My Sword will cut the bad feelings from the heart of all of those who afflict themselves for some reason.

My Feet will trample every time on the serpent of temptation and of disunion so that, from dusk to dawn, My Disciples do not separate themselves from My Purpose.

My Rays will strengthen the spirit to liberate it from weaknesses and I will offer to it My Universal Will to proceed.

I will erase with My Hands and I will fade away with My Fingers all the ties with the past.

With My Heart I will illuminate the dark night of those who have decided to be with Me.

Pay attention, those who permit themselves to be involved with the things of this world, because for them it will be more difficult to pull up the roots that they have planted with their actions. Have only one thought in mind so that the barriers of the mind may be destroyed and only construct the bridges of the Brotherhood.

And if you still have not liberated yourselves from sin I forgive you for not having loved yourself as I have asked you and for not uniting yourselves as I have beseeched you. I only ask you to be consistent with My Redeeming Presence, in this way the Lord will thank you for having cultivated a spirit of humility and of peacemaking.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart!

Your Inner Master, Christ Jesus. 

Weekly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Fortín de Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Enter into My Heart of Light and, in the silence, I will show you the answers that you so seek.

Unite with My Immaculate Heart, and I will carry you into a state of peace that is still unknown to you.

Come to Me in prayer, and I will have you know the powers of a Verb that redeems souls and restores the world.

Through communion with My Son Jesus, allow the sacred Body of Christ to transform your being and your existence, transform the course of your life and re-write your story on Earth and in the Universe of God.

Let your confession to Christ, My child, cleanse your heart, draw forgiveness to the world and, in your being, place the infinite Mercy that the Sacred Heart brings to the Earth.

In the Sacraments find the strength of your life, live in the Sacraments and by the Sacraments. Transform your daily life into a communion with the Divine so that the Sacred may return to this world.

My children, I want to teach you to always be in the Heart of God, I want to show you the path to transformation, I want to lead you to the Sacred, to the Divine and to the True, but I need you all to listen to My call and practice My Words.

Of what use will it be to you to just hear My Voice if you do not follow the instructions I bring?

I have spoken to the world for a long time; from the Heavens, I bring keys for salvation and for an eternal coming together with Christ, but My children do not hear Me, they do not go deeper into My call and do not find the strength in My Heart to respond to the sacred Will of God.

Seek the Words I have pronounced over the years, over the centuries, and you will be able to perceive in your heart that if you fulfill what I ask of you, your lives would not be the same, and the difficulties and miseries of the world would also not be the same.

It is time, My dear ones, for each one to truly accomplish your part, to give your response to the Highest, aware that you are a part of a humanity that is lost in the illusions of the world.

Raise your arms to the Highest and ask for the help of God to transform what you do not reach on your own, but do not wait for God to transform you on His own, but rather take the steps toward transformation.

No longer say, My children, that you do not know how to do it, because for a year, My Heart daily dictated what steps you are to take, and now, in infinite Mercy, My Son descends to the Earth to daily dictate precious instructions on how to achieve the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I need to count on My soldiers, I have need of your steps on the path of My Son, because, My children, the whole world has need of this transformation, and those who say 'yes' and walk, will do so for all.

I thank you for always being with Me.

I love you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Those who are more tired of themselves are those who with humility must come towards Me because, even though it may seem that everything is of the same degree, everything changes within the heart that affirms day by day its eternal commitment with Me.

And in the spirit all changes more quickly whenever the heart trusts in My Mercy every day at three in the afternoon because it is then, at this time, when My Consciousness makes miracles of liberation and of transfiguration of your little cells.

Understand this mystery of the infinite power of My Forgiveness because at each day that I am descending from Heaven to give you My Poor Words, My Merciful Light absolves you prior to your again committing a mistake. My Heart does not grieve nor suffer for the amount of faults that the souls commit. My Heart becomes as alone in a desert and thirsty because the souls do not address their worldly problems towards My Heart that everything is possible and all can be transformed.

