While the world does not listen to the Voice of God through the Celestial Messengers, on the other hand, an important opportunity presents itself to one part of the planetary consciousness that consciously or unconsciously participates of this moment.
Here I speak to you, dear children, of an indescribable atonement, able to modify the destiny of millions of consciousnesses when touched by a Grace that they would not deserve as a nation or as a people. But prayer has opened the correct doors so that in an unexpected way this event could take place.
It is so that all the angels of the Universe prepare themselves for this moment in which the Mercy of God will be poured out for the humanity that needs redemption and true Light the most. In this way, dear children, the Celestial Messengers will open the path to be able to concretize in the spiritual consciousness of some nations a project that previously was impossible to be carried out.
Once more I invite all My praying children to continue accompanying their Heavenly Mother in this unique and extraordinary mission for peace in the world. I lovingly invite you to continue collaborating in all possible forms and with all the possible campaigns. Because thus, My children, more nations and peoples will benefit in the spirit through this divine cause and no longer it will be necessary for them to live the path of suffering.
For all the efforts, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses and heals you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While My mission of peace in the world spiritually progresses, all that is outside of this Purpose is removed and transmuted by those whom I have chosen to accompany Me on this sacred task.
Meanwhile, your Heavenly Mother carries out this sacred mission with good results, which on the inner planes widely favors the souls of the whole world.
Thus, today I bring you the awareness that, despite everything, what is taking place is part of a cycle of sacrifices, so that greater situations are not triggered in humanity and especially on the planet.
I want to encourage you to serve with greater surrender because in this way your hearts and lives will be within the Purpose, responding to the Call that God will give you, day by day.
By living this absolute sacrifice as Christ that Your Lord experienced, all will be consummated and, by means of your surrender, the planet will be maintained in greater balance.
Have courage and bravery.
I thank you for accompanying Me.
Who consoles you and heals you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When your Heavenly Mother visits the nations of the world, and especially their peoples, it is to deactivate the spiritual chaos that reigns in the human consciousness; a chaos that feeds on suffering, indignation, and pain.
Thus, from time to time, at the request of My Most Beloved Son, I send you on a mission of peace, so that My plans of love and of redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.
Each time that I visit a new nation, a fraction of the human condition is transmuted. It is for this reason that your Mother summons all Her instruments incarnated on the planet so that spiritually and without any condition, only for the love of Christ, you may help Her to liberate earthly hells with the goal of avoiding a third social war in the Americas.
With simple actions and pure prayers, your Most Holy Mother collects all supplications of the planet to place them at the Feet of the Creator, and in this way expand His infinite and most powerful Mercy where it is most needed.
In the face of the great and last planetary imbalance, dear children, I invite you to keep truly praying, in a spirit of effort that cannot be measured or valued.
Dear children, I invite you in the name of humanity to embrace the sacrifice for the victory of My Immaculate Heart.
In this way we will avoid that millions of ignorant souls blind to the true spiritual life should lose the opportunity of awakening before it all happens.
With My celestial gaze, I am accompanying and helping you, seeing the inner effort of all; this is why I thank you for helping Me every day.
Who shelters you with Her Light,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Liberator of Love
Dear children of Costa Rica and Central America,
Your Heavenly Mother comes today to this meeting with you with the mission of proclaiming peace, in you yourselves and among your Central American peoples, so that finally a stop may be established in the conflict, and peace may be sown in the nations of this place on the planet.
With a merciful gaze, the Liberator of Love hopes that Her children of Central America may, through forgiveness, dissolve the wounds generated by the different guerrillas in the last forty years of history.
The Lady Liberator of Love comes to Central America to stop the unforgettable punishment and suffering that My children have experienced.
It is only through a just cause of love that the Lady Liberator of Love wants to bring to an end a sorrowful past that has remained engraved in the hearts that had to go through these events.
Now, with a gaze of hope, you will see on the horizon the awaited help from Heaven, which finds you open of heart to carry out this mission of reconciliation and of peace together with your Heavenly Mother.
I need, dear children, you to banish from your memories all those events that you have lived as peoples and as nations.
I come in the name of My Son to heal the pain through the infinite love of My Heart.
For this reason, on this day, free of all that you have lived and united with Me, let us profess our filiation with the Celestial Father. With His Mercy, and with charity and love, open the doors so that your civilian enemies may receive the opportunity for spiritual and inner liberty.
As Lady Liberator of Love, I wish you to learn to live a state of consciousness and of love that you have never experienced; this is why, with all the simplicity of the Heart, I teach you, My dear children of Central America, to bring events to an end, and to be reborn in spirit under the Grace and the Reconciliation of God.
