As a fleeting ray from the universe, My Maternal Consciousness descends and approaches to this world so that the asleep humanity may awake again to the call of the Most High God.
I come to your lives so that you may remember Me as your dear Mother, as the Kind and Prodigious Woman of God, the one who has done miracles and spiritual conversions in your lives.
But each time that I descend from Heaven towards your world, My Victorious Heart cannot fail to see the ignorance and the indifference of many of My children, those who have passed through My paths, and now turn their backs to Me and do not listen to Me. It is this indifference that the enemy spreads like poison in the hearts of people, it is this indifference and cruelty of many of My children that leads to the perdition of the souls.
For this, in order for the Wise Justice to be avoided, I come from the cosmos to beg you to do something for this destroyed humanity. Know that not only the souls suffer, but also My blessed Kingdoms of Nature, the ones that day by day are outraged without love and mercy, until the last drop of life is removed from them; this provokes the wrath of God and promotes irreversible consequences on all those who destroy the Creation Project.
For this, My children, open the eyes to wisdom and feel in your heart the prayer that I ask you more and more to do, this will help to avoid misfortunes for the most unfair ones.
Above all, seek the Mercy of God, so that you and the world may be forgiven for the constant sins of foolishness and vanity. Through My Blessed Purity I give you the cosmic power of My Grace, a state that repairs you and leads you through the path of redemption.
While My Son sees every day the horrors and unfair actions that are committed against the Heart of the Celestial Father in this sick world, I place you in this apocalyptic time as if you did not participate in it. But it is the power of prayer and of the daily consecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart of Mother that will permit to reverse your faults and the faults of many.
I want all to know that through My call you will find the exit and even if the enemy hits you strongly, he will never be able to overthrow the love I have placed in your hearts. Be wise and thus you will not get confused, avoiding to follow another path, another spiritual movement that is not the one of My Beloved Son.
Glorify God and ask for healing and mercy. The world continues without comprehending that it must change before the bad actions be released by the Justice of God.
In this time I encourage you to love. I call you to be humble and transparent, thus you will help Me to balance the planetary axis, the Ecuador of this world, before it gets unbalanced due to density and to human wickedness.
But still, in this material world there are hearts like yours, determined to follow Me until the days of the holy death. In this way your devotion and faith will always make My Immaculate Heart triumph.
I bless, on this day, the group of Brasilia for having heard and answered to My Call!
My Son thanks you for having sheltered My Missionaries.
Who protects you before everything,
Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Mother of the Sun and of the Cosmos
I speak directly to your heart, because I know it will always know how to respond to Me.
I am present in all the Blessed Sacraments of the Earth, waiting for many more to decide to know Me in the silence.
If souls truly surrendered a little more to My Heart, I could solve all the problems you experience; but the enemy always articulates its game to confuse those who are Mine; it just has to touch the open wound for the miseries that many experience to begin to show.
Child, you must know that in the Blessed Sacrament, your consciousness will expand, and you will soon know, through Adoration, how to discern My Infinite Will.
Through Adoration, you will be able to feel the path to be trodden.
You will know how to distinguish when I desire that you do some things but not others, when you must be attentive and silent.
Those who risked becoming immediately consecrated to My Heart and proposed to live the vows that daily reformulate selfless life, all of them will have double the work of controlling, in themselves, the needs and ideas that may emerge in their consciousnesses, because a completely consecrated being waits every day for the sign that comes from the Heights.
Of all of them, I will always expect a little more, to the point of their being prepared to seek Me and find Me in their inner heart. In them I pour out My Celestial Graces. By them and through them, when they truly respond to Me, I can work and make life miracles happen.
Now, let your focus concentrate on the power of Adoration; through it many tempests will dissolve, and you will find the remedy to heal spiritual ills.
I became a Living and Glorified Body so that souls, through the Eucharist, where I am always present, could physically unite with the universe and the spring of My Mercy.
In truth, today I suffer for those who are deceived and lose the strength of sanctification. I long to be able to find apostles trained for this end time. They will be sought like sheep among wolves, but My shepherding is true and will lead them on the path of redemption.
Thus, seek Me through Adoration. You will thus be confirming My Presence throughout the Earth, because in Adoration, a bridge of union is established with the Heavens, and the soul communes with Divine Principles unknown to it, but which are placed in its heart.
When you are alone, restless or weak, find Me in Adoration. My Heart is the Blessed Sacrament for the world, and all must penetrate the dimensions through contemplation. It will be the shield that will free you of all evil. It will be the star that will illuminate the next dark night.