To My companions I say:

That until the end of life upon this world you will always find a test and a challenge to overcome in honor of the redeemer project of My Sacred Heart. And the more that the same test may repeat itself in your lives, never cease to ask for help and to humiliate yourselves before God, recognizing your state of imperfection, because in this way My Heart will always repair you and save you by means of the Grace that I have obtained through the merits of My Passion on the Cross.

Be as transparent as water and pure as a flower, to recognize that nothing may change by itself without first clamoring for My Divine Mercy. To those who still shipwreck in tests, as inside of a boat without aim or direction, meditate if you are truly clamoring for My Merciful aid of love. If you did like this you would not allow that your arrogance drown you as in the ocean, and on the surface of this sea of darkness and challenges you may see the light of salvation that comes from My Eternal Heart.

I love those souls that with simple bravery tell Me every day how much they want to have Me present in their lives, because all of these souls I will reward with My Sidereal Forgiveness.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Savior.


The one who donates to Me and surrenders to Me all their strength to serve My Lord, this one will be called disciple and blessed because in him or her I will be able to build a firm inner dwelling that is willing to give itself more each day.

Afterwards I will teach you little by little to love surrender and whenever this surrender matures in your consciousness I will give to you to drink from sacrifice, I will give to you to drink from My Chalice, the same that I drank from in honor to God and to all of My Companions in the past.

Thus I will be able to form the new apostles of the new time, those who will provide the example of My Word of Life by means of love and charity, because they will not be false nor liars; they will imitate My Christian Path through the devotion to My Sacred Heart.

In them I will deposit the power of My Glory so that they may prepare My silent Path of return to the world.

Now I need for all of those who profess My Name to forgive themselves for the mistakes of yesterday and that they no longer judge themselves. The New Kingdom of My Father will descend through Me as an only one, a unique unity between the souls and God.

For this beware of the wolves that will try to remove the wool from My Sheep, beware of all of those who will use My Precious name in vain. May no one confront another, but emanate the spirit of pacification because I will truly confirm if the talents that I have left to My Disciples have blossomed in the heart of those who work with Me.

The New Celestial Church is descending to renovate those who have ceased to believe in My Presence due to the petty actions of humans. The church that I founded is the Church of the Heart, of the Inner Temple, of the Absolute and Divine Truth that God radiates through His Firstborn Son.

Many have lost the reconnection with Me, for this I make use in this time of simple servers, not of those who received false praise, but of those who were redeemed by My Love.

May each one accomplish their part and be permitted to see how My Consciousness is present in all of the children of My Father because I Am Brother of all.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 

Weekly message received of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Uruguay Marian Mission will be the name of the task of the present groups of prayer that will collaborate in the creation of the nineteen new Marian groups that will represent the department of Uruguay.

Under this emblem:  Walking through Mary, also the pilgrims of other nations will be able to collaborate with love so that this work of the end of time may be carried out.

Dear children, when My maternal Heart asks you for this mission, it is because God observes that your hearts will be able to help all of Uruguay, to reach yet another time of peace.

My children, you will be precursor apostles of My Immaculate Heart for this sacred and immaculate mission, handed to you by the Queen of Heaven, to be able to rapidly expand throughout Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and, afterward, throughout all the Americas.

Dear children, it will be through you that God will be able to make many of His children pray again so that the whole world reconciles with Him and returns to the Kingdom of Heaven.

My children, My Heart of Mother will accompany the paths that your feet will walk upon. Therefore, do not fear about where to start, it is time for your pure hearts to be able to reflect the true love they keep for God and for His Son Jesus, thus you will learn to love the Will of God for yourselves.

I invite you, dear children, to unite in spirit to this Marian Project. The new Light-Network of Uruguay has reached the moment of awakening, as it has awakened other neighboring nations. The spiritual purpose is that, at the end, when the groups pray much for their own countries, God looks at them, contemplates them and gives them the forgiveness they need to enter into Paradise.

Dear children, I am with you, because soon you will see the fruits of conversion within your hearts and within the hearts of all your brothers and sisters. Enter the Kingdom of My Heart in trust, because, thus, I will guide you and mark the steps for you to find My Son, Jesus.

