Rejoice for what you have achieved and do not sorrow for what you have not yet lived.
Be that vital instrument in the Hands of God that is at the service of the One Will.
Leave behind the influences of evil. Believe, despite any obstacle, in the strength and the power of My Immaculate Heart; in this way, detach from what is old and recalcitrant, from all that crystallizes the life of the spirit.
That is to say, try this each day until you manage to do it, not with sophisticated methods or with formulas, but rather through the great key of love.
Forgive, and do not get tired of doing it; the human condition is something genetic, hereditary, and millenary, the life itself of an incarnated consciousness would not be enough to purify and transform something that is centuries old.
But the sacred christic energy is what redeems any condition of the consciousness and it is what makes it possible to reinsert the soul into its rightful spiritual.
This Christic energy of love can do all things, because the one who opens themselves to receive it loses the control or the dominion that they have over many things.
It is the merciful Love of My Son that will lead you into re-encountering your true essence and your true inner union with the Father-Mother Creator.
At this time do not seek to solve everything; first, trustfully surrender to the Universe and you will never lack peace.
The project of humanity is still in its phase of redemption. For this reason, nothing will remain without being stirred up so that the real surface being may finally emerge.
Trust in what I tell you and so it shall be.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who elevates you with love to the Kingdom of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While My feet walk in Venezuela, I ask you for more inner prayer, that your power of prayer be concentrated in the proclamation and in the spiritual request so that this situation may calm down.
Especially to the Venezuelans, I ask that you be peacemakers of Christ in this moment; this will be your test and your exam before the Father and in the face of so much inequality.
I am making a request for piety, My children; do not try to confront or to oppose all that My adversary generates; the essence of everything that he causes is to tempt souls so that they may miss their chance of evolving.
This is why the time has come to prepare the islands of salvation, so that the immigrants and the castaways may find a place where they can begin their life again.
It will be the mission of the children of Mary to activate this network of prayer for Venezuela, offering all possible efforts to your Heavenly Mother; above all, My children from Brazil have this task so that this nation that is so dear to Me not be colonized by chaos, which is experienced in many nations.
Now we are entering the hard tests for the nations in these times. With hope and love, raise up your prayers, despite all that happens; thus I, as the Mother of all, will be able to be closer to receive you and guide you toward the Purpose of Light.
I love you and want you not to get involved with evil and with all that it does; evil has its end, because it does not know or understand love; on the contrary, Light wins because Light is in the Eternal Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Pray for the Americas,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the aroma of Love of My Heart, I can make My children feel the sacred balm of the Light of God.
Every day I come to appease the wounded and lost hearts. Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I heal and redeem all consciousnesses.
May this time of serenity and peace be the most important premises so that everything that surrounds the material life will be transmuted.
Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I attract the Graces for all My children, and I allow each heart to come know deeply the Kingdom of Peace and of Love of God.
Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I rebuild the bases that My adversary destroys because My Love for the creatures of God is triumph, service and goodness.
Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I pour upon My soldiers the ardent aspiration of being in God, thus, dear children, I distance with My hand all influence of evil.
Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I hand you, dear children, the celestial emblem of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who radiates the aroma of Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
An urgent call to the prayer for Peace
My most dear children of the world, favorite servers of My Heart,
Today on behalf of the Greater Good and the Mercy of God I come to ask you again to pray a Mystery of the Holy Rosary every day for the next six months in order to avoid the infernal spread of a cruel war between the nations of the Middle East. If this call is not answered as part of the supplication of Your Heavenly Mother, you will see with your own eyes much blood running, despair among peoples and more attacks that will affect more innocent souls.
I would like, My children, for this summoning to prayer to be expanded across the five continents and in all possible languages, because I know there are souls still waiting to hear My words and recognize My voice in them.
My children, the tyrant mobilizes its more than four thousand armies of fallen angels to dominate the frustrated and innocent consciousness of My children in the Middle East.
I ask those who can to offer for the next six months the Mystery of the Rosary in Arabic and Hebrew, so that the powers of prayer may embrace more hearts and more planes of consciousness.
I tell you, My little children, that this humanity which is already lost, flaunts a conquest of the planet that is not real and that is driven by demons.
As My adversary knows that I am walking through Europe to avoid that the war of everyone against everyone expands to this part of the hemisphere, he uses all his explosive weapons and all souls that are committed to this reality and remain doomed to Earthly hell , which they fail to leave.
Dear children, the time has come for you to run along with Your Mother into the inner desert where we will take refuge, in prayer, from all evil and be safe.
At this time when the battle will define the moment of the return of Christ, I invite you to have a persevering, humble and sincere heart. If you, My children, love one another, we will gradually disarm the plan of My adversary to dispel faith and true love between consciousnesses. I awake you at this hour to a truth that many want to hide.
Let us pray with firmness in the heart and confidence that all the angels of Heaven will aid you in this final battle in which the Woman Dressed of the Sun will overcome Her eternal enemy through the most powerful flow of love.
Spread My call and let it be known to the world that the whole Universe is attentive to what happens in it.
