The ocean of My Divine Mercy is greater and more powerful, stronger and more invincible than the Passion that I lived on the Cross for all of you; this ocean of Graces is prodigious and compassionate, principally for those who have fallen walking the path of the consecration and of the absolute surrender to God.

Every day I open this sacred source before your eyes, so that you may recognize it as the only way out for this time of chaos.  For those who in truth dedicate devotion to the unfathomable Source of My Mercy know that I will not abandon you.  My Steps of light will follow you until the hour of death and after this life, in the next world, I will give you the offer of eternity, of paradise.

For those who listen to My words, that they may keep them in their hearts, because they will serve as fortress and shield for definitive moments.  That no one may fear for being purified, because in order for My New Wine to be deposited, the old wineskin must be polished and restored by My Hands, in this way I will be able to count on consciousnesses redeemed by My Sacred and Invincible Christic Light.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening and for living My Teachings!

Christ Jesus


My Eternal Dwelling of the Heart dwells in the great infinite ocean of My Divine Mercy.

Every day, at three in the afternoon, I wait for thirsty souls and the devout souls to address Me, and to travel, by means of the Chaplet, to the center of the home of My Heart.  There, I will humbly talk to your heart about the things of God.  In this way, I will relieve your inner beings from the constant pressure that this world of today generates, so that you may reach My House of Eternal Dwelling.

Today I ask you to make the decision of ardently living the hour of the Mercy of God.  Thus, you will permit, in a simple way, that the most sublime Graces, those that your souls need, may be received in this time of tests and tribulations.

It is so simple to enter into My Mercy that the souls become discouraged when they begin to pray with Me.  But the devotion that I need from you must overcome the obstacles of inertia and material density, and this will be possible when your hearts just say to Me: “Jesus, I trust in You”.  

Through this constant affirmation, you will open the doors of My Spring, this is the key that will liberate you from perdition and from the temptation of the world.  For this reason, before each new test, decree and affirm: “Jesus, I trust in You” because this affirmation, which was given to Sister Faustina, has the power of defeating any evil in the natural environment of your lives and of your inner beings.

Remember that I trust in you.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus



As My Grace for you is immense and infinite, and because of the Marian mission you will have on your trip, today, just as in the previous month, I will appear during the Restoring Communion to give My Message to the world.

I expect an immense joy from you so that, in this way, you enter into the ocean of My Mercy. This Christic celebration with Me must be recorded, to then disseminate My saving and redeeming Message.

By the Grace of God, be blessed and wait for My coming, with love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Thank you for listening to My requests,

Christ Jesus


Will you carry the banner of Peace with Me?

Will you help Me spread My Message in the world?

Dear children, you, through the prayer of the heart, may be My messengers, those who only communicate to all what My words dictate day by day to your hearts. Many are My Marian soldiers of prayer, the armies of the Father on Earth. But to follow in this service to the Creator of the Whole, you, in the groups of prayer, must always renew yourselves in the exercise of the prayer of the heart.

Today I invite you to live in the instruction of the One and Omnipotent Lord who is in the Heavens; may He be for you the wise and kind fatherhood that many children search for in the spirit.

My Immaculate Heart wants to bring you to know and feel the greatness that exists for being in the Lord and how all of you may be invaded by His prodigies and mercies. But before this My children, each of you must repaired in the Lord so that the heart lives the forgiveness that is promised by My Son Jesus.

Know dear children, that Christ, the Redeemer of the World, is attentive to the voice of all supplications. They must be true before the eyes of My Son because in this way He will indicate to you how proceed on.

And thus you may proceed in God because your souls must remain, through prayer, in the infinite ocean of Mercy, so that your mistakes and pains are freed little by little.

You, dear children, represent precious gem for the heavens, which polished and transformed by prayer, must be near the hands of God, so that He places you as light in the Universe. Many of my children are precious gems that still are not polished and that lose the intensity of their own inner sparkle.

For this, dear children, prayer for all the children will collaborate so that all souls are also repaired by My maternal hands and by the rays that spring constantly from Jesus.

Thank you for answering My call.

In divine prayer for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
