divine love can do all things; it forgives all things, it endures all things, just as My Son lived it on behalf of all.
There is no other formula of this love that understands all, comprehends all, resists all in the most absolute silence.
In this acute time for the planet, love may be expressed openly in beings.
It is this love that acts above all and that, at the same time, can redeem what would seem impossible.
Love triumphs in the life of those who yield, of those who surrender, of those who accept that which perhaps they would not have deserved, because this love is so great and victorious that it can be intensified and expanded under three strands: in gratitude, in joy, and in hope.
Besides these three pillars, love also has its expression in goodness, in mercy, in compassion, in humility, in unity, in Grace, and in charity.
May this love bring to all the remembrance that any human or spiritual error or evil is defeated, because love is an unknown essence that vivifies the soul.
Risk living all for love and you will be able to recognize in yourselves the potentials that you must live, because in love peace is always present, and not conflict.
Who encourages you to live in the Greater Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
All is fulfilled when the heart is humble before God and the neighbor.
All is fulfilled when the consciousness comprehends the importance of each Kingdom of Nature and of each living essence in the manifestation of the Plan of God.
All is fulfilled when faith transcends appearances. All is fulfilled when love overcomes individuality and selfishness, and beings understand and live the principle of unity.
All is fulfilled when the mind becomes silent and gives space to the voice of the heart.
All is fulfilled when ignorance yields its place to the truth, and doubts are dispelled in face of the expression of the light.
All is fulfilled when the search for happiness gives space to the encounter with the true joy of fulfilling the Divine Will.
All is fulfilled when matter surrenders and, giving up its apparent limitations, discovers Infinity within itself.
All is fulfilled when transformation reaches the consciousness, and the spirit finds itself ready to remember its origin.
All is fulfilled when beings learn to forgive, and this forgiveness opens the doors to planetary redemption.
All is fulfilled when peace triumphs within beings and the peacemakers establish it on the sacred land of the Earth.
All is fulfilled when prayer becomes the only language, the only form of expression of the human word, eradicating from their mouths and consciousnesses every criticism, every judgment, and every separateness.
All is fulfilled when human beings listen to the Voice of God and respond to His Call.
All is fulfilled when hearts recognize they are gardeners of the new life in this world and, with virtues and divine Laws, they prepare the fertile soil of the Earth.
Children, all will be fulfilled when you read My words and experience them. You will one day be able to look at yourselves and understand that the living book which, at the request of God, I wrote in the human consciousness is to be found there.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Saint Joseph began to approach to transmit His Message, He began to show us some images of the life of Jesus before He complied with His mission publicly. He showed Jesus working in a woodshop, talking to people, walking alone... And, while He was showing these images, Saint Joseph said: "Children, Jesus lived 3 years publicly, but 30 anonymously. He lived 3 years proclaiming Himself as the living Son of God, but 30 in humility, as a simple carpenter, born in a poor family. With this learn that there is no one who better lives a public task than the one who has learned to live anonymously."
And then He asked me to take note of the message of today:
There is no braver warrior than the one who overcomes themself.
There is no preacher more prepared for their mission than the one who prepares themself in silence.
There is not heart more willing to receive Christ than the one who abandoned themself through the essence of humility.
Child, there is no soul more consecrated to God than the one who recognizes that their consecration begins in spirit and that their absolute rendition is what matters the most because - if there is no rendition- there is no consecration.
Live - with the joy that you may feel - the abandonment of yourself.
Rejoice in waiting in the Lord for the time in which He will call you to His side, and let humility be what prepares your spirit for the mission that you must comply with in these times.
There is not heart more attentive to My Words than the one who aspires to live them and try doing it, everyday, in the silence of their heart.
Remember what I told you with simple words, because here lies the difference between living a Christic experience and never finding it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Christ calls us to live His Path, we must respond and follow Him in whatever way because in Him we will have the inner strength to transcend and overcome all miseries.
Christ calls the sheep for them to convert themselves into His apostles and in this way to retransmit the impulses He wants to pour over all of humanity.
Christ calls the sheep to the consecration for them to vivify Him and to feel all the greater and infinite love that does not exist in the world nor in any other consciousness.
Christ calls His disciples for them to offer Him their swords and so that, surrendered before the Lord of Mercy, life can be redeemed.