May the hearts regain their innocence and purity so that My Immaculate Heart will thus triumph.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this mission of redemption!
Who loves and understands you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The souls of the world are the greatest gift of God to this creation. They are the project that must be accomplished in the planetary consciousness through love and unity.
From the beginning God has given all of His children the most beautiful part of His Holy Heart, and in the Plans of the Father it was not foreseen that anybody would get lost from the path of Light.
But this happened, and it wounded the Heart of the Father when He saw His children lost and controlled by the forces of evil.
So the Father, in His deep and infinite Mercy, asked His second aspect of the Most Holy Trinity, His Beloved Son, to incarnate in humanity in order to prevent it from destroying itself overnight.
So it was that God chose a humble feminine consciousness to incarnate His feminine aspect and give birth to the Holy Spirit of salvation through the birth of Christ.
All was prepared so that humanity should become rescuable; the Son of God incarnated, grew up, preached, taught, and they crucified Him without perceiving that He was God Himself who was offering Himself to all the Universe as proof of His absolute Love.
This event caused the planet to receive a new opportunity and to direct souls onto the pathway of Christic Love.
In this way, what was established in the world was not only the triumph of the Love of Christ, but also the possibility that all lost souls could regain their filiation with the Most High.
That is why the task of protecting the filiation of each soul and of each heart was entrusted to Holy Mary, the Mother of the Savior.
Up to these times, the Divinity keeps on waiting for new Christs to awaken, precious souls that will live their redemption in order to give the Universe the example that it is possible to convert in the name of love.
When souls lose the sense of true love, they grow apart from their truth. For this reason, the Mother of Heaven comes in this time to recover in all hearts the mission that many have forgotten.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union and love,
Your Mother, Mary Rose of Peace
Consecration of homes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dear children,
Through the act of daily consecration of your homes to My Immaculate Heart, Your Heavenly Mother comes to have a place of spiritual rest and inner retreat offered by Her children.
The work of Your Mother of Heaven is very extensive and deep, and just as Jesus wants to always live in your hearts, I expect, by means of your prayers, to find a place of hope and of peace, of consolation and of faith amidst the chaos, the evil, and the cruelty of these times.
It is thus that I build homes of light and of divine radiation for the great cities of the world, which are in need of an urgent spiritual and moral balance.
Children, when your beings open the doors of the homes so that I may enter, it means that you are, in consciousness, permitting the Kingdom of the Heavens to enter into your dwellings and in this way, everything the Divine Kingdom touches is transformed with time.
The consecration of homes to My Immaculate Heart not only represents the alliance of the children of the world with the Mother of God, but also an act of restoring and spiritual communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is through this sacred alliance of souls with God that the Father of the Universe can confirm that it is possible to concretize the Project on this planet.
I still must enter many hearts that are closed, whose homes are invaded by evil, and which have doors closed to the true light.
It is through My children, who let Me enter their hearts and homes, that I can with confidence help and intercede on behalf of those who do not want to see the God of Love.
The homes consecrated to the Divine Heart of Mary will be protected from all adversity, because they will be fortresses in the times of battle and of prayer; that fortress is built by the prayer of the heart, which is the key that opens the doors to the Heavens.
Act of consecration of homes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mother of God,
You can always enter my heart and my home,
enveloping them in light, peace and love.
Today, Divine Mother, I give you this home
so that Your Love may reign among us
and so that you may take us by the hand to the Divine Heart of Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union with the families of the world,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this time of purification, the doors of Grace are still open to those who invoke it with their heart. This inexplicable Grace is the one that can transfigure all things because Grace is a concomitant action with Mercy.
In spite of what may happen, My children, search for this major Grace so that the Lord hears in His Heart the supplications of His children. Grace is the formula for these times of liberation; it is the cause and the reason for all the souls that must find livelihood through it.
Grace is a state of atonement and at the same time of compassion; these two higher currents come from the Will that generates love and unity, to which all must aspire daily.
My children, through Grace one finds relief and it brings peace in these critical moments. In Grace lies the Flame of God, a flaming and perpetual Spirit that rekindles the hearts in compassion.
Humanity must place its vision on the Grace of God and build it within so that it multiplies and reaches those who need it. This very potent Grace breaks the chains of evil because its main spring lies in the Love of God and in His Omniscience.
May Grace be the key for you at this time; thinking about it, everything materializes according to the Will of God, because Grace is what removes the consciousnesses from ignorance and from the inferiority of conditions.
Grace gives meaning to life and the perfect motive to serve God, it is the one that unites all things under the principles of Peace, Love, Mercy and Redemption.
Grace is considered a source of unity, it is the balm that nourishes spiritual life and renews it. The world is present until now in the Universe by the work of Grace.
You must remember, dear children, that the Grace of God is everything and that through it you will relive and concretize the paths of the Father.
Grace is that state that leads to the Light of God and His infinite goodness. Grace is the path for those who are not rewarded due to the faults they have committed against the Plan of God.
