There is no suffering that constant prayer cannot repair. There is no wound that sincere prayer cannot heal. There is no hardened heart that true prayer cannot awaken. There is no spirit distant from God that prayer made with the heart cannot, once again, bring it closer to its Creator Father.
Therefore, We repeat that you must pray.
To heal this world, pray.
To restore human spirituality, pray.
To reopen the doors that unite you to God, pray.
To receive the Grace of forgiveness and redemption, pray.
To rescue the purpose of your existence, pray.
To rescue the meaning of life on Earth, pray.
For your souls, this planet and the whole universe to find peace again, pray, children, pray with the heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
We begin to work on the inner planes with all that the Celestial Father expects will happen through this new Pilgrimage for Peace, which once again touches the soil of Europe, so that souls may be blessed by the Love of God.
From now on, the Marian sanctuaries of Europe will become large and important epicenters of light and of salvation so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may be able to work with souls that will need to awaken in this time.
The time has come in which hearts are to re-ignite with fervor and praise for God so that these souls may find the path toward the expression of the Purpose which brought them to the Earth.
Thus, the spiritual Universe prepares to prompt great changes so that the majority of the souls of Europe may find the path of redemption and of peace.
Everything has been prepared to commence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
See that the cross of the world is already approaching. It is not in the pain or the challenges that your eyes or your heart should be fixed on. Contemplate the renewal of the Love of God and walk toward this purpose.
Shadows come with their harassment, sowing distractions, discord among brothers and sisters, illusions, vain glories and mundane honors. Perceive the harassment, recognize the darkness, and know how to say no to the temptations.
Remember the Universe and the Plan of God. Remember the purpose of your existence. Remember the greatness and the peace of unity and of fraternity. Make your choices according to what God has sowed in your essence, rather than what the enemy has sowed in your mind.
Clean your mind with the power of prayer and uplift your consciousness, adoring the Lord. Find refuge and protection in the Heart of God. Make of His Spirit your dwelling place and allow Him to also find rest inside of you.
The battle of this time is silent and is waged within your own heart; thus, it is much more difficult to receive the help of your brothers and sisters, and companions. The triumph of this time will occur, above all, through the persistence of your own being in God. Always lift your hands up to the Father and remember to let the Cyreneans help you when you no longer have any strength. It is in this way that, as Christ, you will renew all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I reflect Myself, widely, by means of the Sacraments.
The Sacraments and their forms are the extensions of the Attributes and of the Graces that come from Heaven.
When the soul comes into contact with some of the Sacred Sacraments, it has the opportunity of going through the divine mystery and of uniting, essentially, to the Supreme Truth.
The Sacraments and their forms are like spiritual bridges of Light that conduct the soul toward the fulfillment of its purpose and of its mission on Earth.
The Sacraments put us in contact with the diverse Designs of God and they provide wisdom, reverence and devotion to those who live them and adopt them as standards of inner conduct.
In this sense, the Sacraments are still pouring blessings and graces on the souls so that the human beings may learn, through them, to overcome the inner duality, to live their individual and group purpose and, mainly, for all to learn to share and to live the Christian ecumenism and human fraternity.
The Sacraments are gifts, but they are also a means to live redemption. Their practice in daily life and the devotional and ardent value that we place before each one of them will allow the human being to receive the necessary protection to transit the end of times, in this moment of planetary chaos.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Spiritual persistence is an extension of love. When a being loves something in a true, sincere and evolutionary way, they are able to persist in order to reach their goal. Love renews them in the face of adversities and makes them stronger when facing the tests that the path brings them to, for different reasons.
When you experience something with love, you are able to persist, to conquer your own inertia, your own resistances and, in the same way, conquer the resistances and harassments imposed by the world.
To fulfill the Purpose of God and carry the cross He offers, it is necessary to develop spiritual persistence, which is the fruit of love of the Divine Purpose.
Prayer, adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and silence in contemplation of the living God in one's own essence are keys that lead you to true love, which is the Love of God and thus, you renew yourselves everyday on your path.