When Christ calls consciousnesses for them to change their lives and experiences overnight, it is because these consciousnesses that are called receive the unique impulse of taking a great and last step for the Plan.
Christ calls to reveal the true and sacred task of each consciousness.
He calls for each soul to discover the warrior of mercy that exists in their being.
He calls His apostles for them to be at service of the Supreme Lord, the Eternal Father. Therefore, I ask My children not to refuse this call, because it would be the difference between offering life for the evolution of the planet or to spare efforts and miss the opportunity.
I pray every day for the souls that awaken for them to feel confidence and to be secure of taking the expected step.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When Saint Joseph arrived, He showed us an image of Himself, when he was about 30 years old. It was night, and He walked alone upon a hill, looking at the starry Sky and talking to God. He then asked us to write down what He, at that time, was saying to the Father in prayer, which He now allowed us to listen. He prayed:
Lord, heal me
Lord, heal me, entering with the power of Your Love
into all my atoms and molecules.
Lord, heal me, burning, with the fire of Your Holy Spirit,
each particle of my small being.
Lord, heal me, reduce my soul to a true nothing
so that I may recognize Your Greatness and infinite Majesty.
Lord, heal me and show Your Face to my impure eyes
so that I may recognize You as the Father, the Truth and the Origin of all things.
Lord, heal me and remove from me that which believes to be separate from You.
Show me, O Lord of all Creation,
that You are in all things;
You are behind all illusion, hidden in the essence of each being.
Lord, heal me, defeat me and leave me surrendered at Your Feet.
May my whole being recognize Your Power and rejoice in You eternally.
God of Love, God of Truth,
God of Purity, God of Joy,
God of the poor and the rich,
God of the healthy and the sick,
God of Heaven, Earth and the whole Universe,
God of the Cosmos, God of Existence, God of Creation,
heal me, renew me
and allow me to discover You to be as within me, as I am within myself.
Lord, reveal that You are in all things and that all things are in You.
Reveal Yourself in unity with All and, thus, heal me, Lord.
True healing comes from the surrender of the heart before God, from the recognition of His Greatness and of our own smallness before Him.
Healing, which must be born in spirit and have its reflection in matter, is nothing more, children, than the demystification of unity and its absolute experience.
When you understand the Presence of God in all things, there will be no illness, neither in body nor in spirit, that can bring you down because when the consciousness lives unity with God, all its cells are encompassed by this Divine Presence and find in themselves the Principle of the Father, in this way dissolving all imbalance, all sickness, all anguish and all pain.
Therefore, today I teach you to ask the Lord for healing. Do not ask for healing of the body, of the mind or of the emotions: ask for the healing of separateness, of ignorance, of illusion and thus, children, you will discover that a healthy spirit is the one which unites to the Living God and finds Him within, multiplied in its cells, animating its body, permeating both matter and spirit with His Holiness.
Pray from the heart, pray as humanity, because it is very ill; if you, as cells of this great human body, recognize unity with God, you will gradually heal the ills that still permeate the world.
I love you and leave you My Blessing and My Peace so that you heal yourselves and thus, attract healing to the whole planet.
Your Father and Healer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not forget to think in the planet more than in yourself. The one who aspires to know all sciences and forgets the most important of all – which is the love of neighbor and of the Plan of God – will never find the path that leads to Christ.
Then concentrate your attention every day on the life of The One who came to the world to be your example. Revive His Gospel, not seeking to be a Messiah, but rather living the Teaching He brought to the world. There was only one Messiah and there will always be only one because that is a single mission, which will finish to be fulfilled in the return of Christ. The state of Christ is what must be multiplied. It is on the experience of this Teaching that your attention must be. Remember that Jesus reached Christification on the cross when, alone with His humanity, He was able to forgive and love the humankind, the planet and the Plans of His Father, more than His own life.
I will not ask you, child, to die on the cross in order to learn to love, but rather to die a little more every day because each time you die a little, you learn about true love, the Christic love.
Renounce all glory on Earth, all recognition, all honor, even when this honor will be given to you by the humankind out of the admiration of seeing you virtuous and adhered to the Plans of God.
Jesus could have descended from the cross and convinced humankind of His Power. If He had done so, maybe many people would have honored Him and believed that He truly was the Messiah, but the Teaching of Christ was also a learning for Himself: from His birth till His death, He should demonstrate to humanity that it is not through glory, through aggrandizement or through the use of power that you reach God, but only through the simple humility and resignation before the Father.
