Beloved children,

In this state of Grace, that which on this dawn I bring to all of you and for this nation, I want that you to listen in your hearts to the song of My maternal voice.

This song brings the Celestial Light that covers the spaces, liberating the souls from the oppressor, that one that has always tried to distance My children from God.

Today, upon the mirrors of light of this Aurora that emerges before your eyes, My peace reaches to all the spirits and all the kingdoms.

Today, also I want to express to all My children the gratitude of the Celestial Hierarchy for the unity and love that all My soldiers are beginning to express.  From this love and unity is that from which the new race will emerge for this planet.  In this way you begin today to live timidly the fraternity between your beings, so in this way you must continue along the path that My Son is showing you.

This fraternity begins to be glimpsed among you, where not only are you answering to the requests of the Divine Messengers, but that also you have begun to strengthen between yourselves the spiritual ties of love that, through which you are learning, spiritual ties that will form the basis of that which we crave so much – you, little children in evolution – and Us, the Divine Messengers.  We see in your inner beings how the christic essence has begun to shine, that which will conduct you through this transition.

When the prayer groups are more strengthened, you will begin to live together with Us, your Divine Masters, a spiritual fusion; we have said many times, that even though evil will be spread with fury over the Earth, so also will the Light and Love of God be established and shine in the hearts of those who truly clamor for the return of Christ, the Redeemer.

In these moments, the love of the Celestial Hierarchy will be like a great voice that will resonate in the spirit of each redeemed child of God, and will have an echo in the whole universe.  Then all the stars of the cosmos will hear the singing of the self-convoked ones who, gathered as the 144,000, will take the great step towards the new time of the 1000 years of peace.

There will emerge a new race that will prepare the New Christs, those that will teach the whole universe about love and forgiveness.  Remember that My Son promised once that you would do greater things than He had done.

Therefore, these things that My Son was referring to, were based on the love that He has lived and taught, which will be multiplied in the new time through the coming Christs, those that will emerge and become someday masters of the Masters.

And all this, My beloveds, will happen in this time with those that merge themselves in sincere prayer, pure of intention and empty of expectations, that which is born from each essence.

Strengthen yourselves My beloved prayerful soldiers, strive each day for living fraternity, so that unity and love may be the pillars of this new humanity that you are building.

I am with you, I Am the Lady dressed of the Sun that comes in this Aurora to light the mirrors of light that will clean your spirits so that you may enter into this new time.

Thank you for being with Me today. 

Who blesses you and loves you,

Mary, your Mother of the Sun and Universal Queen


Most dear companions,

May the coming of this Christmas mean for the good souls the inner reunion of the new apostles of Christ.

May in the course of the next year your hearts prepare themselves ardently and with faith to celebrate, together with the King of Humility, the anniversary of the daily messages when a year will be completed, I mean, the 5th of January of 2014.

On this day a new cycle of precise instructions will come for all, and more sleeping hearts will wake up when they only get to know that I have been among My ones during 365 continuous days.

For this today I call you so that in this Sacred Christmas your lives try to live the sacrament of humility and the sacrament of faith.  In this way I will be able to realize My Works among the pure and simple hearts.

I want to leave today a pastoral hug, an affection of Master to disciple and of Friend to companion, because I know what it represents for the souls to be consoled and understood.  But I ask you to not fear, but to keep ignited the flame of devotion, the unquenchable spirit that will give you the necessary strength to cross the bridges towards paradise, between abysses and chaos.

The time is approaching in which, in some places of the world, I will be able to be seen and found as happened before My Celestial Ascension.  The open heart will know how to distinguish the true Master from the fake master because My Love will always be unmistakable, it will bring to you the peace and the confidence to know that whoever is in Me will lack nothing.

Now I leave you for you to listen to the warm and sweet voice of the Celestial Mother.

Go ahead because while the fire burns in the depths, new cells of spiritual life awaken in the Christic humanity.

Now we will listen to the Voice of Our Lady:


Dear children,

Today I specially announce Myself together with My Beloved Son.

After Jesus was born in the inner manger of each being, the Holy Spirit hopes to find pure dwellings in the human hearts.  Let that in this Christmas Day the Sacred Hearts radiate the principles of the new universal life.  This will occur after your yes to the universe.

In the path of prayer you will find the retreat and the protection that you need in order to defeat your own inner evil and the evil of humanity.  The Holy Spirit wishes for this Christmas to be the new Pentecost that may prepare in each missionary heart the task and the mission to be fulfilled before the Celestial Father.