Those three things will dissolve the chaos and conflicts which will naturally emerge in your inner worlds, over and over again, because this is the test of this planetary moment.
Those three keys will always be your sustenance and the priniples that will lead you to the fulfillment of all things, because through them you will find not only love and persistence, but also wisdom and courage to understand your neighbor and help them, since one of the greatest harassments of this time will be to destroy the bonds of love and fraternity between human beings, because unity, children, is what will make you manifest the Plan of God on Earth.
Therefore, today, I only tell you that, whenever you lack persistence, strength, love, fraternity and ability to overcome the challenges to unite with your brothers and sisters, stop for a moment and pray, contemplate the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord or be silent before the Universe, before your own essence, to receive the peace and the wisdom of your Father and, thus, you will be able to overcome the end of times.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste St. Joseph
When old spirits congregate to take on their commitments and finally live an awakening, the whole Universe contemplates the Earth.
The awakening of consciousness happens in stage and in each one of them some veils are torn, and the being draws closer to the truth about themselves, about the Earth, and about the purpose of the existence of all life, from which humanity drew away from so long ago.
In each cycle that goes by, and the closer you get, as an evolutionary project, to your final goal, the more intense are the degrees of awakening, the more intense are the impulses received, and also more intense must be the need, which pulses within beings, to respond to God.
This need comes from your souls, which become agitated as they draw closer to the path of return to the Heart of the Father and to their universal origin. Because souls indeed know the Divine Purpose, and when they are properly awakened, they deeply aspire for it.
Thus, today I come to tell you to be attentive to the impulses of this time, open to experience them and be ready to let your souls express themselves in their response, experiencing a profound and absolute transformation.
Let yourselves be guided by the defining impulses of these times, through the heart that elevates toward the consciousness, and with the consciousness in God, you will manifest His Will.
I leave you My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If the souls of the Earth obeyed from the heart the requests of God, there would be no reason nor motivation to experience suffering, sorrows and pain.
Lack of obedience means lack of unconditional adherence.
Until today, the human being of the surface has strengthened its characteristic of being disobedient and indifferent toward the divine, or to the call of God.
This is also the reason why souls take so long to be able to find the way and the purpose that brought them to the Earth.
And even when souls finally find the way, and the door of purpose is before them to cross it and walk on the path of obedience to God, even then human beings undervalue that opportunity, that grace, and respond to such a unique moment with great disobedience.
The root of disobedience lies in the abuse of power, of authority or of the "permission" human beings believe they have on this planet and within this Universe.
There is nothing more distant to humankind and to souls than believing they have power or authority in any situation.
The key that reverses this primitive state of consciousness is humility; humility that must be free of interests and free of self-benefits.
Nevertheless, to triumph over disobedience, it is not enough to only say "yes" to the Divine Will; it is necessary to learn to embody obedience in oneself, in order to perceive how many times the human being does what it thinks or what it believes.
In this time, disobedience could place the evolutionary path of souls at risk. Just by looking around, one can see how the planetary reality is due to so much disobedience.
Again and again, we must return to the path of humility until the consciousness manages to get out of the belief that it can carry out it's life without God; as well as get out of the belief that leads the consciousness to place certain requirements, even from God, which make of spiritual life a destiny full of trials.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Superior Universes, the so-called Source of the Creation acts, universally, regenerating the principles and the spaces of manifestation that form part of the spiritual development of the constellations and the planets.
In this current time, the struggle and the effort to be connected with the High will demand dedication, striving and dynamism so that the currents contrary to the Light, which circulate around the planetary life, do not affect nor deliberately deviate the servers.
If some form of deviation or personal abandonment of the purpose takes place in this time, it is a consequence of the lack of inner and spiritual connection with the Source.
On the other hand, the cycle of self-purification is leading the human consciousnesses on the surface of the Earth to face itself and know that which was before unknown and hidden to it.
We refer to having consciousness and clarity concerning who each being of the surface truly is on a spiritual, mental, soul and material level.
Knowledge of the spiritual, mental and material aspects of the human being is something that used to be overlooked, because it acted in an unconscious way.