I wish, My dear children, that with My visit to Central America and to Mexico, you may take a definite step and leave behind a history of struggles and of power that only sickens the good heart.
My children, I know that for you it will take a great effort to detach from the past of your peoples. Do not fear! I am the Liberator of Love, I am She, the same women of Nazareth that surrendered Her Beloved Son for you, to generate your salvation and your freedom from an age-old prison of human error.
Dear children, this act of forgiveness that I ask you to live today will lead you into finding mercy, and those same opponents of yours will also be deserving of an inexplicable Grace, because My Son has asked Me to call those who are the worst and those who are most imperfect, because in them resides His redemptive Project for the end of times.
All this is possible simply through love and through peace, something that I hope you will undertake, because living those attributes will help your nations very much, so that they may be liberated from the captivity in which human beings have placed them.
Remember that I am the Lady Liberator of Love and that I just wish what is best for your lives and for your peoples. I just wish you to live holy peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In the name of Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
All the works within the Campaign for Peace must be spread on all media of communication used for this purpose, thus the majority of souls will have the opportunity to know this Marian mission for peace in the world.
My wish, at this moment, is that the new Campaign for Peace, which is protected by the Virgin of Guadalupe, will be known, especially the mission in Central America and Mexico.
I would like to ask all those who pray to once again allow the world to know the different campaigns that are being carried out, so that the Sacred Hearts can pour all Their Graces over Central America and Mexico.
My children, I want other souls to be motivated and enthusiastic to be part of this Marian mission.
This is why Association Mary, as the organizing body of this activity, must immediately publish the distinct campaigns which the groups of prayer are carrying out in their different nations.
I would like this Campaign of Peace to be registered and documented in the portal of the Divine Mother and that any consciousness, anywhere in the world, can know about this divine cause.
I accompany each of My children who, in their nation, will be inspired and will strive to help with the plans of their Heavenly Mother.
I am very grateful.
I thank you for collaborating with My Campaign for Peace!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In the most important stage of the mission in Turkey and after having gone through experiences which have left strong marks in their consciousness, from now until the end of the mission, the missionaries will be able to make a deep synthesis and group reflection on all they have seen as the result of a great human calamity.
It will be at the end of the first mission to the Middle East that the missionaries of peace will carry in their hearts an indelible experience which will strengthen them so that in the near future they will be prepared to help in the most serious situations on the planet, situations that will go further than civil and regional war.
Dear children, for this reason it will always be indispensable that the praying ones support with devotion all the humanitarian missions because, in the name of everyone and all of this indifferent humanity, one group is taking a step towards the life of total service and absolute surrender to Divine Will.
My children, as well as Christ lived His great mission in the public life, you, dear missionary children, will live surrender even in the smallest details; in this way you will demonstrate to God, as you have done so far, that in truth the project for the redemption of the humanity will be able to be fulfilled.
I thank you for always answering My call!
Who loves you and protects you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Dear children,
The time of darkness that the world is experiencing will disappear from the planet at the moment in which My Son returns in glory to humanity. At that point, the Final Judgment will commence, and the Earth will be reordered so that a new humanity and a new world may begin, free of the sins and the lack of obedience to the Laws of the Universe.
For this moment I am preparing you; for this My Son has asked Me to send you on missions of peace, so that the greatest number of regions in the world receive the rays of the Mercy of God and the necessary codes for spiritual rehabilitation.
Dear children, it is this important task that My missionaries are addressing; a spiritual mission and one of service, guided by the Celestial Hierarchy, so that the greatest number of souls have the Grace of receiving something of Divine Mercy in these times of chaos and abnormalities. My children, the descent of those celestial codes of love, of unity, of forgiveness, and of fraternity will be reached through the unprompted surrender of hearts in redemption, hearts such as yours.
Humanitarian service fulfills an important part, and the spiritual task being carried out by the Celestial Hierarchy extensively complements the other part that you all cannot do. Thus, dear children, there is a group work that exists guided by your Heavenly Mother, Who directs you to attend and serve the needs that are not only physical, but also very internal.
At this time My missionaries must broaden their field of inner vision when they encounter what they will face in the next days. The mission will cause them to understand aspects of the consciousness of humanity that need to be purified and corrected, and this will be possible through the Mercy of God.
Keep moving forward with the faith that characterizes you, do not forget that I will always be the flame on your paths.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who unites you with the Heart of the Eternal Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees
Dear children of the Americas, of Central America, and of the United States,
I thank you for the essential union made between your hearts in order to materialize My much waited arrival to Colombia and to the United States of America.