Jesus knew that all powers He had belonged to His Father, and these powers were taken away from Him on the cross so that He would learn from the maximum power that comes from having or being nothing: Love and Mercy.
It was like this that Christ renovated the human consciousness and even the universal life because not only on Earth but in the whole universe power and the use of forces and energies were valued.
All the Creation lived a learning with the example of Christ because after having renounced Himself and His life, He made His Body be reborn and regained the life of His Cells only with the power of the love achieved on the cross. There was no science, substance, energy or vibration that, in a laboratory, would revive the Body of Christ: it was pure love, renovated by the renunciation and by the surrender of Jesus, which made He regain life.
Thus learn, child, to renovate once more the human condition with this living example of Christ within and before you. Imitate Him, overcoming the fear that humanly torments your heart, and open yourself to be nothing.
The one who, in humility, was nothing and achieved everything, your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a being and a human consciousness consecrate themselves to the Celestial Father, it is a reason of praise and Glory in the Heavens, because the prophecy of My Son, that at the end of times and before His return there will be new Christs, meek of heart and pure of feeling, is accomplished again.
A new door opens from Heaven towards Earth for the ungrateful humanity to receive an opportunity of salvation. It is through the consecrated soul that a bridge of light and mercy is established, when the consciousness simply declares, “Yes, My Lord and My God, I accept.”
At this moment, dear children, the portals open themselves and new Laws of mercy act upon the sick humanity.
I would like, beloved children, that everyone would understand the celestial value of a consecration, because not only one consciousness renews itself, but all those who are around this new consecrated being also receive a Higher Grace.
Thus, see in your hearts the steps that Christ took for each one of His followers so that the spiritual purpose could be fulfilled.
A consecration means for the Universe an act of giving in and of surrendering; it also means the opening for the spirit of this small consciousness to cleanse its sins and to be baptized by the spiritual and divine Light of My Beloved Son.
Finally, this consecration attracts to the consciousness the deepening of its commitment with Christ, and an important spiritual fusion is established, which would be called a transverberation that happens at the moment in which the soul receives this Grace of consecrating itself; thus the soul will not forget this moment for the rest of its life, because it has been ignited in a potent flow of love.
Thus I reveal the beauty that God conceived for each soul of this planet, a beauty that My adversary tries to destroy through the spiritual detour. Whoever consecrates themselves to My Immaculate Heart and follows My steps, may you know that you will not perish.
Praised be God for impelling His creatures to the spiritual consecration!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To be Human without being human
The science of these times, children, is the transcendence of the old human and the birth of the new. To be born without dying in the body. To allow matter to be reborn, transcending that which has been corrupted.
The new human is born within the consciousness. It is the fruit of inner purification, of the act of expelling the old so that what is true may emerge.
The new human, children, in truth is not new; it has always been within each human being; it is the principle, the reality, the beginning of everything and also the end, the goal toward which you walk.
The old human took hold of the truth and built upon the essence a life of illusions; it created something that did not exist and hid the Divine Thought with human thought.
Humanity, children, is a race of likeness to the Father in many aspects unknown to humankind. One of these is the capacity to create through thought, feeling and the heart, a capacity that once had only been granted to the angels. But like a great universal paradox, this likeness to God has distanced humanity from the Creator because, instead of learning with love, they created, with thought, a false human being, and a false evolution, which led them more toward the abyss than toward Heaven.
Influenced by the illusion of the time in which they lived, human beings moved further and further away from the Whole and entered into themselves. They gradually lost the ability to be in everything—which the likeness to God offered them—and they lost consciousness of unity, strengthening individuality, as human law.
Children, how can a being, created to live unity, compete with their fellow beings, create traps for the evolution of their neighbors, or want to be better or worse than the others?
The answer to these questions lies not only in the very duality of this world but also in all the illusion in which humanity has placed itself, as consciousness.
I recognize, children, that after so many evolutionary cycles as a race, the illusion is stronger than the truth; it is easier to remain in that which is old than to tear it out of yourselves so that the original may emerge. However, it is necessary that everyone be aware of what they are experiencing and of the inner battle - individual and human - that you must experience in these times in order to return to your origins, to the Original Plan of God.