But in truth, the majority of souls are adoring modernities and great electromagnetic discharges hypnotize the lower consciousness. Because of the influence of these involutionary means, Heaven cannot open over the dome of each spirit and a great distance is established between matter and the very divinity of each being.
I am observing how many are deceived; the prophecy of the Apocalypse is unfolding with strength and determination over the planet, but only the wise of heart will perceive these things. In them, I place the power of My Trust, but I know they will always be more tempted than those hypnotized.
Whomever concentrates their heart and their gaze on the Blessed Sacrament will not be lost, they will know how to distinguish the seeming from the real and will have spiritual tools to overcome the time of deception.
It will not be necessary to be surprised by what I tell you; this is only a small sample of the current illusion of humanity. No matter how confused the times seem, I am present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth and the soul that thirsts for Me will just come toward Me. In this way, it will not deviate from the path, will be freed from being tempted by the demons of sensuality and pleasure, which in this cycle will be creating sub-levels of malice and of conquest in good souls.
But whomever observes carefully will be able to know and will be able to feel what is correct and what is incorrect. I have the Divine Authority to dissolve all the cruelties of space. It will be enough that more hearts bow down at My Most Holy Sacrament so that, in profound honoring and Adoration, I may uproot the influences of evil and more souls, which die from such a bitter thirst, may be revived by My Water of Life.
These are no longer remote times; they are times of battle. Heaven and hell play for the reign of the Earth. The more temptation, the more the weakness; the more Adoration, the greater will be the unwavering strength of the spirit.
For the consecrated there is no salt other than Me. I am the only complement to life which will not fail you and will not cause you to suffer. For this reason, in seeking the salt of this world, many orders are weakened and buried in the arid sands of the Earth, without finding a way out.
I aspire that those who listen to Me be intelligent. I tell you these things to avoid new falls in you.
Faith will be the instrument of your Adoration and elevation to My Kingdom. You cannot image how many times I have called at the door of hearts and have only seen the results of long passions that blind and distance those who are Mine from My Eternal Heart.
God, your Father, allowed Me to give you these warnings, because you are now ready so that in the next month, seven years of abnormal and infinite Graces will have been accomplished. I say abnormal because only the Virginal Purity of My Mother made it possible to put out seeds in the deserts without water.
Now that many have blossomed through Divine Love, give of your human love so that, through My Heart, it may be purified and sublimated in the Greater Kingdom.
Pay attention; I am not asking you for the impossible; now, in this era, this would be of no use. I come to reactivate the final Message which I once gave in Rwanda. Aurora, the inner dawn, will be the bridge of redemption of all those who once were deported to Earth by God.
I come to rescue the unrescuable.
I come to give life to that which is already dead.
Woe be to those who will not repent! It will be late for them to recognize My Glorious Countenance at the moment of the Return.
While everything happens, seek the spirit of holiness. In this way, you will please Me all the time and I will be able to rest in your hearts.
In Christic Love, I always bless you.
Do not be discouraged, you will be able to do everything through My Heart of Peace.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
When the Heavens are opened towards Earth, a possibility of Redemption is opened for the world.
When My feet touch this ground, for one more time, they bring to humanity all the codes that exist in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
When I open My Arms and allow the Love that I receive from God to flow from My Heart, I pour over the creatures the true Message of the Creator, that is His pure Love and His Eternal Grace.
When the little creatures respond to the Universe, praying and vigiling in devotion, a light is lit on Earth and the Creator contemplates, then, the fervour of His creatures and understands the clamors as requests for help from all of humanity.
My beloveds, for Our Lord and God nothing is separated, the step of one of His children is the step of all. In this way also, a step that is not taken is a lost opportunity for all of mankind.
Those who pray with love and say yes to Me, renewing themselves day by day, permit that month after month My Heart returns to the world, and intercedes for all of humanity.
When I say to you that I contemplate the arising of a new race it is because I see growing, in your hearts, the seed that God planted in the origin of creation and that now His Gardeners come to make grow and bloom.
As I have already said to you, My beloveds, each one that takes My words for themselves and follows their path of Redemption; each one that answers for themselves and for all humanity to this request of Peace, if they seek Peace in the world, each one may be a peacemaker of their own lives.
The great conquests of the world are achieved through the simplest but true actions, actions that they realize with the heart and with the intention of being radiated to all of the human consciousness.
