It is the Will of God, dear children, that the Work of Love and Redemption of the Divine Messengers reach, in an ecumenical, fraternal and serviceable way to the youngest ones in the world: to all the children.
After establishing the international agreement of cooperation between all the nations with the different refugees of the world, and on the eve of the special meeting of Mercy, God is asking you to take one more step, as Work, and this step will now, be planetary.
It is thus that through your mission and humanitarian services, without religion or creed, but yes of a loving and open heart, your Heavenly Mother needs to reach through you, the most unprotected children in the world, those who suffer the wars, the conflicts between nations, poverty, illness and persecution.
Until now, the Planetary Missionary Network was in an ambit of training and preparation. From today, the Planetary Missionary Network will be integrated by the contribution and service of one part of the Work, which is the Planetary Light Network.
In that way, dear children, it is the Aspiration of God that, by means of union and brotherhood with the international organizations, this Work attend, on an international level, to the children of the world in situations of war, of conflicts and disintegration of their families, so that My Maternal and Immaculate Heart intervenes in the rescue of those essences.
From this new cycle, after the last 8th of August, the situation of the service and assistance to humanity by the Whole Work hás changed and has expanded on a world level.
I would like you to understood that, through your hands and your hearts, your Heavenly Mother will try to reach all those suffering souls, the ones that for different circumstances have lost contact with love and hope.
In this phase, the Order founded by My Beloved Son will also perform specific functions within this humanitarian service.
That is why you must be available, because through the international organizations you will be able to attend and serve, for Christ, in nations of the world never concurred or visited by your group, where situations of risk or malnutrition of innocent children unchain.
My Mission with you is that someday you learn to place the planet and its humanity in your hearts, since all the impulses given to you in the last thirty years, have been a preparation for this cycle of planetary emergency.
Remember that these humanitarian services prepare the Second Coming of Christ.
I add, My children, that servant souls of different ages could present themselves that Will come to you moved by the impulse to help dissolve the conflicts in humanity.
Let us go forward!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
The official declaration is hereby made that the Work of Peace of the Divine Messengers, in an ecumenical, autonomous, and fraternal way, will provide its humanitarian services to the different peoples and nations of the world for the purpose of spiritually establishing a longer period of peace.
It is thus that the missionaries of Fraternidade and those consecrated from the Order of My Son, as from the impulse given by international organizations, are assembled, gathered together, and twinned in the two bases that will be permanently established in the north of Brazil.
This means, dear children, that for your Heavenly Mother, the permanent mission of Greece will be temporarily closed and will be taken over by the representatives and members of the Network-of-Light of Europe.
Regarding the mission of permanent service at the pheriphery of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, it will also be temporarily closed, and will be taken over under My call by the Light Network of Minas Gerais and São Paulo.
Therefore, under the Will of Our Father, all principal and in-formation missionaries will be transferred to the north of Brazil in order to respond to the request made by international organizations, which seek peace, justice, and equity among races and peoples.
In this sense, the Spiritual Hierarchy is calling all of the planetary Network-of-Light to undertake the humanitarian service, the objective of which is that the principal and consecrated servants who belong to the Communities-of-Light and reside in them be able to extensively develop a fraternal service in the quest for establishing healing, redemption, and love in the souls that, because of conflicts, wars, and disorder among nations, have lost the essence of faith and of love.
It is important to emphasize that the spiritual shield of protection of the missionaries and those consecrated who will undertake the operative phase of service in the international organizations under the principle of fraternity, will have as an inner foundation the presence of the Sacred Hearts. But under no circumstance or reason will some religious or spiritual principle be disseminated, since the cause of the current conflicts comes from the social and humanitarian misunderstandings among the religions.
In this new phase of taking up world tasks and of those of a universal order, the Fraternidade will only seek the good and the benefit for fellow human beings, so that values and human rights may be recovered.
We will be guiding this new phase step by step, which will have the consciousness of all those who serve sacrifice many things in their lives so that a worse situation than already exists may not be precipitated in South America.
I thank you for responding to this operation of world rescue for peace and the good of the world.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I would like, dear children, to emit My deepest maternal thanks to all your souls that made possible the special and important Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe.
With the most sincere vows of My Immaculate Heart, in this month of August, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of My Apparitions, I wish, maternally, that you offer to the Creator a special novena of gratitude, bliss and renewal for My presence very close to your lives, for such long time.
I expect that all consecrated of the Grace Mercy Order dedicate this novena praying the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, from the 31st of July until the 8th of August of 2017, the date on which My Apparitions are commemorated and celebrated.