Pray lovingly for the Church and for the Holy Father so that they may recognize soon the great Marian task that My Immaculate Heart has been realizing for 32 years in Medjugorje and for 6 years in the Americas.

I wish for the believing humanity to wake up and to see the union of the times that I Am realizing between Heaven and Earth.  New and unknown laws are helping humanity so that it may not get lost amongst chaos and pain.

My Heart promises the spiritual salvation of those who may truly want to listen to My Spiritual Voice.  I wanted that after so many Christic years shared with My children, that you could grow up to receive a greater knowledge because the Mother of the World, the Solar Star announces coming and fruitful times for those who may only obey His call.

The Redeeming Grace will be available for all.  I will always be at your side to accompany you and to make you grow in simplicity.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you now and always,

Christ Jesus, the Master of Forgiveness and Your Mother Mary, Queen of the Hearts


I Am the Great Priest and you are My apprentices so that you may be able to learn about love and about the truth.

I Am the Great Master and you are My beloved disciples so that you may be able to learn to live in the law.

In each one of My ones I pour My celestial gifts so that in the next time they may wake up to the service of the current humanity.

Every disciple must revere the instruction of His or Her Master because if it were not this way the disciple would not be born straight, as tree does when it directs its crown towards the High. Each teaching and learning has a question and an answer for your lives. Without the experiences of faith and of forgiveness it will not be possible to gestate the new humanity.

Today I call you to live in My Shepherd School because it is necessary that the new apostles wake up to the missionary call of love and of peace. In your essences is found the true being and in your hearts is found the truth for your lives. Never allow for the lie or the ignorance of the world to separate you from the Master of Truth. Try every day to be clear and transparent like the waters of the ocean. In this way you will be able to transmit the message of peace that many souls need.

The most important for this time is to participate in the Sacred Communion with Me. In this way the ignorance or the art of the enemy will not knock on your door. You must only seek Me day and night, in joy or in pain.

I Am everywhere when you simply feel Me in prayer. It is time to use the instruments of protection, such as prayer, communion and fasting. In this way nothing will knock you down, but you will have the understanding about things because I will give you the strength of My Redeeming Love. I Am with you.  Go ahead!

Under the Supreme Will of God, be blessed.

Thank you for imparting eternal love to the entire world!

Christ Jesus


The parable of the good disciple and the good master.

Once upon a time, in a distant land, there was a master who used to teach his duties to a disciple, he who recently had been sent to learn about the spiritual path.

In this story the master was being initiated in his first inner retreat in order for him to get rid of his expectations and of his own powers, to surrender himself to the eternal infinite. In the plans of the retreat of the master the arrival of this last disciple had not been predicted, who was sent later than expected. The master had already instructed other disciples before beginning his hermit retreat even though for the master the learning was to give himself to all, above all things.

The disciple was not very skilled in the tasks that the master would entrust him with. The apprentice disciple, who in spite of being very dedicated, as he humbly followed word by word whatever the master would dictate to him, one day saw himself lost, as without compass. This happened from lack of attention to trying to understand the reasons for each intention that the master indicated to him.

The master rarely felt uncomfortable because the task of his consciousness was to love and to see each disciple as they were, beyond their mistakes. But on this day, the universe of the Father was going to confirm if the master would be able to achieve a greater expression of love in face of the great difference that existed between the request of the master and what the disciple did. The result of this could have changed the destiny of the two of them.

On this day the disciple needed to confirm his trust in the one who guided him, beyond the differences.

        What is the lesson of all this experience?

That the master, if He has no disciples, will never be able to see with wisdom all that which still must be banished and that, out of love, he must always have the mission as his purpose. And the disciple, on his path, must always count on the company of the master so that he may indicate to him the steps that he must take from consciousness, avoiding thus the loss of his mission by the election of other paths.

This is the lesson of love. If between master and disciple there does not reigns love there will not be able to be unity and if there was lack of unity the mission of the two of them would have no result. This is the great step for those who guide and for those who learn. If there were not the two of them the purpose that is already written would not be able to be fulfilled.

The attitude of the master and the one of the disciple must be of humility, of devotion and of love so that light may be present in both paths. All must emerge from true love so that one’s own evils may be banished and in every situation may triumph the faith in God.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Listen to My Voice, the one which resounds in your inner.

I Am your Master, your Savior and Redeemer who returns for all of you.

As I have promised, thus it will be.

Prepare your hearts, your temples, because I will call for you loudly at the door and all will hear me.