Grace is a life raft as is Mercy. From the Heart of My Son springs Mercy that is His Blood, and Grace that is His Water purifies and redeems.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you to the Grace of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the beginning of everything, there was only Love and Unity as a Unique Consciousness. It was natural that this Consciousness expressed Its Love creating and, mysteriously expressing Its Unity by multiplying itself.
This great Consciousness was like a Sun, it was life itself. There were no forms in it, colors were not distinguished, sounds were not distinguished and, at the same time, it contained in Its creativity all the forms, all the colors and all the sounds.
In the expression of the Love of God, He divided Himself into three, three aspects of His Unique Face, three forms of manifesting His Divine Love: God the Father, who unites; God the Son, who creates; God the Holy Spirit, who gestates and supports Creation, who manifests and divinizes all forms.
It was in the manifestation of His infinite Love that God created the different races and civilizations of the universe and their diversity did not prevent them from feeling one with God. The Father gave His creatures the Grace of returning to Him, and not only in spirit; for He also granted that, by transcending forms and densities, in the sublimation of matter, in the ascension of evolution, those who experienced love so profoundly would become Love itself and would gradually return to be one with God, completely.
One experience of love leads to another, still more profound and this is how creatures ascend in the levels of the divine evolution.
To show to the Cosmos the perfection of His Thought, God created the human beings and created Earth. In a parallel time to the time of the universe, creatures who knew nothing about the universal life began to develop from the beginning of the material evolutionary scale; they did not have access to the knowledge of the Cosmos and did not even recognize the existence of other lives apart from their own planet.
To this small project, before His vast Universes, God sent His Son from the beginning. He was part of His part, essence and spirit divinized by His Origin, but without knowing it.
To discover the existence of God, it was necessary to experience love. And so it was that the human consciousness received the impulse to evolve, not by its skills or by its technologies, but rather by the love experienced by a few and that led them to transcend the barriers of the mind and reach the wisdom of the spirit, to discover and experience new laws.
The great discoveries of humanity were offered by consciousnesses that, at some level, experienced love, the love for the unknown, for the superior, for something they often ignored, because they hardly knew what the object of their love was, they just loved. But also those who did not know how to love had access to these discoveries and used them to make great harm to matter and to spirit out of them.
This is how, throughout the human development, the permanent contrast between love and evil always existed because in part, this is the human school: the transcendence of evil and of all its influences to reach love.
Children, why do I tell you this story and take you to Universes so distant from the reality you experience? Because the Lord allowed evil to be expressed on Earth with all its potential so that, at the limit of its consciousness, humanity could also express love.
You are in a time in which the manifestation and expression of chaos and evil are abominable and never seen before, and this means that the time has come to experience a degree of love also never seen before.
The time has come to surrender life for love again, so did My Son. The time has come to renew the sacrifice of Christ and, as He told you, to do greater things than He did when He was on Earth.
Do not let the expression of evil cause terror in your hearts, but rather, given the present planetary situation, allow your souls to feel the imperious need to balance what the world experiences, to serve and love as you can, to overcome the limits of your own surrender, to abandon yourselves in order to let yourselves be filled with the Love of God.
The collapse of the Earth, caused by the actions of chaos, dictates the urgent time of experiencing love and no more of learning how to love. It is no longer time to contemplate the Cross, but to embrace it.
It is time to pray and serve; it is time to know and be; it is time to understand and experience the laws of God.
May the learning of your brothers and sisters in mission in Turkey reveal to you the great need to experience love in the four corners of the world.
I love you and bless you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Powerful Mother now steps with Her blessed feet on the head of the serpent so that redemption and freedom may prevail in the oppressed. This head of evil is the one that generates discord, lack of love and an illusory conquest of the planet and of humanity. The serpent is fearful because it is stepped on by the unwavering strength of the souls that pray sincerely so that the thousand years of peace may be established.
As your Powerful Mother steps on what causes sorrow and war, She extends Her arms upon the world so that it is surrounded by the Infinite Grace which springs from Her holy hands. Thus the prophecy of Saint John Apostle is being fulfilled. As the Mother of God steps with Her feet on the fierce serpent of evil, it is time, My children, for you to pray more with the heart and not only with word. It is time for you to define in time if you want to live in this praying school that My Heart offers you.
The good souls, the ones that are being congregated by the Heavenly Mother, are managing to take the steps towards the Purpose of Light.
As the Woman Dressed of the Sun presses with Her feet the sly serpent, the one which imparts all its poisons of chaos and perdition throughout the world, may My children take the opportunity to turn holy each of their actions, as well as each of their acts and thoughts in the times of today.
Still when the fierce serpent cannot endure the inner victory of the souls that open themselves to express their lives through fraternal charity and service, an imminent battle precipitates on some of the soldiers of Christ. The struggle for the Kingdom of Peace has already begun and no one can remain outside this event.
Although the evil serpent receives the weight of Divine Justice, still the final battle has not begun. Blessed are the attentive and not naïve hearts: all is happening in the spiritual plane, all the Marian soldiers battle this war through the power of the word of prayer which decrees the higher Laws for impossible times.
At this time the dragon wallows inside its abyss and the fury of its poison tries to repel the good actions of peace that the world is silently achieving through some beings.