Now, I need in these times of missionaries that you not only experience prayer but also experience service to reach the redemption of the heart.

Dear children, I need you, day by day, and I count on you so that through this mission, which will start in the month of June of this year, you can bring me closer Me to many of My children who have separated themselves from My maternity.

If you respond to this call, Uruguay will be in other planes of the Creator, try to be in My Peace and in My Love because, in this way, I will comfort you.

I thank you for awakening to this call!

Who blesses and loves  you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



Blessed will be those who have understood My Presence, those who trust in My Words and those who follow My Heart.

To those who aspire to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, I say: this is the hour of conversion, of the surrender of all faults to God and to humbly receive the forgiveness He sends.

My children, more than once I have said to you: awake, awake in time to receive the Mercy, which flows from an infinite spring of the Kingdom of God.  Awake in time to see that the Hands of the Lord are extend toward your hands; that the Heart of the Lord is open to receive your hearts; that the Forgiveness of the Lord is ready to definitely erase all the debts that you have with God.

Beloved children, there is still time to make a correct decision in your lives. There is time to be true servers, ready to manifest the Will of God. There is still time to balance the part that is yours to do in this world, through prayer, fasting and a sincere confession to Christ.

When I tell you there is time, it is because there is time to act, to decide to respond now to the call of the Heavens. When I tell you that you are in time, I want to show you the opportunity for reconversion that the Lord places before your lives, so that even those who believe they are awake can truly awaken to the last call of God.

My children, the Lord has already sent all the Graces, has offered you His Son, His Kingdom, His faithful Servant, His hosts of angels. What more are you waiting for to accept the call of God? What more can We do so that the will to awaken be greater than the slumber that you feel?

The world is asleep, dear children, to the existence of a greater life. There are many who chose to not awaken and closed their eyes to the existence of God. There are many who believe they serve the Lord and do not perceive that a long time ago they closed their doors to Him. And there are many who give very little of themselves, when the world needs that each one give everything of oneself.

It is time to give oneself, little children, to give oneself to the Creator of all things. This which Is the very giving of Self, Who gave you life and offers you Eternity.

So immense is the Mercy of God that, to those who are most lacking in Him and forget His existence, He never tires of calling and in every way tries to bring back His children who get lost on the way.

That is why I am here, My children. I am the Mother of your hearts, sent by the Supreme Lord to awaken your consciousnesses, to make them active and prayerful. I am here because it is now time for the rescue, and My soldiers must be ready, for there is much work awaiting them.

If you knew the world as I know it, there would never be complaints in your lives, and once and for all, you would decide to accompany Me.

Thus, My dear ones, place all your difficulties at My feet and allow Me to Guide your lives through permanent prayer. Come with Me, do not fear to follow Me; I have waited for you for a long time. For centuries, humanity has been preparing; it is time to begin to act.

If you want to know where to begin, where to be or what to do, pray, pray and pray. Truly fast, commune with My Son and listen to His daily Words.

Walk, walk, for you are in time.

I thank you for listening to My urgent call with your heart.

Mary, Mother of the World and Queen of Peace


Dears, always dears:

May you never lose the steps that I mark for you on the path because in this way you will always approach yourselves to the true path of return to God.

May you today be able to lose your self-will so that you may learn to love the Divine Will.

I Am amongst you to show you the unique path that many of My ones will need to pass through without restrictions nor ideas. Free yourselves from the past and enter through the Portal of My Heart until the House of My Father. Walk day by day towards My Heart, I forgive you because I love you as true essences.

Under the Love of the Father, be loving.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Whenever your hearts are stained from faults, My Heart pours Its Blood to wash you and purify you from every disturbance. Such is the immensity of My Mercy because My Truth makes itself truth and wisdom in those who in humility recognize their mistakes.

My Rays move along through the path of your world to be able to touch with My Light those who have abruptly separated themselves from the Creator. For this wait for My Presence every day and do not lose the hope to convert entirely your lives to My Wise Heart.