Since the first day that you began your exercise of group prayer for such important cause, My Heart was filled with bliss and with hope by seeing from Heaven the motivation and the effort of your souls in wanting to materialize My sacred designs.
On this extraordinary day, in which your Heavenly Mother visits you from Heaven in order to renew you in faith and in the trust in God, I wish that you might get to know and respond to a especial task, a task that, from this day on, My Immaculate Heart will entrust to you, as a means of help and intercession to make possible the visit of the Divine Messengers to South America and to North America.
Dear children, I ask you, on this day of blessing and of Grace, to continue to pray together for the plans of your Most Holy Mother. For all to be possible, I invite you to realize a campaign for Peace, so that in this way the plans of the Virgin Mary may be fulfilled in this part of the world.
Children, as your Mother of the homes and of all the families of the world, I wish that each group of prayer may carry out a fundraising campaign that may be the most convenient and simple to them, with the divine goal of manifesting the necessary funds that will permit the materialization of the next pilgrimage of Mary to Colombia and to the United States.
Children, a loving means for this campaign will be the canticles of Mercy Mary, of the Crystal Mother, which can be offered at will in countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic. Also in the United States, they can be offered to My children, to those who migrated to this country in search of a better life and survival expectance.
I keep all of them in My Heart and in My prayers so that one day they may return to their nations without the need of being separated from their families and from their lands of origin.
Children, you can realize in each of these nations a campaign that may respond to the way of life and to the culture of each people, that which knows and lives Our Lady. Congregate in the United States all of the Latin Americans that live there, so that the ones who are moved by faith, may collaborate with the plans of the Heavenly Mother.
Each group in each country will be able to exercise its creativity and, in this way, find the means in order to raise the basic funds for the pilgrimages of the Celestial Messengers. Your Mother of Heaven wishes to motivate you to work in cooperation with the Evolutionary Plan, and above all, that you may experience the love and the fraternity between the languages and the sister nations.
Remember, children, to summon the brothers and sisters of Mexico for this task, because the Spirit of your Lady of Guadalupe will spiritually unify the purpose of this mission to Colombia and to the United States.
Dear children, I reveal to you that the Sacred Family, in Its Humility and Love used to live on simple jobs, but abnegated, in order to fulfill the purpose of God.
Good work and good fraternal cooperation to all!
Who blesses you and unites you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The door of the great mission of peace is being closed. Your missionary brothers and sisters are heading to the south of Africa in order to return to one of My Marian Centers of the world, where they will live a few days of recovery and of repositioning, meditating profoundly on all that has occurred in Rwanda, Uganda, and in the Congo.
In this way, children, your Lady of Kibeho returns to the Universe in order to enter into contemplation and prayer, with the objective of silently continuing to work for the peace in humanity.
At this time, the Angels of God deposit and deliver in the celestial altars all of the experiences and services of love realized during the mission. The attributes of this missionary experience in Africa were poured as Graces in the hearts of all of the innocent.
For this, children, may this day be of celebration and joy. Your Holy Mother of Peace is already gestating within Her Most Pure Womb a new principle of redemption and of mercy through an upcoming mission of peace in Africa.
Now that all of My children in the world were participants in this important mission and that during these last days they did everything in a more conscious way, it is important to your Celestial Father that you may have learned how to materialize My designs.
Thus, your Immaculate Eternal Heart, My one, is preparing Itself to descend in Brazil again and impart blessings to all of the hearts that may open themselves to receive them.
Like in Fatima, I announce to you the revelation of secrets. In order to get to know them and live them your souls must be prepared through service and peace. This will permit that your Lady of Heaven may reveal some things to you.
Children, time is setting new opportunities and Graces for all. I ask you to know how to seize that which the Universe is giving to you. The time of Justice is coming for humanity and you must give testimony of your apostolate and service to God. In this way all will be fulfilled as it is written.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who reunites you in this cenacle of love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today My Luminous Heart descends in Glory and Love over the souls that are thirsty of God. Through the mission of peace, the doors of evil and perdition were closed during three weeks of mission and of prayer done by all My groups of prayer.
I wish, dear children, that you keep in mind the necessity of continuing working through the spirit of prayer, because in the Divine Word is found the exit and the path to the salvation of the souls.