There will never be another truce, this is the last one. Therefore, while Your Powerful Mother holds down the fury of the poisonous serpent, may the apostles prepare to run towards the inner desert of Adonai where they will all be protected.
The false dragon will try to imitate the true enlightened spirits but in one of its paws you will be able to see the shortcoming of a great spiritual fantasy.
Those who pray with steadiness will not be tepid during the battle; each soul will see inside themselves that which they have never known.
Although the serpent sent by the dragon is under the weight of the Light of Your Lady, the battle will continue and the tests will exacerbate overnight.
It will be the moment of fidelity for everyone because in truth I tell you, My children, there will be no place to run to if not the Heart of the Celestial Father who is attentive to the steps that His creatures are slowly willing to take.
Everything has a cycle but while the serpent is under the feet of Your Powerful Mother, rush your spiritual steps; still the human legions are being formed in the middle of the battle which will define the next kingdom.
In the invisible clouds of the universe My Son, the King, watches all the events. He is being dressed by the holy angels with resplendent linen and robes, a presence that He will reveal in the most acute moment which is approaching.
May the praying ones not be fearful because everyone will see the complete purification of Earth in time. Unite with your guardian angels and do not leave spaces in the consciousness for superfluous energies.
Do not stop answering the call for the permanent prayer of the heart, this will help very much Your Heavenly Mother, who will be stepping with Her feet on the head of the serpent a little longer so that the greatest number of imprisoned and ignorant souls be rapt by the presence of Higher Love, the one which will awaken them in this definitive hour.
Your consciousnesses will help very much this spiritual construction Your Mother is making for the salvation of many sleeping souls.
The fierce serpent does not bear the seeds that are being sown through the missions. While it appears that nothing great is happening, the Celestial Divinity, the Father-Mother Creator, is taking sides, and the essences already rebuilt in the deepest of their consciousnesses are beginning to feel hope, trust in love, peace and faith again, which makes them abandon rage, oppression and constant punishment.
The triumph of the Sacred Hearts will be surprising and no one will be able to counter it.
The more love and consciousness the souls have about the fulfillment of the Plan, the dragon that wallows in its abyss will be defeated in another way by the legions of the Archangel Gabriel without escaping to the surface of the planet.
Its plans are defeated and this awakens fury against the friends of Christ. But they may be protected when obedience is lived. There will be no time anymore to repair the faults committed inside human commands.
You will only have to follow the spiritual guidance which is indicated by the Celestial Hierarchies, there will no longer be two paths to elect. This will make you remain or not adhered to the Higher Will.
May My praying children be prepared for what will happen. I ask that no one wastes time in the insignificant and that attention is placed in the details of everyday, there will be the protection from everything.
As Your Powerful Mother isolates the souls from the dangerous poison of the serpent, warn and announce to the world that the deepest entrails of the Mercy of Christ will be still open during the coming Sacred Week , in which the souls and their inner core will finish sealing their eternal commitment with the Celestial Father.
The hour marks the moment of awakening. The angelic operation has already started in the eve of the Return of Christ.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who awakens you to the Higher Consciousness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Dear children,
Today, together with the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, your Heavenly Mother has many rescued souls in Her lap, consciousnesses that suffered decapitation and the annihilation of their lives.
Today, Saint Joseph and Your Most Holy Mother cover with Their mantles those who through the actions of the world have been left abandoned and did not receive humanitarian assistance.
So I am asking My missionaries to continue to bear with the fire of this planetary hell that opens up to submerge poor souls in despair and continuous pain.
Your Mother is showing you this reality so that you may learn, dear missionaries and servers of the Plan, that the Celestial Divinity enters into the deepest abysses of the planet to close them and establish some more time of peace.
Peace will be a reality when each of My children, in each part of the planet, labors and cooperates with the works of service and of humanitarian aid; because it will be through the path of absolute surrender that the part of humanity that does not want war or conflict will be able to balance the physical and spiritual misalignments that are caused by the armed confrontations and the worldwide acts of persecution.
The current account of this humanity is unplayable; but, dear children, the humanitarian service, the forgetting of self in attending another, the letting go of comfort of those of Mine who pray in order to sacrifice and give of their self for humanity will allow, I assure you, the Law of Mercy to descend that is much needed by the whole world.
It is for this reason, dear children, that the mission in Turkey was extended, so that the true alliance of love and of service among beliefs and cultures of East and West could spontaneously occur.
At this time, Your Mother has need of the continuing union of the groups of prayer so that, through the powerful fount of prayer, the missionaries can count on the necessary support and protection.
Dear children, I thank all who opened their hearts to help both missions.
It is urgent that the whole world learn to serve another. In this way, the roots of evil will be taken away from the planet, and the hells will be closed when there are hearts willing to carry out the Designs of the Celestial Messengers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who uplifts you to the Consciousness of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
A group of monks from Aurora gathered together to pray the Rosary and wait for the coming of the Divine Mother. When we were on the last mystery of the Rosary, I saw clearly that the Middle East was being spiritually worked upon by the prayer, and I saw the Most Holy Mother above all those countries, pouring out an intense white Light that was coming from the palms of Her hands, from Her Heart and from all of Her aura. The Most Holy Virgin was stretching out Her arms towards that region in an attitude of constant offering and, at the same time, She was supplicating for all of those nations through a profound silence, while observing everything that was happening there.
