Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

First day of the Novena:

“For the opportunity of loving one another more as souls in service to God.”


Dear children, love is everything for these times, because without love the work is hollow and cannot be accomplished.

Love is the fundamental matrix for life on the surface.

It is love, above all, that allows creatures to love one another, leaving behind what is superficial and apparent.

Love is a great healing and redeeming key because unconditional love unties the knots and bindings of consciousnesses.

Love revitalizes and grows within those who truly embrace it without prejudices.

It is love that impels souls to experience service and, afterwards, a surrender to God without conditions.

Love supersedes anger.

Love replaces pride.

Love is placed above all arrogance.

Love unifies and spiritually multiplies the flow of Grace.

Love nourishes the spirit and sensitizes the consciousness to all that is similar.

Love builds a spirit of service for the planet and its humanity.

It is love that, in these times, provides the opportunity for souls to love one another as God loves all His creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When your prayer is true, My Immaculate Heart will guide you and I will be able to accompany you, carrying My Message to the ends of Earth.

My Heart is ennobled when souls truly pray, it is a bliss unknown to the world, it is a joy that allows opening the doors towards the Mercy of God, and thus, souls do not hold any sin and purify themselves through the power of prayer. 

In this way, the Celestial Kingdom approaches, and all is renewed to the point of touching the depth of the consciousness in each particle, in each essence.

The Lord transforms and vivifies His children in His Kingdom, when souls truly pray, the hearts are alleviated, calm comes and peace is established by the simples act of praying with the humility of the heart.

Therefore, each time a child of Mine reaches this state of prayer, I can pour out My Graces and they will no longer be kept in the Heavens, they will be within all hearts that pray with full sincerity and truth to My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and protects you in this new stage,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I emit My Divine Thought from the highest lakes in the Himalayas.

From the heights of these mountains, the sacred Condor bird flies over the spaces of the planet to place upon the lakes the new attributes that must be gestated in the consciousness of the humanity that is awaking.

On the highest peaks of the mountains and over the lakes, your Heavenly Mother prays, contemplates, and in silence decrees all the divine affirmations that in the coming times will help to concretize new principles of rehabilitation and healing in the souls of human beings, which up until now have never been received.

Through the lakes, on the heights of the Himalayas, your Heavenly Mother mobilizes your inner worlds so that prayerful souls, who become mirrors through prayer, inwardly capture the signs that come from the Divine Thought of Creation.

It is thus that the greater Universe tries to mirror, over the lakes, the impulses that will make of this humanity in transition a race of disciples of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

By capturing these impulses that come from the universe, the human consciousness that opens to awakening through knowledge will be able to receive that which it needs for taking new steps in love and in inner consecration.

From the heights of the lakes of the Himalayas, your Mother of prayer works tirelessly to balance the interior of the world and humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My stripped and pure Feet, I step on what causes pain and sadness in My children. In the name of God, I am firmly on the serpent and make it feel the Power of the Creator, so that in this way, it may be placated.

With My Hands together in prayer, I plead for the planet and for each soul of this world, without ceasing to guide and accompany those who invoke My aid.

With My luminous Mantle, I radiate the Kingdom of God so that souls may distinguish it, and recognizing it within themselves, dare to enter the Heart of God.

With the Crown of twelve Stars on My Head, I establish the Attributes of Light for the world and send the angels of Heaven on a mission so they may sow in humanity everything that will make it more fraternal, service-oriented and peaceful.

With My Gaze of Love on the world, I intensely plead for those who are lost in the material life, and with My Divine Mind, I lift up what is fallen so the Law of Redemption may be accomplished.

And so it is that I am with My Consciousness unfolded, to encompass everything, beyond this world and this humanity, because My Purpose is that everyone be able to live the Supreme Will.

For this reason, I come in aid of all those who say 'yes' to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of the Heavens and of all the oceans, each space of this planet is ruled by My Mirrors, from within the oceans of light.

In them I keep the codes of peace, love and rehabilitation, those that radiate to the whole planet.

In the great oceans of the world, the praying souls can find the celestial codes of redemption and rehabilitation.

In each ocean is kept an evolutionary and spiritual history of the celestial Universe, that which radiates itself secretly to the continents.

Spiritual currents of divine energy that help to maintain the planet under a certain protection manifest themselves in the great oceans.

When the praying people unite to the oceans, they reflect what they protect and thus an inner communication is created between the soul of each being and the oceans.

I leave this instruction for all because the oceans keep in themselves the hidden principles of harmony, beauty and balance for humanity.