Take care, My children, so that My Call may not find you distracted in the things of the world, a world that agonizes in selfishness because it is far from My Father, the Father of Love.

Listen to My Voice, the one which resounds in your minds, to dissolve every dissociation, every fear.

Listen to My Voice, the one which makes your cells vibrate filling them with the light that comes from the universe, light that is poured over you from My Heart.

Companions of yesterday and of today:

Be attentive because My Voice will arrive like the thunder, My presence like the storm and My Love like the cosmic fire that will burn your past and will bring an end to your purification.

But I will also come like the sweet voice of the nightingale for those that have prepared themselves since always.  I will come like the perfumed breeze of geraniums and honeysuckles for those who are faithful, meek and humble, those who wait for me kneeling before the Eucharist.

I will come soon when you least expect and My Love will enter in your beings like the water penetrates the earth giving to it a new form. With this mud I will mold My New Wineskins and in them I will deposit My Blood so that My Ones may share it across and throughout the world, from north to south and from east to west.

I need to find you ready because once again I will send you two by two.

And you will take My Word impregnated by My Mercy, by My Peace and by My Salvation.

Be attentive, companions, because I am coming.

In you I am.

Christ Jesus.


As the Mother of the Christians and of the non-Christians (*), in name of the Light of My Son, I try day by day to remove many souls from the immense inner desert in which they live, for lack of faith and love in the heart.

In these times, dear children, may your hearts be active precursors of My call for peace and for the salvation of the creatures.

Dear children, as the Mother and Door of Heaven, today I ask you to search for God within your inner beings, for the Love of the Father, for the Immaculate Spirit of Peace, because this Spirit will allow you to grow and It will strengthen you for the decisions in life, in the mind and in the spirit of each one.

Today I am calling you to prepare with consciousness your dwellings so that in a short time Jesus, the King of the Universe, the Master of masters, may find rest in pure and crystalline dwellings where His Absolute and Unfathomable Mercy may be poured.

Dear children, the world is going through great tests in the faith and in the life of many hearts. For this reason I ask you to place the millions of children that I have under My protection in the true exercise of your prayers so that they enter into the definitive Law of Forgiveness and Mercy.

As I have told you, dear children, this is a last cycle for the confirmation of the hearts before the Plans of God. Humanity can live in the new Plan of God, a Plan that will lead you to remain in the true state of peace and reconciliation.

My children, it is very important to keep the fire of the prayer of the heart ignited, prayer that unites you to the Sacred Divine Spirit of My Son. But for this to happen, dear children, your lips must only pronounce words of love and peace, words that may spring from the heart, words that may relieve the great suffering that many solitary souls are living.

Dear children, today again I supplicate you and I speak to you with immense Love from My Immaculate Heart, because as you all know, these are already the last announcements that God sends Me to transmit to all hearts.

Before the new time that will come, My children, may your hearts, your thoughts and your feelings be merciful so that God may reign within you, so that the Love of My Son may reign forever.

Keep gratitude in you so that it radiates humility and Mercy.

Thank you for responding to My call.

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) Tr: “Mother of Christians and non-Christians” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”


My children,

In this important time, remember the one and only Guiding Star that illuminates you, that governs you, that loves you, that conducts you towards the Infinite Universe of God. Remember the Master of masters. Remember in your lives the Instructor, the Shepherd, the Essence of the Love of God.

My children, love Jesus Christ, live in Jesus Christ and for Jesus Christ!

Dear children, today I call you to pray for peace, the peace that is urgent in the essences and in the souls of all of My children. Today I invite you to serve the Creator with the heart, to give yourselves to God with the heart and to remain in the arms of God, your Omnipresent and Eternal Father.

Dear children, little children, do not fear, do not fear for anything! Embrace Jesus with your arms, feel His Unfathomable and Magnificent Heart of Mercy, keep your life under His rays and keep vigil in prayer for the existence of each brother and sister.

My children, if you accept to give your life, your soul and your existence to Christ, what will you lose? What will you find in your hearts? Today I will tell you. Dear children, your lives in Christ, in My Son, will find comfort, relief, love, trust in God and eternity.

Dear children, as the Mother of Divine Eternity I ask you: trust! Trust in My Maternal and Universal call, because God only asks Me that your hearts be resplendent and consecrated at the feet of the Creator.

My maternal soul searches for souls that aspire to find peace, forgiveness and redemption. My children, My voice reverberates silently in your hearts for only one reason: to live in Christ, awaiting His celestial arrival.

In union with all of My children, I thank you for your response throughout this last year.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