Now, due to the universal crossing of time and space, these aspects, which beforehand acted alone and with great occult power over the consciousnesses, are coming into evidence so that the human being may face them, purify them and liberate themselves from this constant oppression.
What happens nowadays is that the majority of humanity does not know, nor have the consciousness about how to solve a situation that, during long periods of time, has been compromising the possibility of their awakening and their surrender.
So, however much a minority is aligned with the Divine Purpose and has the inner tools it needs to carry forward the manifestation of the Plan, this part, which is the more conscious minority, does not know how to proceed nor act to solve its intensive process of purification.
For this reason, the Supreme Source of the Creation has, at its disposal, great re-transmitters of attributes and codes of light, the so-called "Mirrors".
The Mirrors are the support and fundamental bridge of union for the current planetary transition because the most sublime Mirrors of the Creation will be the indispensable support for the evolution of love within the terrestrial consciousness; just as they will be the pillars that will sustain the bridge that humanity itself must build through prayer, liturgy, Sacraments and service for the neediest.
Without these attributes widely applied in daily life, the human being will not be able to sustain itself.
Up to now, the Kingdoms of Nature, just as the vast oceans and seas, were the spiritual and internal consciousnesses that sustained the human being of the surface.
However, this cycle has changed, as the degradation, the mistreat and the lack of care for Nature have generated debts that are unpayable by the human race. And this has consequences, again and again, on the planet, reflecting on the changing climatic phenomena, the accelerated melting of the poles, the terrestrial and aerial contaminations and the collapse of all the environments generated by noise and visual contamination.
All of this planetary context drowns the Earth, as consciousness, the Lesser Kingdoms and all of humanity.
The moment has come for each being of the surface to counteract this evil caused to the planet and the Creation.
The moment has come for each soul to assume its own purification and transition, and to not feed on nor depend on anything or anyone.
The instruments to know how to create the spiritual condition have been taught; now it will only depend on the entire human race to be able to reverse and transmute what has been generated.
The Mirrors will be, in these times, the primary spiritual support of alignment and of balance.
The Mirrors will be able to unite with the mirror of the heart of each being so that, little by little, and with determination and consciousness, they may change the vibrations of the planet and the human race.
Within the Mirrors, you will find greater support for the end of times and the key that will open the right door for you to reach the Celestial Brotherhood.
It is time to work consciously.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Consciousness does not come from this world, I emerged from a Source very similar to a pond of light. I came to the Earth for a purpose that was fulfilled and I shall return to it for a mission yet to be accomplished.
For this reason, I must have apostles in the last times to be witnesses of the advent of Christ; within them, I forge Christic life, based on unconditional love for others.
I teach you to love life and to accept it according to the debt of each one.
I offer you a life free of oppression and calvaries, I have already gone through that school for each one of you. Now the moment has come for your hearts to go through the end of times with courage; thus you will learn to love much more than I have loved.
You will always have a Father Who will guide you and protect you, this is why He surrendered His Son so that the experience of love and of forgiveness could be a living reality on the entire Earth.
Now it is up to My disciples to be witnesses until the end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Let prayer be like a flower that opens over your heart and allow the subtle fragrances that it emanates flood your spirit and your whole being.
Let the very light of the flower of prayer sublimate the innermost spaces of your consciousness. Trust in the power of the Word and in the amplitude of its creative energy.
Let the flower of prayer work in you, according to its time and not according to your expectations.
The flower of prayer shows you the hidden inner beauty, beyond a delayed purification or a delayed test.
Let the flower of prayer, over your heart, enkindle your soul with love, and may it regain a sense of purpose, whenever it is necessary.
Let the flower of prayer perform the miracle of love and redemption in your life. Feel the peace radiated by the beautiful flowers and the devotion they express in all Creation.
Because, someday, your soul may be like a flower that, having been born, grown and matured in the petals of love, forgiveness and redemption, will express what God so much expected of your essence.
Trust and continue to turn your life into a flower in adoration and devotion to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never tire of fixing your consciousness in God, beyond everything that happens within you or around you.