In order for this novena to have fruits of love, mercy and conversion, you will pray the Holy Rosary, meditating each day on the mysteries and miracles that God has provided you through My Immaculate Heart and through the Divine Heart of My Son; and in this way your hearts will also be able to express gratitude to the Celestial Father.
It is in this way, My dear children, that you will pray the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, meditating and thanking God for:
First day, 31st of July: “For the opportunity of loving more one another, as souls at the service of God”.
Second day, 1st of August: “For having known the value of the Holy Communion and of the other Sacraments”.
Third day, 2nd of August: “For the charity and the altruistic service lived by God, through His creatures, to the mineral, plant, animal and human Kingdoms”.
Fourth day, 3rd of August: “For the unconditional surrender of the consecrated to the Divine Plan of the Father”.
Fifth day, 4th of August: “For the Presence of Christ in our inner world and for being part of His Work of Mercy”.
Sixth day, 5th of August: “For receiving from the Source all the Knowledge of the Universe, manifested through the Instruction and through the formation of the servers of God”.
Seventh day, 6th of August: “For the existence of the Holy Spirit, which has guided and inspired all the groups of service, prayer, instruction and healing, demonstrating the spiritual talent of each one”.
Eighth day, 7th of August: “For the manifestation, on the surface, of the Points of Light, such as the Communities-of-Light and the Monasteries, which represent the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy”.
Ninth day, 8th of August: “For the infinite Grace, for the incalculable Providence and for the incommensurable Love of God in our lives”.
In this way you will pray the Rosary during the nine days preparing My arrival, this time at the Marian Center of Figueira.
May this celebration be joyous and may all My children, without exception, be called to participate.
I transmit to you the prayer of gratitude that must be prayed at the beginning and at the end of the Rosary, during the nine days.
Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin in thanksgiving to God
for Her ten years of Apparitions in South America
Eternal and Divine Father,
Who conceives the divine life in all Your creatures,
Who expresses and manifests in the humble hearts,
Who is alive and resplendent in the Sacred Body of Christ.
Today Your Servant and Slave
gives thanks to You for the infinite Graces
that You have poured out through the Immaculate Heart.
Give strength, bravery and courage
to all those who follow Your call.
Give momentum and motivation
to those who concretize
Your Work of Mercy
so that Your Humble Mother and Lady of Light
may become known in the world,
through this miraculous Work
that You, Beloved Lord,
have expressed on the surface.
So be it,
until Jesus Christ returns in Glory.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As the Mother of the North-American Indigenous Consciousness, I come today to re-establish in the inner worlds the bridge of union and contact that existed between these peoples and God.
It is so that after having gone through the cities of Oklahoma and Orlando, your Holy Mother begins this new cycle in the United States, with the presence of the monasteries of the Order founded by My Beloved Son.
These monasteries in the United States will have the mission of working in the awakening of the consciousness through prayer and instruction, stimulating in the hearts the search for service, for the most forgotten ones in hospitals, nursing homes and in the city streets of this country.
In this way, Divine Mercy will become visible for all consciousnesses, and the possibility of living reconciliation with the Father will be more real and true for all the North Americans.
It is so, that the monasteries will teach souls to reconnect with the Divine Source and, at the same time, new prayer groups, which will be formed throughout the different cities of the United States, will learn to internally light up the mirrors of their hearts.
In this new cycle, in the United States, the Order founded by My Son will create the necessary bases for new members of the Light-Network to come forward. This will provoke, in this North-American nation, an opportunity to start being conscious of the existing imbalance and the waste generated in the material life, as well as the recovery of human dignity.
This will promptly allow some states of the nation to enter, by means of the spiritual help of the Center of Love of Mount Shasta, into a phase of regeneration of the spiritual consciousness of the beings of the surface, as well as a deepening into the contact of each being with their souls.
This task will require many sacrifices and efforts so that the people from the United States may abandon some situations and conditions of oppression in time to enter into a state of healing and redemption.
Therefore the collaboration of the North Americans and of the non-North Americans will be indispensable, and, this must be well organized.
I will count on this part of the work with the help of everyone.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The triumph of My Immaculate Heart through the Campaign for Peace will be the rescue and salvation of the young ones.
That is why the semiannual meeting of youth in Florianopolis intends to gather the souls that need to return to the Heart of God.
This meeting will be encompassed within the festival of youth, in which prayer, art and music, as well as service, will be united in the proposal of peace.