I Am with you even in mistakes. Have courage to leave behind whatever ties you to the past. Do not fear how many times you fall before Me, fear ever forgetting to ask Me for Help so that I may be able to accompany you to take the cross that My Father has entrusted to you.

Relieve the heart in My Heart through the power of My Wisdom. May your spirit seek to be united to My Spirit despite the tests because in this way you will allow Me to help your consciousnesses.

Accept My Forgiveness and walk in the faith that awakens through the strength of your devotion.

I Am with you, My sons and daughters.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My Shepherd Priesthood accompanies those followers of Mine, such as the sacerdotes who are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that they may acquire the gift of the wise and divine word of God. Through their spiritual exercises in the Holy and Sacred Communion, they elevate to Heaven thousands of souls, souls that hope to reach the eternal light.

Through the Sacred Communion many faults are liberated and the hearts of people find, in each new ceremony, the Firstborn Son resplendent in Glory. Each inner act of Communion realized by the kind souls of sacerdotes open the doors of the Heavens so that Grace and Reconciliation may be present.

For this divine gift of forgiveness you and all of the followers of Christ must keep watch because in this time of intense changes the lonely souls and the souls empty of the love of God will find the perfect refuge that they so much search for.

Love the Ministers that profess their faith by means of their sublime encounter with the Communion, see My Presence manifested in them and collect from their teachings the gift for your lives. For this you must be in another state to be able to recognize My Beloved Shepherds, those who will succeed through your prayer of the heart.

Pray for My Ministers because they, through Me, will conduct the awakening of the new flocks of the Great Shepherd.

Under the Glory of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, be merciful and guardians of the word of life of the Gospel.

Thank you for uniting your hearts to My purpose of redemption and salvation!

Christ Jesus.


My dears:

I adore those who repent with the heart for all that they have done. Joyful are those because they will be as transparent as the sincerity that must spring from the heart.

Courage and bravery are necessary for this time because whoever meets themselves will know what it is that must be purified in the heart. But if one holds on to My mantle nothing in them will tremble and they will know how to proceed correctly on the path of transformation.

For this to happen must arise the power of My Mercy that will balance the world from the consequences of sin and will make possible for it to live in the salvation of the heart in order to reach eternity. You must keep vigil first for yourselves so that you may perceive what it is that still has not been purified and which signifies that a stone is embedded in the path of redemption.

Vigil with Me, unite yourselves to Me so that in these times may be revealed the most occult mysteries of the consciousness, those which need forgiveness, healing and mercy. Do not fear losing control of life nor fear to be empty of yourselves because this will be the beginning for the souls that may live the state of consecration to the divine plans of the Father.

Run towards Me and free your weaknesses, abandon yourselves entirely in My arms and let Me be in you, that which I have been attempting since the emerging of your lives. Be brave and with courage free yourselves from the ties.

The first step is to live in My Will to afterwards get to know the consecration of life to God.

Under the Mercy of the Father, trust in My call.

Thank you for consecrating life to the Creator Father!

Christ Jesus.


Dear children,

This morning, I come to announce that My Heart will be amongst you throughout the day, accompanying the vigil and the prayer that you will join together with Me. Therefore I expect from your hearts a total openness to the Lord, so that His Kingdom may come to Earth and remain on it, for the rescue and salvation of souls.

This is a week of special Mercy because the Lord has allowed Me to be even closer to My children and, together with them, work for the salvation of souls.

On this day I gather the offer of everyone, so that you may place at My feet, not only the talents of your hearts but also the miseries. And to find, together with Me and through Me, the path of conversion; I tell you that the shortest path is service, prayer, confession and fasting.

When you pray for souls with the same fervor with which you pray for yourselves, when you cry out for the world with the word that emerges from the depths of your being, the lord turns his eyes to the earth and sends his hosts help, bringers of redemption and Mercy.

When you serve with gratitude, peace and reverence for souls, Divine Mercy finds a space within your hearts so that, through them, it may be poured out to souls.