That spiritual attitude will allow the higher Laws to come to the aid of your consciousness and any situation, spiritual or interior, may be resolved.
Trust absolutely in the nonmaterial purpose that God created for your existence and, based on that truth, carry forward this life full of challenges and trials.
But never get discouraged nor fall asleep. Make every moment count as if it were the last; make each stage of life result in the learning of love and of forgiveness.
God does not seek the perfect things within you because He already knows everything, He already knows everything that you do not know within yourself.
Therefore, the Celestial Father is waiting for the right moment to ask His children for new steps. But those steps will be taken and delivered as you love detachment in your lives.
Because, in truth, few will be those who will give everything to the Lord for the constitution of His Purpose and for the divine realization of His Will.
Therefore, as a Mother, I know what it means to divest oneself and how much that causes pain, delays and stagnation. But the light of the spirit of faith will prevail. Be calm and trust, there is no obstacle or barrier of consciousness that cannot be overcome.
Do not stop rowing until you can find the safe harbor of the Lord's Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Just as the light of Aurora must emerge again on the surface to carry its purpose forward and to fulfill its mission, in the same way the light of Mirna Jad must emerge on the surface to fulfill its purpose and to carry forward the essence of its existence.
This is the time of the integration and the union of the inner bases among brothers and sisters so that the planetary need may be attended to, given the emergency of these times.
It is this sacred union between the Centers of Love that will allow the task to expand and respond to all needs.
The time has come to open to changes so that everyone may experience the transformation and redemption that is offered to you by the Universe in these times.
It will be in this exercise of integration that everything will be accomplished according to Divine Thought, and that the immaterial treasures will come to light to fill hearts and heal wounded souls.
Watch over this fraternal union among brothers and sisters and become this pillar that the Spiritual Hierarchy needs to carry forward the Divine Plan of the Creator.
Receive this announcement with joy. It is time to confirm this inner brotherhood among beings so that you may be capable of placing the love for the Plan first, before the love for yourselves.
You have the keys to be guided towards this goal. In this inner union, you will build the bridges of light for the coming of the Great Brotherhood.
You have My maternal blessing for this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When there is unity of purpose, it is possible to carry out the Plan of God and, thus, it is possible to fulfill the Divine Will in its different stages.
For that reason, children, the unity of purpose among beings is a reassuring sign for the Universe of God, because it is the evident answer that souls, beyond personality or ego, are understanding the meaning for which the Superior Will brought them to Earth.
Unity of purpose allows us to place our attention and our consciousness in the Purpose that Christ must carry out in these times. This unity generates adhesion and, at the same time, attunement among the consciousnesses that integrate it.
It is this time, this unity of purpose will allow souls to go through the end of times having very present the goal and meaning of being able to manifest the Plans of God on Earth.
The unity of purpose collaborates so that any consciousness may focus its attention on the realization of the greater designs, and by living this unity, every day, it may come out of itself to become part of the whole.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Always listen to the voice of your heart and, in spite of what happens, trust in the potential of the love that overcomes every test, that calms every pain, that achieves every victory.
Live through the heart, giving yourself in every moment and offering yourself in reparation for those who do not offer themselves.
Always listen to the voice of your heart, a voice that calls on you to live the greatness of the Kingdom of God within your being and your consciousness.
Unite with your heart and contemplate the Sacred Temple of Christ. A Temple that will lead you to live a greater love for Creation and for life.
In your heart lies the path to, again and again, reencounter the purpose that brought you to Earth.
The heart is the portal that will lead you to peace, to then find the light that will merge you into God with the Love of His Existence.
Trust in your heart and listen to its melodies of healing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the New Humanity, the Mother of the New Being, of the New Human, which gestated within the Womb of the Servant of God, just as His Firstborn Son expresses perfection and likeness with the Father.
I come, My children, to place each one of your essences in My Heart and in My spiritual and divine Womb, so that you may be reborn and that, from your victorious redemption, the New Being and the New Life on Earth may arise.