Today I traverse the streets of the Congo and see the faces of forgetfulness, loneliness and sorrow. The eyes of My children reflect the absence of paternity and dignity. For this, children, may each moment of service be a true and profound expression of love, may your hands and fatherly hugs be able to ease the burden of denial of all the children of the Congo. Through your charity, the Mercy of My Son promises to act until the last moments of your presence in the Congo.
Now My Heart indicates you to offer the prayer for the reparation of all the innocent souls, those who wait in solitude for a major help.
Your Lady of Kibeho opens the arms to receive and protect the childhood of all of the Congo. For this, may your spirit of fraternity express the healing and the grace of receiving the Light of The Kingdom of God.
In these last days of mission for the inner planetary peace, your Heavenly Mother pours the codes of rehabilitation and mercy.
My children, the time has come to help all My children of the Congo to abandon the eternal captivity. And that will begin to happen when you allow the doors to the Kingdom of Peace to be open.
An important mission is coming to an end; a cycle is being fulfilled in the life and in the existence of all My children of Rwanda, Uganda and Congo.
The seed of peace has been sown in the hearts impoverished of spirit. The mission will become part of the memory of Heaven.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you under the Spirit of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
Dear children,
Your Mother of Kibeho is already working in the whole of the Congo through the missionaries of peace. For such a just and honorable cause, the Celestial Father is granting extraordinary Graces, which will then be deposited in the heart of all of My children of the Congo.
With joy and also in prayer, your Heavenly Mother is entering the spaces of sorrow and poverty so that, through the victorious prayer of all, the souls most lost may find the path back to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
In this time when humanity faces the acute crises of the end of times, you will find relief mainly through prayer, through faith, and through absolute trust in God.
The Congo is a land wounded by destruction, by mining takeovers, and outrages to the kingdoms of nature, the ones that always pay the price for the bad decisions made by humankind. As humanity does not see the destruction of Creation as something serious, Mother Nature herself is groaning so that at least a space may exist for relief and reparation. Thus, children, volcanoes explode and the nations move through earthquakes and catastrophes.
And where is the spirit of love of humanity?
For this reason, children, the Universe is causing Its Law to descend and there will not be anyone in this entire world who will not receive the effect of what they generated for years.
Children, live in My Grace and trust in it; it is a fountain of wonders and of miracles for souls.
In this era I need your cooperation and humanitarian help so that even with so few servers, dedicated and available, the Plan and the Planet may be saved. My Grace is not known; It is invincible and divine for all of those who search for It with heart and with love.
Keep on praying for My missionaries of peace; the time shortens and the emergency grows in the whole of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you and unites you to love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The missionaries of Peace already find themselves at the doors of the Congo in order to begin the last part of a mission that was enriched by love and service, and especially by the fraternal experience of Peace.
While My Son extends His hands over Africa in order to give His last blessing before His awaited return, your Lady of Kibeho finds Herself entering into the unknown world of the Congo, so that by means of an act of piety and mercy all the debts might be balanced.
Children, your sacred prayers of the heart will be the ones that will allow your Heavenly Mother to move the constant disturbance of Her adversary away from the souls. For this, children, under the spirit of your offer to the life of prayer, peace will again approach the hearts of all My children of the Congo and thus a new history of light will be written.
The lack of peace in the Congo and the slavery are an unpayable debt because for over five hundred years the same injustice has been repeating itself. However, My children of the Congo and missionaries of Mine, the strength of the love of your Most Holy and Supreme Mother will banish the creeping kingdom of the serpent, and the Angels of God will fill the souls with the Mercy of My Son.
For this, dear children, your task in the Congo will be, above all, to make return the Holy Spirit of Peace so that at least the ones who have been mostly harmed by the heavy and arduous work might find the hope that they so much look for.
Africa is the unpaid debt of all of humanity. For this, the Sacred Hearts arrive once again to Kibeho in order to establish the innocence and the inner purity that have been lost.
While you, children, accompany the realities of My beloved Africa by means of My daily instructions, I could also tell you about what happens with your brothers and sisters of Asia, Oceania and Europe, different realities that are born from the same evil.
But the Mercy of God and His Justice shall win. For this, in these times of preparation for the Apocalypse, I invite My children to the perseverance, to the faith and to the love of the heart, because only these three things will relieve the whole world, when they are truly lived.
Dear children of Goiania, in the hope that you may receive Me again, today I tell you: I will return to your people and to your city. Continue praying, and pray for My Plans in Brazil and in the world to be fulfilled by means of the instruments that My Son has chosen, thus everything will be possible in spite of the difficult times that the world is living. Children, I have listened to your offer, do not become disappointed, I have not abandoned you, you are in My lap of light. Your prayer has allowed My Work to be accomplished in Brazil, even though I am in another city today. I thank you for your fidelity and fraternal love.