When the Virgin Mary appeared where we were praying, She showed Herself enveloped in a Mantle that had the flag of Syria imprinted on it. Mary embraced this mantle with love and fervor, supplicating to the Father.
Like a great Mirror of Light and of Love, I descend to the world to withdraw it from the evil in which it lives, because the world is absent from the Love of God.
I descend in glory toward the darkest areas of the planet, so that My Mirror of Light can dispel the ideas and forms about a frightening war. Thus, your prayers will always be the lights that will shine and will not allow evil to reign in the hearts of humankind, an evil that has expanded throughout the world.
The victory and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will take place through all the souls that, in the most critical hour of the Earth, when the great abyss is completely open, will be the consolation for despair, will be the inner strength for transformation, will be the living word in the essence of those who seek the union with their Heavenly Mother.
In that hour, when everything will be evident and never again hidden, firmness and prayer done confidently will be the path for finding the way out. Souls will have nowhere to run to during the time of the purification of the Earth.
We are already in the first hour of the Judgment; the whole Universe will know on which side each soul from the Earth will be. The harvest has already ended; the straw and the wheat are spread all over the field. The time has come for the angels of Heaven to present the offerings of the fruits of the children of God and the result of what each soul has sown for these end times.
Your Mother is in permanent prayer, waiting for the last trumpets to be sounded by the seraphims in the direction of the Earth, a time when the winds will blow strongly and the Earth will be purified.
I know that many of My children do not believe this will happen; what was written in the Sacred Books is being fulfilled and this is the proof that there are very few who have taken the step towards the Lord. But there is still time for true repentance and forgiveness; your lives should already be corrected and aligned with the principle of the Lord of the World.
In this very critical hour, faith must be the unbreakable pillar, the immovable structure, serene and meek, which can support other consciousnesses when everything happens.
God, in His profound silence and reflection, did not expect so much human indifference and such little response on the part of His children to the call for a great change.
The Servants of Adonai have already decreed each of the words entrusted by Their God, few have heard and it is already late; hearts still sleep in their castles of mud and the great current of the cosmos is drawing closer with strength to the planet and to the solar system.
For this reason, your Mother descends like a great Mirror, so that you may understand that it is time for the majority of the self-summoned to reflect good things, following the principles of the Law and the Truth, so as to be protected from self-deceit.
Heaven knows that souls know nothing about the Apocalypse, because this is an experience that unfolds in the end times that all are going through.
If you transform yourselves, you do not resist and you make My true Heart triumph in each of your lives; maybe, beloved children, many will not suffer what they have not sown well.
Be those mirrors so necessary in these times, mirrors that must be as an offering in the Hands of God so that He may reflect His principles of Love and of Unity, something that all of humanity has forgotten.
Thus, be consistent with the call and in this way, you will not deviate because of your own human impulses. The Father awaits you with His open Arms to make known to you the power of His Love, a Love that in these times is not sought.
I hope that in this time of definition and of Judgment for the whole planet, your hearts may be raised to the Lord; thus, He will receive a true response of love from your inner beings.
Today I am praying and observing the spiritual Judgment that all of the Middle East is going through; thus, you will understand, dear children, that something is about to happen.
All we can do is pray, pray and pray and never fail, thus your hearts will be protected.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer and vigil,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Before all that happens in the world, the Messengers of God are trying to teach humanity how to intervene in aid of the souls.
Dear companions, throughout the centuries of your existence, humankind has almost always answered to the wars generating bigger wars and has tried to confront the false power with the same false power, without realizing that only the Power that comes from God can balance all things.
It is a divine aspiration that the planet do not be indifferent to what is happening in the Middle East, but not so that humankind may react with wars and respond to the hatred that permeates the hearts of the people present there sending an even heavier burden of hatred.
Do you realize that this has always been the strategy of the enemy? To generate such atrocity in the cities and such lack of love among humans, so that this hatred would expand itself to all beings and all would respond with the same level of terrorism.
In the beginning of all this chaos, many were impressed with the degree of wickedness of the human heart, when they saw the ways some people tortured and murdered the neighbor; but now, such is the hatred that is expanding itself through the hearts, that those who were impressed before with these actions would be capable of doing the same with the said murderers. That is why, children, God calls you to the awakening. Do not let yourselves be influenced by the evil of the world. Keep your consciousnesses fixed on the goodness and your hearts united to the One who was crowned with thorns in silence.
We call you to react to what happens in the whole world – and, mostly, in the Middle East – not with hatred and with resentment, but with absolute love. Dissolve resentment from your hearts, learn to forgive, in the small things, those who are closer to you. Learn to be brothers and sisters of each other, under the spirit of unity and of fraternity, and watch yourselves more precisely each time, so that neither in the small nor in the great things you are unfaithful to the principles of love that you have elected to live.