My beloved children, each one of you is part of a unique Divine Project, a project that has already been made possible through the life of My Son Jesus. Now is the moment to imitate His steps, and to live this conversion in the modern times.
Each one of you must contemplate in the heart your own path of imitation of Christ, permitting that God shows you what His Will for this time is and how you will find the christic path in the current times.
My children, you will no longer sustain a cross of wood, but a cross of vices and of modernities, an invisible cross of capital energies.
You will no longer walk to convert the sinners and heal the blind of body, but you will convert yourselves and, by means of example, you will heal the blind of spirit and the abandoned of heart.
Apostles are not made by means of the word, nor by being persecuted by the Pharisees, but you will find those who will awaken through your prayers and that will follow the christic path constructed by your intentions that are not visible, and by the silence of your hearts; but yes, you will be persecuted by all the illusions and the pleasures that the world offers you, by all the technology and by the modernities that will seek to distract your souls and push them away from the path of God, with the excuse that this is an outdated path.
My children, find in your lives the apostolate of the new time and through the study of the Gospel seek to live it today, finding the steps of Christ in your lives.
Listen to the voice of the Master that continues echoing throughout the world, continues touching the spirits and awakening the essences that must remember the commitment that they assumed with Christ, and the promise that they made to God, to be at the end of the times, implanting amidst the chaos, a race of Christs that will walk against the current of the sleeping humanity, and will bloom in the desert of love as a miracle of conversion.
In this way must your lives be the true miracle that God achieved in the Universe, a race that arises from pain and suffering and that lights up the torch of Redemption, overcoming the darkness that sought to defeat it, and amongst all the hatred and all the war that feeds the enemy in the heart of humans, the Love deposited by God in His creatures wins.
Love is unconquerable and Mercy reaches all who in the hearts say yes.
I thank you for accepting to follow this path of conversion and of life.
I bless you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of all the peoples of the entire world.
My beloved children,
Today I come to teach you to commune of the Most Sacred Body of Christ, as a unique and renewing act for each of your lives. I thus invite you to discover the mysteries held in the Eucharist, a source of redemption and transfiguration for all souls.
At the moment when your beings prepare to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ, the whole universe, in its omnipresence, observes the Earth, and the angels that live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, as well as the angels that live over the Earth, gather together in praise of the King of the Universe.
Your souls glorify God, and your spirits are allowed to be closer to matter, when your bodies are before the most sacred act of communing.
In profound reverence, at the altar that holds the Body of Christ, the angels prostrate themselves in light of His Grace and open the Heavens, so that the merciful gaze of My Glorified Son may reach the world.
Each time you commune with Christ, a door opens onto the sacred space where His Consciousness contemplates Infinity, and with eternal Love for humanity, Christ sends a Christic molecule of His Consciousness to the Earth so that it may multiply and permeate all the souls that open to His Miracle of eternal Love.
My dear ones, today I reveal a mystery to you that is simple, but that to many is incomprehensible. Through My Words, I want you to be aware in each moment of communion with Christ, no matter how simple it may be; because in this way, in reverence, you will also be communing with all of the universal movement, and the Creator, through the Body and the Blood of Christ, will be able to transform each one of His creatures.
Those of you who, communion after communion, cultivate within yourselves a pure and true heart, simple and humble, will allow this Christic molecule to expand throughout the spaces of the consciousness and light up the inner abysses that each one has in the silence of their own inner world.
The most ingrained miseries of the human heart and all those habits that you are incapable of transforming on your own, must be offered to the Body and the Blood of Christ, because His Body is here to take the place of the old body, and His Blood will wash away the stains from the heart, the cells and the spirit, and will allow a new code of light to permeate your bodies and dwell there.
For the transformation of all of humanity and for the consecration of the world to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, commune daily, with a purity of intention, with love, being renewed, in this way, before Christ and before God, Who observe you each day.
I love you and I lead you to the Heart of My Son Jesus.
I thank you for being with Me today.
Mary, Mother of the Most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Christ
Listen with your heart to the story that I will tell you, let that My words flow like pure water in the river of your mind and may the mysteries of My life run within this water with the same harmony. Trust in the commitment that your heart has with Me because the world knows very little about this story, and it will continue to know very little until it enters into the Kingdom of Heavens.
I was born from a gestation of infinite purity, prepared by the angels, as if they were creating a flower, but it was My soul that was growing in the maternal womb of My holy mother. I say holy to you because upon her the Holy Spirit descended through dreams. She was prepared by the angels to understand the maternity that she was going to live, of an uncommon child for those times.