I thank you for concretizing My plans of Peace.
Who blesses you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Esteemed children,
Today I especially thank all the servers that are donated to My Immaculate Heart. My task for peace is propagated through the spontaneous and selfless collaboration of many of My Marian servers in the world.
The message for today, I dedicate, with love and gratitude, to the group of souls donated to the mission of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Without the full dedication of your lives, many souls could not have been saved. Know, My dear children, that My Heart does not praise, but that it does radiate love and celestial gratitude for the task that you, as children, make possible in this part of the world, in this part of South America.
Dear children, for this reason I extend My arms to this entire dedicated group of souls so that, held by My Maternal Hands, I may be able to raise all to the Kingdom of God.
My children, remember that your dwelling must repose every day, because God needs your temple to be firm and strong so that you may be able to continue in the task I have entrusted to you.
As I am the Mother of all souls, today I ask all My children to pray, pray for this whole Marian group of souls so that the Light of the Holy Spirit may fill them, guide them and give them spiritual wisdom for each one of the steps that they will take with Me in this task of peace, in this Maternal Mission of Mine.
Fully grateful to this whole group, which is dedicated to car- rying the message of My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, My little children, that you collaborate sincerely so that this task may be able to go on for much longer. God has entrusted Me to come to you and Jesus has asked Me to be a Great Protector of your hearts.
Dear children, continue through this path, God is joyful today for the giving of all.
Welcome to My Kingdom, missionaries of Mary!
I thank you from the Heart of God.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today I ask you that your hearts do not lose the Peace that My Son is giving you through My Maternal Presence.
My children, opening My Perpetual and Immaculate Heart, I ask you to come into it so that I may be able to elevate you as consciousness to the arms of the Creator.
Today is a moment for your lives to withdraw into the Heart of God by means of the imperious exercise of the prayer of the heart. All of you, My dear children, are co-responsible for My Marian mission here on Earth. Because of this I not only ask you to open your hearts to My call, but also to My requests for the salvation of the souls of God.
May your lives, in these times, be able to represent the path that Christ walked here on Earth. Therefore, dear children, it is important that all of you remain under the light of the Holy Spirit, because the time has come to learn to love, forgive, accept, give and fraternize your lives with each one of the hearts in the world, also with those hearts that you do not know.
All, as humanity, are inside the great boat of God that, about to leave towards the infinite, waits for the last flocks that are called to elevate themselves towards the arms of the Creator.
Dear children, this call that God has entrusted Me to make through My monthly coming has a spiritual reason that, throughout time, My Heart of Peace has been building in your little dwellings.
The life of prayer will allow your hearts to unite to each other, and above all, to unite in the call that My voice pronounces day by day. The new time has not come yet for My children; much must be forgiven and reconciled from the heart. But yes, My little ones, the moment of the Good News that I bring to you has come so that you can be partakers of the Kingdom of God.
My children, the promise is for all when you simply say “yes” to Paradise.
I thank you.
Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Keep My Maternal Words in your hearts so that you never forget that they come from the Lord. Awaken in you the Sacred Spirit of God, and may your lives be a great dove of Light that transmits peace to those who do not have it and faith to those who have lost it.
Dear children, you are My Missionaries of Peace. This you must remember well, this is a mission of peace and redemption that My Immaculate Heart invites you to live day by day.
Know that I am here because I love you, and My Son Jesus sends Me to the world as a mediator between souls and God the Father. I am the Maternal Flame of Love and Help and I want to teach you not to waste time in normal actions. Each new day your spirit must place itself before the Will of God so that the hearts may recognize that they are called to live in the Eternal Kingdom of God.
Dear children, with supreme compassion for My children, whom I contemplate in My hands, today I invite you to recognize the importance of a sincere prayer that can aid the whole world with its Light. You, My little ones, are called to be the new disciples of My Son, you are called to unite Heaven and Earth through an honest prayer of the heart.
It is time, My little ones! It is now time for you to open your arms and receive the Maternal Grace that My Heart of Peace is pouring! Many of My children who form part of this humanity waste the precious time of their lives immersed in illusion. I call you to reflection with the Voice from Above so that your hearts may be able to shine in the Throne of God’s Eternity.
Know well, My dear children, that I need you despite every- thing, because My Son is coming, and before you are called in consciousness, He will touch each heart. I invite you to the sincere preparation of your lives by means of prayer.
Awaken, My little ones! I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more