For this, the youth of Florianopolis will promote and impel the semiannual meeting, they will try to gather souls so that at some moment they may become servants of Christ.
This first Youth Festival or Meeting for Peace will be in the month of July of 2016 and will be concomitant with the World Youth Day, in the spirit that the young ones celebrate the Jubilee of the Mercy of God.
In the next semester, the festival will be in the month of January of 2017, when the youth of different parts of Brazil will congregate and will already have been able to deepen in the spiritual task initiated in this meeting.
The participation of the Grace Mercy Order as well as the group that pilgrims will be fundamental in these meetings.
From the month of July of 2016 on, and for a period, the Meeting of the Youth will progress within the proposal of peace.
The young people of Florianopolis are invited to prepare this first meeting in the month of July, and the song to be offered is “Blessed are the merciful”.
A good preparation for all My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who congregates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Visions on the Passion of Our Lord
So I saw Our Lord on Mount Calvary, living the Crucifixion on the Cross.
This happened during the prayer of the Devotional of the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus and after the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at three in the afternoon.
At that moment, I saw they were stretching out his right Arm, in such a way that a dislocation occurred in Jesus.
During all of that pain, which expanded over Mount Calvary, they nailed a large iron nail into His Wrist, which wounded the Arm one side to the other and caused it to bleed.
At that moment, another man appeared who, placing himself close to His Head, while Jesus was being nailed on the Cross through His right Hand, started to press the Head of Our Lord onto the wood of the Cross in such a way that the Crown of Thorns was embedded into the scalp and caused Him to bleed much more.
He then was hit various times over the Head, done with a club.
On one part of the Mount, I saw the Virgin lying prostrate on the ground and placing Her hands on Her Head in a sign of pleading.
Later on, I began to make the Sign of the Cross for all that I was seeing, and a new vision appeared.
As we prayed the second Sacred Wound, I saw that, on the left Hand of Our Lord, they began to strike His Fingers, to the point of causing each of them to bleed, and with a tool they had, pulled out His Fingernails, one by one, leaving raw flesh on His Fingers.
That indescribable sensation was radiated by Our Lord, and in spite of all that suffering and pain, at a certain moment I saw that the Mental Consciousness of Jesus rose above that whole situation, and while the Master experienced this martyrdom, He was pleading with the Father in the following way: "Eli, Eli, forgive them, forgive them!"
The Master then said to me: "Son, I show you all of My Passion so you will write the book of the Passion of Jesus."
Then the Lord transmitted to us:
I have not yet made known to you the difficult times to come, which will be unknown to all. For this reason, I ask that you defend My Congregation from yourself, in the same way in which I will expect each consecrated one to defend My Work from themselves, to thus again divert the temptation of My enemy to create his own tools that will scourge My Heart.
Let nobody step away from the test I have sent them to experience. The lambs must escape the ferocious hands of the wolves. But many still need to learn to revere all they have received by the power of My Glory.
Let nobody forget their signature made with Me, but I know that many still will desist from following something that does not satisfy human emotions.
When some presented Me with the letter of resignation, I only remembered Judas kissing my cheek and betraying Me on the dark night of the Garden of Gethsemane. The very difficulties of souls are born as a result of resistance and control.
What I have for each disciple I have not yet revealed nor given.
Today, I come forward to announce My last leave-taking in this infinite game of the salvation of souls and redemption of evils, in the face of the horrors that cause My Eyes to constantly weep.
The heart that does not love its defects and imperfections is a heart that closes itself to the truth; in the same way, when the sun is hidden by clouds, everything becomes shadowed, for the simple reason of not controlling oneself.
I have given you the greatest pearls of My necklace of Light, but few have pleased Me and even less have made the Mercy I poured out shine forth. Going out into the world means to condemn oneself, become divided like two rivers, which will end up in the throat of the great abyss. I am being faithful to those who responded to Me.
If you truly loved My Sacrifice and My Passion, you would not take from Me the time for the pursuit of great planetary Works. To work on the emptiness of self and your humbling in light of My Sacred Heart, I humbly ask that you go over My Passion during this evening and that all souls hear My last Words, which are for humanity.
For I will return in a way very few have perceived. I first gave you My Heart so you could live it and love it, then I gave you the Voice of the Merciful Source through My Words, and lastly, I called you to an inner consecration; and now some want to abandon Me and leave Me nailed on this cross of evil and the indifference of the world.
To those who persist, continue onward for those who turned their backs on Me and have stopped living in My Merciful Heart.