My mother used to sing to My heart, praying and preparing her pregnancy with deep love. Love that God infused in her to inspire her creation that was going to be the seed of what was going to become Joseph, called the son of David.
I was born and I grew up accompanied by angels. My holy mother, adorned by the Holy Spirit, was the one who first taught Me to realize the initial works of charity. She taught Me that to the neighbor we would always offer the best and whoever acted in this way, giving to the neighbor the best that one had, would receive from God the best that He Himself had in the Kingdom of Heavens.
In this way, I began to understand the Laws of God that were very different from the laws of the Earth, and the more My child’s consciousness was submerged in this Kingdom, the more I saw Myself outside of all of the laws of the world, above all the laws of matter, those that tie humanity and make it a hostage of the energies of vices.
Gifted with a deep union with God, the Lord never allowed the laws from the Earth to act upon My youthful consciousness.
I learned about work and about solitude, silence, prayer and fasting, and within these daily habits, I grew. From a simple and poor family, life was reflecting itself in My soul, I grew up simple and poor from the things of the world.
Solitude taught Me humility because in solitude I used to deepen Myself into the mysteries of Faith, and in the science of the Kingdom of God, that which made Me understand, day by day, how small I was before the Greatness of the Most High God.
It is true that I made a vow of chastity when I was 12 years old. In truth, chastity and purity were infused in Me by the Divine Will, and these were natural virtues of My little being. When at the age of 12 I understood part of the Will of God for My little consciousness, I confirmed Myself in this Will and I offered the vow of perpetual chastity.
I did not only make this vow before God, but I also promised Him to be eternally of service in all things as long as I lived and into Eternity, I would be His faithful servant and worker, eternally serving His Holiness and all His children, those most in need.
When I married Mary, I also found within Her the perfect charity of which we were examples as a family, and as individuals.
All works carried out by My hands were offered to the poor, those who were poorer than we were. And, as I had learned from God, when I gave to those in need, by Work and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, we would receive at our table all that we needed to survive.
Mary was also an example of spiritual charity. She would form in the Love for God all those who were in need, from the elderly to the youth. She was always surrounded by women from Nazareth and Jerusalem.
In My work as a carpenter, I carried out the trade always united to the Will of the Lord, and this allowed the craft made to be endowed with the Holy Spirit. Many miracles happened within and outside of my knowledge, miracles over which I asked for perpetual silence regarding those that would receive them, and total attribution to the Divine Grace and to His Holy Will and Work.
In My carpentry, I trained the young and the children of Nazareth, among whom was the Child Jesus, who would teach Me more than what He learned. With His presence, the miracles realized through the objects that were made began to grow.
Since our creations were made for people that were very poor, but who had much faith, it cost them nothing to believe in the Works of the Holy Spirit and, though deeply grateful to this quite mysterious family of Nazareth, seeing such great humility and purity, they did not hesitate in attributing these holy works to God.
The life of Joseph was above all a life of silence, work and prayer. The Lord says that this is the archetype of consecrated life, a life that existed so many years ago and that, by many, may be considered outdated, but that came to reveal to the world the archetype of families upon Earth.
Joseph and Mary completed each other in virtue and in devotion, in Love of God and in caring for Jesus. Jesus learned in His childhood about the virtues of His parents and He excelled in all, growing up with them and teaching His most humble parents to live under the Law of God.
The Sacred Family was the complement of perfect holiness, the most pure Work of the Creator, seen in the smallest details and prepared not only in Joseph and in Mary, but in all previous fourteen generations of both parents of Jesus.
These generations were growing in holiness and purity to offer the two saints the most pure sanctity that could exist upon Earth and, from this perfect union, they would be able to birth, protected from the world and sheltered by the Holy Spirit, the favorite Son of God, His firstborn, Jesus Christ.
The writings that are found in The Mystical City of God are complemented by those that are in the Gospel.
All must be read and studied with the heart so that, through it, it shall be transmitted.
May first be born in your hearts this devotion that later will cross the world.
Your beloved Brother and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Come and retreat into My Heart when fear knocks at your door. There is no safer port than My Mantle, and under it, you will be safe from all evil.
Come into My maternal arms when your feet no longer have the strength for walking. As a good Mother, I will carry you in My celestial lap to meet the Creator, just as I did with the Child Jesus in the Temple.
Count on the science of My Kingdom and the understanding of My Consciousness when your small mind cannot encompass the mysteries of Heaven.