When you pray from the heart and allow yourselves to live spiritual virtues, such as humility, fraternity, compassion and forgiveness, you are living from the truth, from the original human or the new human and, gradually, you will be able to remove the reign of that which is old without it causing you great destabilization or suffering.
The experience of truth, in a harmonious way, simply depends on the surrender of each being.
Everything I tell you today is so that you may be inspired to seek the truth within yourselves, and not remain in that which is old, in the illusory.
May My words lead you to seek within yourselves this similarity with the Divine, which became hidden by the layers of illusion and is ignored by the great majority of human beings.
Now, children, it is time to be Human, without being human, and to discover the truth about yourselves.
The keys to all the doors that take you to the Path of Light are held in prayer and in the practice of virtue.
I love you and I leave you My peace.
In the same way that I was able to discover the truth and the similarity to God, may all those who hear Me be able to do so. Strive and persevere.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Surrender to Me, for this is already My last time.
Hours pass for this world and souls get lost. Blessed are you for receiving Me and for being worthy in the Lord, even though you do not deserve it. For if you do not surrender, how can I be in you and you in Me?
My Sacred Heart pours Its Blood over the horrors of the world, over all sins. Who will be worthy of collecting My Blood as My Mother and Mary Magdalene did? Who will be like John and will be at the Cross without any fear until the last hour?
What I have given you in your life is the best that I could give you; there is nothing better that I can give you. Each one has what is just and what they deserve before the Law of My Father. But why do you not surrender? What harm can I do to you if, even in the midst of tribulation, I come to you on this blessed night to shed the codes of My Blood and renew them in the Spirit of God?
There are many who claim to be with Me, but are not. I need true apostles, not apostles of clay that can be broken with a single blow. As I told My apostles in the past, you do not know My Justice. I do not come to punish you, I come to bring you the truth, that truth which can be in you if you are in Me and do not reject Me in your brothers and sisters.
If you do not live the tests, how will you learn? Without tests, do you think you will reach Heaven and Divinity? I am not talking about impossible things, companions, because today I come to dedicate this message to you, although the need of the world is greater than your own needs.
Today I show you My sorrow, which is the sorrow of the world, and I invite each one of you to know it, to accept it and to live it in prayer. But I know that some of you do not accept that sorrow because you are afraid to know it. I gave that sorrow to all the saints and simple-hearted people throughout the ages. The sorrow is greater than My Mercy, and that I cannot hide. Who will carry this heavy Cross and not only live on My Prodigies? Those who are called by the Shepherd must live all the things I give them from time to time.
But even My Sacred Heart expects of each one of you that, in this merciful offering of prayer, you will no longer be the same because there is no more time to lose. The world is gradually darkening, and fervor cannot be extinguished in hearts. How can you be depositaries of My Graces if at times your hearts close to Me and to your brothers and sisters?
I do not come to promise you a magnificent life in this world, but I do come to promise you eternal life in the next world. If you separate from each other, you separate from Me and My Hand cannot come near you because you move away. You move away from My Light, from My unfathomable Love, from My Peace, from My Hope.
Today, I do not want to leave you a message of sorrow, but a reality. All souls are in their Judgment and this has just begun. Your Judgment may be lighter if your love is greater. Love for what you do not yet feel, love for what you do not accept, love for what you reject, love for what you deny before all that you have received on My right and on My left.
Today I cannot open My Arms and extend My Hands to you because I do not see the love of the world. Very few flames are ignited to glorify Me, but there is still time, companions, to take one more step in trusting My Sacred Heart.
I wish to see you in fullness and not in bitterness. My Heart sheds Its Blood to renew you, to vivify you in the Spirit of My Father in Heaven who contemplates you day and night. If you do not accept what I give you, you will not be able to vivify My Eternal Father; for My Father is full of Gifts for all souls, but the souls do not allow the Gifts to be poured into their hearts.
I wish to speak to you about what the world truly needs, but first I must care for those whom I have chosen with My Hand throughout the ages and pointed out with My Light in this last cycle.
The apostles were separated to preach, but they never ceased to unite, just as I taught them in prayer, in the Adoration of God. You think you adore My Heart, but you do not know. It is a conquest for your spirits to adore My Heart when you have trust in Me for all that you live. Nothing is by chance. You live what you have sown and you are harvesting what you have planted. There is no mistake in all this. Heaven knows that souls make mistakes, but they must start again every day, in the absolute certainty that they will serve the Shepherd in spite of the consequences.