United to the Divine Messengers in a great chain of love for humanity. Serve, forgive, reconcile, love, send to the world messages of peace, and live this peace. Be examples of a true effort for living the goodness, and no longer allow yourselves to surrender to hatred and to lack of love only for your inability of being humble.
Abandon your pride and your will of defeating the others and standing out with your own behaviors, because these are the same conducts, the one that manifest themselves in your day by day, that, in greater proportions, generate the wars and the conflicts in the world.
It is time of growing in order to learn how to serve God. It is time to be humble, so that your pride does not make the planet sink, once more, in the sea of chaos and of evil.
Persevere and overcome yourselves. Put aside the childish and retrograde codes of pride and arrogance and allow that the Grace of living in peace and fraternity be a reality in your lives.
For the salvation of humanity,
Your Friend and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Mary came, She showed me an image of the Universe, and in a way which I do not know how to explain, I saw the Consciousness of God. He was withdrawing into a profound silence that, in spite of being silence, resounded across the whole cosmos and was causing the inner being of all creatures in Heaven to shudder. God held within Himself that first Thought that He had when creating the human project. He concentrated on the perfection of His Original Idea for humankind, and thus meditated.
Mary showed us that many councils gathered together, but not knowing how to assist humanity; just observing so that, in the unpredictability of the human heart, some possibilities of guiding humankind to the fulfillment of the Plans of God could emerge. Our Lady said that for all of the universe, in this moment, the destiny of the Earth is unforeseeable. She said that only God knew what would happen, but He stayed silent and concentrated all of His Love toward the essence of each human being.
It was as if, in that moment, God was not using any intermediary, for He Himself, in His silence, was attempting to reach the essence of all human beings to reveal His Mystery directly to those hearts that might perceive His Presence.
Mary explained to us that in the midst of all of the chaos and the evil in the world, the Creator Himself began to take action on Earth, trying to show the human heart the greatness of His Plan for humanity, the unique possibility that the human being holds for uniting with Him, perfectly and absolutely; the one love that is found latent within of all of us. All of this God is trying to show to us.
Then Mary invited us so that, by ourselves and in silence, we might enter into our own hearts in order to try to feel God, to search for Him inside of ourselves, and to discover what He wants to reveal to us in His silence.
Dear children,
While the world agonizes, the Heart of the Most High God goes silent, and the Creator concentrates His Divine Spirit on the true purpose of His Creation.
In these times, when humanity is at the peak of their deviation from the reason for their existence as part of a Divine Project, the Lord is trying to keep alive within Himself that divine aspiration that one day left His Consciousness to renew all of the Universe.
When He accepted the experience of the human project, God knew all the risks, but He also knew the power of the love placed as a latent possibility within each human being, in their deepest essence.
The Most High Creator allowed His Creation to run a great risk: that creatures apparently so small would have the possibility of carrying all of the material universe manifested by Him to an extreme of evolution or of involution.
Children, now in face of all that occurs in the world and that transcends the atrocities of the material life, with truly dangerous repercussions that are destructive to the life of the spirit, the Lord just observes the world and is in silence.
All of the creatures created by God are attentive to His silence, which reverberates as a great mystery within all of Creation.
The Lord knows that this is a definitive moment, even for His Divine Consciousness. The silence of God holds within itself a certainty of His triumph, in spite of making all creatures inwardly tremble.
When God is in silence it is because only He knows what will happen. The universe, however, only attentively observes the movements of humanity and waits, second by second, for the way in which it can guide it on the best path.
While the councils gather, and the masters and guides, among the Blessed, renew their plans, God just is in silence.
I say this to you today so that you may feel the silence of God; so that you may feel His Eyes set on your hearts all the time. Not only the intercessors for humanity pray for the awakening of the human heart; God too, in His silence, concentrates all the Power of His Creative Consciousness to safeguard, within Himself, the perfect archetype of humanity.
In the silence of the Creator, He unites with the essence of all the creatures of Earth that aspire to fulfill His Plan. Therefore, children, if you hear these words today, meditate for an instant on what I tell you and unite with the silence of God.
Observe your own essences as a true and pure connection with the Most High. Find within yourselves the union with the Father, and thanks to this union, allow the Creator to awaken in you that unique thought that He has for each one of you.
In the center of the universe, God is in silence, and in His silence, He multiplies Himself in the center of each creature.
I know that what is taking place in the world disturbs many hearts and also the consciousnesses of those who know of the gravity of the times; however, My beloved ones, if you truly want to help humanity, feel God in your own inner being. Imagine the Creator of all things in His deep silence, which reverberates loudly within all beings.
The Universe comes to a halt before the power of the silence of God. He is trying to make Himself heard by His children; He is concentrating the power of His Love for humanity and for the infinite cosmos with the intention of letting you know the truth. For this reason, in spite of all that afflicts your hearts today, allow your consciousnesses to uplift beyond matter; that at the same time, you enter into your own inner being and travel to the center of Creation, finding, inside of yourselves, a silent God Who stretches out His Hands to you and shows you the truth of His Plan.