Count on the voice of your heart and on the certainty of your spirit to trust in My Presence.
Count on the power of prayer and the action of fasting so that your steps are long and easy, accompanying the steps of My Son.
Every day count on the Words of Jesus because He reads the true need of your soul in your heart and leads you with sweet words to the Celestial Kingdom.
Count on the greatness of My Presence so that everything else becomes small.
Count on the Eternity in the universe so as to perceive that everything on Earth is transitory.
Hold on tight to the Love of My Heart to dissolve your fears.
Do not be overwhelmed by any darkness, for the Light that is before you today is so great.
I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother. In My celestial womb, I gestated each soul of this Earth; you are all My blessed children, whom I come today to lead again to My Kingdom.
Come, My son, come, My daughter, it is now time to return to your Celestial Home and discover the great essence of the universe in your small heart.
Do not fear meeting the unknown, do not fear to be different today than you were yesterday.
I come to bring you the new, which in truth, is what is most ancient that sleeps in the universe, but which the eyes and the hearts of My children refused to see for so long.
Walk today toward My immense Heart and leave your small heart in My arms; trust in My motherhood, for I will know to guide you.
If My Presence is unknown to your heart, and your mind does not trust My Voice, simply open to the Truth, and for a small instant, let My Spirit enter your life; enter into prayer and I will show you what is most sacred in the world. An unknown Peace will permeate your spirit, and in that instant, your small soul will glorify the Lord. Hold in your memory this feeling of change, this is My greatest miracle, a miracle of love.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, your Divine Mother and Queen of Peace
My Heart rests joyfully in the essences that in spite of all persevere in My Redeemer Call.
For this today and in this time My Sacred Heart will pour innumerable Graces of Pity and of Mercy upon those who open themselves to transform life by means of the path of conversion.
This light that springs incessantly as a source that comes from the Eternal Center of My Heart is the Light of the Divine Mercy. Those who at three in the afternoon unite themselves without delay but without time to My Source of Graces also will receive My Merits achieved on the Cross. These same sacred merits will strengthen the souls so that with braveness they may face the liberation of life and achieve forgiveness for all that they have passed through. If the souls pray with fervor the wonders that I pour will be stronger and more powerful and in this way your transformation will be victorious because in sincerity and peace you will have achieved the Kingdom of God.
For this it is important to possess a spirit of decisive and constant love that may permit the unraveling of the lagoons of incomprehension that are produced sometimes in the consciousness. By means of the merciful prayer of three in the afternoon, many uncertain doors open to the superfluous deviation of life may be able to be closed so that the souls may live through God and His Eternal Love. The daily prayer of the Divine Mercy constructs solid bridges between the souls and God, bridges of light and of mercy, bridges of love and charity that will never be able to be downed by the enemy. Despite the rough and difficult tests that in these times are faced by all of the hearts, these bridges are unbreakable because they are sustained by My Merciful Love, a sublime essence that is guarded in the temple of your little spirits.
Thus I ask you that in this time you strengthen through the merciful prayer these bridges because they will conduct you towards the definitive redemption of your lives.
Under the Imperishable Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for constructing bridges of light towards My Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Great Savior Bridge
Whenever your eyes get too tired to see the infinite path of transformation, turn your gaze towards My Sacred Heart and confirm, in My Name, your continuity in My Christic Pathway.
Guard each moment that you live with Me as a treasure that you will accumulate in Heaven and you will pour as a blessing upon the hearts that most need of Redemption.
Each little sacrifice that is realized in life has greater proportions in Heavens because each time that a soul donates itself, the Infinite Grace touches a wounded heart to be able to heal it.
See how big is the Love of God for the world that, in each service realized with the love of the heart, all of those who must receive a celestial opportunity of conversion will receive wonders.
It is necessary to have courage to continue. Times change and the heart must mature through the surrender for that which it does for love and honor to God.
I Am as a bridge, uniting your heart with the Heart of God. Continue walking, follow My footprints of Light.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Dear children,
Remembering the miracle of the Wedding at Cana, today I ask you that, through prayer, your hearts be converted as Jesus converted the water into wine. The mystery of this miracle is to be found in the love that you can have before the Father.
Therefore, children, on this day accompany Jesus in the conversion of humanity which is in need of Mercy and Forgiveness.
Dear children, may your lives reflect the teachings of Jesus in spirit and in essence. May your arms be open, free and prepared to receive those that are most in need of Mercy.