What more do you want from Me? This is all that I can give you, and it is already a maximal Grace that you can live in these difficult times. Raise your mistakes to the Father because they are the mistakes of the world, the indifference of hearts that suffer for not being able to recognize the Purpose that has passed before them many times in different ways and with different signs.
Welcome My pain for human indifference and transform it into love and compassion; welcome the indifference of your brothers and sisters, who suffer for unconsciously rejecting Me; welcome the pain of others and thus you will help Me fulfill the Plan. May this Marathon be to assume the pain of the world, which most people do not want to live. For if pain is not assumed, the world will suffer for not having listened to the Message.
Today My guardian angels adore your essences, which is true and sublime before the Eyes of God. They do not see your defects and imperfections; they see what you really are and do not get tired of doing so. It is something that you must learn in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters; thus you will free yourselves from the influences of My adversary who crushes minds, as the wheat is crushed into dust.
Be merciful even if you are not. Renew your vows before My Heart every day and do not be afraid to live your cross, because if I carried the Cross for you and for the world, why will you not partake of the Cross that I carry today for this humanity? Even if I am an ascended being, may My humility humble you, may My truth purify you, may My Heart cleanse you from all stain, from all adversity.
If you believe that I am the Light amidst darkness, why do you not follow Me in what I have placed on your paths?
My Face is drawn in the hearts that are true and in those that are honest in their transformation, despite the falls. I do not cease to help those who cry out for Me, but I cannot help those who take pride in their own virtues. Banish that which no longer serves to My Father, so I may enter within you as I entered within Father Pio leaving the visible sign of My Presence for fifty years. I have something special for each of you, but I have not yet been able to give it. The trust in God is found in sacrifice, the divesting of self in found in humility and humiliation and all barriers of matter are transcended.
I want you to be true to Me in this Marathon and not just in words. May your words say what you truly feel before My Merciful Heart, for while a great part of the world is suffering persecution and war and cannot receive Me, what will you do with all that I have given you with so much Love and Mercy? Be honest before the Heavens and renounce not with pride, but with humility, with peace, with effort and sacrifice. Truly renounce to what you believe is better or to what you could improve. My apostles went through this test until the end of their days.
Do not let your consciousness sleep when I am speaking. I am your King and your salvation.
I need you to grow in consciousness and not in vanity. My precious pearls cannot be lost in this world. Adore My Heart so that nothing bad happens, for the time of My Justice is approaching for all humanity.
Come out of yourselves and see those who are dying, whom television shows as if they were a victory. O My companions, you still do not know what God feels when a heart is indifferent to what has been given to it for Mercy.
I am leading you all to an inner evaluation, for when I return I shall not be able to see any stains on your garments, and if there are any stains I shall not be able to recognize you, for up to now I have taught you to wash your garments with the water of My Mercy and My Glory.
Try to love a little more, even if you cannot. My Heart offers itself for this and your brothers and sisters also offer themselves to be truly loved. Let us pray to God for those who cannot love My Father and Me. Let us pray with fervor and with Mercy, just as I taught you in the beginning.
Prayer: Our Father.
I would not like to see you with long faces in this Marathon, because the world needs joy, true joy to be able to transcend all evil and indifference that the souls commit daily before the Celestial Kingdom.
Today I can bless, out of compassion, these elements that you have placed before My altar, which is in Heaven and on Earth, so that your hearts may be washed by My Blood and your spirits may be purified by My Body, two visible signs of redemption and surrender to My Heart that always waits for you.
Two thousand years ago I left you a universal treasure, a perpetual badge for your hearts and souls. I left you the living treasure of the universe, the Teraphim of God manifested in body and blood for the whole of humanity. How many times have you now received communion with Me? Did you do it truly or only in a hurry? How many times did I offer Myself at the table of all souls so that they would live Me in the Passion and on the Cross?
Today My Sacred Heart sheds Its Blood for indifferent souls, for those who do not dare to confess with Me, before My divine Humility and before My Peace.
Today I prepare with this communion this whole part of the Earth that must be consecrated to My Divinity before I come back to the world for the second time. To reach My Divinity they must cleanse and purify themselves every day. That is why I ask you to surrender to Me so that your hearts may overcome all tests, in the name of God and His infinite Project.