Oceans exist to contain the emotional plane of humanity. They help the inner healing of consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays for the great oceans,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


It is time to recognize the Truth of God, My children, to remove from your consciousness the ignorance about itself and to experience divine filiation as an everyday principle.

It is time to recognize your own essence and in humility turn to the Creator of all things, He who dwells within yourselves, and let Him expand and definitely establish His Reign.

I have come to the Kingdom of Lys, beloved children, for a Universal Purpose rather than a human purpose. I have come because this is My spiritual and divine Kingdom, where that which is most pure in each consciousness is held. It is from the Kingdom of Lys that I safeguard the essences and protect all My children from themselves and from My adversary.

The keys that open the doors of this Kingdom are faith and ardent devotion, and it is this faith and this devotion which I came to renew within My children so that, through their awakening, the doors of the Kingdom of Lys may be open for all of humanity and for all the Kingdoms of Nature, which also have their purity safeguarded in Lys.

While the critical times begin and many of My children are lost in the darkness, especially in the north of the planet, it is necessary that the doors of Lys be open so that, in recognizing their own essence, discovering and experiencing their filiation with God, souls are not extinguished and discouraged in the face of challenges and the abysses into which My adversary propels them.

Children, we are in a great battle for the triumph of Peace and you must be aware of this. The Kingdom of Lys must count on awake soldiers on the surface of the Earth so that, aware of the spiritual and physical situation of the planet, they may be guardians of the spring that flows from Lys to sustain souls in truth and in love, and that they not allow themselves to be lost nor deceived by the confusion of these times.

My children, the Purity radiated by the Mirrors of Lys is indispensable in these times of obscurity and darkness for a large part of humanity. And when I speak to you of darkness, I am not only referring to wars, hunger, to violence, but I am also speaking about ignorance, the indifference to God and the growth of capital powers, which blind the eyes of those who committed themselves to My Son and to the Creator, to experience Christic principles and awaken a love that opens the doors to infinity for a union with God.

The Mirrors of Lys, with their divine potential, must dissolve the darkness that does not allow My children to find the truth about themselves and about life on Earth. And for those Mirrors to be active, children, there must be pillars of prayer and of faith that support them and that, with purity of intention and humility, offer the Father their awakening and their surrender to be His instruments in the world.

It is for a universal and divine reason, My children, that I awaken the Kingdom of Lys and I establish a new Home on the surface of the Earth, not because that which I have already achieved as Divinity in Europe through Fatima, Lourdes or Medjugorje was not enough, but each of My Homes has a unique function: to awaken certain souls and to manifest a divine principle.

Now is the time for a more profound awakening for Europe, like in America. It is time for My children to be more aware of the battle of these times and to unite through universal ecumenism to spiritually sustain the planet and prepare to fertilize the ground of the Earth for a new life.

Children, it is for the simple reason of elevating you and awakening you that I am here. As a Celestial and Universal Mother, I seek to lead you to the Truth of the Creator.

This evening, may the Mirrors of Lys be ignited within you and reflect Their Purity and Their Peace in your essences so that you feel and live an awakening to higher life, and may your souls, which are thirsty to serve the Father, finally find their path.

I love you and bless you, placing the Flower de Lys in your essences, a flower that awakens purity and truth within you.

The One who always guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Service ennobles the soul and brings the spirit of charity to the world, which is so scarce amongst everyone. When a heart discovers the love of service, it is fulfilled and finds a safe path for its own consecration.

The second step, after selfless service, under the spirit of charity, is conscious sacrifice in the name of the sufferings of Christ. As simple as what you do may seem, whenever you offer your actions to the reparation of the Heart of Christ, your offers are accepted, and the Sacred Heart is alleviated.

I have consecrated this house to My Chaste Heart so that here you can live simplicity, charity and love amongst all of you. I want to make each serving heart a source of peace for this planet.

Many think it is necessary to perform great works and travel very far so that the service is valid and true, but I tell you that it was in a simple carpenter’s shop where I rendered the greatest service of My little Spirit, and there I found holiness and the door to Divinity, which I reached beside My Son.

Holiness in the life of each being does not depend on the external circumstances that you experience, for it depends only on each heart, on the willingness of each one to make their own existence sacred.

If in the service you provide, you offer your actions to God, you will discover many mysteries that will be revealed to you as understandings, sometimes inexplicable, that come from the heart, and that only to the heart will they be clear.

As Father of all servers, I pledge to be present among you whenever you invoke My Presence through prayer, through charity, and through acts of compassion and fraternity.

I pledge to intercede for souls and the Kingdoms of Nature in this prayer room of charity.

I will only ask you to remember Me and that you make this space into a place of joy, charity and unity between humankind and God.