While the intention of God with His silence is mysterious for all of the cosmos, He wants to enter the inner being of human beings in order to directly reveal to them the truth of His Love.
Children, will you embrace the greatness of what I say to you? Will you open yourselves to the mystery of receiving within yourselves a Creator so immense, Who makes Himself small in order to speak to your heart?
Discover today the only and perfect union between human beings and God, because the Lord is in silence in this time in order to let humankind know about the greatest mystery of His Creation, which is the unique possibility of the perfect union with the Most High.
While miseries emerge from within all, and chaos makes use of all of its strategies for conquest, God aspires to reveal His Greatness to you.
Who will open to this Truth?
I bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I come to extend you My Motherly hand and help you because you are My son, you are My purpose of redemption. Therefore on this day I open the doors towards the fount of My Grace, which is the essence that concedes forgiveness to the souls that search for it.
I have come to extend you My hand so you may feel safe wherever you walk, thus I will take you away from the abyss generated by the sins of humanity and from where many are still not able to leave. Whoever prays with the heart and asks for it, will be safe, My Heart is a gift of atonement for all the souls on Earth.
Encourage yourself to take My Motherly hand; I come to encourage you, to take you along the safe pathway to redemption. If you come with Me you will purify yourself and become clean to present yourself before the Lord. Follow My steps in confidence, today I extend you My hand for you to take it tight; you will lose nothing, you will just leave behind the past that makes you grieve.
If you become aware of what you do, you assume to walk with Me through the path of purification. I accept your offer of giving your life. I accept your aspiration to serve the Plan of My Son.
The world is crossing the cycle of a tough battle; it is going through all the abysses to purify itself from the evil induced during centuries. Therefore I come to extend you My Motherly hand because thus you will find the path to your inner liberation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who heals you spiritually,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The School of Humility of the Virgin Mary
Dear children,
Every day I offer you My simple humility for you to incarnate it in your spirits and to be able to find your own inner humility. I give you this impulse so that you may decide to discover this attribute of salvation, which has become very forgotten in recent times.
Dear children, during this time of planetary crisis, God needs a greater number of humble hearts so that the whole Earth may be repopulated with the attributes which may revert all the evils that have been generated by humanity.
Dear children, this is how God will ask the brave ones to become conscious and face all the aspects of human life, those that act against the evolution of the attributes of the Universal Mother. For this, beloved children, you will have to invoke the holy spirit of humility every day so that it may protect you from yourselves and from all tests.
My children, finally, it will be through the power of My holy humility, the Humility of God, that your hearts will be able to take such expected steps and thus evil will be removed from this arrogant planet.
Dear children, humanity has disfigured the true mission and conception of this planet. That is why you, as seekers of holy humility, not only will help the world and yourselves, but this will also reflect within all hearts that have already condemned themselves due to lack of humility.
I lovingly encourage you to walk in faith and to persevere.
In My school of humility, divine Purposes exist, that conduct you towards the goal of inner divestment. Walk towards this task.
I thank you for responding to My call!
From the school of humility, Who blesses you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear son, dear daughter,
Remain in peace, everything will pass.
Remain in peace and the soul will rejoice.
Remain in peace despite the darkness. Love will win and the victory of the Light will be established.
Remain in peace because My hands will guide you.
Remain in peace because My feet will indicate to you the pathway.
Remain in peace because your spirit will always win.
Remain in peace because you are in My arms.
Remain in peace because My Heart will triumph.
Remain in peace because you will find My Kingdom.
Remain in peace because you will lose nothing.
Remain in peace because My Light and the Light of My Son will always shine.
Remain in peace because God will contemplate you.
Remain in peace and trust in the Highest Purpose.
Remain in peace because evil will be extirpated and all the souls will have the opportunity to wake up.
Remain in peace, you are My soldier of peace.
Remain in peace because My angels will accompany you.
Remain in peace because Light will win.
Remain in peace and trust in the Great Master of Truth.
Remain in peace and deeply feel His kindness.
Remain in peace and pray for all of humanity.
Remain in peace, the Love of God will fulfill you.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who elevates you to Heaven,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May Peace be in this place and in the heart of all of the beings who invoke the Holy Name of the Creator.
Blessed are the constant and the persevering in the conversion of the heart because they will not lose themselves and they will find God everywhere. Be joyful, full and holy; may your lives testify the path traveled towards the finding of redemption of these times.
Dear children, today I come to teach you about the path of redemption which is being forgotten by all of the souls, but if you accept this path of transformation and surrender, the Lord, Your God will always shelter you.
You know deeply inside that I am Your Mother and that I love you, as well as I Love humanity eternally.
Dear children, if your lives do not change as God needs, the world will not be able to change. Your step will be decisive in order for the Divine Will to be able to manifest itself. It is for this that the Lord, Your Father that is in the Heavens, makes the sincere offer to each child of this planet. As long as there are wars, conflicts and disagreements, the world will not have Peace. It is for this, children, that before the cycle of Peace ends, I come to ask you for the consecration of your lives to the Perfect Plan of the Most High.