Before the Guardian Angels of the universe, before the Archangels who glorify My Father perpetually, before the most Holy Spirit of God, before His beloved Son, before the Celestial Father who unifies all creation and vivifies the spirits that respond to Him with sincerity, and before the majesty of the Mother of the World, I absolve and forgive you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
When you commit an indifference, wash your feet, just as I washed the apostles so that they would recognize that God becomes so small before the proudest souls. Do not offend God anymore, the world has offended Him a great deal.
Live My celestial Treasures and you will attain eternal life. Amen.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
In order to be a companion of Christ, you will seek to transcend the laws and the tendencies of the Earth, because you cannot follow with human thoughts, the steps of That One whose spirit and divinity does not come from this world.
Leave the planetary thought for those who seek only the riches of the Earth, the transitory glory and honor which are achievable here. Seek for yourself the glory of God and instead of seeking to be honored, give honor to That One who is worthy to receive.
Seek for yourself the reward of the meek, which is the humble heart. Be more ambitious than the men of the Earth and seek for yourself a place in the Kingdom of the Universe. Even though you are eternally a servant, there is no better King to serve than That One who is One with all that was created and whose mercy does not measure with the existent proportions, neither in this world nor in any other.
Do not be discouraged, dear child, with the defeats that you live on Earth; glorify your Father and God each time you are humbled, because you are learning, thus, how to achieve greater Graces, true Graces and divine Graces.
Surrender yourself as a servant, as nothing; be the carpet in which those who seek the glory of the world step on. Let the others be better and victorious.
Get lost, including from yourself, and you will make of yourself a victory for That One who is the Only conqueror of all the Creation, because He has lost Himself and thus has returned to the Divine Essence.
Why do you fear so much to leave the laws of the Earth?
Why do you fear so much to lose the treasures of the world?
Oh, dear child, discover the Grace of being poor of yourself and of all and you will never want anything else except, nothing.
Why do you hold on so much to this world and to its ways of life, if you do not come from it and will not remain in it forever?
Live in this world as you must live, make of it what it is: a school of transcendence, of redemption, of love. You are here to be what you are not, to renounce what you see, to redeem yourself and to love everything that exists, good or bad, as a way to let love transform everything.
Choose the simplicity, the joy, the freedom of the spirit. Rejoice yourself in the humiliation, fulfill yourself in the obedience, resign yourself to be nothing and you will see that everything will be given to you.
Be free from the world and from yourself. Do not give to the world a heavier weight than it already has. Make it light, being empty of yourself. Empty yourself from self-love, of desires and appearances, of aspirations. Flow in the Divine Will, flow in what God orders to your life and nothing, child, neither in the spirit nor in the matter will fail you.
Do not fear to seem weak and to renounce winning the competitions imposed by men. Take a step back when you see that competition comes to you and surrender yourself to humility. You will see how unbreakable of a fortress will be built in your interior, because it is in your humility and smallness that the King of the Universe will dwell, who does not seek for great castles, but simple mangers to be born in.
Trust in what I tell you and remember My words. Follow My steps, I conduct you to Christ and He will lead you to God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer of Union to the Humility of God
Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
transcend the barriers of my ignorance.
Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
defeat my resistances.
Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
open my eyes to the true Light
and remove my consciousness from the abysses of pride and vanity.
Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
dissolve my smallness into your greatness
and show me the true purpose of human creation.
Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
unite me to my neighbor and to the Kingdoms of Nature
for the concretization of the Divine Plan.
Allow my consciousness to recognize
the presence of the Creator in all things
and glorify His existence in all forms of life.
Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
allow me, now and always, to live You with perfection,
as did the Lord,
Who reduced His greatness to be among humankind
and confirms His Infinite Mercy
by returning to the world.
Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
may You be a fruitful principle within the human heart.
On your knees, pray and ask God to help you to imitate Him, because only the truly humble heart will overcome the tests that will come and the ray of the Justice of God that will break and destroy the structures of the pride, of the arrogance, of the haughtiness and of the vanity of the human heart.
Be firm in humility, and surrender yourselves to love. Be brave, so that you let yourselves be overcome by God. Be strong, so that you stand up with hope and willing to be reborn in Christ, when the Lord overthrows the old humankind inside of your consciousnesses.
Humility and peace are the keys for these and all times.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of the Sacred Humility
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more