When you confess to God and to Christ, removing the sin and bitterness of the heart, when you are able to forgive your neighbor and yourselves, you are releasing the sin of the world and are giving an impulse to the souls that are unable to do it.

When you fast with sincerity and feel hungry on behalf of those who truly have nothing to eat, you balance the evil of the world and you give an opportunity to those who have nothing, to receive what they need one day.

It is necessary that you know how to practice what I ask of you with a broader consciousness, with the intention of the benefits that the world will receive, far beyond what each of you may receive.

If you act this way, acting for the good of the world, and may the good of your beings be a consequence, you are taking great strides towards Heaven, and soon you will be by My side.

Count on My Presence, My help and My motherhood.

Listen to My Words with love. I come to instruct you and accompany you, tracing a path of humility for your hearts.

I love each of My children.

Mary, Queen of Peace.


Be calm in My Heart because inside of My Soul you will find the relief and the true comfort that no one will be able to give you. As I come from the Source of Love, this love I pour over the souls and over their mistakes, but in this time, My dears, the one who weakens themselves by not trusting My Mercy must learn much.

My constancy is to sustain you in all of the moments of life, including in those moments in which you by yourselves as persons are not able to overcome. When I talk to you about the Source of wonders I talk about the moment of Grace that you can live with Me.

But today may your hearts not close themselves from the tests and indifferences that exist between souls. You must remember that while you are on Earth there will be much to forgive and to purify.  To enter the Kingdom of Heavens you must consecrate yourselves as the little heart of a child where there is no sadness, lack of love, nor rivalries between consciousnesses.

You will be able to see how the heart of a child is: pure, transparent, crystalline, simple, happy and free. This is what you sometimes lose in your hearts by the interference of your ideas, understandings and aspirations. For this the world is how it is, it is a world to redeem again and to free it from all of the indifferences that do not allow manifesting the Love of God between souls.

Try to have in these moments the heart of a child and perceive thus how your deepest feelings are, above all, those that are kept in the consciousness. I meet today with the desert that many of My children are crossing. I Am the spring that will quench you completely and that will give you Life so that through Me you may renovate yourselves.

Now you must learn to live My message so that My words may not become a theory but a Path of transformation for your hearts.

Under the Love of God, be humble, and brothers and sisters.

Thank you for guarding and living My words from the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


I Love the souls that with fondness internally prepare My Second Celestial Coming and persist, even having failed the laws of the Lord. For this, dear children I come as the Savior, as the Shepherd of all flocks, that in this time allow themselves to be redeemed by the imperative strength of My Love.

I know that your intentions are good before My eyes and that day by day you fight without rest to reach the holiness and the humility in the heart. Before each test today I ask you My dears, to give them to Me so that, through My Hands I may mold your learning and thus I may take you quickly to My Eternal Light. 

I told you when I was among you that life on Earth deserves to live the redemption because as souls you come to this world to learn the great lessons that look easy to live but are for many, very hard to achieve.  They are the lessons of humility, love and forgiveness.

For this companions, My return is already happening. I am seeking humble hearts, simple and truthful, hearts that can live without theorizing My messages of redemption. Because from you can be born My Christic Flame, the one which will encourage you to transform yourselves into good sheep of My flock. I know that now you are under the transforming fire of the universe and today, the 21st day of January of 2013, it makes a month since the beginning of the purifying cycle.

Many children thought that Christ would allow everything to be lost or that the Holy Mother of the World would abandon the children that I entrusted to Her from the Cross. We are returning as Sacred and renovated Hearts, the ones that were universally prepared to announce the next truth to the world.

Who has ears that hear and who opens the heart that guards My precepts, the ones that announce the advent of the Good News for the whole humanity. I am arriving with My Holy Celestial Mother, firstly in the hearts that willing to live the Divine Plan of the Father, are open to follow My saving and redeemer Message. After, to the ones who do not wait for me.

I am with you in tests as in joy. I am with you in crying as in the good news. I am with you always, feeling you, seeking you, welcoming you in My Heart, giving you My kind help. Do not be afraid of yourselves; abandon yourselves entirely to Me because you will lack nothing.

Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón: During the Prayer, before finishing the Orandium of the Passion and Transfiguration of Jesus, He was already present.

He appeared with a group of twelve angels. Each one of them had in their hands a chalice that was offered to all of us. The angels wore luminous white tunics, forming a half Moon behind the Master. They had short golden hair.

We say that He appeared because we felt the presence of Christ, but at this moment we could not see Him. After we sang the last part of "Redeemer Christ" and the song "Christ Returns" He made Himself visible. He appeared in the same way that the Divine Mother appears. He descended from Above as a light, and when He got closer to us He manifested, and we could see Him clearly.

When he appeared He made the sign of the cross with His right hand as a blessing, and He said:

Praised be the Lord!

He wore a white tunic, His hair was down past His shoulders, as in the image of the Merciful Christ. He wore a golden mantle and He was barefoot. His face was etched with a beautiful and soft smile, and His bright skyl blue colored eyes shone. His arms were facing outward, to the side of His body, a little bit open, with His palms facing toward us, and light was emanating from them.

From His heart came two rays that were of a turquoise crystal color. Behind Him there were many open heavens and he was upon the clouds. He said that He was showing us the face of His Return. Then He stayed in silence for a while, observing us, contemplating us. It seemed like our essences were transparent before His eyes. He let us understand that He could read all  of our feelings at the same time, that all was put in evidence before Him.

At this moment we didn´t know how the task He had asked us to do was going to be carried out. He was present and we were just observing Him, we didn´t know what He was going to say until He started to talk and transmit the message.

My dear ones,

I have ardently waited to share this moment with you, especially with your hearts. After almost two thousand and thirteen years, now, in mercy and forgiveness, I come in the name of the Supreme Will of God to guide your hearts more closely.

But My second and awaited return has not yet begun.

I come today in Spirit and in Essence to fill your little hearts with My Light. To those who still do not hear Me, may you hear Me, because I am coming. To those who do not see Me, may they see Me, because My Peace is getting closer. To those who ignore Me and flagellate My Sacred Heart, may you feel Me, because I come to this part of the world to bring you My Peace and My Glory, My Help and My Counsel.

I have already been amongst you once, and now I return, I return to My flocks to remind you that now it is the moment for the Eternal Communion with Me, with My Soul, with My Heart, with my Divine Dwelling.

I Am the poor one, I Am the Dying one, I Am the one who suffers in each place of this world.

Come to Me, so that I may illuminate you! Come to Me, because I thirst!

Be blessed in the Glory of the Spirit of the Lord.

Thank you for receiving My final redeeming call into your hearts!

Christ Jesus

When He finished the message we asked Him what He most wanted from us today.

He said: 

Today I Am giving you permission: that some of your brothers and sisters, whenever you heart indicates it to be so, may take part in the daily meetings with Me at 3 o'clock pm.

At this moment we must pray to wait for Him. He said that we should not forget to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy because He will be carefully listening to this prayer. At the end, before He left, we asked Him something else. Will the Master appear anywhere that we may go? He answered:

Wherever you go, wherever you may be, I shall guide you.


As the Lady of Faith, I intend that your hearts be vigilant when the awaited moment of rescue of hearts and salvation of souls arrives. Your path of prayer will allow you to find the essence in each one of My children, and especially to discover that which their souls are in need of.

My children, opening the Fountain of Mercy, I bring you to My Son to conduct you through the paths of Peace.

Dear children, as the world moves rapidly, much prayer is needed to support the changes that will arise before the eyes of everyone, changes that will define the “yes” or the “no” of all souls.

You are called to walk close to My Son so that you may see the need in all hearts that await the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

Dear children, it is time to continue praying because this will alleviate the Heart of Christ, and thus you will be close to His Universal Love. Now you must follow the steps of the Return of Christ so that your dwellings may be united to His Sacred Heart.