Fruit of the redemption and rehabilitation of beings, fruit of the reconciliation between men and God, fruit of the awakening of hearts, in order to remember their Origin and purpose: this is the New Life on Earth; this is the Life that I come to establish through you, by Divine Will and Purpose.
With My Love united to the love of your hearts, I come to remove the power of illusion, of indifference, of human will and of the wickedness that permeates the hearts of humans. And making you free from all evil and clean from all stain, I come to give you the Grace of being worthy children of God, worthy representatives of Your Creator Father on the Earth.
I come to awaken ambassadors of peace and good, precursors of a New Time, in which duality will be overcome by the power of Love and Unity, which will reach the Earth through the sincere prayers of the children of God.
I come to demystify the celestial mysteries so that illusion may cease to be the truth in your lives and that, awakened to the true meaning of human existence, you may get to know the divine mysteries, the universal life and the celestial dimensions, which have always been hidden from your hearts, and now they must express themselves.
Pray, my children, for a redeemed America, for nations that lay their faces on the ground and, in humility, cry out for peace and for forgiveness.
Pray for a planet that awakens to Unity among beings, and pray for Love to be a necessity within each being. A necessity that makes you overcome arrogance, pride and vanities, which until today have led you to perdition and deception.
Pray for the Americas and also for the planet. Pray that, until the end, all nations may have an opportunity to know peace and Truth, and knowing the Truth, they may choose between the old and the New Human.
Pray for ignorance to be dissipated from the hearts of beings. And pray so that the Truth may reveal to you that Love must prevail beyond all human understanding and science, beyond religions and cultures, beyond differences and borders, and even dimensions, so that nothing else may separate you from each other, and nothing may separate you from God.
Today I pray with you before God, and I cry out to the Father for a New Life. I cry out so that the Being that is being gestated within Me be born in your essences and, as mysterious as the birth of My Son Jesus, you may express the New Life and the New Human.
I love you and bless you, and with My Heart full of Love, I thank you for making My words and My divine aspirations a reality.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the New Humanity
Grow up and be faithful to God in all ways.
Do not let yourself be carried away by the influences of this world or by that which is within yourself, which, not yet having found the path for redemption, permanently influences you to spiritually regress.
When there is confusion within you, stop your steps for an instant and think of God; contemplate the starry sky, the infinite above you, which you can find wherever you are, and remember, child, that a Higher Plane awaits you and that it is no longer time to be entangled in human and petty things, but rather to consolidate your union with the Infinite.
Listen to the Voice of God, which is pronounced for you not only because of a Grace, but because of an urgency that is not only planetary, it is universal.
For you, the days go by the same and you little perceive the change in the times, because your heart has gotten used to everything and even chaos has become normal.
Stop your heart for an instant and look within yourself; ask yourself how far you have advanced in love and in fraternity. Observe where you are and resume the purpose of your existence. You are not on Earth to be a triumph of the world, but rather to be a triumph of God. What you conquer in the world belongs to it, but what you conquer for God is eternal and is multiplied beyond dimensions, as merits for the evolution of all of life.
Therefore, observe yourself, stop your steps and see if within you, you are building a bridge to the Heart of God. Listen to your soul. Is there fullness in it? Or is there the silence of a soul tired of not being heard by its own being?
Fullness, child, is spiritual; it is between you and God. Wherever you are, you can be filled, because it is enough to give attention to what lives in you, waiting to manifest in the life upon this world.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Second Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
O My Lord!
make me patient and persevering
just as You were
in each moment of Your Passion.
May I see, reflected in everything,
the Divine Will of God,
and even if sometimes it may seem unfair to me, Lord,
allow me to always
see the purpose of the Truth
that emanates in each deed.
Small and invisible, I want to be, Lord Jesus,
just as You made Yourself small
and simple in humanity.
May my steps reflect
the absolute trust
of being able to follow You.
Elevate my consciousness
in state and vibration
so that from now on,
beloved Jesus,
I may find the meaning
of everything that could happen.
May my inner hearing
not close; may it open,
just as my heart opens
to recognize Your Presence
in my brothers and sisters.
Help me, Lord,
to understand life
beyond what it seems to be.