I would like for an image of My Chaste Heart to be at the entrance of this house, consecrating and blessing this place, which will radiate the inspiration of service towards the souls who must approach during these times.

I bless you and I guard you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Often the human eyes cannot contemplate the planetary reality and do not find a real reason for their own transformation or something that may impact them in a way that generates an immediate and complete change in the being. That is why, in these times, I come to the world to instruct you, in order that you can know sublime realities of existence that may lead you to a superior quest, to the surrender of life to a higher purpose, which is the Purpose of God. I come to try to open, in humankind, not the eyes of the body, but the eyes of the heart.

I do not come to bring to the minds, concrete facts and scientific teachings that prove the veracity of the existence of a life superior to life of this world. I come so that the heart feels, in the simplicity of My words, that God calls you to remember. And that your own consciousnesses, touched by the presence of the Divine Messengers, may find the lost path to your origin.

As Our Lord, Christ Jesus has told you, the Kingdoms of Nature suffer by the ignorance of humankind that seeks power and usufruct in everything. And this ignorance is the same that does not allow you to find the truth about the human heart.

By saying this, those who know how to listen, and who meditate on the words of the Messengers of God will understand that all of them conform the same thread of light, which is trying to lead humanity to a single awakening.

Listening to the words of Christ1, do not think that they are for the others, but rather try to know, in your lives, in what point you are failing the Kingdoms of Nature; how far you only seek to physically, emotionally and mentally usufruct from the Kingdoms; and from where you are consciously trying to collaborate with their evolution.

Your work group must be only one, united in the Purpose of God. While some are with Christ more directly, liberating and transmuting the roots of millenary evil, the others must be seeking these roots within their own consciousnesses in order to extirpate them with the power of the Mercy of Christ. Thus, all together, you will be able to lead humanity to transformation and to give all human consciousness the opportunity to live something superior, and to seek the life of spirit.

I love you and for this I teach you to understand and live the Will of God expressed in the words of His Messengers.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


1Saint Joseph refers to the extra message of Christ Jesus transmitted to the visionary
friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on November 4th, 2015.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Lady and Mother of the entire universe, I deign to descend to your beloved planet in order to awaken you to the purpose of the greater Task. 

Closing the doors to evil, the hearts reconsider and are placed before their spiritual and inner task, for the time has come, and humanity urgently needs solid pillars to carry forward the Plan of the Divinity.

That current of Light cannot be interrupted or cut off by anyone. The prayer of the heart will keep you united to this Divine Principle and thus you will achieve the expected steps in the consciousness.

Children, you knew that the time of the Armageddon would come. Now, on your paths and in your families, you find beings hypnotized by the modern illusion of this world, and no one manages to perceive the absence of the spirit of peace.

You knew that these times would come; this is why you were led to understand the Will of God, and now it is necessary and indispensable that you are able to live it fully.

Children, you knew that these times would come. The Father expects you to be sacred vessels into which the Rays of Mercy can be poured and become part of the life of each soul.

Dear children, you knew that these times would come. While the hardest things are taking place in this last humanity, your Eternal Father takes care of the emergencies, because if He did not take care of them, you would have no perception of things or of your realities, and thus you would lose the meaning of the inner mission.

Now, the time indicates transparency in the work; you have been called to participate in the Work of your Heavenly Mother. The need grows and it must be filled.

The Universe counts on the consciousness of everyone. My Son hopes to be able to pour out His Gifts of Mercy over all. With attention, seek this Legacy.    

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the essence of the Purpose,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I come to ask the world to convert itself into a true mirror of prayer that reflects peace for itself and for the lost souls.

Who will accept My offer?

Who will understand the urgency of My message?

May your lives be a mirror of Prayer, of Mercy, of Piety.  Permit that, in these times and through prayer, the celestial spheres of the mirrors of My Heart radiate those all the time.

The definitive hour approaches and I must train My praying mirrors so that they may reflect the true principle of humility, of purity, and of simplicity.

My Heart congregates you through the sacred vigils of prayer, so that after almost three years of continuous prayer you, My children, may learn to work at the planetary level.  For this, every month I ask you to gather in order to pray with the heart, more than with words; the true ability of praying is found in the art of knowing to love it, beyond knowing or not the language in which it is being prayed.

Children, a true mirror can be the soul itself, which is the first to receive the impulse of the spirit, and the spirit is filled by the celestial spheres of prayer.

Every month, as your Mother and Universal Governess, I have attempted to make you learn correctly about this school of the mirrors of prayer; a school that is based on unity, on the non-competition, and mainly, that is free from arrogance and from human pride, because these are the aspects of the superficial human life that poison the life of a praying-mirror-soul.