To those who are demented, do not despair, but rather trust in the Spirit of My Infinite Compassion, and to those who feel tired, remember the moment of the Last Supper and the greater sacrifice I had to carry out so the world and its sacred project not be lost.
I know My Words will not be enough, but in truth, I tell you to have enough remembrance and a greater heart, so that through your follies, you do not lose the spring of My Graces. This Order must fulfill My Purpose, even if only three reach the summit of the Mount of the Cross.
With eyes of mercy, look at My humble declaration. You can no longer be ingenuous and egotistical; the Plan of My Father needs you so that, among the tribulations, you learn to pull out the roots of evil during the night of greater darkness.
It will be at that moment that I Myself, with My own Merciful Eyes, will see those that, having gone through a renunciation, humiliation and sacrifice, will glorify My Holy Name and make it flesh in their own flesh. At that instant, I will be Your Intercessor and will free you through the power of My Glory.
Ease the weight My Hands carry, the cross is ever more heavy and the world as well.
Who will risk defending My Will rather than their own?
Who will be worthy of praising My Name and of fulfilling My Promises, giving their life for the rest?
Who will wait patiently for the Return of their Master, even when everything is about to end?
Happy are those who seek Me in spite of their own adversities, because I promise you, I will not be the executioner or the judge, but rather will be the Door that will take you after this life to the Celestial Kingdom.
Under the Pity of the Creator, be consistent with My Precepts.
Your King, Christ Jesus, the Aching Heart
For the beginning of this important Marathon number 14, also numerically important, I ask you to be on these days transmitters and mediators of My Divine Mercy for all the unborn in the whole world.
It is a very grave failure to cause the loss of life, the opportunity of living of many souls that should arrive to this world in order to relieve it of its own suffering; to relieve it by means of the love and the light that all of these essences should bring from the celestial universe.
Pray with the heart, pray by means of the essence of the Christic Love, that which inexhaustibly springs from My Pious Heart. In this way you will allow that I rescue all of those who once did not get to be born or to be in the arms of their mothers.
Pray so that the Justice of God may be light in the life of all who falsely proclaim the lack of life in My children, those who must arrive to this world in order to bring the peace of the Greater Universe. I wish that My Powerful blood be poured upon people who out of ignorance commit these grave outrages that hurt the Creator Heart of the Father.
For this I have chosen the city of Belo Horizonte so that by means of the praying souls it may be the receiver in this time of the Source of My Divine Mercy for all of Brazil.
I want to change the mistakes that many commit by taking the life of the unborn. It is the time and the moment to remediate the causes of evil and its consequences by means of the offer of finding and living the Divine Mercy.
This special Marathon is dedicated to all of the unborn that on this day cry in the limbo of sorrow and of the Calvary that, for a wrong action and for the lack of love, they have had to go through.
If the roots of these actions are not cut as they are supposed to be, torn out from the soil, greater consequences will weigh in the mind and in the heart of all who commit this outrage against the life that God has given to the creatures.
The Source of My Mercy has the power of remediating and healing all of these offenses. May this Marathon be a moment for you to become truly aware of the time that you live as humanity and civilization.
I hope that all of My good prayerful beings will penetrate into the depths of My Heart asking for Mercy and Forgiveness so that I may have the authority to intercede and reverse the evils that many men and women commit towards those who are not born today.
In this way by means of your prayers I will be able to raise the souls that today should be amongst you pouring the Love of God upon the world. But as it is not possible, I come to give you a great opportunity of realizing a change in the consciousness and principally in the heart.
The lack of life is the absence of the true Love of God and those who participate in these actions towards the unborn will have the opportunity of receiving the last opportunity for of salvation.
While the world without realizing it, submerges itself in hell for the gravity of the unconscious decisions that it makes in favor of taking the life of My little ones, I ask you in times of emergency, to pray with the inner strength of the heart more than with your mouths. I ask you to pray so that the sacred verb of prayer may be elevated towards the Universe and God the Father may listen, by means of My Offer, to your request of help and of redemption.
If humanity continues to take the life of others, as much for those who are unborn as for those who die unjustly or who are condemned to death, a great wave of justice could alter the illusory and modern good life that many live without seeking God, without seeking love, without seeking peace. And from night to day many would awaken in the rubble of suffering and of their own fall by means of human injustice. In order to avoid the Greater Law upon you I come to ask for the consecration of the whole world to My Most Sacred Heart.