Help me to experience
each test or obstacle
with the importance they have
for reaching the transcendence of my being.
Liberate me from myself,
in all senses and forms.
May You, my Jesus,
be the One who acts, proceeds
and manifests the Supreme Will
in order that, someday,
I may learn to die to myself
so that You, Sacred King,
may live in me
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
There are certain tests that, although they cause occasional pain or discomfort, help to place consciousnesses in a different point of their evolution and awakening.
These tests lead souls to be able to define themselves and thus find meaning for the purpose of their existence upon this planet.
These experiences that lead consciousnesses into maturing to some degree make them define themselves, and also awaken them with the intention that, through the tests, hearts learn to choose the paths they will tread in order to someday reach full holiness.
Souls experience tests daily, but what each soul must perceive is the meaning that each test holds, in spite of it being intense or painful.
Behind each test lies the possibility of detaching from self and of no longer accepting this human condition that used to lead you to make mistakes.
Every test can be overcome with love, knowing that each circumstance of life is presented to elevate the consciousness even further, stepping out of daily routine and entering into the true reality of these times.
Tests cause us to deeply change.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Calm your heart in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and remember, before anything else, to cry out to the Father so that His Peace, His Grace and His Mercy may descend upon the world.
Remember to place your small heart in the Heart of God so that the Creator may enlarge it with His Presence within you and thus, child, you may be able to fulfill all that He may ask of you in this time.
Remember that you are an instrument of God, called on to be an extension of His in the world so that the Father may renew Himself within you, as He did with His Son, from His birth until Calvary and His death on the Cross.
Never forget the purpose of your life, which is broader than what you conceive for yourself. Remember that life does not begin or end in this world, but that it has only a passage in it, a school, a learning experience to be added so that this life may be enriched and renewed.
Remember, then, that not only you, but each one of your brothers and sisters have a higher purpose to manifest and that your example will always be important to remind your fellow being and the world that there is much more to be lived and learned; there is much more to be loved; there is much more to serve.
Just as My Words remind you of the purpose of your existence, and with the Love of My Heart, I place you again in the point of faith where you need to be, be yourself also, child, a living reminder for your sisters and brothers, not with words, but with actions, with transparency, with truth, with love.
May the world see you and see God trying to surpass Himself within the human condition.
Be more than a reference for joy or for consecration. Be an element which uplifts the world to something higher. Be the one who, with their simple presence, is a reminder that something higher exists.
Your being is magnetized by all the Graces you have already received, because if today you hear these words, it is because the Grace of God has acted upon you and allowed your ears and your heart to be worthy of listening to His Designs.
Be aware of all that you have already received and, above all, be grateful in the certainty that everything has to be multiplied, added to, and shared for all beings.
Be, child, a multiplier of the Graces that you have received, and thus, let God make you a living fount of Graces and Peace, because He knows that your heart shares and allows this Grace to flow like a river that does not keep the water to itself, but gives of it to drink for all those who allow it to flow.
The grandeur of these times is still unknown to you, and this ignorance is part of your human condition, but to transcend it is part of your mission.
So open yourself to understand, to live, to feel, and to be, more each day, the Will of God. Do not stop it with your thought; let it encompass your heart, your intuition, the soul and the spirit.
May it be incomprehensible in yourself, may it be alive, even if imperceptible.
May the Love of God, My child, live in your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and eternal Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Those who awaken must be accompanied with much love so that the Purpose may emerge with clarity within them, and It may be fulfilled as was foreseen.
Those who awaken must be guided with attention so that the flame of the Purpose may be born with inner strength in them, the flame they must always aspire to reach.
Those who awaken must always receive love, consideration and understanding, because they are souls that have just come out of a deep sleep and have become conscious of a new and truthful reality.
Those who awaken must be taken by the hand through the path of service and selfless life so that the virtue of service for their fellow beings and surrender to the Plan of Love may begin to emerge within them.
Those who awaken must be considered as postulants to the Work of Christ in order for them to at least have the opportunity to experience the entrance of the Love of the Master.
To those who awaken, truth must always be said.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more