Dear children, as your Mother I come to bring a possible solution for a sick, malign and blind humanity that has lost the true union with the whole universe. My children, there is still much to do in this world, there is still much to serve and to give so that all can be reversed.
Dear children, if your souls do not do something soon, something that may move the Heart of God so that He may pour out His infinite and powerful Mercy, I will not be able to tell you how everything will end. This is My call to you: Bear witness to Christ in you in order for My Beloved Son, offended by the horrors of the world, be seen in the hearts who accept redemption.
Children, I am with you and with all of those who implore to the Celestial Father for a greater help. Evil will never win but it may do a lot of harm. Evil does not know love and does not know how one feels neither how one lives. You, My children of Latin America, know the Love of God because you have already felt it and lived it in each prayer, in each communion and in each canticle. Be diffusers of the Love of God and of the unbreakable unit between the souls and God, thus you will also make My Immaculate Heart triumph.
I thank you for listening to Me with attention!
Who unites you to the beginning of the Whole: to the Universal and Divine Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the networks of evil are furiously unleashed on this day across the entire planet, which celebrates naive bonds with these realities, My Heart thanks all those who pray and, strengthened by faith, together with Me defeat the adversary and, through the heart, establish the perfect alliance with My Son.
It is for this reason that once again, I come to ask for more prayers, not only for the Middle East, but also for the whole consciousness of the planet, which is damaged through the actions and the decisions that do not cease to be carried out.
So that My Heart may have Its triumph, at least in a part of humanity, My wish is that at the end of the novena that you are carrying out to Saint Joseph, your hearts please God through the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration of Jesus, praying the 81 beads for nine consecutive days.
On finishing this practice, My deep desire, My children, is that you dedicate nine more days of prayer to My wronged blessed Heart by means of the Rosary of Forgiveness.
When this new cycle of prayer ends, I will tell you, My children, how much Your Mother is able to do for all of humanity, and especially for those who fulfill these simple requests with devotion, interest and faith.
My guardian Angels never cease to accompany the spiritual life of all those who please My Heart with their praying word.
For all of the prayers given, I thank you all.
Let us continue working for the Plan of God.
I thank you for responding to My petitions!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dearest children of Mine,
May on this day, your voices and the voices of all of the praying beings of the world proclaim the Love of God and the coming of His Glorious Kingdom of Mercy upon the reality of this world.
Dear children, today My maternal request is that you fulfill the Designs of the Celestial Father in your little lives so that soon all the evil generated by the world may end and the redemption and the reconciliation among humans and God be established.
Dear children, may, today, your voices pray united to the great voice of My Son, that pronounces itself on this holy day in order to remove evil from some places of the Earth. With courage and love, dear children, open the doors of your hearts so that the expected change in your lives may be materialized in these times.
Beloved children, Your Heavenly Mother is working extensively so that the souls may go through the pathway of the new life, that which Christ will bring to this lost planet. The voice of your prayers must not stop now and neither the loving offer that the groups from the Network of Light provide Me in these times of crisis. I expect from everyone, the best achievements in the life of prayer.
Children, there is no other path but only the prayer of every day; a prayer that will keep you firm and safe on the Christic path, even in the moment of your purification. I help you all to walk in the Faith and in the Love of My Son, this will always encourage you to find Light on your paths.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you to the fount of the Universe of Prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I have come to ask you to continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, because just as I said it in Fatima, the wrath of God may be appeased through the loving prayer of all.
In this time, My children, this will not prevent all of humanity from being purified, because many of My children in the world still associate with the paths of evil. It is due to this extraordinary cause of salvation that Your Heavenly Mother suffers the pain and the ingratitude of the world, and at the same time, these feelings of perdition are transmuted by the instruments that the Mother of God chose, just as it was in all the Apparitions from the past.
Once again I come to Brazil, to collect from meek hearts all of the prayers and novenas that they are able to humbly offer Me. It will be through this sincere offering from all of My dear children that I will be able to intercede or at least alleviate the fear of death that many consciousnesses are suffering in these times of no peace.
For this reason, My children of Brazil, Your Heavenly Mother descends from Heaven, like in Fatima, to awaken the rays of devotion and of peace through the prayer of the Holy Rosary.
Children, in this cycle, may your lives be prayer, because if they are pure prayer, you will be devotion, and through holy devotion, the world will achieve the essence of peace.
With My right hand over My Immaculate Heart and My left hand reaching out to the world, I come to simply offer the path of the ray of devotion to all of My praying children. Your hearts can express that devotion, just like a flower that opens to receive the rays of the sun.
Dear children, My wish is that through the Rosary, your lives may already be different, filled by the streams of this ray of devotion; streams that spring from the Heart of Your Heavenly Mother, just as compassion, peace, elevation, hope and healing do.
My Children, do not fear the things of the world; the time has come for you to be My true servants of prayer; in this way, at least a part of humanity will not perish.
Let us continue to pray, always praying; Grace and Mercy are urgent for the world.
I love you. I contemplate you. I thank you for praying to My wounded Heart.
May Peace be in your beings,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more