I also come to ask for the creation of a fourth Branch of the Grace Mercy Order, an Order that belongs to Me in Heaven. This fourth Branch which I am speaking a about to you is the Branch of the Worshippers of the Mystical and Eucharistic Body of Christ. If many worshipped the Most Holy Sacrament many causes that would have immediate consequences would be avoided in the world and in humanity.
By the authority that God has granted Me as the Firstborn Son I wish that there exist this fourth Civil Branch of Worshippers of the Most Holy Sacrament and of the Divine Mercy. They will be the ones who will spread the gifts that I achieved by means of the Passion and of the Resurrection because they will have vows of service, prayer and adoration in honor to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and in the name of Redemption and Mercy for humanity.
The branch of worshippers will be arise especially in the Children of Mary and they will have as temples of worship the Marian Centers and the Nuclei of Service, as well as the churches and chapels. Remember that I Am present in all of the Sanctuaries of the Earth. It does not matter where it may be, My Heart is luminous for all and in every place.
If this branch of worshippers could give in My name the fruits of adoration, of unity and fraternity, today I would be able to tell you that the world, to a great extent, would be safe from its own sorrows and actions.
After fourteen Marathons of the Divine Mercy the moment has come for confirming yourselves as My Soldiers and Apostles, those who will give testimony of conversion and of renovation to all of those who lose themselves.
I will thank all for this true answer.
I give thanks to the Sacred Sky Nucleus for sheltering Me with so much love and dedication, as many did in the humble house of My Ancient Jerusalem.
Peace and Good for all.
Your Master of Love,
Glorified Christ Jesus
Dear daughters of the Good:
I thank you for the prompt and fast inner preparation to receive Me; this loving attitude for the final times has great repercussions at the feet of the Altar of the Lord.
Day by day I have been accompanying your service. From the moment in which you opened the door to a beggar and gave him food and drink, when you fed and nourished the soul of a sad mother, there I was; when you welcomed the coming of the Universal Mother to Rio de Janeiro, for these moments I was also accompanying and supporting you with My Heart.
In the doubts and in the continuous strength I Am. My wisdom and Paternal Love comes to your beings to say to you that your charity and faithfulness to Christ has been secure. When your eyes shed tears of joy, of reconciliation among the brothers and sisters as well as tears of pain, I was always among you.
The souls bring in their hearts gifts, gifts that are converted in spiritual tasks, impulses of the good souls to donate themselves to the God of Love. I come to your simple house because in the beggar, in the pregnant mother and in the crazy person, you have opened the door to Me.
I want to say to you that your constancy in serving, loving and surrendering has touched My Heart and has permitted that, in a time of chaos, I come today from Heaven in Glory to share My Holy Joy.
Now your house will receive the mantle of the consecrated life; I want to say to you that Sisters from the Order Grace Mercy will share the service and will expand it all throughout the city, creating a net of Christic fraternity. My divine aspiration is that you, My daughters of the Good and the consecrated sisters, bring My Merciful Heart through service as My other consecrated daughters in Venezuela will also do.
The Divine Order of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Grace Mercy Order, is proposing to all to enter a new cycle of service and work for the Plan, answering in this way the great need of healing and spiritual comfort for many souls. This call to the new cycle that will be conducted by My Sacred Heart, will receive blessings and special help, and in the difficulties I promise to be near all of you.
Under the Mercy of God, the one that has descended over all of Rio de Janeiro, we will meet again soon here in this house.
Thank you daughters of Christ of the Good for having welcomed Me, the Lord blesses you always.
Christ Jesus Merciful
As the Lady of Faith, I intend that your hearts be vigilant when the awaited moment of rescue of hearts and salvation of souls arrives. Your path of prayer will allow you to find the essence in each one of My children, and especially to discover that which their souls are in need of.
My children, opening the Fountain of Mercy, I bring you to My Son to conduct you through the paths of Peace.
Dear children, as the world moves rapidly, much prayer is needed to support the changes that will arise before the eyes of everyone, changes that will define the “yes” or the “no” of all souls.
You are called to walk close to My Son so that you may see the need in all hearts that await the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.
Dear children, it is time to continue praying because this will alleviate the Heart of Christ, and thus you will be close to His Universal Love. Now you must follow the steps of the Return of Christ so that your dwellings may be united to His Sacred Heart.
Many hearts are waiting for the New Christs, and My ecumenical order, the Grace Mercy Order, forms part of the soldiers of prayer, because today all are called to share the Christic path of the end of times.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more