Many hearts are waiting for the New Christs, and My ecumenical order, the Grace Mercy Order, forms part of the soldiers of prayer, because today all are called to share the Christic path of the end of times.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear and beloved children of the Father,

All the offenses that are generated in the world are forgiven day by day through the Unfathomable and Powerful Divine Mercy that springs as a fountain from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Therefore today, My little ones, you must surrender in faith to the infinite mystery of forgiveness and of reparation for the hearts that have fallen into the faults that offend God.

So that the world and the souls may achieve peace and universal harmony necessary in this end of times, My Son needs humble and spontaneous soldiers of Mercy.

Dear children, the Universal King of the Love of God, Jesus Christ, awaits daily that through prayer, service and frater- nity new soldiers are able to be His instruments so that His Mercy may be propagated through the world. The hearts still have not understood the true mystery of the merciful Rays of Jesus; therefore today I invite you to propagate this important Grace that My Son is pouring over the whole world.

My children, in His Sorrowful Passion were radiated the highest States of Love that flowed out from the wounded Heart of Jesus. Now resurrected, He calls you to the conversion of your lives and to drink from the Fountain of Christ Itself, which heals all and cures all.

Dear children, it is time to awaken before that magnificent and splendorous Grace of Redemption and Forgiveness in which My Son is calling you to be participants.

May your lives be only Mercy. May your actions be merciful. May your words and thoughts be impregnated by Divine Mercy. May the Fire of the Love of Jesus convert you into instruments of His Unfathomable Mercy.

Dear children, you still have time!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


An urgent maternal call

Dear children, with the rosary in My hands, I pray so that My children may awaken in time.

I pray for all souls that are distancing themselves from God. I pray so that the world may reach the Grace of Peace.

I pray for all those who do not pray.

I pray so that faith may awaken in time in your hearts. I pray to dissolve the difficulties that many children are experiencing. I pray for this time of tests and confirmation.

I pray so that all My children may forgive each other and may redeem themselves through My Son.

Dear children, I perpetually pray for this defining time in which souls offer themselves to be in the flock of My Son or nominate themselves to be outside the flock of My Son.

Therefore, as the Interceding Mother, I pray so that no one is lost, not even the smallest of essences.

I pray so that all may achieve forgiveness.

I pray in this time of Mercy because Divine Justice is springing up.

I pray so that My Beloved Son Jesus may be among you.

I pray, beseeching Him, so that He may guide you again. I pray for everything that I observe in this world.

I pray for the new cycle that will come.

I pray so that reconciliation may be lived in every creature as an emanation of the spirit of peace.

I pray so that trust in the Only One may be strengthened in those who have surrendered themselves to the Divine Plan.

I pray with hope for all humanity.

I pray so that all My little children may become conscious that these are no longer normal times, that it is necessary to pray with the heart every day, and not to easily forget the nourishment provided by the power of prayer.

I pray for all of you so that the Holy Spirit may descend upon each of My children.

I pray for those who do not listen to My call and for those who discredit the words of My Immaculate Heart.

I pray so that the truth may manifest itself in your lives.

As Queen of Peace, I pray for your salvation.

Therefore, dear children, let us pray today with all these intentions because it is necessary that your hearts be in constant service. Let us pray for the Presence of the Peace of God, because it will be what will sustain the world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My urgent call for Peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Before the Graces received during all of these days, I invite you to live love and fraternity so that all of My children may be born to the new humanity.

Dear children, for this to happen I invite you to persist in the exercise of the prayer of the heart. For this you can count on the assistance and the help of My Immaculate Heart that guides you in your path of prayer.

My children, remembering the importance of prayer in this end of times, your hearts will be able to receive the spiritual assistance of the Holy Spirit of God. Know that you can count on the Wisdom of the Father, by means of prayer, in order to make right decisions in your lives.

I want to help you to grow in consciousness so that the true heart of love may be able to reach each soul of humanity.

I want to prepare you as My Maternal Heart prepared the path for the coming of Jesus. I want you to walk directly towards the Divine Heart of My Son, remembering the importance of the communion with His Sacred Heart.