This school in which many participate is constituted by the most simple and surrendered in order to search all the time for the path of the prayer of the heart that is the first school for the Christic discipleship.  To be a mirror does not mean to have ability or self-impetus; to be a mirror is to be in a permanent inner emptiness, because the being’s inner strength to reflect good things is given by the Love of the Celestial Father that lives in you, since He is the Greatest Mirror of the Creator Mercy.

Dear children, why do I tell you these things?

Because in order to fulfill the mission entrusted by your Heavenly Mother it is time, through the instruction that you have received, for you to be able to reflect good principles and fraternal attitudes.  As long as your lives be under self control and your determination, in truth I tell you, dear Children, that you will not be able to reach the state of a true and pure inner mirror.

The planet needs true emanations of Mercy, and this will be possible when you let go the reins of personal power and of the pride that blinds you.

I come to guide you towards My Kingdom of the Greater Mirrors, where sources of life and of light-energy that radiate to the whole universe exist, which is the first school of your great learning.

If one day you decide to surrender to My Heart I will be able to count on you as part of My praying army of the Mirrors of God’s Mercy.  I wait for you and I ask you to reflect good actions.  Abandon the old being, and take advantage of the last Grace that I bring to you.

Peace and Redemption!

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who elevates you to the Mirror of the Inner Healing of the Kingdom of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear and beloved ones,

My adversary takes many souls to sin and perdition, seeking each day to hypnotize  the minds more and to poison the sleepwalking hearts. On the other hand, My Immaculate Heart achieves the victory of the Kingdom of God in the most simple and prayerful souls.

All this reveals to God the Father a possibility of continuing to pour His Graces on the planet, which would otherwise be destroyed by now. 

But your Celestial Mother is determined not to leave any heart behind. This is why, My children, every time that you face the battle of the end of times, you should know that thousands of souls are being helped to find the way of the spirit and encouraged to abandon the life of illusion for a life of conversion. 

For this reason, My adversary will no longer make the souls suffer that he formerly chained and tortured, subjugating not only the soul but the whole life. This will no longer occur in the hearts of My beloved Africa, because the Lady of Kibeho is calling and summoning the last armies that will collaborate and support during the three cycles of darkness, before the Lady withdraws into the desert for the world to experience the final judgement.

Children, it will not be necessary that you wait for the signs that will announce the end of times; look now how your planet agonizes and asks for mercy and compassion. Nature and time are speaking. The lesser Kingdoms have been suffering for a long time. The whole world and its spiritual consciousness can bear no more. 

In these times, My Heart is training you in the way of purification, of transmutation and of the surrender of your own life to the Creator God. I would like, children, that there were no transmuting souls and that the eternal suffering would be liberated by other means; but truly I say to you that since the beginning of this world it has never been different. That is why My Son incarnated in Power and in Spirit, so that the world would find another opportunity. 

Beloved children, the times will mark a new cycle and you need to be prepared for this; you will always count on My maternal help. 

In  Uganda, a door to the redemption of the souls is now opened and it will favor many more souls, but especially those that were most ungrateful to God. The hour of surrender will come to all of them. 

Therefore, My adversary is determined to make My soldiers suffer, but who is with Me will not perish, because a good mother never abandons Her children.

I am your star. I am your shield. I am the Lady of Peace and the Queen of all the hearts that I have conquered. 

With My feet I tread on the snake and evil will be liberated some day. 

I thank you for accompanying My call!

Who restores you in the essence of the Universal Love, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Hail Land of God, hail!

I come to remove from your entrails the evil that subdues My children.

Hail Land of God, hail!

I come to liberate perdition and suffering from your heart.

Hail Land of God, hail!

The Redeemer pours out His last drops of Mercy so that your spirit may be prepared for the purification.

Hail Land of God, hail!

In My hands I bring the relief for your children that are Mine because you are part of Me.

Hail Land of God, hail!

With My feet I go through your spaces rescuing the souls that, deceived, suffer in the hells that the enemy has built where there used to be other destinies.

At this time of redemption and liberation, of rescue and fight for the supremacy of Light, millions of souls wait in despair that My soldiers open the doors through prayer of the heart so that an opportunity of liberation may reach them.

I traverse, together with My missionary children, the sick Africa and, by means of each word and of each service that they offer, I unite Heaven with Earth and through a safe door the souls and the essences are liberated so that they may be able to follow their path of evolution.

The consciousness of each African child that is touched by the Grace that I pour by means of My missionaries is led out of the hells and the purgatories of this world towards where they will find the path that God has allowed Me to offer to some creatures of this humanity.