Little children, today I am calling you to live this miracle of the Wedding at Cana in your hearts so that your consciousnesses may live the great example of conversion that My Son realized in the name of the Love of God.
When Jesus converted the water into wine, He was instructing us about how the Love of God converts the impure into the Pure, the irreparable into the Repairable, the faults into Mercy, the darkness into Light. For this reason, dear children, may today your prayer be a new conversion of Cana, a demonstration of the love that each one of you keeps for God.
But this love that you keep must be radiated in brotherhood to all because in this way all will be uniting to the great web of love and fraternity.
Your redemption will begin when you recognize that you are a part of God and that God is a part of you, because in this simple exercise you will be collaborating in the spiritual elevation of humanity.
Therefore, it is important to pray every day, even more so in this time of urgent changes in each one of My children. But if you are under the Light of the Holy Spirit your hearts will receive, once again, the Grace of Forgiveness.
Be in My Peace and seek to be in My Maternal Peace.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call today!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Carrying all humanity in My arms, today I direct My celestial words to all My children from the United States and from Venezuela, asking you to pray so that the Blessed Grace may descend over both nations.
At the request of My Son Jesus, today I give My Maternal Blessing and I call you to continue walking for peace in your hearts and in the whole world. For this reason, today I send My eternal Love to each one of the groups of prayer from the United States and from Venezuela. I send you My Maternal Comfort and announce to you that My promised arrival to both nations, according to the plans of the Most High, has been moved to the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.
When I tell you that I carry humanity in My arms it is because it needs the guidance and the protection of My Motherhood. When I tell you that I will appear in glory and in spirit during the months of October and November at the Marian Center of Figueira, it is so that your hearts can feel that I will not abandon you because I love you beyond your thoughts and reasoning.
Today I want to remind you of a parable that Christ left to all humanity. It is a message that will allow you to understand why God wants and asks your consciousnesses to grow in this defining final time.
My children, remember that Jesus once said that in a past time there was a very poor woman who donated everything that she had so that the temple could continue with its task. But because what she had given was so little, her action was not considered by humankind. Jesus My son invites you to recog- nize that the action that each child of the Father offers is more important than the value itself that each one has.
What is the mystery of this parable?
Dear children, the mystery is that in the Kingdom of the Heavens are kept the true and the sincere spiritual values that enrich the hearts of all souls, and not the goods that My children keep and accumulate on Earth.
Today, My children, I want that you learn to love that which you do not have. I tell you: love the true spirit of the Providence of God. Jesus said to His disciples: “Leave everything that you have and follow Me.” My Son wanted to tell you that each one of you must donate yourself entirely to the Will of God and trust that He will give the greatest goods that exist in the Heavens.
Dear children, My absence in Venezuela indicates that a correct balance in the collaboration and in the support for My universal task with you is lacking on the part of My children.
God will not abandon you and My Maternal Heart will be transmitting the monthly message for October and November of 2012. But today I want you to meditate on how much your hearts are supporting, with sincerity, My Universal Task, so that it is thus fulfilled in each nation.
God has not given Me the permission to make great miracles. Therefore, in order for My Message and My Light to be poured out on each nation that God has asked Me to go to, there must exist a total collaboration from you so that the visionaries may fulfill the task that My Heart has entrusted to them in each nation.
Dear children, you are being invited to live in faith and in surrender to God. For this reason I am now with you. Do not fear for anything, but it is now time to grow from the heart.
Will you, My little ones, accompany the voice of My call?
I bless the efforts that I have seen from the groups of the United States and of Venezuela. Let us pray much because the times are changing!
I thank you!
Thank you for listening to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
After that 13th of October, 1917, when the Sun of God showed Its True Face, the life of many souls changed for the good of the Divine Plan, the war among the hearts stopped and My Maternal Spirit was able to establish some more time of peace.
My children still need miracles, but today I tell you all that after so many Graces that have been poured by Jesus, from His Sacred Heart, and from My Immaculate Heart, the great Grace for this time is that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, may be here among your hearts calling you in the name of My Son to live conversion and forgiveness in this time of Mercy.
My children, this is why today I invite you to remember and keep in your hearts a Great Miracle of Love that God manifested through My Immaculate Heart in the luminous presence of the Sun. The great seed of Light was sown in the hearts of those who had faith and in the hearts of the unbelievers. The seed of My Maternal Light was sown in the believers and in the atheists. No one remained without receiving, once more, the Grace of God, His Forgiveness and Redemption.