My children, as Mother I accompany you through this pil- grimage towards the universe, which your lives are realizing in these moments.

Remember that prayer is the foundation for the life of the spirit of all of My children to awaken  in time and in consciousness.

Dear children, in this time in which the reality of the world needs your prayer, My Heart is calling you to serve God by means of the prayer of the heart, by means of your full trust in My Son.

With humanity in My arms, today I say to you, dear children: walk towards the forgiveness of the heart so that My Immaculate Peace may spring in the essences.

I am with you during these days in a special and maternal way.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Rest in My arms trusting in the Light of the Redeemer!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


In My arms I hold the world. In My Heart I keep humanity.

In My prayer I help humanity and thus I aid all souls. With

My eyes I contemplate the joy of some hearts and the pain of the wounded hearts.

Therefore, My mission is to bring Heaven to Earth through the prayers of My soldiers. My Graces are poured hour by hour, second by second over this world in need. My hands pray perpetually for you. My Immaculate Heart rises to the celestial throne of God to ask, as mediator, for all humanity.

While time, the changes and the events pass quickly in the life of all souls, My Heart wants to take you to a deep state of peace. I want to reveal to My little ones the essence of the Divine Mercy of Jesus. I want that My little ones learn to be with My Son without fearing for anything and thus to walk in joy towards the encounter with His Merciful Heart.

As Mother I protect the hearts and I awaken the power of faith for life. As the morning I bring hope, the renovation in Jesus, the beginning of a new path towards God.

Day by day I contemplate that the need of humanity increas- es; for this reason, from the Heavens of God, the Most High sends Me towards My children to help them to find the Love of the Creator.

Little souls of God the Father, today as the Mother of Divine Mercy I pour once more the Ray of Forgiveness and of Repa- ration upon your hearts. But so that your lives may feel the unfathomable source of reconciliation, you must say “yes” to God, to the Father of Love and Compassion.

Dear children, today I am calling you to convert your lives into forgiveness, into peace, into eternal Mercy for all.

Today I am calling you to do something for this humanity, because, through its own actions, it separates itself from the Peace of God.

Today I am calling you to reinforce the power of prayer in your lives.

Today I am calling you to fasting and to meditation on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

Today I ask you that your hearts become merciful and humble so that Jesus may manifest Himself in each one of His disciples.

Today I am calling you to awaken from the slumber of this humanity.

Today I am calling you to be active servers of God for your neighbor, in your families, for your dearest friends and for all humanity.

Because today My Heart calls you to be in Christ the Savior so that the Grace of God may aid the world.

Today I call you to open your eyes to the reality of humanity and to commit yourselves with the perpetual prayer for all the causes that need the Mercy of the Redeemer.

Dear children, today I ask you to ignite the Flame of the Holy Spirit in your hearts so that My Immaculate Peace may propagate itself throughout the world, because at the end of everything, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Remember that you live in this world for your redemption and for your salvation. Do not detain the steps that My Son is manifesting from your hearts. In the moments of test and confirmation, do not look at the past, strengthen your spirit by means of the prayer of the heart. Unite your essences to the One and Only Essence of God so that My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus may be able to rescue you. Dear children, today I invite you to live in hope, hope of being reborn as redeemed souls, that ardently desire to be in God. I will guide you.

My children, while your lives are in this world they must learn to forgive, to transcend and to love above all things. Remember, My children, that this is the lesson for the disciple of My Son: to love above all circumstances.

Dear children, today I call you to trust in Forgiveness and in Mercy, I invite you to reconcile your existence with God. My Maternal Heart knows you very well, It knows what it is that you feel, think and do, because as Mother I come to the world to correct the mistakes of the hearts through My message and My Maternal Love.

If you fall due to some obstacle, dear children, get up as Lazarus got up when he was called by the Love of Jesus. Receive in your lives the Redeeming Love of My Son so that, in your dialogue with His Divine Heart, He may heal you from within.

Dear children, begin this day praying for the Redemption of humanity.

Go forward, My little ones!

Trust the Almighty God because He loves you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