For this, I ask you, children of Mine, who do not suffer what My children of Africa suffer, may you pray with all the heart so that by means of each prayer I may be able to rescue one more soul, one more essence.

When the Father hears each one of your prayers done with the heart, He allows Me to pour one more Grace over more children of Mine who for so long have suffered without any possibility of relief.

During the three next weeks in which My missionaries will walk along with Me through these lands of sorrow and without peace, I beg you that we may keep each time more united with one another so that with the most pure love that emanates from the Sacred Hearts we may be able to elevate the African consciousness to the Celestial Kingdom and thus liberate this planet from this debt that humanity has with the Universe before the Great Divine Justice arrives.

Be attentive, children, to what I say to you.  Be aware of the time in which you live in, of which you must make good use in order to collaborate through prayer and through charity with this Plan of Rescue that the Most Sacred Hearts of Joseph and of Mary carry forward along with the Redeemer, Christ Jesus.

Today I infinitely thank all of the Children of Mary, those who make an effort to accompany Me in My flight of light throughout the Earth.

Do not forget that I always count on you.

I love you and I protect you under My mantle of love and light.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Every day my feet touch the clouds that circulate over your beloved planet and from there, in the great celestial dome of the universe, My Heart pours Its Rays of Divine Mercy.

At three in the afternoon the whole world has the precious possibility of renewing itself through My Christic Spirit and in this way, to liberate souls from eternal sin.  My Mercy is like a great power plant that from time to time renews all of the things and all of the beings.

Those disciples that have the mission of praying to My Divine Mercy at three in the afternoon enter like holy water into My Power Plant repairs and transforms your consciousnesses.  Your essences are rapidly impregnated by wise codes of light, those that I once achieved on the Cross when I entirely surrendered Myself to you.

From this moment the Source of My Mercy has become prodigious and constant, bringing relief, liberation and reparation for those that are  most in need.  Remember that you will always carry a part of My Source in your hearts because whoever lives through My Heart will become free.

Under the Divine Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior  


Dear children,

In this month of the Rosary until the 26th of November, I ask you that out of love for God the Creator, you gather in groups of prayer and that you pray at least the first fifty beads of the Holy Rosary for the world and for humanity, uniting in this way this request to the one that I have already made for all the nations of the world.

My children, by means of this maternal request, My Immaculate Heart will intercede in favor of all the souls that are in need of peace and forgiveness in this time, with the celestial mission that all of My children may awake from the dream in which they normally live and may begin to live for God, in His Love and Mercy.

In order for this to happen for most of My beloved children, the prayer of the heart on the part of all groups that have con- secrated themselves to the Divine Mother will be considered of universal importance.

Dear children, when souls are conscious of the requests that God sends through My Immaculate Heart, this loving action of responding to the call has repercussions in all the life of the planet and of humanity.

By means of the exercise of the Rosary on these days of Octo- ber until November, your lives will be preparing in conscious- ness for the new, for the time that will arrive to the world.

My children, the opening of your hearts will allow that this task may become sacred and true, just as are resting, eating and living for God. Each action of life in this time must be sacred so that God may avail Himself of the good examples of His children, who learn the laws of living together and of fraternity.

The new world will be composed of groups of souls that will learn to live the laws as the ancient peoples from the desert lived and obeyed together with Moses. God has prepared for each soul a special message of love and a mission.

Your exercise of daily prayer will allow that, in each moment, your hearts may contemplate the Will of God.

Dear children, may this month of the Holy Rosary be a preparatory month, a true school of prayer for all.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Embracing the Star of the Universal Peace that announces the new time, today I call you to include in your task of prayer all humanity so that it may walk within the new cycle; the whole planet so that the Light of God may continue illuminating; the whole Universe so that together we may commune with all Creation.

My children, a special request is that you pray for all of My children in India because My Maternal Heart has now begun the path of salvation in all the world, before the return of My Son.

Dear children, for this reason today your hearts must focus on these important maternal requests so that the Plans of God manifest themselves in each sector of this humanity.

My children, your prayers will collaborate with the cycle of the New Time that is coming. Thus your hearts and your souls will be able to prepare themselves for the Good News of Christ that emerges for the second time.

Dear children, I invite you to enter into the cycle of deep changes in consciousness so that your true spirit of peace may awaken in time before the events.

Little children, for this to happen your life must be united in prayer to the Creative Universe of God and thus, your aspiration for the Infinite will be true. From there comes the Holy Spirit; from there the Source of Wisdom for all Creation is born.

Therefore, dear children, may your hearts open themselves for the new because the moment has arrived to unite the hearts in love and in the task, preparing your beautiful Inner Temples to receive My Son, the Savior.

I thank you for responding day by day to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