For this reason, dear children, today I am calling you to med- itate through prayer, on these mysteries that made themselves visible once in Fatima before the eyes of all My children.
God called Me to pour His Infinite Grace in a time in which humanity was once again walking towards perdition. But the Merciful Love of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary intervened to harmonize the events that occurred in the world.
The Angel of Peace brought to humanity the sign of conversion and of penitence. He prepared the path of salvation for all of humanity, and this happened through His spiritual inter- vention upon all souls.
Thus, dear children, after this, the Lady more brilliant than the Sun arrived to propagate to the world the important call for peace and forgiveness.
Today, again, I descend from Heaven to open your hearts to this important cycle in which humanity must consecrate it- self to the Will of God.
I mean, My little ones, that each soul must confirm the degree of its Love to God, as this will permit other Laws of the Creator to act upon the world. By means of the exercise of prayer, hearts will be radiated by My Love, as in Fatima.
I invite you, dear children, to remember the facts of the Apparitions of Fatima because as I have said, your lives will thus enter the inner sanctuary to live in faith and in love.
May the Sun of God, that once illuminated the world through Its Universal Source, illuminate your little hearts. Walk through the pathway of My Son.
Let us pray for peace.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
With My hands united in prayer and contemplating each one of My children, today I call you to reflection because, as Mother, I want you to understand how important the preparation of your heart is for the new time that will come.
Dear children,
My hands do not tire of perpetually praying for the needs of this humanity and for all the causes that need greater intercession.
May your prayer become the mediator between you and Christ, My Son and God Almighty; in this way and with a reverent attitude you will learn, My dear children, to supplicate to God for the whole world.
Great is the need for piety, forgiveness and Mercy in all humanity, while few are the ones who open the ears of the heart without searching for miracles and hear My call.
I ask all My children to pray! Pray with the heart! Pray with all the True Love that may be able to spring from your hearts!
Now, all that has to be done is to pray, pray and pray so that a little more Grace may be able to reach all My children. You, My little ones, must be like stars of Light that come to the aid of the Earth, that bring peace and Light to the darkest corners of the world.
In times of changes, many prefer not to hear. Now My Maternal Voice calls you to open your eyes to the announcements from Heaven.
Dear children, may your groups of prayer be sources of the expression of My Maternal Love for each one of you, and may this Divine Love that you receive through the guidance of My Immaculate Heart be able to extend itself to all the souls of the world.
All humanity must receive the Grace of salvation. Therefore, My children, let us pray without delay!
I will be thankful!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Never lose the delight of living in the Lord and the joy of responding to His Divine Will. You My children, already know that humanity needs much prayer to be able to relieve from the Heart of the Father all the suffering that it lives.
As the Grace and Reconciliation that have been the two keys that opened new doors for you, today I ask that always you remember all the children that unconscious and without inner guidance, are on their way to the abyss through the temptations of this world epoch.
You, in prayer may help all these beloved children that do not live in God but that tempted, fall without the salvation of the soul. God wants for this hour to arrive with His Fountain of Mercy and Prodigies, through all the Marian hearts that answer the call for peace and redemption of all creatures of this world.
For this dear children, all prayers that you practice during this time will have repercussions for the time of the so called final judgment.
My call asks you to unite your hearts to the Divine Heart of My Son so that thus the world, through the consecrated hearts, may be saved and redeemed.
Dear children, no soul is far from its own judgment with God. For this He invites you to live in reconciliation and in prayer, to be able to manifest harmony and peace in you.
Know My children, that My Heart of Mother awaits you in prayer because the prayer from the heart awakens faith that is supported by the Flame of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity.
The one path of salvation: Jesus. The true and strong hope in everything: Christ. The firmness before the trials and the challenges that My children may live: Jesus Christ.
He is the Primordial Sheppard for your hearts. Christ is the lodestar that is announcing itself to the world for the second time.
For this, dear children, today I invite you to pray so that the lodestar of Christ, which is His Sacred Heart, may be among you as it was once among the apostles. Now not only your lives may be consecrated to the purpose of Christ for this time on Earth, but also each of you may in trust, be a faithful friend of Jesus.
I want, My children, that you may learn to love through the example of humility that Christ expressed when He lived in the world and shared His prodigies and teachings of love with Me, His Mother. As on the Cross, until the last moment, He contemplated the misery of humanity through His Infinite and Divine Mercy.
Dear children, I want to make you learn that through the daily act of prayer and aspiration to stay always in Jesus, this will help you transcend the human limits that in many children prevent taking the steps to the Eternal God.
You are still in the last time of Grace, for this I call you so that through sincere prayer you intercede for all the children who are far from God and even more, for all those who do not want to listen to this Servant of God who comes again to the world to give you forgiveness, salvation and aid at the end of this time.
For this, dear children through daily prayer your little consciousnesses prepare themselves for the new times, where faith and love in My Son will be the keys for the great salvation.
It is time, little children, for all to run to the Fountain of the Mercy of Jesus and that your hearts place themselves under the eternal rays of reparation and of forgiveness. For this, as Mother of Graces, I illuminate your path so that you walk through the right path towards the Savior.
I count on all your prayers. I bring you all in My Maternal Heart.
Thank you for answering My call.
Peace for all My little ones.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Do your hearts know how much I love you?
My Immaculate Love is for all; therefore, dear children, today I invite you to live in My Universal Love, even though you may still not know it nor feel it.
I come to your lives so that you may renovate the commit- ment that each soul has with My Son. In each call to prayer announced by My voice, many angels of the Divine Father gather to help the world and humanity.
Dear children, I love you deeply, much beyond your own lives. Each soul contemplated by My Immaculate Heart represents a precious instrument that God gives to the Earth so that His Will may be accomplished. But still many souls, distant from the true Universal Love that our Father gives to us, are also distant from the Divine Purpose that God has for each life and for each little heart.
This is why I invite you to deepen in the contemplative mystery of prayer so that, in this way, more and more souls may come closer to living the state of prayer. The groups of prayer that respond to the call of the Universal Mother must collaborate each day in the awakening of the Light of the heart so that they may be conducted by My Love and by My Peace.
Prayer in the groups consecrated to My Immaculate Heart allows, through the reunion of the praying hearts, that the world in its totality may be helped by the Divine and Greater Love. On this path to strengthen the groups in prayer, more groups of souls are attracted that need to drink from the Fountain of Wonders that My Son gives to all, a Fountain that we call Divine Mercy.
Dear children, each group of prayer responds to the divine call for peace in the world and, above all, for peace in the heart. I conduct you through the path of imitation of My Son, as pilgrims and as collaborators of My call. I shelter you all within My Immaculate Heart.
Perseverance will open the doors so that all, starting from this time, may live love in the heart so that it may be radiated to the other hearts.
Remember, dear children, that all of you and the whole world are being called to a task of charity and solidarity among souls. This will make the Ray of Fraternity emanate. Thus, from this experience, Grace will be able to be real for humanity, which is lacking light and peace.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Peace, peace and only peace for the world!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
A lesson in Maternal Love
Dear children, today let us celebrate with immense bliss because the Lord has sent Me to you to announce My Daily Messages. Let us commemorate today the first month of the Celestial Announcements that My Immaculate Heart delivers to your little hearts. Accompany My path of Mother and Pilgrim of souls so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the whole world.
My beloved ones, in this way begin preparing your hearts for the encounter with Me for the end of this month. Contemplate in prayer the Infinite Love that My Heart of Peace has for each one of the souls.
Therefore, My little ones, I say to you that My Immaculate Heart counts on each one of your little hearts. My feet are alighting on the world to establish the Kingdom of Peace of Our Most Revered and Merciful Father. My Mantle is over the world to protect and shelter the hearts that in trust, open themselves to My Maternal Love. I will not be able to do anything for all those children who daily distance themselves from the path of God. I will only be able to pray and to inter- cede as the Mother of Mercy.
However, My dear children, your hearts may assist Me in the relief of the great sufferings of the soul and heart that many children live in the world, and this will happen through the strength of your daily prayers. When you manage to love the power of prayer, My little ones, I will be able to say that your hearts will be doing works of humility and of giving.
Know, My little ones, that My eyes are upon the world to contemplate it and to rescue it in this decisive final hour that is coming for many souls. Lift up prayers with fervor to the Heavens; there I will be able to radiate My wonders over the afflicted hearts.
My last hour of peace wants to announce itself to all hearts. Give out My call in the dwellings that still do not seek Me. Proclaim My Good News of Peace and Redemption to My children so that the conversion of the spirit may be manifested in the hearts.
To all those who need Me, there I will be. I am the Mother of Peace. I am the Mother of Mercy. I am the Bird of the Sun that illuminates the darkness in the hearts. I give new birth to your life through the inexhaustible source of the Love of My Son.
Let us pray for that which Our Lord needs. He has thirst for good souls.
I will intercede for your hearts,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more